Penetration Testing: Chapter 3

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#3 of PenTesters

Systemic Feedback plans and executes the first part of their job on EroTech.

The Pen Testing Crew

Chapter 3

By StripedKittyScribe

Systemic Feedback isn't your typical crew of cyberpunks. Almost all of them are former corpo-employees who went independent after a couple of them were downsized. Feedback leads his crew doing things that keep them hiding in plain sight. Besides, how else are you going to get the corpo-drones to pay you to break into their companies?

This story may contain characters that are gender-non-conforming and have physical adaptations that match this. It may further contain group sex of essentially any and all permutations, violence, crimes, and non-consensual/dubious consensual sex. Please do not consume this work of fiction if you are not of the age of majority in your jurisdiction.

EroTech Headquarters; 30th, 23:45

Mimi threw the door to the cab open, shoving hir way out of the seat. Kicking, flailing, and squalling like an air raid siren from the previous century, shi made a real show of hirself as shi minced hir way toward the front door of EroTech. Shi whirled to face Spring, who was stalking after hir. It almost overbalanced hir, sending hir gigantic tits wobble-sloshing in the tight dress.

Spring' fist knotted in the harlequin rabbit's hair and hauled back to pull hir off hir feet. "You're not going anywhere, you fucking little whore, I'm not done with you yet!"

Mimi squealed louder, twisting and shrieking and pointing at the door to the building. "It's there! It's right there, baby! I just need a few minutes!"

She wound up and backhanded Mimi across hir muzzle. "You owe me, JoyToy, and I'm getting my money out of you!"

The impact wrenched Mimi's head around, and only silenced the screaming for a moment as shi inhaled and screeched louder.

The struggle had gone on long enough that the guards had come out of the EroTech lobby, if only to see the show. Some of them were sucking hard on StimSticks, some were placing bets.

That all changed when Mimi looked at them and howled, "Employee 42756E6, Section E79!"

The lead guard's head snapped forward, looking at Mimi and pulling up hir data. "Shit," the bear said as he stomped forward, whipping out a stunner. "Ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to step away from them."

Spring shook Mimi by the hair while looking at the guards. "This little cunt owes me another 5 hours, and shi's crying that shi can't take it any more. You got no right to interfere."

The bear's movement had drawn the rest of the guards with him. Several of them pulled their own stunners and batons out. Checking to make sure that he wasn't alone in case this went sideways, the bear turned back to face Bonus. "Ma'am, I don't know anything about your contract with this individual, but shi's registered as an employee of EroTech. Any further violence toward hir will result in us taking strident action to detain you for damage to EroTech property."

Mimi reached a hand out, trying to walk forward on the chunky platform heels that raised hir toes 6 cm off the ground, and hir heels another 12 cm past that. "I can explain!"

Spring jerked Mimi's head back and reached under her jacket.

The guards moved as a unit. They'd trained for this sort of scenario. Within half a second, they'd wrapped Spring up in almost half a dozen locks, and the leader was tucking Mimi under a protective arm to pull hir away from the struggling mongoose.

Spring kicked at one of the guards' groins, and that was enough for them to apply the stunner to the back of her neck. The mongoose's body went rigid, and then slack.

The guards dragged her into the building, followed by their leader and Mimi.

Apartment; 28th, 09:28

Mimi crossed hir arms. "I don't like this." Shi looked over the plans. "It'll work, but I don't like this."

Feedback looked over at Spring, then Bonus and Mimi. "It's not my first choice, either. But it is the one with the highest chance of getting you two in there and past their biggest defenses." He looked down at the table with the holo display. "You two fight, the fake creds get you past the scanners. You get taken up to the test labs for your testing. Spring gets thrown into a cell until the morning when someone higher up the chain can sort her out for damaging company property."

Bonus nodded. "I'd do it, but we need your skills in the building, Spring. Mimi's the one who's got the most to 'sell' in terms of the social engineering, you're just along for the ride. Once they see that company property is in danger, they aren't going to do any further questioning or stick to normal procedure. All of the checks they'd do to Mimi to confirm stuff will be overlooked to get hir repaired and in good condition again because shi's 'one of theirs', and you're obviously not going to get checked, they know that you're not supposed to be there."

Spring grimaced, her own arms crossed under her chest. "I'm not as good at pulling punches as either of you two. And to be really honest, don't take this the wrong way Mimi, I'm not sure that I should. At least in terms of the plan. If we're going to sell this, you're going to need to show some damage on top of whatever malfunction you're going to claim." She dropped her hands to the table, and pushed her short muzzle toward the holo. "What I really don't like is that I'm going to have to go almost totally without tools. I can pack a few things away but they're going to search and strip me. You're going to have to pack my kit as well as your own."

Mimi groaned, throwing her head back. "But I hate wearing falsies!"

Feedback took the reins once more. "Alright. Bonus, you're getting a list from Spring about what the immediate needs are for resupply. Once you get all of that stuff back here, Spring will get things fabbed up. Mimi, you need to get all of the coding done in the next couple 36 hours. I'm going to do more scouting and talking with some of Bonus' contacts so that we can get a better picture of their defenses and internal workings."

Mimi's head rocked fully forward and thudded onto hir forearms as shi dropped onto the table and whined. "But I don't know what they have! I have no fucking clue! The whole thing is a black hole. I've never seen anything like it. Obviously their intranet will be different from the public facing sites, but they're almost certainly made at least by the same team, so it should be similar."

Feedback hung his head and let out the breath he was holding. "Are you saying that we can't do it? Or that we shouldn't do it? Those are two totally different questions."

Mimi forced hirself to stand and look at the table. "We can do it. Or at least as far I can estimate, we can do this. Should is... another question. That one I don't know."

Spring looked over the map one more time, then at the two chips that had been given to them by Syrah and Impulse. "This isn't a normal risk assessment. Even ignoring that we haven't officially decided what we're going to do with the data and prototype once we get it, this is completely lopsided. The downside of this getting out, as is, way outweighs anything else. I don't think that we have a choice."

Feedback looked around the table, into everyone's eyes. He let them all look around the table, getting everyone's reactions for themselves, then said, "We're going in. Right now, we don't really have any choice but to risk it, Spring's right. Bonus, I'm going to throw a couple of other things onto your plate. First, let's see how Impulse feels about us handing it over to her for her own... er... devices, I guess."

Mimi shook hir head. "I can answer that one right now. She won't want it, partially because of the tech, but mostly because it's not something she knows anything about. She's a singer, not a businesswoman. Or at least, not that kind of a businesswoman. I wouldn't bother calling her, not with how little time we have."

Feedback shrugged. "Alright, in that case I guess the only other contact we really need to work over is Cross. Call her and see if she can rework this or something." He looked over at Bonus. "Please note that operative term. I don't mind that you sleep with her, but we literally do not have time right now."

The skunk shrugged, not even a flicker of shame in his eyes. "Si, perrito. I agree, we don't have time."

EroTech Headquarters: 30th, 23:55

The security team leader hated test subjects. They were all clingy and weepy. He couldn't count the number of times they'd wailed about how they'd lost some body part or couldn't feel their dick or couldn't walk any more without feeling their teeth buzzing or whatever. He didn't want to deal with it, but it was a job. One that he wasn't going to have for very much longer, if the rumors were true. EroTech was circling the drain. Maybe not completely without hope, though. Some of the rumors said that this next product was going to be 'revolutionary'.

It was sex. How 'revolutionary' could it get? You put your dick in something warm, slick and tight, and you felt good. Muzzle, cunt, ass, tits. ... Well, tits weren't slick. Maybe 'warm, soft and tight'. Whatever. Sex couldn't be revolutionary. But EroTech paid him to keep their shit safe, and that's what he did. He didn't care if the company line was that it was revolutionary.

This bunny was... a little different. He didn't like bunnies. Too small. Too fragile. He wanted a woman he could really pound hard and not have to worry about breaking their neck, either slamming their head into the headboard or hauling on their hair. So it wasn't that he was thinking of shoving his cock in this little brown-and-white fucktoy. Not his type.

It was odd that shi was spending more time mewling about the fact that shi was going to be in trouble, and that shi needed to get the whatever-it-was fixed. Not that hir tits were about to fall off or hir dick was about to burst. Shi wasn't walking all that steadily either. Shi'd fallen against him right after getting through the front door, which is when he offered hir a gurney.

Hir refusal there had been weird, too, but not totally unreasonable. Something about the med crew reports getting hir in more trouble than shi was already in. And shi hadn't fallen over, so whatever. He'd badged the doors to the elevator and walked hir up to the research lab that she needed to get into.

He'd made hir lead the way, just on a hunch. Shi knew right where shi was going, though, and shi even had a badge that let hir in. Good enough for him. Besides, he had to go shut the damned alarms off. The mongoose bitch that they'd detained had been carrying some insane combat mods, and the sensors in the lobby had started screaming about those even before he could get to the front door with the bunny. "You gonna be okay in here?"

Mimi nodded, hir makeup running all over hir cheeks. Shi took a shuddering breath, and tried to give a smile around hir swollen lips. "I can get it all fixed," shi promised. "I'll be okay." Shi winced at how the words came out.

The guard leader just grunted. "You can reach me on internal coms if you need anything else. We'll take care of your... companion." He stepped out of the lab and then shut the door. He had better things to do than deal with some idiot fucktoy. The reports were going to be insane, just in terms of figuring out who to write them to.

Mimi spent the next five minutes working on getting hir face healed up using some of the labs med equipment. Shi wanted to curse Spring for how hard the big woman had hit hir, but Spring had said that she wasn't good at pulling punches. Still, that had very nearly knocked Mimi right out, and that would have fucked up their entry. The guards wouldn't have scanned her if shi hadn't claimed to be an EroTech employee. No scan, no reason for them to protect hir.

After shi got hir immediate medical needs taken care of, shi got to work. Stepping out of the chunky platform heels, shi'd started fiddling with wires and connections, then closed hir eyes so she wouldn't have to watch. Shi moved to the sink and pulled the front of the dress down, then ran a scalpel along a portion of the gigantic false breast. It wasn't that it hurt, it wasn't connected to hir nerves. It was just gross.

After cutting the stupid jugs off of hir front, shi let the bags of FauxFlesh drain into the sink with running water and fished out the four small (ish) bags of equipment. A quick slice to get them open and shi was equipped with everything that shi would need, and had all of Spring's stuff as well.

Step one, and fast; get into the local net and get the cameras to show hir cleaning hirself up, and not hacking in. Then register all of hir mods as approved so the building's sensors wouldn't keep going off any time she dove. Then Spring's mods, then Bonus' set. Then find where the server room was. Then get the elevators to malfunction. Then get Spring out. FUCK but this plan had too many moving parts for hir taste.

Hir deck was hidden in the base of one of the platform heels, and a thin bodysuit in the other. Grumbling to hirself about how hir tits itched from the glue Cross had used to attach the falsies, shi changed clothes, then slid the connections into place and started hir dive into the local machine.

If shi'd found the ICE equivalent of land mines, shi wouldn't have been surprised. If shi'd found the ICE equivalent of an army of soldiers, or tanks, or even the fires of hell, shi wouldn't have been shocked. Given the absolute blackout from any of hir probes, any or all of those, or even worse would have been the case.

Shi found... nothing. It looked like a perfectly harmless cyberspace version of the building. "What the fuck," shi whispered to her ghostly self, turning a full circle in the server's manifestation. There were no patrolling programs looking for intruders. There were no 'cameras' spying on various locations. There were no sensors of any kind.

For just a moment, shi thought about calling out, just to see if this was a Sandbox. But it couldn't be a sandbox, shi'd jacked directly into the system with a cable. She floated one last time in a full circle, then shook her head. Whoever had designed this had either been a moron or was so far above her that she had no clue how to even approach them.

Either way, it was time to get to work.

Apartment; 28th, 1630

Spring finished sealing the last bag, and looked at the contents, wishing there were a better way. Sure, they were simple tools. But they were her tools. And she hated going into any kind of a job without having her tools on her.

Bonus had finished his call with Cross, and the answer had been a resounding 'maybe'. Maybe the raccoon doctor could get the device to function differently. Maybe she knew someone who could take the tech and reuse it. Maybe. Maybe was not something Spring liked. She was an engineer at heart.

On the one hand, she sympathized. There really was a lack of data to work with for the time being. And Spring knew for damn sure that it wasn't her area of expertise.

On the other hand, she liked definitive answers. She liked having at least some idea about the odds.

She absolutely hated the idea of going into some corpo hive and planning on being captured.

And there wasn't a way around it. She couldn't put her mind off of it any more. She didn't have any other tasks to distract her. Mimi and Bonus would be going to Cross tonight to get the bunny's temporary mods done in a few minutes. All they needed was the last bag that she'd just finished with.

Putting the materials in a container, she sealed it and carried it out of the workshop to hand to Bonus. Both he and Mimi got a kiss on the cheek before they headed out, then Spring dropped heavily onto the couch.

Feedback moved over to the couch and sat down next to her. He curled an arm around her shoulder, drawing her down against his chest, and then his lap.

Spring growled, but settled her cheek on his thigh, letting him trail his hands through her hair and around her ears. "I'm not a cat."

He chuckled, and kept petting. "No. But you are stressed and anxious, and I know that there's not a whole lot else that I can do for you."

Her growling stopped, but the scowl remained. "I don't like this. I don't like being pushed into jobs by others. I don't like how fast it's happening. I don't like the lack of prep work. I don't like the lack of cover. And I really don't like that we're going to be handing this over to someone besides the client without getting paid for it."

"I know."

She rolled onto her back, looking up at him. It showed off the powerful shoulders and core that she worked to maintain. She wasn't an amazon. She wasn't large enough anywhere to really qualify as a 'muscular woman'. But she was far stronger than most women, even without any enhancements, and her body showed it. She wouldn't be mistaken for a man from behind, but she wouldn't be looked at as 'beautiful' by most people's standards either. She was too plain. Too basic. Same shade of brown fur all over, same as her hair, same as her eyes. "I hate that we're getting dragged into this because Mimi got hir dick wet in some celebrity."

Feedback laced his fingers with hers. "That's not fair to hir." He squeezed. "And I think you know that. Even if Mimi hadn't gone to that party, Syrah had contacted us at the same time."

She grumbled and turned her head away from him. "I hate that we're working for her. She's just as much a sociopath as any other corpo."

Feedback considered that, and couldn't really debate the point. "She is."

Spring sat up, and turned to face him. "So tell me why. Tell me why we're doing this. Tell me why we're throwing ourselves into some fucking charity gig, and why I'm about to beat my lover in front of someone else, so that we both can get taken into custody."

Feedback took a deep breath in, then let it out. "I can take your place. If you're uncomfortable doing it, I'm not going to make you."

Spring shoved his shoulder. "No, you fucking can't. You don't have the skills to break through doors, you don't have the skills to disable systems, and you sure as shit don't have the heart to backhand hir the way that would get security to ignore procedures." Each time she said 'you', she stabbed a finger into his chest. "It has to be either me or Bonus, and Bonus has other shit that he needs to do."

He looked her in the eyes, not saying anything as she vented.

"Don't you turn those baby blues on me. You and your fucking... AUGH." She shoved her head into his chest hard enough that he let out a 'whoof' from the impact. "I'm not doing this unless we strip them," she declared. "We're taking the research for their last big hope and we're destroying it because that's the job. But we're taking the rest and we're going to jack the price up. Syrah's going to fucking pay us for every last byte."

Feedback sucked a breath in, and then let it out. "Is that the best thing? It could give NymphaTech more to work with and further cement them and their position."

Spring crossed her arms over her chest and shrugged, defiantly. "And? Only matters if we get something they don't already have, which it sounds like they do have it. They have everything but this new whatever-it-is." She glared at him. "You've had us doing safe, corpo-approved gigs for over a year now. Bonus has the contacts to fence this stuff and not let it get traced back to us. We've built our reputation. We're trusted. We're getting inquiries all the time. You said that you wanted to start breaking these fuckers up. It's time to start pulling out the hammer."

Feedback couldn't look her in the eyes for a few seconds. "Alright," he said. "You're right. We've been playing it safe for a while. I got comfortable."

This time, she was the one who stroked his ears and hair. "You're a good man. Probably too good to be in this line of work."

He chuckled. "Yeah, that's me. Fully Free-States good boy." He settled his arms around her waist. "I don't want to get hurt, is all."

Spring cupped his cheeks and angled his face up. "You take risks. We all take risks." She kissed him.

He kissed back, his hands stroking up behind her shoulders and neck. "No, I don't take risks. That's been the problem."

She shut him up the best way she knew how, holding her mouth against his for long enough to get his full attention. "I know that you're scared. But we're going to be fine. We have each other. And not just us, but Mimi and Bonus."

Feedback gave her that smile, the one that always made her want to punch him. Soft. Sweet. Innocent. The one that always got her to give in.

She hated that smile, normally. It was his apology for sticking to his principles, as idiotic as they could be. Normally, was the key. This time, he'd given in.

Taking his hand, she pulled him to stand, and led him into the bedroom. "You don't have to take this all on yourself," she chided. "You have us around for a reason, you know." She turned to face him, and started working his shirt out of his pants.

He was doing the same, cupping her chest as he moved. "You're being a lot gentler. Normally you're all kinds of urgent and aggressive." He gave her a wink, and one of his other smiles. The one that was all charm. "It's a nice change."

Spring hooked a finger into his waistband and jerked him forward, hard enough to pull him off balance and give him a firmer kiss. "Maybe it's a reward for you climbing down off of the fence." She'd worked his button open and pushed him back into the sheets. "Besides, we both know that Mimi's going to be the one who needs all of the attention once we get back tomorrow. I'm getting mine now."

They each pushed, kicked, wiggled and squirmed out of clothes, ending with him on his back and her astride his hips.

He pressed his hands into the small of her back, squeezing there as she leaned over to kiss him. "You know, for someone who's getting hers, you're doing a lot of work."

Spring smacked his chest, but couldn't help smiling. "I don't hear an actual complaint in there." She reached back down between her legs, stroking his hardness. "Or here."

Feedback's grin shifted tone, and for all of the fact that she was a badass tough girl, it made her heart melt. He pressed his hands further up her back, pulling her down into a kiss. Rocking with her, feeling her chest against his, feeling her as she rubbed his shaft with both hands and her own slit. "Something something, Spring wound too tightly," he mumbled.

She laughed, and bit his lip during their next kiss. "Damn straight." She clambered off of his hips, turning around to face the other way, then saddled up once more. This time his shaft was pressed against her cleft, the lush tail drawn to the side to let him look.

Feedback looked. He pushed his hips up against her, biting on his lower lip to stifle the groan. She knew his buttons, and this was one of the biggest. He was loyal to his family. If anyone else had external lovers, that was fine with him as long as they were honest about it. His family was enough for him.


Nice asses would always get him to look. He could take or leave large breasts. He could take or leave being on top, either the physical position or being the penetrating partner. He couldn't resist at least checking out rumps. Full, round, soft ones like Spring's. Slender, boyish ones like Mimi's. Toned, firm ones like Bonus'. He loved and adored them all.

Spring worked her hips around, keeping the tease up. Sliding his length between her cheeks, letting him see the way his smooth length played through the fine soft fur there. She looked over her shoulder at him and winked, moving her hands so that she braced them on his knees.

Feedback's hands drew to her glutes like there were magnets in there, slow at first but faster the closer he got. The impact smacked in, creating hypnotic ripples in her backside that he couldn't help but lick his lips as he watched. If any of the family had any complaints about his sexual attentions, it was that sometimes he was 'too' tender. All that went out the window when he was offered someone's backdoor.

Spring moaned at that double-slap, and lifted up so that she could reach to the nightstand for the bottle of lube there. A single drop from the pump was all she needed. Mimi didn't buy the bad stuff. Leaning forward more, she touched that finger to her ring, working it around while he watched.

He growled, low and urgent, a sound that anyone who knew him in public would have been shocked to hear. Another spank to her ass, harder, from the side this time, then he started trying to pull her hips back.

She let him draw her back enough to set his broad tip against her ring, then started easing back further. Looking over her shoulder the whole time, she felt that instant that he'd built up enough pressure to start working in. Keeping his glans pointed in the right direction with two fingers, they glided further down his length to apply more of the lube. It really was an insanely good lube, even in the thinnest of layers.

That first pop inside got him to grunt out, and then another inarticulate sound of pleasure as he pushed deeper and deeper inside. "You're amazing," he whispered, arching his head back at the grip that she applied. "Almost wannnnna get suspicious about you wanting something."

She snorted a single laugh. He was trying to be teasing, but there was a bit of a history of getting a concession out of him after blowing his mind with anal. Not from her as much, but it had happened. "If I wanted to get something out of you, I wouldn't be this subtle." Raising herself up, then driving back down, she felt the impact of her cheeks against his hips. She also felt him shiver.

Feedback's fingers caressed her backside, feeling the way that they rolled and bounced. Feeling how she glided along his erection. He gritted his teeth, torn between arching his spine in pleasure, and watching the display. And he knew that it was just that. It was a show. It was her giving him the kind of show that he adored.

Her fingers clenched into his legs as she started to move faster, pushing her weight forward and back with each rise and fall. She didn't have Mimi's gymnastic flexibility, but Spring's core and lower body were where she focused her exercises. She drove harder and harder, feeling the pressure of his thickness spreading and filling her. Anal wasn't her favorite thing, but there was something wickedly primal about it.

It was one of the few things that could drive Feedback into a more urgent and primal state. His hands squeezed, working his thumbs into the soft cheeks, then along her lower back and tailbase, then back down to cup her perfect butt. He always got worked up quickly, and this was no exception. "Close." It was all that he needed to say.

Spring pulled her knees up off of the bed, and started to drive hard. It wasn't how she usually took him back there, and she doubted that he was expecting it. She felt the swell of his knot as her butt slammed down into him.

He yelped out, feeling that impact drive him fully into her and locking him in place. Unable to keep from thrusting hard into her, he bucked each time his seed launched out of his tip, his tongue lolling out of his muzzle by the time the last feeble spurt left.

She felt the flex and heft of his cock as he flooded her, grinding and scrubbing her ass against his hips the whole time. When he finally stopped, she slowed, and then rolled onto her back, laying on his chest.

His hands had fallen away as his whole frame went limp. His fingers twitched, and it wasn't because his implants were malfunctioning.

Spring fumbled for his arms, drawing them around her middle before rolling to the side, taking the weight off of his chest. His muzzle was tucked in against her shoulder, giving her room to scratch behind his ears. "Good boy."

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any characters, living, dead or imaginary is purely a coincidence. All characters are a product of the author's imagination and copyright to them, unless noted guest appearances of other copyrighted characters are listed in this notice. Comments may be left (and are encouraged!) on the author's FurAffinity or SoFurry page. If you liked this story, and wish to support the author, please visit their Patreon.

This story is a work of fiction. Any immoral acts included in this story are a fantasy and should not be taken as encouragement to perform or endorsement of these acts by the author. Specifically, because apparently it needs to be said; anything other than expressed consent for any sexual encounter by a legal unimpaired sentient adult is wrong, immoral, and evil. Unwilling subjugation of sentients who have committed no crime is wrong, immoral, and evil.