Delays and Dalliances

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This story was originally intended for Fur After Dark, but it never appeared there. Alex, being a personal character, doesn't really have any business being in FAD anyway. Fortunately, she can keep up with Zig Zag, at least when I'm writing.

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Delays and Dalliances

"Whaddya MEAN all flights are canceled?" Tired and exasperated, Zig Zag wasn't even trying to keep her cool as she leaned over the counter, the flight attendant on the other side trying to remain as calm, cool and collective as the situation would allow.

"I'm sorry Miss Zumbrowski, but the entire airport is shut down for at least twelve hours. All flights are canceled, and the airport hotel is overbooked, so you'll just have to stay here. I'm sorry, but there was a convention in town this weekend, and-"

"Yes yes, I was there." Zig Zag sighed, and took a moment to reflect. The poor mouse behind the counter was stressed to her limit, and her young face was doing all it could to not break out crying. She had been yelled at for hours now due to a problem that was not her fault, and was clearly helpless and afraid in the face of thousands of angry passengers. Zig smiled, realizing that this might

be a time for new tactics.

Putting her elbows on the desk, she leaned far forward, letting the fabric of her blouse stretch tight against her bulging cleavage. Letting her cleavage show, she kept a close, firm lock on the attendant's eyes. She smiled big as well, making sure that the mouse understood Zig's intentions, and her unspoken offer. She glanced at the name tag before speaking, and then let her smoothest, silkiest voice roll out across her tongue.

"Listen, Mary is it? I'm a hardworking woman, and I'm sure you're quite familiar with what sort of con just ended. I think you're a smart girl who's been working very hard all day, and really needs to take some time off to relax. I also think you know that "Zumbrowski" is just a cover, and what sort of behavior is associated with my real name. So how about you and I go relax, and when that's

done with we can see about getting me out of this airport?"

Mary blushed bright red and put her head down, her fingers suddenly clacking away furiously on the keyboard. She was quiet, and then made eye contact with Zig again. Zig smiled, as things looked rather hopeful at the moment.

"Listen I...I don't know how you knew I was...Like THAT, you know? I guess it's because of the business your in...But I can't accept that offer. I just can't, there's no seats for me to offer you." Mary looked despondent for a moment, and continued to pound away on the keyboard as she avoided looking at Zig. She was eager, but she was shy, and she was also too smart to put her job on the line for a quick dirty fingerbang back in the break room. Still, she hesitated to turn Zig down, and that was a good sign.

"I...I can get you a room in the airport hotel. They're more than full up, but...I know someone. She's a sorority sister of mine, she came by here an hour ago...The hotel still had some rooms left over at that point, so we gave her one. She's...The sort who won't mind sharing a single room. Now I can't promise you when I'll be able to find you a flight, but..." Mary pulled out a small slip of paper

and quickly scribbled two nine-digit numbers on it. "This is her number, her name is Alex, just tell her Mary told you to call and I'm sure she'll room with you. And this one...This is my personal cell phone number. Call me any time; I'll do what I can. I'm really, really sorry...And I don't work tomorrow morning, if you're still interested in relaxing me."

Zig smiled, and slipped the paper into her purse. "Well...Thanks for doing what you can. I may call you tomorrow morning, just to...Check up on my flight status." She leaned forward and gave Mary a kiss on the cheek, turning the mouse as bright red as it was possible for the little mammal to be. "But for now, I think I've got some phone calls to make..."


Zig Zag sat down on one of the many crowded benches of the airport and flipped out her phone. Pausing to wave and blow a kiss to a staring fanboy, she reached into her purse and pulled out the paper, punching in the first number with her thumb. The phone rang several times before being answered.

"H...Hello? Who is this?" The voice was calm and sweet, but clearly Alex had been interrupted.

"Hey, is this Alex? Mary told me I could call about rooming with you in the hotel since it's full up? This is Zig Zag, she said you might be familiar with my work?" Something fell on the other side, and there was a momentary silence. Zig waited, and then said "Hello?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm here...Is...Is this some sort of joke? Did Mary put you up to this?"

"This isn't a joke, I really do need a room, and Mary told me you had a bed all to yourself."

"Yeah, but are you really Zig Zag? I mean..." Zig smirked a little and leaned back. A second show of her charm and nature was being called for.

"Listen, Alex, this is an once-in-a-lifetime chance, and I'm not about to accept 'no' for an answer. You know who I am, let's cut the crap, you're going to give me a room and I'm going to give you an experience you won't forget. Give me your room number, and get ready to drop to your knees when you open the door. You're going to have an evening with the queen, and she's pissed off after a long, disappointing weekend."

More silence, then a shy "243..." before the call ended. Zig smirked. So this girl just needed to have someone take charge, and she turned into a complete pushover. If she had the cuteness and shystreak that Mary did, she would be the perfect "girl next door" sort of toy for the evening. Maybe having her flight canceled wasn't ALL bad...


When Zig knocked on the door, it was quickly answered by a blond-haired vixen of average height, her big blue eyes sitting behind a pair of large, thin-rimmed glasses. She was wearing a softblue bathrobe and nothing else, and she quickly moved Zig Zag and her baggage into the room. She didn't appear as shy in person as she had

been over the phone.

"Wow, I can't believe...Just, ohmygawd...It's really you! Jesus, I mean...I have SO many of your films. I'm such a big fan...Wait until I tell my brother; he's going to be SO jealous!"

Alex moved everywhere at once, her big bushy tail flicking this way and that as she moved around the room. Zig Zag simply sat down on the bed and smiled, letting Alex's enthusiasm die down a little before she started to take control. Zig had years of experience on this eager, sexy young thing, and she knew that tonight would be a chance for her to show off the advantage of experience over enthusiasm.

"I just...I don't know where to start! I mean, should I get some of the toys they were selling at the con? Jesus, I didn't think I'd be able to break them in so soon...I mean, first my flight got canceled, then..." Zig stood up, standing on the balls of her feet so as to get just a few more inches of height on Alex, allowing her more mature self to tower over the vixen, who quickly went silent.

"I think you should let ME start." said Zig, who slowly began to sink to Alex's level now that she had the girl's attention. She pushed her lips firmly against Alex's, letting her big tongue slip deep into Alex's mouth, pushing and moving and probing. It certainly did wonders to shut the girl up, and it let Zig know that Alex had a little metal stud put right through the middle of her tongue. Kinky, but did she know how to use it?

Sliding her hands down a bit, Zig Zag broke the kiss and slowly spread open Alex's bathrobe. She was pleased to see what was there; Alex had a large, shapely chest, similar to Zig's own in size. This girl had a career in the porn industry if she ever wanted it, that was for certain. She also had small silver rings going through each nipple, and Zig gently grasped one in her hand, twisting it lightly.

"Mmm. You're a kinky girl, aren't ya? All poked full of holes, got all this metal for me to play with..." Alex nodded, and Zig kissed her forehead before pushing down on the girl's shoulders, encouraging her to drop to her knees. "Well, I promised you a night with the queen in exchange for a place to sleep, and I always keep my word..."

Sliding her hand to the back of Alex's head, she gently nudged the girl between her legs, which she spread a little in an attempt to give Alex plenty of room. The girl was certainly eager, as her hands quickly moved Zig Zag's blouse, and the panties underneath, out of her way. Her tongue soon began to lick and lap and slurp deep into Zig Zag's folds. She lacked experience though, and Zig knew she'd need to train this pretty young thing in the exact when and where.

Still, not bad for an amateur, and she had guts, which was what she needed most at this point.

"Someone likes to be told what to do...To be pushed around a little, doesn't she? Well let's just say I'm queen bitch for the night, and you'll just sit back and learn a lesson or two. Don't just dig that tongue into me, put some pressure on those lips, hit that nub with your nose...There you go girl...Get that stud into it, I know this isn't your first time between a girl's legs, don't act like you don't know your way around. You've got a pussy to, don't you? Or

am I going to get a surprise in a minute?"

After a bit more prodding and instruction, Alex was showing marked improvement, but was also beginning to wear down. Time to switch gears, and also positions. Tugging lightly enough on Alex's hair to make sure she got the message but not enough to cause pain, she had the girl standing for a moment, before pushing her down onto the bed, spreading her legs and digging in before the vixen had a chance to react. "Now pay attention, I'm only going to show you this once...Well, maybe not, if you're a good girl..."

It was only seconds before Zig had Alex arching her back and kicking her legs as pleasure rocketed up and down the vixen's body. Clearly, this girl didn't know what she was missing. Zig pushed, getting her fingers into it for a moment before sending her hands elsewhere, reaching and stroking and pinching the little places on Alex's body, hunting for the ones that made Alex squeal the most. It was fun, exploring a new body like this, and though she knew generally where to look, finding all those little erogenous zones was a novel and exciting experience. You never knew quite what was going to push them over the edge, and when you found it, you knew it.

Alex was not slow in coming. If anything, Zig was sure that she had been warming herself up in anticipation, something that irritated Zig a little. She liked it when they were unaroused and unprepared. It made things more fun, and it ensured the foreplay went on for a good, long time. Still, she had the room and this girl for the rest of the night, so even as Alex curled her toes and let out a long, slow moan of pleasure; Zig knew she would have plenty of second helpings.

"So, now that I've shown you how to eat it like you mean it, how about we break out some of the toys I know you have in that suitcase over there? Surely you didn't come back from that convention empty handed..."


The rest of the night was a noisy, messy blur of wagging tongues and thrusting hips. Alex had indeed picked up a rather enjoyable selection of toys, everything from collars and leashes to strapons and bondage cuffs. Zig Zag worked through all of it, supplementing things with a few of her own "product samples" when the situation called for it. Alex seemed to be particularly fond of collar play,

and throughout the night, "Mistress Z" ensured that a leashed-andcollared Alex was either learning her lessons or suffering from the sting of a riding crop. Alex managed to keep things going well into the wee hours of the morning, though eventually her stamina and wakefulness broke, and she collapsed in a heap on the bed, unable to continue. It was only moments before she was fast asleep, and although Zig Zag felt tired she was much too riled up to go to bed, even as she saw the sun rise over the now-clear sky. A plane came roaring off the runway right into the sun, letting Zig Zag know that yesterday's atrocious weather was now a thing of the past.

Moving over to and loading the hotel coffee pot, she noticed the small note from the night before sticking out of her purse. It was next to a pair of Zig Zag's panties, which had gotten thrown over there some time during the night. As the coffee pot percolated, she picked up the slip of paper and dialed up the second number. She needed to schedule a flight home, after all.

"Hello? Is this Mary?"

"Mnfff...Yes, who is this?" The voice on the other side was sleepy but friendly. Zig Zag liked that in a person, the ability to be woken up without being rude. She made a mental note to wake Mary up with cunnilingus the first chance she got.

"I think you know who this is. It's a certain sexy someone you had banging your slutty sorority sister last night instead of flying home. I recall you mentioning you might be able to hook me up with a flight home?"

"Oh, Zig Zag! I...I didn't expect you'd call...You see, I don't go into work until the afternoon shift, and-"

"Oh well that's excellent, isn't it? Alex doesn't have to check out of this hotel until eleven, and here it is six AM and I'm all alone with my toys in room 243." Taking the phone from her mouth, she moved it and her other hand down between her legs, pushing and fondling a little to ensure that appropriate sound effects were sent over the line. She moaned once or twice for effect, and then put the phone back where she could talk into it. "I certainly hope you live close to work..."

"I'll be there in about fifteen minutes." There was a scuffling noise, and it was several moments before the phone was actually hung up. Zig Zag smirked, then sat back on the bed, laying back and surveying the mess and toys scattered about the room. Minus the flight delay, things were going exceptionally well. Maybe she'd even get a chance to renew her membership in the mile-high club on the way home. Those first-class lavatories did always have lots of room and nice, soundproof doors...

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