Episode Fifteen: Three Giant Dragons, One little Bunny, And lots of sex

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#15 of The Unexpected Love Life of Dawn the Dragon Bunny

Episode Fifteen:

Three Giant Dragons, One little Bunny, And lots of sex

Monday 4 PM 04/16/1997

Dawn was at home, attempting to enjoy what little free time he was getting between constant interruptions from the dragons, and his job. What he'd done to get away from it was to go to his junk pile in the basement and start working on a few things.

There were a half dozen scraped robots down here. Ones he'd found in the surrounding countryside no less. From red ones that were shaped like giant round orbs with lenses, to ones that were much more humanoid with penises or vaginas. He really wasn't sure where these all came from, but he didn't care. His job now was trying to fix up at least one of them.

There was a strange image on them though. It was a female face in bright orange with a white background, she had red glasses and crazy pigtails that stuck out of the side of her head. It was kinda hot.

Looking further into them he found that the more he took them apart, the stranger these things became. They were well built robots, had once been freshly painted, and in good condition, but most of them had some kind of blunt force trauma, or had overloaded their batteries. If anything was to be faulted, the batteries didn't seem to produce enough power to keep them running for long. He was not going to be putting together one of the big ones.

One of the smaller ones though, that might work. He was busying himself with one at his workshop when he heard someone approaching. The claws clacking against the wood floor made him turn toward the entrance to his workshop and he saw Lune there.

Lune was smiling. "Sup, bunny-butt."

"Hey, mama. I'm just working on robots, you?"

"I'm just celebrating. Aunt Rose is going away today."

Dawn jumped up. "Really?"

"Yeah really. I mean, I know she lost her home or kingdom or whatever, but I guess she found a new place to squat. Sol didn't even seem to upset, so I guess she's finally sick of her sister too. So soon we should have our normal happy family again."

Dawn hadn't heard much about why Rose had come here. To think she lost her home was really sad. Still if she found her own place, a new home just for her he was kinda happy to hear that. "Yay!"

Though in truth he was happy, he was also a bit sad. He had finally gotten a bit closer to her. Then again fucking your aunt in all her holes would do that to you. "Hey, if she's going away, should we do something nice for her? One last way to celebrate her before she goes?"

Lune let out a sigh. "Probably, and if it's hot enough she won't come back for even longer."

Dawn beamed. "Let's have a foursome."

Lune stared down at him. Her eyes sparkled with mirth. "Oh my baby boy, all grown up and ready for his first orgy, well... okay close to an orgy. Still I agree, that should be a rocking time."

Dawn snickered. "I call Sol's ass."

Lune tutted. "Not if I get it first. You can have mine though."

"Yours is small."

"It's still bigger than your face."

Dawn nodded. That was true. "Your ass is nice too."

Lune purred. "Thank you, I think yours is also nice."

"Aww, thanks mama."

Lune giggled and turned around. She swished her thick meaty tail as she walked away. "I'll get things set up for us. Come up to our room in say... a half hour? Come naked."

"Alright, see you there."


A half hour later, naked as the day he was born, Dawn found himself laying on Sol and Lune's giant bed. His lavender fur, small frame, and dark blue hair all made him look quite attractive. The hard meat of his lavender colored cock was dripping with precum. He'd used the step ladder to climb up here, and was waiting... all alone... no one was here. It took him a few minutes to realize that Lune must have pranked him, which wasn't very nice because he was horny and now he was laying in his mothers bed smelling their scent which only made him harder.

He was going to fuck her pillow for this.

Then Lune would have to sleep with his scent in her face. That would make things even. He let out a sigh. Well if he was going to fuck her pillow he might as well start. He was just about to sit up when the door opened. Much to his surprise three lovely, nearly ten foot tall dragon ladies walked in.

Lune was the first one in. Naked of course. Her dark gray scales, and dark blue hair were a match made in nightly pleasure. She was the shortest technically and had the smallest features but was still large in all aspects.

Next to her was Rose, also naked. She had pink fur covering her body, except for her left hand which was white fur with red painted claws, and the white stripeso n her back. Her white hair covered half of her face and came down to her chin. Her features were larger, though still not the true victor here.

Sol was the last one to walk in. His birth mother, and covered in white fur with long rainbow colored hair going down to her ankles. She had absolutely massive hips and breasts, so large that they could suffocate Dawn if he wasn't careful. Or... if he was too eager.

They looked at him, all three of the dragons having a hungry look in their eyes. Licking their lips, curling their clawed fingers, and eyeing him up with predatory expressions. Sometimes, just sometimes, he was reminded of the fact that he was a small four and half foot tall bunny, and they were over twice his size.

He should probably be a little scared.

Lune let out a low playful growl. Then all three of them began running on all fours toward the bed. Their large heavy frames thumping against the ground as they galloped toward him.

Correction, he should be very scared.

He didn't even have time to move before they pounced onto the bed. Lune and Rose each took a side, Lune on his right, Rose on his left. Sol was on top of him. Her thick meaty hips holding his legs down. Their tails were swishing about like mad.

With his arms pinned down, and his legs as well. He was well aware of the fact he was about to be used as their plaything until all three of them were satisfied. This was not what he meant when he said he wanted an orgy... it also wasn't a bad thing.

Lune nuzzled into his cheek, licking his fur. Rose nuzzled into his neck licking him there. A small groan of pleasure left his lips quite by mistake. Sol was watching him, her beautiful green eyes locked onto his. "Hey, sweetiebun. We're about to have a lot of fun."

Dawn swallowed. "Mommy."

"Yes baby?"

"I-I love you."

She leaned forward, bringing her lips to his in a gentle, tender kiss. "I love you too."

He shook his head. "No, I mean it. I love all three of you... so much... I... is that wrong?"

Sol pulled away. Her eyes looked so warm, her smile so inviting and safe. "No, sweetie. Dawn, it's never wrong to love family. If you never wanted to be with anyone other than us, it would be okay. We love you, Dawn, so very, very much."

Sol took his glasses off and then set them aside on the table nearby. "Let's get started."

With that said, any of Dawn's fear of these gigantic predatory women was melted way. He was safe, he was with family, and they all loved him, very, very deeply.

Sol stood up on the bed. It sunk in on either side of Dawn as she did. She was careful to not step on him as she turned around so that her back was facing him. Then to his surprise she gave him a wink. "Here comes to choo-choo train."

He blinked. "Wait... what?"

Sol sat down. Shoving her massive ass cheeks over his face. His snout, and head were shoved between those thick ass cheeks, they squeezed the sides of his face as her hot, heavy musk filled his nostrils. He could hardly see anything except for white fur and a giant pink ring. He stuck his tongue out and started licking it. Licking that giant pink anus with all his might tasting Sol's ass in his mouth as her scent dominated his nose.

His dick was harder than ever before now. Precum dripping down the length of it. He reached down to try and touch himself, but his arms were still held down by the dragons on either side of him. He could only lick, sniff, and burn for more.

He moaned, though it was muffled coming out of Sol's ass as it eclipsed his face.

Lune spoke warmly. "Good goddess in heaven, he is in love with your ass. Is it possible for him to marry your ass?"

Sol moaned. "Nahhh, not if, ah, we're related."

He kept licking, shoving his tongue as deep into that anus as he could. He was buried by it, and the flavor. He wanted more, he wanted to be touched. To be pleased. Yet no one was touching him, not in the way he needed to release.

Sol began moving her hips a little. Rubbing her giant anus all over his face. He groaned, it was hot, intense, and suffocating. Her nethers were dripping thick drops of sexual fluids onto his neck and chest as she did. Her hand was reaching down and rubbing herself, she was masturbating as he ate out that ass.

Sol groaned loudly. "F-fudge! He's so good back there. Ah, ah, ahn!"

Spurts of thick, hot fluids splashed across his chest, soaking into his chest floof and coating his neck in her lust. She just came over him and squirted hard. He was so hard though, he wanted to cum so much.

Finally Sol got off of his face and then turned around. She admired his face, it was sticky, wet from sweat and sex, and he was panting in the suddenly cool air. Sol nodded to Lune.

Lune rolled over and got off of his arm. Just as he was about to move it, to touch himself so he could get some much needed release, Sol landed next to him, pinning his arm down. "No, no, no, good bunnies don't touch themselves unless we allow it."

"P-please, I'm so horny. I need to feel good too.'

Sol frowned. "Oh honey-bunny, try and hold it in, just a little longer .Make mommy proud of you."

He groaned. "No, please."

Lune walked up over him next. She on top of his legs, rubbing her pussy over his dick. Was she going to please him? He'd accept that. When she reached up and put her left hand to his mouth. Two of her fingers met with his lips and he opened his mouth letting them slide inside. He sucked on those fingers. They were so large, so hot and sticky.

Lune purred as she kept rubbing herself down. "Mmm, he knows how to suck like a champ. How is he not fucking gay?"

Sol pouted. "Because he has us."

He kept sucking on those fingers as they moved in and out of his mouth. Lune rubbed herself faster. Her dark gray wings extending to their full length. She threw her head back and groaned. "FUCK! ME!"

He watched as a spray of hot thick fluids shot out over his already hard and hot member. The fluids coated his member, his balls, his belly and lap in her lust. She was marking her territory in her squirt, making his member harder still. He groaned, muffled by the fingers he was desperately sucking on. He was so hard, he needed release. Something to release anything.

Lune fell back on her ass off of his legs. Then looked at Rose. Rose rolled over and Lune jumped into take her place. Dawn moved his arm out of the way, moving it toward his cock as fast as he could. He needed to cum, his body was on fire with the need to release. Lune caught him by the wrist and gently pulled his arm away, gently, but with enough force he couldn't fight it.

"Please, mommy, auntie, mama, I need this. Please let me cummy!"

Rose stepped over him, then squatted down on his face. "Sorry, nephew. We're hungry dragons, make us happy and you'll get a reward."

He begged and pleaded, as much as he could. Rose just watched him. Her pussy hanging right above his face. Her musk practically drowning him in its thick scent. When it finally became clear that they would not help him he could only whimper in defeat.

He finally stuck his muzzle out and began licking Rose's pussy.

Her flavor was thick and rich, her fluids almost burning as he dug his tongue into her slit. Running it up and down, from the base of her entrance all the way up to her clit. Lick after lick he forced his tongue and muzzle deeper. Even using his front two rabbit teeth to tease her clit from time to time.

Rose grunted and groaned. She held herself steady, clearly trying not to rut his face into oblivion. Yet all the while his dick was only growing hotter. Precum was leaking out of his cock. Landing on his already filthy lap. He groaned and whimpered, he needed to cum so badly.

The more that he ate out Rose's giant dragon pussy, the more he needed to release. Yet they wouldn't help him. No matter how much he whined, or squeaked, or even roared they wouldn't help.

Eventually he felt it as Rose's pussy began to tighten. Just before the eruption Rose threw her head back and screamed. "YES!"

Hot thick fluids splashed out of her nethers, across his face. Most of hit it hit his open mouth. Spraying in as he tried to drink it, more and more until it began filling up his mouth with hot sexual juices then it went up his nose, and splashed across his face. Rose adjusted her hips and finished off squirting into his hair, soaking it down to the bone in thick sticky juices.

Finally she climbed off of him. He was still being held down. His body burning and aching for release. His dick was hard as could be, his body was soaked in all three of their cum. He was humping the air, struggling to get free and jerk off.

"Mommy! Please, it hurts. I need to cum! I need it."

Sol shook her head. "Shh, relax. You let us play with you, now we'll treat you now."

Rose climbed down to the end of the bed, then grabbed his legs spreading them open wide. She lowered her head and ran her lips up to his member. The soft touch of her lips made him nearly scream in pleasure. "Oh, he smells and tastes just like you Lune... I think I like it."

Lune groaned. "Gross..."

Rose shoved her mouth over his cock and began sucking hard. Dawn's world exploded into pleasure so bright that his mind went blank. Rose's finger slid up to his ass and then pushed against his backdoor before sliding inside of it and stirring him up from the inside as she sucked him off.

Dawn groaned, grunted and thrust his hips wildly. His body wracked with passion and pleasure. He'd been teased and used, and now he finally had the chance to cum.

He gave one last roar before thrusting up into Rose's mouth as hard as he could, shoving his meat as deep as he could. A hot fire erupted down his spine and into his loins. Thick spurts of creamy lust shot up into her mouth, plastering the insides of her throat and the roof of her mouth in thick spunky cum.

Rose sucked and swallowed as much as she could. After a moment she pulled away and coughed as yet more thick cream shot up and out over her chest and breasts covering her tits in his love sauce. Rose leaned back, letting it run down her giant breasts and onto her midsection. "Mmm my god, he came so much and..."

Dawn groaned, his dick was still so hard, rigid and hot. "Mommy! Please, help! It's hard. It's so hard."

Sol frowned. "Maybe... maybe we went too far?"

Lune shrugged. "Nah, your plan's just fine, we just fuck him in turns until he's done now. Go at it big butt."

Sol pouted. Then looked at Dawn. "Mommy will fix you."

Sol let go of his arm and then sat up. She climbed over his waist and then straddled his hips. He watched as his cock was swallowed into her giant loving pussy. It was so hot, so soft. He groaned as she rode him. Slow gentle gyrations of her hips, making him groan and wriggled beneath her impressive size and weight. His free hand was quickly held down by Rose's body. Even now, they wouldn't let him free.

Sol groaned. "O-ohhhh goodness! YES! Hold him down. Hold him down as I rut him silly! He's so sticky! I love it. I love you, Dawn. I love you!"

She began riding him harder. He was thrusting up into her a she did. Trying to milk his dick as hard as he could with insides of her vagina. She was grunting from each thrust. The wet slaps of their hips meeting filled the room, though his sense of smell was long since fucked from being cummed on so much, he knew the scent must be intense.

It wasn't long before he felt Sol's pussy tighten. She let out a loud final groan. He thrust up hard as he could and unleashed a second volcano of lust and passion into her pussy. Shooting right up into her womb and filling up the womb he once was grown inside with his own seed and lust. "MOMMY!"

She fell backward off of him and left her legs spread open, her pussy gushing with his cum. Yet more of his fluids shot up and over, covering her thighs, lap and the outside of her pussy in his syrup.

Yet he was still so fucking hard.

Lune let out a sigh. "Sol, take my place. You clearly can't handle our son right now."

Sol managed to crawl over and trade places with Lune. She then wrapped an arm around Dawn's chest and nuzzled into his neck, breathing in deeply and covering her snout in the various fluids covering him. "Mommy loves her big boy."

Lune climbed up onto his hips. Then just as he thought she was going to put him inside of her pussy she pushed forward, his dick met with her backdoor instead and then with one single thrust she shoved his thick meaty cock into her back door. She grunted and squinted as if in pain. "F-fuck, ow! He's huge. When did he get huge?"

Rose purred. "When I came on his face."

"It's like swollen fist up my ass."

She was still working her hips. Shoving his dick deep into her ass and then back out. He was thrusting back into her, going as deep as she possibly could. Thrust after thrust that hungry anus swallowed his dick to the base. Unable to move his arms the only thing Dawn could do was thrust in rhythm with Lune.

Lune grunted with each extra thrust. "F-fuck, cum already. Dawn, your going to make me sore."

He thrust harder trying to make his dick release faster.

Sol giggled. "Oh, so you don't like it in the butt? I thought you were all excited for him getting to try that."

"Not, ah, when, ngh, he's so, fucking, gah! I've only had a finger in there b-before!"

He felt it. He was on the cusp of release. He thrust one last time, burying his rod all the way to the root and gave a final desperate cry as his cock erupted for the final time. His lust pouring deep into her colon, painting the insides of her intestines white with the effort. Lune threw her head back and groaned as she was being filled up with his seed.

Pump after pump he released deep into her. More and more of it until it was seeping around his cock and going down his balls. Her belly was starting to grow round and bulge where his lust was pooling up deep inside of her.

Finally finished he relaxed and his eyes fluttered a few times. A sudden wave of total exhaustion washed over him. He watched as Lune leaned forward. His cock popped out of her ass. "F-fuck me. That was, holy shit."

Sol reached out and put a hand on Lune's lower back. "Hmm... I wonder."

She pushed down on it and Lune's belly pushed into Dawn's body. Hot cum shot out of Lune's ass like a geyser spraying across the bed sheet and covering it in a long steady stream of his melted cream.

Lune gasped. "What the fuck. Oh goddess. Oh shit, it feels weird. Stop, I'm not a fucking pump to be worked."

The last drops of his cream sputtered out of her ass hole, coating the bottom of Lune's tail in his spunk. Sol giggled. "Well not anymore you're not."

Lune grunted. "Sol, your plans, ah, suck. No more foursomes."

Sol and Rose both giggled. "Nah."

Dawn closed his eyes and finally allowed relaxation to wash over him. His body was exhausted his dick limp, his cum gone. He mumbled. "Cuddles. Please."

Lune wrapped her arms around his back and pulled him close to her chest. "Okay, you get cuddles now little man. All the cuddles."

Sol giggled. "And to think he came up with this idea, all by himself. Such a big boy."

Lune nodded. "Well he had the idea, you had the plan, and Rose existed. We wanted to give Rose a treat before she left. That way she doesn't have to come back any time soon."

Rose snickered. "Before I left? Lune, I'm just planning to take a quick stop off at the market in Gold and Silver. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

As Dawn fell asleep he mumbled. "Good, I love auntie."

Both Sol and Rose gave a long, "Dawww so cute."

Lune just muttered a few curses.

To Be Continued

Episode Fourteen: Home Movies, Sleeping Sheep

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