Handicap Match: IronBreaker against the Heartbreakers

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Here's a handicap match for you all to enjoy. I had a lot of fun writing this; wasn't initially sure about it, after the last one but I've decided to upload it.

Thanks to https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tokeki for editing and thank you for reading.

It's been a wild couple of months. A new season and new faces. IronBreaker hasn't had the chance to get acquainted with the new roster, though he's aware of some changes, he doesn't know what they are.

As such, it comes as a surprise that he's been called in for a match later tonight, his opponents being a pair of new bloods he's never heard of before. Their admittedly spotty record interests him far less than the fact that the Hunter has been seen in their company., In fact, he had learned that Hunter would appear ringside with them tonight.

Some of the new blood offer their support but he doesn't take it, wanting to deal with these new bloods, and _Hunter,_all by himself, his loins tingling within his trademark white tights as he pictures the many ways he'll avenge himself on the fox: some wet, some dry, and just about all of them leaving the fox writhing at his feet as he grasps desperately for seconds, addicted to the orc's massive bone.

It's with those thoughts that he collects himself, donning his bandolier and wrapping his wingman jacket around his brawny self, and marches past a bright-blue orc and very brown bugbear.

The orc, gray skinned with clear cerulean blue hair, steps forward. "Hey. You be careful out there. They ain't straight." Both of them were wearing trucker wrestling ensembles: blue vest, long-horn belt. Just about the only difference is in the emblem across their prodigious yellow trunks: CAUTION WIDE LOAD on the bugbear's and CAUTION OVERSIZED LOAD on the orc's.

IronBreaker chuckles. "Ain't none of us _straight,_pal."

It's the bugbear's turn to chime in. "Just be careful, is what he means. They ain't much on throwing down as they are on..._getting down_if you catch my drift." He tilts his head away, as if embarrassed. "Don't want ta keep ya. Go on."

At that the crowd's roar enters the back. IronBreaker straightens himself up with a smile. "I guess I will. Thanks for the warning."

The orc pays little real mind to the roars of the crowd, stoic warrior (to his core) motif he's got riles them up far more than words alone ever would. He steps up the side and proceeds into a nearby corner to lean against the turnpost as he watches and waits for his opponents.

Out of the walkway, opposite his own, come his opponents, a gray rat and monkey.

Coming next, the Heartbreakers of the FWL, Dorian and Donovan!

The Heartbreakers were thinner than most other wrestlers; not entirely without muscle but less so than what was expected. A single heart was shared between the center of their tight speedos -yet another thing different from the others- the reds and blacks on opposing sides. Dorian's was mostly black and Donovan's red. And yet they moved with a singular purpose, the rat's suave countenance intermeshing quite well with the monkey's wildman persona. As ostentatious as that seemed, IronBreaker remembered the bugbear's words, and swore to never underestimate them.

The two turn to the ring, accompanied by Hunter. The fox, taller and packing more muscle than the pair, follows along, strung along by the monkey's hand on his bulge. So this is where he went to, or did they come for him? The rat scratches his chin and the fox takes it, smiling lewdly as his pouch twitches in the comparatively smaller hand hefting it. IronBreaker bites back a laugh, of course it doesn't take much to turn him on, as his last match has reminded him.

Dorian faces IronBreaker now, and grazes his body with an appreciative look. Without turning away he pushes at the fox, who stumbles back a few steps before correcting himself. Donovan throws him a kiss, which he apishly collects, clutching it to his chest, before the both of them turn, Hunter to the back and his owner to the orc.

An equally astonishing look from both of them earns an appreciative flex. "Like wat ya see?" He kisses his flexing bicep and gropes his package appreciatively. "Why don't ya get in tha ring and I'll give ya an up close and personal touch."

The two share a glance before splitting and resign into the ring, on opposite sides. IronBreaker takes a step back as the two enter the ring, the pair narrowing the distance as they go on either side of him. They begin circling him, and he can feel them eating him up with their eyes. They close the distance between them, drawing closer and closer. IronBreaker feels their hands all over him, fingers lightly tracing the thick veins coursing his packed form.

A stray hand gropes his pouch; he sighs as he sinks further into a strange bliss. The hand feels good. Too good. Shaking himself he pushes at him, the duo chuckling as they evade his reach, jumping just out of the way as he pushes.

The referee, a muscular dalmatian, comes to split them apart, calling out for the offending two into a corner. "Save it for the match," he calls out to them, their backsides now firmly facing him. There's something rigid in front of IronBreaker as he steps into his corner, opposite the others. His cock is rigid and he can feel his massive testicles churning his nutter-butter.

The orc snaps a glare to the others, who return his incredulous look with a wink and a wave. All this from just a touch? He licks his chomps and grins; finally, a worthwhile challenge.

Opposite him the pair sneer over at him. Dorian stroking Donovan's shoulder. "Do you believe he suspects anything?"

The monkey turns and licks his cheek. "Nah. Poser's clueless. Gonna be fun doin him in."

The rat kisses the nape of the monkey's neck, enticing a moan as a free hand slides down his back and between his legs to grasp something precious. "You're right."

The Dalmatian steps between them. "You ready?" He asks the paid, getting nods. "You ready?" At the affirmative he throws his hand down. "Let's get it on!" And the match begins in earnest. IronBreaker hangs back, his attention divided between the two, not wanting to be caught unaware. This is not a problem shared with the other two, it seemed.

Donovan slides behind him, slapping his ass. The orc throws out a swing that catches nothing. Dorian comes up in front of him, lightly brushing his mouth against Ironbreaker's. A hand slides beneath them, and he grins as his hand grips the orc's massive erection.

The orc's hips buck of their own accord, against his wishes, and he feels his erection lurch in the hand of his enemy. He moans, softly, catching himself and pushes a snickering rat off of him. "What's the matter? Don't you want to feel good?" Dorian coos, as he rights himself, his outstretched arms and open expression all but calling for IronBreaker to come at him.

Which doesn't happen. Seeing this, IronBreaker turns and rushes toward Donovan. The monkey is unable to move in time. The orc whips him into the ropes and catches him when he comes back, throwing him into the canvas with a sidewalk slam. He bounces back onto his feet just as Dorian charges at him. An outstretched hand catches the surprised scavenger and slams him onto his friend. He then picks him up and tosses him into a turnpost, following along close with a loud clothesline.

The orc leans into the clothesline, his body lingering against Dorian's. He rubs his hands against the rat's, caressing the rat's own. "In the mood for some affection, are we?" the rat quips, the knowing smirk on his face.

"Just getting ya good and loose for what's gonna come next." Comes the rejoinder, accentuated by a lick to the nose. IronBreaker steps back, grinning himself, when he hits something and trips over it, falling over Donovan onto his back. Damn when did he get free?

He lands on his back, staring up at the lights for a brief moment of time. A large gray shape, with black and red coloring blooms into view from above him, growing closer and closer until it hits him with a satisfying umph!

The scent of lavender waffs into IronBreaker's nostrils as a weight settles on his chest. "You're pretty good. But let's see you work off some steam. What say you, Donovan?" Another weight presses onto his abs, as something settles around his groin. "Eh. It ain't like he's gonna say no."

IronBreaker struggles, but the grip is surprisingly fierce. And then there's the smell... like lavender. But...stronger. IronBreaker's sure that this is his crotch, and yet it doesn't smell like musk. Or at least any musk he's aware of. "You like it," He asks, as if reading him like a book, "Why don't you take a strong whiff? *Sniff* Mmmm~."

The orc understands the words that ring true, the scent, so different from what he knows, waffs over him, stirring him further into an unknown bliss. The weight on his chest is not unpleasant, almost intentionally so. He smiles despite himself, only vaguely aware of the pressure on his groin. His hips start to lurch of their own accord, almost independently, and he only finds fault within it clashes with his bliss. The bucking grows fiercer and more fiery, in time with the stroking that's happening, and he realizes what it is.

With a forceful shout he pushes them away, accomplishing nothing. It's only when he does it a third time are the two pushed off of him. The first thing he sees amidst the jeers of the crowds is his erection, looming proud between his legs. Donovan leans in over it and turns to Ironbreaker with a sneer. "Just a taste of what's to come?" He quips with a flick, stirring IronBreaker's cock to leak a bit. "Oops."

The orc swipes at him, sending him away. Pulling himself up is hard, more with the hard-on. He curses himself as he looks down; it won't go away! He steels himself as he struggles to pull himself to his feet, the match still underway. Bracing himself on the nearby turnpost he sees Donovan on the opposite turnpost, arms around the leaning Dorian, both of them smirking at his rigid hardness.

IronBreaker takes a few strong, heavy breaths as he struggles to collect himself. He's still in a match, damn it! But even he can't deny how good it felt. Maybe when it was all over- no focus!! He's got to focus!

WIth a wild roar he stomps at the ground, stirring the crowd. The heartbreak duo mimics his stomping in obvious mockery, not that it matters much to IronBreaker. He's got what he wants. He charges forward, erection weighing him down. He comes to a stop just before hitting the other post, Donovan and Dorian jumping out of the way. With a wicked smirk the orc tucks into a roll back and leaps, having guessed that the others were going to come from behind. Double-clothesline sees them tumbling onto the mat with a satisfying whomp.

He jumps onto the turnpost, cheering for the crowds. "Yeah! Dat's right!" Jumping off the post he then turns to the prone pair, sneering down at them, his cock jutting lightly. They've given him so much trouble, and now here they were: wasted. Didn't take much to knock them down; guess some people can't take it as well as he can. "Now what ta do with yous..."

He bites back a chuckle watching Dorian struggle, and fail to rise. Watching that pert little rump bounce and jiggle as his tail hangs lifelessly on its side...? The orc's loins start to quiver as ideas and scenarios run unimpeded within his mind, his cockhead leaking through his shimmering white tights. "Oh yeah, I'll definitely be having fun with the two of you..."

He turns, first to the monkey and then to the rat, who's starting to stir. He gets on his knees beside him, mindful that his arm isn't between his spread legs. "I think I'll start wit yer first; leave the other for later." He's so enamored with his plans for the rat that he doesn't notice Donovan stirring. It's only when he feels something tugging between his legs that he notices something's amiss, that, beneath and between his legs, are another pair, rapidly jerking him off.

"Oy! Think he's finally got it!"

"It's about time," calls Dorian from in front of him. Turning to see the rat coming in close for a full-mouthed lock. The kiss is deep and through and before he knows it IronBreaker is enthralled. His hips buck faster and faster as the hands speed up, the rat gently pushing IronBreaker back before he's lying on the ground. He grunts into Dorian's mouth as he feels the hands disappear from his raging hard-on, feeling those same hands on his sides, tugging at, and pulling down, his tight white tights, revealing the dazzling blue speedo he keeps snug underneath.

"Damn. Looks like he's packed D."

"Mmmm." Coos the rat into IronBreaker's mouth, as his hands start to roam the orc's expansive chest. As this goes on the orc's hand find themselves roaming Dorian's frame, lightly caressing his fur. The smirk growing against the rat's mouth when he feels the latter's erection poking against his arm elicits a moan as he feels himself starting to stir. The pressure gradually rises in tune to Dorian's skillful manipulation, his very breathing aiding in his rising lusts, eliciting moan after moan from the bedeviled IronBreaker until he's gasping into Dorian's waiting maw, his cock jisming hard, through the silky whites, into the air, showering them both with sticky white victory.

"Oy! That's one down. You wants ta help us with dis Hunter?"

This gets the orc's attention, leaving a trail of saliva connecting him to the persistent Dorian as he pulls away to look over his still-twitching erection out of the ring with a confused 'huh' before being pulled back into the kiss.

Heavy, familiar boot-treads pierce the haze of IronBreaker's lust. He tilts his head to see Hunter standing over him, grinning. "Heya stud. How's tricks?"

"Huh? What?" is all he can muster before his mouth is taken again by the rat.

"Got the rope?" He hears Donovan asking between his legs.

"Yeah got 'em right here."

The orc feels footsteps around him and then sees, as best he can, both Donovan and Hunter making off to the corners of the ring, tying up ropes. His struggling as the ropes are bound to his wrists were sublimated by the rat's skill ministrations, and his hands grazing his cock. "Oohh!"

"Mmmm. Thought you'd like that." He pulls down Ironbreaker's speedo, revealing his thick, hard erection for all to see. "And since you've been a good boy, I think you deserve a reward." As he says this his lower half snakes across the orc's waist, the thickness between the orc's legs settling snuggly between his twin ass cheeks.

"I'd say it suits me." His tail wraps around and digs into the tip of IronBreaker's cock, eliciting a murr. "What say you handsome? Are you ready for some fun?" When he doesn't speak up again he continues. "I thought so."

Gently gyrating his ass Dorian brings IronBreaker to his breaking point, cock spurting as he struggles against the ropes, a prisoner to his lusts. A simple kiss calms him down, the behemoth settling long enough for the rat to settle his ass onto the orc's cock, his rapid descent aided by the heavy lubricant so generously available.

IronBreaker saw stars and constellations. The heat, the tightness; so snug, so firm. He was in heaven. "Oohhh~."

The rat starts to rock his hips, bucking and humping against the orc's impressive ballsac. All the while IronBreaker starts to buck himself, thrusting as best the ropes would allow into his ass with every buck. After so long and through a subduction it doesn't take long before he's coming again.

And again.

And again.

With each shot longer and thicker than the one before it, slowly but surely churning into a thick batter of nutter-butter positively frothing from within Dorian's tight glutes, forming an evergrowing puddle of semen all over the ring. "But damn! Looks like you needed to let go. I'll bet you still got some... tension." He accentuates his words with a soft wiggle, earning another moan from IronBreaker and another thick shot from his cock. "Looks like there'll be plenty left over for you D."

"Good looking out, partner."

IronBreaker moans out another shot...two...three...four before the sounds of the crowds rouse him from his stupor. Somewhat. Tilting his head up he sees two wrestlers running out of the back. It's only when they enter the ring that he recognizes them to be the construction crew from before. Dorian's quick to jump off of his cock, though with a swift kiss at the orc's disappointed moan.

Rapid footstreads all around hint at a slurry of activity. The ropes loosen and IronBreaker is helped to his feet on either side by one of the two workers.

The bugbear gives him a side-stare. "Hey. I tried to tell ya pal."

Ironbreaker nods, either too taken to feel chastised or so over the moon that he doesn't give a fuck. He suspects it's the latter of the two, but then he doesn't give it much thought. He looks up at retreating Heartbreakers, at the vulpine hunter clinging tightly to their side and catches their smile, returning with one of his own. This match was a bust... maybe the next one won't be.

And maybe, he'll be the one to come out on top...


"Umph! Omph! Um~"

Dorian pounds away at Hunter, the latter's jerking himself off with a look of untold bliss. Donovan stands in front of him, rapidly yanking his own prodigious monkey meat, his face a maze of ecstatic ecstasy and depravity.

"So the orc has more in him than was estimated?" The voice, deep and grating, comes from a seat just behind the frantically wanking Donovan. In said seat is a large white great dane, red trunks ladened with golden hearts and packed with a delicious bulge.

Dorian never stops pumping the fox's ass. "*Hmmph* Yes sir! Big boy was packing!" Pistoning his cock deeper and deeper. Hunter calls out that he's drawing closer. Donovan slides between his legs and starts to suckle on his thick dick. The fox doesn't last two seconds, cumming almost instantly all over Donovan's feet.

"Good! I'd expected a challenge. Looks like this place won't be as boring."

"He's a hell of a- *Nngghh* - kisser too. But then I'd have taken it further if I weren't... interrupted."

"Don't worry. You know how it is with orcs; we'll just have to issue another challenge and we'll see him again."

"Like with El Macho, sir?" The rat closes his eyes and thrusts as the most exquisite expression of bliss blossoms across his face. "What I wouldn't give for a rematch against that hunk."

"I'll bet. Now finish up and let's go. You too Hunter. The night's still young, and last I checked it was Donovan's turn."

The fox grins widely as Donovan steps in front of him, offering no resistance as he's pushed to the ground. He takes to Donovan's fat cock as easily as the monkey takes to his own. Truly, tonight was going to be amazing...

IronBreaker vs Hunter (IronBreaker's Victory)

IronBreaker is standing backstage. His bomber jacket lays haphazardly across a nearby bench, his bandolier beside it. He stretches himself, arm outstretched and pulling his leg. He hears a noise from behind him and springs to his feet, alert and ready...

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IronBreaker vs Hunter (Hunter's Victory)

IronBreaker is standing in an area backstage. His bomberjacket lays haphazardly across a nearby bench, his bandolier beside it. He stretching himself, arm outstretched and pulling his legHe hears a noise from behind him and springs to his feet, alert...

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Main Event Wrestling: Iron Breaker Vs Shield


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