Fugitives Part 3#

Story by Mattswolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Fugitives

Basicaly: This Story contains adult content so if you are under age of offended by this sort of thing (Sex, Swearing, Attempt suicide) pleas pick a different story).

(The Story so far... Josh, Simon aka: Ice and Craig aka: CJ had left the crime rampant, gang ruled Elderton city, and had begun their journey to find an Eagle named Shaun to wipe Josh's recent murder from police records. The three furs had left the city in Simon's modified black low-rider)

Three hours had passed since the journey began; and minimal conversation had struck up since. Craig had fallen asleep sprawled across the back seats and Josh was constantly staring off in to the distance gazing at the flat horizon meeting clear blue sky.

An hour ago the road took a turn to the badlands which had earned a reputation for its lack of civilisation.

Josh managed to break the silence with a sigh and dryly said "Can we stop somewhere my legs have fallen asleep"?

"Sure" said Simon sarcastically. "If you would like to point out somewhere where we can stop, or do you want to walk around the desert".

Josh just sneered and turned up the radio before stared at the horizon. The change in volume woke up Craig with a snort.

"Morning sleeping beauty" Simon chuckled.

"What time is it" said Craig with a yawn looking at his watch?

His watch read 18:46 which confused him because it was still so bright out.

"Hey what's that in the distance" Josh asked sitting up in his seat?

Simon squinted to try and read the large neon sign rotating on a pole surrounded by a small amount of civilisation.

"Jacky Gonzalez's Motel" read Simon.

"Right no question. We are stopping there for the night" said Josh.

Simon said nothing but silently agreed and turned in to a six space car park.

The Motel had to short balconies of rooms; each with three doors numbered 1-6. It was in a shape of a 90 degree angle and in between the two balconies was a staircase. On the bottom floor under three of the rooms was an office surrounded by large windows.

Simon got his suitcase out of the trunk as the three furs walked in to the office to see a depressed looking Weasel sitting behind a counter looking at a pornography magazine.

The Weasel looked up at them from behind the counter with a fixed expression.

"Can I help you" asked the Weasel?

"You must be Jacky" said Josh.

"Mmm..." replied Jacky.

"We're here for a room" said Josh.

Jacky sighed "Oh good for me, alright name" asked Jacky turning his attention to Simon?


"Your full name genius" snapped Jacky.

"Simon Parker" he mumbled.

"And you" Jacky asked Craig?

"Craig Jones" he replied.

"And before you ask I'm Josh Lee" blurted out Josh.

Jacky raised his eyebrows in disbelief and stared at Josh.

"What" snapped Josh?

"Oh nothing sorry" replied Jacky with a grin and a sense of new found enthusiasm.

"Here's your room key sofa bed and double, room two" he continued handing Josh a bronze key with the number 2 etched in to it.

"Fag" Josh mumbled to himself.

The three let themselves in to the room and Simon immediately lobbed his suitcase on to the sofa.

The room had a double bed pressed up against one wall and a sofa on the opposite wall. Next to the door way was a long marble top counter with a small T.V. and a left over pizza box from the last customers.

"The sofas my bed, called it" demanded Simon.

"Fuck you man I don't want to sleep next to him" said Josh gesturing towards Craig still standing it the doorway.

"No offense CJ".

"Not too much taken" replied Craig.

"Yeah well you snooze you lose" mocked Simon

Josh just gave in and walked over and collapsed on the bed while Simon unfolded his.

Later that night when Josh had finally fallen asleep he dreamt an almost vicious nightmare that caused him to break out in a cold sweat. He was in a dark street surrounded by small counsel flats and littered with broken bottles. The sky was dark with even darker thunder clouds outlined by the moons dim light.

Tall dark shadows moved towards him in unison from all directions; all with yellow glowing eyes. Loud whispers were coming from the figures saying "Get him" and "Grab him quick".

Josh turned quickly and tried to run in to a nearby building but his motion was slow and sluggish. The shadows moved in closer, the whispers were getting louder with every step.

The figures were a few inches from Josh before he woke with a start panting heavily.

"Fuck" Josh cursed to no one in particular.

Josh got out of the bed glancing back at the still sleeping Craig; and walked towards a chair in the corner of the room.

He dragged the chair in front of the T.V. and turned a knob on a panel to switch it on.

Josh flicked from channel to channel but only found the news station and static.

The news station broadcasters were a Racoon and a Meerkat shuffling their papers.

"A breaking news report from our reporter Philip in Nareham city" announced the Racoon. Josh leaned in closer at the mention of his home city.

The screen cut to a Ocelot standing outside an apartment in a grotty hallway with torn away wallpaper and wet patches on the wall from pipe leaks.

"Yes that's right Angela it was discovered only a few hours ago but was only announced to the hospital" said Philip.

He walked inside the room followed by the camera and when inside Josh's jaw dropped when he saw his own apartment.

"The body of 61 year old Henry Lee, number 34 Applebee street was found earlier tonight after he suffered a fatal stabbing in his home" continued the reporter.

A tear welled up in Josh's eye at the mention of his dead father, the only person he had in his life. He turned off the T.V. and put his head in his hands and wiped away his tears quietly sobbing.

"Oh god Josh, I'm so sorry" said Craig standing behind Josh.

"What he Fuck do you do just stalk people for a hobby" said Josh in-between hidden sobs?

"I overheard the T.V. and woke up" replied Craig placing his hand on Josh's shoulder.

"Get off me" Josh screamed!

Simon woke with a start at the noise.

"What the fuck guys its three in the morning" he said groggily?

Josh got out of the chair and stormed in to the bathroom and locked the door behind him.

"Come on Josh" said Craig comfortingly.

"Just leave me alone CJ" demanded Josh.

Craig slowly walked away from the door and sat down and sighed on the bed.

A few minutes later a knock came at the bathroom door.

"Josh, are you ok? You've been in there for five minutes now" asked Craig?

There was no answer.

"Josh" Craig asked again?

Still no answer came from the bathroom.

"Simon he's not answering do think he's ok" asked Craig?

"I don't know" replied Simon. "Hold on and stand back".

Simon stood at the opposite end of the room and stretched his muscles. He dropped his shoulder and charged towards the bathroom door.

Craig jumped back in time for Simon charge through the hollow wooden door and land on the marble floor of the bathroom face first.

"Ouch" said Simon rubbing his face.

"Holy fuck" screamed Craig at the sight of Josh on the floor.

At Josh's feet were countless pieces of smashed mirror from the medicine cabinet. One of the pieces was covered in blood which Josh had used to slit his wrists which dripped blood next to him.

"No Josh, no you don't. Even you're not that much of a jackass" said Craig who grabbed a handful of toilet paper and wrapped it round Josh's wrists.

"Stop it" Josh screamed weakly giving a pathetic struggle.

"We've got to get you to a hospital" panted Craig.

"Fast" added Simon.

Craig and Simon struggled to pick up Josh who was coming back to consciousness. They grabbed his arms and legs and made a mad dash for the door before they were blocked by Jacky.

"Jacky move our friend's hurt" ordered Craig!

"Oh no, I think I'll stay right where I am" sneered Jacky.

"Seriously move" screamed Simon!

"Don't you tell me what to do" Jacky screamed back!

Craig noticed Jacky had a twitch under his lip and he had developed a crazed look in his eye.

"You see I have a bone to pick with this pup" continued Jacky pacing towards the three furs.

"I knew his father when we were kids; he was always such and ass to me. But guess what I just found out". An evil smile started to spread across Jacky's face.

"Your father is now dead".

"What, my father" Josh said weakly?

Jacky reached in to his pocket and pulled out a knife as he kept pacing towards Josh, Craig and Simon who were backing away from Jacky.

"Quick, let's into the bathroom" suggested Simon.

"Yeah, that would work if you hadn't charged the fucking door down" said Craig.

"Oh yeah" realized Simon.

Jacky let out a blood curdling scream and lunged towards the friends.

Simon and Craig dropped Josh and crouched on the floor as Jacky swiped for them and tripped over their pile.

"Come on Josh snap out of it" pleaded Craig as he slapped his friend across the face.

Josh began to weakly stand and with Simon's help stumble towards the door while Jacky got up for another attack.

The three escaped the room but stopped in their tracks when they discovered that Jacky had blocked their exit down the stairs with a large pile of sofas and tables.

"Fuck that" said Simon "Now what"?

"Across here" said Craig pointing to the gap between the two balconies?

Josh saw Jacky charging at him again and slammed the door shut just in time to stop him.

"Quickly get the car started" screamed Josh holding the door shut.

Craig and Simon leaped across the gap and charged down the stairs to the car without a second thought.

Josh held the door shut with all of his strength while Jacky screamed and pulled frantically on the door to try and open it.

All of the sudden the screaming and pulling stopped. Josh was puzzled, he wondered if Jacky had given up.

He put his ear to the door to listen, but suddenly a knife shot out of the thin wooden door just inches from his face.

Josh pulled his face away from the door as countless knife jabs flew out of the door destroying it, bit by bit.

Eventually the door became too weak to hold shut and Josh had to let it go.

Jacky came bursting out of the door; still clenching the knife in his hands murderously.

"Come here puppy, I'm not going to hurt you" snickered Jacky.

Josh heard the start of the car engine and quickly turned and mad a dash for the balcony railing with Jacky chasing after him.

Josh jumped on to the railing and leaped for the opposite balcony not realizing how much weaker the loss of blood made him as fell short of the railing.

Josh just managed to grab on to the railing with his paws but swung forward and smacked in to the concrete wall.

Jacky stopped at the railing and laughed manically at the sight of Josh hanging for his life.

Then luckily Simon and Craig pulled the car up underneath Josh as he hung.

"Let go Josh we'll catch you" persuaded Craig.

Josh had little choice as Jacky readied to throw his knife and the energy in his arms was fading rapidly.

Josh let go of the railing and fell down and dropped into the car's back seat with and all mighty thud.

Jacky screamed as the car quickly reversed away from the building with Josh safely in the back.

Jacky threw the knife like a dart towards the escaping car, the dagger flew threw the air and missed Craig as he ducked and the knife stuck it's self in to the leather headrest.

Eventually the blood loss and rapid movement had become too much for Josh as he passed out.

Simon span the car around and headed in to the quiet town to find a hospital.

A few hours later Josh woke up in a hospital bed wearing a thin green hospital gown. The room was small and bright because of a large window letting in morning sunlight. Next to Josh's bed was a table with a vase of flowers and a remote for a T.V. mounted on the wall opposite to the bed.

He saw that he had a bandage wrapped around each of his wrists to keep in the blood.

Josh flicked on the T.V. and found a film that he enjoyed watching. He started to wonder where Craig and Simon were, when a Cheetah wearing a nurse's outfit walked into the room with and small trolley of food and drinks.

"Oh good, your awake" said the Cheetah.

"Yeah only just" replied Josh.

The Cheetah was beautiful and had purposely undone a button on her shirt to show off her large breasts. She had bright blue beautiful eyes that stood out from her radiant face.

"Would you like anything Mr." asked the Cheetah friendlily?

"Yeah just some water please" replied Josh.

Josh got up to close the window as he got the sun in his eyes, he struggled to get out of bed but eventually did so and shut the curtains.

The Cheetah giggled when Josh turned her way after closing the curtains.

"What are you laughing at" asked Josh?

The Cheetah said nothing and pointed down at Josh's crotch.

Josh looked down and saw that his hospital gown was too short and was showing off his dangling cock.

Josh; pleased with the smile the Cheetah gave at the sight of his cock slowly turned and walked to the bed almost showing the meat off.

"Quite the specimen" said the Cheetah.

"What's your name anyway, I might as well know after what you just saw" asked Josh?

"Roxie" replied the Cheetah.

"Well Roxie, I'm glad you enjoyed the show" said Josh climbing in to bed on top of the sheets continuing to show his crotch.

"Me too" agreed Roxie licking her lips.

Josh took this as a good sign and spread his legs apart on the bed to show his cock off even further.

"You know I think I need a bit of relaxation, does this hospital provide this service" asked Josh as his Cock began to rise in excitement?

"It does now" replied Roxie moving towards Josh undoing a second button on her shirt.

At that moment a knock came at the door, Craig's voice came on the other side of the door. "Josh, are you awake yet"?

"Oh shit, button up quick" whispered Josh climbing underneath the sheets again.

Josh and Roxie covered up before his friends began to suspect something.

When they were both decent Josh finally replied "Yeah come in CJ".

Craig and Simon walked in the room happy to see him safe, but unlike Simon, Craig ran up and gave Josh a hug.

"CJ, I'm not gay back off" said Josh struggling.

"Sorry, we've bought you some new clothes in town" said Craig releasing Josh.

"Are you alright man" asked Simon.

"Bad timing" whispered Josh pointing towards Roxie who was leaving the room.

"You mean you were about to..." started Simon glancing at the Cheetah? "Nice" said Simon giving Josh a fist pound.

"Anyway" interrupted Craig. "Good news, the doctors said you can leave if you want".

Craig was interrupted by a breaking news bulletin.

The same Ocelot that reported on Josh's dead father appeared on the screen outside Elderton City hospital.

"The Nareham city police have identified the murderer of a Panther that was murdered in an ally in Elderton city recently" reported Philip.

"The murderer is 20 year old Josh Lee from Nareham city".

A picture came up on the screen of Josh's face, this made Josh very worried. He was a proper outlaw now, the police were after him and now more than half the country would know what he looked like.

The reporter continued "Police believe that he is also the murderer of his father Henry Lee who was found having suffered a stabbing yesterday. He is considered armed and extremely dangerous, if you see him; do not approach him but..." Josh hurled the remote at the T.V. and smashed the screen.

"We have to get out of here now" said Craig.

Josh looked at the neatly wrapped bandages wrapped around his wrists and decided he was well enough to leave.

"Alright then" said Josh scrambling out of bed forgetting about his hospital gown.

"Nice" Simon snickered.

"Oh piss off" said Josh turning away from his friends.

Josh got dressed and left the room following his friends to leave the hospital.

They passed Roxie who was now wearing a loose T-shirt and skinny jeans, this triggered her curiosity and she followed them.

The hauled themselves into the car and were about to set off before Roxie stepped in front of the car.

"Are you leaving me so soon" she asked?

"Seriously chick move" ordered Simon!

"Hold on Si, can't she come with us" whispered Josh?

"Do you just want her for sex" Simon asked?

"No, I think I actually like her" replied Josh.

Simon sighed, "What's her name"?

"Roxie" replied Josh.

"Roxie, do want to come along" asked Simon?

"Seriously" Roxie hoped?

"I know it's random but..."

"Are you kidding, there's nothing for me in this god forsaken town" Roxie said as she leaped into the car next to Josh in the back seat.

Simon sighed again and drove away from the town that had give them the worst night of their lives with a fourth member.

Part 3# for ya. I really wanna know how you guys think this story is goin. Should I continue or change it or just kill the whole lot of them off.