One Off A Bet Lost

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Alex adjusted his backpack underneath his seat as he got as comfortable as he could while various thoughts filled his mind. He hadn't ever met with any of his online friends before and here he was taking a train ride to see two of them. It was only recently that he found out that Gemma and Crystal lived only a few hours away from his own and it was just yesterday that they both finally managed to convince him in staying a few days. He wasn't completely against the idea of meeting up with people but it was more the fact that the pair of them were constantly teasing him for his girlish looks. He never felt malice behind their intent but he wasn't sure what exactly they were trying to achieve either.

Gemma and Crystal were already in a relationship with one another so he knew that they weren't flirting with him. Not that he was sure they were straight either, not that it mattered to him one way or another, he enjoyed their company regardless even with the teases. It wasn't the first time that he had been teased for his slender build, long eyelashes, or how wide his hips were. Though it was definitely the first time that he didn't feel hatred behind the words either, which made him unsure how to feel. His mind constantly wandered back to when they were on various voice calls and how he'd always feel his heart quicken within his chest along with a subtle heat swelling in his cheeks.

He shook his head swiftly from side to side as he turned his attention out toward the window as the scenery passed him by. He slowly exhaled with his ears twitching atop his head. "No need to worry about it I suppose..." He muttered to himself as the trees flew by. Soon enough the train pulled into his desired stop as he got up and collected his backpack before getting off. He adjusted the strap over his shoulder as he made his way into the parking lot and pulled out his phone to begin texting Gemma that he had arrived. Though before he was able to finish getting more than a few words out there was a familiar voice calling out to him from behind.

"Husky spotted!" The voice said with a hint of a grin in her words as Alex turned around with his eyes glancing around before coming to stop on the pair of maned wolves that were approaching him. He felt a smile creeping up on his face as his hazel eyes wandered over each of them briefly. Gemma wore a shirt that hung off one shoulder, a pair of white jeans which had tears in various spots which her fur poked out of, and topped with a baggy black sweater. Her onyx black hair was tied into a pony tail with only a few strands falling in front of her yellowish red eyes. She was slightly taller than Crystal though both of them were quite curvaceous with thick thighs, wide hips, and large breasts that gave a slight bounce with every step that they took. Crystal had a pair of black yoga pants that clung nicely to her curves and a white tank top that showed off an ample amount of her cleavage. "Oh you were right, it was him. Good call Crystal." Gemma said with a smirk as she placed her hands into her sweater. "I told you it was him, only girly husky around!" Crystal said pridefully as her hands rested upon her hips and giving a few firm nods, more to herself than anyone else.

Alex stood there for a few moments as he realized just how attractive both of them were, before his ears twitched at how he was already being teased within a few seconds of them meeting up. He offered an exasperated sigh as he crossed his arms over his chest and stood there silently for a moment. "Whats that supposed to mean exactly huh?" He knew that they were trying to get him flustered, as they often did when they were on call with each other, but he wasn't going to give in that easily now that they were standing face to face. Although he felt at a disadvantage given he was quite a few inches shorter than either of them, whilst Gemma was roughly two inches taller than Crystal, both of them were easily five or six inches taller than him.

"Oooh... I think he's mad..." Gemma spoke with a grin creeping over her face as she gently nudged Crystal, that tail of hers beginning to swish slowly from side to side behind her. Crystal couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle as she stepped a bit closer to him until she was towering over him with a hand coming up to run along his long chestnut brown hair. "Well, pretty much what I said. You're the girliest guy I know! Look how long your hair is... and your eyelashes! Damn! Longer than mine... Jeaallloooouuss..." She spoke whilst leaning down to get a better look at his eyes, only a few inches away from his own face now.

He felt his entire body beginning to squirm from just how close she was to him though he steeled himself and quickly looked off to the left before he'd get lost in her orange hues. "Wh-Whatever..." Was the only response he was capable of mustering up as he kept his arms firmly hugging his chest, with his heart beginning to speed up in its thumping beat. His nose wiggled as the scent of her perfume began to waft over him, a lovely subtle vanilla mixture. The warmth on his face beginning to grow as he cleared his throat and pulled away from her as he spoke. "Well, sh-should we get going?" He swallowed as he began looking around for their ride, while the pair exchanged glances and smiled at one another.

Gemma began walking off to one end of the parking lot as she spoke. "Yeah sure, this way. Parked over here. Good timing too, we only just recently got here, wasn't sure if we were going to be late." Her hands remained in her pockets as she lead the way, with Crystal trailing beside Alex. "Only brought a backpack?" Crystal said as she glanced at his back before her eyes wandered along the rest of him. He wore a pair of gray sweatpants which hugged his hips and showed off his rather plump backside despite how loose they were, and a baggy black hoodie that came to a stop just above his hips. She let out a soft rumbling of a growl as her tail swished a bit faster behind her before her eyes returned to look at his face, though he was actively trying to avoid eye contact.

"Huh? Oh... Uh... Yeah, I mean. Its just clothes and stuff. Figured if I need more I could always buy something..." He cleared his throat as he could feel her studious gaze trailing over him before coming to a stop on his face, though he refused to make eye contact, as it was a bit of a weakness of his. He tried to keep his mind preoccupied with anything else though it was quite difficult as that lingering scent continued to wash over him from how close she was.

Eventually the trio found themselves at the end of the parking lot as Gemma turned around and pointed with her thumb at an SUV that was parked just behind her. "This is it, toss your bag in the back and we'll head out. Did you want to get something to eat or are you good?" She pulled her hands from her pocket as she watched Crystal make her way to the right hand side as she hit the door unlock on the key fob. "Nah, I'm good, thanks though." Alex spoke as he climbed into the back seat and placed the bag in front of him, with Crystal moving to the front as Gemma got into the driver seat.

They engaged in idle chatter about nothing in particular as they pulled out of the parking lot and made the short trip back to their apartment. "At least you'll save money on a hotel by crashing with us." Gemma said with a slight yawn escaping her as she turned the engine off and hopped out, waiting for the others before locking the doors. "Got a nice spare bedroom all setup for ya!" Crystal chimed in happily as she rounded the front of the car and playfully bumped into Alex's shoulder with her attention once again fixated upon his face. Yet again her aroma was filling and flooding into his sensitive nose as it wiggled with him letting out a nervous laugh.

"Y-Yeah for sure for sure..." His words trailing off as he wasn't entirely sure that it was a good idea to be staying with them, though he couldn't deny that it was going to save him a few hundred dollars. He made his way into the building as all of them walked down the hallway until Gemma came to a stop at one of the doors. Once more his heart began to quicken as he could feel Crystal behind him, as if she were preventing him from making a sudden escape if he changed his mind, before making his way into the apartment as the door closed behind him.

"Welcome to our humble abode... Bathroom is down there and the guest room is the second door on the right." Gemma motioned down the hallway to their left as she made her way into the living room, plopping down onto the couch as she stretched herself out. "We'll order some pizza or something later too!" Crystal spoke as she gently clapped Alex on the back with a smile spilling from ear to ear with her ushering him into the living room to sit beside Gemma. She bumped him into the couch and offered him a spot before she sat herself after him, ensuring that he'd be in the middle.

Soon enough he was trapped between the two larger wolves as he sat on the couch between both of them. He started to feel rather small given how they were quite a bit taller than him as he gently began shifting in his seat without realizing it. The warmth of his cheeks was only growing as he had never been in a situation such as this before, but he still wasn't entirely sure what sort of relationship he had with the pair of them. He shook his head quickly from side to side as he didn't want to overcomplicate a simple visit as he tried to focus on the show that was playing on the TV.

Crystal watched and studied his every move with a keen interest as her smile remained plastered upon her face. Those ears twitching as she heard, and felt, him adjusting himself constantly. Quietly chuckling as she turned her body to face him a bit better and propping an elbow onto her lap with her chin resting atop her open palm as she spoke. "Hmm? Something wrong?" Her orange hues once more trained upon his face as she waited to hear the reply. Gemma kicked her feet up onto the coffee table as her arm draped itself lazily behind him with her own ears flicking to show interest, even though her eyes remained on the TV as if she wasn't.

The sudden question caught him off guard as he didn't realize he had been shifting, or that Crystal had been watching him as keenly as she was. He tried to come off calm and collected with a nervous chuckle escaping him, clearing his throat when that arm draped itself on the top of the couch behind him. "I uh... Yeah, no, for sure. I'm good! Y-You?" He turned his head toward Crystal as his hazel eyes met hers for the first time as he swallowed briefly and tried to hold the stare. The longer he held that gaze, the more the blush crept upon his face with his heart thumping faster within his chest. He did his best to hold it as long as he could which felt like an eternity, though in reality was only a few seconds at best.

Crystal simply stared back into his eyes with nothing being said until the moment he looked away. "Mmm yeah I'm doing great. You've a problem staring though huh?" That tail of hers gently swaying against the couch as her grin remained, with those eyes studying him and noticing the blush growing. Gemma was leaning fully into the back of the couch but her gaze occasionally glanced down at Alex before returning to the TV, though her hand gently came to rest atop his leg with a soft squeeze to his thigh through the fabric of his sweatpants. There was a gentle growl building before being made audible to them as she continued to give tender, yet firm, squeezes.

"I-I wha? Hahaha naaah... I ddoonmh.." His confident voice wavering with the sudden feeling of that large hand resting atop his leg before giving a groping squeeze. His words trailing off into a quiet moan which he tried to cover up almost immediately by clearing his throat and once again having a nervous laugh escape him. He resumed his shifting and squirming in the couch as he attempted to straighten his back to appear larger than he was, though it was impossible given the height disadvantage he had with the pair of them there.

"Oh you don't? Hmm... How about a bet then? First one to look away is the loser and has to do something that the other says without protest?" Crystal spoke calmly yet she felt herself growing excited just by the simple display of him squirming where he sat. Her eyelids narrowing gently as she ran her tongue over her lips with eyes wandering along his figure before returning to rest upon his face for his reply. Gemma continued to rub and stroke along his legs slowly, giving an odd squeeze here or there, but for the most part being complacent where it rested. That attention which was once on the TV had fully shifted until she was staring down at Alex with quiet eagerness to hear his response.

He knew that they were trying to get him to break and make a girlish sound as they often did, though he continued to believe he had some sort of advantage now that they were in person. His mind a bit too fuddled to realize it was quite the opposite as his attention returned back to Crystal with him meeting her gaze once more. He took a few short breaths to steady his voice as he spoke, though it did little good as he stuttered regardless. "Y-Yeah? Bet then! I-I'll definitely... definitely beat you. Its different now!" He cleared his throat as he went quiet with the stare down coming underway. Those eyelids fluttering as he fought to close them or to look away from her as best he could.

Her orange hues were shimmering softly in the light of the room as she calmly looked into his eyes. That tail of hers only swaying slightly faster with the excitement she felt growing by the second. Soon enough a rumbling growl was swelling within her as she let it roll out of her mouth and narrowed her eyes at him as if she were annoyed that he hadn't looked away already. Gemma quietly spoke as she watched them in their contest with her hand still resting idly atop him. "Oh? Lasting longer than I thought he would. Such a defiant girl." Her voice rumbling the last word to give an emphasis upon it.

It had only been a handful of seconds since he started staring and matching her gaze, though it felt like a lifetime on his end. His heart was ready to burst from his chest when those rumbling words echoed behind him and caused his ears to twitch. He quickly looked down at the ground with a protesting whine being made as he spoke. "I told you b-both! I'm not a girl damnit!" Once more another whine was made before he realized he had broken off from their staring contest. He clicked his tongue as he didn't dare to look up as he already knew that Crystal would have a shit eating grin upon her face. "...Fuck." He quietly muttered out, more to himself than either of them, though they both picked it up as they each chuckled.

"Ahhh! See! I knew it. Well, you lost the bet." Crystal said with beaming pride as she leaned back into the couch and looked up at Gemma as a large grin plastered itself upon her expression. "What to have you do... Hmmmm... Any ideas babe?" Gemma tilted her head back as she glanced up at the ceiling with a thoughtful hum being heard as she began to think. The silence lasted a few moments before she snapped her finger and brought her head back down and looked toward her partner. "Oh I know! Give him a nice makeover with some clothes to match, that would fit with the rest of his look." Crystal was unable to hold back her chuckle as she nodded her head in agreement before standing up, hooking both hands underneath of Alex's arms and hoisting him up. "Yes yes! Perfect, come along. You wait here and I'll bring him out in a bit!"

His ears perked up immediately as he heard what was being plotted, a louder whining was being made as he began to open his mouth to protest. Crystal simply looked down at him with her head shaking from side to side as she said. "Ah ah! You lost the bet, remember?" And that was enough to shut him up, for the most part at least, as he continued to whine in a feeble pleading manner. He was laid down the hall and into their room as he was made to sit on the bed with Crystal rifling through some of the clothing that they had, humming to herself as she spoke. "What would fit though... Hmm... Maybe? No... Oh that!" A small pile of clothing was beginning to form as he picked out various pieces.

Soon enough she had assembled a collection of different bits and pieces while motioning him to stand up. She began to lay out what she wanted him to try on first before sitting on the ground and staring up at him with that shit eating grin almost permanently fixed to her expression. Both her elbows placed themselves upon her legs as she plopped her chin onto open palms and waited for him to start undressing. "C... Can I get some pr-privacy atleast?" He whined out down to her as his eyes wandered over the bits of clothing that were strewn out on display. "Hmmm... Nope! Chop chop." She clapped her hands together with the last words before returning her chin back atop her palms.

He began to take his shirt off first before working his sweatpants off until he didn't have anything hiding that feminine figure of his. Next he began to try the clothes that were laid out in front of him, before being made to change into others at the whim of the wolf. Eventually Crystal clapped her hands together excitedly at the outfit that he had on. A pair of white thigh high leggings clung to his body, a short plaid skirt barely covered up that bubbly ass of his, and a snug fitting top showed off his midriff nicely while covering up his upper chest. She quickly got to work in applying some mascara to further accent his eyes with those long eyelashes amplifying it all once she was finished. Her orange hues wandered over the newly dressed Husky as once again that rumbling growl rolled out her lips, feeling herself growing hard at the sight before her.

"Oh my oh my... Just... Delicious." That tongue swiping along her lips as she stared a few moments longer before urging him out of the room, in which he whined loudly in protest, though never with words as he realized it was pointless. He felt himself being utterly humiliated as he had never worn women clothing before, let alone anything that was as revealing as what he had on now. The air was cool against his underside as he tried to pull the front down a bit to cover up his exposed crotch, not even having underwear on made him all the more embarrassed. "May I present to you... Alex!" Crystal chimed out happily as she rounded the corner to the living room once again. That barely dressed Husky standing there with both hands pulling the front of the skirt down as much as it could while Gemma turned her head to watch him enter.

"Ohhh shit..." Gemma spoke with eyes drinking in every inch of his curvaceous body before she stood up and took a few steps closer. Her body was towering over his own as she began to reach out with her hands to feel at various spots. First running her hand over that slim tummy of his, working her way to his hips then down to his exposed thighs for a squeeze and then toward the back to cup his plump ass. Her thick digits sinking into him as the flesh poked between her fingers as she groped lazily without permission. "Very very nice..." Her words trailed out quietly as she continued to grope.

"Right?? Nobody would know now... Maybe we should go out for dinner?" Crystal mused to herself as her finger lazily tapped at the front of her chin as if she were genuinely thinking the question over, though her eyes were fixated upon the scantily clad Husky in front of her. Those words were enough to coax a loud whining form of protest from him as he snapped his attention toward Crystal, even while Gemma was feeling him up. The groping squeezes were enough to make him squirm though the thought of going out dressed like this was enough to give his full attention to Crystal. "H-Hey no! Fuck no! Please, I-I'll do anything, just don't! Order pizza please!" He stuttered and stammered with his mind racing wildly at the idea of people seeing him wearing what he was.

"...Oh... Well, you said it." Crystal shot him a toothy grin as she stepped forward and looking down at him with her imposing figure standing tall. "You said it now~" Her words cooing and dripping with delight as she placed both hands upon his shoulder and pushed gently until he was on his knees. "Guess we can do something different for dinner, what do you say hun?" Crystal turned her attention toward her partner who was already beginning to undo the front of her jeans. "Hmm I guess I could serve up something nice to eat. She is looking a bit skinny too, she clearly needs more protein in her diet." Gemma spoke before her quickly hardening cock was revealed in all its glory, almost eight inches in length and two inches thick, she was hefty to say the least.

"Thats what I was thinking! Maybe a double serving of sausage then?" Once more Crystal was humming to herself, though her hands were already working to wiggle out of her pants to reveal her own cock. She was an equally impressive eight inches though slightly smaller on the thickness scale. "Now be a good girl and enjoy your dinner okay?" Her words were dripping with euphoric venom as her eyes narrowed down at the Husky on his knees in front of her. Soon enough she grabbed at the base of her cock and began to rub against his muzzle with her throbbing shaft becoming fully erect, a gentle moan escaping her. Gemma mimicked the actions of her mate as she rubbed along the other side of his face, ensuring that he was getting a strong combination of their scent flooding his senses.

Alex opened his mouth to protest as he was forced to his knees though something in the back of his mind made him resist and close his mouth. That blush was burning across his face as he stared up at the intimidating wolves that towered above him, gently shifting from one knee to the other to try and get comfortable. He quickly forgot about that when Gemma's girthy length came into view with that strong smell assaulting his nose, his eyes going wide at the sight as he was no where near that size himself, and now he was face to face with it. He tried to tear his eyes away from it and back up at them when Crystal's came into view, coaxing a whimpering out from him as he hadn't expected both of them to be that well endowed. His mind racing at the thought of what sort of damage they could inflict with those cocks given that they were also bigger than him in terms of body size and not just shaft size.

Crystal continued for a few more moments before she placed both her hands on top of his head to make him turn and face her directly. One hand lowering itself down and hooking a thumb into the front of his mouth. At first she simply had her thumb dance along his tongue playfully. She watched with a keen interest as he didn't seem to hesitate in suckling upon it which she offered up an approving growl before pressing downward to open his mouth. Slowly she inched her hips forward until that cock was greeting his tongue as she glides along to enter his maw. The warmth of his tongue greeting her underside was enough to send a shiver down her spine as her hand returned to the back of his head. "Mmmhmm... Good girl... Just like that..." She praised him from above before feeling the head of her dick hitting his throat, which promptly made him gag with a shudder rushing through his body.

He felt the warmth of her member slide along his tongue as he got a proper taste of her. His mind swimming almost immediately as he stared down her length as he was being fed inch after inch until it came to press against his throat. He never imagined what sort of texture a cock would have, and yet here he was feeling it against his tongue. Both the taste and scent alone would've been enough to send his mind reeling, yet he was being made to suck it as well. He snapped back to reality with the feeling of himself gagging suddenly as he tried to pull back, though the hands upon the back of his head kept him firmly in place. Those hazel hues looked upward at Crystal whose orange gaze was watching him keenly, further sending a shiver through his spine as he gagged again from another half inch being forced into his mouth.

"Ah, ah! None of that now..." She cooed down to him as she felt her hips pushed deeper and deeper until she was firmly in his throat. The feeling of his muscles rippling and squeezing with her gag of his was enough to coax a rumbling groan from her mouth. Her eyes were torn away from looking at him as she kept working inch after inch into his throat, feeling it bulge out nicely as she exhaled in euphoric bliss. She wanted to experience his throat in its entirety as her bliss was spurring her on in a sporadic manner, quickening her thrusting hips as she buried herself to the hilt in his throat.

Gemma on the other hand let out a grunting of disapproval from her own lack of attention. She soon made her way toward his back as she hoisted his hips upward until he was presenting that backside to her. The short plaid skirt was doing a pitiful job at covering him up as that bubbly heart shaped ass was on display which she wasted no time in groping and kneading firmly. That delightfully warm flesh protruding through her finger gaps as she gave a slight smack to his backside with her muzzle soon burrowing in-between his cheeks. She extended her tongue as she began to roll it over his puckered backside, coating it in an ample amount of saliva. Her tongue prodded and poked at the opening until she managed to slip inside wherein she began to wiggle her slender appendage quickly within his depths.

His eyelids began to flutter as he stared up at Crystal who began to reprimand him for his attempt at pulling his head back. Those whimpering whines of protest only being drowned out with every inch that was forced down into his throat, as they were replaced by his gagging chokes. "Glagh... Glurgh... GlGgk!" He gently placed his hands upon her thighs with a weak shove against her to try and get her to ease up, though to no avail. He felt tears beginning to well in his eyes as they rolled down his cheeks, threatening to bring the freshly applied mascara with them, but not yet. For a brief moment he had forgotten that there was two of them before the sudden feeling of his backside being hoisted up made him realize the error of his ways. That curvaceous body of his shuddered and squirmed from the large hands that began to grope into his ass before being delivered a painful stinging strike that wobbled his cheeks. He wasn't able to produce a cry as his throat was properly filled with Crystal's cock as he sent out a vibrating gag around her inside.

Gemma continued to stretch and run her tongue along his tail hole before finally retreating from it which left it thoroughly coated in her saliva. There was little time for him to relax as she gripped the base of her cock and began to nudge forward into him, applying that saliva as a coating for herself. She grunted and breathed out heavily with a few words spilling from her mouth. "Dang, didn't... think she'd be... this... tight!" Her last word was emphasised by her hips pushing forward forcefully and managing to get the tip within that tight opening. Those muscles immediately getting to work with a rippling squeeze as his tail hole clenched tightly around her. "Ahhh!~ There we go!~" She cooed out in an approving manner with a firm pat to his backside as she waited a moment for him to adjust before she began to push forward. There was hardly a second of respite as she made him stretch painfully for her as she reaped the reward of claiming his virginity for herself.

Crystal brought her attention to her partner when she heard the groaning moan escape Gemma. Her fingers firmly grasping the back of his head as she began to pull herself half way from his mouth before thrusting forward again with those balls slapping into his chin. "Tch... No fair! I wanted to claim her ass for myself..." She whined out as if she hadn't just taken his throat virginity for herself. Her hips lazily thrusting forward with her cock repeatedly disappearing into his throat as he gagged in protest around her, further coaxing his throat muscles to ripple along her cock.

Gemma chuckling with a smirk appearing on her face as her own hips were thrusting away into his backside, though not as easily as her partner given how tight his ass was trying to stop her advances. "Well you were hogging her mouth, I couldn't wait any longer... Besides, she seems to be doing fine." The second part of hers words drew her attention down at the husky wedged between the pair of them, having a spit roasting of wolf dick being served for dinner. Her hand gave a swift strike to his backside to watch it wobble and bounce with a sharp sensation of his muscles tightening down around her cock which coaxed a moan from her lips. "Oooh damn thats tight... Mmm..."

His mind was being repeatedly assaulted with every thrust of their cocks, having hardly enough time to process one when they other came pushing forward into his body. He felt himself gagging repeatedly on Crystal's shaft as it pushed into his throat, soon enough having that mascara running down his face as she picked up the pace. Her heavy balls slapping against his chin messily due to the saliva drooling out of him. Strands of that saliva and precum were beginning to appear and stretch every time she pulled outward, before she came slapping back into him. His own cock was beginning to throb with balls aching for the pent up release that he was feeling as he was being made to service both of them like a newly acquired toy. He couldn't process his own feelings on the situation and even though he knew it was wrong, he couldn't deny just how good it felt to be used by them.

Gemma gripped his hips firmly with both her hands as she began to quicken her own thrusting when she felt him finally begin to loosen up around her thick cock. Her head rolling back slightly as she felt herself being lost to the carnal desire of mating with those hips coming in more firmly to greet his ass. That fleshy clapping sound was filling the room as much as his gurgling chokes and it was beginning to drive her feral. She began thrusting and treating his ass as if it owned him money with that sharp stinging pain rushing into his body with her taking the pleasure for herself. "Mmmh... Fuuuck..." Her words panted as her breathing began to grow ragged from the feeling of her climax building inside of her.

Crystal could feel herself getting closer to the edge as well as her own thrusting picked up the pace. She repeatedly made his nose meet her hips and held herself there for a few moments as she watched him struggling to breath. She pulled herself free until only the tip of her cock was within his mouth before flying into a flurry of thrusts against him. His throat was repeatedly made to bulge outward from her advancing cock as more of that saliva precum mixture dribbled from him. "Nnnhh thats good... right there... Yes yes..." She mumbled over and over to herself as she watched him losing himself to the pleasure of being turned into a toy almost much as they were enjoying using him.

His cock throbbed with a copious amount of precum dribbling from his shaft before he was unable to hold back his climax. A sensational wave rushed over him as he came all over the floor below him with a tightening to both his ass and throat tending to the respective cocks lodged inside of him. He'd soon feel their own cocks throb and unload into his body as he was forced to take every last drop they had to offer with that mind being sent into a maddening state of painful pleasure from it all.

The pair of them were humping wildly into his ass and mouth as their balls were tightening from the impending release. Crystal pushing herself to be fully hilted in his throat as that torrent of cum sprayed forward and pumped itself into him. Her tongue rolling to hang from her mouth as she watched him drink every last drop with a prideful grin spreading over her expression. "Dinner is served~"

Gemma grunted deeply as she continued to slam into him with that ass repeatedly flattening against her hips from the power she was exerting. She gave one last thrust until unloading herself into his backside as she howled out in euphoria and remaining fully hilted inside of him even after that climax began to taper and wane away. She gave an approving slap to his backside as she glanced down at the spit roasted Husky who was properly exhausted.