Pine lake Summer Camp

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This is the first thing I've ever written, not just first furry story I mean FIRST thing I've ever written with barely any experience or knowledge other than reading a handful of other stories. Pointers on format, punctuation and such would be greatly appreciated as I hope to expand on this story.

Green rural June scenery whipped by as a red Chevy Caprice cut through the countryside. Alex sunk deeper into the red velour upholstery, simmering in the hot noon sun while cool air filtering through his rolled down window eased his fur.

It'd be great if we could get the A/C fixed on this thing. Alex thought to himself grumpily.

The damp shirt welded to his fur reinforced this thought and his annoyance for his moms stupid car that seemed to be trying to kill him of heatstroke. The pillowy seats were no help to his temper either, attempting to envelope him whole, sinking deeper by every minute like quicksand. But his irritation was misguided, the 'comfortable' car was rather the least of his worries today compared to where it was driving him to.... Summer Camp.

Alex leaned over to roll up his window and in the process made the mistake of leaning on the scorching hot door panel. Slightly painfully he leaned away and then pressed his other arm into the seering hot chrome seatbelt clamp which made him exclaim an involuntary yelp, creating a worried glance from his mother at the wheel.

"Nothings going right today" muttered Alex under his breath. "Are you sure I have to mom?" He he said aloud to his mother who retaliated with a familiar motherly sigh and 'we've been over this a thousand times' look.

"Alex," she said exasperatedly "we already prepaid last year! You were so excited to go then, what happened to your enthusiasm? You always have fun at camp!"

The German shepherd let out a groan. Not of rebuttal, but because she was right, he did always have fun at camp. But the reason for that was the two buddies he'd always go with, Ryan, a border collie. And Jake, a fox. His oldest friends who he'd known since elementary school and that he'd done everything with. But they'd both weaselled out last minute leaving him being the only one without a valid excuse. Those rats. (A statement that could probably be taken as politically incorrect, however being correct wasn't on his mind at the moment.)

He'd brought that fact up with his mother multiple times, to no avail. And knew that bringing it up once more while they were already halfway into the drive would bring no progress to his plea.

"Yeah but I'm 16 mom! No one goes to camp at 16! I might've just as well signed up to be a counsellor" he said crossing his arms and facing his window again, "what is everyone there even going to think? I'll just be a outcast"

"come on Alex, don't think like that. I'm sure there will be people there your age to hang out with."

Alex cringed at the way his mother put emphasis on 'hang out' and the air quotes that accompanied it, but he secretly hoped that she was right. Although he'd never admit it and hurt his ego. But alas, his fate was sealed. There was no way to get out of camp. Truth be told he would almost feel excited, had there not been a giant pit of nervousness brewing in his gut, overwhelming his feelings. The last few years he never actually thought about his peers at camp, always being with Ryan and Jake so he didn't know what to expect this time. But to hide his deep train of thought from his mother and to keep his unreadable teenage facade, he returned to his post manning the window and inspecting the scenery as it flew by. Still deeply entranced in thought and worry for the rest of the ride.

A jolt of the car and the squeaking of brakes perked up Alex's ears and broke his train of thought for him to gather his surroundings. The maroon land-yacht slowly eased beyond two large rock pillars that marked the familiar entrance and made its way through the trees to a secluded dirt parking lot, full of other family vehicles and hubbub of offloading kids and saying goodbye. They pulled in next to a minivan and the lanky teenager popped the door and groaned as he stretched his legs after the long car ride. His mother followed suit, much to his dismay.

"Mom you don't have to help me, I've got this." He said as his embarrassment began to grow, looking around to make sure no one was watching his moms show of affection. He opened the back door the the caprice and leaned in to grab his bag. Standing up and closing the door with a satisfying clunk, he turned and came face to face with his mom giving him an apathetic look,

"you'll do just fine honey, remember you can call us anytime" she said sweetly as she embraced Alex in a hug. His embarrassment only growing by the second, feeling as though everyone was staring right through him caused his face to blush brightly through his fur.

The heat radiating off his sheepish face would've been hot enough to roast marshmallows over. His mom broke away the hug and headed back for the drivers door.

"I'll see you in no time" she said with a meaningful smile, hoping to ease his nerves.

Alex gave her a wave and a halfwitted smile as a response, along with an "I'll miss you." As she backed out of the spot and disappeared out of the gates. Leaving the canine standing in the parking lot with his duffel bag by his side and his ears pressed to his head.

Following the herd of other campers Alex made his way down the parking lot to where the counsellors had gathered for orientation. Psh, I don't need any orientation, I've been here enough he sneered as he broke away from the group, continuing down a dirt path among the trees towards cluster of wood cabins. As he got closer he began to take in a lot more details that he hadn't previously while distracted by his pals. The cabins were all arranged around a small clearing with a large bonfire pit that faced onto a beautiful blue lake with a rickety wooden dock piercing it. Alex turned to the right hand side of the camp, the boys side. Where the cabins had been segregated by the age of the campers, the younger ones stuck into one cabin and the older ones into the other. The same went for the left hand side with the girls bunks, atleast that's what he suspected, never actually having been in there himself he wouldn't know. The cabins were all raised slightly, having been built into a slight slope that led downhill to the water.

Alex hauled himself up the creaky wooden steps to the small deck built on the front face of the elder campers cabin, somewhat struggling with each step from the exhaustion the heat was causing him. However the shade of the green trees above was nice, aided by a slight breeze blowing off the lake and through his fur gave him solace from the sweltering heat. He made his way up and turned the handle of the screen door, to be hit by the smell he remembered from years prior. The pungent punch of old cigarette smoke, wood fire and the earthly scent of moss. Regardless of the smell this was his home for the foreseeable future, but he was surprised to see some others his age already unpacking and talking amongst themselves. They must've skipped orientation too Alex said to himself as he hoisted his duffel bag onto one of the lower bunks.

The cabin was laid out with a row of bunk beds and nightstands on one wall with the other side being a more or less a living room, with a couch, love-seat, and coffee table facing the wood stove. A table and chairs poised behind them. A door led off to the side of the cabin to a small bathroom with the basics of a sink and a toilet. A separate building housed the communal bathroom and, Alex shivered, the communal showers. To shake the thought off his mind he began to unpack himself. He unzipped the bag only to be frozen in horror. Banking all his luck on getting out of camp, he did little planning or preparation in packing his bag. Which resulted in a last minute scramble to bring anything he possibly could. Much to his chagrin, he took inventory. He lucked out on bringing all the toiletries he had stashed from last year but unluckily got a toothbrush with no toothpaste. His clothes packing didn't make him any happier though. Six pairs of socks, three t-shirts and pairs of shorts, one pair of jeans (which would seem fair for the suffocating heat, but Alex greatly disliked ticks and there was unfortunately a good bit of long grass on hikes, however he'd survive) the biggest heart dropping moment was the discovery of one lowly pair of boxers he had brung. Shit.

A voice rung out that broke Alex's disdain for himself.

"I'm Finn, nice to meet you!" Alex turned slightly to the bunk next to him to see an overly cheery fox plunking down his bag on the bottom bed and extending his paw out in a friendly manner. Finn looked similar to Jake however racist that may seem to foxes, just slightly shorter and more well kept. Alex wasn't the tallest either, being roughly 5'10" on a good day. But Finn was noticeably shorter than him.

Caught off guard Alex instinctively shot out his paw to shake hands and stammered "I'm Alex," much less cheerily than Finn.

"Were you here last year? You look familiar?" Finn asked with an inquisitive look.

"Yeah," Alex said rubbing his head trying to steer away from having to bring up Ryan and Jake ditching him.

Undeterred, Finn carried on conversation, moving it along not even noticing Alex's lack of detail

"last year was a mess for me" he chuckled "I'd never been here before and forgot half my stuff!"

Alex, perturbed at how Finn could start and carry a conversation with a stranger something he wasn't good at, somewhat studied his 'nonchalantness' as they talked and got to know eachother. They talked all the way down to the lake where they sat on the dock and dipped their feet into the refreshing water.

Something that Alex caught onto very quickly the first time he came to this camp, is that it was nothing like what TV had told him summer camp was like. There were practically no rules, more or less a free range resort for the kids where you could do whatever you wanted. The counsellors all had laidback attitudes as well, and were there more as glorified lifeguards, well, they do more than that. But nonetheless the pace was known for the camp with no set schedule. Other than when breakfast, lunch and dinner were being served.

The rest of the day was a write-off, talking with Finn and watching him to continue to be easily friendly with others. And in the evening meeting the rest of the cabin-mates in the common area as a small fire was constructed in the stove which brought the cabin to a comfortable temperature to fight off the cool night air. However sleep didn't come easy to Alex, the lumpy mattress being no help lulling him to sleep nor his racing mind.

The next day he awoke grumpy and with a headache, setting the mood for the day. The day was spent as it was prior: following around Finn and goofing off despite his mood. More bonding with his cabin mates made him feel somewhat better. Luckily for him there were only a handful of elder campers sharing the room, everyone got their own space despite the close proximity and mutual respect for eachother came easily.

The third day, Alex awoke feeling groggy. His fur was a mess, turns out days of avoiding the showers would do that to you. He was sure he didn't smell any better than he looked either. This morning he woke later than the day prior, all of his peers had already shuffled off to the cafeteria for breakfast, except Finn of course noted Alex, looking to the bunk next to him. The foxes red fur shined among the mess of blankets as he was sprawled out drooling on his pillow. Lowering his gaze Alex couldn't help but notice that he too slept only in his boxers, disgruntled at his reminder that he forgot to pack any more underwear. He had to force himself to avert his seering gaze from the foxes crotch. What is wrong with me? Moving on, an idea popped into his mind to take advantage of the most likely empty showers to combat his lack of hygiene. He quickly dressed himself in a white t-shirt and shorts for the short walk across the camp with his towel in hand. The communal bathroom was rather clean (for a summer camp) with a row of sinks across from a row of stalls accompanied by a handful of urinals. The entrance was split into two directions, one to the bathroom and the other to a small room with hooks and benches to strip down and hang up your clothes, at the end of the room was the entrance to the white tiled showers. Shower heads on either sides of the walls with slim dividers between each of them, but no blockade for my ass, he thought, examining the room. At the very far end of the tiled room was another open entrance to a bank of fur dryers, a necessity for those with fur to not be a sopping wet mess.

Alex took a deep breath to reassure himself as he stripped down, naked as a jaybird, leaving his clothes in a pile next to his towel on the bench. The cold tiles against his feet shot shivers up his back, almost making his fur stand on end being fully exposed. He made his way to a shower head in the far back corner, hoping for it to be the most secluded. The rush of warm water was a godsend to the scruffy German shepherd. But his steamy paradise was promptly ruined. His canine ears perked up in shock at the sound of a *click*, he knew it to be the opening and closing of the entryway door. He didn't dare step out to investigate the intruder and expose himself, but he didn't need to.

"Hey Alex! I guess great minds think alike!" A familiar voice called out after recognizing the clothes, causing Alex to mentally facepalm at his serenity being ruined. Finn seemed rather fast at undressing, and broke every rule of the locker room by taking the shower right next to Alex while holding a conversation. He couldn't help but be impressed by Finns ignorance, but also wondered if it wasn't ignorance. The matter didn't sit long on his mind though as the thoughts from earlier came back, trying and succeeding, at sneaking peeks at Finns figure. But he eventually got too cocky and Finn met his gaze.

"You like what you see?" He said rubbing the embarrassment in and flaunting himself playfully at Alex while chuckling. His face, now redder than ever couldn't dare face him again after being caught. So he tried to focus on cleaning himself only to discover by looking down and hanging his head in shame that he was hard as a rock!

"Who are you fooling Alex? I saw you sneaking some looks at me, quite flattering eh?" Finn said, bumping Alex on the shoulder as a sign of understanding. However the lean over to do so gave him a perfect view of Alex's offending member. Somewhat shocked, the quick thinking fox offered a half serious quip "well are you going to take care of that or do you want a hand?"

Alex, now more embarrassed than ever could barely squeak out a reply, "I uh..." while still trying to shield any dignity he had left by his hands, the fox retorted "still waiting on that answer" sheepishly looking to his right he saw Finn, now facing him leaning against the small divider with a smug smirk and a growing erection. In that moment it clicked for the young canine the secret to Finn's carefree attitude, there's no one here to uphold an image too! No one at the camp knows you and you won't see them afterwards! A substantial weight lifted off the German shepherds shoulders, no one was going to judge him for 'trying' something, atleast no one that matters. Still though, his sexual experience was nothing more than his paw. But the friendship that Finn had shown him the last few days had rocketed his confidence and he swallowed his unease.

"Have at it!"

Finn grinned greedily at the sight of Alex turning his body to him and raising his arms, almost to say I surrender! While also stepping back slightly, not expecting Alex to entertain his offer, having only been half serious when he said it. His confident facade broke slightly, atleast for the first time Alex had seen as he sheepishly said

"I-I haven't really done this kind of stuff before..." and his lightly wagging tail going still

"Neither have I, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to" Alex's self confidence deteriorating at Finn's apprehensiveness and his mind telling him to cover himself again, but he fought the urge and stood strong.

"No, no it's fine! I can give you a handjob, it'll be just like masturbating!"

That being said, Alex's mind began racing, am I really going to do this? Am I... gay? His thoughts once again were cut short by Finn, positioning Alex under the warm shower head, everything moving so quickly it was almost a blur. Placing his hands on the cool tile in front of him he was putty in Finns hands. He was wrapped by the embrace of the orange fox, getting hugged from behind, and Finn's member digging into his upper thigh. He was squeezed tight against Finn their soaked fur intertwined, the white of the foxes chest and the brown of the shepherds back becoming one as the water rushed down the two. Alex's tail pressed against Finn and slapped wetly in the confined space as his excitement grew while the foxes tail similarly wagged freely. Suddenly the feeling of the embrace was overcome by a new sensation, a hand slowly stroking his cock, lubricated by the cascading water. Despite the steamy conditions, a shiver crawled up his spine again, this time tickling him with pleasure as the Fox eased into a rhythm.

"Jesus Finn, this feels great!"

The sensation no where near comparable to merely masturbating. At this rate Alex wouldn't last long, his tongue flopping out as he began to pant with every stroke. Finn, who had found a rhythm continued to focus on his movements, the dogs moans egging him on, I must be doing something right he figured. Alex fell forward, his forearms pressing against the tile where his hands had been, and leaning harder backwards into Finn, getting closer and closer to the edge, his panting becoming harder and more feral-esque.

"Finn! I'm gonna-"

Before he could finish the sentence he finished elsewhere. His whole body shuddering as the climax fogged his vision, pressing hard into the wall as Finn continued to milk his penis. His jizz shooting out in long ropes and massive amounts, having been the first time since he left home that he had a chance to get off. And the evidence being promptly erased down the drain.

"Holy shit!" Alex exclaimed, coming back to the world, "that was way better than masturbating, you sure you've never done this before?"

Finn ignored the implication, "Sure looked like it was good" The fox looked on as the dog tried to gather himself, he knees looking weak but he wore a silly look on his snout with his tongue still sticking out slightly "happy to be of service!"

"Don't think you're getting off that easy! The fox looked back in confusion "I think I have a favour to repay" gesturing at his groin, now harder than ever. The fox only blushed and silently obliged.


The canines exchanged a look of horror, both easily identifying the sound to be the exterior door opening and someone coming in, likely to find them in the compromising position they've put themselves in. Their exchanged look became mutual scrambling, Alex shutting off the showers and Finn (still notably erect and bobbing as he ran) making a dash for the fur dryers, the only place to conceal himself to prevent an awkward explanation to whoever came in. Alex followed suit, they did need to use the fur dryers anyway, but he was more than annoyed at the interruption of their fun time. They both entered their respective fur dryers and the hot jets of air blowing their fluff around made it easy to calm any nerves that had been disturbed. They stayed in for as long as necessary to no longer be a sopping wet mess and Alex stepped out after seeing Finn do so. Typically it'd be common curtesy to cover yourself with a towel when exiting and making the walk between the showers and the dressing room, however neither had brought them in and came to the conclusion to act natural and walk with confidence by whoever had come in, attempting to raise the least amount of suspicion. They put the plan into action, Finn leading confidently and Alex backing him (not quite as confidently), both with blushes somewhat visible beneath their fur. The person who had come in was a Siberian cat whom was one of their cabin-mates, who had a thick coat of grey and white fur (now matted down by the water) Alex found it to be quite funny with the stereotype of cats hating water and here he was first hand watching it happen. The cat, who's name was Sebastian he thought, gave the two canines a slight nod of acknowledgment as they passed, no suspicion to be seen. The boys made it to the dressing room, snickering amongst themselves. When Alex returned to the pile he left his clothes in, it dawned on him that he still had only the worn underwear and nothing clean to put on his nicely washed body.

"Hey Finn, it may be weird but can I borrow a pair of underwear ?" He asked, somewhat quietly but was sure that the sound of the water reverberating in the showers would drown out any prying ears.

"Can't be any weirder than what we've already done, here" he tossed a a pair of blue boxers with a picture of a lightbulb and the words 'smart ass' printed on the rear "have these ones, I have plenty"

"Your a lifesaver" chucking at the writing as he put them on, "my smart ass forgot to pack any underwear and I've been wearing these ones for the last 3 days!" Pointing to them laying on the wooden bench. The two shared a laugh and continued to dress themselves. Alex noting at how the foxes smaller size drawers hugged him and his manhood tightly, shocked at how he could wear these everyday. There's barely any room to get a boner! Once fully dressed, the two made their way out into the camp and headed to the cafeteria for their long awaited breakfast. Unfortunately them losing track of time in the shower meant they weren't serving breakfast anymore. Guess you can't win them all, Alex thought, surprisingly happy in a situation where he usually would've been annoyed for the rest of the day at missing breakfast. Finn was really rubbing off on him.

The rest of the day passed rather uneventfully, managing to make it to lunch on time and continuing on as friends as if nothing had happened, although it was still a very prominent thing in Alex's mind the thrill still racking his brain and he was sure, or atleast hoped that Finn shared his same outlook on the whole thing. It seemed that Alex had become a whole new dog to any onlookers - going from a mopey lump to a talkative big shot (an obvious overstatement but still relevant to his moods 180). His newfound self confidence made them into an unstoppable duo of sweet-talkers, or atleast for Alex it meant holding a conversation for more than a quick 'hello' or head nod. Uneventful may have been a slight understatement as well, exploring his more adventurous side, not quite as adventurous as this morning, he thought. He and Finn hand been invited by others for some of the days activities, the most notable being volleyball - with the girls. It seemed that Finns natural charm hadn't just worked on Alex but he had seduced the attention of some of the girls their age too, Sarah; a human. And Mia; a wolf. Although failing miserably, it was great fun! Even the stifling heat didn't bother Alex today. Ending the day by comfortably crawling into his stiff bunk bed and promptly passing out from overall exhaustion.

Only to be rudely awoken at some point in the night, being too dark to read the clock he wasn't sure exactly how late into the night or early in the morning it was. Similarly, with his eyes unadjusted he could only make out a dark outline of the figure that woke him up. Groggily he attempted to muster, "what the f-" only to be silenced by a paw being smacked against his muzzle and a "shh!" Cutting the silence. By this point his eyes had adjusted enough, and with aide of the moonlight slowly streaming in the single pane windows he could distinguish the offending party. Of course it was Finn. He was pulled up and out of bed towards the screen door to the outside world, being careful to avoid the floorboards that emit loud creaks that would definitely wake someone in the cabin. Across the minefield, their next obstacle was the rickety door which was easily finessed, almost professionally, by the delicate-handed fox. They made it out and down the stairs, barefoot on the cool earth and pokey pine needles. Alex still had no clue where this was leading, but knew better than to question it and to just go along for the ride, however noting that he and Finn were only clad in boxers, specifically both in Finns boxers. This fact made him slightly nervous, crossing his left arm across his chest to scratch his right nervously.

"It'd be nice to have a hint at where we're going, especially while practically nude!" He whispered, still following, weaving through the camp downwards.

"Well I believe a certain someone offered me a handjob" Alex blushed at how bluntly he said that, "and, while we're at it, the lake has been looking quite inviting the last couple days"

"So you want me to give you a handy and then go skinny dipping?"

"As long as you're cool with it."

"Seems fair I guess, I'm down. But where exactly are we going? The shore and dock here is pretty exposed to the camp..." this stopped Finn for a moment, seemingly he must not have accounted for just how easily their naked shenanigans could be seen. But just as quickly a visible lightbulb could be seen going off.

"Then we'll go down the bank! I know a nice secluded spot"

This satisfied Alex's worries and on they went. Following Finn, they went down to the camps shoreside, then continued to the right of the camp. The trucked in sand promptly ended once out of the camps bounds making bare feet miserable. Through small pine trees on the lakeside another clearing became evident. Significantly smaller than the camps clearing, but it was most definitely secluded. All the sides being covered by dense trees, the clearing was more rock than anything else but the view couldn't be beat. The moon high in the sky shone down onto the dark abyss of the lake and reflected off any small wave that dared move, making a mesmerizing show that stopped the boys for a moment as they just watched. The large stones that layered the clearing had come from the nearby hillside, it reminded Alex of a trip he took with his family up north to cottage country, atleast that was what they called it. With massive rock formations, mountains and lakes, this almost could pass for it. They both laid on their backs on the surprisingly comfortable smooth rocks that held and radiated the heat from the days sun.

"How'd you even know about this place?"

"Last year when I came to camp I didn't do much except explore" he said laughing "this was just one of the cool places I found, I never imagined it would look even more beautiful at night" Alex smirked, seeing an opportunity he simply couldn't pass up.

"You look even more beautiful at night" receiving a playful punch for the sarcasm behind his compliment. The same type of punch he'd get from his sister when he'd tease her about something.

Still laying side by side examining the stars, "should we get down to business?"

But before he could even finish, Finn already slipped off his underwear and went back to laying in his relaxed position on the flat rock with his arms behind his head for support. Alex needed no invitation, he sat up beside the fox and examined what he'd be dealing with. He and Finn both had inherited morphic cocks, meaning they resembled their human counterparts rather than their canine ancestors. Under the moonlight it dazzled Finn's coat of fur, making it shine. Deep orange covered the majority of his body, with white making up for the rest from the underside of his chin, through his slightly muscled chest and to his pubic fur. His manhood was slowly growing, not nearly as fast as if Alex would hurry up and get to work though. He reached his hand out and lightly coaxed Finns cock, growing significantly quicker now. Once reaching its full potential Alex examined it as he had with the rest of Finns body, noting that is was 'proportional' to the fox, giving himself somewhat of an ego boost telling himself that he's slightly bigger. Moving his train of thought, he had nothing to slick up Finn! A surprised yelp emerged as Finns body timidly jumped. He'd closed his eyes as the shepherd began to caress his aching member to embrace all the sensations, but had not expected to feel a warm flat tongue bathing him in saliva! His eyes shot open to see the dog lapping up his penis as if he were a popsicle! Alex caught his shocked gaze and stopped for a moment, then continued until he felt it was sufficiently lubed up.

Finn laid his head back once again, embracing the feeling as Alex went back to stoking. He gripped just firm enough to have resistance, despite the spit. And pumped at a steady pace, quicker than what was preformed in the shower but nothing to discredit his effort. On every upstroke Alex's thumb caught the underside of Finns head, sending immense pleasure trough him. His climax didn't take long to build up, panting just as Alex had done, his breaths grew shorter as he began to lightly moan, going over the edge as his thighs were caressed by Alex's free hand and his pace increasing. The fox began to push back into his hand has orgasm washed over him, shooting his load upward. Landing on himself (and Alex), soaking into his fur. Without a care in the world he continued, still humping his friends hand until the explosion had ended and his hips fell back onto the rock, completely satisfied. Alex watched as Finn laid there catching his breath with a well pleased look on his face.

"Good thing you planned on us going in the lake!" Motioning to his lower region. Finn looked down to see a pool of his seed laying on his stomach.

"Yeah..." trying to heave himself off the rock, and positioning himself on his elbows with somewhat upright posture, "You're definitely right! That's way better than masturbating! Holy shit" he said still out of breath.

Alex helped his tired friend up after shedding the 'smart ass' underwear they jumped together into the dark lake, bobbing about in the mildly warm water and returning to 'regular' friend conversations - sports, cars, girls. In his act of self discovery it became clear to Alex that although he was doing something he'd rarely ever imagined, in fact he never thought himself to be gay. And here he was fondling another guy? It was still very obvious to him though that he was still attracted to girls (by the way he was half-mast the entire volleyball game at their skimpy outfits) I wouldn't call this 'gay' he thought more like two friends helping eachother out! Was what he was telling himself. Secretly he worried that it may be more, regardless it didn't matter much to him in the moment. For once in his 'miserable' life he was having fun!