Tales of Yore: In the Service of the King

Story by Stilghar on SoFurry

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#1 of Tales of Yore

Tales of Yore, part 1:

In the Service of the King

This story contains scenes of intimacy between two nonhuman consenting adult males. If this sort of thing offends you, or if you are not legally of age to view such naughtiness, go do something useful and leave me alone. All characters ©Wolf StarChaser. Use protection.

A lone figure stood on the castle's East wall, his eyes watching the iron-gray sky ignite with the first fires of dawn. This was nothing new; Kyrellia's Mage to the Crown often greeted the sun in this fashion, and the castle's sentries left him to it; not out of fear, as many wizards are feared, but out of respect. Like their ruling monarchs, Stilghar T'Kenn had gone to great lengths to treat the people of the Kingdom, from the Noble Houses to the lowest scullion, with the respect he believed due all good, thinking beings. This, combined with their Majesties' generosity in times of need and fierce protectiveness of their subjects, earned them the absolute love and nearly fanatical loyalty of the Kyrellian people.

Stilghar stood with his heavy black cloak wrapped around him to ward off the chilly pre-dawn spring breeze. Some would be surprised at the need for a cloak, but even the natural full-body fur coat typical of the Lupin race wasn't complete proof against the cold. As the sun crept slowly into the sky, a soft footfall announced to the mage the fact that he was no longer alone, even as an errant breeze carried the individual scent by which he identified his visitor. "Making an early morning of it, your Majesty?" he asked without turning.

"Not as early as you, Stil," a soft, feminine voice replied.

Stilghar turned to face Her Majesty and his smile died as he took stock of his Queen's appearance. Azonia D'briel-Koronin was a moderately tall female, topping out at a hair over his own five-feet-ten, and the regal Lupine was clearly dressed for travel. "Leaving already?" he asked, although the answer was plainly obvious.

"The weather-scryers are predicting heavy storms near the Straits of Nal Sidekh after the next full moon. If I don't leave now, my ship may be caught in that mess, and I have enough to do in Sidekh without having to swim the last quarter of the trip." The Queen sighed heavily, and leaned against her court wizard and oldest friend, and answered his unspoken question. "He knows. He's not happy about it, and I suspect he'll grow less happy before I return."

Stilghar laid a hand gently on her shoulder. "He worries about you...and so do I."

"Stil," she sighed softly, giving him a patient smile, "I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself. Besides, I'll have two squads of the King's Regiment with me. Trust me, I helped train them. They're the sort you wouldn't want to shoot because it might annoy them," she added with a soft chuckle.

"I know that, and so does Kang, but that won't keep us from being concerned. I could teleport you..."

Azonia placed her hand on his, and met his sapphire-blue eyes with her own jade. "You know the Sidekhi don't trust magic. Not after what the old Sorcerer-King put them through. I'll use the ring you gave me to let Kang know I'm safe; its power is subtle enough not to be noticed."

Stilghar smiled wryly. "That only solves half the problem."

The Queen returned his grin, her eyes mischievous. "That's why I wanted to talk to you before I left..."


His Majesty Kang T'airth Koronin the First (and to date, the only), Founder and First Sovereign of the Kingdom of Kyrellia, was in a truly vile humor. The huge Lupine was normally very congenial, treating even the lowliest of servants with respect and kindness, but an observer would be hard-pressed to find a trace of Kang's reputed cordiality of late.

The servants and pages of the castle, which would normally perform their duties with a smile, now almost crept through the granite halls of the fortress, warily watching or listening for the signs that the King had found fault with someone's performance.

Today's poor unfortunate was a messenger from the Embassy of neighboring Saardukan, a human with elaborately embroidered robes and a facial expression that spoke louder than words his devout desire to be somewhere else...anywhere else.

"No, Your Excellency," the King thundered as his rant drew to a close, "I will not give Saardian ships preferential treatment in my ports, I will not give tariff breaks to Saardian merchants, and I most certainly will not allow Saardian merchant caravans to use Saardian Army troops as escorts within my borders! My Army will protect my kingdom and all in it, and you may tell His Imperial Pain-in-the-ass-ness that if he cannot accept that, then perhaps his petty little merchant "empire" doesn't need Kyrellia's business!" His Majesty was in a fine fury, his fur fluffed out and ears laid back, his teeth bared as he very nearly screamed in the unfortunate human's face. "NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!"

The poor man blanched, rolled up his parchments, and quite literally ran from the throne room. Once out of sight of the still-fuming monarch, he stopped, braced himself against the wall, and gasped for breath. Emissary Tschiel had dealt with His Majesty before, but had never seen the Kyrellian king in such a towering fury. After several long minutes, Tschiel glanced around the corridor nervously and caught a familiar face. Smoothing out his ruffled robes, he approached the one person he'd hoped to see.

Stilghar T'Kenn, Mage to the Crown, was a Lupine (plural Lupin - don't ask me, I'm not a linguist), the same race as his King and Queen. Where Kang was a nearly seven foot, sixteen stone tower of muscle and tan fur, The Lord Magus was a slender, wiry, five-foot-nine male, his white fur a stark contrast to his black clothing. Shunning the long robes favored by most other wizards in the Kingdom and elsewhere, Stilghar wore loose-fitting pants, a sleeveless tunic, long, flowing cloak and travel-worn boots, all of the deepest black. His sapphire-blue eyes caught the distressed diplomat striding briskly towards him, and he bowed in the traditional Saardian greeting. "S'vell Tschiel-neiv," he said, greeting the harassed-looking Emissary in his native tongue.

"S'vell Stilghar-nheia," Tschiel replied, bowing lower in reply. "I must speak to you, Lord Stilghar. I fear that I have angered your King."

Stilghar sighed, grasping the harried human's shoulder. "Let's go back to my study, we can talk there."


It took about a half-hour and a hefty cup of good, strong wine to relax Tschiel, and he slumped in the overstuffed chair, his fear replaced by worry. "This will be a disaster, Lord Stilghar. The Emperor is most unaccustomed to being spoken to in such language, and these were details I thought we'd resolved long ago!"

Stilghar gazed out the window, lost in thought for a moment. Eventually, he remembered the wine cup in his hand, took a small sip, and set it on the table. "Don't worry, I think we can salvage this."

"I fail to see how, my Lord."

"Leave the details to me. Wait a few days, then request another audience. Don't be surprised if the admissions document is written with some highly apologetic language."

The human gaped at Stilghar as if he'd just been told he was to paint himself purple and dance nude on the Palace lawn. "Are you mad? I was afraid for my life back there! Your King wouldn't have needed his swords, he'd easily have torn my head off and used it for a kick-ball!"

"Calm down, Tschiel. I know His Majesty well. I can get him to see the benefits of restraining his temper."

Were it not for the absolute confidence in the Lupin's voice and demeanor, Tschiel would have stormed from the study and washed his hands of the entire Kyrellian kingdom, but he'd seen that calm confidence before, in a far more dire situation. He sat back in the chair and drained his cup with a gulp, then shook his head. "The madness must be catching," he muttered, then returned his gaze to Stilghar's face. "Very well. In three days, I will petition for an audience again. My Emperor is not expecting word of these proceedings for at least a fortnight, so the delay should not be noticed." Tschiel stood carefully, setting the cup gently on the broad study table. "I just hope you know what you're doing, my Lord."

Stilghar watched the man stride from his chambers with only a slight impairment to his step, and sighed. "So do I," he said to the empty room.


The throne room was abandoned. The king had banished all and sundry from his presence, and he sat upon one of the dual thrones on the dais and seethed. He didn't like being angry, but little things had been irritating him far more than they should have, and damned if he knew why.

No, he thought to himself, you know exactly what's wrong with you. You're too fucking horny to think straight and Azonia's gone. His Queen and the love of his life had arrived safely in Sidekh and the negotiations were going well, but he missed her greatly. He missed her presence beside him, her hand in his, her calm, measured voice in discussions of State matters, the love-light in her eyes when she looked upon him...and the warmth and passion she shared in his bed, and that was true the source of his discontent. He also knew why she occasionally made these state visits to neighboring nations, and although he never enjoyed her prolonged absence, the results were generally worth the hassle...or so he always told himself afterwards.

Many males of many races in Kang's position would have long since sought comfort in the arms of another woman, but he just couldn't bring himself to betray Azonia's trust in him. Pleasuring himself was always an option, but it never quite satisfied him, and that only served to make him more irritable. He finally banished everyone from his presence and sat, brooding at his unreasonable anger and his inability to apologize.

He'd lost track of his own thoughts, much less the time, when the one of the thick oak doors to the throne room opened with a loud creak. "Who's there?" Kang challenged, growing angry with himself over his anger at the intrusion.

His rancorous vituperation was cut short by his start of surprise at the intruder's identity, and Stilghar took the opportunity to enter the throne room and close the door firmly behind him. The mage then strode briskly toward the thrones, giving the room an exaggerated glance. "I see the furniture's still intact," he observed dryly.

Kang sat back with a sigh. "What do you want, Stil?"

"To try to talk some sense into you, your Majesty." Stilghar never addressed his sovereign formally in private; he and the king had known each other long before the Kingdom was ever established, and his use of the honorific now was tantamount to tweaking his oldest friend's tail.

Kang was not in a mood to be tweaked. He bolted up from the throne, his eyes burning with anger. "Damn it, Stil, I'm not in the mood for word games today!"

"You're not in a 'mood' for much else either, evidently." The white-furred lupine looked directly into Kang's eyes. "You realize that wars - long, grueling bloodbaths that last years, even centuries - have been started by less than what happened in this room earlier today?"

Their gazes locked for a long, dangerous moment, and Stilghar was suddenly worried that he'd pushed his old friend too far. He did not fear for his own safety; not only was he among the more powerful wizards in the known world but he'd trained for countless decades in the art of unarmed combat, and he knew he could defend himself more than adequately against the larger male, particularly when the King was without his legendary swords. What he feared was the destruction of a friendship and a partnership that had spanned centuries.

Then, to Stil's surprise and great relief, Kang broke the staredown, deflating and turning his gaze to the floor. "I'm sorry, Stil. I haven't been myself lately." The huge male looked up to his old friend almost submissively. "Can you forgive me?"

Stilghar smiled broadly, the set of his ears betraying his relief as he laid a gentle hand on Kang's shoulder. "Of course I can...and perhaps I can help you with other matters, as well." He glanced around briefly, ensuring none of the guards or palace servants were spying through the doors, and gave his friend a quick, firm hug. "Let's take this discussion to your chambers," he whispered. "The throne room is a bit too formal for a chat between old friends." And certainly too public, he thought to himself, for what I hope to accomplish this evening...


The Royal Chambers were, by many standards, quite unremarkable. The furnishings, while well made and sturdy, were not ornate. Many heads of state and political functionaries would have been scandalized by the distinct lack of opulence. The King and Queen of Kyrellia were not most rulers, however, and both were quite happy with their plain but comfortable surroundings. It was to this sanctuary that Kang and Stilghar retreated, and both sat in the Royal Study, gazing at the crackling flames in the fireplace. Both males looked far more relaxed than anyone witnessing the King's temper of late would have expected. Stilghar had kicked off his boots, sinking his toes into the thick carpeting that was one of the room's few true luxuries, and sat back in his chair with his shirt open in the front and the half-filled wineglass in his hand. Kang had taken things a little farther; he had changed clothing completely. Instead of the heavy state robes and formal finery that he often called his "working clothes", he wore only a pair of loose pants, and he gazed at the blazing hearth with a forlorn expression twisting his muzzle.

The larger male tore his gaze from the flame to look his friend in the eye. "I've made a total ass of myself, haven't I?"

"Yes, you have," his friend replied honestly, "but I don't think the situation's irreversible."

Kang turned his chair to face the small table and laid his head on his folded arms, his expression so pitiful that Stilghar almost didn't know whether to laugh or weep. The mage did neither; instead he rose and stood behind his oldest friend, and began rubbing the furred shoulders, trying to ease the tension he felt in the tight muscles there. "I think we should deal with the cause of your irritability, before we start in on the political repair work."

The bigger male grunted, but relaxed under the massaging hands with a soft murr, and sighed again. "You know bloody well the cause of my irritability, Stil. I should just appoint a regent and shut myself away 'til Azonia returns."

"You can't do that, Kang, and you know it. You'd never be able to let someone else run your kingdom while you sat around being pissed off. You, my friend, are constitutionally incapable of delegating responsibility." Stilghar tried to massage his friend's back, but found himself blocked by the back of the chair...just as he'd planned. "If you want me to continue this, you'll have to stretch out."

Kang rose and stretched, and padded off towards the bedchamber, Stilghar following closely behind. Kang just flopped himself down on the bed, and Stilghar sat next to him, his hands resuming the skillful massage. "You are so tense I'm surprised you haven't curled up into one big muscle cramp," the white-furred mage observed.

Kang just grunted, relaxing finally under his friend's firm attentions. "I still don't see how you think we can deal with my mood lately. Azonia won't be back for at least six weeks; longer if the weather-scryers are right and the seas will be too rough for sailing. You can't just go get her and teleport her back; that'd just hack the lizard-men off and throw months worth of diplomatic work right out the window."

"So she told me...numerous times," Stilghar replied quietly, his hands busily working the knots out of his friend's back.

Kang lay quietly for a while, then spoke again. "I won't take another woman. You know that, Stil. I'd rather die than betray her."

Lying belly-down with his eyes closed, Kang didn't see the slight smile that pulled at the edge of Stilghar's muzzle. Here goes nothing, the mage thought to himself, quietly enjoying the feel of his friend's thickly muscled body beneath his hands. "What about another male?"

Stilghar could feel the shock run through Kang's body like a wave. "Do what?"

The Lupin people were no strangers to homosexual conduct; in fact, at least six-tenths of the race was estimated to be fully bi_sexual, which occasionally caused some interesting discussions with the other races. Humans, in particular, found the wolfish beings' sexual mores perplexing, and the Lupines were often baffled by Humanity's attempts to get them to change. Humans even went so far as to try to bring _religion into the mess, despite the fact that most Lupines worshipped their own race's Gods, not the Gods of Man. Even so, Kang had never in his long life been intimate with another male, and Stilghar's suggestion caught him completely by surprise.

"What about another male?" Stilghar repeated the question, and Kang rolled over and sat up briskly, his eyes wide. "You've told me yourself you've never tried," the slender mage continued, locking his eyes with Kang's. "You must be at least curious. Let me help you. Please."

Kang's jaw dropped as he realized exactly what his oldest friend was offering, and his heart melted. "Stil, are you seriously saying..."

"That I'd like you to make love to me," Stilghar answered without hesitation. "To sate yourself with my body, however you need to." His eyes locked with Kang's, and there was no hint of trepidation, no reservations whatsoever in the offer.

Kang placed his hand over his friend's, and squeezed it tenderly. "Stil...I appreciate your offer, you know I do...but I don't know if I can go through with something like that behind Azonia's back."

Stilghar broke into a wide, infectious grin, and leaned forward to plant a soft kiss on the larger male's lips. "Azonia asked me to do this for you."

Kang jerked visibly, reeling from the second major shock in a matter of minutes. "She asked you?" he asked, unable to trust his own ears.

Stil fought down the urge to laugh out loud, and almost won. "She told me that you'd mentioned a curiosity about being with other males...and you'd told her you'd never seek out the experience without her permission. She's giving it to you." He chuckled softly, his grin spreading wider. "And she's definitely right about one thing: you are cute when you're flustered."

Kang's shocked expression slowly faded into a mirror of Stilghar's smile, and he squeezed his friend's hand gently. "You're sure you want to do this, my friend?"

"I've wanted to be with you, to touch you and pleasure you since we first met," Stilghar confessed, "but at first I didn't dare because I knew you had eyes only for her; later, you both were my friends and I didn't want to risk that." He reached up with his free hand and stroked the soft fur of the huge male's face. "When she told me you were curious about making love to another male and asked me if I'd be willing to offer myself to you, I thought I'd received a gift from the Master Himself."

"To be perfectly honest with you, I wanted to try it with you when I first learned that you prefer males," Kang replied, his hands resting on Stilghar's shoulders, "but I felt a bit guilty about thinking of someone besides Azonia in that manner...and you know how much I love her. I'd gladly die for her."

"You did, remember?"

Kang shuddered at the catastrophic memory. "How could I forget something like that?"

Stilghar hugged the big male tightly. "I know I can't...but we're getting off the subject."

Kang smiled and hugged his friend back. "You started it."

"So I did...and I know how much you love her. She loves you as well, and she knows how you suffer when she's away. She asked me to do this because she hates the thought of you being so..." he broke off, trying to think of a way to phrase it diplomatically.

"'Perpetually pissed off', I believe, is the wording she would use," Kang finished, a grin starting to pull at the edge of his muzzle. "And truth be told, it doesn't surprise me that she asked you to do this...although I doubt she had to twist your arm to get you to agree," he added, sliding a hand into the mage's open shirt to tickle his ribs.

Stilghar convulsed at the unexpected assault, and his breath was stolen by the induced laughter. "No," he gasped, "she didn't...now defend yourself!" His counterattack drew upon the dual advantages of his opponent's shirtlessness and his own centuries of experience with the body's pressure points and sensitive areas, and Stilghar soon had his friend-cum-victim spread out on his back on the bed, with the mage straddling the monarch's waist, hands locked on his wrists, pinning him gently to the bed. Grinning wickedly, Stilghar looked down at his friend and saw more than friendliness in those deep brown eyes. The mage leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on his friend's muzzle and found it returned eagerly.

Kang grinned up at his friend lustily as the kiss broke. "I accept your offer, Stilghar...if you think you can handle it."

"Handle your monstrous size, you mean," Stilghar replied with a leer. "Don't worry, I won't have any problem with it...and she told me how big you really are."

"Ha! I knew it, you were only after my dick all along!" Kang accused, though there was humor in his eyes and a trace of laughter in his voice.

"Hardly. Impressive as it may be, it is but a small part of you. I want to experience your entire body, in exquisite detail and for as long as we both can stand it." Stilghar leaned down to kiss his king once more, and there was no hesitation at all in the larger male's reply as their tongues met and danced, soft moans of pleasure escaping both muzzles.

The kiss eventually broke, and the larger male stretched out seductively on the bed, grinning wickedly at his friend. "Then who am I to deny you your desire? Experience me at your leisure."

Stilghar grinned in reply, and shrugged out of his shirt, tossing the now extraneous garment aside negligently. "If your Majesty wishes."

Kang chuckled softly. "My Majesty does," he murred deeply, rubbing slightly at the bulge forming in the front of his pants.

"Let us first be rid of all this unnecessary cloth," Stil practically purred, as he deftly undid the catch in the back of Kang's pants, above the thick bushy tail, and tugged, sliding the garment off his friend's thickly muscled legs. He pointedly avoided looking at what was revealed until his friend lay fully nude, but when he finally did look, his eyes went wide and his face took on an expression of awe and lust. He'd seen Kang naked before, but never nude and aroused for his benefit, and the larger male's muscular frame and eleven-inch erection had a rather profound effect on the mage. "Oh, my..."

Kang grinned wickedly, a thick hand gently brushing the side of his friend's face. "You like what you see?"

"Very much so," the slender mage whispered almost reverently.

"Then maybe it's time you showed me something," Kang replied, his hands working to undo his friend's belt and tail catch. Stilghar eagerly assisted his efforts, and soon both males wore nothing but a smile each. Kang blatantly looked his slender friend over, and grinned wickedly. "And they say wizards are too sedate and scholarly to be attractive," he mused, admiring Stilghar's wiry body and fully erect seven inch endowment.

"Hey," Stil answered with an appreciative grin, "this is supposed to be about you."

"Says who?" Kang took Stilghar's hand gently in his and kissed it tenderly. "If 'Zoni told you as much as you say she did, you know I enjoy giving pleasure as much as getting it, even if it's just a compliment."

Stilghar squeezed gently at the huge hand enveloping his, and smiled demurely. "She did, and thank you, but I think it's time and past for me to get to the 'giving pleasure' part." He took his King's immense maleness in his free hand and stroked it gently, licking his lips. "Besides, this thing is just begging for attention..." His voice trailed off as he leaned down to lick at the thick organ, then slid his lips over the tip and slowly drew the entire enormous mass into his muzzle.

"Oh, Stilghar..." Kang moaned softly, as he reached up to gently rub the slender mage's ears as the smaller male went down on him, orally massaging his thick meat with practiced ease. White-furred hands spread thickly muscled legs, and Stilghar gave Kang's heavy scrotum a gentle squeeze as he bobbed up and down on the throbbing rod in his muzzle.

Kang had been too long without intimacy to be able to withstand more than a few minutes of this wonderful assault, and his hand gripped the sheets firmly as he gave out a fierce yell, and his immense organ erupted, flooding Stilghar's muzzle. The mage swallowed the first few spurts eagerly, then pulled off the erupting organ, watching with undisguised lust as his friend's love-juices continued to spill forth, splattering liberally over his face and chest. He stroked the fountaining rod gently until it gushed no more, then licked a trace of his friend's seed from the shaft as the huge male lay panting. He was a bit surprised when Kang pulled him onto his muscular body and kissed him hotly, the king's questing tongue apparently seeking traces of his own seed within the mage's muzzle. Kang eventually broke the kiss with a grin, and Stilghar couldn't help but grin back. "I wasn't quite expecting that," the mage admitted.

Kang's expression bore not even the slightest hidden traces of his stress or distress from before, only friendship, affection, and lust. "Apparently 'Zoni didn't tell you everything," he observed with a smile. "She always shares my 'taste', as she calls it. Just as I hope to taste you, before all is said and done." He hugged the smaller male tightly, heedless of the sticky mess spreading through both their coats.

"No, she didn't mention that," Stil replied, sneaking a kiss, "but she did mention that you often shoot at least part of your first load onto her chest, then bury your nose between her breasts as she rides you. I'm afraid I don't have as much in the breast department as she does, though."

"Yes, that is true, but it's not just her breasts. Something about the mix of scents drives me absolutely wild," Kang told him, then buried his nose in white chestfur. "And you're smelling pretty good yourself right now..."

Stilghar needed no further prompting. He glanced at his friend's still-hard erection, noting with satisfaction that it was still quite slick with the residue of its earlier eruption, and straddled the bigger male's waist, pressing himself against the thick tip.

"Stil, are you sure you're ready?" Kang looked up at his friend, truly concerned. "The last thing I'd want to do is hurt you..."

Stilghar grinned wickedly, planting a soft kiss on Kang's nose. "Trust me, I'll be fine." He pressed back against the huge male's cock, grunting softly as the head penetrated his tailhole, and slid himself slowly down the immense organ. "Now fuck me, Kang," the mage demanded in a lusty voice, "as hard and as fast as you want."

Kang gripped his friend's hips gently, torn for a moment between concern and desire as the smaller male impaled himself. "Fuck me," Stilghar whispered again, more urgently, and lust finally won out as Kang surrendered to his instincts and drove his immensity up into his friend's body fiercely.

Stilghar moaned and squirmed in coital bliss as the muscular male beneath him used him, driving that foot-long rod of flesh into him fiercely, and the slender mage squeezed at the invading organ.

Kang was relentless, and possessed of far greater stamina this time, once he hit his stride. The initial blowjob lasted barely a handful of minutes; Stilghar later surmised that he'd ridden Kang's cock for no less than half an hour, quite likely longer. Both males were quickly soaked with sweat, and Stil's dick had very quickly begun to ooze clear precum over his friend's belly, which pooled in the crevices between prominently-defined muscles as the larger male used him. Even Kang's muscular body had its limits, however, and the huge male finally gave one fierce, almighty thrust and howled as he was wracked by an orgasm of titanic proportions. Stilghar continued to slide himself upon the erupting organ, milking it for all he could get, but he could feel some of his friend's cum oozing out around the spasming cock, and as the explosion began to subside, he simply lay against his larger companion and watched the silly grin spread across his muzzle.

Kang eventually caught his breath, and hugged Stilghar tight against him. "Thank you, Stil," he murred, nuzzling the white-furred mage tenderly. "You've just given me something I could never have asked you for."

"You are most certainly welcome, my friend," Stilghar replied softly, kissing the larger male on the nose. "And in the future, feel free to ask it of me whenever you need."

"I most definitely will, and perhaps sooner than you think," Kang rumbled, grinning broadly.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I've shot twice now, and you've not even cum once." Kang rolled over, pinning Stilghar gently beneath him, and pulled slowly out of his friend. "That's not right, and I mean to amend that."

"Kang, you don't have to..."

"Yes, I do. I could never ask someone to do something I'm not willing to do myself, and this is no exception." The huge lupine grinned wickedly, then slowly slid himself down Stil's body, gently licking and nibbling at various sensitive areas as he went. "Now don't interrupt me once I start, because I've never done this before, and I do have all these sharp teeth to worry about." With that, Kang spread Stilghar's legs widely, wrapped a hand around the base of his friend's throbbing erection, and slowly slid his muzzle around the tip, his broad tongue massaging the organ as he went down upon it. A thick finger probed gently at Stilghar's well-used tailhole.

Stilghar squirmed blissfully as Kang suckled him, and his hips bucked involuntarily as he tried to thrust into Kang's warm, wet muzzle. All good things, alas, must cum to an end, and Stilghar, already keyed up by the tumultuous fucking he'd experienced earlier, very quickly gave up his seed to an eagerly hungry Kang, who quickly swallowed every drop of his friend's love-juices as he could coax from the mage's cock.

When Stilghar's flood subsided and his mind started working again, he found himself cuddled up next to a highly tussled, sweat-matted, and extremely satisfied Kang T'airth Koronin. He also realized that he himself was quite mussed, perhaps more so than in any previous sexual encounter in his long life. As he looked into his friend's smiling face, he realized that he did not, at the moment, mind one whit. The huge male hugged him tightly again, and he didn't even stop to consider his answer when Kang asked, "Stilghar, would you mind staying with me tonight?"

"Not at all, dear one. Not at all."

Stilghar proceeded to eliminate most of the mess from the festivities with a simple spell, and the two males settled into bed for the night, cuddling each other close. After several hours of sound sleep, however, Kang was gently awakened by what to him felt like a soft whispering breeze brushing against his mind. Coming fully awake, he concentrated on the intricately wrought platinum and gold wedding band he wore, and the subtle energies stored within. "Azonia?" He cast the thought towards the ring, and smiled to himself when he "heard" his wife's mind-voice reply, courtesy of the matching ring she wore.

"Sorry to wake you, love. I was only checking on you."

"Wake me up whenever you wish to, my Heart," Kang thought back.

"Well, now", Azonia replied with an amused tone to her thoughts, "_somebody _is in a remarkably good mood!"

"Yes, love, I am, and I have you to thank for it, at least in part."

"Ahh, I see," the queen's mental voice purred, "Stilghar did as I asked him to, I take it?"

"Yes, he did. And I only wish you'd asked him to do it sooner!"

"Sounds like you boys had fun. Well, I hope you didn't wear him out too much, dear." Azonia's mental tone was turning downright wicked.

"Any particular reason, love?"

"I want the both of you well-rested by the time I get back, my dear, because next time, I want to watch!"


Coming Soon:

Tales of Yore part 2: The Return of the Queen!