The Jade Empire: Ch1

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#3 of The Jade Empire

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Merry Christmas kids! I hope you all have been delightfully naughty this year!

It's your favorite sissymoo here with a series I'm uploading for Terinas Tigers 2023 Stocking Stuffer event!

Just a warning that this series contains diapers and their use, excessive semen and casual sex/masturbation. The consent is nonconsensual, transferring into dubious consent. Despite the diapers, there is no sissy stuff, or adult baby content. Just diapers and their use.

Now, I am no pacifist by any means. I've done my share of fighting off wild beasts who decided our foragers would make an easy meal. In fact, it worked out well for filling our larders for the winter.

But for the first time in my life, I actually was eagerly awaiting the day I could stab a certain merchant in the kidneys. Maybe the liver too.

You see, that wine skin I had drank from, well, it was drugged. I didn't notice because it took so long for it to act, and without moving from my sitting position I never noticed the effects until I had finished the drink.

So, I was both drunk, and knocked unconscious to the point where I never stirred even when the guards stripped me naked and put me inside the box beneath the canvas tarp.

Well, it turns out it wasn't a mere box, but it was in fact a cage with thick copper bars. the very cage I had built for Magnus early in the planting season, because he "Needed it to transport a wild beast."

My legs were chained to one corner, and my wrists chained to the other. There was just enough room for me to tuck my knees in, or scratch just below the locked iron collar around my neck if I pushed one of my arms through the bars behind me.

As I came to the real world, I noticed the guard who had seemed so nervous the night before. The guard who handed me the wine skin, had the gall to look ashamed of locking me into the cage.

He was the one who explained that I had been asleep for two sunrises, and it was approaching noon.

They had expected me to pass out long before I had finished the skin off, but my blacksmith constitution or something like that gave me enough time to finish it off, and a third of another skin before I was out.

And the reason I was completely naked was because I had pissed and soiled myself in my sleep, which is something they never talk about when dealing with unconscious people.

They had washed my bedroll at least and it was on top of the wagon to dry, which was why I was stuck sitting on the uncomfortable folded canvas tarp.

Magnus was far less ashamed of the whole thing. He said it was a shame he wouldn't be earning any more money off of my work since I planned to move to the land of smiths in the mountains. That was a good enough reason for him to drug me with the intention of selling me to the Lilac Consort in the Jade Empire.

Good enough reason to take my life savings, and use them in the town of Little Creek just the night before. To bribe a guardsman to forge fake paperwork indicating I was to be sold into servitude for a period of three years. For starting a fight in the tavern.

I've never been able to afford alcohol before, let alone actually go into a tavern. I can't remember, but I'm also fairly sure Little Creek doesn't even have one.

"You should thank me my friend! Without that paperwork, you would only be able to work washing laundry and do heavy lifting! With this official paperwork proving just a minor crime, the rest of your money should get you a paid position as a smith!" He said, having the gall to laugh as I pulled at my chains and growled at him.

Well, it took a couple hours for me to just relax. There was nothing I could do. The paperwork would be transferred or sent to every guard station in the empire, and if I ran. Well, I won't be running.

I just had to keep my head down for three years, and incur no more debts, and I might even be able to save a bit of money.

Then all I had to do was wait along one of Magnus's trade routes.

He even became uncomfortable after just a few minutes of me staring at the back of his neck with a smile.

I was given dried meat and fresh vegetables for food. Thankfully I could still feed myself. The only time I was let out of the cage, was with a guard holding my chains while I used a latrine.

The rest of the time I sat chained and uncomfortable on top of my bedroll.

Four days later of the same routine, we finally got a glimpse of the Jade Empire far off in the distance. It had been nothing but gentle hills and tall grass for nearly a full day, but we started approaching farmland on a scale I could never have imagined.

The stories truly did not do the scale of the work justice.

The farms were all sectioned into large square parcels. By large, I mean at least ten acres per square. Some farms were but a ten acre parcel, surrounded by un-tilled sections of grassland. Others appeared the same, though with additional ten acre plots next to theirs tilled and filled with growing crops.

"People who buy farms get a ten acre plot surrounded by eight more plots that are ten acres in size. It is very highly regulated. The way it works, is that by providing crops to the empire for a regulated price, the farmer can be granted further plots next to theirs once they prove they can handle it." The guard in the driver seat explained.

"Auctions are held for indentured workers. People with a debt to the empire can have their debt purchased, and be made to work for whoever buys the contract. The difference between the sale price, and price of the contract is given to the contract seller, with a small percent going to the auction hall." Magnus explained in cheerful conversation.

"Your contract my friend, has already been arranged with the Lilac Consort, so you have no need to worry about working the fields. I have to thank you for netting me a decent profit one last time!" He laughed.

He didn't say one more word after I asked the guard beside me to let me borrow his spear.

We continued on in silence for about an hour before coming to a large plot of packed gravel, occupied by two other wagons.

We pulled in and pulled off to the side. "For a bit of privacy." The driver said calmly, reaching into the wagon and grabbing the wheel chocks.

As he set the wagon, and braced the front to give the gracken more of a rest, Magnus called out "Alright, diapers on men."

The guard within the wagon ignored my confused look as he pulled the covering off of a previously untouched crate, and pulled out four pieces of what looked like tightly folded fabric.

The small fabric bundles were thick, and made of some sort of smooth fabric that seemed to slightly reflect the light coming from the front of the wagon. They were also pale green, so pale that they could almost be called white.

"Alright, I'm going to unlock the cage, and free your ankles. You must do as you're told without any fuss or you'll be delivered to the pavilion unconscious. Am I understood?" He asked, his eyes locking onto mine. The shame long since gone ever since I repeatedly threatened Magnus during the trip.

"U-understood. But what is that?" I asked as he handed off what I assumed to be those "diapers" to Magnus and the other guard. They unfolded their diapers, which were much smaller than what I assumed. Having thought they would be massive sheets or even flags for the wagon.

"Think of it like very thick underclothes. They're a requirement in all of the empires. If we weren't wearing them by the second guard station, we would receive a fine before being forced to put them on or turned away. Usually the first guard station leading into an empire has a stock of diapers for sale at a hefty markup for those unprepared." He explained, unlocking the cage and freeing my ankles shortly after.

"That's a bizarre rule, who cares about underclothes?" I asked, mostly to myself.

I lifted my hips when ordered, and the guard shamelessly sealed what he called a "Tape" around the base of my tail. I say shameless because he didn't bat an eye about having his nose a mere hand away from my naked groin.

I glanced out the front of the wagon, and sure enough both Magnus and the driver had stripped their pants and small-clothes off, and were both tugging their diapers up between their legs.

I returned my focus to the guard who had to push my legs further apart before pulling the length of the diaper up between my thighs and press it firmly against my crotch.

The "Wings" were tucked around my waist, causing a audible rustle, and what sounded a bit like muffled paper being crushed into a ball, before the back wings were pulled up and somehow sealed to the crotch of the diaper.

Diapers were quite thick, awkwardly so. But the outer fabric was smooth, and the inside was comfortably soft and warm.

"I can see why they like it, it's soft like a cushion that you wear." I muttered, getting a snort from the wolf who applied the fourth "tape" to the front of my diaper.

He ignored me questioning why it was funny, save for simply saying "You'll see."

Magnus and the driver returned, passing their trousers and small clothes to the guard who stashed them in the diaper crate, before he returned the chains to my ankles and sealed me in the cage once more.

I got to watch as he stripped naked in front of me, his crotch and butt on full display. Once his clothing was in the crate as well, he showed me how he put the diaper on himself, first sitting on his knees and fixing the rear tape to his tail.

"Best to do that one first, helps position the diaper easier." Was the unasked for explanation. He then sat back down and leaned back, pulling the front up between his thighs, and then showing me just what the tapes were as he sealed them on what he called a "landing zone".

The wagon soon began to roll once more, and I couldn't help but shift frequently. The sound of the outer layer of my diaper was amusing, and it was a bit funny to not be able to fully close my legs anymore.

We passed the guard post, with no comments other than the guard checking inside, glancing at all of our crotches, and then asking for Magnus's merchant pass.

A few hours later, we passed another guard post with the same result, and finally just two hours before sunset we made it to the third and final outpost, entering the capital city of the Jade Empire.

Though my view was very narrowed by the covering of the wagon, I got my first look at what an Equine was. I'm told that the rest of the galaxy refers to them as horses, though they have many names.

"The race as a whole is Equine. The males are Stallions, the females are mares. The children are ponies, regardless of gender. A group of adults is called Horses. They have their own language and writing, I recommend you learn." I was told by the guard.

I was beginning to hate the guard less every day as he freely gave me information about the empire. It was obviously his attempts at apologizing for the situation, and the only thing he could do was help me to prepare for a drastic life change in an extremely short period.

I only hated him a little less.

Equines had single, not cloven hoofs like deer, and long box-like faces. Their fur came in different colors and patterns, and it was impossible to tell social standing by that. It seemed the males, or stallions and mares kept their manes tied up in different fashions, with mares mostly keeping them long and looser.

Their tails stood out compared to wolves, where the tail itself was shorter, but the hair was exceptionally long, usually to the ankles, while wolves had bone and muscle in the tails almost all the way to the tip.

The thing that stood out, was that pants did not seem to exist here. Wolves and equines alike all had bulk wrapped around their backsides and crotches. Almost everyone with some form of snug garment in all sorts of colors pulled overtop.

The colors varied wildly, though the obviously wealthier wearers of "Diaper Covers" had intricate embroideries in bold colors or even gold and silver.

The middle class kept their covers simply colored, or embroidered with simple designs such as flowers or clouds. Likely done themselves. I noticed there had to be some form of showing what profession some had, as a form of advertising.

Because we rolled past a stallion with an embroidered flask and fern leaf on the crotch of his diaper cover.

It might also be a way of ensuring your safety, because you should never mess with anyone that knows how to make poisons or cure illnesses.

I only saw a few obviously unfortunate people, either down on their luck, or indentured like myself with iron collars around their necks. The majority of them had their diapers openly exposed, though a few had diaper covers made of faded or un-dyed fabric.

I even saw one poor soul sitting on a bench that had obviously pissed himself, and seemed to not care about the fact that urine was dripping from the edge of the bench onto the street below.

There were multiple checkpoints throughout the city, with the guards all wearing diapers too. Though they had plate or scale mail skirts protecting them from attacks in that area. All members of city law enforcement appeared to be Equine, though I was told it did not stop wolves from holding positions of power when asked.

Magnus pulled into a warehouse and began to unload all of the goods in the back of the wagon, save for the diaper crate, and of course, myself.

When we arrived unannounced, one of the equine staff for the warehouse was in the process of plowing a wolf from behind, with both of their diapers tugged just slightly out of the way.

The poor wolf must have had to stretch himself over a long period to be able to handle the girth of the stallion.

Did you know stallion cocks were not only long, but also thick, flared and ribbed? Also, they cum a lot, like, really heavy loads. I had never seen anybody spurt out a load from their backside before.

But they simply tugged their diapers back up when finished and got back to work as if it were a normal day.

Magnus laughed at my horrified expression.

Eventually just after sunset, the wagon was pulled up to a massive compound, surrounded by walls so tall that attempting to climb them would be a life risking endeavor. Not to mention the equine guards stationed at the top, with bow and spear at the ready.

The massive iron gate stood in between two massive guard towers, the like I had never seen. The amount of stone used to build them had to have cost a fortune, and that was not mentioning the two dozen guards that came pouring out in full steel armor to greet us.

Magnus withdrew a sealed roll of parchment, and held it out from the drivers seat, which the guard stallion took without word.

The seal was broken. Wax fell to the ground without any attention, and his eyes roamed over the sheet.

"Ah yes, I've been informed of this deal. the Lilac Consort appreciates your business. Fourteen gold as promised." The guardsman commented, rolling up the parchment and tucking it into his belt.

He then waved a fellow guard over, who ran into the nearest tower, and returned with a small purse that jingled barely loud enough to be heard over the clatter of his armor. He handed it to the leader who then held it out to Magnus who smiled his greedy little smile.

"Fourteen gold? You only bought my freedom for a dozen silver." I fumed to myself, though I shut my mouth quick when the guard locked his stern eyes onto mine.

"I see." Came the stern reply.