The Jade Empire: Ch2

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#2 of The Jade Empire

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Merry Christmas kids! I hope you all have been delightfully naughty this year!

It's your favorite sissymoo here with a series I'm uploading for Terinas Tigers 2023 Stocking Stuffer event!

Just a warning that this series contains diapers and their use, excessive semen and casual sex/masturbation. The consent is nonconsensual, transferring into dubious consent. Despite the diapers, there is no sissy stuff, or adult baby content. Just diapers and their use.

Despite the guard captain hearing my grumbling, he still paid Magnus and had his fellow guardsmen unload my cage into the back of a hand-cart.

Magnus gave me another friendly "Farewell my friend!" Before leading his cart back down the street, a merry whistle following as he rolled off out of view.

The guards did not miss me giving him the universal hand sign for "Shove your farewells where the sun refuses to shine."

I let out a deep breath and sagged against the bars as my cage was wheeled through the rising iron gateway. Nothing to do now except follow orders and not make a fuss.

The guards seemed to relax slightly as I did, the grip on weapons loosening which only made me nervous. I didn't realize they were considering me a threat while I was antagonistic towards Magnus.

"Uh, sorry guys. Didn't mean to make you on edge there." I voiced out softly, barely heard over the rattling of the wheels.

"Your papers say you are a violent criminal, and even a blind person could see how strong you are. Even caged, collared and chained you are a threat." The captain said without looking at me even once.

"Yeah, for fighting in a tavern. Pretty sure Little Creek never owned a tavern, it certainly didn't have one during summer solstice." I grumbled.

We traveled in silence, winding around smooth paved walkways within the absolutely massive walled compound.

The large gate that had shut behind us led directly into a large garden filled with well maintained flowers, and fruit bearing trees. The center of the garden, or courtyard as I was told later, held a large gazebo built into the center of a large pond. Four beautiful wooden bridges crossed the pond to the gazebo, providing easy access from all directions.

Numerous Equines and wolves in fancy clothing were conversing in the garden. Their robes were pristine, in bright or floral colors. Even from my cage, I could see intricate designs embroidered into the fabric. Unsurprisingly everyone who had their lower bodies exposed wore colorful diaper covers, and I figured it was a safe assumption that diapers were also worn beneath the robes.

The groups all seemed to have their own attendants, all wearing color coded robes and outfits of paler shades than those they attended. Some wore metal collars, though most did not.

There were very few women amongst the equines, and thinking back, there were few women equines before entering the gate as well. There were more wolf women, though the males were obviously more prominent.

It was relatively well known at least among the wolves, that the population was nearly seventy percent male, and thirty percent female. I couldn't tell you why, it was just the way of the world. I had far too small of an interaction time with the Equines to be able to tell you the reason for fewer females being out and about.

The path split to the left and right, circling around the massive courtyard, with what I assumed could only be the palace at the convergence of both paths.

One massive building, taller than the tallest tree I had ever seen, and far larger than at least five of my village, including the farms and the mines stood proudly off in the distance, with at least a hundred carriages parked out front. The main wooden beams were colored a dark red, with the walls a gentle eggshell white.

My wide eyes took everything in, and I was at a complete loss as to how to describe the sight. Walls as tall and thick as the outer one protecting the compound lay fifteen feet outside the wide path in a large circle surrounding the courtyard.

The only gaps in the wall were four large openings that held raised iron gates, and to either side of the gates were banners depicting different flowers in exquisite detail.

Looking over at the different designs, at least the closest one being the only one I could see from my position, must have been the Lilac compound, which I assumed would be my destination.

The other colors were some sort of a light blue, a vibrant yellow, and a deeper purple. As for what flowers they would be, I could only guess.

As we went under the gate leading into the Lilac area, the guard captain said to me. "Even if what you are insinuating is true, it does not change the fact you must work here to pay off your debt. However, we will talk at a later time when I am not so busy so I can get your side of the story. Best case, all the guards will determine you to not be a hostile threat. Worst case, you are lying and will serve diaper duty for the training yard for wasting my time."

I jerked my head towards him from taking in the sight of the small town, or large village held within the walls. Numerous massive buildings, where the wooden beams were painted the same lilac color as the name, with creamy white walls that matched the emperors palace lined the roads.

I had to replace the straw on my roof twice a season to stop it from leaking during the rains.

"I'm not lying, but what is diaper duty?" I asked, my brows furrowed wondering why handing out diapers to guards would be some form of punishment.

One of the other guards snorted a laugh, getting a glare from the captain.

"Ahh, I forgot you are from one of the more secluded villages, I am assuming you don't know what diapers are do you?" He asked.

My expression must have been an appropriate answer enough because he gave a sharp nod, though he let me answer anyways.

"A weirdly smooth but comfortable cushion you can wear? Some strange fashion statement to make your butt and crotch look bigger than it is?" I hesitantly guessed.

"Not quite. I don't know much about wolf culture. But when you have children. Babies, do you wrap some form of cloth around them to prevent them making a mess?" He asked, gently and patiently.

I was still confused, but he saw the moment realization began to hit me as my eyes began to widen in horror. He gave me a sympathetic nod, however one of the younger guards just ahead of the cart holding my cage took a different approach.

The guard stopped and squatted down slightly, his tail flicked upwards a few times before a rumbling crackle sounded. The seat of his diaper cover developed a bump below the tail that slowly pushed outwards right before my eyes, before it bulged out in one hard push and I could visibly see the horse pushing a hefty load into his seat.

To my horror, his seat expanded and pushed out before whatever he had in him emptied, and his load dropped into the bottom of his pants. He let out a breath of relief and stood before resuming his position at the front of the cart as if nothing had happened.

It explained why despite the flowery scents filling the city, there was always an undercurrent scent of ruin and scat in the air.

The captain let out a sigh and shook his head. "Corporal Baird, whether he is a criminal or not that blatant and intentional disrespect has earned you a week of emptying the pails at the guard house. My men will be professional, understood?"

His voice had a tiredness as all of his men answered back "Yes sir" with a fist to their heart in salute.

"No, please no?" I couldn't help but whine. I had been holding it in for hours!

"As I was saying, diaper duty is you would remain at the training grounds, where you would be changing the diapers of my men at all hours of the day. You could get what rest you can between changes, but also expect to be woken up at all hours to do your punishment." He explained, still glaring over at the slightly embarrassed stallion who was audibly squishing with every step.

"As you can probably imagine, diapers after a day of training can get pretty bad. Now, being from an outer village, I assume you have full control of your facilities. You will need to get used to using diapers instead of latrines, and consider this your first and only warning." He explained patiently.

Ignoring my embarrassed whine he continued. "If you are caught urinating anywhere within the capital city, or any of the pavilions, it warrants you a week of diaper duty at the guard post nearest the crime, additionally another week of changing the diapers of the person who reported you. Defecating is the same but it can be up to three months depending on location."

I squirmed uncomfortably at the idea of changing another adults soiled diapers, the smell coming from the guard alone made me wrinkle my nose. "What if someone falsely reports it? If i learned anything from my journey here, people are happy to betray others for personal gain."

His eyebrows furrowed as I accidentally let a bit of a growl escape my throat from the all too fresh memory.

We were approaching the smaller courtyard of a large structure that looked very similar to the giant palace, but much smaller. It was ornately decorated, and had numerous people wandering in and out of it in varying qualities of clothing.

Now that I was looking for it, I saw a number of diaper covers that were bloating out a bit more than others, and the uncovered diapers of the few collared wolves and horses were also in varying states of use.

"To answer, you will serve the time, however an investigation will be made and taken seriously in the meanwhile. If the reporter is found guilty of lying, they will be forced to pay you a hefty fine, as well as serve as your personal diaper attendant one year for every week you spent serving your time."

"Uh, what's a year and how long-" I began, but the cart rolled to a stop at the base of the stairs.

"We are here. Do not fight us." He ordered, cutting me off. The guards opened my cage and unlocked the chain on my ankles and wrists before helping me out.

Once on the ground on shaky legs I hadn't stretched in hours, they remastered the chains. The stallion that soiled himself had to slip an arm around me to help me walk as I couldn't keep any strength in my tingling legs.

"Seriously, that cage was way too small. Just cruel." Another guard muttered giving me a pitying glance.

I snorted as I stumbled along. "My fault for making it so small, I thought it would hold chickens when it was commissioned."

I didn't see their expressions as I focused hard on trying to get the feeling back in my limbs, but as they all went silent I figured it could be a good sign.

We ascended the steps slowly, with all the guards being just slightly more gentle, and entered through the large doorway big enough for an entire cart to push through.

I could only describe the waiting room as rich. Wooden floor boards shined to a reflective polish, beautiful ceramic pottery filled with lilac flowers, paintings in elaborate frames that were so well done it was almost magical.

Fabrics draped over furniture that almost seemed to shimmer in the light of the building, and oil lamps kept the place well-lit to the point where it was as if the sun was shining brightly through all the windows despite it being dark.

"Men, I will wait with him here for meeting the head of house. Take the cart over to the eastern smithy. The deed says he will take up position as a smith, and I think he should be able to break down the cage for some personal projects."

After a salute of fist to heart, the men left, leaving me with the captain who leaned back with a barely audible sigh.

"To answer your question, a year is equal to the time from summer solstice to next summer solstice. A week is ten days time." He spoke softly, eyes glancing over the few people making sure the Lilac palace was dust free, and the others silently talking to one another, while glancing at me and my near nudity.

I squirmed slightly and tried to cross my legs, though the bulk between my thighs made it too difficult. The captain obviously noticed my discomfort though chose not to mention anything.

"Do we really?" I began before shutting my mouth already knowing the answer.

Yes, I would be using my diapers.

"How do I get more diapers? I don't want to sit in my piss, or worse, all day if I can help it.

He nodded understandingly. "As your room and place of work will be the smithy, every week you will receive a delivery of forty diapers. Works out to four changes per day for free. However, with your spare coin you can purchase more from shops within the Lilac compound."

I opened my mouth to ask more, but he raised a hand to stall me. "I do not know what your wages will be, but I do know you will be paid. The head of house will know all the details, and will assign you a manager you can contact with your questions. Do you know what a company is?"

I took a moment to think before answering. "Isn't that a large group of soldiers or warriors?"

He was about to shake his head before chuckling. "Yes it is, though in a business sense it is a bit different. The Equine race currently on this world all belong to a company. A company is an impossibly large group of merchants and traders. Businessmen and women. All focused on producing, manufacturing, or selling some kind of goods or services."

I was confused because the whole conversation seemed completely out of nowhere. "I think I get it?"

"A group of very powerful people, each direct and look after a large group of workers. Those workers all look after their own group of workers, and it goes on and on until you get down to the newest worker that is fresh from the road and is being told to work in a smithy. Even though you know nothing of how the company works, you are still a part of it and have certain protections." He explained as best he could.

"I'm not very good at explaining, but it isn't very important. Just know for now, that there are very strict rules in place to prevent the abuse or taking advantage of even the lowest worker."

My head was swimming and he seemed to understand my confusion, and I was a bit distracted by the needs causing me to squirm in place. He did distract me a bit which was appreciated.

"Go on lad, just let it all go." He calmly spoke. Though he never released his grip on my chains, he seemed far more compassionate than I had expected from our initial meeting.

I stood on shaking legs, with the captain holding out a hand and providing balance for me. I closed my eyes, knowing there had to be people looking in my direction, but the need to go had passed hours before.

I tried to relax, and it took a few moments before my bladder finally released a small trickle.

It was awkward and strange as my trickle turned into a pressured flood, with hot urine spraying into the crotch of my diaper.

"Good job, just relax." The sergeant coaxed as I shuddered at the feeling of piss splashing against my balls and soaking into the surprisingly absorbent padding.

I could feel the bulk between my legs start to swell as I released my flood, though I didn't stop with merely urinating. I squatted slightly and nearly fell as I groaned. The captain kept a careful hand on me as my tail flagged and my hole stretched, the pressure in my gut forcing me to push.

My eyes remained closed tight as I imagined sitting on the seat of my latrine back home, wishing I had never left. But though the diaper pressed back against me I finally managed to force my myself to crap my pants.

Hot firm mess pushed into my seat, straining against the diaper before falling into the seat between my cheeks, followed by softer mush that quickly filled the back of my diaper making it appear even bulkier to anyone watching.

I relaxed with a whimpering sigh as my hole flexed a final time, my gut and bladder now fully emptied into my hot, swollen diaper. I finally opened my eyes and to my shock saw the captain with his hand under his scale skirt, firmly squeezing at the crotch of his diaper with nothing but approval and a bit of arousal in his gaze.

"Lovely show dear." A flamboyant voice called out, pulling me from the captains attentions as my head jerked off in the direction of the stairs leading to the second floor.

The captain jumped to attention, rising smoothly from his seat while pulling his hand from his crotch. He snapped a fist to his heart and bowed.

"My lord consort." He spoke calmly while I stood dumbly and stared like a big blushing idiot.