Summer Break Blowout

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#1 of Miscellaneous

Two young raptors decide to hang out after the conclusion of university classes, only for the play to take a more sensual turn until nature takes its course...This is based on an old RP between a friend and I.

Piq is © meBlossom is © my friend, SanEditing was done by the ever amazing Lynoth715

If you read it, leave a vote so I know how I'm doing! If you love it, hit that fave button so I get a little more dopamine. Additionally, consider leaving a comment! I'd love to know what readers think!



Vrelvel Vurixen

Early summer always brings tell-tale signs of its beginning; both natural and societal. For nature, it was the gradual and pleasant increase in temperature, longer days, and - for some creatures - the perfect time to start a family. On the societal side of things, what could possibly be a bigger indicator of the beginning of summer than universities releasing their students for the final time. As it were, two raptors - having made friends with each other throughout the year - began walking, the male having offered to walk his female counterpart home as he'd done a few times now that the weather had warmed up. He was a handsome guy, as far as feral raptors were concerned. Forrest green scales covered most of his body until they reached his underbelly, where they splotched and faded to a paler shade. Meanwhile the back of his neck, forearms, and tail tip all sprouted salmon red feathers; which were mostly relaxed.

Blossom churred a bit. The female wasn't too much different than her counterpart, save for having colors not unlike the setting sun in autumn. The scales on her body were mostly a brilliant orange, though that changed to yellow on her underside while her limbs faded to a vibrant red. Her feathers were bright orange with red tips and, while also being more numerous on her forearms, ran in a mane-like line down her back to the tip of her tail. She swayed her tail as she walked, happy to have someone accompanying her. "I really appreciate you walking with me today, Piq. And on such a nice day, too!"

"Hey, no problem!" Piq purred in return, happy to be of help. His tail swayed too, occasionally bumping into his friend's. "It really is a great day, and now we have the rest of the summer to enjoy! Did you have any plans yet?"

Blossom's tail bags, filled with the supplies she needed for classes throughout the day, jingled with the movement of walking. Her hips bumped into the male's infrequently as they progressed down the sidewalk. "Not as of right now," she looked out the side of her eye at him. "Do you?"

The other raptor hummed a little, "Mmm, not yet. Still thinking of some stuff." The tail contact made Piq's face feel a bit warmer. That, or it was just the sun. Both raptors recently entered young adulthood; they were reproductively mature, now. And, with the conclusion of the final semester of university classes, they were basically adults. For now, though, Piq was just happy to spend the day with his friend. "I think I have some time before anything comes up, though."

As they walked, Blossom had an idea. With her classes being done and the rest of her friends either packing to leave town or still finishing up their own tests, she didn't have anything to do. She let out a soft chirp as she made up her mind and looked at Piq, "Hey, you wanna hang out at my place? I've got some tea and snacks."

"Sure!" The green raptor responded, almost too quickly, realizing they'd arrived at her home already, "It beats going back home to the fam for now!" He purred, thinking about the idea. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy being around his family, but he was the energetic one of his family, the active one, the live wire. The exuberant one. And, at the same time, certain modes of communication just... fell flat; be it tonal and facial cues, or even implied social norms. While his folks weren't lazy, they simply weren't on his level. Not to mention their interests had diverged since he went off for post-secondary education. He looked at her door, noting that it led into a fairly modest house instead of an apartment.

The young lady churred happily at his answer and bounced up the steps, her bags jingling until she grabbed one to dig for her keys. Within just a couple moments, she had the door open and padded in. "I'll get started on the tea."

"Oh, ok!" Piq said as he quickly followed her in and closed the door, being sure to reengage the deadbolt. It was habit after being in the dorms; drunk students never knew what room was theirs. He was immediately in the living room and looked around while giving a sniff. The place smelled heavily of flowers, spices, and... well, Blossom... sweet, in a way. It was almost distracting, and for some reason the was a small bout of... maybe it was nervousness in the scent? No, not that. The smell was so alluring, or maybe comforting was a better description. "So, uh, where is everyone?"

"Oh," Blossom replied, peaking in from the kitchen. "I live alone here. They just gave me this place. Something about ferals needing more space and them not having enough on campus for me." She went back into the kitchen and opened the fridge with her maw on a special grip tassel. She pulled out a pitcher of chilled water. Next, she went to the pantry and grabbed a package full of powder.

Piq chirruped, his own tail gear jostling a bit as he processed the fact that Blossom had gotten a pretty good deal simply because of a logistical issue, "No way!"

He heard her chuckle and chirp, "Yep!" Her voice was muffled a little from grabbing something with her maw.

Piq peeked his head into the kitchen, being greeted by Blossom's tail directly in his view. "Need any help?" He asked, not entirely cognizant of his eyes lingering on his friend's raised tail, regardless of the tail bags still wrapped around and affixed to it. She had just finished pouring water into a pitcher.

The lady raptor looked back and gave her companion a silly smile, "Nah, I got it."

The green stuck his tongue out at her in response, blowing a small raspberry, "If you say so."

"Actually," Blossom backtracked with a giggle while shaking the pitcher to mix its contents, "if you wouldn't mind, could you grab two cups with straws? They're in the first cabinet on the left."

"Sure thing!" Piq chirped, then spotted the cabinet, pulled it open with a tooth tassel, then retrieved the desired drinking apparatuses. "Here."

His friend churred at him in gratitude when she took the glasses from him, then promptly turned back around and poured the instant tea she'd just made into the cups and handed one back to the green male.

"Thanks," Piq said with an appreciative growl as he took the proffered beverage.

Blossom churred happily and smiled at her friend before heading into the living room. Piq followed her, finding her in the process of taking off her tail bags before hopping up and curling in a sitting position on the large, custom flat couch, drink in hand, sipping the beverage through a straw. "You're welcome to join me on the couch if you'd like," she said.

"Oh! Sure!" The green male said happily. He removed his own bags before hopping up onto the couch with his friend; the only remaining article on him being the simple cloth at his hips. It wasn't really required but often considered an act of modesty by ferals - mostly males - when around the anthro creatures, and especially at the university!

Blossom churred deeply and wiggled her tail tip happily, some of her feathers standing out slightly as she sipped her tea. She relaxed, but kept her eyes focused on her friend as she grabbed the nearby remote and flicked on the TV.

Piq also sipped some tea and purred at the welcome feeling of the cool liquid flowing down his throat. It wasn't bad, exactly, though it definitely had and odd graininess quality to it along with that fake taste most instant teas had. "Hmm, not bad for a powder!" He exclaimed in partial jest as his tail laid across that of his friend's.

Blossom chuckled and sipped more of her tea, the girl's tail tip beginning to play with Piq's own and making her giggle, "If you put in just enough, it almost tastes real!"

Piq relaxed a bit, his tail dancing around with his friend's. "I guess it kinda does!" He looked at her when he heard her giggle, his expression one of mild perplexity, "What are you laughing about?"

"Nothin'," Blossom said, her tail continuing to wriggle with Piq's. "I'm just happy that school is over for now. It's nice to just relax with a friend."

"I couldn't agree more!" Piq suddenly realized that his tail was in a good position to win the little wrestling match it was playing against its red counterpart, so he decided to seal the deal and quickly had his friend's tail pinned by his own while he barked excitedly, "Hah!"

Surprised, Blossom let out a meep and attempted to retaliate, her tail wiggling unsuccessfully in the playful, impromptu competition. Sensing victory, Piq sat his drink down on a nearby end table and scooted himself closer so he could leverage even more of his rear appendage. Blossom was enjoying herself and giggled further, even as she watched her friend close some of the distance between them. She sat her drink down as well and continued in her good-natured resistance, even though the outcome was already obvious.

The "competition" was reaching a head, and Piq took it a step further in his playful mood. He quickly tucked his legs under his body just enough so that when he extended them, his body was launched toward Blossom so he could playfully pounce on her. High on the playful excitement, he nipped at his friend, making her chirp and giggle in response before nipping back.

The interaction only served to increase its own intensity; the green male growling more and laying more of his bulk on top of his orange female friend. Blossom, for her part, nipped at Piq's neck with a chirp. She wiggled playfully underneath the green scaled body of her friend as the or play evolved into more wrestling.

The wrestling also didn't seem to last much longer before Piq had Blossom well and truly pinned beneath him on the couch. He gave her another playful growl and moved in to claim victory by nipping at her neck. Even as he did so, he couldn't resist a sudden urge to sniff and take in her scent. Something about it sparked interest, and he did it again with a longer inhale, briefly wondering if she'd always smelled this good. The lady raptor chirped again amidst her own retaliatory nipping while her body squirmed excitedly under the weight of the male.

Piq gave another short, playful bark and nipped at Blossom's throat again. The young female began to blush slightly, her wiggling body compressed from above by the male on top of her. Something about Piq's scent started to smell much more pleasant than she'd previously thought. She felt oddly excited, but that had to be from all of the fun play with her friend, she thought. It had to be!

As their play continued, the green raptor grew bolder with his nibbling, eventually finding his jaws latched around Blossom's neck near the hollow of her throat. His pelvis found itself pressed tightly against the autumnal female's tail while his nose sampled her scent again. His cheeks felt flushed, but it had to be from all of their playful exertion... right?

Blossom squirmed around a little and nipped back at Piq's muzzle. She chirped playfully, despite the deep blush on her face while the male's hips pressed against her tail.

Piq's playful actions were interrupted by a warm swelling feeling between his legs. The bulging of his slit made him blush, hard; unsure if Blossom could feel the bulging through his modesty cloth. He released her neck with a huff that contained more anxiety than he was willing to admit to. However, it seemed as if his friend either didn't notice, or didn't care, as she simply wiggled against his body while continuing to playfully growl and bite at his neck. Given a little more confidence, the green male tried to keep the female pinned and purred at her. While it was playful, he had to admit that the sound seemed right for other reasons, even if he didn't immediately know for sure what they were. Despite all other previous reservations, he never considered removing his hips from against Blossom's tail. If anything, he was torn about doing so as he looked down at her.

Blossom was greeted to a nice view of a male raptor looking at her dead-on. Something about it almost threatened to steal her attention, though the allure of their playing helped keep her focus and she nipped at her friend's nose after only a moment's hesitation.

Piq screwed his eyes shut and shook his head when his friend nipped at the end of his snout. When he opened his eyes again, he found Blossom looking at him. It made him pause, curiously unable to process the look on her face. "Heh, what?" he questioned with a grin, totally unprepared for what came next.

Blossom was suddenly squirming, using the brief pause and confusion to take her friend by surprise and get out from under him; maybe she'd be able to pin him instead! "You can't hold me down forever!" She said with a playful, growling yell.

Piq found himself growling back as he shifted his body in order to hold his friend down, "Rrr, I can't!?" He started to nip back at her, going more for Blossom's neck as their bodies rubbed against each other. The red and orange female gave more retaliatory nips, her feather crest fluffing up as she continued to squirm beneath her male friend. The green male's own feather crest extended with his exertion as he used as much force as he could to pin Blossom against the couch cushions. The combination of their scales rubbing together along with how primal it felt to pin his friend started making his slit bulge more, but he tried to ignore it while in pursuit of victory.

Blossom chirped at her friend, her tail swaying in whatever direction it could while her teeth quested for purchase in nipping Piq's neck. Her counter-assault didn't seem to phase the green raptor much, but she didn't see a reason to stop, so she kept on following the idea of grazing her sharp, predatory teeth on her friend's neck scales. Eventually, she was rewarded with the sound of Piq's voice being let out as a groaning purr and his hold over her seemed to weaken.

"Rrr...Blossom..." Piq could feel his face getting warmer and couldn't help but churr at his friend as she ran her dagger-like teeth against his scales. He started to feel more of a a certain pressure and tightness forming between his legs; the green dinosaur's face getting more red as he realized what that meant.

Blossom kept up her assault, only stopping to tease the male, "Gonna let me nip at ya, Piq?" Her question was asked with an audible snicker, and she made no attempt to hide the playful smile on her muzzle.

"I...uh..." There was no hiding the blush on Piq's face now, nor the bulge under the cloth between his legs as his slit lips parted for his cocktip. The green male felt the need to nip back at the female underneath him. He quickly decided it was better than confronting the forming issue right then and thusly bit Blossom's shoulder.

The fiery-scaled raptoress giggled and nipped her friend's neck and cheek as she felt his teeth graze her shoulder. It sent a sort of electric shiver through her body as it responding in kind; her scent getting stronger in the air while she squirmed. The closeness of their bodies and the playing meant that both raptors could feel the heat radiating off of the other's body. Piq's nasal passages were treated to quite the exquisite sensation as Blossom's scent entered and wafted through his nose. Piq nipped again, though this time at the hollow of his friend's throat. He moved his hips for better leverage, which had the added effect of making him nearly grind on his playmate.

For her part, Blossom huffed a bit when she felt the heat of her friend's groin against her. Was it the play, or... something else? Putting it out of her mind for a moment, the autumn-colored female nipped back, her aim ending up accomplishing a full-on, playful clamp over the end of Piq's muzzle. Piq's growling morphed into more of a croon, his body getting more excited and putting more masculine hints in his scent, which were easily picked up by Blossom's nose. He started rubbing against her more, the movement ensuring she stayed under him. Was it more in response to the playful challenge, or something more? Either way, she let him continue, not feeling the need to stop the fun. Her tail wagged about and tugged at the cloth at Piq's groin, and a piece got caught on a rough patch of her scales without her realizing it. She squirmed more with a few playful chirps and pushed up against her "captor," her scent changing a little more; becoming host to something a little more fertile

Without his tail bag harness - and thanks in part to the rather vigorous horsing around - the groin covering that Piq wore was not up to the torture test of two young adult raptors playing and biting and rubbing on each other. The cloth fell away, leaving Piq's growing erection exposed just as his scent became even more masculine. It was as if his body was advertising itself for any eligible partners nearby, and not for just mere play. He was of breeding age, after all; this season being one of his first. With that, his playful instincts took on a bit more of a purpose pursuant to those latent, primal needs, and he rubbed against Blossom's tail while sampling more of her scent with every breath. Even his vocalizations became more purposeful, for lack of a better term; becoming a little more smooth and deep with each one.

Now it was Blossom's turn to blush as she suddenly felt a different warmth. Well, two, to be precise. Her heat, having been lurking just below the surface as breeding season was just around the corner, was now jumping into the forefront of her mind and filling her head with all sorts of thoughts. Some of those thoughts had to do with the second new source of heat: the throbbing stick of male flesh that Piq was grinding on her tail. She couldn't help but listen to the male's vocalizations, blushing all the more.

Piq could detect the change in Blossom's scent as her body began to advertise her growing fertility. He couldn't help but let out another croon while his erection got stiff between his legs. There was no hiding his breeding flesh now, and he couldn't find the will to even try at this point. Instead, he ground and rubbed the length against his friend. The forming instincts were already so strong, and it was almost as if he was in a trance of sorts.

Blossom looked down between her and her friend's bodies, her eyes locking onto the twitching mass of male raptorhood. The head was spade-shaped from the front, and sharply tapered until it met the main shaft, which had a rather consistent diameter throughout the length, until it hit the base, which was somewhat flared out in a thicker diameter that was almost, but not quite like a knot possessed by the males of some other species. The entire length, with the exception of the head, had three rows of small nubs that made a triangle when viewed from head-on. Part of her was hungry at the sight. Now, Piq and Blossom's people weren't simple animals; they had evolved past that. So, that hunger was precisely why another part of her mind tore her gaze from Piq's phallus and redirected it so she was looking up to her friend's eyes. "...Piq?"

Piq hissed and shook his head when he heard his name called. Thankfully it was didn't take much more than that before he was snapping out of the trance he started to fall into, "Huh? What?" His crest and neck feathers drooped somewhat when he looked down as well and realized exactly what had been transpiring. "Oh, uh... sorry..." the blush on his muzzle was as red as it could be on a face full of green scales.

"No, no, it's fine!" Blossom tried reassuring her playmate. She bit her bottom lip and lightly ground her teeth while chancing another look between their bodies. Again, it threatened to consume her thoughts and attention, "um... what uh... what do we do?"

"I... think I have a condom..." Piq hissed out the words. He wasn't able to fully keep the raging instincts at bay as they were coming to a furious boil within him. Even as he suggested the existence of the contraceptive device, he still rubbed his turgid length against Blossom's tail.

Blossom was also finding it hard to keep the rising needs in check. She'd not had a heat before, and had certainly never been in such an intimate position with a male that was very clearly ready and willing. However, proper sex-ed prevailed, and the spicy lady raptor knew there was only one option, as she was certain that neither of them would be able prevent themselves from acting on their instincts at this point. "Let's uh... let's get it," she huffed as she found herself rubbing her tail and hips against the male pinning her from above.

"O...ok," Piq said slowly before pulling himself away after another couple of rubs against his now-prospective sexual partner. It was a hard task, truth be told, but he performed admirably under the circumstances, and shook the frame of his body a little to rid himself of the remnants of any clothing that clung to him. He found his tail bags and dug into one of the pouches, fishing around until his claws retrieved a small, square of foil packaging, "here it is...". He'd gotten the condom from the safer sex patrol on campus, who had been doing regular drives and safe-sex awareness ads throughout the spring semester. Not thinking too much about it at the time, Piq had thrown the contraceptive in one of his bag pouches. Now, however, the green raptor used his claws to split open the packaging and then gingerly removed the latex ring from within. He was careful, knowing his claws could end its ability to properly function. Thankfully, he'd gotten two from the safer sex patrol and used one already as they had advised he learn how to open and apply a condom without damaging it. One night, in a fit of needy curiosity when his roommates were out late, he'd done just that. He thought this one was a tad on the snug side, though. The last raptor condom he'd tried seemed to fit him like a glove and not be distractingly tight. Though, he reasoned, maybe he was just more turned on and concerned about using the condom, so he was fixating on the sensation more than last time?

Blossom's face got nearly as red as the ends of her reddest feather quills as she watched the male get the condom, getting a better view of the male's flesh in the process. The length was dark pink at the tip and gradually faded to a lighter shade near Piq's genital slit. Overall, it stretched until just before the start of where she could approximate the start of his sternum should be. Also, she was sure she saw a drop of pre leak from the tip and onto the floor before the member was covered in latex, trapping any further fluid excretion inside like it should. She was still fixated on the shaft, completely ignoring the size and species note on the wrapper that fell nearby. She could tell he was getting further excited while he took in more of her scent as she could hear the light growls coming out of him every time he exhaled. Then he looked back at her and they each found themselves looking the other over before their eyes met. Blossom was nervous on the surface, but she knew both her scent and instincts said she was ready for this, "so... how do we start?"

Unable to keep his urges in check for a moment, Piq made an attempt to mount Blossom as she was laying on the couch while his feet stayed planted on the floor. There was only minimal genital contact and Piq hissed in slight sexual frustration before stepping away, "hmm."

Growling with lustful sympathy, Blossom had idea. Well, it was kind of her idea. Really, she let her instincts guide her. The orange and red raptor got off of the couch and hissed in excitement as she felt her friend pull on her tail and heard him croon. She looked at him for a moment, thinking she saw the shadow of nervousness on his muzzle for a moment. She let out a murr as she looked the male over a little more, trying to calm his nerves even though she felt just as nervous. She turned away from her friend and lifted her tail a little, giving it a light and playful flick.

Piq took a step forward as his friend presented herself to him, his shaft bobbing under his belly. He was treated to a hell of a view, for sure: a tight-looking pucker rested just under the rise of her tail and below that, glistening with the growing arousal of the situation was her vent, the lips already a little puffy and pulled apart on their own. The male growled, finding the sound that came out of his chest to be decidedly on the lustful side. The male gave his friend's tail another series of nips around the base. With such close proximity, he drew in her scent right from the source, the more primal parts of his brain confirming that she was definitely in heat; and he found himself very happy with knowing that fact as he leaned his head in closer and stuck out his tongue.

Blossom let out a surprised chirp as she felt the other raptor's tongue press against her folds before slipping past her labia. Her tail hiked itself higher from the sudden onset of pleasurable stimulation, and she was fairly certain that if she could blush any harder her face would explode from the pressure!

She tasted strong at first. But once Piq got past the initial shock and allowed his desires to drive him a little more, she was oh so pleasantly sweet. Mixed with the heat coming off of her, he could almost make the connection of drinking warm apple cider. He definitely wanted more of it, and so pushed his tongue deeper, letting more tongue surface make contact so he could taste it in even greater detail.

"Mmmhhh, Piq... that feels amazing," Blossom moaned as she felt her friend's tongue rooting around under her tail. Her breath even hitched with a huff as he found a spot that was extra sensitive. She couldn't help but push her rump back towards his face, finding herself beginning to pant as that slippery appendage kept working. Soon she felt a clawed forelimb grip one of her haunches and then felt the blunt end of his muzzle press under her tail as he tried to go deeper. As he worked, Blossom could feel her canal getting wetter by the moment.

Piq certainly appreciated the extra wetness as he slurped up all of the raptor fem juice his tongue came across. That alluringly sweet taste of what his primal mind knew to be fertility was just simply intoxicating and beckoned him to be as close to the source as possible! "Rrrr,..." he growled in response to her extolment while his protected shaft twitched and bobbed underneath his body, already leaking enough pre-cum to fill the reservoir at the tip.

Blossom's hips rolled back against the male's muzzle and she huffed as that tongue only seemed to delve deeper. She even squeezed her muscles on it, rewarding her with additional stimulation while rewarding her friend with more of her fluid to lap up. And lap them up he did; Piq might as well have been a parched traveler finding an oasis in a vast desert. Eventually, though, his thirst was quenched and the green male removed his muzzle, the end glistening with some fluid splash and highlighted by the natural light coming in through the windows. He started to climb over Blossom's back, and she looked back just as he began, briefly noticing the ballooning of the condom's reservoir and thinking nothing of it. What she did do, however, was huff in excitement and move her tail to the left a bit and curl her talons as Piq settled his weight on her back. His claws gripped her by the hips at first as he tried to prod his penis around under her tail, searching out his target. The fiery female only blushed more when his errant member poked at the pucker of her tail hole a couple of times at first. She relaxed some, as the position felt more natural, and that relaxation seemed to flow from her and into her partner after he let out a small, frustrated grunt.

It was as if a light switch had been thrown in Piq's instinct-addled brain as his mate-to-be relaxed under him. He gripped his forelimbs higher up on Blossom's body and brought his right foot onto her haunch. Blossom responded by lowering her front and squatting just slightly as she felt the foot perch on her. It lined him up perfectly, which they both found out when he tried again and slid right in between those ready and waiting folds. Both raptor and raptoress hissed in pleasured unison as that latex-covered and leaking member was slid in and the male kept pushing until he was relatively deep inside his friend. The condom's reservoir had put up a little resistance with that ballooned tip, but neither participant paid it any mind; too absorbed in the heat of the moment and the haze of the young adult raptors' heats.

Blossom clenched her passage on the intruding member just as she'd done with Piq's tongue, huffing deeply as she welcomed Piq's intromittent organ into her hot and tight body. Even though she was doing her best to clench on the penis being shoved into her, another part of her brain seemed to be handling the rest of the clenching; the result being a haphazard series of rippling massages assaulting the male with pleasure. She knew it was pleasurable because Piq let out a drawn out croon as he slipped all the way inside her snatch. His member was hot and she could also feel the tip of the condom with it's swollen tip also full of warm pre. The entire sensation made the heated girl churr again and curl her talons further in pleasure.

Piq kept himself as deep as he could for a fairly long while, all things considered. Then, feeling drawn by his instincts once more, he began to rock his hips experimentally while adjusting the grip of his hands. He even gave a few questing licks and nibbles along Blossom's back and neck. Piq was rewarded as his friend clenched more on his member during those first few thrusts, and chirped softly. As he nipped and licked around, he was also somewhat aware of her feather quills rising slowly in response to his questing muzzle. Then, that all changed when his muzzle reached a certain point of extension. Positioned right at the base of Blossom's neck, his instincts bid him to gab onto that locale with his teeth and so he did, testing to see how well it worked with his attempts to thrust. And, as he tested the boundaries of this mating position, each clench from his partner coaxed another spurt of pre-seed to be ejected into the condom's reservoir.

"Ooohhh, Piq..." Blossom moaned loudly and bucked her hips when Piq latched his teeth on her neck. She kept up the rearward pressure when she could, though she found that it was a little more difficult with the male taking up such a dominant hold on her. Not that she was complaining or wanting to move out of it.

"Hmmrr?" Piq questioned. He didn't much wait for an answer, though, finding that he very much liked what the neck biting offered him, so he doubled down and grabbed at her body more possessively while picking up the pace and strength of his thrusting. Blossom didn't once stop that luxurious clenching on his member, either, and she continuously coaxed more pre out of his shaft and into the swelling tip of the condom. Piq's partner leaned forward a little as he continued to thrust, somehow making the clenching inside her vent even more noticeable while making it so he didn't have to support as much of his own weight. He took all the help he could get, too; the extra support let him thrust harder and with a more regular rhythm. As he took his partner harder, a loud and somehow lewd growl came out of his throat. The green male could also feel the spurts of lubricating pre-seed that came out of his shaft. On another level, he knew he also wasn't feeling what he should either; those nubs trapped by the latex confines of the condom. It was a little disappointing, to be sure, but then again he was mating with a very good friend, so he certainly couldn't complain much!

Blossom moaned loudly with her friend, letting him know that she, too, was greatly enjoying the experience. She squeezed on that member harder, putting ever increasing pressure on the male's flesh and the condom surrounding it. Some part of the latex put up a bit of a fight for a moment as the internal ridges of Blossom's female anatomy ground against the protected member. Then, suddenly there was no resistance at all as something gave way, and it was suddenly much more sodden between the two set of interacting genitals. Maybe, just maybe, the pair would have heard an audible snap if they weren't so lost in their actions and Piq's cock wasn't buried as deep as it was inside of the fiery orange girl's cunt.

For his part, Piq felt the increased tightness on his shaft for a moment. And then, as if by magic, there wasn't any resistance or tightness at all. And, even better, she was soaked at this point. It was so slippery, and heavens above was it smooooooth! And yet there was just enough friction to provide just the right amount of stimulation. Even better, he could feel the nubs along the length of his shaft starting to dig in and finally get some stimulation of their own. On somewhat of an instinctive reflex, he flexed his penis, and those wonderful little nubs became pronounced and he felt them dig even deeper into the walls surrounding his member. He groaned at the sudden and welcome onset of pleasure, and - frankly - not really able to care all that much about why it felt so good all of the sudden. Instead, he thrust harder, also finally mastering the rhythm he needed as each raptor's respective sexual fluids began to mix and leak out and run down Blossom's legs.

Blossom wasn't complaining; not by a long shot. Oh no, the new sensation of the little nubs of her partner's shaft rubbing against her now exposed walls and then growing bigger after he flexed and spurt another rope of pre-cum inside her was more exquisite than she could have ever imagined. She'd experimented with a toy before, surely, it was common for females of the species as their hormones began cycling in anticipation for full maturity. Maybe it was because it was cheap, or there was just something about a difference inherent to synthetic approximations. Regardless, it paled in comparison to the real, all-natural thing. Instead of raise any sort of alarm or concern, the orange raptoress moaned louder and pressed her hips against the male rutting her with every thrust he gave against her backside.

With all of the extra stimulation and Blossom's apparent willingness and enjoyment of the act, Piq found himself taking a more dominant hold over his friend. One of his fore claws moving up to latch around his partner's shoulder while the other helped him leverage his weight to push her front down almost entirely to the floor of the living room. He was rutting her hard, now. He kept flexing his penis as well, each time spurting another rope of pre into Blossom's depths while his egging nubs became further pronounced. Piq was panting with the effort, but a part of him - the primal part - urged him to keep going. He couldn't stop, no; all of this effort was worth it! That's what those instincts assured him as the male approached his golden strokes, one grunting thrust at a time.

Blossom was reaching her limit as well, letting out a pleasured yet somewhat exhausted chirp as she tried to reposition her legs a little to relieve some of the tension and fatigue. She found that by widening her stand, Piq's weight became much more bearable. It also had the wonderful side effect of letting her friend prod his shaft deeper inside of her. And then suddenly, that was it for her. She came hard around Piq's cock and growled and chirped out her achievement in panting breaths as her body released a torrent of fluids all of its own making. The volume was nothing to scoff at, and as proof it didn't take long for Blossom's fem juices to squirt out and drench Piq's thighs and crotch, including his genital slit.

Piq was in absolute heaven as Blossom came around his cock. The extra wetness didn't really do much in the wake of all that the pair had produced over the course of their intercourse, but the splash against his thighs made Piq's primal-pilled brain light up with giddy appreciation as his mate let him know how well of a job he was doing. That same part of his brain was also constantly monitoring the female's scent, looking for something that it couldn't exactly relay to the rest of the higher thought processes, at least not yet. Piq's cock felt fat enough to be a spare leg to him, what with all of the turgidness and the increased heart rate forcing blood hard into all areas of the breeder boy's body. He was reaching his limit, he knew, and yet somehow he knew he couldn't stop yet. If his instincts told him to wait all damn day, he would! His shaft was twitching literally every second as it was sensitized further and made to spurt more pre into Blossom's canal in a fashion that was essentially fountain-like in that there was not much of a gap between one spurt and the next. Maybe he was going to be very thirsty after this? He didn't know. And again, his instincts told him that he shouldn't worry about that right now. What mattered was the female below him and how good she smelled. As he continued to rail his friend, a tattered and torn latex sleeve was drawn out from between the pair of interfacing organs and flopped uselessly to the floor with another spatter of fluids...

Blossom pumped her hips back against Piq's with every thrust he gave her, making him rut her as deep as physically possible. She was completely unaware of the mass of latex that had exited her body, oblivious just like her friend. Still, with those mating instincts coming to life when the usual breeding season was not far off, it could be reasonably asked if the either of them wanted to care about the failure of the contraceptive barrier. There wasn't time to really wonder about that, though: Blossom came a second time, the second rush of fluids making an absolute mess. Even as she hit her orgasm and it smacked her upside the head for the second time in the last few minutes, breeding season went from not far off, to right fucking now as her body finally responded in full to Piq's egging nubs. Her ovaries cycled, and in no way was it just a single time, as a change in her scent signaled that fact to the breeder mounting her.

The change in Blossom's scent was very subtle to anyone that was either not a raptor, or thoroughly unfamiliar with the nuances of the scent profile. However, being a full-blooded raptor, Piq had no such handicap, and the additional notes in his friend's scent were like a finger being put on the hair trigger that were his instincts holding back the young male's release. All of the sudden, the primal part of Piq's brain screamed at him, do it, now! And oh boy, did he. Piq slammed his hips hard under Blossom's tail until his slit met her own. He released his toothy hold on her neck, freeing up his mouth so he could let out a loud, exalted barking mating call as his instincts took control of the situation to ensure success. His tail thrashed downward as the muscle groups at his tail base were recruited for the noble of act of procreation. His pelvic muscles too, obviously, worked their magic. Together, the muscle groups worked to squeeze the large, oblong kidney bean-shaped lumps on the underside of Piq's tail that were his testes, then pumping their output through the various seminiferous glands, tubes, and vesicles along their journey until his pelvic muscles could fire it out through his urethra and into the unprotected vent of the female below him.

The cock buried in Blossom's snatch - for lack of a better word - exploded. Torrents of virile young raptor cum rushed out and flooded her passage like a dam had broken, the resulting flood overtaking the banks of a river. It was thick, warm, and reached every small nook and cranny only to then force its way out and splatter all down her and her partner's legs, pooling onto the floor. Sure, Blossom had made a mess of fem juices while cumming - twice! - but Piq was certainly not going to be outdone. In fact, he came hard for well over a few minutes. And, over the course of those few minutes, what parts of Blossom's mind were not a drooling, incoherent mess on the floor guessed there had to be at least a couple of gallons being forced under her tail right now. And, with no condom running interference, she felt each spurt as they were sprayed right against her cervix and pooled against it as both raptors took to nature for the reminder of their time joined together. Blossom chirped and panted loudly as she felt the male's penis throb and pulse inside her, her instincts guiding her to press her hips back against the male as hard as she could while her vent muscles clenched and milked her friend's length.

Totally lost in the haze of breeding, Piq completely discounted the lack of pressure that should have been there as the condom reservoir caught and contained his semen. And, with the tight confines of a lady raptor wrapped around him, there should have been pressure followed by a squishing sensation as his seed was directed harmlessly out the back of the rubber near the base of his cock. A few more minutes went by before his penis showed any signs of cessation of its pulsing throbs. He growled loudly and dominantly, fully in the mood of the moment as Piq claimed his friend in one of the most primal of ways.

It took another ten minutes before either of the young and fertile raptors could come down from their high and even make sense of anything. Blossom panted, her body slowly and laboriously relaxing, though her canal still remained tightly clenched on the length of male flesh inside her. She was finally able to take in all of the feelings on a conscious level: the pleasant twitching of a male's penis deep inside her vent, the warm pool of seed collecting and resting against her cervix... wait... Shit! Her eyes snapped open and she looked under her body, her visual acuity picking out the tattered remains of the condom resting in a pool of her own juices and Piq's cum. She let out a panicked chirp as the realization hit her like a truck.

Piq was still firmly in the breeding haze and had started to croon softly to his partner and nuzzle her neck when she made a sound of distress that quite rudely removed him from the somewhat dreamy mindset, his instincts likening it to the sound of distress had they truly been in a primal part of history and there was a threat present. "Huh, what? What's wrong!?"

"Piq, the condom broke!" Blossom exclaimed worriedly, her neck feathers fluffing out with a sudden onset of anxiety.

"I...What?" Piq said, still trying to bring the rest of his mental faculties to bear on the problem at hand. He tried to move to look under their bodies, the motion allowing more seed to leak out as his penis shifted somewhat. "Oh...oh no... did... did we? Did I...?"

Blossom couldn't keep her body from clenching somewhat pleasurably on the member that shifted around inside her, despite the situation, and she shivered as she realized the possible repercussions. "I think so..."

"Now what?" Piq asked, letting off a huff that was equal parts anxiety and primal pride in the knowledge of what he'd just done with his friend.

Blossom shrugged, "I don't know." She curled her talons in pleasure as the primal parts of her brain also took satisfaction in the understanding of what she had allowed Piq to do. He'd mounted her, and she happily let him in the heat of the moment. In the heat of her heat, he came inside her!

"Should I get off of you?" Piq questioned, concern in his voice despite the dose of dopamine riding though his brain as reward for breeding with a raptor hen in the midst of breeding season.

Blossom was back to blushing as she thought about all of it. Her feathers rose on her neck as she considered everything, "I don't really know... I guess... what's done is done, anyway." Even as she said it, some of Piq's seed had already fought past her barrier and into her womb, where it started to hunt down the eggs she'd released during the mating. It didn't much time, just a few minutes before there was a pleasant tingle in her belly as eager little tails disappeared under the membranes of Blossom's ova. Her scent slowly began to change to signal to the pair that Blossom was no longer in heat, replaced with the hints saying that Piq's seed was very successful in their mission inside Blossom's egg chamber and that there was definitely going to be a clutch to look forward to. Piq did what he could to comfort his friend, nibbling along her neck feathers. At least they both seemed to enjoy it. In that measure, it had definitely been worth it...