Domesticating the Dom pt 1

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#1 of Domesticating the Dom

A dominant hyena seeks to find someone to fuck, only to find himself in a situation he did not expect.

Dennis approached the Tipsy Fellow club and bar, the hyena's favourite haunt and hunting grounds. His heart raced with excited anticipation as he pushed open the front door, his ears immediately filled with thumping techno. Upon entering the building and checking his belongings at the security clerk, he placed his jacket on a nearby coat rack, stretched to make himself nice and loose, and sauntered down the hall into the bar proper, a wide grin cracking his face as the sounds and smells grew louder and stronger. Rounding the corner, he inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of beer as he gazed at the patrons inside.

The room was bathed in the rapidly changing colours of numerous strobe lights, all in rhythm with the music as its booming intensity wormed its way to his heart. Decorating the walls were various holographic displays showing various silhouettes dancing, thrusting their hips and shaking their asses, all for the entertainment of others. The patrons, dressed in various leather gear and normal clothes drank and talked, laughed and taunted each other with their very presence. A man walked in front of him, his partner following behind him on a leash. The grin on his face grew to a wide smile, the light glistening off his golden tooth as he scanned the crowd for some fun tonight. Freaky Friday was always the best day to score some exotic tail, of that, Dennis had no doubt.

Under the flashing lights, various men from different species drank and watched as the male tiger on the stage danced to the drumming beat of the music, his scantily clad body rippling with muscle as he displayed himself to the gathered crowd. Even from the entrance where he stood, Dennis could smell the lewd musk rolling off of most of them, thoughts of intimacy and depravity undoubtedly running through their minds as the hyena himself found his head going to such places. Running his hands over his muscular form, the taste of his lips, the feeling of his rough tongue as he sucked him off. He could feel his pants becoming tighter as he fantasised making him his for the night, maybe longer. Yes, he would be excellent prey, at least, he would be. Glancing over at the bartender, the stocky bear glaring at him as he slowly shook his head, his eyes never leaving him. Dennis sighs and laughs to himself, perhaps he could get a 'private dance' later.

As the tiger finished his performance, giving a bow as he pants, the crowd erupted with hoots, hollers, cheers, and claps, Dennis joining in as well, his applause louder than the rest. As the revelry began to die down, Dennis continued his obnoxious praise, drawing the attention of everyone in the room as they turned to face him. Eyes widened and colour drained from the faces of the regulars as they stared at the hyena. There he stood, letting everyone take him in in all his egotistical magnificence.

Every bit of his outfit was carefully chosen. His lower region was covered by a pair of black jeans tucked into a pair of biker boots, a belt with a golden buckle tightened to show off his waist and hips. Stuffed in his waist, he wore a black tank top a few sizes too small, perfect for displaying his well muscled physique, like a single flex would tear the shirt from his back. Around his neck, he wore a gold chain worth more than everyone in the room made in half a year. To top off his appearance and to accentuate his golden tooth, he wore an ear cuff of the same metal in his opposite ear. He was a sight to behold, gawked at with looks of fear, discomfort, awe, and amazement by all.

All except a wolf, who sat at a table close to the bar, his attention directed instead to a folder before him.

The hyena's eye twitched, feeling insulted by the audacity of this canine to ignore his show. A lesson needed to be taught. He found his prey.

Recovering the little bit of composure lost, Dennis made his way over to the bar and the wolf, not paying any mind to the latter as he leaned against the counter and beckoned to the bartender with a finger. Letting out a defeated sigh, the bear approached him.

"What do you want, Dennis?" The man asked, placing a glass down and pouring Rum and Coke into it before sliding it towards the hyena.

"Not even a 'how are you'? Barrett, I'm hurt," He takes his drink and downs half of it in one go. "And if you must know, I'm looking for a fuck toy. Got any ideas where to start looking?"

With that question, he glanced at the wolf, who for a moment returned eye contact before returning to his folder with a smirk. I might be getting somewhere, Dennis thought before turning back to the bear.

"You can start by going someplace else," Barrett replied. "I can hardly run a business with you scaring away my patrons. If you want a quick fling, go to a whorehouse instead."

In response, Dennis finishes his drink before hopping up to sit on the counter. "Now now, why do you gotta be so sore, Barrett? After all, who helps to keep this place open?" Dennis ruffles the fur on the bear's head. "One bad word and this place goes bye bye and you get to return to the streets. I own you, don't you forget that. In fact, why don't we just demonstrate that, shall we? Meet me on the stage."

The bear's gruff demeanor crumbled as he did as he was told, following Dennis as they both took to the stage, drawing the gaze of everyone in the building. Even the wolf turned around, though he still focused on his folder. Dennis fumed at the dog's continued disregard of him, everyone was meant to watch. Going behind the stage to grab the microphone used by the occasional hired comedian, Dennis turned it on and walked back out to the front.

"May I get everyone's attention please? That includes you, wolf," he stated as he pointed at the reading canine. This finally got his attention as he fully looked up at the hyena on stage.

"Who? Me?" He looked around as if to make sure it wasn't any other wolf that he was talking about. Finding no one else, he closed the folder and stashed it in his backpack. "Alright then. You have my undivided attention." The wolf leaned forward, and rested his head on his knuckles, drawing a few chuckles that quickly died as Dennis glared.

Regaining his smile, Dennis began. "Now, our gracious bartender offered for us a show. Isn't that right?" He moved the mic over to Barrett.

"Yes...," he muttered.

"How kind of you. Now, take off your shirt. Slowly."

Dropping his head, the bear complies, unbuttoning his shirt button by painful button, before stripping it off and tossing it on the stage, showing his toned muscle to all gathered.

"Good, now get on your hands and knees."

Barrett did as told, getting down, his face drained of any emotion. Dennis walked around and examined him before bending over his back and beginning to dry hump his ass, reaching around and massaging his nipple with one hand as the other fondled his crotch through his pants, feeling the size of his balls and his cock as the latter began to come out. The hyena leaned forward as he grinded against the bear and whispered into his ear, which twitched with the feeling of his breath.

"You're such a dirty slut, aren't you? I might have to play with you later. Why don't you moan about how much you want daddy's cock inside you?"

With all his shame hidden inside, Barrett let out a deep, loud, moan. "Oh, Daddy, fuck me senseless!"

With that last bit of humiliating obedience, the show stopped as Dennis went to his front, kneeling down and lifting the bear's head with his finger, staring into his eyes as he caught a glimpse of his shattered pride. But a glimpse was enough.

"I own you, bear," he reiterated. "Your mind, soul, and that sexy body of yours. If you disrespect me again, I'll have to teach you some manners."

A sudden slow clap from behind him drew the hyena's attention to the crowd, finding the wolf standing up, applauding him. "You managed to turn our big, burly bear into a moaning, subby one. Congratulations."

"Hmm, why don't you come up here, wolf? We can see if I can do it to you," Dennis retorted, his gold tooth shining in his grin.

"I'd prefer to instead enjoy some drinks, but I need you and the bartender for that."

Dennis' grin widened into a Cheshire Smile as he looked down at Barrett. "Get up and get us some drinks. The shirt stays off." The hyena jumped down from the stage and walked over as the bear got up and lumbered down the stairs and over to the bar, adjusting his bulge to make it more bearable.

Reaching the wolf, Dennis begins to look him up and down. He was a grey wolf with piercing green eyes that glowed in the dim between flashing lights, his height matching that of the hyena. The dark hoodie he wore hid his build but twink or muscled, Dennis didn't care. His posture was straight and stood with a level of relaxed authority, certainly someone confident in themselves but not overly so. He didn't look the subby type but a switch was fine with him. His mind played with the thought of him being full dom, so perhaps he would need some breaking in. Regardless, when he was done with him, he was sure he would be begging for more.

"So, does the wolf have a name?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Fenrir," the wolf answered. "Though perhaps you would prefer to call me 'fuck toy.' And your name is?..."

"You'll have to earn that. It would be an honour for you to get railed by me, Fenrir. Ask anyone in this club."

Fenrir surveyed the room, looking at all the patrons as most tried their best to ignore the situation, a few whispering amongst themselves and glancing over. "Is that so? I have to admit, it does sound tempting. You definitely are a strong, handsome one." He placed a hand on Dennis' chest and ran it down his torso, his fingers gliding over his pecs and abs. "I can only imagine how you look below the belt, especially with all these clothes off you."

The hyena ran a hand through his hair. "Come to my place and you won't have to imagine it."

"Mmm, that would be nice," Fenrir chuckled before feeling Dennis place a hand on his waist. Staring into each other's eyes, they both pulled into a long kiss, their bodies touching in their lustful embrace. The hyena works to worm his tongue inside the wolf's mouth, only to instead be pushed away gently, the canine having snuck his hands to his shoulders. "But first, how about a drink? It's on me."

Dennis gazed deep into the wolf's eyes, fighting back to urges inside him, the itch in his pants as he nodded, not one to turn down a drink. Releasing Fenrir, he watched as he strode hopped over to the bar, striking up a conversation with the topless bartender before the bear produced two glasses and began to fill them. He observed as they continued to talk even after the drinks were poured, the two giving him a momentary glance before continuing with their quiet talk. His foot tapped the floor as his impatience grew, almost having half a mind to storm up and confront the two, when he saw Barrett walk away and Fenrir grab the glasses before returning to the table. Handing him one of them, Fenrir lifted up his glass for a toast.

"To the night of your life," Dennis said as they clink their glasses together, downing the whole drink before slamming the glass on the table, nearly shattering it with the impact.

"Indeed," Fenrir replied as he took a drink. "It will be an entertaining week."

"A week?" The hyena laughed. "Do you think you can handle all of this for a whole week?"

"Maybe longer, it depends on how this goes. Besides, it's not like you're doing anything."

"How do you know what I'm doing? Don't presume to know what I'm... doing...," Dennis growls before messaging his forehead.

Fenrir shrugged before taking another drink and setting the glass down. "I assure you, I'm not presuming."

His patience worn thin, Dennis seized Fenrir's arm and began to drag him away. "Let's go. I will fuck that disobedience right out of you, mutt! I... I...." He stumbled, losing his grip and footing as he toppled to the ground, falling to a knee, his hand propping him up and stopping a complete collapse.

"You alright, Dennis?" the wolf asked, bending down to help him up, concern on his face and in his voice.

"I'm fine," the hyena lied. "The lights are... are just...." The very act of thinking was hard as his mind grew cloudy, his body becoming more heavy with each passing moment.

Fenrir put an arm around him and helped him to his feet. "Here, let's take you to your car."

They began to leave, the wolf carrying the tripping and staggering hyena down the hall and outside. The cool night air hit the drowsy man like needles as his vision began to darken. Mustering the last of his strength, he looked over at the wolf and focused on his face, taking him in as his eyes closed and his sudden sleep finally took him. Even in his tired state, the little bits of his brain still functioning picked up something off about the man carrying him, though he lacked the cognition to fully understand it. He swore he could see him smiling.

As Dennis opened his eyes, he found himself staring at darkness. His rapid breathing drew the nylon fabric of the bag over his head into his mouth, only to blow it out and repeat the process. Passively, he could still feel his clothes on him, though noticeably, his chain was gone, though curiously his ear cuff remained. He desperately tried to move, to remove the bag blocking his vision, but all he accomplished was to flail his body, his arms extended above him and something thick and solid wrapped around his wrists. Shaking his arms, he heard a faint jangling. Chains? As more of his senses returned to him, he felt a soreness in his arms as they held up his dead weight. He got to his feet, taking the weight off him as he tried to calm himself. How long have I been here? Where is here? He didn't have long to think as he heard a door open and close, followed by footsteps that moved towards him. Against his better judgement, he decided to call out to whoever entered.

"Let me go! Do you have any idea who you're dealing with?!" He shouted, his voice muffled through the bag. The footsteps stopped distance away, unsettling the bound hyena.

Then they spoke.

"Adler, Dennis. Son of the wealthy millionaire, wait no, that's a 'b', Charles Adler. Spend your days harassing people and throwing around daddy's money like you just don't care. Frequents the Tipsy Fellow at least every friday, known to take people to your house and fuck them. Kinks include... my, that's a long list. Dominant, gay, prefers men that can give you a 'challenge'. No STDs, that's surprising. Yada yada yada, etcetera etcetera etcetera, you get the picture." A few seconds later, Dennis felt the bag get yanked from his head, finding himself in a large room with the only source of light being a lamp above him with Fenrir standing right in front of him, surely not that close before. "That's correct, right?"

Dennis stared at him, more confused than anger at the moment. "W-Wha?"

Fenrir held up his folder from the bar and flipped it for his captive to see, pointing a finger at a picture in the corner. "This is you, right?" The hyena squinted at the picture, his eyes widening as he realised it was not only of him but was taken without him knowing. The wolf smiled. "I thought so."

"What the hell do you want from me? Is it money? I'll pay you whatever you want, just let me go," he begged as the wolf walked just out of sight.

"No, it's not money I'm after, Dennis."

"I give you whatever you want, man. Please."

"Oh, I know you will," Fenrir stated as he walked back into the light, pushing a small wheeled table up to Dennis, the contents on it covered with a black sheet. Reaching until the sheet, the wolf pulled out two fingerless black leather gloves, putting them on as he started to slowly circle Dennis, examining him. The hyena tried to follow him but he disappeared behind his back. "You certainly have a nice body, Dennis. Too bad it's wasted on you."

"Man, fuck you!"

"Yes, you've made yourself very clear on that."

"When my dad realises I'm gone, he'll find you, and when he does... oh, there will be hell to pay," the hyena threatened, his teeth clenched in rage.

His captor stopped and faced him. "When he finds you? He's not even looking for you," Fenrir explained, holding up Dennis' phone, who, in his panic, didn't realise it was missing from his pocket. "You know, I was thinking about trying to break into it but I felt like trying a few passwords first. BDE123... isn't a very secure password. Anyway, I texted your father and told him the truth. You met an attractive wolf and were going to spend a bit of time with him. He was very understanding, if not a little disappointed."

"You bastard, I have friends, powerful friends, and they-"

"Wish you good luck. What, did you think I wouldn't be thorough? Anyone who would wonder where you are knows where. No one's coming to rescue you, Dennis."

He squeezed his eyes shut and tensed his body, bubbling with hate until he let it burst. "You son of a bitch! I'll kill you, you hear me?! I'll fuck you up and I'll-"

In his short, anger-fueled rant, he failed to notice Fenrir reach under the sheet, only noticing he grabbed something when he felt it shoved into his mouth. Biting down on it, he felt his teeth press into something soft yet firm, preventing him from speaking any coherent words. This didn't stop him from trying as he shouted muffled sounds even as the wolf tightened its straps around his head, securing the bit gag in place.

"There we go, that was getting annoying," Fenrir adjusted the gag slightly as Dennis' eyes burned with a fire that tried to melt through the other man. "Oh, don't look at me like that. Save your breath." He walked to the covered table. "Now, I bet you're just dying to know what's under here. Well...."

The wolf grabbed the sheet and yanked it away in one swift motion, revealing the contents, of which made Dennis' eyes widen as fear gripped him. Staring down at it, he saw a scalpel, a pair of scissors, a knife, a strange collar, a remote, blindfold, and several other things he couldn't recognise or guess the function of, though if it was anything like the rest, nothing good. His eyes followed the wolf's hand as it danced over the array of instruments, eventually landing on the scalpel. Dennis shook his head, muffled pleas slipping from his gagged mouth as Fenrir picked it up and stepped closer to him.

"Shall we begin?" His captor asked, a wicked smile on his face as he moved the blade closer and closer to his chest.

Dennis screamed into the gag, wanting him to stop, but as it came a centimetre from his chest, he squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for the pain. He could feel as the scalpel pressed into him and began its slow slide down, feeling the fabric of his shirt tearing as it did, and yet he felt nothing. With the lifting of his tank top straps, one after the other, he sensed a slight weight fall off him and slump over his feet. Daring to open his eyes, he found himself unharmed, though he now lacked a top, his bare chest and back visible, the light shining down on him highlighting his muscles. Even in the situation he was in, part of him couldn't help but admire himself, and he wasn't the only one.

"Now, that's better. That shirt was in the way of that sexy chest of yours. And besides, it was so tight, it couldn't have been comfortable on you," Fenrir reasoned, bending down and picking up the scraps of shirt from the floor and tossing them into the dark. "You look so much better now. A true stud."

The wolf stalked closer to him, placing his hands on his chest before beginning to explore every curve and bump, running his hands up his sides and down his arms. The hyena stood there, eyes aimed toward the ceiling as he adjusted the gag in his mouth, trying his best to ignore the other man's touch as it ran all over his front before moving to his back, continuing its journey of discovery. He couldn't help but shiver as the other male's claw pushed through his fur and lightly scratched down his back before his hands ran up his shoulders and began to massage around his neck. His ear twitched as Fenrir brought his mouth to it, his breath warm.

"I'm not lying when I compliment your body. In any other situation, I'd gladly let you fuck me. The problem is your attitude. You need correcting." Fenrir loosened the gag and let it drop to Dennis' neck.

"W-What do you want with me?" the bound male repeated, the question now layered with frightened uncertainty.

"Isn't it obvious? I want you," Fenrir answered, his hands reaching around as they started to rub his captive's nipples. The hyena gasped at this sudden pleasure, his legs trying to cross as his cock began to peek out of his sheath.

"Untie me and we... we can...." He stopped himself to stifle a moan, not wanting to hand the wolf this small victory.

"Mmm, that's not going to happen," Fenrir began as he put the gag back in. "I don't want Dennis, the rich douche who thinks he owns everyone. I want Dennis, the sexy stud with whom I can play with to my heart's content." He walked to the table and picked up the collar before starting to fasten it around the hyena's neck. "As of right now, I own you. And I'm going to teach you obedience."

Dennis looked down, shifting himself to see the collar as it was strapped around him. His gaze followed Fenrir as he picked up a remote from the table and fiddled with it in his hands. "Now, if you try to fight me or resist me or generally go against me, I can use this remote to shock some sense into you."

The bound man's heart began to race upon hearing this, struggling against his chains in a vain attempt to free himself. In his frantic desire to escape his restraints, he hardly heard the sigh before his body seized up, electricity coursing through him as muscles tensed and his jaw clenched around the gag. As the burst ended, the hyena slumped, his feet dangling as he panted, his chest heaving with each breath. His eyes met the floor, staring blankly at the other man's feet before being forced upward as the wolf's finger lifted his chin, peering into the very depths of his soul as he tried to recover.

"Try not to do that again, okay?" Dennis weakly nodded, causing his torturer to smile before dropping his head and clapping his hands. "Good. Now, I think it's a bit too dark in here. Let's get some more light in here, shall we?"

Reaching up, Fenrir pulled the chain connected to the lamp, turning it off and leaving the poor hyena in pitch black darkness. As Dennis heard the wolf's footsteps moving away, he squinted, trying and failing to see anything, the void refusing to let him spoil the surprise. Sighing, he closed his eyes to make the inevitable flood of light more bearable, taking this moment to reflect a little. The man he wanted to fuck for dominance sake had kidnapped him, chained him up, and wanted to do god knows what to him. His comments and his actions muddled his intentions to the confused man, both pleasuring and then torturing him. The table's contents implied much in the way of pain but if he was only going to use the scalpel to remove his shirt, then what was the rest for? Aside from that, the wolf had a folder filled with information on him. This wasn't a spur of the moment kidnapping, it was planned. But why? As light filled the room, he opened his eyes in hope of answers, and what he saw made his heart skip a beat and sink.

The red and black paneled walls of the room were decorated with shelves and hooks littered with various devices of sadomasochistic torture. Whips, paddles, riding crops and leather gear hung from the walls while a wide assortment of sex toys, masks, and more sat on shelves. Scattered around the room and along the edges were a multitude of tables, chairs, beds, and devices all covered in leather and metal restraints. Taking in the sights, his cock strained inside his pants even as his body shook with fear. What did this man want with me? Looking over at the man in question, he watched as the wolf slipped himself into a pair of black leather pants, fitting tightly to his legs and bulging at his groin. The rest of him was bare and as he made his way back to his captive, Dennis couldn't help but blush at his toned body. Once more, Fenrir freed Dennis' mouth from the gag, allowing him to stretch his jaw.

"What are you going to do to me?" The hyena quivered out, his eyes scanning the room.

"Whatever I want," Fenrir stated joyously, tapping Dennis' snout on the last word. "This dungeon is my playground, and you, my sexy little stud, are my plaything."

"What?! No, no, you can't-"

"Why not, after all, you tend to pick out people on your little hunts and fuck them senseless, use your privilage to force yourself on people. Let us not forget that little display you did with Barrett. If you can do it, so can I. Consider it a little justice. Like I said before, your body is amazing but you are the problem, treating others like objects to satisfy you. Why don't we flip the script?"

"No, please, you-" His protests got cut short as the wolf returned the gag to his mouth and secured it, leaving the hyena whimpering as Fenrir grabbed his face.

"Make no mistake, I'm going to break you and use you until you are moaning my name. Now please try to enjoy this, I know I will."

With that, Dennis could only watch as Fenrir strode over to the far wall, perusing the assortment of items before pulling a coiled bullwhip from its hook and beginning his stride back. The captive male's muffled begging fell on deaf ears as the wolf disappeared behind him out of sight. Tilting and turning his head every which way still didn't enable him to catch a glimpse of his torturer.

"So disobedient, so disrespectful. I think it's time someone taught you some manners," Fenrir told him before cracking the whip, the sound making Dennis jump and tense up.

Not feeling the pain he expected, Dennis allowed himself to relax, only to feel a sharp burn cut across his pain followed shortly by another crack, leaving behind a stinging line as he gasped at its suddenness.

"That's one. Let's go for thirty."

Thirty?! Dennis yelled in his mind. There's no way I can- Another strike hit him, forcing a whine out of him as he clenched his fists and toes.


He panted, squeezing shut his eyes as he felt the whip hit him again.


The hyena tried to put his mind somewhere else, to ignore the pain, but each subsequent lash pulled him from there and returned him to reality.


By then, Dennis had figured out a timing to the strikes and braced himself for each hit, the pain a constant heat on his skin that only grew hotter.


Halfway there. Just a little bit more. He fought to keep himself on his feet, an act of defiance in its own right as his back continued to be assaulted with the whip, its cracks a countdown.


Prepared for the next strike, he was caught by surprise as the whip struck lower than before, way lower. As the whip raked across his ass, narrowly missing his tail, Dennis yelped, bucking his hips from the impact though mercifully his jeans spared him the sting that went with it.

"Twenty," Fenrir said, his enjoyment ever present in his voice, his grin practically heard.

The next several strikes found his rear, cracking off his cheeks as he shifted himself. Despite not hurting as much as his bare back, which was now a patchwork of hot slashes, each hit caused him to instinctively thrust forward, grinding his swelling cock against his pants and sending waves of pleasure through him.


His legs began to wobble as the repeated thrusting and growing throbbing in his ass made it difficult to stand.


Dennis slipped, catching himself just in time as he nearly lost balance. As the next two lashes hit him, he could feel his erect manhood twitch, its fabric cage only serving to torment it with stimulation.


As the last strike landed, his cock twitched once more, leaking pre as it began to soak into his underwear, no longer able to hold back. Dennis breathing heavily, his face heating to match his back as he listened to Fenrir's footsteps near him.

"And thirty. You're made of sterner stuff than I thought. I expected to hear you crying after ten. What a little trooper," the wolf mocked as he wrapped his arms around him and began to rub his chest. "I hope that didn't break you, we've got plenty more playing to do." He loosened the gag and let it fall.

"You can't... break me," the hyena replied between laboured breaths.

"Oh, a challenge, I do love those. But I hope you realise that there's more than one way to break a man like you." Fenrir looks down at Dennis' jeans. "Those got in the way last time. Something needs to be done about them."

Going to the table, Fenrir grabbed the scissors and crouched down in front of Dennis, cutting his way up the legs of his pants before unzipping them and tearing them the rest of the way off, leaving the chained up hyena in a pair of tight black boxer briefs, the large bulge in the front wet from his leakage. The wolf whistled at the sight of it, Dennis's head dropped as his chest continued to heave from the pain and pleasure.

"My my, you are a big one. Better than I imagined. Usually large egos have small dicks but you're packing in both. Did you grow this for me?" Fenrir smiled before running a finger up the length of his cock, the sensation making Dennis inhale sharply. A devious smile spread onto the canine's face as he ran his hand down and cupped his captive's balls. "How about we play a little game? I call it 'Don't Moan'. Not very creative, I know, but the objective is in the name. If I can get you to cum without you moaning I'll unshackle you and let you go. If you fail, I get to have more fun with you. What do you say?"

"Deal," Dennis responded without a moment's hesitation, the idea of being done with this for at least a little bit too enticing to ignore, especially if it gave him time to plot an escape. A week spent in a sex dungeon was always something he found hot, but only if the roles were reversed. He was not going to stay as a toy to this wolf any longer.

"Good." Fenrir got to his feet and walked behind him, pressing himself up against him. "I'll leave out the gag so I can hear your defeat more clearly. Let's begin."

Reaching around, Fenrir once again rubbed his chest, letting his hands move slowly into position, one drifting down to stroke his cock as the other toyed with his hard nipple, pinching and massaging it. Dennis clenched his jaw and looked down as the wolf's hand gripped his erect manhood and began to jerk him off, focusing on his breathing to stop any moan in its tracks. All he had to do was cum soon and this nightmare would end. A small laugh escaped him as he thought about it. This was the first time he would try to go fast. He could feel as Fenrir began to quicken his stroking, toying with his nipple more and more. To hurry along the process, the hyena thrusted into his hand, adding a counter to his strokes.

"You're a needy one, aren't you? I'm going to love using you," the wolf taunted, which Dennis paid no mind.

Noting his silence, Fenrir stopped rubbing his nipple, instead taking two of his fingers and beginning to push them into his ass, the boxer briefs forming a barrier to stop him from fully penetrating. Dennis squeezed his fists, the sensation around his ass causing his cock to leak and twitch. He was getting there, just a little bit more and he could get out of here. Once I'm free, I'm going to fuck him into submission, Dennis thought to himself, the lewdness catching him off guard. As he tried to figure out why he thought that, he grunted, feeling Fenrir push further in, his underwear pressing into his hole. The wolf continued to dial up his stroking, squeezing more as his pace began to slow down to draw it out. Dennis arched his back, panting as his cock twitched and leaked more and more. His body grew warmer, the pleasure filling it with ecstasy as his eyes rolled in his head. The fingers threatening to penetrate him moved to his front and fondled his balls, pulling and squeezing them, sending a wave of stimulation into the bound hyena as the wolf thrusted into him, grinding against his sore rear.

"You're stronger than I thought. All the better to break then," Fenrir stated as his grinding made his own growing cock press into the other man's ass.

Giving one last thrust, Dennis came, only for nothing to come out, Fenrir gripping his twitching cock tight enough to stop him from releasing. The hyena began to squirm, grunt, and thrust in an effort to free himself, but to no avail. Searching for a way to at least loosen the canine's grip and bound as he was, he was helpless to stop his other hand from pinching his knot, the sensitive flesh flooding his climaxing body with indescribable pleasure. Unable to hold back anymore, he released a long, loud moan. Hearing this, Fenrir released the man's cock, letting his seed pump freely into his underwear.

"My God, you moan like bitch!" the wolf exclaimed

"I... did it. Now, let... me go...," Dennis tiredly demanded.

"That was if you won. I do believe I heard a moan."

"Bullshit, I came, you just-"

"You produced cum, but you didn't release until after you moaned, so you lost."

"You bastard, you cheated, I won fair and AAARRGGHH!" the hyena shouted as his collar shocked him yet again.

"What did I say about disobedience? Besides, did you really think I would have truly let you win? No, not when you have so much left to learn."

"Please, just let me go. I swear, I won't tell anyone, I won't-" The gag stuffed in his mouth stopped his begging as Fenrir fixed it in place, leaving the soiled hyena whimpering.

"How much do you listen when your 'prey' begs? Not one bit. Because it's all about you. One of your victims once told me that they begged to go home seven times and you still kept them trapped in your house for three days more. You can take a turn feeling helpless. I'm going to use and abuse this body until I want to stop. You are my little stud, Dennis. My pet." He rubbed his captive's abs before grabbing his underwear's elastic band and letting it slap against him. "And you are too overdressed."

Picking up the scissors again, Fenrir got to work cutting his way up his underwear, reaching the band, and taking his time, closing together the two blades bit by agonising bit before the elastic severed and the last of his clothing fell to the ground, leaving the wolf's new toy ready for whatever the canine planned to do next.

Looking at his plaything's exposed manhood, Fenrir saw the white fluid he released, smeared on his flaccid shaft and beading on his tip. Kneeling down, he took the used member in one hand and looked up at Dennis.

"How about we... clean you up?"

Shaking his head in protest, Dennis couldn't stop the wolf as his cock disappeared into his mouth. As he felt his warm tongue snake around his length and suck on his tip, he pulled on the restraints, the tired organ stiffening anew. Wanting to fight the urge but having much of his will drained by the revelation he was going to be here for god knows how long, Dennis couldn't help but relax his body and let out another moan, the unwanted sucking feeling so good. Unfortunately for him, right as he began to get used to the sensation and pleasure gained from the wolf's maw, the other male pulled himself away, leaving Dennis' semi hard cock wet and pleading for more.

"Mmm, you do taste good. I might have to get some more of that later," Fenrir commented, licking his lips as he got to his feet. Like he had before, Dennis' captor began to circle him, admiring his naked form that showed off his hard work and natural gifts. The hyena's eyes followed him as much as they could, glaring up at him from a downturned head. "I must say, you look far better like this than with all that on. Nothing to get in the way with all I'm going to do to you. You're very sexy like you are, so exposed, so vulnerable. I just might keep you here forever. How does that sound?" Coming to his front once more, he reached out and lightly grasped his cock, giving it a few nice rubs.

The bound man vehemently shook his head, his breathing quickening as the thought of staying as this man's 'pet' forever. He wasn't just some plaything, he was Dennis Alder, heir to his father's fortune. If anything, the roles should be reversed. Maybe one he escaped, he could hire someone to bring this disrespectful mutt to him. Then they would see who the real pet was. Envisioning his revenge, he was caught off guard when he felt a hand reach down and squeeze his ass, still throbbing from the beating it took from the whip. Realising the wolf was no longer in front of him, he turned his head, catching him standing at his back.

"You certainly have a nice ass. Perfectly cushioned. I think I know what to do."

Dennis' ears twitched as he heard Fenrir walk off, meandering by a wall out of sight for a bit before returning to him. The wolf began to hum to himself as he worked behind his captive, not allowing him to see what he was doing. The hyena fought to turn his whole body in an attempt to get a better look, only to feel a hard slap on his ass, causing him to yip and jump.

"No! Bad! No peeking," the wolf ordered, causing the hyena to stop. "Good boy. Now, I'll warn you, this might feel weird."

The captive Dennis wondered what he meant when he felt his tail get lifted and something wet and cold pressed against his hole, moving in circular motions as the helpless hyena shivered from the experience. As he began to think that was the end of it, more was applied, some dripping down and touching his balls, sending a shock through his system. Whimpering at the freezing sensation gripping his rear, he turned his head, trying to ask a question through the gag to limited success.

"Mmf mmf mff mf mf?"

Not receiving an answer, his eyes widened as he gasped, dropping his head and seeing the wolf's hand rubbing the same frigid liquid on his cock, sending another jolt through his body as he fought to catch his breath.

"If you had been a good boy earlier, I wouldn't have used the cold stuff. But you had to be naughty and the naughty pets get the fridged one. Now, have you ever been penetrated?"

Dennis' eyes threatened to pop from his head as they opened more upon hearing the question, a string of distorted protests and pleas escaped his gagged mouth as Fenrir moved to put back the liquid. He shook in his shackles from a mixture of shivers and genuine attempts to get free. Unlike the last time, his collar didn't send out a shock. Instead, he felt the wolf place his hands on his hips to keep him steady.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle," Fenrir assured the resistant hyena, unzipping his leather pants before starting to grind his sheath against his soaked rear.

Unable to move out of the way, Dennis was left to stand there as Fenrir's manhood grinded against him, gradually growing larger and fatter as his warm shaft rubbed between his battered cheeks. The stiff rod toyed with him, the tip tickling his hole, any moment it could slip inside. Knowing this, the hyena did his best to clench his rear entrance, though with how drained he was, it would take little to break through that defence. As the wolf continued to tease him with his preparations, the hyena tried to put his mind elsewhere, but the trickling of unavoidable pleasure made such a simple task herculean, his moist, cold cock hardening once again. His heart pounded in his chest, the fear and slight anticipation becoming too much to bear, the wait and inevitability nearing the same level of torture as the whip. If given the choice, he might have picked another thirty lashes, fifty even, any physical torture was better than this mental anguish.

Just as the rhythmic movements of his captor's swollen shaft began to drive him mad, they stopped, Dennis letting out a sigh of relief before immediately piecing together what that meant. Feeling the wolf push aside his tail and place his hands on his waist, the hyena's hole was touched once more as the canine's tip grazed it, lining up into position. Swinging his hips from side to side, the captive was stopped by Fenrir's hands, which held him in place and who's grip tightened with each act of resistance. Turning his head and uttering one last inaudible beg, Dennis' ear prickled from the wolf's soft whispers, sending a chill down his spine and the sensation of ghost fingers through his hair.

"Now, my pet, how about we get started?'

Barely given time to comprehend his words, the hyena's eyes bulged as the other male's cock forced its way past his final defence with ease and thrust its way inside. He clenched everything he could, whining into the gag as the large member slid through, stretching his virgin ass with every centimetre entered. His chest rose and fell with each whimpering pant as he was stretched and stretched, fearing that he would tear open at any moment. The painful expansion was made worse by the length and girth of the wolf's manhood, which was far from small. Without seeing it, he guessed it rivaled his own package, his pride and joy. As it began to feel like the cock inside him would never stop penetrating, he felt a large bulb hit his rear, recognising it quickly as the canine's knot. A terrifying thought crossed his mind as he wondered if he truly meant to shove that inside him. He's going to rip me in two. Thankfully, the hyena felt as the cock began to exit, allowing him a small amount of relief that was just was quickly torn away as it pushed in again, though not to the same degree as before.

"God, you are tight. I guess daddy's little slut never tried the other side. Good thing we're fixing that. Don't worry, soon you'll be nice and loose," Fenrir chuckled as he began his thrusting, starting slow but picking up speed as his cock gained momentum.

Dennis grunted with each thrust, the pain lessening by the second. The force of the pounding he was receiving sent his midsection forward but luckily for him, Fenrir's hold prevented him from losing his footing, though it also aided him in getting more of his member into his rear. The hyena's own cock bounced with each movement of his body, full erect as it slapped against his bladder. One of Fenrir's hands shifted as it ran down his left cheek and behind its connecting leg, lifting it in the air and allowing him to enter with greater ease.

"I must say, I'm so happy you picked me out at the club. It made my job so much easier. What are the odds that you entered that place with the thought that it would lead you here? Chained and naked, getting fucked by the man you initially thought of as mere prey? So satisfying when the hunter becomes the hunted," the wolf teased. "We have so much ahead of us and your punishment is only just beginning. Maybe I'll invite some friends and give them a go at you too. But for now...."

Listening to the words he said, dull to the cock that ravaged him, he was pulled from his trance as a single strong thrust nailed his prostate, sending a tidal wave of stimulation flowing through him, his manhood leaked precum that dripped down the underside of his shaft and soaked his sheath. A lustful moan escaped his maw, clear as day even with the gag as his head fell back, eyes half closed in bliss. Having now found his weak spot, each new push assaulted it, creating a sea of pleasure that the bound hyena was helpless to stop, though a part of him no longer wanted to. While most of him wanted to escape, to be free from his captor, a corner of his mind toyed with the idea of staying, of truly being this wolf's plaything. His cock twitched at the lewd thought.

"Here, let me help you with that," Fenrir said between grunts, grasping the hyena's shaft and stroking it, the liquid he had slathered on it making the experience better than before.

Dennis gasped, any remaining thoughts leaving his mind, save for the one focused around his cock. His body relaxed, fists unclenching as he submitted himself to the fucking he was enduring. Like tiny, hot needles, his skin burned from the pleasure as his stiff member twitched more and more. A wet sensation made its way into him as the wolf pumped pre inside, moistening his hole and allowing the thrusting to gain speed.

"You dirty little bitch!" Fenrir growled. "Your body is mine, your cock is mine, you are mine."

The hyena shook his head, trying to regain some amount of his mind. His spasming manhood drizzled onto the wolf's hand, who in turn rubbed it all along the shaft. As his pleasure mounted so did his neediness, his hips developing a mind of their own as they bucked into his hand, wanting more, craving more, needing more. He tugged on his chains, not trying to escape, only desperately seeking something to shove his cock into. Fenrir's tip shot more pre into him as he could sense the wolf nearing climax, his breaths shuddering and his pace picking up once more. He himself was reaching the end too, a steady stream of precum dripped from him as he felt a pressure building in his balls. The wolf squeezed his knot, causing a gasp as he nearly released right then and there. He keeps... playing with it. Feeling the wolf pull out more than before, he braced himself as Fenrir thrust in hard, roaring as he rammed his prostate, pumping warm cum into him as he panted. At the same time, the loudest moan rumbled from Dennis as he shot his load onto the floor, the wolf's hand still jerking him off like he was milking an udder.

The two men stood there and emptied themselves, fighting to catch their breaths and recover. The hyena's head slumped forward, drool falling from his mouth and pooling in the floor as he stared at his seed as it flowed from him. He moaned as the wolf pulled out, the white fluid that filled him now free to drain. His back arched as it received a firm slap, the feeling reminding him of the stinging from the earlier whipping.

"What a champ! Still standing after all that," Fenrir commented as he took the remains of Dennis' soiled underwear to clean off his tailhole.

The hyena's legs wobbled as he struggled to keep on his feet. Even now, his beaten ass felt full and stretched. Watching the wolf walk to the wall to his left, he saw him grab several damp rags before coming back and using them to clean him up, the warm, coarse material feeling like heaven on his sensitive manhood. Sufficiently cleaned up, Fenrir tossed the rags aside and removed the gag.

"So, how was it, my sexy stud?" He asked, playfully running a finger up and down his chest.

"Please... let me... go...," Dennis tiredly pleaded. Even with the great feeling of sex fresh in his mind, his climax brought him back to reality and the situation at hand. This wolf had kidnapped him, tortured him, and fucked him, with more to come. "I won't... I won't do it again."

"You see, Dennis," Fenrir began, rubbing his nipple and coaxing a small moan, "You say that but you don't don't really mean it. You'll just return to your same old shit and nothing will ever change. Your lesson, and your punishment, for that matter, have only begun. Today was just a taste of things to come. But you look exhausted so we will call it for tonight." Producing a key, Fenrir inserted it into the shackles, opening them both and allowing Dennis to fall to his knees, his legs unable to support him.

The hyena panted on his hands and knees, staring blankly as the ground, which reeked of his seed. He couldn't stay here. He was Dennis Adler, not a whore to be kept for sex. Feeling the wolf grab his arm, he reeled up, catching his captor off guard and striking him in the face and knocking him to the ground. Stumbling to his feet, the hyena scrambled for the door, freedom finally within reach. With his first step, his legs crumbled beneath him, weak from the abuse he had taken. He cursed under his breath as he began to crawl along the ground, on occasion pushing himself forward with a burst of speed. Heart racing, limbs shaking, he focused on the door, not caring what was on the other side, so long as he was free. Crawl, crawl, push, stumble, crawl, push, stumble, fall, get up, crawl, crawl, crawl, push. The exit grew closer and closer, his way out only a handle turn away. At last he would be safe from this wolf, to hell with his 'lessons'. Throwing himself at the door, Dennis fiddled with it, his hands and fingers betraying him as the simple task of grabbing the handle was made nigh impossible in his exhausted state. Finally managing to open the door, his muscles seized up as his hands flew to the collar around his neck, the digits locked in place as shock after shock ran through his body, sending him to his knees. The moment the electrocutions stopped, he was suddenly shoved to the ground and pinned, his hands grabbed and locked in handcuffs behind his back. As the force pinning him was released, the hyena squirmed and pulled on the cuffs before a hand squeezed his shoulder and rolled him on his back. Immediately, his throat was snatched aggressively and squeezed just enough to constrict his breathing but not cut it off. Glaring into his attacker's eyes, his heart sank.

"That was a huge mistake," Fenrir smiled, his face contorted into a mask of pure rage that made the hyena he was choking shrink. "Perhaps I have been too kind. One last punishment before bed, then."

Standing up, the wolf strode over to the closest wall and pulled a mask from one of the hooks, the small glimpse Dennis could catch of it filling him with dread as he thrashed on the floor, hopelessly trying and failing to get up. As the wolf returned, he held out the item, a black leather hood with detachable sections for the ears, eyes, and muzzle, though noticeably, all were attached. Unstrapping the gag, Fenrir tore the entire thing from the hyena's head, which began to shake and tremble as Dennis begged and pleaded.

"I won't do it again, I swear! I'll be good, I'll be good!" He repeated over and over again, continuing to the last as the hood was slipped over him and tightened, the world around him disappearing as the only sound he could hear was his own heart beating.

Deprived of all senses save one, the hyena was left in a void, every part of his brain focusing on his now heightened sense of touch, now able to feel the faint vibrations as Fenrir walked off, growing faint before becoming more apparent as he returned. Feeling his legs being spread, his breathing quickened, fearful anticipation wracking his mind. With his ass slowly introduced to the air and blind of his surroundings, he was unable to resist as something round and fat parted his rear and made its way in, pushing in with a pop as Dennis whined. His tailhole now plugged, the hyena had no choice but to await whatever came next. Praying for mercy in his head as the hood prevented his mouth from opening, his collar sent a torrent of electricity through him, causing him to writhe on the cold ground, muffled yells escaping through the various breathing holes poked in the leather hood. Once the shocks stopped, he fought to catch his breath, only for the opportunity to be ripped away as another series of jolts threw him into another fit. With his touch his only connection to the world, each round felt worse than before, ripping through him as every time he tensed up forced him to tighten around the plug in his ass, mixing a little bit of pleasure with the pain. His fur stood on end, static from the electro torture, his cock growing stiff through no enjoyment of his own. Tossing and turning, arching his back and pulling with his legs, he screamed distorted noise that only his torturer could hear. The only way he knew any sound was made was through the vibrations in his throat as his punishment continued.

As time went on, Dennis could feel himself fading, what little energy he had found of his failed escape had now been wasted on spasming fits as he was robbed of all control of his own body. Right as he felt a different kind of darkness encroaching on his vision, the shock ceased, this time giving him time to breath as he curled up and fell into heavy sobs that shook his shoulders and filled him with numbness. As the broken man lay on the floor, he felt a hand pet his arm before feeling a sharp prick followed by nothing at all.

Awakening once more to a black void, Dennis didn't try to fight, instead using the time figuring out his current position. He was laying down, the surface underneath him soft and pliable, shifting as he did. Something even softer cradled his head, giving it a place to rest. A bed? His arms and legs were spread apart, restraints by shackles padded with something, a vast improvement over the previous ones, though not as much as none at all. The hyena let out a longing sigh at that distant dream, any hope of escape gone. Even the thought of rescue seemed far flung, even rejected for fear of the rescuer's fate. He didn't need to supply this bastard with any more 'toys'. A small thing to appreciate, however, was the absence of the collar, which had rightfully become the bane of his existence.

As he sank into his thoughts, he felt something pop near his ear before hearing that part of his hood be removed. Hearing. The sounds around him sounded louder than before, the shuffling of sheets, the creaking of wood underneath him, his own breathing, it was almost too much. With the second ear uncovered, they twitched at every noise, picking up the person next to him before his vision was filled with light. Blinking the brightness away, he was finally able to take in his surroundings, make note of what he saw. Dennis was lying down, spread eagle with his arms and legs shackled to the posts of the bed. Giving them a small tug, he tested their strength, of which they had in spades, not even creaking from the strain. Looking down at himself, to no surprise, he was still completely naked, his cock retracted fully into its sheath. He crossed his eyes and spied the black leather muzzle afixed over his snout, exhaling heavily through the two holes meant for his nostrils. Sitting on the bed next to him was Fenrir, staring back at him with a warm smile as he held the hood's blindfold.

"Are you feeling better? I'm sorry I had to do that but an disobedient pet must be punished for it if they're to learn. Simple Positive Punishment, I'm sure you understand," Fenrir explained, placing his hand on the bound hyena's chest and ruffling his fur before scratching the area. Dennis pulled on the restraints and groaned, the claws on his skin feeling quite nice as they grazed the surface, not causing pain. The canine repositioned himself, moving his head closer to Dennis, his breath tickling his ear as he whispered. "I know what you must be thinking about all this. Believe me, I don't do this out of malice. I didn't just kidnap you so I could keep a hyena in my dungeon, though you are nice to have here. No, I'm trying to help you, show you the error of your ways and make you a better person. I'm going to break down the old Dennis and build up from the ruins a better man."

Fenrir planted a kiss on the hyena's head, the latter not feeling it as the hood got in the way. He watched as the man who had not long ago electrocuted him for daring to flee lied down next to him on the bed. The full weight of the wolf's head came to rest on his chest as one of his hands explored his torso, tracing a clawed finger over it until it came to circle his nipple, the sensation leading to a soft moan from the restrained Dennis. He looked over at the man snuggling him, sharing his warmth, and tilted his head to touch his own. Looking up at him, Fenrir clipped the blindfold back onto the hood, freeing him from the blinding lights and placing him in darkness. He closed his eyes, the slightest hint of a smirk cracked behind the muzzle at this small act as he drifted off to sleep.

Domesticating the Dom pt 2

A mischievous smirk split Dennis' lips as he crept into the bedroom and towards the male tiger gazing out the window at whatever layed beyond. Mercifully, the floor didn't creak, his clawed feet scrape the hardwood, nor his prey think to turn, spoiling...

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