Ninth entry

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#11 of The seven Days of Fire

Ninth entry

"We're finally back on the road. It took longer than we had planned, but we were able to repair the engine. Who would have thought that old boots could be used as gaskets? Well, every mile we ride increases our motivation. We turned off onto a main road some time ago, which makes the journey much easier. The wide road leads directly to the border river. According to the map of our new companions, we still have about two hundred miles to go before we reach the border river. So we should reach the riverbank in the next five to six hours. On the whole, no problem, the far bigger obstacle will be the river itself. According to our companions, the river is about a mile wide and has a rapid current. There are a total of five bridges across the river and there is a fortified garrison at each bridge. But this shouldn't worry us for the time being. First we have to find an intact bridge so that we can cross the river at all. If a bridge is still intact, it will probably be heavily guarded. However, the question now arises as to who this guard will be. We sincerely hope that we will encounter either Ephtalian troops or Serum occupiers. But first we have to get to the river in the first place."

Hiredeki closes his journal and puts it back in his pocket. He looks around carefully at his companions, who are all asleep. Then he carefully climbs forward, taking care not to wake the others. His companion, who is currently driving the car, only glances at him briefly to make sure who is coming forward. He cautiously takes a seat next to him.

"How does it look?"

The driver doesn't look at him, but continues to concentrate on the road ahead while he answers him:

"So far, so good. We should have enough fuel. If everything goes smoothly, we'll be at the river in about five hours."

Hiredeki nods silently as he surveys the forest around them, which they entered a few minutes ago. He looks suspiciously at the surroundings, which would be perfect for an ambush. He doesn't like the situation at all, and his sidekick, who knows about the cunning of their enemies, isn't happy about the situation either.

"This forest goes on all the way to the river?"

The driver looks briefly at the map on a clipboard on his steering wheel.

"Yes, the forest lines both sides of the river. Only the five garrisons and the towns attached to them interrupt it. We have to go through it, whether we like it or not."

The driver hands Hiredeki the map and looks back at the road ahead. Hiredeki takes the map and examines it apprehensively. It takes a while before he starts to think out loud.

"Hmm, it probably won't be a good idea to take the main route into town. The density of security will be much lower on the secondary routes. Maybe we'd better head this way."

With a questioning look, Hiredeki turns to his companion, who is still thinking hard about the statement.

"Considering that we have five civilians with us who can't really fight, and our equipment only includes the bare essentials, I think we should take the path of least resistance."

Hiredeki nods and shows his driver the suggested route on the map.

"We should leave this road here and take this side route. It's a bit of a detour, but it will still take us through two villages. We can look for supplies there again. We should also spy on the garrison beforehand."

His companion looks at the suggested route. He thoughtfully examines the map, weighs up the options and finally turns to Hiredeki:

"Sounds sensible, we should try it. Let the others know."

With a smile, Hiredeki turns around and climbs back again, patting his buddy on the shoulder as he crawls past.

"Cheer up, we'll get through this."

The driver nods silently as Hiredeki climbs into the back. Only one of their companions is awake and watching the forest as it rushes past. When Hiredeki joins him, he slides a little to the side so that Hiredeki has enough room to sit down next to him. For a moment, they sit quietly side by side until the fugitive finally breaks the silence:

"Do we have a plan?"

Hiredeki looks thoughtfully at the wide street, it takes some time before he answers:

"Something like that, yes. It's hard to develop a strategy against an enemy you don't know. We will soon leave the main traffic route and take a branch route to the river. We will probably arrive in a suburb by nightfall. We'll see what happens from there."

The refugee nods. It seems like a sensible plan not to rush into the house straight away.


While the two men were still talking, the driver suddenly braked the vehicle. Hiredeki immediately turns to the front and at that moment the driver's call comes:

"Hiredeki, come on. Look at this!"

Hiredeki climbs forward, this time less cautiously and much more frantically. He wakes up the other companions, who at first cannot fully understand the hectic pace.

"What's up?"

Gasps Hiredeki, whose circulation couldn't get used to the effort so quickly.

"Look at this."

The driver points to the wreckage of a Torekmetian battle tank lying on the road about 200 meters ahead.

"Someone give me the binoculars."

One of the occupants passes the binoculars to Hiredeki. He stops the car and examines the wreckage with his binoculars. He thoughtfully examines the remains of the tank. After a while the driver interrupts him:


Hiredeki slowly shakes his head and continues to examine the tank.

"No, those weren't mines, nor AT shells. Look at it."

He hands the binoculars to his friend, who takes a close look at the wreck.

"They were can openers."

Gives Hiredeki his opinion.

" mean...?"

His driver doesn't really want to believe it. Meanwhile, the other passengers have also come forward and look in horror at the remains of the heavily armored vehicle.

"Yes, I think they were Shrikers. Only they dismantle a tank this way."

The driver takes down the binoculars and hands them back to Hiredeki. He turns to the others with a grim expression.

"I thought these things had been banned and the production facilities destroyed."

Hiredeki nods.

"Yes, they were banned about 20 years ago and their production and use was criminalized. But it seems someone has circumvented this ban."

One of the refugees speaks up uncertainly:

"So what's a shriker?"

Hiredeki turns to the rest of the occupants.

"A Shriker is what is known as an autonomous sword. A combat drone that can operate completely independently. Fast, precise, deadly. Shrikers were typically dropped in large numbers over an area and were intended to kill anything that moved there. The drones were extremely effective in this task. In fact, they were so effective that they did not distinguish between friend and foe. It was found that Shrikers could not be used effectively in warfare because they could not be controlled. They were then banned and the remaining stocks were destroyed."

Hiredeki looks at his friend who is driving. With a glance, the two understand each other. Hiredeki then turns back to the passengers:

"OK. We'll try to get through it, not that we have any other choice. We're already in the middle of the drone control area anyway. One of you, preferably the one who is the worst at shooting, takes the wheel. We take over the defense. We have to make sure we get through it as quickly as possible. The plan for the branch line has therefore died."

Hiredeki's friend clears the driver's seat and leaves it to one of the refugees. He briefly goes through the equipment with Hiredeki.

"There isn't much left. You take the Seburo, I'll take the SBR-9 and the rest use the repeating rifles. Everyone takes ammunition and occupies a window, okay?"

Hiredeki takes the fully automatic assault rifle from his companion and begins to climb the roof of the vehicle. His companion follows him after handing him the remaining ammunition and the few grenades. Hiredeki takes one last deep breath and concentrates before giving the driver the all-important command.

"Go ahead. Get everything you can out of the box and don't stop! Not even if we lose someone! Is that clear?"

The driver swallows hard, but nods and sets the vehicle in motion. They slowly pick up speed and pass the tank that has been turned into scrap metal. Hiredeki checks his rifle again before turning to his fellow passengers.

"Aim well, don't waste ammunition, only a garanteed hit will get us further. We have to be economical, we don't know how many there are."

Shouts of approval can be heard from inside the vehicle, even if they don't sound very confident, they are the necessary motivational factor for the occupants. Hiredeki nods thoughtfully and hopes they get through. The vehicle races faster and faster through the dense forest that still flanks the road on both sides. Hiredeki and his companion scan the flanks with a trained eye, hoping that they are fast enough and the drones can no longer keep up. But everything remains silent, no attack, no ambush. A glimmer of hope grips the inmates as the two deserters on the roof continue to closely observe the surroundings.


A shrill screech tears the occupants from their hope as a small drone bursts onto the road from the forest next to them and starts chasing the vehicle like crazy. However, shortly before she reaches the car, several shots from Hiredeki's assault rifle tear the murder instrument apart and scatter it on the street. With a screech reminiscent of a circular saw, countless drones break out of the forest and begin their attack on the refugees.

"They are coming...!"

Hiredeki's scream is muffled by the dull thuds of the large-caliber weapon in the hands of his colleague, who fires at the attacking drones with well-aimed individual shots. The inmates now also open fire. Short, rapid-fire volleys repeatedly disrupt the otherwise muffled roar of the rifles. The Shrikers are getting closer and closer and are already starting jumping attacks against the vehicle, but can still be pushed back by the occupants.

"...shoot those who jump first...!"

Again several drones fall back hit and are left unable to fight, but this does not in the least prevent the others from continuing the attack. Suddenly, an explosion rocks the vehicle as Hiredeki uses one of the grenades to tear a huge hole in the attackers' formation. However, it doesn't take long before this hole is closed again by advancing drones.

" more ammunition!..."

The scream from within sounds like a death sentence to Hiredeki's ears, considering the still numerous opponents. Hiredeki hands the occupant his pistol and two spare magazines, who gratefully accepts them and begins targeting the attackers again. But Hiredeki doesn't have too much ammunition left either. A stressed look at his friend shows him that he too will soon be left high and dry.

'Is this our end now?'

Hiredeki thinks as he silences another Shriker.

"...I'm dry...!"

Another of the refugees has fired his powder. The drones are getting closer and closer. Hiredeki changes his magazine, only to realize that it is his last one, which is now in the rifle. Another explosion rocks the vehicle as Hiredeki lobs another grenade into the enemies, thinning their ranks.

"...there are fewer!"

At first they don't want to believe it, but actually, the ranks are not closing again. On the contrary: the drones are gradually turning away. But before the passengers can rejoice at having survived, the driver's scream can be heard.

"...oooooh shit!"

Hiredeki turns around and just sees the tree fall onto the road when the car crashes into the trunk lying across the road.


The impact is so hard that Hiredeki and his companion fly almost twenty meters over the obstacle before hitting the asphalt and sliding several meters further. The car bores itself deep into the thick tree trunk and finally stops on the track. Within a few seconds, the Shrikers are back on the spot and begin dismantling the car. The inmates have no chance of escaping. The screams of those who survived the impact are quickly drowned out by the shrill shrieks of the Shrikers. Hiredeki averts his gaze, knowing what is now happening in the car. He then gets up and looks at his friend, who apparently broke his right leg in the impact. He lies on his back and screams in pain. Hiredeki drags himself over to him. The right leg is unnaturally twisted and an increasing red spot on the trouser leg indicates an open fracture or at least a more serious injury to the thigh. Hiredeki grabs the soldier by the shoulder strap and begins to pull him behind him.

"Hiredeki, cut that crap! You'll never make it with me...!"

Hiredeki doesn't look down at his colleague but concentrates on moving forward.

"Never, I won't leave you here! We have already lost too many men. Now pull yourself together, we can do it!"

Hiredeki continues to tug at his colleague and drag him behind him. A shrill screech alerts him that the Shrikers have discovered them. Gritting his teeth and suppressing the pain, Hiredeki tries to increase his pace further.

"Dammit, leave me here, at least you have a chance on your own...!"

But Hiredeki is undeterred and continues to drag the badly injured soldier behind him. When he notices that Hiredeki still doesn't want to listen and can already see the Shrikers moving towards them at high speed, he takes his knife out of his holster and begins to cut the shoulder strap. However, Hiredeki only notices this when the belt breaks and the soldier falls to the ground. Turning around, Hiredeki notices the approaching drones.

"Shit, damn it. I am so sorry..."

Hiredeki hands his friend the remaining grenades and squeezes his hand one last time.

"Now finally make sure you gain some ground. Shit, I didn't think I'd be dying like that."

It takes all of Hiredeki's strength to leave his companion behind. He hesitates for a moment, but the look of his doomed companion finally makes him flee. Hiredeki limps away as fast as his broken legs can carry him. He doesn't get far before he hears the shrill screeching of the combat drones, which is interrupted by a piercing scream. A short time later, two explosions shattered the silence. The blast from the explosion knocks Hiredeki off his feet. When he falls, he hits the back of his head hard on the asphalt. As he lies on his back looking up at the sky, everything around him starts to spin and eventually it gets dark...

... to be continued...