More Than Words

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#359 of Commissions

Story for dragon-architect

What's the best way to serve someone with no voice to command you? Giving him control of a collar that connects to his very will, of course! Calyo has such a crush on the mysterious, silent jackal that she just has to see what he might do when granted such trust.

An unconventional but no less intense, intimate worship session featuring transformations and other methods of pleasure sharing ensues.

Featuring: Latex TF, body worship, foot play, bondage, and an emphasis on textures and small sensations.

Usually, bonds of trust came through close, intimate conversation and getting to know each other over a long period of time. Calyo never thought she'd feel that way about someone she'd never actually spoken to. She and the mysteriously silent jackal just kept seeming to find each other, wherever she went, be it through friends of friends or mere coincidence. There was no mistaking that handsome, tall-eared canine, even in a crowd. They exchanged meaningful looks and seemed almost to meld thoughts at times, merely by being in each other's presence. Through whatever sense it was, she felt a kinship with him before she ever learned his name. He wrote it down for her when she asked, rather than speak it.

Afrikasi. A name she'd learn to whimper if everything went right. The details were a blur. She found herself in the living space behind his temple-like shop, surrounded by exotic scents, their naked bodies bathed in dim candlelight. It reflected off her shiny hide well. The goo-dragoness could take about any form she liked, but her current form was easy to present to him as an unspoken offer. There were a hundred things she wanted to say, to explain how to work with her collar and properly utilize its power, but there was something different about him. He knew how to recognize something so special when he saw it, and he knew how to use it too.

All it took was hooking a single finger through one of its decorative rings. He reached out to gently take it after making sure she didn't pull away, and offered her a warm smile that helped to highlight the gold in his eyes. She looked him over, as if to confirm to herself that he was precisely the kind of jackal she wanted to give all that control over her. Tall, lean in places, even a little feminine around the hips and thighs, but athletic and sturdy where it counted, he was an impressive mix of masculine and feminine features alike. A head of braided white hair hung down over his shoulders that all but called out to be stroked and admired, just like the rest of his sleek-furred form.

A flash of something like inspiration in his eyes, and he closed them, taking in the full extent of her power over him. There was more than just a connection in that single touch. There was understanding. Calyo wasn't looking for a simple fuck. Her intimate interests extended into other regions, other pleasures. He knew that immediately. The rest, he took his time to explore, with his finger still tucked into her collar. She was still and paying him her full attention the entire time, awaiting his first command. She had no other choice.

Backing up with her in tow, he found his way to a chair that looked not unlike a throne. It was an elaborate, sculpted thing capped with golden accents that made him look all the more regal just sitting there. Following him down and falling to her knees before him, she tilted her head back on his command. He didn't say anything to guide her. Her body simply reflected his will without any need for a formal command. She would obey, even if it meant fundamentally altering her form just to make his intentions possible.

The first step was to make it so that he could keep her under his control without holding directly onto her collar. A mere thought on his part was enough to manifest numerous binding straps that coiled all the way down and around Calyo's legs like serpents to ensure she couldn't move from her spot. They squeezed just as tightly, but their strength was irrelevant. She did not have his permission to escape from them, and so she did not so much as try. His will was absolute for as long as he held onto her collar - and that included when he was holding onto the leash that soon extended from it, appearing in his hand when he so much as thought about his desire to keep his control over her from farther away.

With her securely in place, he took the time to admire her once more, a more devious smile on his face. He had such expressive eyes. She could tell exactly how much he approved just by looking into them. Yet she couldn't remain gazing for long. With a mere thought, she dropped. Flopping right down onto her belly and face before him as if he was too majestic to even look at, a true god himself and not merely the follower of one, she found herself at his feet and tending to them without a second thought. His fur was soft and lightly oiled, helping to ensure every single touch and lick alike was a pleasantly smooth and fragrant one alike, even as she pushed her tongue between each of his toes in turn.

His chest rose and fell with an apparent happy sigh, but no actual sound escaped his mouth. He was more than just a quiet one, she realized only then. He was utterly voiceless, down to even the smallest of vocalizations. That didn't matter. She could tell what he wanted by the connection they had through her collar, and she could feel the approval emanating from him with her every adoring slurp. There was no holding back. He made sure of it, tugging on her leash if she slowed down even slightly. With her legs bound like that, it was difficult to rise to her knees, but she eventually managed with enough wiggling so she could continue the worship of her new god from his paws, to his legs, to his crotch.

He didn't make her linger there. Not yet. Though his sleekly polished balls and cozy sheath may have lightly twitched under the attention of her tongue, he kept her moving upwards until she was kissing along his trim middle, or nuzzling up against his chest. Every part of his body felt majestic against her own. He smelled wonderful, and tasted just as good. She continued tending to him until they were face to face once more. He was sitting, she was bent forth on tentative, teetering legs. All but falling into the kiss after another tug on her collar, she locked lips with him and lost herself in a makeout session that grew increasingly wet with every deft exchange of duelling tongues.

They continued like that for precisely as long as they needed. Afrikasi rushed nothing. When they slowly slipped back from the kiss, he took his time licking her face with some surprisingly doggish slurps. They were sloppier than she expected from a god, or godlike servant anyway. She returned the gesture at his silent command, tending to his handsome features until he was as good as glistening. He offered her a satisfied smile with her thick saliva slowly dripping from his face.

Through his unspoken desire, she found herself digging her hands deeply into his long, white braids. She might have done that even if he didn't make her. They were tightly bound and pleasantly smooth to the touch, their colour uniform all throughout even their impressive length. She wondered how he would have looked with them all unfurled. With her claws serving as a brush, she combed through them again and again, scratching softly at his scalp in the process. The scritch scritch that resulted was as soothing to hear as her attention was to receive. He closed his eyes to enjoy it for as long as he wished, only opening them again when he was ready to move onto the next command.

A slight gesture of his head to the side was unnecessary. She already knew what he wanted her to do next. Getting up wasn't easy. He didn't release her fully from those straps around her legs, but he did loosen them enough for her to walk. There were at least a dozen bottles sitting on a shelf nearby, but their connection allowed her to know just which one he wanted - and what it was, for that matter. An exotic blend of fragrances swam in that massage oil, spilling out to fill her senses with a potent puff of scent that was briefly overwhelming. It quickly proved sweet, even relaxing to sniff at as long as she didn't put her snout too close to the bottle. They were up together, and strode over to a long, firm table, with her leash still tightly clasped in his hand. He didn't let go for a moment, as if she might break free if he lost his control over her. She wasn't even thinking about doing that.

Stretching out across what most certainly wasn't a massage table, but more of a hard slab of an altar. He looked every bit as luxuriant all stretched out on it nonetheless. A small gesture let him loop her leash around his wrist instead of holding onto it. When that wasn't adequate, he simply commanded it to instead attach to his wrist like a cuff, so he didn't have to worry about it one bit. That allowed him maximum relaxation with his pet effectively anchored to him and his every need. She scanned up and down his taut back, considering for just a moment how she was going to massage him properly, in the way he deserved. Their connection allowed her to share his own expertise in the matter. She knew exactly where to start.

First, she poured that divinely fragrant oil over her hands. It slipped over her latexy fingers and left them dripping before she pressed her palms down firmly to a spot just above his hips. Pressing deeply to knead his sorest muscles, spreading the oil over his fur, she made him even more pleasingly shiny. He shone almost as brightly as her in the candlelight. Working up and down, tending to him, worshipping him with the tenderness of her touch, she applied as much strength as she could to make him feel soothed and celebrated alike.

When she got to his shoulders, she lingered there, pressing her thumbs deep into the muscles there until his fingers twitched. The pleasure coursing down his arms reflected partly back to her. She took such delight in making him feel good. Working down again, this time she passed his hips, watching his thin tail twitch as she laid two well-oiled hands onto the curvy shape of his fine, ample ass. There were muscles there to work too, and he gave a heavy, yet still silent sigh as she pressed deep into those cheeks to massage him for as long as he needed.

He was curling and splaying his toes after only a few good, deep rubs. She remained there for a time, spoiling the black jackal, until she moved onto his thighs. There was a satisfying squish around the bottom curve of his butt, but then it was all firm, athletic tone from there down. She admired him as much as she massaged him, stroking him with the tips of her fingers to take in every shape, every texture, when she wasn't simply pressing in deep. She got all the way down to his paws once more to take a deep squeeze of each toe pad in turn before he willed her to stop.

For a second or two, she simply stood there while he thought about what he desired next. Then it was time for them to switch places. Up he got, to make room for Calyo to instead be the one to stretch out across the table. It wasn't the most comfortable thing she'd ever laid on, but his touch quickly put that out of her mind. Though she was still bound by the leash, she had nothing more in her mind than the simple command to enjoy. It was first and foremost among that which he willed, projected out to her to ensure she followed it as closely as possible.

First, it was a matter of simply dwelling on the sounds of him rubbing his hands together. The motion made him occasionally tug at her leash, with it still fashioned around his wrist. She didn't flinch. His will was for her to relax, and she fell into it like a dream, as if to sink right through the table. The slightest touch brought her a surprising amount of pleasure. He started with her shoulders, and there he lingered, working, kneading, tending to her body. Though her gooey self wasn't exactly built like an ordinary person, and she had far fewer muscular aches to worry about, she nonetheless felt herself flooded with relief with his every well-oiled stroke and squeeze, until her tail was faintly twitching from the sensation.

The jackal got there eventually. He worked down her back as thoroughly as imaginable, sliding along with such expertise that could only come from extensive practice and perhaps even training. When he got to her tail, she made a little whimpery noise. Whether that was her own natural response or something he wanted her to do wasn't entirely clear, nor did it need to be. All that mattered was how she couldn't keep silent when he was playing with her tail, whether it was running his hands along it, tugging on it, squeezing it, or even making it grow.

Perhaps that was a secret desire of his manifesting by accident, or perhaps he was being playful. Her tail got thicker and heavier until it was slightly out of proportion with her bottom half. He liked a good thick tail, apparently, and he delighted in toying with it. Eventually, he picked it up and began to wrap it around his naked body, and she gave him a firm squeeze with it as best she could when she sensed how much he'd like that. She never heard him moan of course, but she might have felt him stirring where his sheath was pressed snugly to the underside of her tail, right near the base.

There was the temptation to turn it into sex. She could feel it emanating from him. In the end it wasn't him holding back, it was him having new ideas. He let her tail slowly slide from his body, unfurling from around his hips and legs so he could move again. Finishing off with a teasing lick to her lifted, thickened tail that was certainly intimate, if not outright sexual, he slipped away and bid her rise once more. After even just a short massage under his careful hands, she felt as if she could just melt down to a puddle at a moment's notice, walking on shaky legs until he slipped into his throne of sorts once more.

There was another spark of something. She saw it in his eyes. It sent a unique sort of tingle throughout her body. Not quite arousing, but certainly pleasurable. Something told her he had an idea, and she was only too happy to roll with it, whatever it might have been. She briefly closed her eyes and awaited whatever changes he might have wanted to cause to her, but nothing happened, not to her. He was taking something for himself.

He was already a sleek, glossy figure. He could get glossier. Firmly grasping her leash, he let her slowly slide from his lap and down to her knees once more. It was the perfect perspective to gaze up at him and watch the changes coming over him. His new, shiny latex skin poured across his trim muscles and angles until it had completely coated him from top to bottom, until he looked as if he was entirely made out of it. Everything from his tall ears all the way down to his handsome, sculpted middle, his soft sheath and balls, his paws. Calyo longed to touch him, and she didn't have to wait more than a few moments to get her wish.

It was one thing to admire him with her gaze. On little more than an unspoken suggestion, she lunged at him. It was precisely how he wanted her to do it. That much was obvious by the fact she did it. Sprawling across his newly latexed body, his transformed self, she splayed herself like a blanket to touch as much of him at once as she could. She had to feel everything. Rubbing, even outright grinding into him, she maximized just how many parts of him she could touch at once. The resulting sounds were slippery, sometimes even squeaky in the process of pressing as close to each other as they could.

There was a thought in his head she couldn't quite put to words. It was something like surprise me. She followed the spirit of it, turning her palms over to let them fill with the same goo that had helped his transformation. He could still be shinier. She helped that transformation settle in by polishing him with her sliding, smearing touch, glossing and gliding along the contours of his body. He was like a statue of a god, and needed the utmost of care, even when it meant rubbing in repeated circles on his chest, his shoulders, his middle, and his thighs, one by one. The repetition meant he got sleeker and sleeker, and her stroke grew swifter the more gooed-up he became from her attentive touches. He touched back just as much.

Sometimes Afrikasi took some generous gropes of her curves in the process of admiring her. He explored wherever he wished. Sometimes that meant pressing firmly into her shoulders and back, massaging her with that same distinct expertise she'd recognized earlier. He knew all about making her feel good. But it wasn't just about her. She took pleasure in his pleasure, and that included the desire to see him get a little more selfish with her. That thought must have slipped from her mind to his through the collar connection, because he was quick to act on it, for her sake or for his own.

The pair of long, blue horns atop her head were perfect handles. He made a sudden grab for them, and he didn't let go. She couldn't so much as squirm when he began to direct her face precisely where he wanted it. First it meant just rubbing his latexed cheek against her own, but eventually he directed her downwards. She found herself snug against his taut chest, and without so much as a moment's hesitation, she began to sniff him, until her lungs were full of his altered scent.

Sharper and more striking, it was far less smooth than before but in ways she didn't at all mind. She wondered if it was narcissistic to find it so enjoyable when it had taken on qualities of her own. Distinct, not necessarily universal smells she enjoyed clung to his latex skin - those of leather, asphalt, and the general haze of hot days. The jackal was a little bit of a dragoness himself after taking on some of her appearance like that, and she took great joy in breathing him as thoroughly as she could.

There were remnants of his softer, more perfumed former fragrance to go with the more aggressive aroma dancing through her senses. Lavender in the desert, or so was her first thought to describe it. It hardly felt like he was compelling her to do anything once she got going. She took him in with something like obsession, huffing all the way down over his trim middle until she was kneeling between his legs and shoving her face in his crotch. He held her there. Firmly. For as gentle as he'd been with her until then, this was something he simply had to insist on, not only keeping her in place but outright grinding her nose into the smooth, sleek spot just above the base of his swelling sheath. The jackal couldn't conceal how much he was enjoying being with her for any longer.

Even so, he expected nothing more of her than that deep, insatiable sniffing. She inhaled him as thoroughly as she could, including dipping down to the tip of his emerging shaft, then getting her nose snug against his balls. With the transformation, they were so very smooth to the touch that even she felt rough in comparison. He'd truly become the picture of a glossy god, and dwelling there before him, kneeling in praise and worship, she felt the words simply spilling from her mouth.

"My black-furred lord. My dark god. Thank you for letting me show you the praise you deserve."

She could all but taste the words on her tongue. They felt good to speak, especially after such an extended silence. As for the jackal himself, he sat regally, soaking it all in, at least until he lowered his ears, shifted his eyes, and licked his lips, looking a touch embarrassed by it. She didn't say it, but she assured him there was nothing to be ashamed of as she softly tended to his balls, nuzzling and nosing them, lingering as close to him as she could. That was where she remained until Afrikasi found that dominant confidence again, and stood right up to seemingly tower over her.

He wasn't going to be bigger than her for long. The jackal wanted more - more of her. A tug on that leash was the precursor to her transformation. It wasn't just her current form that grew. She transformed to suit her controller's tastes. He wanted a dragoness, and he was going to get what he deserved in all his godly elegance. It took just a moment for her to adjust to the new shape. She was no stranger to changing form. Yet even landing on all fours as a broad, solid beast, she was still completely under his control. His first silent request was perhaps not the first she expected to get, but one she fulfilled without question nonetheless.

The latex jackal stretched out in all his glory, visibly aroused with a dark shaft just as shiny as the rest of him, though he ignored the apparent urgency of its rigid twitches. If he desired to be bathed in tender licks from his transformed pet, then he was going to get exactly that. There was nowhere in particular she focused. It was her job to slurp every single inch of his latex body, to feel the texture sliding across her tongue, to savour and revel in the taste of the one who occasionally tugged on her leash to make sure she knew who was in control.

He was shining so very brightly in the reflected flames by the time she was done utterly slathering him up in several layers of dripping saliva. She tended to every single detail. His paws once more got some attention, as did his legs from every angle. While she did linger for a time to lick his cock, he was actually the one to tug her away from its solid, thumping length before long. If she kept going there, he wasn't going to want to have her stop, and there was plenty more for her to admire. Slipping, slopping, and finally meeting him in a deep kiss, she could only thump her extra-heavy tail as she made out with him, despite the size difference in their muzzles.

She offered her tongue when prompted, and he took it so deeply as to swallow it. Sucking away on her while she sucked on seemingly his whole face at once eventually left the two of them drenched in their passion - him more so than her, but that didn't seem to bother him. He let her withdraw only when they'd exchanged in that makeout session for so long as to leave him breathless. Yet even watching him briefly panting, she never heard so much as a gasp for air. He was utterly silent, no matter how turned on he was. She could see the lust blazing in his eyes, and she knew he wasn't going to keep it waiting forever. A mere gesture on his part had her all off balance when he began to bind her right up.

There was no actual need to lock her in total bondage when he was already tied to her collar. It was an unbreakable bond until he decided otherwise, but that didn't stop her from gasping and huffing in delight for him when he began to completely immobilize even her newly weighty frame. She found her legs bound together tightly until she was one push away from toppling over. Even her tail got bound, lifted and secured to her lower back to give the jackal a full look at its underside. She teetered until he caught her, slowly guiding her to stretch out on her side so that he could have all the access he liked.

Her larger form had plenty of strength to spare. She was permitted to test her bindings as much as she liked. Of course, she already knew there was no reason to actually do so. No matter how strong she was, she couldn't fully exert herself against those straps around all four of her legs. Her collar didn't permit her to push and struggle hard enough to break free, even if she could have. His will was absolute, and his desires were everything that mattered to her. They radiated out of him, growing and growing, until they almost felt like her own.

He couldn't keep his hands off her tail. It was still bound, but he loosened it from her back so he could manipulate it with a strap, commanding it like a trained snake to obey his every whim and accept his every admiring touch. Sleeking it up first with his well-oiled hands, then his tongue, he worked his way down the underside until he was at the base. There he wrapped both arms around it to squeeze and tug alike, indulging himself with her body, pressing closer and closer to her with all the squeaks and slicks of their smooth bodies rubbing and grinding on one another that came with those lovely velvety textures combining. She could feel his warm breath on her skin as he wrapped that tail around him once more. This time, there was so much more to vanish into, until he was almost completely coiled up. On his command, she squeezed.

She could put a lot of strength into that, at least. At times she almost worried she was being too firm, the way she squished that thick, powerful tail all around his body. The pressure let her feel every last little detail of his trim musculature, of his fleet swimmer's build, the divots and shapes all decorated in delicious latex skin. She rubbed up and down, twisting her tail to please him and stroke all of him at once, and her reward was the silent moan that escaped his lips. Though she still couldn't hear it, she swore she could feel it somehow.

It was only when she slowly unfurled her tail from around him that she felt him settle up behind her haunches. He was absolutely agonizing to penetrate her. That urgency throbbed through his body, and through herself thanks to the connection she shared. While she might have been neutral on the act itself, granting him the release he needed was a pleasure of its own. Yet for as much as he ached, he was ever patient, ever attentive to her every detail, gripping her hindquarters, kneading her with his palms and fingertips alike, digging his thumbs into the spot where rump met thigh just to keep her faintly squirming with the massage pressing in so deeply and intensely.

Calyo was still sprawled over on her side, legs bound together as if caught in a trap. He rose up from behind her after giving her a butt-rub so thorough her toes were still wiggling. It would have been easy to mount her right there, but there was still such fun to have with her collar. Lifting a strap, this one connected to her tail, and giving it a firm tug, he ended up lifting her entire body off the floor at once. Not through his own exceptional strength, but rather with the help of at least a dozen more long, firm bindings that attached themselves to the rafters, stretching her legs out taut.

There she dangled, on offer to her godly master, tail pulled out of the way when he gestured to tie that to her back. She slowly swayed back and forth, suspended and even more helpless than ever. A tug on her collar put her head precisely where he wanted it to be - and that was looking right at him, locking eyes with him. Further alterations applied an unyielding muzzle all around her mouth, to ensure she could neither speak nor look away. Her attention was utterly, entirely the jackal's. His stare was so intense that not many would have been able to meet it for so long. She simply lost herself in his golden gaze, and whimpered for him when he finally unleashed that pent up desire, burying his face in her haunches to kiss her sex. It was precisely as wet as he wished it to be.

That was more a matter of her shapeshifting goo pouring down from that warm slit, but it was every bit as welcoming to his lips and tongue alike. She might have advised him against so selflessly giving her pleasure if she was allowed to speak. It wasn't supposed to be about her, but she soon realized it wasn't. He wanted to eat her out, to curl his tongue between her folds and massage her within, to show off just how good he was at it. Her arousal wasn't the point - it was her admiration for his prowess. A fine servant he would have made to someone else with skills like that, but with her under his control, she was simply going to have to soak it all in, knowing she was making him feel good.

He withdrew from her with a muzzle shinier than ever. The jackal was soaked in her, and there was simply no time to hold back any longer. The absolute need throbbing through his entire body soon throbbed through hers. He pushed into her with a deft motion and a suitably succulent schlick of sleek meeting wet. There he sank in until the balls she'd thoroughly sniffed were resting atop the base of her tail. She didn't care about how it felt for her - it felt amazing for him, and she could tell. Watching his gaze grow distant as he briefly lost himself in the pleasure of getting himself off with his bound pet, she didn't lose him for long. He smiled at her and sprawled across her exposed belly, humping, thrusting, but never forgetting to tend to and admire her body.

A deep, affectionate belly rub might have seemed like an odd choice in the middle of sex for anyone else. Calyo delighted in it to the point of wiggling in her bindings, snorting, puffing, eventually groaning out when he worked his hands so deeply into one of her most sensitive, tender spots. Though he kept his hips working the whole time, he still fixed much of his attention on stroking her, admiring her, and rubbing as much of his body against her as he could. The sound of smooth skin gliding along her own mixed well with the wet plaps of jackal nuts spanking against her bound body, bumping into her feral butt as he made an utter mess of himself in the process of fucking the shapeshifting goo-dragoness. That was exactly what he wanted.

"Ahhh ... Afrikasi ..." There was that whimper, or at least her best attempt at such. The muzzle ensured it was little more than a muffled mutter, yet she hoped the spirit of it remained intact. The passion and praise was an aura coming off of her that communicated her feelings better than any words ever could have anyway.

Slipping and slopping as he got himself off with her, he eventually fell into a distracted state with his eyes half-closed. Watching him intently as he worked to enjoy her with stiff, deep thrusts, Calyo wondered if she was finally going to hear him moan. She saw him do it, quite frequently at that, but she still didn't hear so much as a gasp from his open mouth. He was as good as muted, but that just made his expressions of ecstasy all the more expressive. The jackal clung to her, squeezed her, hugged her bound body as tightly as he could. She watched his ears flatten, felt his body twitching, convulsing even, and savoured in the absolute pounding of the canine shaft inside her. It all told her what a good job she was doing.

One more powerful stroke of his hips with all his strength was all it took to seal his pleasure. He rose up, back straight, and silently growled. Still no sound, but such a sight it was, watching him lock his pearly fangs into that fierce, horny snarl. He remained like that, looking as regal as a king, as a god of pleasure as he pushed his solid knot inside of her. It locked within her as tightly as any of the bondage keeping her in place. She shared in the warmth and relief that came with him flooding her soon after. The jackal posed in triumph as he filled her, letting her watch him in all his elegance until his expression finally broke, lip quivering, and he collapsed forth to sprawl across her smooth middle as his orgasm subsided.

He was stuck there, knotted with her, though she could have easily shapeshifted to let him free at any moment. Instead, she remained, dangling, bound, flipped over on her back with her tail held in place. The jackal was warm and even while idle and fatigued, he still knew how to work those hands. He kept her soothed, kept her feeling his attention and affection, and together they drifted until their bodies began to shift back to normal. Those straps let her down to the floor, leaving him to lie atop her, still inside her, though he messily slipped out when her body shifted into something more standard for her. For a goo-dragon anyway.

Calyo was almost disappointed to see her gorgeous latex god going back to his usual self, though his fur was so sleek and well-groomed as to almost feel just as smooth. She rubbed at his back - only then realizing that she could, without being told. He'd let her go, but that didn't change her desires. She was content to be with him for as long as he wished. Slipping up from her middle to lay his head on her bust and kiss her there, then up to her face to smooch her on the muzzle, he gave a bodily sigh of relief and satisfaction that she couldn't help but imitate.

He located one of his many notepads and began jotting something down in swift, yet decorative letters. When he was done he quickly handed it to her.

Thank you.

Calyo read it and gave him a look of surprise. Turning her collar over to him had been far from selfless. She took just as much from the experience as she gave, but there was no sense arguing the semantics in such a glowing moment. Instead, she gave a short bow and spoke with the kind of reverence in her voice that he deserved.

"You're very welcome, godlike one. I hope to visit you again soon."

With a slow nod and a kind, gentle smile on his lips and eyes alike, he left her with a feeling of welcome that she so rarely felt. If ever there was someone she could trust with full control over her collar and her body, it was him. And there were still so many pleasures to explore together, whenever they liked.