The Getaway Experience

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Wanting to get away for a couple of weeks for fishing and maybe some hunting, Tom and his loyal dog Hunter find a remote island where Tom expects a relaxing vacation ends up experiencing a whole new sexual experience.

The getaway experience.


Taking the time to fly up and over the beautiful country/lake side property that belonged to his friends that had somehow talked him into taking what they described would be the perfect getaway, Tom had to admit that by the look of the property that sat on a medium sized island in the middle of a rather large lake he was going to have a good time.

However, he wasn't by himself on this trip. His black lab, Hunter, his longtime companion, through thick and thin lay on the back seat of the float plane resting but clearly ready to get out as Tom brought the plane in for a landing. Ahead of him he could already make out the dock that he would be tying the plane up to and further up into the island interior he could just make out the front porch of what he expected was his home for what he figured would be a month at the very least.

Now as he brought the plane down onto the lake and into its berth beside the dock, Tom got to see his home away from home. Made completely out of wood that seemed to be taken from the island itself, a single-story log cabin with a covered porch. Nothing too special, the cabin looked like it had a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, etc. all in their different rooms which would make for a nice place to stay.

Although it didn't look like it, Tom's friend, the one that offered the place to him, reassured him that it had running water, electricity, and cable not to mention Wi-Fi so he would feel right at home. He had to admit as he climbed out of his plane allowing Hunter to jump out before retrieving a couple of bags from the compartment, that the place looked to be the ideal place where they could live for the rest of their lives.

While the place looked amazing to live in away from noisy and nosy neighbors, the only thing that they would need to worry about was having to make a supply run into a local grocery store which was an hour down the road as his friend put it. When Tom heard that he let out a groan initially that was until his friend went about assuring him that Tom didn't have to worry about that since he had made a quick supply run buying enough supplies which should last him and Hunter for the entire time they were there.

His friend even said that he had picked up some kind of fantasy drink and dog food that as he said it would be the best thing that the two enjoy. His words being like 'One taste and it will be better than any kind of drug that you may have taken since college.' His friend never specified any further on what he meant by it other than giving Tom a smirk and walking away without another word.

Shaking his head while following Hunter up the dock and on to the actual island itself, Tom no longer cared about what his friend had been hinting at, but his interest had indeed been piqued to see what he could find. Stepping on to the porch finding Hunter pacing back and forth in front of what appeared the front door to the cabin, clearly eager to explore their new home for the first time. The massive lab didn't waste any time dashing inside running amuck sniffing all around while Tom stepped inside dropping the bags down next to the inside of the door taking a chance to look around at their new home.

He had to admit that the place looked a lot more homely compared to their studio apartment. Of course, he couldn't afford it on his salary but with a friend who had the place who was he to complain. Heck even Hunter was happy as he bounded up to him, his tongue flapping in happiness, his tail wagging in excitement. Tom let out a chuckle crouching down in front of his pet petting the dog's head.

With the day's light already disappearing over the tree line, Tom went to work getting a fire in the fireplace going and cooking a light meal for him and Hunter. Well, he at least used one of the packaged meals that were left in the cabinets deciding upon something that looked like an exotic snack especially with the writing he figured why not. For Hunter he just opened one of the cans of dog food, or what he figured was dog food that he found in the cabinet. The can looked strange as it had writing on it that he couldn't make out, almost looked like Korean or Japanese but Tom's friend reassured him that all the food that he had stocked up in the cabin was safe.

Not to mention that as soon as he put the food dish on the ground, Hunter went to it giving it a couple of sniffs before starting to chow down. "Well, I guess if you are okay with it then it can't be all that bad." Tom told the dog ruffling the fur on top of the dog's head who didn't even respond at all seemingly interested in his meal at that time. Boy the dog was chowing down on the food like he hadn't eaten in months that by the time he was finished he looked up at Tom licking his chops a look of new intelligence staring at him with intent then looking down at the empty dish then back up at him again clearly wanting more food.

"Still hungry, eh? Well, I guess we did skip lunch." Tom admitted returning to the kitchen retrieving another can of dog food, different from the first that the box showed a more of a massive dog image standing tall with a sense of authority around him. Looking down at the box, he was left wondering. "Where in the world did, he get this stuff?"

Shrugging as he put the dish back down on the ground where Hunter attacked the food with the same vigor before returning to his own meal, Tom would never come to realize the events for him, and Hunter's future was already set.

Taking his own food to the table that was situated in the room not really minding the fact that Hunter seemed to become more aggressive in his attitude and posture almost like a domineering beast. Nor the fact when Hunter finished his meal, glared up at Tom who sat unaware of his faithful pet as it seemed to demand attention and when he didn't get the attention that his new domineering personality demanded he let out a low growl that seemed to startle Tom out of his calm state having just started eating his own meal when Hunter growled.

Looking down at the massive beast with a raised eyebrow, which didn't seem to please the dog at all, who let out another growl. "No, you aren't getting anymore. You have had enough."

Again, the beast growled in disapproval of the human's refusal of doing what he demanded and when Hunter growled again Tom go about standing up having decided that Hunter was probably wanting to go outside. The lab didn't seem to argue with the idea of rushing out the door as soon as Tom had opened the door wide enough to allow the dog to get through disappearing into the bush without a second glance toward him.

Shaking his head while leaving the door open to allow for the lab to get back in without bothering to get up, Tom returned to his own meal which looked really appetizing as he sat down. The scent of the food wavered up to his nose as if incensing him to dig in, that he found himself barely sitting down before like an animal he dug into the food before him with vigor.

With each bite that he took he found his mind starting to forget things and his current state began to become drowsy. By the time he sat his easily on the table next to the empty plate did he find himself feeling rather strange and sleepy but the desire to tidy up was weighing heavily on his mind finding himself standing up collecting not only his dishes but Hunter's dog dish taking them to the sink to wash.

While the cabin had an operational dishwasher, Tom found himself unable to even consider it like there was something telling him that he had to wash the dishes by hand. In fact, he seemed to get pleasure out of doing the work, he seemed to take special care in cleaning Hunter's bowl adding a shine to it before putting it down nearby.

At this point, Tom himself was unable to really keep his eyes open, stumbling toward the bedroom barely making it to the bed before collapsing onto the mattress without even removing his clothing. Behind him a strong wind whistled into the cabin as Hunter stepped into the room out of the darkness with the door slamming shut behind him something that the lab didn't seem to care for. The massive beast let out a huff when he found that the lazy human that claimed to be his owner passed out and did not tend to his demands like a good human should be. Humans might think they own dogs around the world; however, humankind is nothing more than idiots if they think that.

Since getting to the cabin, Hunter decided right off the bat that he was going to show the damn human who was boss and whatever was in that food that he had eaten had gotten him really riled up to the point that he had declared to the night and world that heard his growls and howls, combined with marking his territory making sure that no other animals would try anything.

Letting out a final growl before moving into the living room, his body feeling drained and his mind reeling with new ideas of what the coming vacation held. Normally if he were a good pet like what the humans expected him to be, Hunter would be expected to get into his dog bed on the floor where he belonged. Yes right. He thought rolling over on to his back and began wiggling on the cushions making sure that the couch would smell like a dog for some time. the dog's eyelids drooped allowing him to fall away from one world but enter a new one full of new ideas. . tale did the dog know that as soon as he closed his eyes, he would experience something that would define the rest of the vacation.

_ _


Hunter felt like he had barely closed his eyes when a fresh scent of bacon and sausage slammed into his quivering nostrils. His eyes jerked open half expecting to find the stupid human standing over him the next morning having come into the room to make breakfast then having turned around to find Hunter lying on the couch fast asleep with no care in the world.

However instead, Hunter found that it was indeed day and with a clear sight into the kitchen where the smell of cooked bacon with a touch of something else that he couldn't tell, he found a human like figure that he would've thought was the human that belonged to him. Yet when his eyes focused more, he became startled when he found an unknown yet familiar figure standing over an oven humming a tune that Hunter recognized as the one being the one that his human would hum every morning.

Dressed in a Black person see through night that hung tightly to the humanoid hourglass form which as it bent over revealing shapely legs leading up to a nicely rounded ass where a thin strip of fabric string splitting the twin orbs of the ass cheeks. A small patch of fabric peaked out underneath the ass hiding much more which was startling when the figure stood up and turned to face him did Hunter find himself startled.

While the figure appears feminine with a pair of massive breasts and a smooth formless mound where he guesses held the human breeding opening, the figure's face was the shocking part. Instead of a female face, the disgusting human male face of his owner attached to the feminine body appeared looking not at all shocked about the fact that he was now 90% female.

In fact, he seemed to be enjoying it as the human noticed Hunter having awoken offering a delighted smile and giggle. "Well good morning, handsome. I hope you slept well as I have made up your favorite dish for breakfast."

Hunter let out a gruff rolling his eyes before rolling over on his back stretching out a bit not realizing that his cock had started to put out of his sheath. Although the new modified human did seem to notice as hir eyes grew wide in amazement and arousal started to grow starting with each second that she stared upon the cock one that wasn't even human not to mention that it was turning her on even more.

Even if she or he whatever wasn't aware of the thrill that their body was having by the fact that her nipples became erect sticking out in the cold morning air while her pussy fresh and hungry for a breeding, was wet with an unknown excitement. Even though Hunter had never scented a human bitch in heat, just being here and smelling the growing arousal of the bitch before him combined with his growling aggression of wanting to take control however he couldn't tell if this was real or not.

The bitch giggle putting a finger to her/his lips turning this way and nipples pressing up against the cloth of clothing trying to contain them. His eyes locked upon them licking his chops his hunger growing with his erection, Hunter felt her teasing him and he didn't like it. A deep growl starting in his throat especially when she turned away from him going about bending over once again revealing her panty clad snatch which was now soaking wet letting Hunter see the thin meaty lips of her fresh untouched pussy demanding to be bred.

Hunter let out a primal snarl jumping to his feet then charging to the human bitch giving her little to no time to react before slamming into her forcing her down to all fours. She seemed too stunned to react from the sudden hit from behind as she felt her panties being torn away from her slick wet pussy seconds before she felt something heavy and hairy jump on to her back.

Something tight was being wrapped around her waist seconds before something point and heated started to jab toward her pussy. Hunter was feeling in heaven as his cock was seconds away from penetrating the bitch when...


_ _


Hunter's eyes jerked open upon hearing the most hated voice in his life drill into his mind dragging the massive dog out of his pleasant dream inches from claiming his human bitch when he was interrupted. His yellow eyes jerked open turning quickly into a glare finding himself staring up at the pitiful human male that once again ruined his day. Tom, dressed in a bathrobe and pajama bottoms with no t-shirt revealing a bare flat chest not what Hunter had been hoping for.

The damn human was standing there with an unhappy look on his face not to mention the fact that the man looked like he barely got any sleep. It was true that Tom hadn't slept at all during the night...well somewhat slept during the night. At first, he had no problem falling asleep after climbing into bed discarding his clothes, only leaving his boxers on finding he enjoyed the cool night air of the environment.

With the wind whistling outside slowly drawing him into a slumber which started out light then he found himself in a dream that he could never have thought of. At first it started off as a woman around his age buck naked rubbing her body. One hand moving toward her massive breasts whose nipples continued to stand at attention while her other hand trailed down to his sweet slick pussy that seemed to glisten in the unknown light.

It was apparent that she was horny and wanting attention, one that he would've been happy to deal with, however any time he tried to move toward her Tom could never get any closer to her. When he did, he was startled to see that her face looked almost familiar, however her face was hidden in the shadows. She continued to masturbate as a rich heavy aroma scent filled the air filling his head causing Tom to become erect and extremely horny to the point that he was becoming frustrated with not being able to reach out and help his unknown female companion with her 'problem.'

However, he could never get anywhere near her, and she didn't seem to notice him. That was until he called out to her to get her attention that she started to look up at him only to have a furry massive body jump the naked woman forcing her to get on her hands and knees before mounting her without a second thought. The creature quickly wrapped his forelegs around the unknown woman's waist holding her in place as he started to slam his hips forward slamming what Tom expected was his cock and by the loud moan that came from the woman that the creatures' cock had found entry into her body.

With sharp hard thrusts into her body shoving her body forward while the creatures' forepaws drew her back into the thrusts making sure that the woman can't get away even if she wanted to because by the moans coming from her, Tom knew that it was likely that she didn't want to. It was strange because the very act before him would be disgusting that he would turn away, yet instead he couldn't turn away from it. In fact, he found himself becoming aroused if not jealous of the unknown woman finding himself wanting to be in her position.

"No! No! That's disgusting! Who would in their right mind would want to be fucked by an animal?!" Tom demanded to know in his mind, still unable to take his eyes off the act in front of him. In that instant Tom found himself able to move and only in one direction, which being toward the mating pair.

The heavy smell of sex came assaulting his nose that at first, he found himself disgusted by smell however he found himself turned on even further. Combined with the fact that the tempo of the two-fucking suggesting that both were getting closer to release. The unknown female was getting into it by thrusting her hips back faster and faster in tempo with the creature, the creature snarled burying his entire cock into the woman biting down on the back of her neck which caused the woman to throw her head back letting out an animalist moan.

Tom shot backwards in shock and horror when the woman's face was fully revealed when her hair and eyes opened did, he finds that he was staring at a female version of himself. He barely had time to register what he was looking at when he found himself buck naked second before he felt himself being hit from behind forcing him to all fours seconds before something had entered him from behind.

He shot up off his bed sweating heavily shocked by the very encounter as it all seemed so real not to mention that he could've swore that he had felt something enter his asshole seconds before he found himself waking up. He was breathing hard, unable to make sense why he had dreamed such a thing as he never had any dreams or ideas of being interested in such acts with an animal.

Getting out of bed and going into the bathroom to throw some water in his face hoping to remove any trace of such a disgusting dream. However as soon as he went about throwing the fresh cool water in his face taking in a deep breath before looking up, Tom nearly screamed when the same female version of his face stared back at him causing him to jump back from the mirror blinking several times before looking back in the mirror glad to find his normal looking face staring back at him.

"Must've been my imagination." Tom started wiping his face off with a dry towel before grabbing his robe heading for the kitchen, noticing that it was starting to become daylight outside and that meant a full day of fishing and enjoying the peace and quiet. Something that he had wanted since being offered the cabin here.

Walking into the next room already forgetting about the dream, Tom stopped in his tracks when he found a startling sight. Lay on the couch looking like he didn't have a care in the world, Hunter laying on his back although by the looks of his hips thrusting, he was having a wet dream. The instant that his eyes locked upon the dog's cock which had already nearly gone out fully as the knot had just started to appear when he had caught the dog in the act.

It seemed forever for Tom as he couldn't take his eyes off the massive cock that was appearing before him as the memory of the dream that he had come racing into his head. Then the sharp pain in his rear as he remembered the woman with his face that made his gaze leave the cock shaking his head gaining enough sense to scold the dog about him lying on the couch although his voice sounding weak that the dog didn't seem to care as he looked at Tom after opening his eyes then went back to sleep.

This angered Tom even more as Hunter had never disobeyed him whenever he yelled at the dog for not listening to him and the dog was quick to get off anything that he wasn't supposed to. Yet here the dog was unwilling to listen nor care about what he said. Not in the right mood and his stomach rumbling announcing that maybe a good breakfast would get his mind off things and get his mind back on the normal path.

Heck maybe that was the case about Hunter also, the dog was hungry and maybe after the dog had eaten, he would be the normal loveable dog that he once was. Moving into the kitchen, forcing himself to forget everything, starting to look forward to the day figuring that the day would be filled with fun and excitement of exploring the island not to mention the fishing.

Reaching into the cabinet drawing out several different boxes and cans of food or what Tom thought was food since the writing on the items that he pulled from the shelves were in foreign language although by the image on the front of the items, Tom knew that it was food and who it was meant for so he wouldn't get any surprises. Or so he thought.

After dropping two large cans of what appeared to be dog food into a rather large bowl never once realizing that it wasn't even a dog dish however, he didn't seem to care not to mention Hunter didn't either as the dog's head popped up his snout quivering in excitement upon seeing the massive amount of food. He hopped off the couch charging over to the food and began chomping down on the food, never once giving Tom an indication of thanks.

"You're welcome..." Tom muttered to the dog as he went about going to his own preparation. While the foods that he had pulled out didn't look like much by themselves, when he put them together made the small meal that one came out of the box look more appetizing. By the time the meal was ready and placed on the table, Hunter had basically finished off his food letting out a unnatural burp announcing that he was done before starting toward the door pawing at it indication that he needed to go out and he wasn't about to wait letting out a growl gaining the pitiful human's attention way before Tom could get started with his own meal.

Tom looked up in surprised from the loud unnatural burp then growled to get his attention. He had barely sat down getting ready to start his own meal when the lab growled to get his attention. He noticed that the dog had finished the food without a second thought and Hunter's attitude was just as grouchy as it was before he had eaten. When the dog let out a second growl, clawing at the door more forcibly giving him little choice but to stand up and hurry over like an obedient servant opening the door to allow the lab to rush outside into the cool morning air.

Taking the second to enjoy the sun that was already starting to come up to enjoy the feeling when the feeling of hunger began growing in his stomach that he completely forgot about watching the sunrise the need of getting his meal into his stomach overriding it. He didn't even bother closing the door as the deep seeded hunger continued to build to the point that he attacked the plate in a ravenous hunger barely taking a few minutes to eat the entire thing.

What was strange was the fact that he began licking the plate clean, savoring each morsel that he consumed. By the time the plate was clear of any scrap of food, he found himself savoring it. Closing his eyes, licking his lips enjoying the taste. So salty, almost familiar although he couldn't put his finger on it however as soon as he finished licking his lips his mind was flooded with images of Hunter's cock combined with the dog slamming his massive, lovely looking cock deep into a hind end which soon turn out to be Tom.

Suddenly a sudden rush of excitement and arousal shot up throughout his system causing Tom to shudder in revulsion at the very thought of even offering himself to the dog. He felt his stomach start to toss and a turn burning sensation began to grow in his stomach that he automatically reached for the glass of juice that he had poured himself which he had yet to touch since starting to eat the meal.

He wasn't sure of what the liquid was since again the jug that he poured the liquid out had foreign language on it. So as soon as the liquid rolled down his throat, the feeling of heat that had started in his belly that seemed to die down after a few minutes, exploded in his stomach radiating outward.

First starting out in his core there exploding outward hitting his spine sending strong intense images of being submissive. What's worse was the fact that any general knowledge or thought seemed to disappear replaced by even more horrifying thoughts of him giving blowjobs to men and getting fucked constantly without any end in sight.

His mouth opened to let out a scream of horror and disgust, however it instead turned one to be of pain as his body began changing. His once masculine form began to suck in on itself, losing muscle mass and bulkiness to it leaving him with a slim fragile form. His skin began to burn as his once hairy arms and legs began to lose the hair on them, the smell of burning hair filled the room in seconds his entire body was without hair except for his head and over his crotch.

Another pulse slammed into his body causing him to fall to his knees his slim arms wrapping around his chest as the fire inside his body split where one went shooting upward into his chest while the other shot downward into his cock and balls. A piercing pain shot straight into his balls that he thought they were being torn to pieces. Yet when he looked down, Tom's eyes widen in shock as he saw his balls seemingly deflate leaving his ball sac empty and useless seconds before it was pulled into his abdomen leaving only his modest cock however soon enough the pain began to return but with force.

While the cock was limp at first, it grew erect spewing clear liquid then the head began to split the opening widening as the rest of the shaft shrunk pulling backward into his groin becoming flat and almost shapeless. However, it wasn't shapeless, the widened open as what appeared to be thin lips began to bulge out and appear to be swollen pulsing with his heart beats. Tom let out a gasp coming to realize after finding himself touched the strange pair of lips that sent an electric jolt through his overheated body that he now had a fully functioning pussy that looked and felt like it needed to be fucked right away.

Instantly the very thought of fucking a pussy like this if he had his cock and balls intact made the fire that was in his stomach build up with ideas and thoughts returning to his mind where the idea of being fucked by possibly a dildo didn't seem that bad. However, he didn't have any time to think further when he felt like something in his chest exploded causing him to scream out in an almost feminine scream his back arching as the next set of changes began rather quickly on his chest.

Starting with his nipples that had little effect from the sudden loss of his manhood nor the fact that he was starting to have some erotic thoughts. They seemed to become swollen, swelling up before popping out taking on an appearance of those of a female. He raised his hands barely realizing that his fingers had become slim and the nails elongating, his hands cupping the nipples finding the fingers pinching the nipples causing electric shocks shooting through his form.

Tom shuddered in excitement and pleasure from the thrill that he got from the tweaks to his now sensitive nipples. His breathing began to exaggerate as his hands continued to pleasure them immediately causing a new effect to happen. Directly underneath the nipples, the sounds of what could be described as rubber balloons inflating combined with the feeling of the skin underneath pushing the nipples outward up against his fingers.

The simple touch caused a deeper sensation of thrills throughout his changing form. Within seconds he went from a flat chest to what appeared to be at least of a rather lovely set of C cup breasts. He let out a gasp pulling his slender hands away from the new additions to his changing body, however unable to stop his hands from brushing across the sensitive nipples which started off another set of changes.

The thrills ran back down his spine to end up in his lower regions where his ass started to balloon outward while his hips widen while his hips shrank leaving him with an hourglass figure. With the rest of his body seemingly finished off changing, a touch of heat stayed in his pussy which was started to become wet and aroused, dripping wet releasing an unknown aroma into the air that would soon change his or her life forever.

Tom now pretty much fully female couldn't believe what was happening to his/her body. It had to be a dream. No one can just magically change sexes not to mention had disturbing images of having sex much less with a dog. The pain and desire were getting so much that he could barely get to his feet, his muscles were extremely weak since all his weight was put into new areas of his body.

Stumbling toward the bathroom again his new pussy was gushing liquids all over her thighs as her thick thighs rubbed together pushing against the lips causing them to rub against each other sent electric shocks throughout his system causing him to stumble and nearly fall into the sink. As soon as his breasts rubbed up against the rough floor again sending a thrill throughout the strange body that he now had, his voice came out as a strangle coming out in a strangle garble of sounds.

"Ahhhh.... Uggh...." he called out his new pussy oozing like a river trickling down his thighs dripping down on to the floor the entire time he stumbled into the bathroom leaving a clear aroused fill trail for any to follow. However, there would be only one creature that would find him...and take full advantage of him. The question would be if Tom would be able to resist it?


It didn't take long for Hunter to finish his business of going to the bathroom however he was determined to mark his territory to let any other males that might take advantage of his slave human would know that they would be meeting an alpha that would fight to keep them away from his bitch. Sniffing the area of the morning to make sure that everything was marked, something new and more erotic caught his sensitive snout causing his head to whip around picking up faint traces of the intoxicating scent.

It didn't seem to be nearby however as he started toward the cabin the scent continued to get stronger to the point that Hunter's cock started to push out of its housing. The scent was strange and almost unknown to the dog having never gotten a whiff of the scent except for when the pathetic human that called himself a male tried to bring a woman home to have some fun.

Of course, the man was too stupid to realize the human bitch was in heat and the way that her pussy was leaking like crazy when she came into the room, even Hunter could tell that she was wanting to be bred. Yet the stupid male couldn't tell the difference even when the dog could tell the difference. He had come sooo close to ripping the human bitches' panties off and showing the so-called man how to properly fuck a bitch in heat however he was stopped by the human locking him outside while the two had dinner.

By the time the slut came out of the house giving the bitch a kiss before walking her to her car, Hunter could already tell that the bitch was disappointed and still horny not to mention frustrated by the fact that Tom couldn't take a hint. It was pitiful that's for sure and the woman never came back which made the sad male miserable probably got the idea that he could've got some tail that night.

Now as Hunter got closer to the cabin following the human woman scent, the familiar scent of a heated human pussy became stronger his cock, which had started coming out of its sheath was pushing further out to the point that by the time he entered the cabin it was full throbbing eager to jam itself deep into any offered opening that it was thrust into.

Jerking his head from side to side upon finding out that the scent was all over the place, Hunter was growing irritated until he heard something that he never expected yet he didn't really care. The sounds of stretching skin, the sound of a weird sounding moan which sounded like a combination of both of male and female. While it sounded like two having sex especially with the feminine moan combined with the ugly groan from the next room, when Hunter caught sight of what was really happening the lust came on strong.

Leaning over the sink buck naked with her hips swaying and her ass pushing back becoming almost demanding to be fucked. Not to mention the fact that between the juicy thick pussy clearly swollen leaking juice like crazy to the point that a small puddle of the sweet juices was puddling up beneath her quivering rear end.

The heavy sounds of moaning and groaning continued growing louder as the unknown female's body gave a final squeal as her pussy's lips flared open as a massive gush of hot female cumm shot out of her body joining the pool under her. Her head disappeared from Hunter's view, yet he didn't seem to care as the massive dog's eyes were locked upon the still dripping pussy that now begun emitting a strong scent of a bitch in heat and it had gotten him riled up at that point.

With the bitch in heat showing no sign of moving at that moment, Hunter rushed forward giving the puddle of cumm on the ground beneath the bitch a brief sniff before jamming his snout between the sluts quivering legs his wet nose pressed into her pussy. Tom, who had barely gotten his strange new form under control after experiencing a massive orgasm that shot through the form that was forced upon him, let out a shuddering gasp feeling something cold and wet shoved up against his nether regions.

His mind was still trying to figure out what had been happening to him standing before the bathroom mirror as he tried to study the form even as it continued to change. Just the very sight of the fact that not only was he sporting an impressive set of breasts that jiggled with each breath and tremble that he took trying to get to the sink.

His vision seemed to be blurry at first until he realized that his vision was was strands of long blonde hair that was blocking his eyes. Reaching up he was startled to find not only did he have a full head of blonde hair compared to his once jet-black hair now framed a male face that seemed out of place on at that moment. Looking down, Tom was stunned to see his once muscular form was now a slim feminine form that framed two massive melon size breasts something that instantly turned him on instinctually wanting to fondle them, yet he got his next shock when he reached to do such.

He found that he was staring into the mirror and the breasts were now a part of his body causing his eyes to widen in shock, coming to realize that this wasn't a dream. Next, he could feel a wetness trickling down between his legs that when he thought he had accidentally pissed himself that he found his hand reaching down hoping that he wouldn't find instead of a cock fully erect whenever he got aroused and he was proud of was no longer there.

No, instead there was nothing there but puffy and swollen, leaking fluid radiating an aching feeling that when his hands brushed across the lips, he let out a gasp in shock. For some reason, an unknown thrill shot through his strange form causing a strange sounding moan to push up through his mouth his knees starting to wobble that he forced himself to grip the bathroom sink trying to hold himself up and steady. He opened his eyes shaking off the strange arousal feeling not to mention the fact that he now barely appeared as a male, Tom was shocked to find his face start to contort becoming softer and more feminine removing any trace of masculinity from his face. His vision blurred as a trembling moan/groan escape from his mouth as his rough gruff voice smoothed out to a more feminine sounding one.

Standing there panting and moaning from the exertion that his body had gone through, Tom slowly opened his eyes to find that he no longer could recognize the face before him and at first, he figured he no longer was looking into a mirror but a window. There stood a woman about 5' 5" maybe 120lbs a perfect slim form with what he could figure was a C cup breast size with nipples that stood erect begging to be sucked upon. Looking further down at the woman's body, Tom admired every single bit of the woman's body, his eyes coming to rest on a familiar sight. A set of puffy and swollen looking pussy again something that he had a brief glance at before his body was thrown into orgasms.

Again, he thought this was a dream until he found a strand of blonde hair drop down in front of his eyes and when he reached up to brush it aside, the woman in front of him did the same. His eyes widen in shock coming to realize that the woman in front of him was him! Instantly instead of being afraid or concern of why or how this had happened, Tom felt a thrill and deep seeded heat shoot through his body and no matter what he tried or thought, Tom found the fact that he was now completely exciting becoming more aroused by the second that he still looked at his new image that displayed before him in the mirror.

Desperately he tried to look away as a need that could describe to thrust something into his new pussy came storming further into his mind, yet his eyes remained glued to the image. It became so bad that the familiar feeling of wetness running down his thighs down his legs pooling up in a pool below him.

Even though nothing was touching them to his knowledge, the nipples that sat on her chest once more became erect standing at attention begging for attention something that Tom was fighting against at that very instant. Tom shook his head in denial as the deep seeded heat that he had been feeling, exploded in her very core which forced its way up passed her lips coming out to sound like a call of a 'bitch in heat needing a good hard fucking' moan.

Instantly, she found herself able to close her eyes effectively closing off the image of her new body unaware that she was starting to refer to herself as female now when her mind was still registering herself as male. Yet suddenly images started flashing through her mind of her dressed in the most sluttliest outfits, tending to the household chores, cooking, and cleaning, doing whatever her master demanded which included being a breeding machine to carry her masters/husbands demands.

However, she knew that she didn't have nor intended on getting a husband as she was convinced that this was nothing more than a nightmare and at any second, she would wake up in bed normal again. That was quickly changed when her mind and dreams were assaulted by a powerful need drilling itself deeper so that it began to fuel the images in her head even further.

No longer were the images of serving her master/husband. That was soon replaced by a strong image of Hunter, her handsome lovely dog his muscles glistening in the sunlight of her mind, his cock dropping out of his sheath for her gaze. Even with it being a dream or in her head, Tom couldn't stop looking at the cock as it seemed to get bigger and thicker with each second that she looked at it.

'You know you want it, slut! Stop fighting it and service it like a good little slut you are!' a voice called out to her mind that caused her to shudder, her legs getting weak so that she was barely able to hold herself up any longer. Her once strong resolve was weakening that she found herself letting out a moan feeling her pussy throbbing in need becoming nearly unbearable that she felt her once strong masculine will slipping quickly away leaving her with a clouded brain that couldn't think of anything else but getting fucked or servicing a cock.

It wasn't just a regular cock though, no as the cock on the image of her dog became clearer, throbbing seemingly calling out to her, she found her entire core consumed by lust and a desire to service overwhelmed that she couldn't fight it anymore. Her newly transformed pussy ached gushing out liquid with every second, the lips continued to throb and seemingly become swollen calling out for pleasure that she knew wouldn't come from anything but a nice hard, thick long.

Again, the image of Hunter and his massive, delicious cock filled her sex filled mind and while a small part of her previous self-cried out in disgust, she wasn't having it. Throwing her head back letting out a loud moan, her eyes opened filled with lust with her legs giving out underneath her that she collapsed on the floor barely missing the bathroom sink by inches.

God her body ached, pulse quickening a thick aroma radiated the air around her one that she couldn't really smell but it attracted the one beast that her mind and body was calling out to. Hunter was quick to stuff his snout into the bitches heated hole, the aroma of a human bitch in season, deep in heat filled the air. The longer that he drank in the slut's scent he could barely control himself that he had to taste the squirmy cunt that opened and closed larger puffs of 'bitch in heat' aroma continued to assault his brain.

He held back for so long but as soon as his tongue pressed up against the swollen breeding hole every common sense especially when the bitch let out a hearty moan. "Oooh, Hunter...gods, please..." Hunter's ears snapped forward to attention. Even if the vocals were different compared to a normal bitch, he could recognize the pleading of a bitch deep in heat and the virile scent of an untouched slut unclaimed by another.

He only drew his snout back, his fangs bared when he saw that his soon to be new bitch try pulling away possibly knowing what was about to happen. Letting out a snarl leaping upon the bitch's rear end, his forelegs tightly wrapping themselves around her waist holding her in place as he didn't wait a second before slamming his hips forward thrusting his super-heated cock forward looking entry.

He could feel the needed cunt that continued to weep obviously crying out for his cock to find it, even the bitch below him was letting out a whimpering call of desperation which seemed to fuel Hunter's sex drive since his thrusts began to grow more rapidly and his anger at being denied his prize. His forepaws tightened around the whore's waist holding her tightly in place before drawing his hips back just slightly before slamming forward thrusting his red-hot rocket deep into the smoldering heat driven cunt of his new bitch.

Feeling the massive intrusive red hot poker rod ram itself deep within her strange soaking wet entrance that spread open welcoming the breeding rod as Hunter drove it deeper into his new bitch. Tom or Tina she should be referred to squealed in delight feeling such a massive cock drive itself into her body even though there was a small part of her mind that was screaming out not to let it happen, however she continued to ignore even as the weak voice continued to protest fading as the thrill of being so forcibly taken fill her mind with lust.

She began rocking back and forth on her own will pushing back on the cock as it was being withdrawn trying desperately to hold it in with her hungry pussy. God, it hurt so bad especially when the massive rocket tore through her virginity, her hymen standing no chance against keeping the mighty rod from taking what Hunter wanted at moment.

Again, she found a part of her mind calling out that what she was doing was wrong although it wasn't the fact that she was now a woman where a man once stood. No, it seemed because she was now being fucked by a dog. A handsome well-equipped dog who knew what he was doing as he dug his claws into her hips making sur., he didn't move an inch away from her proper place as a bitch.

Not that she intended on moving now throwing her head back letting out a squeal of delight as her super-heated pussy continued to suck on the cock as it pummeled its swollen heat driven lips sucking hungrily at the cock like the whore that is connected to. God she was loving every single moment of this her lust filled mind while receiving the much-desired breeding, wanted more. It drove Tina's mind further to the point that the moans turned to cries.

"God yes! Fuck me, Hunter. Give me your wonderful seed! I want to have your puppies growing in my belly!" She screamed out no longer caring if anyone heard her although she knew that she and Hunter were the only ones on the island meant she could scream to the sky what she wanted. Her breasts, large and beautiful, flopped around underneath her as Hunter seemed to pick up his pace slamming his cock into her harder driving her wild even more.

To Hunter, he loved hearing his once human owner now turned bitch accepting her new role as his breeding bitch. She is his now, her pussy and womb were his and would carry his young forever. Gripping her hips tighter feeling his knot starting to form knowing that he didn't want to waste this chance, Hunter slammed his cock hard pressing his growing knot into the bitches swollen pussy loving the feeling of her suckling heat seemingly wanting it as much as the slut did.

While she could feel the pain building up at her pussy lips, Tina no longer seemed to care as she wanted it. She didn't know what it was for all she knew that it was part of that marvelous pole drilling her. She pushed backward while Hunter shoved hard, harder than any other thrust that he had done, shoved the knot bigger than his bitches hole in.

Tina's eyes went wide as the feeling of something massive driving itself pass her pussy lips instead of a moan of delight was replaced by a scream that sounded almost animalistic, her pussy walls slammed down on the cock and the knot and seemed to pulsate around it as if milking it. The noise that the bitch made, and the actions of her pussy sounded like music to his ears that he gripped her hips tightly and started jamming as much of his trap cock into the bitch's womb as possible where his seed will find its target to knock this bitch up.

Tina's screams of pain and discomfort had allowed a small part of the protest brain to come back trying again to tell her that this was wrong. However, that was soon lost by the extreme feeling pleasure shot through her body starting from her pussy and shot upward slamming into the ra. nal thought removing it completely leaving a bitch with a new human bitch whose life existence was to serve Hunter, carry and care for his pups who she would pregnant soon, be a loyal bitch to him, etc. More was to come later.

Feeling as if the bitch didn't know her place, Hunter bit down on the back of Tina's neck holding her in place drawing blood as he drew blood marking her as his before ramming his cock and knot one final time into her swollen pussy before holding it there as it began throbbing releasing a massive wave of seed deep within the fertile bitch.

Tina let out a scream/moan feeling the massive wave of cumm drilling into her belly assaulting her womb with the endless waves of what her body was crying out for. As soon as she felt the first waves of seed slam into her womb, her body was racked by one orgasm after another that her body jerked pulling against the knot causing her to feel intense pain feeling the massive knot trying to leave her body. She slammed backward to stop the pain, but she was afraid that her master would remove his cock before he knocked her up.

Hunter was indeed pleased with how his bitch was accepting of him and his cock drawing back to lick the mark on her neck as a sign of appreciation before laying his full weight on her back allowing his cock to finish its job. Tina felt relieved feeling the pain of the knot easing back into a comfortable position for his new bitch.

Tina let out a final sigh, feeling her limbs lose all their strength causing her to collapse fully onto the bathroom floor with Hunter fully lodged inside her side. He didn't seem to care as he shifted his weight slightly to keep his cock fully embedded in his slut. Everything seemed quiet and unmoving at one point he thought that the whore had a mental overload and had died until he heard her whimpering and panting as she lay there allowing her full weight to rest on her plump massive breast which acted like a cushion for her to rest upon.

However soon they would be filling with milk for his pups to drink from and he intended on keeping her pregnant forever until she was all used up. Sitting there wondering how all of this happened. Things seemed to be boring up until last night when the pathetic human was in her wimpy false form preparing strange unknown food when things got better.

Wait a minute! It's the food, it had to be as there was no other reason for it. After some thought, a smile, or the equivalent of a smile on a dog. While he didn't know if the bitch's fertile womb would take his seed or if she would be permanently stuck in this form, but if they ever got back to the city then they are going to be taking the food with them.

Nevertheless, right now the whore was fertile, and her pussy was calling out to him.

Several days later found Hunter sitting on the dock watching his pathetic human, who was now male again unfortunately even after several days of getting pumped full of doggy seed, her fertile womb didn't accept it. However he didn't care as soon as the human went about changing back to the pathetic male side, he didn't seem to remember anything yet he seemed to continue serving Hunter just not sexually not that miffed him a bit but he caught Tom looking down at the dog's sheath licking his lips gave him a idea that the whore that he called Tina was in there.

The human declared that it was time for them to return home and then declared that he was going to take much of the food that had been stocked in the cabin which Hunter was pleased because he knew of some of his canine friends that would give him anything for this food especially if they can get their own choice of a personal puppy factory.

For Tom, he felt more relaxed and somewhat sore in his abdomen for some reason probably having slept on something wrong or maybe it was the food. Although he couldn't really tell because all he remembered was the food was tasty and he found that addicting that he wanted to try it again however they had a long flight and one other thing that he kind of remember was he felt sleepy in a dazed look so he would have to wait to get home to try the food again.

"Come on, Hunter. Let's go home." Tom called back to his dog who eagerly ran down the dock before jumping onto the plane, giving him a hint that he was just as eager to get back home as he was. It didn't take long for them to get skyward heading for home with Hunter sitting in the back with an evil glare in his eye eager to get home so Tina would be back...and hopefully this time forever.