Requested Story: The Beginning

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Hello everyone!

This story is from an anonymous user who made a request for me. There is only character building and the scene being built up, per their request. The smutty goodness will come in the form of a second chapter if they wish to one made up.

Remember that anyone can make a request for an idea, as I've had a few reach out already, but there won't be any guarantee that I'll write it. Let alone having it portrayed in the manner you were hoping for unless it's done via commission which the second chapter of this story will hopefully be.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend and stay safe!

Daniel pushed the plate away from him after finishing his meal, glancing up at his mother who was seated across from him. He had to force himself to smile at her before his eyes fell down upon his phone as he began shifting through various content. He never had a strong relationship with his mother after his father abandoned both of them, but he wasn't against the idea of repairing their bond either. Casually he browsed a few websites before finding his way, perhaps subconsciously, to the computerized hypnotherapy services that the pair of them had an appointment for. He shifted in his chair as he began to read the raving and positive reviews that were left by countless others before he glanced up at the sound of the plates being taken away.

"I'm really glad you want to do this sweetie. It means a lot to me, you know I love you." His mother beamed at him with affection, almost overpowering him and making him uncomfortable as he gave her a brief nod. She could feel her heart tinge with pain as he hardly gave her the time of day any more, making her smile weakly at him even if he wasn't looking. Her mind began to wander at when they had drifted so far apart before she was brought back to reality as the waiter arrived. She was handed a receipt for their meal as she got up, still marvelling at how easy it was for the day to day side of things thanks to the AI corporations that had sprung up recently.

It had been roughly twenty five years since the mega corporations fully came into power. The powerful AI that the top three companies had introduced was able to change the life of everyone for the better. The age of post-scarcity utopia had begun for all to enjoy and reap the rewards. Various new services had only recently started cropping up with the latest trend being computerized hypnotherapy that had an almost 100% guarantee success rate. It had helped countless couples and failing marriages back into a blossoming successful relationship, as well as aiding in others that had different problems.

Kathy had recently booked a session with the company offering their services which targetted first timers. She gathered her coat which was draped along the back of the chair as her attention returned back to her son who was looking up at the clouds. "Ready to go then? Glad you were able to visit during a break in your college courses. I guess it was just meant to be huh?" She chuckled softly as she began to walk beside him as the pair made their way down the street. There was a lingering silence between them as he only gave her another nod with her unease growing once again before she spoke up. "It'll be just like old times, you remember? We used to play house and have all sorts of fun?"

Daniel knew that he should engage more in the conversation, but he just didn't know how. His entire upbringing had been rocky before his father left, and afterward it was a complete disaster. He quickly shook his head to stop himself from descending into those chaotic thoughts. Those ears twitched as he heard her speaking again as he kept staring forward, mustering up more than just a nod this time. "Yeah... I remember. That was fun I guess." His hands slipped into the front of his hoodie pockets as he glanced off to the right, watching some kids playing in a nearby park with their families. The sight of all three having a good time together only annoyed him more as he clicked his tongue.

She continued to smile at him as he spoke, even if it was only a few words. Her eyes drifted toward where he was looking as she heard him clicking his tongue in annoyance before seeing the happy family playing together. "So! Do you know anyone that has done this before?" She stammered out quickly as she didn't want him to be in a foul mood as they continued walking, having a few minutes still until they reached the main office. "I figured maybe it was common among you young folk to visit them." Her shoulder playfully nudged and bumped into his own, more to get his attention away from the family than anything else.

Once more he felt those emotions of guilt swelling inside of him from how he was behaving, though he was unable to help it. He knew what she was trying to do with the bumping into his shoulder as he exhaled softly. His attention tore away from the family as he gave her another smile, though half meaning it this time than before. "Not really. I mean some friends of mine say they know people that did it, but I don't know them personally." His shoulders came to shrug upward as he walked. "I saw there were lots of reviews that were raving about them though, so there's that." His eyes fell back onto the street in front of him as people went about their lives before seeing the building that they were headed too growing larger.

Kathy felt herself smiling a bit more enthusiastically as she had finally managed to get him to speak for more than a second. Her head nodding at his words as the pair of them came to stand in front of the building. The large windows showed off the countless people streaming about inside as they were either coming from or going to their own appointments. There was a sense of nervousness budding inside of her, but it was overshadowed by the excitement that their relationship was finally going to be repaired. "Lets go in shall we? See what all the fuss is about huh?" Her smile grew as she eagerly wrapped her arms around his as she tugged him inside with those doors parting for them.

The interior was spacious and decorated with various pieces of artwork that promoted a healthy relationship. Daniel glanced around as he watched various people being brought to various rooms by employees before he shifted his attention on the person in front of them. The employee was a large zebra who was fancily dressed up in a suit with a name tag that simply read "Reggie". He offered both of them a welcoming smile as he began to speak, no doubt a script that they all mesmerized for their customers. "Welcome welcome! We are happy to have you here today. Are you looking to book an appointment or do you have one already?" Kathy opened up her purse as she began to rummage through it for the confirmation number she had gotten earlier. "We have an appointment! Here is our number..." The zebra took the paper and typed it into a computer before he nodded firmly. "Ah yes, right this way please!" He stepped from behind the counter, as someone immediately took his place, and began to lead the duo down a hallway and into a room.

The interior of the room was much smaller than the lobby, though that was to be expected, as there was hardly any décor inside. A single black couch was sat in the middle of the room as a large screen dominated the wall it was sat in front of. There was nothing else inside to stop people from getting distracted and looking away from the television. Reggie gestured for them to enter as he remained in the doorway. "Just take a seat on the couch and relax. Keep your attention on the television screen when the green light is on, you'll have a bit of time to get comfortable before we begin." He gestured toward the small bulb that hung above the screen as he gave them a reassuring smile.

Kathy glanced around the interior before returning her attention back to Reggie as she gave him a smile of her own. She took a seat on the couch while Daniel hesitated briefly before sitting beside her as well. The couch was barely large enough to have them both on it, and it definitely was not meant for more than two people. Soon enough that door was closed and the two of them were left in silence as the sound of the busy lobby was immediately blacked out. Kathy wasn't sure what to say in the few moments that they had as she repeatedly looked up at her son who was simply sitting there quietly staring at the screen. She began to open her mouth when the green light suddenly flashed, drawing her attention to the screen.

There was a brief stillness on the television before it flickered to life. At first the only image was that of a single pink ball. Soon enough that ball began to pulsate and morph as if it were being blasted by reverberations. It shifted and changed into dancing wavy strings that stretched from one corner of the screen to the other. Eventually each individual string was pulsating a different colour as the background image began to rotate in a circular motion. The effects began to take hold the moment those strands of colour appeared on the screen, with a calming effect being the first to take root inside their minds. The pair of them hardly aware at all that they were under the effects as they drifted into a relaxed state of ease.

Those dancing and wavy strings were soon calming down until only the rotating background remained, a soft and dull shading of pink. The first word flashed onto the screen. [LOVE.]The room filled with a mixture of voices speaking, some were barely louder than a whisper while others were more commanding in their tone. A warmth surged through them as it tingled from head to toe as the emotion was implanted into them. [DESIRE.] [CRAVING.] [CARNAL PLEASURE.] [EUPHORIA.] [NEW EXPERIENCES.] Various other words were being blasted and fired in rapid succession, along with the voices echoing and further driving home their intent. The pair of them soaking it all in as if they were sponges being made to absorb water, hardly aware that they were being fed the wrong package due to a clerical error.

Soon the warmth that surged through them grew hotter and more intense as the words continued to assault them. That tingling becoming potent as it worked itself to the core of their very being. Their minds having those emotions driven home as the words seemed almost endless. Seconds quickly turned into minutes as they sat there motionless on the couch. Only the occasional twitch or spasm appearing due to the strength of the stimulation.

The television screen had a line appear which separated and divided into two, one for each of them as individual words began to appear.[INITIATIVE.] The word flashed in front of Kathy as only half the room echoed out in response, with her mind devouring it without resisting. [LUST.]Appeared before Daniel as a surge rushed through and lingered within his crotch, the voices repeating once again. The package continued to feed them information based as if they were a married couple whose relationship was beginning to stagnate. The screen continued to flash and the voices whispered before eventually everything went dark. That green light flashed on again as the pair were torn back to reality and being none the wiser, save for the strange emotions that were coursing through them.

Reggie knocked upon the door before her entered with a tablet in his arms, knowing the precise time to enter. "Well, how do we all feel? Now before you answer just be aware that it's perfectly natural for there to be some confusing emotions going through you both. It'll take a bit of time for your mind to really process and have it all sink in, but after a good night sleep everything will be A-OK!" That smile hardly ever leaving his face, almost unnatural enthusiasm peppering behind his words.

Kathy had to take a few moments to collect herself as she brushed a hand over her face and offered a smile toward Reggie, feeling extremely confused. "Ah... Well, that's good. I'm... not really sure how to feel at the moment..." She stuttered and stammered before glancing up at Daniel, with a strong tinge radiating through her body. Her eyes were torn away and returned back to Reggie as she tried to feel reassured by his words. Daniel shifted where he was sat before he glanced over at his mother with a similar sensation pouring over him. His attention snapped away almost immediately as he pushed his face into his hands to try and make sense of everything, though the emotions and thoughts were too much to shift through at the moment.

"Don't worry you two, you'll be right as rain tomorrow. We almost guarantee it! Our success rates is 99.6% for a reason after all. I'd recommend just going home, laying down for a nap, and go from there. As I mentioned, you'll need a proper full night sleep, but a nap will help as a remedy until then." His voice was chipper and there was an almost dullness to his eyes as he spoke. He soon swivelled and gestured out into the hallway. "You can book a second appointment the day after tomorrow, to ensure you have enough time to settle. We hope you have a fantastic rest of the day!"

The pair hesitated before they began to rise up off the couch and make their way down the hallway back into the busy lobby. They walked in silence as their minds continued to flash those words, though too quick for either of them to read properly. Eventually they were back outside with the warmth of the sun rolling over them as they stood for a moment. Kathy eventually piped up as she fumbled for her phone, swiping and pushing a few buttons. "I'll get us a ride home... They said it was complimentary due to the possible after effects..." She stammered out while putting the phone away after she finished.

Daniel was only able to nod at his mothers words as that tinge returned to his groins, making him bring a hand to press against his face with a soft groan. He felt as if he were on fire with the scent of her perfume wafting into him. Both his heart and mind racing as he furiously shook his head from side to side in order to dispel the intrusive thoughts. His eyes darted toward the driverless car that stopped in front of them with the doors opening as Kathy's phone gave a vibrating buzz with a beep. The pair of them entering into the car as they sat in silence for the few minute trip as the cab began to drive itself to their home.

The entire trip back home was spent with them shifting uncomfortably. Those whispering voices were able to be heard inside their minds though it was just quiet enough that it hardly made any sense. The bright flashes and the dominating words flickered occasionally as that tingling sensation never seemed to falter. Eventually the car came to a stop as they exited the vehicle, with Daniel hastily making his way into the house and up into his old room. Kathy hardly had the time to tell him to wait before he disappeared though her eyes drifted down toward his ass for a brief moment, on a subconscious level.

She made her way into the house after him as she closed the door, leaning against the frame with her eyes drifting up toward the ceiling. That warmth hardly subsided as it continued to smoulder within her nether regions. She began to take deep inhaling breaths to calm herself down as she broke away from the door and made her way up the stairs into her room. Her eyes glanced toward his own room before figuring it was best not to disturb him as he was possibly trying to take a nap. She quietly closed the door behind her as she began to change into her home clothes before sitting upon the bed and laying down.

Daniel was hardly able to contain himself as much as his mother seemed too. Those racing thoughts and emotions made him feel as if he were lost out at sea as he was desperately trying to cling to some form of sanity. He felt his mind being spiralled into chaos as he flung himself onto the bed, his face burying into the pillow as he hugged it tightly against his chest. "What the fuck is happening..." He groaned into it as he squeezed a bit tighter with images of his mother flashing and appearing before him as he did so. He recoiled in disgust as he rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling trying to figure out what was wrong with him. Was there something wrong with him? Or was everything better now? Everything was for the better. Both his hands coming to push into his face as he groaned into them, unsure of what to think as he drifted off.

Kathy simply laid on her bed with her body gently squirming atop the sheets. That warmth was still persistent as it lingered within her as she tried to process everything that had happened at their session. She was unable to recall the moment she drifted into that hypnotic state or what else was on the television. The only thing that was certain was how she felt whenever she looked at her son. "No, stop it... That is wrong." She mumbled to quietly to herself with eyelids closing briefly. Or was it right? Everything was right now. Her mind soon being put to rest as she too began to drift into a slumbering state.

The afternoon quickly gave way to the night as the pair slept until morning came, having been thoroughly exhausted from their session without fully understanding why. Their phone alarms ringing and waking both of them up from their stupor with heads being clear and seemingly back to normal. Kathy sat up in bed as she looked at the time before she relaxed fully, realizing that it was the weekend. She laid there for a few more moments as she began to think about what to do. [INITIATIVE.] The word was too quick to catch in her mind as she shook her head, standing upright and heading down into the kitchen as she began to make breakfast. Scrambling up eggs and tossing on a few strips of bacon which began to sizzle and flood the house with their appetizing scent.

Daniel groaned with the alarm buzzing and his phone vibrating, forgetting where he was as he felt around aimlessly for it. He shut it off before his eyes fluttered open and he gazed up at the ceiling with confusion. It took him a few seconds to recall that he was back home as he slowly sat himself upright. His nose flinched at the sudden smell before he stood himself up only to have him look down and realize he never changed out of his clothes from yesterday. He changed into a pair of gray sweatpants and a loose shirt before making his way down into the kitchen. "Mom? You're making breakfast? When was the last time you made breakfast?" He spoke before rounding the corner as he yawned loudly, rubbing his eyes before her figure came into focus. His entire body froze as he stared at her, drinking in every inch of her body despite the homely clothes that clung to her. [DESIRE.] The word flashed briefly with his cock beginning to throb and stiffen as he sat down at the table, his eyes hardly leaving her body.

Those ears twitched as she heard him speaking which made her chuckle as a smile spilled over her face. "I know right? I don't know, I just... felt an urge to do something different for once I guess? I guess the session really did work. I was beginning to wonder..." Her voice trailing off as she stopped herself from finishing the rest of that sentence while plating up the food. She placed them upon the table with a few empty dishes as she leaned over to give him one, freezing for a second as she looked at him. [CRAVING.] The warmth being sparked within her as it surged toward her pussy. She sat down quickly with a nervous chuckle this time around from the sensations building inside. "Well? What are you waiting for... dig in honey." She gestured toward the food as she began helping herself to it, glancing up at him every now and then.

He cleared his throat before shifting in his seat as he looked at the food, though his eyes were unable to stop themselves from getting a peek down her shirt to what was hidden below. Once more that cock of his stiffened and throbbed within his sweatpants as an obvious tent began to appear, though luckily unable to be seen thanks to the table. He shook his head as he simply regarded the desire building inside of him to be meant for the food, as it had been quite sometime since his mother had cooked for him. "Ri-Right. Thanks babe." He was mid reach when the slip of the tongue was made, making him freeze once again. "I mean Mom..." He stuttered out in embarrassment.

That slip of the tongue only fuelled the heat bubbling away within her as she looked up at him before chuckling and leaving it at that. She didn't want to correct him since there was nothing wrong with what he said. Lightly she fidgeted in the chair before she began to dig into the breakfast. Her eyes constantly moving from the food and up toward her son sitting across from her before finally speaking up. "Would you mind helping me with some of the chores now that you're home? I'll do the dishes in here if you don't mind doing a quick vacuum of the living room? Best get it out of the way early so we can enjoy the rest of the weekend." She scooped up some of the scrambled eggs and enjoying the time they were having with one another, even if it was a simple as a breakfast together.

He felt himself relieved that she didn't chose to point out the slip of his tongue as he helped himself to the food, enjoying the crisp bacon she had prepared for him. Just for him to enjoy and savour. His eyes glancing upward at her as she was looking down, before he focused on the food again. He nodded his head as she spoke with his mouth being full before swallowing to speak. [LOVE.]"Sure thing. Is there anything else that you need help with? I could do some of the laundry too if you want?" He blinked a few times as he offered to do extra chores, before dismissing the confusion as he took in more mouthfuls of that delicious bacon.

Kathy felt herself being taken by surprise at his request to do more chores though she wasn't about to waste the opportunity. "Oh that would be wonderful, thank you honey. I'm surprised you know how to do your own laundry though... Did you learn that at college?" She chuckled to herself as she finished off the last of the breakfast as she stood up, beginning to clear the table as he was a bit slower than her but finishing in the nick of time. Once again she had to lean forward to collect his plate before turning around and placing them into the empty sink along with the rest, turning on the water as she began to clean them.

Daniel couldn't help but chuckle as she teased him about the laundry, wiping his mouth with the end of his shirt as he stood up. "Ha ha. Very funny. Yes it was at college, I didn't have much choice. I couldn't keep wearing the same one shirt everyday..." His eyes lingered upon her body before resting on her ass once again, feeling himself subconsciously reach downward with his hand. He was snapped back to reality as she turned around to smile at him as he adjusted his sweats before turning quickly. "I'll do it after I finish vacuuming okay?" He spoke while disappearing into the living room to begin his chores.

She was only able to catch a glimpse of that pitched tent of his before he turned around, though it was enough to make her body twitch with a longing of desire. Her eyes remained on the empty doorway as the sound of the vacuum began to be heard before she turned herself around. Both her hands were resting against the edge of the sink as she gave it a firm squeeze. Her head rolling backward as her eyes stared and studied the ceiling while trying to come to terms with how her body was reacting. She began to think that it was simply because of how long it had been since she had gotten intimate. How long it's been since they had sex with one another. The warmth of his body against hers, the feeling of his cock inside as he stretched her to accept everything her had to offer. Her mind trailing away as she unconsciously let slip a moan as her eyelids fluttered as she stared with images forming in her mind.

Daniel walked around the living room with the vacuum being pushed underneath the chairs and the couch before roaming along the carpet. It didn't take him very long to finish as it was fairly clean already. He took a look around the room before he unplugged it and made his way up the stairs to start gathering the laundry. He made his way into their bedroom as he began to collect the discard clothes. His hands picking up a pair of his mothers partners underwear as he could feel his balls aching. The feeling was soft within his hands as he stared down at them with a growing desire to inhale their scent and savour it. The desire to feel her warmth surround and take him inside of her body. A quiet groaning pushing out of him as he unconsciously had his hand wandering down to the front of his sweats to where his ache was strongest.