John Foxtail (Love Found)

Story by helping_wolf on SoFurry

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There are times when you think you have hit the bottom. That you will never find your way out. You think you have no one to help you. Then you start to think that you are worthless, good for nothing, and you have nothing to live for. After all that you see it the one thing that can help you. Then again like always you avoid it, cause you are so deep in depression that nothing matters anymore.

That's where I was, young good for nothing, John. That's right John Foxtail, the runt of my family, there are three of us Xavier 16, who is in the football team as a right tackle, Jen, his twin, who is a cheerleader, then me 15, the nerd. What makes my life a living hell is that my parents tease me for being a geek. Since they were both popular they thought that "all" their children would be.

So when we moved to the city, cause my mom died and he wanted to go somewhere were there was no memories to make him cry. I thought that it would be better but I was wrong. Just the fact that my brother was in the same grade as me made my live go down hill. Then I saw him, the first time in, forever, another fur came to sit down next to me during lunch. At first I was scared that he was going to make fun of me cause of my size and age, 5 foot 1 inch a little small for a fox and since i was the only 15 year old senor in my family, in the whole state of Texas, since all my family was at least 5 foot 8 inches and juniors at 16.

When he sat next to me I was intimated by his size the was 6 foot 5 inches full with muscle by which I noticed by the tight shirt he was wearing. I was brought back to reality when he put his plate down in front of mine and sat down. "Sup my name is Adam Highfly." He said while sticking his hand to me. Which I took with a bit of hesitation. Afraid of my hand being crushed by his powerful grip. But when I took it he was incredibly gentle, firm but soft. "John Foxtail." I said while shaking his hand. But for some reason when I let go I found myself staring into his white eyes which blended with his arctic white fur. The only thing that was not white were his claws and nose.

Wow I thought. Now that is a wolf. I shook my head to get the thoughts out. He asks me how i was my stay in the city. "Okay I guess. It's not much different from home i still get bullied." I said with out looking at him. He then says that no one will be bulling me eny more. My ears perked as he said it and I looked at him. "What do you mean by that." He then said with a smile which made me blush that no one made fun of his friends. "hmm...thanks." Thats when the bell rang and we both got up and went on are separate ways. I walked to class wondering why his last name was Highfly....oh well.

The rest of the day was uneventful and i never saw him again. The next day i was walking down the hall when I crashed into Jeff, the quarterback and my brother's best friend. "Sorry Jeff I did not see where I was going." I said in a small voice.....hoping that he would not want to hurt me. But I was wrong he backed handed me and I fell to the floor. The huge bull said with a growl. I stayed on the floor in the fatal position thinking that he would get board and walk a way. Again I was wrong he started to kick me over and over again making me yelp in pain.

Thats when i saw a white flash tackle him. Staying in the fatal position hoping not to get hit harder. When I did get up I saw Adam on top of Jeff punching the crap out of him. Telling him not to hit me ever again between punches. Then Adam punched him so hard that you could hear Jeff's jaw brake.

Then Adam got off of him and walked up to me helping me up. Then the bell rang signing the end of school for the year and my days in school. Since i was to graduate the youngest in my family. Walking me the parking lot he asked me if i had a car. Which did not because i walk home. So he offered to take me home which i did not deny.

Then i asked were was his car. he then told me that he did not have a car. that he flew everywhere. "How." I asked. He then told me to follow him. While grasping my hand. He took me to the back of the school and asked me to close my eyes. So i did but when i did i heard the sound of his backpack unzipping.

He then told me to open my eyes and when i did i saw the most wonderful thing in my life. His bag was on the floor. Then i saw two wings coming out of his back. "Wow you look amazing but how." He then told me how his mom was rape by his dad an eagle. "Well i think you are amazing" Thats when he took me and the next thing i knew the air was rushing by my ears. He then asked me where i lived. so i turned around to see the my surroundings then i saw my house. "Right over there." I say pointing to my house.

He lands right in front of my dad who was waiting for me in the front porch. For the first time in my live he was worried for me. He ran to me and asked if i was alright. "ya dad i am fine if it was not for Adam i would me in the hospital." Thanking Adam and asking him if he wanted to stay to eat. Which Adam did. So we entered the house. Then Adam asked. "Mr. Foxtail i can i help John to his room." " Yeah sure why not he knows the way."

I walk in to my room going to my bed when he closes it and locks it. Then he turns to me suddenly pouncing on me pushing me against the bed kissing me. I brake the kiss and i look at him with a confused look on my face which turns into a happy one. Then he gets up and makes sure the door is lock and kisses me again. Slowly braking the kiss i say. " You have no idea how much I have been waiting to do this."

Then I feel something poking me on the leg. I look down to see his tented pants. "Well we are have to fix that don't we." Slowly I start to unbutton his pants. While he takes off his shirt and I rub my paws his chest and abs slowly making my way down to the soft cloth of his briefs making him gasp and moan.

Then he slowly turns around teasing me while bending over taking off his pants and briefs. Then slowly walks to me and starts to unbutton my shirt and kisses my nipples making me moan. Slowly going down to my pants and unbuttons them too. He then slides them off and tossing them to his pile. "Wow not small everywhere are we." he says licking his lips looking at my 7 inch rod in front of him slowly taking it into his maw making me moan.

Then he starts to suck my dick forcefully. Throwing my head back I moan and then I feel his finger trying to probe my tailhole which feels wonderful. Then suddenly I say to him. "Take me." He looks up to me asking me. He asked me if i was sure so i said. "Yes I want you to fuck me i want you to be my first." He then starts to lick my tailhole lubing it up, then he asks me to suck his dick so that it wont hurt as much so I do.

I get surprised because his dick look bigger then I thought just around 10 inches long and 2 inches thick so I take my time and make sure to get every inch of his hot red rod. Then he positions himself against my tailhole. Slowly he pops the head in making me yelp in pain but he consuls me telling me that it will get better. Which it does slowly the pain starts to subside and a huge amount of pleasure hits me.

He then slowly starts to push forward until he he hilts me I could feel his knot at my entrance. He stops to let me adjust to him. Then I push against him telling him to continue. He then starts to remove his dick to the head he then pushes in. A shock of pleasure hits my body like a wave. He then starts a rhythm slow at first. Then he starts to pick up the pace and starts to fuck me fast and hard. Making me moan and yelp with pleasure.

I could start to feel his knot seeking entrance. I then start to between moans. " Fuck me harder." which he does. I start to feel his dick press against my prostate. I feel that I am close then i feel his paw enclose my dick and start to pump it with the rhythm of his humping. Thats when everything goes white and I cum drenching both of our chests and stomachs.

I then feel his knot again and I say. "Adam tie with me please." Thats when he pulls all the way out and forcefully reenters me. I yelp with pain and I feel his knot enter me. His humping is more forceful and faster. He then bends over me and bites my shoulder. He then fills me with is cum and I cum for the second time for the day. He then collapses on me and lets go of my shoulder. He then turns us over so I am on top of him.

So with him lodge in me we fell asleep. Little did we know that my dad was downstairs talking to my brother and sister.............