My Secret Girlfriend (Is a Goddess)

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#1 of My Secret Girlfriend (Is a Goddess)

Wes, the rabbit buck, takes a hike through the woods one hot summer day and has a surprise encounter. A feral fox kit, looking for its mother tugs at Wes' good nature. Seeing his selfless act, a beautiful fox-goddess thanks him the best way she could.

My Secret Girlfriend

(Is a Goddess)

The sun beat down on a fairly hot summer day. The weather was clear and a slight breeze provided minimal relief from the scorching heat. On a hiking trail just outside the city, Wes labored up a tree-covered hill. The shade provided protection from the sun, but the air temperature was still something to contend with.

"Ugh, why did I go out today? I should've stayed home," he spoke to himself, lamenting his decision to leave his air conditioned apartment.

As he came to a clearing, he looked at the task ahead and checked the time on his phone. It was still early enough that he could keep going and make it back home before it got dark, but the heat was unbearable.

"I haven't even gone two miles, yet... Fuck it, I'm done," the rabbit said as he began to turn around before inviting the possibility of heat stroke.

The rabbit's ear perked up at a noise coming from the woods. It sounded like a yelp, but he didn't recognize what it might have been. Since it didn't sound threatening, he followed the source of the sound among the trees.

Coming closer to the source, Wes found a small feral fox kit taking cover in between two tree roots. Looking scared and weak, the rabbit took pity on it.

"Hey there, I'm not going to hurt you," he reassured the small animal.

He sat on a branch and pulled out a water bottle, pouring a small amount into the lid. The fox sniffed it when it was placed in front of its muzzle and was soon lapping at the cool water.

"Drink up, little dude," Wes said softly.

Picking through his bag, Wes pulled out a storage bag full of trail mix. He knew foxes were omnivorous, but he wasn't sure if this one was old enough to eat solid food yet. However, he also thought that if it didn't want it, it would just refuse.

Wes sorted out the softer fruits and placed them in a small pile next to the water the pup was lapping up. Sniffing the fruit, the fox began eating the offering.

"You obviously lost your mom," Wes said as he began looking for some sign of a den or tracks nearby. Seeing none, he tried to figure out what to do.

He really didn't want to see the kit come into harm's way, but he also didn't want to interfere with nature more than he had. He decided that there was no harm in looking nearby for evidence of his mother or home, figuring he could come back and take it with him.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to see if I can find your home," he said to the kit.

After walking through what he thought seemed the most likely path the fox would have taken, Wes' ears twitched as he heard a sound from behind. The kit had been following him and with its newfound energy, kept as close as he could.

"So, do you think I'm your mom, now?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.

The fox yelped in reply and sat in front of him, tilting his own head, mimicking the rabbit.

Wes chuckled at the gesture.

"Well, if we can't find your mom, I wouldn't feel right just leaving you to fend for yourself. Maybe there's a vet I could bring you to that could help," Wes spoke out loud, crouching in front of the animal.

The fox yelped as it pounced on Wes' knee, trying to play. The rabbit tried to resist the urge to pet it, afraid of getting his scent on him and complicating matters for the kit to reunite with its mother. He loved and revered nature, but had little experience in matters such as this.

"Come on, if I can't find your mom, then I'll take you to get help," he said as he stood back up.

The fox continued to follow Wes through the woods and they came to a hill with a sharp incline. On the other side, Wes could hear rushing water, indicating a creek cutting through the trees. He decided to go around, not wanting to put the kit through more physical stress than it had already gone through.

The pair went around the hill and came to a picturesque scene. The creek cut though a tree canopy and went down a series of small waterfalls. Birds chirped and flew about above. There was a small clearing on the other side that looked inviting to rest for a moment.

Wes took a moment to take in the beauty around him and to remember how he got here in the first place.

"Wow, I need to take Becky here, she would love this!" he spoke out loud.

The kit crouched by the stream and lapped at the cool, refreshing water from the creek. Wes just sat on a rock and watched in awe of the pup. He wished he hadn't forgotten to charge his phone the night before, otherwise, he would have taken a video.

Just then, he heard something from the trees behind him. At first, he thought it might be some hikers, but he was able to determine by the sound that it was from a small to medium-sized animal. The kit heard it too and turned to look in the direction were it was coming from. It sniffed the air and began running to the source.

From the forest, a vixen emerged. She avoided Wes, uncertain about his trustworthiness. The kit ran up to its mother and pounced on her head in glee, yelping all the while. The vixen sat on the ground and gave the cub a few licks on its cheek in acknowledgement.

Wes stayed where he was, trying not to ruin the reunion of the pup and its mother. The vixen sat panting, looked over at Wes for a moment before heading back into the woods with her kit.

"Well, I'm glad that worked out," he spoke to himself, getting up to leave the area.

"So am I," a female voice spoke from behind.

Wes jumped, startled by the presence of another where there was none other than himself.

"Gah, where'd you come from?!" he shouted as he turned around to see a gorgeous fox sitting on a tree root.

She wore a white t-shirt, red jeans, and a black ball cap, an odd combination for hiking, but he had seen worse. Her hair was long and white and matched the fur on her tail and ears. She had red eyes and red marks on her cheeks. The tips of her ears and tail were red and her complexion was flawless.

"Japan, heaven, the local shrine, all of the above; I'm a goddess" she said, her head resting on her hand, propped up on her knee.

"A goddess?" he looked her over and realized there was an aura around her that was undeniable.

"Yes, I'm an agricultural goddess; an okami, specifically," she responded.

"You don't dress or talk like a goddess," Wes pointed out.

"Well, how about this?" she said, getting up.

Her clothes transformed into a miko-style outfit and she stood before him in a proud stance.

Wes walked over and examined the material with his hands, making sure he wasn't hallucinating.

"Whoa! That's... oh man!" he stammered, still in shock at what he witnessed.

"Impressed mortal? Then bear your eyes witness to this!" she declared, haughtily.

Her body began to glow and she transformed into a large white fox with red markings right before his eyes. Blue fox fire floated around and her aura became so powerful as to trigger Wes' prey instinct. He fell back on the ground and had trouble trying to get his bearing to run away.

Seeing she had gone overboard with her presentation, the fox tried to do damage control.

"Oh, no! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! Please, don't be frightened!" she pleaded as she shifted back into her humanoid form.

The fox ran over to calm the rabbit down. She had miscalculated his response to something he wasn't used to.

Her waist swayed and her breasts bounced as she jogged over to him. Regaining his composure, he realized she was completely nude. He couldn't help but stare at her form, lingering on her ample chest with her large peaks, the fox sporting a figure that was slim, but curvy.

"Are you alright?!" she said as she dropped to her hands and knees right over him.

"Y-y-yeah, I'll be fine!" he stammered, trying to calm himself down.

"I'm so sorry, I let myself get out of hand. I shouldn't have shown you my full form so soon. After what you did for that mother and kit, I'd be beside myself if you ran away because of me," she said in a panic.

"It's ok, I'll be fine," he said, looking into her crimson eyes.

"Really? I'm so glad!" she smiled in relief.

"Yeah, I'm just, uh," he hesitated as he looked over her nude form, breasts hanging right over his stomach, her peaks just inches from his belly.

"I'm uh, captivated by you," he said, finally finding his words.

"You were just checking out my body, weren't you, you perv?" she smirked.

"Uh, I mean I've never seen a goddess before, I didn't mean anything by it, I'm sorry if I..." the rabbit stammered.

The fox's eyes warmed as she chuckled. "It's ok, I am a deity of agriculture and reproduction. It's not like I don't have..." she drew her words out before purred out breathily into his white ear, "Needs..."

The goddess started grinding herself on the rabbit, her scent coming forth her hips shifting in an eager gyration. Wes couldn't believe what was happening to him. Then, a stark realization overcame the haze of seduction.

"Wait, I can't! I have a girlfriend!" he pleaded as he tried to sit up.

The goddess didn't budge. "So? I've been with many mortals that were in committed relationships. I'm not here to break your relationship up. If anything, I'm here to help it," she retorted.

"Help? I'd be cheating," he countered.

"I don't see where communing with the gods is cheating. It's a form of prayer and for me to pick you should be considered an honor," she scoffed.

"Pick me? Why pick me? I'm just a normal rabbit," Wes said, trying to find some sense in what he was just told.

The goddess just smiled at his confusion. "Because you have a good heart. Most people would have taken advantage of that poor little kit. At best, they would feel sorry for it and leave it to its fate. But you went the extra mile and it was able to have a chance at life. It was that poor vixen's first mating season and she got a really late start. She already lost her two other pups and was beside herself looking for her," she said.

"Yeah, I couldn't stand to see that little pup get hurt," he said with concern in his voice.

"And that's what bought you favor with the gods; your selfless concern for others," she said, putting her hand on his cheek.

"So, us having sex is your way of saying thanks?" he asked.

"That, and I'm fucking horny," she purred, leaning in for a kiss.

The fox's tail whipped around as she kissed the rabbit. Pulling away, she smiled at Wes warmly. "I can see you don't have a lot of experience making love," she said.

"You can tell?" he asked, crestfallen.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you. I can tell you're no virgin, but you could use some guidance. Just relax and listen to me," she said in a soft voice.

She went back in for another kiss. This time, he relaxed and matched what the fox was doing. Her tongue didn't so much as enter his mouth as invited him into her own. He accepted the invitation and slowly followed into her mouth, their tongues dancing slowly around in a wet embrace. The pleasure was accented with moans and little giggles from her as they continued.

Wes sat up and pulled her closer to him, feeling those large, firm breasts against his chest. He realized as he felt her warm flesh and hardening peaks against his own bared chest, that he was completely nude. It didn't faze the rabbit; being more of a convenience that he didn't have to fumble to get his own clothes off.

"You're a quick learner, rabbit," the fox sighed as she panted from the exertion.

"You liked that?" he asked.

The fox squinted as she giggled, her white tail whipping about. "Of course! The most important thing is to be in tune with your lover, mind, body, and soul," she answered.

Wes' girlfriend, Becky, was the only girl he had sex with. He tried his best, but really didn't know what he was doing. She seemed to enjoy it enough, but he felt he always felt like he could do better for her. Maybe the goddess was right, all they did was kiss and he had learned so much already.

A cool breeze blew through and rustled the leaves in the trees, the loose ones floating down upon the lovers below. The sound of the creek and the chirping of the birds in the canopy above provided a backdrop for the rabbit and the fox-goddess.

Time stood still as Wes was enveloped in her love. He let himself go and just followed what felt good. He began kissing along the fox's neck as she tilted her head to give him better access.

"So few have done that to me, how did you know?" she gasped as the sensation gripped her like no other.

"I'm just doing what feels right," he whispered, as he bit lightly into her flesh.

"Keep doing that, it feels so good..." she panted as she gripped into the rabbit's back.

Wes stopped for a second and gazed into the fox-goddess' eyes. He gave a quick lick on her lips, which she tried to catch. Giggling, she was more successful the second time, meeting his lick with her own.

"You're so much fun!" she giggled.

"So are you! I want you to be my goddess," he said.

"W-hhat?" she stammered out, confused at his declaration.

"I want you to be my personal goddess!" he reinforced his statement.

"You do realize if I do, I will be with you for the rest of your life. A declaration like that is more than a statement, it's a pact," she answered matter-of-factly, giving him an intent stare.

"I do and I don't care!" he spoke out, showing already his fervor for this deity in his arms.

She pressed her palm to his cheek, staring into his eyes. "Then, so be it," she declared with a loving smile.

The pair embraced in a long kiss as they pressed their bodies together, a union of a mortal and a deity seemingly having been made.

"Oh, what do we have here?" she asked as she rocked her hips against his own, feeling a growing presence below her. "Already so eager to screw your new foxy goddess?"

Wes grinned with excitement and pushed upwards against the goddess' entrance, feeling her warmth flow forth. The wet lips of her womanhood embraced the long rabbit cock as her jewel accepted the reward due to it.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, this feels so good! Let me cum, please, just let me cum, it's been too long," she yipped in ecstacy.

Wes could feel her wet jewel against his length as she ground herself against him. Her rhythm picked up as he heard her panting increase, signaling her impending climax.

"Fuck!" she exclaimed as she had her first orgasm in some time with another, her nails digging into his shoulders.

The rabbit could feel the fox's honey spill forth as waves of pleasure overcame the goddess.

Still holding him in a tight embrace, she allowed herself the luxury of letting her body succumb to something she had long been denied. The first wave of relief overcame her like a drug, but she was only beginning to make up for lost time.

The fox-goddess shifted and layed down on her back, her lust glistening in the rays of sun peeking through the trees above. She held her knees back, exposing as much as she could to her rabbit-lover, a tantalizing inviatation that put her fox-pussy on full display for the eager male.

Careful not to catch her tail under his weight, Wes positioned himself with her glistening folds just inches from his face.

She looked surprised, then offered an eager look as she panted, "Are you going to? Ah!" she gasped out as his tongue softly got right to work massaging her sensitive jewel.

She grabbed the rabbit's soft, brown hair as she looked down between her legs, watching him explore her womanhood. Even being centuries old, the goddess had never experienced the amount of attention and pleasure she was getting now. Most of her past lovers, mortals and gods alike, were more concerned with getting the deed done. Now, here he was, exploring her body eagerly, savoring and loving her. She had underestimated the skill of this particular mortal indeed.

"I thought I might see if you'd like this," the rabbit said, looking up at her, his maroon-brown eyes sparkling, giving her a look like he was already smitten beyond hope.

"I love it! No one has ever done this well for me. I thought I'd be the one teaching you lessons, but I guess you had some hidden skills up your sleeves!" she gasped as her honey flowed against his lapping tongue, her nails dug into his scalp.

"Honestly, I've never really done this much. Becky and I only just recently started having sex," he responded in between laps of his tongue, feeling his goddess tug his hair while he worked.

"Well, try anything you like on me! If it doesn't feel good, I'll let you know!" She moaned out with a sigh from his adoration and attention to her body.

Wes took a finger and pressed softly around her entrance as his tongue bathed her jewel. Her honey flowed and the rabbit coated his finger with it.

"That feels so good. I want it in me," she groaned. The rabbit nodded as he teased, pushing only as far as his first knuckle before pulling back out. Each time he did, it elicited a pleasured sigh from his lover.

"Please, stop teasing me," she begged. Listening to his lover, her plunged in slowly, allowing her walls to pillow around him. It was the first time in a long while the fox-goddess had been penetrated and she savored every second.

"Oh, right there! Press along the top as you do that with gentle pressure," she gasped as she instructed him.

The fox moaned as Wes stimulated the centers of her pleasure. He could feel her getting wetter as he continued his rhythm. Soon, she let out a long, drawn-out moan that echoed off the rocks across the stream. At first, the rabbit hoped no one was nearby that would stumble upon the couple, but at this point, he didn't care. Being surrounded by nature as he made love to a sexy fox-goddess made all of the care in the world melt away.

"Ah, AH, I'm gonna cum!" she cried out as her red eyes rolled up, her sharp teeth clenching as her nails dug into the rabbit's brown locks, even grabbing one of his ears as he winced from the grip and the crushing clench of her walls against his fingers.

Catching her breath, the fox was in shock by what had hit her. Wes was no less stupified that he had brought a girl so much pleasure; even his own girlfriend never climaxed that hard.

"Y-You came so hard... I don't think I've ever done that kind of thing to my girlfriend!" Wes stammered out, still in shock.

They looked at one another for a long moment before the fox just laughed out,

"I guess I don't really have to continue our lesson! You seem more than capable."

The look on Wes' face turned to disappointment. He was hoping to continue with their fun in the grass. Seeing the look on his face, the goddess reached up and took Wes' hand, pulling him down over her. She smiled into his eyes and he realized his disappointment was unfounded.

"I'm joking! We're still going to have sex! I need all of you inside of me," she said as she reached up to kiss him.

Wrapping her legs around the rabbit's waist, she drew him close, his cock pressing against her warm entrance. Her honey invited him into the goddess' womb and he shifted his weight, as he slid in.

She gasped as her body drew him in, feeding a need she had been feeling for far too long. The heat inside her was starting to be satiated as Wes began rocking his hips, enjoying the embrace of a divine being.

"Nng, deeper, I want to feel you against me. Huff I want you far inside me," she pleaded.

The fox looked down between her thighs, watching the rabbit slowly thrusting into her, the pace agonizingly slow as he built her up once more. Her hips rocked from his movement as he stirred her being, bringing her closer to the ecstasy she felt she had been denied for her long life.

Her previous lovers would have long been done, with her not knowing any better. Here, she thought she was giving the lesson, but it seems the two were both learning something new. She began feeling something for this mortal she had never felt before.

The rabbit shifted slightly, his length now rubbing her g-spot once more, the fox-goddess riding waves of an impending climax in response. As her body crested, she wrapped her legs around him, holding the rabbit as her soaked walls squeezed his hardness buried deep inside.

"Fuuuck!" was all her mind could get out as her body gave in to the rabbit's love-making, her walls massaging his manhood. Wes pressed his body against hers, stimulating her jewel, bringing another wave of climax, desperate to please his goddess.

"Oh gods! Kami!" she shouted, her voice carrying through the trees as birds chirped sang above and a breeze rustled the leaves.

Wes reached down and kissed the fox below him. Their tongues danced with each other as she groaned and her hips began rocking against his own, signaling her lover to keep going.

"I want you to have your turn next. You have done better than I expected, but I want you to honor me in one more way," the goddess panted between gasps and moans.

"Yes! Anything. What can I do, my goddess?" Wes asked, breathily as he thrust in and out of the fox.

"I want your seed in me. Flood my womb, fill me up! I want to feel it all inside me," she groaned.

"Anything you say my goddess!" he said, grinning. Becky never had let him finish in her, so this would be a first.

The fox smiled into his eyes, reaching up to touch his face. The rabbit responded by delicately touching the edge of her white ear, gently rubbing his thumb on the soft fur inside. The goddess shuddered at the touch, a bold, but welcome expression of intimacy, furthering her feelings towards him.

As a cool breeze blew through the clearing, Wes began picking up the pace. As he did, the fox could feel one last orgasm stirring inside. His breaths quickened and she could feel his body begin to tense up.

"Do it! Fill me with your seed. Cum inside your goddess!" she cried.

"Yes! Please accept my offering!" Wes cried out, that last demand having sent him over the edge. The rabbit wrapped his arms around her waist as his rabbit cock poured forth all of his essence into the fox-goddess' womb.

The goddess gasped and yelped as she came hard, her climax furthered by the sensation of the rabbit's heat filling her core. She felt her past lovers' seed filling her, but this was the first time it combined with her own orgasm. She wrapped her arms and legs around the rabbit, forcing him to giver her his all.

"No, I don't want you to leave, stay inside your goddess," she pleaded as wave after wave of pleasure overcame her. Her walls pulsed with every wave, massaging a little bit more from Wes' rabbit-cock.

Wes looked into the fox's face as she smiled up at him. He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips, his mouth slowly opening to let their tongues make love, in a microcosm of their session.

"You know I just claimed you," she said, looking up into his face.

"Or I claimed you," he responded.

The fox sighed and as the last aftershock was over, felt the rabbit begin slipping out.

"No, I want you in me," she pouted as she tried to grip him with her walls.

Despite her best efforts, Wes slipped out of his lover, their combined essences flowing from within her and spilling onto the ground.

"Sorry about that..." he said, sheepishly.

"It's alright, it'll be the first of many," she said as she stood up.

"Many? You want me to visit you here in the woods?" he asked. The fox just chuckled in response.

"Do you really think I'd expect you to visit me here in inclement weather? As much a frolic in the snow sounds fun, I don't think it'd work out well. No, I'm thinking of a more convenient arrangement," she replied with a knowing look in her eye.

Leaning back on his elbows, Wes looked at the fox with a quizzical look. "What kind of arrangement?" he asked.

The fox flopped back down next to him and cuddled up to the rabbit, circling her finger on his chest. "I'm moving in with you, darling," she responded, resting her head on his chest as she threw her arm across.

"W-w-wait a moment, move in? What do you mean move in?" he stammered.

"I'm going to live with you. I'm your goddess now, I'm going to look after you. By the way, you're only the second human I've lived with and the other didn't get the benefits I'm offering you," she replied.

"What benefits?" he asked.

The fox-goddess looked at him incredulously, "Really? Do you have to ask?"

"I guess not," he replied. The goddess frowned at the reluctance.

"Listen, I just thought based on what I heard from your heart that this is what you wanted. I heard you say you wanted to be with me forever and my heart jumped at that. I mean, I am a goddess, but even we want to be loved," she said in a sorrowful little voice.

Wes looked into the fox's eyes and could see years of loneliness beyond comprehension. He felt pity for this deity, she was beautiful, she was noble, but she was still a lonely girl and she shared a part of herself with him. He really did fall in love with her and the thought of them parting was just too sad after what they just shared. However, there was still another he loved.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't want you to be with me, but I have a girlfriend and I don't want to leave her," he pleaded.

"And I'm not asking you to. This is as much for her benefit as it's for you. Everything you do with me, I expect you to share with her. As I said, I'm a goddess of agriculture and fertility, even if the two of you never want to conceive, I can still help you two to be better lovers. I mean, you've improved so much in just this one time!" she said as her tail flopped about.

"Shit, how do I explain this to her," he pondered.

"Do you know what the best foundation of a relationship is?" she asked.

"Honesty?" he responded, the fox nodded her head in affirmation.

"Tell her what I am. And if she's skeptical, then I'll prove to her that I'm a deity. I'll explain the intimacy you and I have is to benefit your relationship," she explained.

"I dunno, but I just hope she'll appreciate our arrangement," he replied.

"Well, I don't want to come between you two, but if she doesn't accept, I'll be here for you darling," she said before kissing him once more.

"Is it too early to say I love you?" he asked, innocently.

She just chuckled, "I ask you this, is it too early to feel that flutter in your stomach when you see the object of your affection? Is it too early to feel a connection with someone with a simple gaze into their eyes? Is it too early when it's too late? I'm immortal, and some may misconstrue our own feelings because of all we have seen, but time is as precious to us since the lives of those that matter to us the most can be fleeting. We have more happiness and sorrow in our hearts than most can comprehend. So I ask you, is it too early for me to ask you if I love you?"

Wes couldn't help but just silently gaze into the fox-goddess' red eyes. They were pleading for an answer, but he was so stunned he couldn't speak. Instead, he answered in his heart.

"No, it's never too early," he thought in his head.

The goddess' countenance changed from anticipation to elation.

No words were said aloud, but the hearts of two surrounded by trees, water and rock could have resounded for miles. The only witnesses had no vocal ability discernible to those used to common language. All that could be said was that two beings shared in the penultimate act of love and pledged themselves to each other.