Chapter 3 Heat

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Something is preventing me from putting (Chapter 2 Training) in this folder. Look on my page for that chapter. Kiara has a strong erotic dream that makes her realize her heat has started and decisions need to be made.

Chapter 3 Heat.

It was a few days after the breakthrough Kiara needed in her hunting lessons. She felt incredibly proud and elated with herself, for she felt she would be able to carry her own weight in the pride. She was no longer the princess to be coddled and praised for no other reason then she was the princess. It took her self accomplishment to realize just how much she was treated with kid gloves by the other lioness just for being the king's only daughter. But now, next hunt, she would show that she could walk among them as equals. As a mature lioness ready to tackle the world.

One night as she drifted off to sleep on the dais just below her parents, she was visited by troublesome dreams and the feeling of restlessness and anxiety. As she slept, colors and emotions flashed before her closed eyes. The fantasia of her mind presented her with a surreal picture. The picture of her with a strong and proud male next to her. His musky scent dominating her senses. Faceless and yet so real, this male spoke of strength and presence next to her. And she felt longing....the desire to be as physically close to this male as possible. To be under his form and protection. The pressure of longing grew in her as she interwound herself with this male. In spirit and in body she twisted and merged with this male. The longing, the pressure, too much for her as she felt she was gonna go mad with ecstasy. Faster and faster they merged, the higher the beating of her own heart. Every step the faceless male matched her stride and passion, challenging her, circling her. Everytime she tried to face the male, he'd leap to the left of her peripheral vision in a dizzying corkscrew until...

Her eyes snapped open, her nose still filled with the scent, her heart racing, she involuntarily cried out. Deep in her abdomen she felt the trobs....was it the male? She rode the sensations, eyes shut tight and head extended, she weathered the crests. One after another they assailed her. All she could do was hang on to her sanity in the tide. After a few moments she felt herself come down from it. The waxes turned into a tingly trickle.

Breathing deeply, she tried to focus her mind. Slowly she was able to make sense of her surroundings. She was still where she had fallen asleep. Her glazed eyed expression staring out into the star filled opening of pride rock. Still breathing deeply she soon felt the urges of a full bladder calling for her attention.

Without waking any of the others, she crept out of the opening of pride rock and squatted off the side of it to relieve herself. The night air pleasantly cool to her form, she reflected on the dream. Such strong emotions it had conjured in her. Emotions till now she didn't know existed. One thing was sure, she'd never be able to look at a male the same without that dream manifesting itself in the back of her head. After finishing, she laid back to lick herself clean but was stopped by an unusual sight. Her vulva, normally just a set of thin lips, was now inflamed. Where there was a line, now there was volume. Her lips, now slightly red, were puffy. Concerned, she gave her mound a sniff, then a lick. Then, she understood. That which she was waiting for, that she knew would come was upon her. Her first heat had begun, To the touch, her lips were sensitive, and sore.

After rejecting going back to bed as unwise, Kiara chose to go for a walk to clear her head and think. The farther she walked from pride rock, the cooler the night air. When it was just her and the stars, she chose to plop down. How she enjoyed these moments of solitude. She would sometimes sneak out as a cub to have these moments where no one had any expectations or standards. Where it was just herself and her own desires and wants. It gave her a sense of clarity like nothing else. At the heart of her thoughts was the fact that it was time to choose. She could not wait or deliberate any longer. She could not go back to Pride rock without one. Within the hour of dawn, everyone would know she had gone into heat. She thought of her three options and one thing was certain, Asani and Kiango, the brothers, were not an option. In the end, they were still too young and immature. When she reflected on the dream, either of those two could never be that male. She felt the pressure of longing for that male in her dream, and it was certainly not either of them. Though they may be males and mature enough to get the job done, she did not fancy bearing their cubs. Quite the opposite, The more she considered, the more she realized that despite her previous interactions, they were nothing to her. And the thought of going to them for her needs was unbearable.....needs. That was the word she had to consider.

For despite the dream vanishing into the night, the feelings remained. She could no longer remember the specifics, but the intense longing...passion...desperation of being with the phantom male persisted. As she looked at the stars the feeling of longing overtook her. That feeling seemed to emanate from her being. Was this what it meant to be madly in love? All she knew is that, under the stars, she found herself raising her rump, turning the dirt with her rear feet and desperate....Desperate for what??? A random male touch? To be taken by a faceless phantom? No. She needed a face to that strong virile male. The male in her dreams. She rolled around in frustration, then kicked off and sprinted as fast as she could. Hoping the physical excretion would relieve her pent up feelings. After pushing herself as far as she could, she plopped back down and worked to catch her breath and slow her heart back down. It had worked partially. With a clearer head, she reflected. She needed a face for the male in her dreams.

And then she thought of her father...her father... Of all the years she had known him, he had always towered over her. He had always been there for her. She had even felt his warm body pressed against her... In her childhood, she had fallen asleep to his warm purring, in adolescence she had felt his familiar coat as she ran up his back to grab his mane and ear. Much to his amusement. The laugh she would hear was the laugh she associated with someone she cared about on a deep level. And then she felt it again. That pressure that consumed her to the exclusion of all else. The quickened heartbeat that told her she had found a male she was desperate to get as close as possible to. Again, without thinking of it, she found herself shifting her weight to her front paws and raising her rear, her tail off to the side, mound exposed.

That's when she realized her decision was made. No matter how she looked at it, it was her father that she felt above her. It was her father that she felt filling the pressure in her mound. It was her father that she saw herself bearing the cubs of. It was her father's teeth she wanted on her neck. It was her fathers orbs she wanted pressed up against her mound..twitching. The more she envisioned it the more heated her body became. She knew her choice was one she could live with and be happy with for the rest of her life.

Now she needed to consider the best way to approach her father. She did not have the luxury of a romantic jungle reunion like her mother had when she fled the pride. She could not go back to pride rock and just wait for everyone to wake up. But she knew her father would be a little concerned if she wasn't there when they did. But she also knew Zazu would be sent out to look for her. So long as Zazu reported that she was nearby, her father would start his morning border patrol rounds and she could intercept him there. Slowly a plan formed in her mind on how to make her dream become a reality. Oh, to be taken by her father, she could hardly wait.

Chapter 4 Set-up

Chapter 4 set-up Slowly the gray dawn began to lighten the pride lands. The inky shadows retreating to the west. Before leaving the pride lands, the shadows clung to a strip of Bush Willows. A strip, 50 acres total, encompassed in a natural...

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Chapter 2 Training

Chapter 2 Training A few weeks have gone by since Kiara's contemplation of her future and she is no nearer to making a decision. However she has not been idle. Nala has been working with her on her tracking and stealth skills and she slowly...

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