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#192 of Commissions

Commission for osmond in collaboration with friend Swabs

A continuation of "The Ring Bear-ers"

While investigating Keng and Ruberg's disappearance, Channing, Bennig and Bauber encounter a mysterious cave where they come across a treasure that slowly begins changing the dwarves, while Channing is caught in a mysterious daze. Little do they realize that Pyrebreard, now calling himself Goldhelm is responsible for this mess...


The dark cave wall illuminated softly by torchlight as Channing made his way ahead of the others; being an elf of foresight, he was the logical man to take point and avoid any traps this dungeon had to offer. Ten thousand years before, men and women were offered as sacrificial feasts to the demons that once dwelled within these mountains. While at first, the cave was open and light, the deeper they went, the darker the world had become around them. After leaving the Inn two days before, it was a note from Pyrebeard that led them on this quest for riches and gold, and weapons. And despite the constant bickering between Bennig and Bauber, he knew that all three of them would be put to the ultimate test here...but there was no challenge, seemingly no guards to this place. No apparitions, no demons, not even a single creature of the undead to greet them as they traveled down. It was a purely routine expedition, they might as well be spelunkers instead of professional adventurers.

"OY! You stepped on my foot, you idiot!" Bauber's voice echoed as they came up behind the elf, traveling the corner of the corridor, the elder dwarf waving his torch around his blind brother like some ridiculous taunt.

Bennig cringed and waved his arm at the flame, reacting to the heat hitting his face. "And you almost burned my beard off. You done?"

"Not hardly!"

"Oh, sure. Pick on a fuckin' blind dwarf then!" He shouted as he shoved at Bauber and the two staggered up even closer to the elf.

"Will you two shut up for two minutes?" Channing barked, his voice echoing through the confines of the room they were now in. "Let me concentrate."

"Oh, sure. Let the pretty boy concentrate."

Bauber scoffed at his brother. "And how do you know he's a pretty boy?"

"Because all elf boys are pretty boys." Bennig retorted.

"How would you know that? You been blind all your life."

"You just get a feel for these things..."

"SHUT. UP!" Channing shouted again, this time his voice echoing even further into the cavern. This room was much bigger than any of them could have seen through the dull lighting as the elf stepped closer to the edge and raised his torch up over his head to try and see further.

Bauber snickered. "Somebody got in trouble..." He taunted in a sing-song voice.

"Are you serious? What are ya, brother? Six?" Bennig quipped with a light tap to Bauber's shoulder.

"No." He replied back, giving Bennig a stern punch back to the shoulder almost knocking him back. "I'm tired of playing these fucking games with ya!"

Bennig growled in anger and suddenly shoved his brother hard, slamming both fists into his chest. The two toppled back and Bauber bumped into Channing, who began to lose his footing. The two of them suddenly started to fall, and in an attempt to catch them, Bennig reached his hand out. Bauber grabbed it, then grabbed Channing; but the weight overwhelmed the dwarf and all three of them fell screaming down into the black abyss.

The rubble was still trickling down when Channing awoke, his eyes fuzzy at first, but then grew wide as he noticed they'd landed on what looked like a thick layer of gold coins, jewels, and relics that lay around them in various states of wear. He sat up and rested on his knees, looking around at the riches. The dwarves had already awakened and Bauber was standing awestruck, trying to describe what he could see to his brother. "Unbelievable..." Bennig said, shaking his head. "Such incredible riches? Surely there'd be a guard or two here."

"Unless it was hidden here and never found again?" Bauber suggested, ribbing his brother.

"Oh yeah?" Bennig exclaimed as he reached down and grabbed a sword from the pile closest to him. "Well, have at thee brother! Tis our riches now!" He laughed as he charged at his brother, forcing Bauber to grab a second sword and block the strike, sending sparks and noise throughout the cavern.

"Shh! Quiet you idiots! If this is a trap you're falling right into it!" Channing whispered in a voice of frustration as the pair played.

The brothers continued to wield their weapons, unaware, or at least ignorant of the elvish whispering. Bennig was clearly outmatched though, and somehow managed to land several blows, which his brother deftly blocked. "Wow. You're good at this!" Bauber admitted. "How a blind dwarf can actually carry on even a play battle is beyond me."

"Oh, who's playing when we know what's at stake?" Bennig laughed loudly as he struck a hard blow, knocking Bauber to the ground and flipping a chest of gold over onto himself.

There was a loud bang and clatter that made Channing's spine go rigid as he turned indignantly toward the dwarves, who had managed to pull on a pair of helmets that had fallen out of the chest that was knocked over. One of them was a cobalt blue steel helmet and the other a dark crimson helmet, both with full face visors, he was surprised to see that the helmets fitted the pair perfectly and they continued their faux battle among each other, their cries and grunts almost as metallic as the helmets they were now wearing. "Would you two be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate!"

"Ooh. You hear that, brother? He's trying to concent--" There was a loud bang as Bennig struck the butt of his sword onto the metal helmet. The impact itself didn't hurt, but the ringing of metal roaring through his ears sure did. "OWWWWWWW!" He exclaimed.

Ignoring the foolish dwarves, Channing made his way up to a passageway he'd spotted just above the layer of treasure and tried to peer into the darkness; sensing for any kind of movement, any kind of danger and feeling nothing. "No, this...this was too easy." He said to himself as he closed his eyes and raised a hand into the darkness. Trying to detect any looming threats over them. "Surely this was a trap..."

As it happened a hundred times before, Channing's eyes exploded into a fiery blue light as he peered into the darkness. He blinked and waved a hand in front of his face, trying to catch a vision of the dangers. But nothing appeared, and only a strange ringing noise could be heard, getting louder and louder. " you two hear that?" He asked, but received no response from the dwarves. As he turned to face them, he started to yell. "Hey! Are you two even listening to me--"

Suddenly the vision snapped around him, and Channing found himself in an enormous, gaudy palace, high ceilings with great peaked points, supported by large columns of gold. Laughter could be heard, and as the sound grew he felt a sudden wave wash over him and he was in a room full of men, a surge of energy began to beat through his chest and he found himself now stripped completely naked and he fell to his knees at the feet of these very scantily clad warriors. Their muscles were bronzed and oiled, their eyes staring down at him commanding him to worship them, which he happily did. It was an uncontrolled compulsion, his hands grabbed two of their feet and he brought his lips to them, sliding them up their legs he knew he wanted this...but did he?

Channing felt himself pull away from the lure, but only to hear a familiar voice tell him to "Proceed" which forced him to continue.

"Oy, what's with Channing?" Bauber asked, pointing to the elf, who was now kneeling at the doorway. He looked at his brother. "Oh, right. You can't see what's goin on with him, can you?"

"Have at thee!" Bennig roared as he charged toward his brother with his weapon raised. But just before the two impacted each other, Bennig's body froze in place, the weapon only inches over Bauber's head.

"Bennig! What the fuck!? Why are you--" Bauber felt a strange choking sensation at the back of his tongue. He tried to snarkily badger his brother for this reckless behavior, but something was preventing him from doing so. He also felt trapped inside his helmet and reached to lift his visor, only to find that it seemed to be stuck in the down position. He tried to remove the helmet, but it only seemed to make it tighten against his struggling.

Bennig was doing the same as both of them dropped their weapons in order to struggle against this strange compulsion to obey the voices in their heads, this commanding voice telling them to "Obey..."

Channing put his hands on his head, his vision forcing him to feel every urge, every want to service these visions and as he did so, he could see that one of the men had the head of a skeleton, and even though he should recognize the man's visage, he just could not ignore his needs.

The vision placed not only a collection of men for him to worship, but also a fantastical feast of foods on an incredibly long table; food that ravaged his senses with their smell and forced him to throw himself at it. He began eating in a wild frenzy, not even managing to swallow half the time before cramming more and more food down his gullet. He could feel his body shaking, he could hear his bones cracking as he began to grow at an alarming rate. "Eat...grow..." A voice could be heard in his ears, and no matter what he tried to do, Channing couldn't block the sound from his ears. He grabbed a chunk of meat and shoved it in his mouth, then grabbed three apples and ate them nearly whole. He was starving and he couldn't control himself. With every pound of food he shoved down, he could feel a tingle of hairs sprouting all over his body. It was changing; no longer the slim, lithe form of an elf, he was growing fatter. He noticed thick patches of chestnut colored fur sprouting through his skin and spreading like wildfire across his body. He screamed loudly as he fiery burn covered him and he began to pat himself down like he actually was ablaze.

Channing felt himself fall to the ground, shaking as he looked at the floor of the cave, his hands shaking and bulging as they began to transform from their normal slender look to a thicker sausage-like size. He lifted one hand and stared at his palm, watching in amazement as a set of claws began to grow through his nails. Skin was bursting with fur and it bristled across his body in a hurry, making his body grow fatter, bigger. He could barely make out words and every sound he made was more of a feral growling noise as he fell back on his butt and his clothes began to shred from his newfound size. It was a moment of blurry vision that cleared and he could see the helmeted dwarves standing in front of him staring at him.

"Just look at him..." He heard a familiar voice as Pyrebeard stepped in and held the transforming elf back, his fingers sliding down the man's newly bulbous, furry belly. "How are you feeling, Channing?"

"P-Py-Pyrebeard?" He managed to utter before another convulsion of muscle stopped him from talking.

"Oh please. That name means so little now." The bald dwarf said proudly as he stood and looked at the other two. He slid his fingers along the rim of his helmet and grinned. "Call me Goldhelm!" He squinted his eyes at them, observing their helmets being obstructed by the actual clothing they wore. "Bauber, Bennig. You will remove your clothes at once..." He commanded, looking them in the eyes.

The pair looked at each other, and then continued to try and tear the helmets off their heads.

"BAUBER! BENNIG!" The dwarf's mental command sending shockwaves through them and making their bodies go rigid as corpses for a moment. "I command you to strip..."

At first it was as if they were fighting to resist the dwarf's command, but the pair began to obey his order. They stripped down to reveal their thick, hairy bodies to their leader, who smiled in delight as the metal from the helmets began to slowly creep down their necks. Bennig gasped loudly as he looked at his brother and could actually see him, the pair reacted to the new intrusions of metal now descending down their necks and toward their chests by trying to brush them off, and realizing that it was their actual skin that was transforming. As the plates of metal began to grow on their chests, their body hair began to fall from them, trickling down like a quick shave into piles underneath them, then being blown away like dust in the wind at their toes. Despite this, their cocks began to grow in size, they were getting aroused by their attempts to stop this metal takeover and Goldhelm simply stood there, enjoying the show.

Fully beastial now, Channing looked in between the two of them. He watched as their semi-flabby bodies were crafted by this change into more muscular forms. The dwarves grew taller as they changed, a cobalt blue and a crimson red metallic monster standing before him with godlike physiques. He was hard watching this, his eyes gazing up and down these forms making him salivate uncontrollably as he watched the transformation take place. And as these massive bodies finally finished their transformation, he found himself crawling toward them. Goldhelm wasn't even there for him, only these two massive bodies now looking down at him with an almost synchronous command in his mind: "Worship."

Channing moved toward them, both Bennig and Bauber had grown silent as they watched him. The elvish clothes peeling off his fur after being shredded by his sudden growth; that fat belly that dark brown fur and he moved into position between them, his tongue finding their bare feet as they reflected his face. He immediately pulled himself into those toes, driving his tongue down in between them and taking himself aback for a moment to realize that somehow these toes were separate, like actual feet and not some gloved or booted facade. He picked their feet up, all one at a time and licked underneath them, moaning in pleasure as he felt their feet twitch and turn to the tickling that his facial hair and his tongue provided them. He then rose to his knees and began to lick at their cocks, first starting at the base of their balls, his tongue moving between their bodies, exploring up as far as their taints as the moved over their engorged erections. Each dwarf laid a metallic hand onto the back of his head, and each time he turned to indulge himself with one, that one would grab tight against the fur and shove his face straight against their metal. It was a strangely overpowering scent; not metal, it somehow smelled like their flesh penetrating this armored exterior. His clawed hands slid up their muscular slabs of "flesh" as he clawed up to their nipples. One at a time, trying to pay attention to each of their needs, and he didn't recognize either one of them from who they were before any longer. They beckoned Channing to stand, and he did so; but only as high as their chests, he didn't dare try to stand taller than them. Something in his mind told him not to. He had found their nipples, and as his tongue dragged over them, the response felt like it was him touching actual flesh instead of their metallic shells. Each man reacted with a moan and a grabbing of his head. The blue one flexed his arm, giving an impressive display of muscle, and immediately, Channing dove his face, his nose, his tongue straight into it. He tasted the divots in this dwarf's pit and drank in the musk, so that when the red one made a similar gesture, he immediately went right into worshipping him as well.

Just as he could feel Bennig and Bauber transforming, Channing could feel his body wasn't even done transforming yet. His clothes finishing their shedding were now all in tatters and ribbons on the floor. He groped the pair of dwarves, both of them raising the correct arm for his face to get trapped under them, the stubby new bugbear tail flicking back and forth as he enjoyed their scent, their touch...their muscles.

"Well, don't mind me enjoying the show..." Goldhelm chuckled, stroking a chub of his own and watching. "Why don't you boys make the best of your new pet, yeah? Bauber in the back and Bennig from the front."

Before Channing knew it, he was pushed to the ground and rested on all fours. Bennig dragged his white-leaking metal cock along the bugbear's cheek and across his lips while Bauber stepped around behind and began to tease his tip against the bugbear's ass. Channing shuddered and attempted to prostrate himself with the touch of dwarf metal cock against his ring, but Bennig took control of his face and thrust his cock deep past the man's lips, making him whimper and moan in delight.

Bauber crouched down behind the bugbear, using his thumbs to spread the man apart and then his tongue to suddenly dive in deep. Channing had never felt anything like this before, and the fact that it was a metal tongue pressing into his ass only made it hotter. He began to sweat, he clenched his ass cheeks. The musk he was giving off was getting strong, even for him, and he enjoyed the feeling of the dwarf's cool metal tongue sliding along his junk and along his ass a few times before he too stood into position and began to edge his cock deep into the bugbear elf's ass. Channing let out a howl of discomfort and clenched up for a moment, momentarily trapping Bauber's cock in his ass as he hissed and let himself go, howling and growling in pleasure as the other dwarf crammed his metallic cock deeper into his mouth, pressing at the edge of his throat. As his body grew, he could feel the dwarves fucking him were changing too, he looked up and could now hardly tell where their faces were, the helmets having completely driven themselves across their visages. Somewhere in Channing's mind he knew he should care, but the only made him care less about it and further indulge his enjoyment as the two fucked him from one side to the other.

"NNNHHH!!!" Both Dwarves began to cum deep inside of Channing's body. At first the spill was minimal, but then Bennig's cock pulled back and began to spray seed over the bugbear's face, while at the same time he could feel thick ropes of cum filling his gut, there was so much it made him full and he felt his stomach growing in size even at this hefty amount until all three of them collapsed onto the floor.

"Very good..." Goldhelm smirked with a wiley eyed look and a stroking of his hair-barren chin.

It had felt like hours before Channing roused once again, finding himself being carried over one shoulder by a massive, hairless ogre and staring into the face of a thickly-bearded dwarf walking behind them.

"Hey, looks like he's finally waking up..." The dwarf had the most familiar voice...

"Ruberg?" He spoke in a deep, growly voice. "Wh-what..." He moaned in exhaustion.

"And that brute carrying you is Keng!" Goldhelm said cheerfully. "Don't worry, lad. We're taking you someplace safe. Some place where we can all relax and discuss our final mission..."