The Husky and the Merchant

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A story commision done for anonusr on FA. Follow the adventures of an oafish adventurer and a conniving merchant who has a special way of getting everything he wants and more.

Argust sighed as he walked towards the gate leading into Northreach. While his fur kept most of the frigid night air from bothering him, the high walls of the settlement were welcome after the long week he had.

He turns back one last time towards the Silent Desert, famous for its bitter cold, and supposed treasures buried somewhere in the white expanse. It was the latter that had drawn Argust here. As a seasoned treasure hunter, the wastes called to him. He knew that there were treasures to find and fame to claim, and as a husky, he knew he could handle the cold better than most.

Still, after several weeks, he had nothing to show for it, and he was finding himself short on cash. He figured that he'd likely have to take a few basic jobs from the local adventuring guild before he could go back to the hunt, something he considered a colossal waste of his time.

The thought of it left him in a rather solemn mood. His forlorn expression must have been evident as the guard stationed outside the gates called out to Argust with a more gentler tone than the husky was used to.

"Everything alright over there Argust?" The vulpine guard beckoned Argust over for a chat. With a shrug the husky decided to indulge him this time.

"It's going to take more than a week out in that barren wasteland to get me down." Argust flashed a cocky smile to the guard, one that many people in Northreach were far too familiar with. "With my heavy fur coat I couldn't be more comfortable out there in that weather!"

"Ahh yes that famous fur coat I'm sure we've all heard about countless times." If not for his helmet, then Argust would have most definitely caught his eyes rolling.

"Why else would I be able to camp out there for weeks while others can only do a few days." Argust was obviously quite proud of himself... and oblivious to his own demeanor.

"Well it is quiet when you're away." The guard chuckled softly to himself. "Although I'm sure the innkeepers are more than happy with your extended business."

"Well..." Argust trailed off. He didn't want to make his dwindling coffers public knowledge. "It'll all pay off once I find the many treasures out there."

"You and every other adventurer and scholar taking post up here." The vulpine guard let out an exasperated sigh. "I wont complain about business coming into the outpost, but with all these rumours and myths going around Nortreach is going to turn into a fairy tale."

"You may not believe in those tall tales but my gut knows something's out there." Argust pumped his fist up with excitement. "Besides you should be thankful that Northreach is getting all this attention."

"Northreach used to be a simple outpost for people looking to find a life up here in the harsh environment." The guard protested. "But as soon as those scholars found but a hint of a lost kingdom the place has gone up in arms."

"Well worry not my friend because soon I'll find all there is to find and leave nothing left for rumour!" Argust puffed out his chest as he triumphantly marched inside the gates, leaving the guard with a slight smile. The people were used to the boisterous husky and honestly, most found him endearing... after they got over his loud nature.

Argust made his way through the roads, subtly brushing his hand across his emptying coin purse. "Just a few more nights worth." He thought to himself. His path crossed ways with the adventurers tavern, a busy establishment that the Northreach council decided to build to squeeze even more worth out of their rumour chasing tourists. Argust had a thought to go and have a drink, but with his current finances and his empty return, he decided against it.

Continuing down the cobblestone path towards the inn, Argust eyed the nearby shops making a slight note of who would need some help. With his growing need for extra cash he had no choice but to resort to finding part time work. Passing by the tailour, he knew he didn't have the dexterity to work a needle. Perhaps the blacksmith could use a hand, but while he was good in cold environments the heat of a forge would burn him up quickly. Passing the library he scoffed knowing full well that books were not his cup of tea. Argust was completely lost in thought with hardly any prospects looking enticing enough for him.

"Excuse me, sir!" An outside voice shook Argust from whatever day dream he was lost in at the time. He looked around and saw a bundled up lizard waving at him from behind a table. The lizard's double-layered cloak made him look bigger than Argust suspected he actually was, and even then he'd still barely reach the husky's chest. At least he'd had the good sense to keep his hood down, though the poor scalie must have been freezing

"Yes... I'm talking to you." The merchant grinned wide as he beckoned the adventurer, figuring the big guy would make an easy sale. "You looked a little bit out of sorts. I'm sure I have something here that can help you out.."

Argust stepped over with curiosity. He figured, maybe he could use some help after all. That damned treasure was proving elusive and he hadn't expected it to be easy, but after weeks of fruitless searching, he was willing to humor the small pedlar. After all these trinkets were merely tools for his own expertise to utilize.

He glanced over the various shining pendants and amulets, skeptical how anything here would be helpful to an adventurer like him. Curio took great care to analyze the expressions the husky made as he paroosed the wares, making little notes here and there on what interested him.

"You must be new around here?" Argust asked his eyes scanning the table, falling upon a piece of wood in the shape of a dowsing rod.

"That I am my observant friend. My name is Curio, the kind baker here was ever so agreeable and let me set up shop in front of his business." Curio grinned; his eyes glittering in the afternoon light.

Argust grunted. That didn't sound like him, Fredrick threw a fit last time someone tried to set up shop outside his door. Argust turned to the stone-built bakery and peered into the window. Sure as the snow, Frederick was behind the counter with a blissful smile as he mixed something in a bowl. He noticed the Husky and gave him a small wave.

"I happen to have a way with people." Curio flashed a friendly smile. "It's part of being a salesman. And speaking of sales... can I interest you in some of my magical wares?"

"I don't know what you could have that would help me out unless something here can locate lost things." Argust had little interest in charms, preferring the twin blades he had strapped on his back over magic. Still, he reasoned, asking couldn't hurt. "Things that haven't been seen for centuries even?"

"Lost things?" The shop keeper's tail flicked to the side under his cloak. "Well... perhaps I am what you're looking for. Why don't you tell me more?"

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt." Argust had to look down to keep eye contact with the skink, but the difference in size didn't matter much to him. "You've heard of the Silent Kingdom? Can hardly go a day here without hearing about it from some nerdy bookworm."

"That's being generous." Curio let out a warm chuckle. "I take it you're among the ranks of the many explorers drawn here by the legends. I've sold to many already."

"You got that right, but unlike those chumps I'm the real deal!" Argust puffed his chest out. Curio smirked, taking a liking to his conversation partners bravado."I was born for this kind of exploration. Cold weather means nothing to me, and I will be the one to find the lost kingdom!"

"Yes, the mysterious ruins of a lost civilization." Curio was used to this old tale - every adventurer thought they'd be the one. While it was certainly good for business, it was getting boring. Maybe at least this adventurer would be part-scholar? . "I'm sure the knowledge hidden in those rumored ruins is enticing to historians like yourself?"

"I couldn't care less about all that stuff. What I'm after is treasure and fame!" Argust beamed at the thought of finding the lost wealth of an old kingdom.

'Nope, not a scholar,' Curio grimaced to himself. Still, the husky seemed quite sure of himself despite the apparent lack of success. "What makes you so certain you'll be able to find it? After all you're not the first customer I've had searching for treasure, after all?"

"With my fur I can easily last a week longer than the other species of explorers out there. I've been mapping out the entire expanse and soon I'll be sure to find something." Argust flexed a little when he said that. His muscles and size did not go unnoticed by the shopkeeper.

"You certainly are... impressive." Curio smirked as an idea popped into his head. Perhaps he would be buying in this interaction instead of selling. "So why don't you tell me more about these treasures you speak of."

"Only if you spread the tale of my heroics on your travels." Argust boasted. He began to recant the same rumors that led him to this desolate land. Scholars seeking history, lost kingdoms and prosperous ruins.

Curio hardly paid attention to the words coming out of the hunky canine's mouth. Instead, he focused more on his body. How strong and sturdy he was. Someone like him would be great to have around to do all the heavy lifting. Curio's hand snuck up to his chest beneath his cloak, taking hold of the diamond amulet that he concealed under his heavy clothes. His thumb ran over the gemstone as Argust kept rambling on, the diamond taking on a slight glow.

"Well now--" Curio interjected, "all that is very nice but why don't we talk business." Curio shifted, his voice losing its earlier easy-going nature. Argust took notice but something held him back from complaining that he was just interrupted. "Tell me, how do you feel about my wares?"

Argust already knew that he wasn't interested in making a purchase, but something tugged at the back of his mind. He was enjoying his chat with the merchant and didn't exactly want to leave yet. It had been a while since someone let him monologue about his treasure-hunting, and a traveling merchant at that. Maybe one that would soon spread the story of Argust the great. It wouldn't hurt to chat a bit more - he had nowhere to be.

"Well, they seem to be well crafted." Argust took a closer look at some of the pieces Curio had laid out. "I'm not really one for jewelry though."

"These aren't for mere decoration my friend, we... are friends now of course." Curio chose his words carefully. He knew the enchantment on the diamond he wore was powerful, but it was merely an enhancement to his silver tongue.

"Friends... Yeah that does sound nice." Argust's shoulders dropped slightly as tension began to drain from the Husky. He took a moment to think about it, forgetting what he was saying before. "You're rather nice to talk to."

"Oh yes, I know I am." Curio smiled as he picked up one of the amulets from his counter, laying it flat on his palm. It was round, made of a glittering silver and inlaid with a ruby stone that sparkled as the light struck. "This for instance in a piece enchanted with a warding spell to fend off the effects of magic."

"O-oh that sounds... useful." Argust kneeled over and reached out to take it. Perhaps a small part of him realized that something was amiss, but Curio looked up at him with a disarming smile as he gestured politely towards the fully stocked display stand behind him. .

"Feel free to feel the piece in your hands, you can feel the exquisite workmanship. I only stock the best, for, as I said I'm Curio world traveling merchant extraordinaire, Pleasure to meet you.." He grinned as he watched the huskies' eyes droop as the suggestions began to take root. With his natural charm and the enchantments he had on Curio was able to effortlessly sweet talk his way into anything and it looks like Argust's mind was no exception. "But of course, you've probably already heard of me."

"Uhh y-yeah you're pretty well known." Argust was confused. Of course, he'd never heard of the skink in the past, but he didn't want to offend his new friend.

"You don't have to lie to me, I know I keep a low profile." Curio stepped around his table, moving towards the bewildered husky. "But it was very cute of you to try."

"Oh uhm... thanks." Argust cracked a smile at the compliment. His mind was constantly being tugged by the skink's words. One moment he's feeling the fuzziness clouding his head only to have it blown away by his friend's voice. Everytime he tried to think of a response to the Skink his thoughts just drifted back to how soothing Curio's voice was instead.

"You do seem like the agreeable sort." Curio smiled as he continued to get closer to the man. Argust simply smiled and nodded along, finding himself agreeing just as Curio said. "Now I like that in a guy. Although your cocky attitude from before was also endearing."

"Oh, you like that huh?" Argust put on a confident smirk, puffing up his chest and flashing his fangs briefly to put on a show for his new friend.

"Mmm yeah..." Curio said, stepping closer and lightly brushing his hand over the husky's jacket "I think I can do some good work with you." Curio was close enough to the husky to get a real good look. He stood as tall as Argust's chest, but the difference in size just made him want the husky more. Meanwhile Argust simply looked down at the merchant with a dim smile on his face. He couldn't put his finger on it but being around the guy was making him feel happy.

"Well I uhh... I do want to do good work." Argust was pretty glad that he had such a good friend. Even though he only knew the shopkeep for a short time, he already knew the shopkeeper was a good person. He was always a good judge of character.

"Oh you will. Now then let's talk business." Curio spun around quickly and started to walk away from the husky. "We want different things."

"We... we do?" Argust scratched the underside of his chin. His brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of the Skink's words which only proved more difficult through the mental fog those very same words blanketed his mind in.

"Of course!" Curio spun around on his heel again to face Argust. "I want treasure after all. Riches and wealth! It's why one becomes a merchant, after all. You don't want that, you're an adventurer!"

"I thought...." Argust was visibly vexed now. He thought that he wanted treasure too, but Curio said that they didn't have the same wants. The idea that the shopkeeper could even be wrong about something didn't cross his mind in the slightest.

"You said it yourself didn't you? That you want treasure and fame." Curio grinned, as he watched the husky's body relax. His back arched forward slightly as his knees bent into a cute slump.

"I... I think I did?" Argust put a finger to his lips, trying to think back to what he actually said even though it made more sense to just listen to Curio.

"You want what I want." Curio smiled as he rubbed the diamond amulet once more, a slight tingle on the tip of his tongue as the magic took effect. "That's different than wanting what you want."

"It... it is?" Curio did his best to hide his laugh. He loved nothing more than to watch the confusion on someone's face as they stumbled through the making sense out of the puzzle of words and logic he weaved with his words.

"Yes my simple minded friend." Again, Curio began to approach the husky. He made a show out of walking closer and further from the husky as they continued their "conversation". "You just want me to have whatever I want. And right now I want that treasure you're after."

"You do?" Argust asked, cocking his head to the side slightly. "But I was after it too?"

"Yes you were after it because I want it. And if I want something that means that you..." Curio laid his hands on Argust's chest as he looked up eagerly at the bigger man. Argust in turn looked down at Curio, his dumb smile never leaving his face despite the confusion reflected in his eyes.

"Want... what you want?" He posed it more as a question, but the willingness to even say it was music to Curio's ears. He had the husky right where he wanted him.

"And what do I want?" Curio traced his finger slowly down Argust's chest,causing the husky to squirm with delight

"You want that treasure I was after?" Every word that came from Argust's mouth felt more like a question. That conceited confidence completely melted away as the husky was unsure of his own thoughts.

"Excellent. I'm so glad we're on the same page." Curio grinned which made Argust's already dopey smile grow even wider. Knowing that he was correct in the lizard's eyes was all the reassurance he needed. "You and I are going to make a great team."


"Don't think too hard on it. Just nod your head and agree with me." Argust did just as he was told. His head bobbed up and down with hardly a thought. "See much easier to just follow along." Curio pushed himself gently off the big guy's chest and sauntered back to his stand. Argust stood and watched, slightly swaying back and forth in place with that same dull smile still plastered across his muzzle.

Curio began to pack up his wares, placing the gems into one box and the jewelry into another. He was rather well organized with his stuff and was quick to get himself set up. By the time he was done, three small crates sat on the shopkeeper's stand.

"Now then uhm... you." Curio stopped for a moment when he realized he never got the canine's name. "What was your name again?"

"Uhh Argust... Sir." As Argust started to look up to the shop keep, he felt compelled to be more formal with the Skink.

"Argust make yourself useful and carry these crates and follow me." Curio stepped aside, letting the large man step forward. He stacked the crates on top of one another and lugged them behind the lizard. Curio led the wolf through the streets of the outpost enjoying the weight off his shoulders. Behind him, Argust had his hands full as he peaked to the sides of the crates in order to keep an eye on his friend. That fog in Argust's mind left him feeling unsure about his actions, but Argust found it much easier to just follow behind the Skink and do as he was told.

After a few weeks in the settlement, the citizens of the outpost had gotten used to Curio's presence. He was animated and had a great skill of bringing attention to himself down to the way he walked all the way to how he talked. As Curio and Argust made their way to the inn that Curio was staying at. Curio stepped in first and nodded to the innkeep, a stout lion who dimly smiled the moment the lizard stepped into the establishment. Argust dutifully followed behind, haplessly being led into Curio's room. The lion simply smiled, nodding slightly as his eyes were trained solely on the reptile, his favorite customer.

"You can put everything down in the corner." Curio pointed at the empty corner of the small room as he sat down on his single bed. It wasn't the most comfortable, but it did the trick. Argust did as he was told and carefully placed each crate gingerly in the corner neatly.

"Can I do anything else to help?" Argust asked which prompted the skink to grin wide.

"Get yourself comfortable." Curio said as he began to remove his heavy cloak. Underneath he wore a very different outfit. The diamond amulet he wore stood out even more against the Skink's underclothes. A black shirt with red accents and shorts to match, much more customary of the reptiles in the warmer climates down south. "It's so cold outside I can't survive without something heavy on. I doubt you have to worry about that."

"Well yeah..." Argust walked into the center of the room, simply standing there as he talked to Curio. "My fur does me good."

"Your fur looks very warm indeed, nice and warm." Curio laid down on the bed as he ran his eyes up and down the husky. "Perhaps even too warm for this comfortable room..." Curio said with a smirk.

Unfortunately the subtlety was lost on the husky. "Too warm?" Argust thought about it for a moment. "I guess-"

"Take off your heavy armor." Curio swiftly interrupted whatever train of thought Argust was going to have.

"Whatever you want, sir!" He replied as he reached around his back to unstrap the leather chest piece. Curio watched in awe as the heavy leather fell to the wood floor with a thud revealing Argust's wide chest without obstruction. His upper body was certainly impressive, and Curio could already feel something stirring between his legs as he watched the canine's chest rise and fall with each breath. It was a sudden surprise then when Argust bent over to undo the latches on his pants.

"Oh, you're taking those off too?" Curio was actually surprised by Argust's actions.

"You asked me to take off my armor sir." Argust was steadfast in his obedience. Curio watched as the husky as he fumbled to drop his cloth pants to the ground letting the sizeable bulge in his briefs greet the shopkeeper.

"Oh my..." Curio licked his lips. "Good dog." With that Argust's tail flicked a little as it began to gently sway. The way Curio praised him made him feel accomplished. Curio had presented himself with such wisdom and clarity that Argust found himself admiring the Skink. His head filled with joy at the approval of his good friend, Curio watched as Argust's briefs slowly tented out as the canine's shaft hardened. "Looks like someone likes praise."

"I just want to make you happy sir!" Argust said with the excitement only a dog could express. His tail wagging rapidly now that Curio was smiling at him.

"Well then why don't you lay down here on my bed and you can continue making me happy." Curio shimmied to the side giving Argust enough room to happily bound over and flop on his back. Argust's fur did little to cover the muscles the husky had built up over his years of adventure. From his wide chest down to his hardened stomach, to his powerful legs, Curio was eager to do a little exploring of his own.

He got up and straddled Argust's stomach, his tail sliding downward and twisting possessively around the huskie's right thigh. Curio let himself fall forward, hands out landing on each of Argust's pecs, giving them both a playful squeeze which incited a cute yip from the larger man. He smiled down at Argust, letting his hands move lower, running his fingers through his fur as he felt up and explored each curve of muscle that defined the huskie's frame.

"You weren't kidding, your fur really is warm." Curio leaned in, rubbing his cheeks against the thick fluff. The warmth was a much welcome change of pace from the bitter cold of the Silent Desert.

"I'm glad you like it sir!" Argust was so pleased to make Curio happy he was squirming in delight under the reptile's claws.

"Please call me boss from now on." Curio dug his fingers deep in as he groped at his plaything. "After tonight you'll be working for me. We'll be together for quite some time"

"You really mean it?" Argust huffed excitedly. Even with his tail pinned beneath him, Curio could still see the tip of it wagging cheerfully

"I can't let a stud like you go on without my words in your mind." Curio crawled forward, his head directly above Argust's. Peering into his eyes with a glimmer, the shine of the diamond around his neck reflected. "You want to kiss me."

"I want to kiss you." Argust couldn't keep himself from reaching out, wrapping his arms around Curio's back as he pulled him in for a long kiss. The two pressed against each other as Curio pushed his tongue into Argust's maw. He played with the canine's tongue as Argust groaned under the lizard's weight. Argust up at the smaller lizard. Despite his strength he couldn't help but feel that there was something right about being dominated by Curio. Argust flexed his muscles for the lizard, knowing full well that he was being admired and appraised. He smirked to himself as he took enjoyment in Curio's obvious attraction to his body.

Meanwhile, Curio felt Argust's length throb through his briefs which encouraged him to push a little further. He enjoyed dominating someone who was obviously much stronger than him. Curio spread himself over the husky, using his tail to cover even more of the stronger canine's muscle's with his body. Curio grinded his smooth scales over the warm fur, finding his own enjoyment on the warmth from their contact.

They continued to kiss until Curio pulled away, opting to go down lower on the husky and playfully suck on his neck. The sounds Argust made only drove Curio to push himself in deeper, his tongue washed over the furred neck as his hands continued to explore Argust's body. He groped and squeezed at whatever parts he pleased, he grinded against the huskie's hard abs, and he most definitely left a mark on the huskie's neck.

"Take off your underwear." Curio nearly growled in Argust's ear hungrily.

"Yes, boss!" Argust gasped, a strand of drool escaping his mouth.He reached down and shuffled to remove the last of his coverings without disturbing Curio too much, who positioned himself to the side to watch the husky eagerly disrobe himself The huskie's cock sprung up as he slipped out of his underwear, almost slapping his stomach as he tossed the cloth to the floor. Curio's eyes lit up at the juicy shaft..

"You're really big." Curio crooned over the man under him.

"Hehee, do you like it boss?" Argust thrust his hips up slightly to show off.

"Oh I do." Curio's tail wrapped around the tip of Argust's penis and slowly stroked it up and down. "You love working under me, don't you?"

"More than anything boss!" Curio laughed. It was only about an hour ago that the huskie was confidently boasting about how he didn't need any help and now he fully accepted working under him.

"Good dog." He smiled, and Argust baked in delight. "Now... I want to fill you."

"Yes please, boss!" The excited dog spread his legs apart giving Curio full access to his hole. "Use me however you want!"

"What a good boy you are. I know how much you love praise, after all." Curio smirked as he pulled his shorts down, letting his own length spring out. "Just so happy to be with me."

"Sure am! Whatever you say boss!" Argust nodded and agreed as he found it so easy to do so. Curio moved himself into position between the canine's legs, reaching down to stroke himself off just enough to get himself hard as he lined the head of his cock up with Argust's hole. Argust looked up at Curio with eager anticipation, the sight of Curio dominating him so directly was filling him with even more lust than before.

"Are you ready?" Curio leaned in, gently poking the huskie's hole. He grinned down at Argust the same way one would a valuable item. The diamond amulet around his neck swung with his movements as it began to glow once more. "Consider this a contract. Once I finish inside you, you'll be fully under my employ from now on."

Argust found himself at a loss for words and thoughts. His mind was kept under the weight of the reptile's words. His eyes were drawn to the swaying piece of jewelry as it glimmered in the light. Meanwhile his body temperature was rising. As he looked up at Curio and felt the skink's dick prodding at his hole he began to anticipate his submission to the merchant even more. A rapidly growing part of him wanted to let Curio have his way with him. Even though he couldn't fully wrap his mind around what was happening due to how fast things were moving, he knew he wanted it badly.

"Ahh that sounds wonderful!" Argust managed to sputter out a sentence. He was so thrilled with the opportunity. even if he couldn't remember how he got here in the first place. He decided to let go, stop thinking too hard, and just let it happen. "I want to work for you and give you everything you want!"

"Good dog." Curio smiled as he pressed himself in slowly. "You'd do absolutely anything for me, won't you?" Argust found the force of Curio's words were only enhanced by the feeling of his ass being stretched by the reptile's shaft.

Argust moaned and whimpered as Curio slid his slender cock between his cheeks. The large husky needily humping the air as he rocked back and forth, coaxing Curio's cock deeper inside. The lithe reptile rode Argust's movements with much eagerness The husky's expression was one of pure bliss, the feelings he had from his position beneath Curio were new, but welcome. He looked at the lizard with adoration, loyalty, devotion, everything Curio wanted in a man.

The reptiles' firm hands reached over and began to rub up and down Argust's chest. He felt the warm fur run over his fingers. Looking down at the completely charmed canine filled Curio with an arousing sense of power. He pushed himself in further, thrusting his length faster into his new thrall. The two of them rocked against each other, Curio's smaller body dominating the larger man as he pressed down on his chest, pushing him into the mattress as he pressed his hips forward between Argust's legs. Argust's eyes closed as he moaned, whimpering like the good dog he was, losing himself in the pleasure Curio was giving him as he spread his legs wider, humping into the air desperate for more.

Curio continued to thrust into his new pet, enjoying the sensations of the Husky clenched around him, feeling himself getting lost in the pleasure. He could feel the warmth building inside him, his cock throbbing, ready to release. He looked down at his new, eager pet, and smiled warmly.

"You must be so excited for me to finish inside of you." Curio grunted between thrusts. "Once I do you're going to fully work for me now."

"Yes yes so much boss!" Argust practically howled in response, his glee spread across his face in the form of a twisted lustful smile. "I want to be yours forever!"

"Such a good dog." Curio grinned, running his tongue across his fanged smile. Argust's pure excitement was becoming a quick turn on for him. His cock throbbed inside the husky, Curio practically edging himself at this point.

"Th-thank you sir." Argust grunted between closed eyes. His tail wagging showed his true feelings. He wanted nothing more than to be with Curio forever.

"Then come." Curio pushed deeper against the husky, sliding his cock all the way inside Argust's hole as his length pulsed, flooding the husky's hole with his seed. At the same time Argust let out a loud yip, his on cock sticking straight up towards the rood as he shot out ropes of cum matting the fur on his chest with his own seed..

"Good boy." He grinned as he looked down at Argust. In his head he thought of all the ways he would use the husky for his own means. "You really are a good looker, aren't you."

"Sure am, Sir!" Argust flashed a toothy grin back. "So happy to be with you."

"You're just too adorable. " Curio slowly pulled himself out of the husky, leaving the bigger guy to moan as the length popped out of him. "Clean yourself up and get dressed."

Curio and Argust stepped into the busy building, the warmth a welcome change for Curio whose warming stones had lost the last of their power a few days back. Argust looked out in the wide empty space of the entrance hall, the walls lined with shelves of books and the aisles busy with the traffic of adventurers looking for a job.

"You sure we can find more help here?" Argust looked down at Curio with that dumb confused smile he loved to see.

"Oh, I'm certain of it my friend." Curio looked out at all the potential meatheads walking around that he could employ. "And, if anything, I quite enjoy the extra heaters they put in this building."

"They put most of the big fire pits in the main adventurers gathering hall, so it will be even warmer there." Argust laughed. "But still if you still get cold, boss, you can also get up close with me."

"Argust not in public." Curio looked away, perhaps even hiding a slight blush. "At least not yet."

"Argust!?" A voice called out from the far end of the hall. A large tiger waved as he hurried over. He looked like he was practically made for endurance. Curio could tell that the muscles in his legs would be perfectly suited for long travel and his arms would be perfect for heavy lifting. "I haven't seen you in a week or two."

"Well, I've just been working, as usual." The tiger didn't seem to notice anything odd about the love-struck grin on the husky's face as he looked over at Curio.

"Still looking for that long lost treasure, huh?" The tiger crossed his arms dismissively while he rolled his eyes.

"Well, it's what the Boss here wants, after all." Argust's grin didn't waver.

"Excuse me, but my name is Curio world traveling merchant extraordinaire." The skink looked up at the tiger with his signature grin. He stretched out one hand while he slyly rubbed the diamond amulet under his cloak with the other. "Pleasure to meet you."