Just a thing dragons do (Patreon reward for Kodi)

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#50 of Commissions

Are Lugias even dragons? Actually, which type are they? When I was younger I always thought they were Water/Flying for obvious reasons, but it turns I was wrong. Turns out they are Psychic and as such can appear in my stories doing... your usual stuff.

I wrote this one for Kodi (https://twitter.com/Blu_Kodiak). Hope you guys enjoy it!

There was a fair share of things Blugia had seen throughout his life.

Having been around for quite some time, he'd seen plenty of Charizards in his lifetime. However, as much as he tried to jog his memory, he wasn't sure he'd ever encountered one like the figure he'd just spotted through the dense woods he was overflying at the moment.

Deep red scales covered a body that was supposed to be orange - or black like Blugia's, in rarer instances. The intense crimson color made him look more like a Chameleon, but Blugia was positive the silhouette below the branches belonged to a Charizard. He could tell the difference from up close and he'd been approaching his prey for a reasonable amount of time now, long enough that it amused him the Fire-type hadn't even noticed he was being stalked from the sky.

Blugia wasn't prone to judging other Pokémon's coloration - his was pretty unusual as well for a Lugia, with jet black scales covering most of his body except his grey belly and the thin blue line around it.

What was even more interesting than the Charizard's color was the total absence of wings. He was wearing a pair of square-shaped glasses, but that was hardly remarkable. Blugia had met several Pokémon with bad sight so far.

Tired of flying over the Fire-type without being noticed (Blugia wasn't even sure he was a Flying-type without his wings), the Lugia decided to speed his flight and catch the Charizard off-guard. He landed right in front of him, a loud tremor shaking the ground as his big body reached the ground. Blugia made sure to spread his massive wings, letting his long thick tail thump on the grass behind him.

Logically, the Charizard gasped and looked surprised.

"W-where did you come from?" he asked.

Heh. I can't believe he didn't see me, Blugia told himself. He noticed then that there was no flame on the Charizard's tail and somehow he was still walking. It looked like he'd hit jackpot with that one.

"You really are a weird one," he began by saying. "No wings, no flame. Charmeleon colored. I like my thralls to be... exclusive, you know?"

The Charizard flinched.

"Th-thralls? What do you mean?"

Blugia chuckled, eyes flashing enigmatically as the tip of his tongue stroke one of his fangs.

"Do I really have to explain? It's just a thing dragons do, you know. The big ones, at least. It's our way to prove we are unstoppable. Making other dragons our thralls, our slaves." Blugia flashed a wide grin at the shocked Charizard. "Is that a valid explanation for you, hmm?"

The Charizard looked back at him in awe - then, after a few seconds, his expression turned from surprise to skepticism.

"'Dragons', you say? But... hmm..."

Blugia lowered his wings and frowned. That wasn't precisely the reaction he'd been waiting for.

"What is it?"

"Well, if you don't mind me pointing it out, you're not a dragon, are you?" the Charizard noted. He looked slightly self-conscious as he said that, as if he was embarrassed on behalf of the Lugia. "Does that mean I'm safe? From all that enthralling you were talking about?"

Blugia flapped his wings and a strong wind brushed the leaves nearby. Even the Charizard raised a claw to cover his eyes from the sudden gale.

"What? Not a dragon? You simply have to look at me. Long neck, two powerful wings..."

"... daunting humility..." the Charizard spoke under his breath.

"I heard that, you know."

"I'm just saying, if we stick to typing, neither of us is really a dragon," the Charizard said, crossing his arms on his chest. "So perhaps you're wasting your time here. Perhaps you should be chasing a different target. Are you sure I'm the best option you got?"

Blugia tilted his head and stared at the Charizard, his eyes narrowing down to thin lines.

"Let me ask a different question. Are you trying to buy some time by asking all these silly questions? Do you really think you can fool me with this pathetic attempt at escaping?"

The Fire-type chuckled nervously and took a step back.

"Well, I... I had to try. Was it that obvious? Didn't I convince you?"

Blugia rose to his full height, a devious smirk creeping up his face.

"I completely ignored everything you said after that bit about being 'safe'. You're not."

He lunged forward towards the Charizard, who tried to turn back and run away. Fortunately for Blugia, that wasn't a scenario he hadn't considered before. There was a thick wall of trees behind his prey, who suddenly found himself surrounded by two large, strong wings.

The Charizard looked around in search for a way out as Blugia kept on getting closer, more slowly now. As he tried to put some distance between himself and the huge Lugia, he stepped back until he felt the rough touch of the tree on his back. Even Blugia knew, from the look on his face, that he considered that quite definitive.

"Heh..." He managed to gasp. "I... I suppose you're not going to let me go?"

Blugia let a deep chuckle rise from his chest.

"You are correct. What is your name, Charizard?"

The Fire-type gulped.

"P... Pepper. Why are you asking?"

Blugia's head got even closer to the Charizard, until those big eyes filled his field of vision.

"I want to make sure I know your name," the Lugia whispered, licking one of his fangs. "That way, at least, somebody will remember it when you're... gone."

"G-gone?" Pepper stuttered.

Blugia chuckled again.


His eyes began to glow and swirl, catching the Charizard off-guard. Blugia knew how the process worked, and he knew his prey wouldn't last for long under his intense, psychically imbued hypnosis. Pepper, on the other hand, struggled against the trunk as he tried to flee in vain.

"It's no use, little dragon," Blugia spoke in a deep voice. "Just let yourself go. Focus on my spirals. Feel my mind gaining total command over yours. Feel your brain struggling, struggling - trying to resist. But we both know what will happen. You know what will happen, don't you?"

"N... no..." Pepper groaned. His head felt like it was being squished by an enormous hand, making his mental processes feel overwhelmingly hard and slow.

The spirals grew bigger, the pulsating light mirroring on the lost Charizard's eyes.

"I'll tell you, then," Blugia offered. "I'm going to obliterate that shimmer of resistance you're so desperately holding on to. See? Like this."

Like a branch snapping, Pepper's body grew rigid and tense before it collapsed on the trunk, limp and soggy - yet still staring deep into the Lugia's gaze. His tongue lolled out as he let out a soft moan, his mind lost in a nonreturnable abyss.

"And now, I'm going to fill it with as many things as I want. For instance, I want this idea to be rooted as deep as possible in your mind. Repeat after me - 'Lugias are dragons'."

"L... Lugias are dragons..." came the Charizard's monotonous, drowsy voice. All the while, mind-melting swirls kept on flashing right in front of him, taking him deeper into his submission.

"'Charizards are lesser dragons.'"

"Cha... Charizards are... uuuh... lesser dragons..."

"'Lesser dragons obey bigger dragons.'"

"Lesser dragons obey... obey... bigger dragons..."

"'You must obey the bigger dragon.'"

"I... uuuuh... must obey the bigg... ggaah... bigger dragon..."

Blugia chuckled. The Charizard in front of him didn't resemble the cheeky explorer he'd found just a few minutes earlier. He moved his face back from his prey, who remained motionless and mindless.

"Just another thing, little dragon. Do you remember your name?"


Satisfied, Blugia stepped back and prepared to take flight.

"Alright, then," he murmured. "Follow me to my lair. I don't know how exactly you intend to do that with no wings, but... I'm sure you'll find the way, am I correct?"

And the Charizard nodded, acknowledging he was.

From now on, he'd always be correct.