
._ _let nothing stop you in your fight against yourself to win,_ _to win the honor of calling yourself human._ _poem: human_ _from the book::heart of pure light and darkness_ _made by: rogue wolf_

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The Human

He was trying to combine aspects of humanity with those of animals to give future generations of humans longer life spans.

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The end of the Humans

All humans forced to retreat to neighboring countries. for years, anthros looked for a peaceful relationship between humans and their kind. but, every...single...human, made up there mind and now, it is war.

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Virizion and the Human

Compared to the humans of old, modern humans were certainly a lot more respectful to pokémon, and they were quick to educate other humans in their ideals of mutual respect for one another.

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Humans and Dragons

The human looked mesmerised. the dragon grinned and give a good look at his slit, before fingering it. the human was getting aroused. "so you like what you see, human?" the human snapped out of his trance. "yeah... i think." the dragon grinned.

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Dragons And humans

Now this first one is from my point of view as a human.

The human way

Little hope i see in the human race. for now i see in a diffrent way. detached from my being snd reality. i will find a nother way. i seek to change the human way. before we self destruck in so many way's. perapse im to late. for now im being taken away.

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human tardis by carl blessing/murphy slaugh like that blue police box from the show, doctor who. bigger on the inside than the outside are me and you.

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A Human in Equestria

I'm a human. and i don't think humans are native to equestria." the pony laughed upon hearing my response. "human? y'all are pullin' my left hind leg!

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Dragon Humanity

So she began with it and the human felt a huge pleasure, one beyond a human could experiment in the human sex, one beyond his own imagination!

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