Beach Broken

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This Week's Writing Challenge: "Hindsight is 20-20."

Another writing challenge, this time following up on our poor, peer pressured peeping jackal after the hell of an experience he just had-

There will still be more stories featuring these characters, so stay tuned, and please, enjoy the story!

If someone had told Damian what exactly would happen when he set off on the stupid mission his friends had forced him into, he probably would've decided not to go, even against his friends' wishes. Not that he would have needed much convincing in the first place anyway.

However, when considering his current predicament, and the ordeal that had come directly before... he was definitely feeling the regret now. Of course, hindsight being 20/20 and all, the jackal felt he could safely assume that he was most definitely an idiot and it was mostly his own fault he'd ended up in this situation at all. Hindsight being what it was, though, it wasn't exactly the most helpful to him right now.

As for what he was going through right now...

"Hey, jackal jerk!"

The canine winced at the strident voice being directed at him.

"Get me some water, will you?"

"Now, now, Lily, no need to be so loud-"

The demand had come from Lily, a lynx in the cheerleading squad, who just so happened to hate guys with a passion, while the voice trying to calm her down was a vixen named Delilah, who apparently liked to do such a thing quite often.

For the past few days of his, for lack of a better word, "captivity", Damian had had plenty of time to get to know the girls he was rooming with, and Lily was definitely one of the scarier ones. It didn't help she seemed to take pleasure in making Damian her personal servant, and the jackal was almost ashamed to admit he was too scared to not acquiesce to her endless demands. Almost, because he felt it was entirely deserved, given what he'd been caught doing in the first place.

The male canine was quick to get a glass of cold water from the kitchen, rushing over to hand it to the seemingly perpetually grumpy lynx.

"Hmph... at least you're not entirely useless..." Lily grumbled as she begrudgingly accepted the water, taking a short sip before setting it aside... alongside some of the other drinks she'd gotten him to fetch.

At this point, Damian wouldn't be surprised if she was doing this on purpose.

Delilah, the vixen trying to chide Lily for her attitude, gave him a sympathetic look.

Then she followed up with, "My, that looks quite good on you; I wonder who it was from..."

Damian, embarrassed beyond belief now, simply blushed before walking away as quickly as he dignifiedly could.

That was another aspect of his current situation that had hindsight giving him a broadside of relentless remorse; the fact he was only allowed to wear girls' swimsuits in their care. It didn't help that the other girls all seemed determined to put him in some of their skimpiest and/or frilliest ones whenever possible.

It was an understatement to say that it was humiliating for Damian. The only silver lining he could see from all this (aside from having to deal with his dumb friends who'd sent him in the first place) was that at least no one was taking pictures of him in ridiculously revealing bikinis and using it as blackmail... at least, not yet. The jackal wouldn't be surprised if someone decided to do that anyway.

But that wasn't the most humiliating part; it was the fact that everyone seemed to genuinely think he looked good in the various bikinis they dolled him up in, and how much they told him so, that got his face burning. Surely, he wasn't so girly looking that he actually looked as good in a girl's swimsuit as an actual girl? It was just... a bit embarrassing, to think his frame was such that wearing female outfits actually looked good on him. It was almost enough to make him reconsider his lack of interest in athletics. Almost.

As he retreated back into the house, he ran into another certain girl; Juliana, a lioness who clearly worked out, if her well defined muscles were any indication.

Surprisingly enough, she hadn't seemed too put out with him during his stay, even despite her being the one who'd caught him red-handed in the first place. If anything, she seemed quite cool with his presence. Of course, that was probably down to Damian being on his best behaviour as much as possible, but still, it was much better than he'd expected from her.

"Lily been bothering you again?" she asked, a commiserating look in her eyes. Damian wordlessly nodded. He'd long since stopped being confused over Juliana's comparatively kind treatment of him.

"Don't let it get to you too much; she's just like that most of the time," Juliana told him sympathetically. "Delilah can at least calm her down most of the time, get her to tone down a bit. And if not, well... there's Serena now."

Damian wasn't sure what she'd meant by that last part, but he nodded along anyway. He'd been through a lot worse with his male friends; he could handle someone who was apparently a loud misandrist.

After that brief encounter, the jackal made his way to the spare room he'd been assigned to (which was the same one where he'd been... punished). To do what, he wasn't sure. He just knew it was more private there. But whatever he would have come up with was thrown out the window as soon as he stepped through the door.


"Mmmm... hey cutie~"

On his bed, was a beautifully curved snow leopard, wearing a light beach dress, stretching languidly as she caught the rays of the sun filtering through the window.

The sight of her was enough to send his heart racing; and not just because of the fact he had a massive crush on her.

"Wh-what are you... uhh, doing here?"

"Oh, just enjoying the sun; we ARE on the beach, after all~"

'You would've just gone outside if that was really the case,' Damian thought.

No, Serena had been waiting for him... but why would she be waiting for him?

She patted the bed she was sitting on. "Why don't you join me, Damian? The sun really does feel good here."

The jackal dryly swallowed. Seeing no reason to deny her, he apprehensively walked over, and sat onto the bed, next to her. He tried to calm himself down by taking deeper breaths. It seemed to barely be working, even before Serena turned her gaze on him.

"I heard Lily was disturbing you again."

"I- I mean... i-it's not like I don't deserve it, right?"

"She needs to calm down, that's what; she has no right to treat you like that! You didn't do this willingly after all..."

Damian was surprised at how vehemently she chewed Lily out for her behaviour towards him; surely he wasn't that deserving of such a thing, let alone from Serena of all people? Still, he couldn't help but feel a bit of gratitude for her indignation on his behalf.

"D-don't worry, Delilah calmed her down," he quickly reassured her.

"Still, she's been doing this way too many times at this point..." the snow leopard grumbled. "She really needs more sense knocked into her..."

Serena shook her head. "But enough about that; I didn't want to remind you of Lily being a bitch-"

Damian had to suppress a surprised snort at that.

"I just... wanted to spend some time with you, if you don't mind, of course."

"Uh- no, no, of course, I don't mind at all!" Once again, Damian was utterly surprised by how Serena was acting towards him. He wondered how many times that would happen over the next few days.

Serena gave him a small smile. "Good. Just wanted to make sure. You didn't have any plans for today either?"

"Uh- nope, not that I can think of."

"Even better. I didn't have any plans myself either."

Damian was pretty sure that had been on purpose, but he didn't speak out his thoughts on that.

"So, uh... what... what do you want to do?" the jackal spoke up awkwardly.

Smiling a bit more, Serena leaned closer to him, her hand brushing against his thigh, as she said, in a rather husky voice, "Well, how about we just bask in the sun for a bit?"

"...Haven't you been doing that for a while already though?"

"Ahh, but you haven't, have you?" she pointed out.

Damian found he had nothing to rebut that with, so he instead let Serena pull him down to lie down on the bed with her, right where there was the most sunlight. He wouldn't lie, the sun coming through the window did feel good on him.

He was a bit distracted, however, by just how close Serena was to him. She was pressed up against him, and it took all his willpower to ignore the sensation of her...well-endowed breasts... digging into his back. Yet, that wasn't the most distracting part; the snow leopard had kept her hand on his thigh, and now that they were lying down, she'd started idly moving her hand, gently, slowly stroking his thigh.

It was... maddening. He could feel the urge to start wagging his tail from how good her stimulation felt, and it took all he had to not start waving his tail in her face. There was something else reacting to her touch, however, and he had far less control over that than his tail.

Damian could feel his dick beginning to harden, the blood beginning to flow down there, and the jackal couldn't do anything about it.

The whole time, Damian was praying, praying desperately that Serena wouldn't notice as the outline of his canine cock began getting more and more prominent against his tight swimsuit bottoms (damn his skimpy bikini!).

He should have known better than to tempt fate...

Almost as soon as he mentally begged for his arousal to go unnoticed, the snow leopard's hand began moving up his thigh, getting closer and closer-

"I see someone is enjoying this," she giggled, her hand brushing against the hem of his bikini bottom for emphasis.

Damian's ears splayed back, intensely embarrassed at getting caught. That was quickly forgotten, however, as Serena promptly dipped her hand under his "clothes", and wrapped it around his engorged cock.

"S-Serena- fuck..."

"Shhh... just enjoy it..."

Damian followed her request, letting her pull his dick out of its tight prison so she could stroke it better. In almost no time, the jackal could feel himself getting close to cumming.

"Serena- ah, fuck... fuck, I'm gonna-"

As quickly as she'd started, she stopped, pulling her hand away and leaving Damian's cock helplessly twitching, trying in vain to get more stimulation, even as Serena lightly laughed at him when he whined frustratedly.

"Silly jackal... you know how much I like to savour these things..." she whispered, her voice sultry, right into his ear, making his body shiver, and his dick twitch in arousal.

Grabbing his arm, Serena made him lie down on his back, before rapidly undressing him, pulling off the bikini he was wearing, leaving him completely naked before her.

"You might look wonderful in that," she said breathlessly, "but I like this much more."

Before Damian could feel humiliated about again being complimented on how he looked in a bikini, Serena pulled off her beach dress, revealing that she was completely naked beneath it.

The sight of it was enough to make the jackal's heart skip a beat, his mouth open in shock and arousal. Her generously-sized breasts, now hanging free, her nipples sharply and clearly defined... and looking down...

Her pussy was dripping wet with arousal, the lips of it twitching and pulsing seductively...

If Damian had been told he was dreaming, he didn't want to wake up.

"Enjoying the view?" Serena teased him, seeing how much he was staring at her in all her naked, natural beauty.

Damian blushed again, and he instinctively moved to apologise; however, Serena beat him again, this time by almost immediately bending down and wrapping her mouth around his dick, then bobbing her head up and down while she skillfully ran her tongue all over the most sensitive parts of Damian's dick.

For the next several minutes, Damian was in heaven, the sensation of Serena blowing him feeling beyond comparison to anything else he'd felt before. Granted, he wasn't exactly experienced with anything other than with his hand, but still. It felt just as good as... as the other day she'd done that to him...

Despite that intrusive reminder, Damian couldn't help but thrust into her mouth, and he could've sworn she was purring as he did so.

Despite all that, however, it was clear Serena had no intention of letting him cum so soon, as she pulled herself off him as soon as he got close, leaving him whimpering and whining even more from being left on the edge again.

"We still have so much time," she purred. "Why let it go to waste~?"

So she went, playing with his cock to her heart's content, torturing him again, as she sucked him, let him fuck her prodigious tits, even teasing him by running her pussy along his length, but never letting it enter.

Damian begged her, in between his loud moans, so many times he couldn't keep track anymore. All it did was make her even more determined to tease him and edge him relentlessly, and Damian thought he could see her rubbing against her pussy as she did so, pleasuring herself to the sound of Damian's sexual suffering.

And yet... Damian couldn't deny it to himself. He was enjoying it. A lot. Enough that now his tail, uncontrolled now that his mind was lost in a heady mix of pleasure, desperation and frustration, was wagging heavily. That clear sign of enjoyment was not lost on Serena either.

"Are you enjoying this, hmmm?" she said with a satisfied smirk on her face. "Guess that means I should do it more."

And do it more, she did. A lot more. Enough that Damian was very much certain that hours had really passed since she'd started, though how many hours had passed, he didn't know.

He thought back to another thought he'd had, earlier in the day. Now, seeing what he was going through... he supposed that, hindsight being 20/20, he was feeling a little less regret now, if it meant being noticed and... attended to by his crush like this. It still didn't excuse his actions of course. Still, he tried not to think too much of why she was giving him this much of this sort of attention, and how things would be after they had to leave and return to school...

Right now, though, he was approaching the edge again, and he was pleading with Serena to cum again, thrusting his hips with desperation just to emphasise his sheer need for release. And finally, finally...

"Wanna cum, do you?" She grinned as she titfucked him. "Alright then... I think you've earned it... cum for me."

Damian was only too happy to oblige, thrusting between her breasts with renewed vigour, as his orgasm rushed ahead, quickly reaching the edge... and just as rapidly passing it.

With a breathless howl, he came, his back arching and hips wildly thrusting, shooting and spurting out ropes of semen, covering Serena's tits and face with thick, white fluid, which Damian could swear he saw her lick a bunch off her face with seeming relish.

Almost a minute of overwhelming pleasure had passed before his intense orgasm finally died down, leaving Damian lying flat on the bed, panting, stray droplets and globules of cum staining the fur on his torso as he tried to catch his breath.

Looking up, he saw how much of his cum had landed on Serena, her face and breasts covered in various patches of the stuff. Somehow, the sight of it compelled him to apologise... at least, until she took a sample of the white fluid with her finger, before sensually licking it off, and swallowing it. The sight leaving the jackal dumbstruck was an understatement.

"Mmm... tasty," she declared. The snow leopard looked at him, this time with a predatory gaze that had Damian's heart sinking with dread. He knew what that look meant...

"I think I want more." She leaned in close to his freshly-spent dick. "And I know you have more of it~"

Not waiting for him to respond, she began stroking him again, the sensitivity his dick had from a fresh orgasm having not gone away, causing the canine to tense up and start erratically moving his hips around, even as he knew it was completely useless to get away from her when she was determined.

Damian could only moan loudly and beg her uselessly as they moved on to the next stage of what Serena had planned for him...

It was definitely going to be a while before they came back out of that room. Not that Damian minded too much. At least it distracted him very well from when they'd inevitably have to leave...