The Dog House

Story by Duke The Wolf on SoFurry

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In the Scatty Dungeon

Duke was the first to slowly open his eyes. "Ngh...Huh?! Where the-?" He looked behind him, and there was his best friend Leon the Fox tied to a chair, but he was just asleep on the floor the whole time. Duke shook Leon, trying to get him up. "Leon, get up, now! I think we've been kidnapped!" Leon opened his eyes. "Dude... that was some party, eh?" Duke face palmed. "I'll get you out of there." Duke untied the rope, remembering how drunken Leon was at the party. "Okay, well, we're in some sort of dungeon, and we never know what kind of things roam around here, we should split up," he said, already walking down one hall. Suddenly, Leon realized it. "Duke, wait up!" But he was already gone, so he went down the hall on the opposite side...

The dungeon was very wide and expansive; there was little else in the air other than dusty old torture tools that had looked like they had rusted down long ago. With Leon gone around the corner, by the time he caught up. There was nothing around the corner, his wolf friend was completely gone, and there were several dozen side paths down the dark ways. The wolf how ever had found himself heading down one of the larger paths, if there were better lighting around. He would have been able to notice the various foot prints sitting on the dirt floor. He could see various manacles sitting on the walls with some half burning torches...

"Wow, feels like I'm in a video game," Duke said, chuckling, trying to replace the fear in him with humor. Meanwhile.... "Aw, why did that dumbass wolf leave me behind?" Leon said, walking on, simply guessing which path to take. "Left.... left again...le- wait no right..." And so on.

Leon gets hopelessly lost going down the random paths of the dungeon, not really all that different from a maze. The guy owning this dungeon under the old fort he was camping out knew he was there, and wondered if he should go after him or his friend. Duke was left getting closer to a newer portion of the dungeon, the bricks laid up in several hallways. He could see even more large manacles, but also he could see some rope sitting down one of the side halls and then down it. A large metal door there, it looked like some of the new stuff down in the area....

Duke looked around him. "Well, there's this rope... this is interesting." He decided to walk down one of the halls, just for the sake of it. Leon kept walking, and walking, and turning for a while until he got tired and sat down. Then, he got up and shouted. "Duuuuuuke! Where are you?! I'm scaaaaared!"

Leon wouldn't get any answers as he called out, but the only thing coming back to him were a few thumping sounds down one of the darkened hallways. The fox could see the bare outline of a large candid shape walking towards him. The scent wafting from the shape was kind of strong....Duke was going through a few of the other paths, looking up he could see a few holes in the top of the ceiling in various places. Sunlight streaming down, there weren't any side paths, only a straight way along the hall...

Duke continued walking suspiciously, looking up at the holes. "Just... where the hell are we exactly?" He said quietly. Leon gasped as he heard the thumps and saw the figure. "Wh-who's there? Maybe... I should turn around." He said and turned around, now walking a little faster back the way he came.

The thumps carried after him, faster than before. The fox wouldn't get far before those thumps got louder and louder. He was pounded and held down by the massive shape hovering over him as he groaned a bit. A deep voice reverberates outwards. "Mmm I think it's a good thing I caught like you and that wolf. So close to my home here with out even trying to introduce yourselves." He grins and picks the fox up before carrying him down one of the halls...Duke was in the process of stepping into something deep, as he walked down one of the underused hallways, there was a certain foul odor in the air as get deep enough as his paws stepped down in a huge pile of muck with a loud squelch..

Duke looked down "What am I standing in? It feels like... I think I know what's going on..." Leon squirmed and screamed. "Let me go you beast! Let me go, Duke will beat you up, I swear! Please don't kill me!"

Leon found himself being jostled around as the huge dog carried him deep enough and into one of the other large hallways with plenty of torches sitting around. "Well too ever you can help me out by scratching this itch in my ass..." He says, grabbing a length of rope and tying the fox a bit. Mark dropped Leon on the ground with his back on the floor and his legs sitting up in the air before he turned around and dropped his big ass on the fox's feet, with a thick squelch as a few large clumps of crap fell out of his rear. The huge beast rumbling and panting heavily.."Ooh you don't know how good that feels..." He says before pushing down again, sending even more of the vulpine in...Duke would sink down a bit into the muck he was standing in...Even as he moved a bit the clacking of bones would sound out before thick wet suckling noises came from him moving around more.

Duke knew exactly what was happening. "I think... I'm standing in a huge pile of shit. You don't hear that one everyday." Duke continued walking, not enjoying the smell at all but not really hating it either. It made him relax a bit. Leon, on the other hand, kicked and screamed, gagging at the wretched smell of the dog shit as it plopped down on him heavily. "Please stop! Uuugggh *gag* I think I'm gonna... oh..."

"Oh, what? little foxeh" He chuckle/growls out as he leans back again, his bowels clenching upon the vulpine and pulling him in a couple of more feet. His form sinking right in till most of his body was sticking out of the canine's ass. Sitting there and swaying as the canine reached around and pushed on Leon's head a bit. Pushing him a couple of feet deeper with only his head sticking out of the huge pucker, looking down over the huge balls and sheath with the tail sitting right over top of him. Duke continued stepping deeper; the shit becoming deeper at the same time. The stench was getting worse and the bones even more numerous. Huge piles of it settling up against the walls, with as many as 5 skeletons sitting in one pile at a time...

Duke continued on... and then after he got under it and 'swam' through it, he saw what was happening to his friend Leon. "Leon!" He looked at the huge dog. "What the...?" Leon looked at Duke. "Duke, save me!" Duke did not listen, but instead turned around and pushed through the hallway of crap and tried to run away. Eventually, his muscles lost power, and he collapsed face first into the crap, taking it in as when he tried to gasp for air, a bunch of it went into his maw, and he swallowed it. "Yup... it's official. Leon and I, are gonna die."

The dog blinked and glanced over at the shit clogged hallway/sewer that he had made and smiled widely. "You are saving me a hell of a lot of trouble, there little coming here.." He walks over and leans down, plucking the wolf right up out of the shit and then holding him up, with clumps of it landing on the ground. "Well I think one of you may die, or both...depends on if i keep you around as toys..." He grunts and rips a massive wet fart around the head of the fox, huge blobs of shit lands down over the ground. Leon also sinks in deeper than before, his muzzle being forced out as he slips into the shit packed depths of the canine..."As for you...Duke....I think you'll make a nice couple minute toy.."

Duke revealed to the dog the most frightened face he had ever made. "Please... don't kill me, do whatever you want with me, but don't kill me, or Leon!" Leon squirmed, and tried to say something, but the wretched smell cancelled out and he just gagged.

Mark blinked a moment before sighing a bit, his bowels work the fox up deeper into his depths. Through his bowels and well into his intestines, working heavily on him as the dog stands there. "He won't be a fashion anyway...besides while he's in my gut, we can have some fun..." He places the shit besmeared wolf up against the wall and turned around, rubbing his big rump up against the lupine and ripping another gassy, monstrous fart right up against him before he let him slide down the wall as he groaned heavily....His pucker yawns open wide as a turd, easily a foot and some inches wide start to come out and rub down his face and muzzle. The fox landing in his gut and being churned heavily, by the deep gurgles and burps sounding out lightly...

Duke moaned. "How can you... you monster..." Duke took in more of the smell... secretly enjoying it, not wanting it to end, the reason why he told the dog not to kill him. He pretended to be trying to run the poop off his face. Leon squirmed and screamed, his throat becoming sore from screaming too much. "Duuuuuke! Where are you, I'm dying!"

Mark glanced down at his stomach while groaning a bit while his tail wagged a bit. His gut's acids churned and sloshed over the fox, his fur falling out and his skin becoming numb from the fluids. All of it going to the point of turning him into little more goo afterwards. as the giant log lands down over the lap of the wolf and curling up a bit, a few bones in this log, but they weren't from the fox he just digested as he rumbled heavily. "Oh don't know how good it is being out here, getting so much food...and so much shit....I took huge dumps before...but eating live meals just took it up to insane levels..." He says absent mindedly as his turd continued coming out, landing down on your lap as thick squelches and plops landed on Duke...the fox's remains being sluiced through his bowels...

Duke gave in to the pleasure and dug right in, rubbing his face all over it, then trying to get up, but he was unable. "Please... sir, will you become my master? I could be your pet and... Oooooooh." Duke was too overwhelmed by the smelly shit. Leon screamed one last time, and then fainted, giving in to the acids. "Duke... you've... failed me." He said in his mind.

"My pet, eh? Well I guess I could use one....alright the first thing you do before I send you to the dog house is this..." He said while grunting a bit, his pucker rippling as another massive fart explodes from his pucker. The stench spreads through the area and leaves the thick cloying stench of fox and shit sitting in the atmosphere. The fox having been rendered down into shit easily by that point, His pucker yawned open wide as a massive amount of muddy crap along with some thick logs thumping and squelching on the ground. The big canine sighing softly as the wolf his mostly buried under a huge amount of filth before he hovers there a moment. "That's your friend...former'll join him sometime...but not tonight I think." He laughs loudly while his tail sways a moment, letting the wolf stew in the shit as he thinks on what he could do with his new pet....

Duke squirmed and rolled around in his stinky prison as the horrible smell totally crushed him. "Sorry Leon, I can't resist, it's too good..."

The dog leaned around and plucked the wolf up out of his shit before pushing him right into his ass as he did the fox. It was even more packed with shit than before. The big dog chuckling softly as he walks onwards, enjoying the feeling of his pet moving about his bowels as he went about his business, thinking on how to catch another group of scrubs that manage to get lost looking for treasure and what not...

"So... where are we going now, master?" Duke said, squirming and rolling around in the tight space of his mighty predator.

"I'm going to take you to the dog house, where we'll have lots of fun... until I decide you're no fun anymore, and then you'll meet the same fate as your foxeh friend." The dog replied, walking on and out of the dungeon...