Hypnovember 2023 Day 30: Finale

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#128 of Adult Story One Shots

Day 30 of Hypnovember using hyenaface's Hypnovember Prompts!

This story is based off an a fantastic picture made by Todex here!

I hope you all have enjoyed Hypnovember this year, it has been my most productive one and I was able to write a lot of fun stories, I hope you've enjoyed many of them. c:

I wanted to say a great thank you to hyenaface for posting up the prompts this year, they were a lot of fun, and though I didn't get to do them all I'm happy with the turn out.

If you enjoyed this story, and want to help support me I have a Kofi ^_^

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Hypnovember 2023 Day 30: Finale

Written by: TiranMaster

Inspired by a picture from: Todex

The Gilded Gators were deeply entrenched in the criminal element of the city, a group of golden alligators that were robbing anyone and everyone they could. They were loan sharks, they ran protection rackets, they dealt with anyone who tried to move in on their territory. They literally glittered with gold, both their scales, and the obscene wealth they walked about with. Some of the police thought that they were freaks and monsters who were killing the city, but many in the police had already been paid off by the gators and made sure that their illicit activities were ignored and the money kept pouring in.

Faraday was one of the enforcers for his crime family, The Vipers, not as interesting or alliterative as The Gilded Gators, but they had taken care of him. The Vipers were a mix of anthros and humans, Faraday himself was a fairly tall human, tanned skin, he'd been a part of the family for several years now. Now their leader was trying to do business with the gators, saying that if they didn't make an alliance sooner rather than later, they would be devoured by the predators. Personally, Faraday thought the gators needed to be hunted down, but he wasn't about to tell that to his boss.

The room was dark, smoke rolled around as the many members of the family smoked their various brands of cigarettes. Faraday had to stifle a cough as Hardcour let out a long wave of smoke, the bear's lung capacity was impressive and rancid. "Suck it up, Faraday," he snickered, watching as the human winced. For a human, Faraday was tall, he was up to Hadcour's shoulder, and the bear towered at eight feet.

"The gators will stomp us soon enough, they're expanding their territory by the day. I've seen some of those slippery reptiles sneaking about in our alleys, no offense, Basik," their leader said, nodding to the lone reptile in their presence. A tall snake with onyx scales, his eyes narrowed briefly before he showed off a sharp smile.

"No offense, boss, I underssstand," Basis hissed, waving for the wolf to coninue.

Being named The Vipers, Faraday had assumed incorrectly that the family would be led by a serpent, but the leader was a black furred wolf by the name of Vietor. He had a deep voice with the hint of a thick accent, several of the original members of the family having come across the sea with him. "I have seen enough over the years to recognize when I am being pushed into a corner," Vietor growled, taking a sip from a glass of bourbon before continuing, "if we do not bare our throats, we will be devoured by these monsters."

"How do you know they won't come and kill us anyways?" Denario asked, the slender man looking nervous as he glanced around. For being a human, he often showed off the tendencies of a ferret, earning him the nickname of the animal. It was often funny to see how others outside of the family reacted to him when they saw that "The Ferret" was in fact a lanky skittish man.

Vietor's eyes narrowed upon the man causing Denario to shut his mouth, glancing down at the table nervously as the wolf sipped once more from his glass. "We don't," he conceded, "which is why we will start putting plans into motion. Basis has already started conversations with a few of our contacts at the dock, we are in the process of loading up our stores and supplies onto boats. Should things go south, we will be prepared to leave and find a new place of residence."

That caused several members of the room to start speaking in tense voices, some crying out that it wasn't right for them to leave, and others declaring that they would rather fight than die in obscurity. Vietor started to stand up, but everyone was silenced by the sudden report of a gunshot. Everyone in the room was briefly deafened, some more so than others by their increased senses, everyone's eyes moving around to find the source of the sound. Faraday's hand had already slipped the firearm back into his jacket, his expression neutral as he looked around at the angry faces. "The boss was not finished speaking," he said gruffly, glancing back towards the wolf.

Vietor was wincing slightly from the painful sound, but he merely nodded before settling back into his seat. "We are not merely bowing out, we are making attempts to smooth over this situation before it ends with any bloodshed. I have a meeting planned for today which one of our men will go to, there we shall make a deal with the Gilded Gators. We are going to retrieve some paperwork which will help solidify a partnership, I have worked too long to merely give up and leave yet another home."

There were many upset faces at the table still, but nobody spoke up again out of turn, instead Hardcour held up a paw. When Vietor nodded towards him in affirmation, the bear stepped forward and spoke in his raspy bass. "Who are you sending, boss? I would be glad to go and secure the paperwork.'

"Not you, Hadcour." Vietor's words caused the bear to stiffen in anger, but the wolf waved at him to simmer down. "I cannot be sending anyone who might appear as a threat to the gators, or else they might think that we're trying to pull something. No, I have someone who will not appear as an immediate threat, but one who will still be capable of protecting himself."

Faraday felt the gaze of many settling on him, he was indeed one of their most capable members, one who appeared relatively non-threatening in comparison to the predatory anthros. "The boss has already briefed me," he said, "I'll be heading out to the Gilded Gator's headquarters once this meeting is over."

There were a few dubious expressions, but no one was willing to argue the fact in front of Vietor, especially as they'd already angered him once already. "Faraday will have to leave his firearms here, but I am sure that with his training he will be capable of escaping their clutches easily enough," Vietor said, his expression serious but unworried.

Though he'd already been made aware of not being allowed to bring any weapons, Faraday still tensed as he imagined going into the other family's hideout with no backup. "I will retrieve the needed information, and return as quickly as I am able."

"What if he doesn't return?" The question surprised many, their eyes settling upon Basik, the snake staring at Faraday intently. "What if he choosesss to be a coward and flee?"

Faraday's shoulders stiffened, his jaw clenching as he tried to calm his rage, but Vietor spoke up first. "Faraday is loyal, I have never doubted him, he will return with the pages in hand. The Gilded Gators have given me their word that he will not be harmed upon the trip, unless they want us to engage in a proper war. We may lose, but..." Vietor's claws dug deep into the table as his amber eyes burned with a deep rage, "I will take as many of them down as I can."

Everyone in the room nodded slowly, nobody taking the chance that they might anger the wolf any more. So without any more questions, Faraday was given instructions before he left the room without any weapons on his person. Before he could leave the building though, Basik met him at the front door. The snake's hand clutched his arm as he reached for the front door, Faraday a little surprised at the serpent's quietness despite his large frame. "Don't ruin thisss for the family, Faraday, you have been entrusted with the boss' trusssst." The serpent's eyes were narrowed, his words sharp.

"I've been with the family longer than you, Basik," Faraday snapped, wrenching his hand away from the snake's grasp. "Why don't you trust me?!"

"Humansss are weak," the snake growled, "they aren't capable fightersss as we are." In that "we", Basik was including any of the anthros, beings with greater strength and fighting ability than the weak humans. "You have survived by running away for much of your life, and I won't take any chances. Before I will allow you to leave, I want you to wear thisss!"

Basik pulled out a golden chain, the kind that went around a person's neck. In Faraday's opinion, it looked like the cheap kind that a half-assed gangster might wear, and it certainly wasn't his style. "If I go talk to the boss right now, he will tell you to get the hell out of my way, Basik," Faraday snarled, glaring up at the serpent.

The snake sneered, pulling his head back and baring his hood as he smiled menacingly, showing off his terrifying teeth. "You could indeed, Faraday, but that will not assssuage my doubts about you. In fact, I might think that you were trying to slip away even more so. What would it hurt to wear thisss? It will merely allow me to keep an eye on your position, making sure that you uphold your part as a member of thisss family. If you were to sneak away, at least we might have a warning that you were planning on deceiving ussss."

For a moment Faraday considered attacking the snake, after all, he did not care in the least to be accused of being a traitor to the family. He did have to admit though, Basik was right, if he had nothing to hide then it would just cause him more trouble to avoid putting on the gaudy piece. "Fine," he growled, snatching the chain out of the serpent's outstretched hand. "When I get back though, I will be telling Vietor about this."

"That'sss all well and good, but we will just have to see first, won't we?" Basik asked, grinning as he released his grip on the human's arm. Faraday slipped the necklace onto his neck, hissing slightly as the cool metal settled on his flesh. "Well, have a safe trip, Faraday, make sure you do your duty to the family."

Faraday growled and turned away from the serpent, shaking away the cold shivers he had before throwing the door open. He had a job to do, he needed to make sure that The Vipers survived this entire endeavor. As he started down the road, he couldn't help but shake the feeling that Basik was still watching him from the doorway of their hideout. No matter what, he would fulfill his job, the family was all that mattered.


The Gilded Gator's part of the city was too close in Faraday's opinion, he drove a car right up to the edge before pulling into a parking lot. He'd been instructed to be on foot as long as he was in their territory, or else there would be consequences. If he was right, it was just a power play from the Gators, making sure that Faraday knew that he was in their territory. Personally, he found it was stupid, though he knew members of his own family that would do similar mind games.

Stepping into their territory, Faraday saw that the streets looked relatively normal, the average life of the people moving on around him. He was the one that stood out, as tall as he was, and dressed all in black with a leather jacket on a hot summer's day. It was his normal look, but it certainly didn't help him blend in, not that he cared at that moment. "You Faraday?" a voice growled from nearby.

Stepping out from a nearby alley, there were a couple of gators, just as tall as Faraday was, but much more muscular. Their eyes were nearly as yellow as their scales were, their eyes were slits, reminding Faraday vaguely of Basik's own. "Yeah," he grunted, "you the welcoming committee?" he asked, attempting to keep his tone friendly.

One of the two snorted as he approached Faraday, grabbing him by the arm and starting to pat him down. Faraday tensed up for a brief moment, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to take this massive alligator without any kind of weapon. They were huge muscled reptiles who apparently had decided to forgo any sort of shirt, showing off their ripped physiques. They had blue tattoos that sat well on their scaled bodies, along with several pieces of golden jewelry scattered about themselves. "He's clean," the alligator said after a few moments, Faraday feeling a little violated as he pulled himself from the reptile's grasp.

"Good!" the other snorted, "come on, human. We'll show you to the boss," he snarled, grinning his wide mouth of sharp teeth at Faraday. The human was about to answer when a bag dropped over his head from behind, causing Faraday to flail for a brief moment before his hands were grabbed and pulled tight behind him.

"What's going on?!" Faraday yelped, feeling a bit of shame at having been captured so easily. "You're not supposed to hurt me!" He knew his voice would be muffled by the thick sack, but he hoped they might be able to make it out.

A muzzle pressed up against his ear, so close that Faraday felt a momentary fear that the gator might take off his ear with a careless bite. "We're not hurting you! We just don't want you seeing where we're taking you, after all, we gotta keep our secrets to ourselves!" Faraday hated to admit it, but once again this was the sort of thing one of his other family members might do, so he slumped and nodded in agreement.

The pair started to lead him, it was hard going as Faraday tried not to trip over his feet. They spun him around a few times, and he was rather certain that they walked in circles at one point. But he just kept the goal in his mind, he had to do this for the family. They had taken him in after he'd been kicked out of his house by his dad, and after he'd been framed for a robbery he'd had nothing. Vietor had been rather new to the city when he'd found the young man, already taller than the wolf, but with none of the strength he would later possess. So it was that Vietor had taken him in, trained him, and put him to work as muscle for The Vipers. Basik had no idea what he was talking about, Faraday would sooner throw himself into the waiting maw of the gators than betray the others.

As they made their way towards the Gilded Gator's hideout, Faraday could feel the cool metal of the necklace against his neck. "I hope you're seeing this, Basik," he thought bitterly, "see that I am a loyal member of the family." He had a brief realization that with his necklace, the family would be able to find the base if they could retrace his steps. Though Basik was a massive ass, this actually could be a real positive for them if they ever decided to go to war with the Gilded Gators.

The two gators weren't exactly accommodating hosts, they didn't speak to him as they walked along, only pushing the human wherever he needed to go. "Careful!" Faraday snapped, almost tripping over a curb. "You do realize I can't see, right?!"

"This one has a tongue on him," one of the two growled, the one behind Faraday.

"He'll learn," the other snickered, and that was the last thing they said to him while he was still under the bag. They managed to keep him from breaking anything, but Faraday found himself worrying about how much time this was taking. The boss hadn't given him any sort of timeline, but with the speed that Vietor had put this all together, Faraday was certain time was of the essence. It had been around three in the afternoon when everyone who needed to be at the meeting had been assembled, and now it had at least been another hour since then. Faraday would have to get back quickly to start the process... and then he had an odd thought. Why were they doing this in person? Would it not have been a bit easier to figure out a contract over the internet?

Before Faraday could worry that over too much, the bag was ripped from his head causing Faraday to stagger for a moment at the sudden brightness. "Jesus!" he gasped, blinking away the sudden light in his eyes. It wasn't just because of the daylight either, they had a damn light pointed at his face. "What the hell?!" he gasped, blinking away at the light was turned off.

"Looks to be the human from the picture," another gator said, a new one standing near the other two, "Just had to really make sure. You humans all look similar, and we would hate to have your boss trying to pull one on us." This one was missing an eye, a scar over one of his golden eyelids, but it only managed to make him look more intimidating.

Blinking a few times to try to clear his vision, Faraday shrugged his jacket, noting that it felt a little tighter than usual. "That's bullshit, you just wanted to screw with me," he snapped, readjusting himself to try and reassert his confidence. "Let's hurry this up, I have places to be. If we want this deal to go through, we should stop with the bullshit." He stared firmly into the serpentine slit of the one eyed gator, unwilling to be intimidated by the brute.

The gator grinned, his row of bright serrated teeth causing Faraday to tense once more, but the gator just shrugged. "Sure, we can do that, fresh meat. Don't expect your flippant tone to go well with our boss though, he doesn't take bullshit so easily." He chuckled as he turned away, walking away from Faraday, expecting the human to follow. The other two gators, the ones who'd led the human here in the first place, they just stood aside and sneered at him as he started after the third.

Once the human was out of sight, the pair pulled out their ill-gotten gains, the human's keys, wallet, and phone in their claws. "We should be able to make a little cash off of his car," one sniggered.

"Bet he has a credit card too," the other cackled, the pair walking off with big grins, ready to have some fun themselves. They'd taken the opportunity to pickpocket the human while he'd been blinded, their large claws surprisingly dexterous despite their size.

Faraday was unaware of the theft, too focused on his job, he needed to get this taken care of quickly. The interior of the base was rather... gaudy, it was full of ostentatious pieces of art and jewelry. There were expensive gems and jewels just laying out in the open, perfect for the taking if anyone was foolish enough to try. There were gators all over, all of them with golden scales, blue tattoos, and those similar yellow eyes. Before the Gilded Gators had come to the city, Faraday had never seen any anthro with such unusual coloring.

They were larger than any average alligator, they all had similar coloring, if they were all related biologically Faraday wouldn't be shocked. He found himself both anxious and anticipating the sight of their boss, maybe seeing him might give some clue as to what had bred all of these strange creatures. The one in front of him wore just as little as the others, only wearing a pair of black pants that clung tightly to his large frame. Faraday shook his head as he realized he was staring at the beast's massive ass, a flush running through his cheeks before he refocused on his current job.

At the end of the surprisingly long hallway, passing by many of the gators who stared at Faraday with interest, the gator knocked on a large pair of gilded doors. A pair of spotlights were focused on the door, showing its golden color, and when the gator knocked it rang hollow as if it were truly gold. "Enter," a deep voice answered, deeper than even Hadcour's.

Opening the doors and tossing them open, the room beyond stole Faraday's breath away. The beast that lay inside could very well have been a dragon, he was massive, reptilian, and all golden scales. He was huge, resting upon an immense mound of pillows, his body spread out and easily surpassed twenty five feet. He was a monstrous alligator who watched as Faraday walked in, only one of his eyes were facing them, the slit growing thinner as he focused upon the human. This alligator more so recognized their ancestral beastly roots than the anthropomorphic creatures that Faraday had seen so far, and it made him want to cower in fear.

"Boss, this is the human sent by the Vipers," the gator said, bowing in recognition to the monstrous beast before him.

"Good," the beast growled, his voice bouncing off of the gilded walls of the room, "you may leave, Sarvas." The alligator nodded and grinned, turning around and walking out before shutting the doors behind him. There were no others in the enormous room, Faraday suddenly felt very worried for his own safety. He wished desperately that he had something to protect himself with... but what possible weapon could he bring that might be able to bring this monster down? "Calm down, human, I will not harm you," the massive gator growled, his voice a rumbling thing that made Faraday quiver.

Taking a long and deep breath, Faraday found many questions running through his head, first of all how such a massive beast could be in the city with no one noticing?! But, he had to put that aside, he still had a job to do. "I... I am Faraday, I am with The Vipers, I am here to retrieve the documentation to bring to my boss, Vietor." At least now he slightly understood why an online contract might not work out, not when one of the two didn't appear to have any real fingers to speak of.

The crocodile never looked away from Faraday, apparently he either didn't need to blink, or he blinked very rarely. "I am Midas, leader of the Gilded Gators, welcome into my home," the alligator growled. "One of my men is finishing the documentation as we speak, he will bring it in shortly for me to sign." He spoke eloquently for being so beastly, that at least made Faraday feel a little calmer. The necklace around Faraday's neck suddenly felt oddly hot, and a little itchy, the human reached up to itch at it when he suddenly felt pierced by Midas' gaze. "Stop that," the alligator growled.

For some reason, Faraday found himself obeying, his hand falling back to his side as he allowed the itching sensation to continue and then slowly fade away. He found himself admiring the enormous alligator's body, seeing a plethora of blue tattoos marking his body. He had several images and symbols that the human couldn't immediately make out, if he had more time he might try, but he was keenly aware that he didn't have a lot of time to spare. "Why are you taking over so much of the city?" he blurted out, unaware that he was about to ask.

"I am an alligator," Midas said, seemingly amused by the human's question, "we are voracious hunters by nature. I once had a home in a faraway country, but due to circumstances I was forced to move. Years ago I came here and started my family, and since then I have started setting myself a home once more. Unfortunately, I have found that other families do not like sharing their home with others. So I have had to learn and train my men on how to take our land for ourselves, it is the only way for one to retain power."

Faraday wasn't certain he believed that, but before he could comment the doors behind him opened once more and another gator walked in. This one he hadn't seen yet, he was shorter than the others, but just as muscular. He had a pair of glasses perched on his muzzle as he walked forward holding a large rolled up paper in one claw, and the other holding a tube that one might store a painting in. "Boss, I have the document." He walked forward, rolling out the parchment before the massive reptile.

Watching with curiosity, Faraday watched as the massive gator read over the note with his one eye before gesturing towards his man. The gator poured some ink into a large bowl that Midas dipped a claw into, signing a large signature across the bottom of the page before his lackey started to blow on the ink to dry it out quickly. "You would be best served to fulfill your mission quickly if you want this deal to go through, Faraday," Midas said, his eye refocusing on the human.

There was a sensation of dread, as if Faraday wasn't aware of something. "What do you mean? Do you not want this deal to go through?" he asked nervously.

"I am... impartial to the deal, I will succeed one way or another," Midas chuckled, "but there are others at play that would like to see your family fail. They have set things in motion that can't be undone." He seemed to focus more intently on Faraday, the human feeling like he was being stared through. "Since it will be relevant soon for you, would you like to know something?" His lackey was in the process of getting a few more details on the paper jotted down, dating it, making sure everything was in order.

"Sure," Faraday said, feeling suddenly like he was making a mistake by saying that.

"Have you heard of the tale of the king Midas?" the alligator asked, and watched as Faraday nodded. "Very good. Well, let me be the first to say that there is some truth to that story... though less than you would think."

The gator kneeling on the floor looked up at Midas with concern. "Sir, should you tell him?"

With a glance of his eye Midas silenced his follower, the alligator looking down once more nervously as he continued his work. "Midas could turn things into gold, that is true. But his gold was tainted, it had the capability of making others into his pawns, obedient to his every wish. Transformed into his likeness as a matter of fact." The gator reached out and plucked the bowl up that had been filled with ink, and before his eyes Faraday watched as it turned into gold.

"That's... impossible," Faraday breathed, looking at the golden bowl, trying to figure out the trick. "You couldn't possibly be..."

"Believe it or not, human, that is your prerogative. But what I will tell you, is that you have already been given a piece of my gold. Whether you knew it or not, you are becoming one of mine." Faraday's hand flew up to his neck, a new wave of terror passing over him as that itchiness returned. "It takes a while for the change to occur, but whether you take the jewelry off or not, you are already mine."

"But... Basik gave me this, how is he not-" Faraday couldn't put together all of the questions he had, all he could feel was terror. He looked at the alligator who was filling out paperwork, had he been a human at one point?!

Midas chuckled, the sound try and menacing. "Basik has been one of my men for a long while, and he is quite insidious. He developed a plan to make the Vipers his, which is the only reason I have not taken your land sooner. It is because of this that we made a simple bet, one that all depends on you."

"On me?" Faraday breathed, his heart pounding hard in his chest as he felt the sensation around the necklace growing more intense. He was afraid to look, worried that he might see scales there.

"If you return with that paper work to your boss before you are fully changed, the Vipers will finally be left alone. Basik's game is cruel, I do not approve of how he is undercutting your boss in an attempt to claim the gang for himself. However, if you do not make it in time, you yourself shall rip up the contract and I will give Basik the tools to make sure all of the Vipers are his to command." Even as the alligator was finishing his explanation, so too was his man slipping the paperwork into the tube.

Swallowing dryly, Faraday shook his head slowly. "No... I would never tear it up, Vietor is my boss, they're my family."

The alligator turned his head, for the first time fully shifting until the human was staring down his massive muzzle. He was an intimidating sight like this, very nearly knocking the other alligator off of his feet. "You will have no choice, all alligators with my gilded scales obey my every command. I command you, should you still have the paperwork in your claws, to tear it up upon your rebirth, Frey. I have made my promise to Basik, one of my fellow progeny, and so I put it upon you to follow through with my oath."

Something within Faraday blossomed for a moment, a heat, something golden that threatened to tear free. "Yes, boss," a husky voice escaped the human's throat, his entire body convulsing for a moment as he clutched at his throat. When he touched the skin there, he felt something rough at the base of his neck, something scale-like.

"No..." Faraday gasped, suddenly afraid of what was happening to him as the smaller alligator approached him with the tube in his hands. The alligator just stared at him, holding the tube out, no expression on his face. "I don't... I can't..." he stammered.

"If you so care about these Vipers of yours, Faraday, you should run," Midas growled, slipping back into a comfortable position on his bed of pillows. "When you return, you will be mine, but until such a time you belong to the Vipers. Run, human, run before your humanity runs out." His chuckle followed Faraday as he started to sprint, throwing the doors open, running as fast as he could. He felt the yellow gaze of all of the alligators on him as he tore down the hallway, none of them stepping forward to lend him a hand. He just heard their rasping laughs echoing Midas', all of them watching as he left through the front doors.

Faraday felt a moment of panic as he realized he didn't know how he'd gotten here, none of the alligators had offered him an easy way back, and his car must have been quite far away. He would have to get some directions from the locals to figure his way back, so he started off down the alleyways of the Gilded Gators' turf. All the while his mind was blazing with rage at Basik, the serpent's plans making him shake with anger. When he next saw the smug look on the snake's face, he would make sure he really did punch the reptile this time.

Part of him wondered why he was still a snake and not a gator himself, but that was irrelevant, even now he was changing. He'd noticed it very lightly at first, in the way his clothing had been sitting tighter on him. But now it was becoming more noticeable, his jacket was starting to constrict upon his chest, his shoes becoming a bit more uncomfortable with each step. "Damn it!" he gasped, ripping the zipper of his jacket down and tossing it off into the shadows of the alley.

With his jacket gone, Faraday could now see the top of his chest over the v of his shirt neck. There were golden scales there, as shiny as those of any of the gators he'd dealt with. His musculature was also increasing by the moment, his shirt bulging with new pectorals he'd not had before. If he had gotten these with proper workouts, he might be happy, but right now it was more terrifying than anything. The golden necklace around his neck also seemed to be growing with his new growing frame, it sitting proudly glinting upon his golden scales. "Damn you, Basik!" he snarled, and onwards he went.

The alleys were occasionally peppered with gators, they stared up at him knowingly, their bodies echoing his future right back at him. Faraday considered giving up briefly, it was going to take a lot of effort to get back... but he remembered those days that Vietor had trained him, taken care of him. He ground his teeth together as he continued sprinting, his chest aching, the tube bouncing against his back. "Please, can you give me some directions?!" he gasped, finding a young woman out on a sidewalk.

She looked panicked at the sight of the tall man looming over her, not noticing the still mostly hidden scales. "Um... of course, where... do you need to go?" she asked, clearly concerned by him. Faraday didn't have time to worry about how this might seem, so he asked about where he needed to go, and she directed him.

Thanking her, Faraday was off once more, his legs aching horribly, his body starting to be spasmed with new aches. His body was still changing, his muscles swelling, his skin itching as it was converted into golden scales. Part of him wondered if he would have the same blue marks that all of the others had, but that wasn't important. Keeping his mind focused on the job at hand was easy... at first, but something else became important.

With every passing moment, Faraday's mind was filled with images of all of the golden alligators, Midas foremost amongst them. His cock started to harden as he imagined them pressing their muscled bodies against him, slipping themselves into him, welcoming the newest alligator. "Damn it," he gasped, "are you kidding me?! This isn't the right time to be thinking about that!"

"We are a family that fucks together," an amused voice ripped itself from the human's throat. It was so guttural that it ached to speak in that voice. It was Frey, the new gator, the one that was being birthed from Faraday himself.

"Sick freaks!" Faraday rasped, continuing his sprint even as the changes continued, occasionally tripping over himself as his body continued to reorient. He was starting to grow taller, his muscles swelling, his feet clawing at the insides of his shoes. He clenched his eyes shut as he felt his toes growing further into the fabric of the shoes, his new growing claws starting to shred the material. "Damn it, not right now!" He very nearly tripped as his toes tore through the front of the shoes, golden toes worming their way out as they flexed with newfound freedom.

Nearby some people saw the half-changed man, a few approaching out of concern, others shouting in horror at the sight of the changing man. He wasn't quite halfway changed yet, but the scales that were spreading across his skin were clearly something unnatural. Not everyone was aware of the Gilded Gators, but those who did knew well enough to stay away from Faraday. "Stay away!" he snapped as someone drew closer, he threw a hand out as he took a few deep breaths. "I'm fine, just... stay away!"

Then he was off again, always going forward, and soon he came to where he'd parked his car... only to find it gone. "What the fuck?!" he snapped, his voice deeper, a bit more raspy. He reached into his pockets, a feat that was harder as his pants were growing tighter on his swelling thighs. Within he found nothing but a few wrappers, his keys, wallet, and phone were all gone. "No! Damn it, no!" he roared, swinging his fist into a nearby car.

That proved to be a bad idea as his increased strength made it easy to dent the car terribly, causing it to start letting out an alarm alerting everyone nearby. "Shit," he snarled, rubbing his head as more arousing thoughts played amongst the panicked thoughts. "Gotta go, gotta... gotta take the alleys." At least he knew where he was now, he wasn't too terribly far from the Viper's base, but on feet it would take longer than he would've liked.

Running down the alleys, Faraday couldn't help but think that the change was speeding up. He'd grown two... maybe three feet, his pants were shredding, his shirt had already been lost somewhere along the way. He noted faintly that he indeed now had blue markings upon his new scales, something that pleased Frey. "We are closer to our boss now in appearance," the alligator hissed, the voice closer to Faraday's own as his vocal cords were changing.

That did not comfort Faraday, especially as he had to make a stop at one point as he found himself in agony. He had to tear the back of his pants with one of his new claws to allow the swelling tail to slide out from above his ass, a groan of relief escaping him as he leaned against the cool brick wall. Less and less of his human skin was remaining, he could feel the tell tale aches of his face starting to shift into a muzzle. He feared that when he next looked into a mirror, he wouldn't recognize himself.

Undaunted by the changes, Faraday continued forth, his speed slowed by his new scaled feet along with his shift in gravity from his increased height. He had a feeling that he might make it, though he wasn't certain how he would explain to the other Vipers that he was Faraday. That thought stopped mattering though as he came to a halt at the end of an alley, face to face with Basik. The serpent's tall frame closer to Faraday's own height now, the alligator letting out a deep snarl as he spotted the traitorous serpent. "You bastard!" he snarled, the sound shocking him at how familiar it was to the other alligators now.

Basik smiled wide, and as he slithered forward his black scales shifted into a golden hue similar to Faraday's own countenance. "It appearsss that our boss has given up the little game, hasn't he? I was planning on taking the tube from you, but it appears that Midas doesn't always play fair himself."

"I'm going to beat you up, Basik, I will make sure you never do anything like this again!" Faraday growled, stepping towards the snake.

"Oh, but you won't," Basik hissed, his eyes glistening as he approached the alligator. "You see, that alligator within you wants to come free. He wants another male's touch, he wants the source of scale against scale, isn't that right?"

Despite himself, Faraday could feel that entity pushing forward once more, and he knew that Basik was right. His cock started to swell up, an awfully inconvenient thing as it took away any form of menace he might have. "That doesn't matter, I need to get this document to the boss, he needs it before I-"

"Tear it up?" Basik asked, his smile growing wider as his body started to change further. His tail started to shift, his muscles swelled wider, and within moments the snake was gone, replaced by another alligator. "Come now, Faraday, why don't you just give it up? It will be so much more satisfying once you've given in. The Vipers are such a waste of a gang, don't you think you would fit much more at home in the Gilded Gators?" he growled. Any sign of a hiss was gone as he approached, and Faraday could feel how desperately Frey wanted the other male.

Basik was even taller as an alligator, he was ripped, the blue markings standing out against his golden scales. He was the picture of manly, his erection dwarfing Faraday's own. "No... I promised the boss..." he started.

"Midas is your boss, Faraday," Basik growled, his muzzle now so incredibly close, how had he moved so fast? "He gave you a command, do you remember what that is?" His scaled hand stroked the side of Faraday's muzzle, the new alligator shuddering as he felt the touch of another alligator.

The Viper's base was so close, Faraday could taste it... but he couldn't stop staring at the slitted eyes before him, his mouth opening slowly. "He said... tear it up..." The voice wasn't his, it was Frey's, and it felt so strong all of a sudden.

"Yes, and you are a member of the Gilded Gators, aren't you?" Basik asked, his voice silky smooth, Faraday was drowning into those yellow eyes.

Against his will, Faraday withdrew the contract from the tube, his shaft bumping up against Basik's as he continued to stare. "I... am..." Words were so hard, he continued to stare, his mind was filled with Midas staring him down.

"I command you, should you still have the paperwork in your claws, to tear it up upon your rebirth, Frey." The words echoed in his head as Faraday tried to resist, his claws starting to tense up on the paper.

I am Faraday was the rational thought in his head, he was a member of the Vipers.

I am Faraday, a human. It sounded a little softer, and what was that tearing sound?

Basik is an enemy to the vipers. Why were their muzzles pushed together? Why was Basik's hand wrapped around his cock?

Vietor is my boss. So why did Midas' command ring through his head, why were his hands pulling so far apart?

I am loyal to my family. He could only see alligators in his head now, the other members of his family were suddenly so distant. A deep growl grew in his throat as he pulled harder, the sound getting louder.

I am Fara- He couldn't remember that name, something else was there, someone else. He tensed up as he felt himself growing closer, his cock so hard, Basik's tongue so warm as it intertwined with his own.

I am Frey. He came, shooting out all of the leftover human cum, Faraday washed away as the new alligator finished tearing up the contract. He had Basik's cum covering his stomach, the liquid warm on his scales. He blinked a few times, yellow eyes surrounding his new slitted iris.

"Does that look completely torn up?" Basik asked, looking at the contract in Frey's hands. So Frey tore it up again, and again, tossing the scraps into a wet gutter before he flexed his new body. "That's a good boy," Basik said, slapping the side of the new alligator's face. "Now why don't we head on back to our boss? Midas owes me some new toys," he snickered, his tail wagging eagerly.

That sounded good to Frey, he wanted to see Midas, so that he could bask in the alligator's gaze. He had been recrafted into one of the Gilded Gators, he barely could recall that old group he had been with. The golden chain on his chest bounced against his pectorals as he strolled alongside Basik, their tails working in unison as they pressed their sides against each other.


One Year Later:

Frey stood alongside his fellow gators, his eyes focused on Basik as he strolled in through the front doors. Technically Basik was still a member of the Gilded Gators, though he now ran the Gilded Snakes. He had become a leader of his own family under the approval of Midas, and this was his one year check in. Basik was currently in his serpentine form, a big grin on his face as he slithered in. "Hello all, ssso glad to see you all again," he hissed, his tongue forking as he made his way in with a luxurious smile.

Many of the other gators growled in their throats, they thought that the snake was an abomination, refusing to wear the body that Midas had gifted them with. Frey was always mixed, after all, Basik had been the one to help him fully be rebirthed as a Gilded Gator. Even now he found himself hardening up at the thought of rolling around with the snake, his tight pants barely concealing the change. He kept his expression tight, though he was sure some of the others could smell his arousal.

Behind the snake, a wolf lumbered in on a golden collar, he was on all fours and had grown since Frey had last seen him. The alligator only vaguely recognized him as the once leader of the Vipers, he had been changed of course. He hadn't been blessed as Frey had been, but instead he'd had a collar snapped on that had made him into a pliable pet to Basik. He had apparently become more feral as time had gone on, his eyes were golden circles that stared forward vacantly as he followed after the serpent. "Frey, it'ssss so good to see you again," Basik said, slithering over to stroke the side of the alligator's face, "are you fitting in all nicely? You know, if you ever want, you can come and work for me."

"I'm fine, Basik, our boss is waiting for you," Frey said, staring past the snake towards the wolf. He felt a pang of sympathy for the beast, though he wasn't fully sure why.

"Oh, very well, party pooper," Basik chuckled, tugging on the chain as he started forward once more. "Come along, Atlas, it's about time you met with my benefactor," he chuckled. The wolf followed after obediently while Frey stayed in place, watching after the pair before he felt a familiar hand wrap around his neck. He soon found himself staring into the one eyed face of another alligator, a smile appearing on his own muzzle.

"Why don't we go and find ourselves a corner, Frey? We haven't rolled around for a little while?" the older gator growled, and Frey couldn't resist as he was tugged away. He knew that after the meeting he was sure there would be plenty of work to be done, but for now he would enjoy the touch of his fellow Gilded Gator. After all, they were all molded into perfection, what wasn't there to enjoy?

Meanwhile while Frey was enjoying himself, Basik himself was being surprised as two of his fellow gators grabbed a hold of him and kept him still as he was staring up at Midas. "What is going on here?!" he yelled in outrage, watching as Atlas was led away by another gator.

"I've heard that you have been overreaching, Basik," Midas growled, his voice rich and menacing as he glared down at his subject. "Some voices say that you have been claiming to be a god, one who may one day overthrow the great Midas," he snarled.

Basik's eyes narrowed as he stared challengingly into the massive alligator's eye, his attempts to free himself proving increasingly fruitless. "So what if I have?! I have a right to be considered a god in my own right, after all, I overthrew the Vipers! They all answer to me, not you, Midas!" he snapped.

"It appears that you have truly overstepped, little worm," Midas growled, standing up for the first time in a very long time, the ground turning to gold under his massive feet. "Worry not though, I still have a place for you, Basik."

The snake started to look panicked, attempting to turn himself back into his alligator form, but found that it wasn't working. "What are you doing?! Why can't I change?!"

Midas towered over Basik, scraping his bulk up against the roof causing the other alligators to flinch in fear. "I am your creator, Basik, and I have chosen that you shall stay in your serpent form. Forever more, in fact." He then reached out a claw and tapped the snake on his head, and within seconds the snake was a golden statue. The two alligators holding onto him yelped as the scales under their hands became solid gold, such a rapid transformation that neither had the opportunity to release their hold.

"Bring him into my treasury, he will make for a fine statue in my collection," Midas growled, lowering himself back down onto his pillows with a deep sigh. "It looks like I will either have to bring in the Gilded Vipers under my watch..." then a thought crossed his mind, "or perhaps I have someone better suited for the job." He smirked as he settled into his pillows, the room soon empty once more save for him, the golden boss of the Gilded Gators relaxing once more as he enjoyed his kingdom of gold.