Chapter 5: Marnonie

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#8 of (Malereader x Furry Harem) Marrai's Realm: New World

After the interesting idea at TATs, Y/n, Nika, and Sandra head to Whisker Cafe for breakfast. Her Y/n learns of a sport a lot of Marrains take part in.

Diamond-Cut Plaza, sub-level 4 11:07 am

Y/n's POV

After we were done at Tats, we headed down to Whisker Cafe for brunch. We got to the entrance and were greeted by one of the waitresses.

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"Welcome to Whisker Cafe!" She exclaimed. "Daro'ssi will be your waitress today. Table for three....." Daro'ssi trailed off at the end. Suddenly she got right in my face. "Hey, it's you again." She chimed. "Uh, ya?" I questioned. Daro'ssi smiled and turned around, she put her hand up to her chin and made a 'hmm' sound. "Please follow Daro'ssi to your table," Daro'ssi dictated and started walking away. "She's planning something," I wondered. It wasn't very busy only a couple of tables had Marrians eating at them.

She led us to a free table, handed us menus, and headed for the kitchen. "Seems like you already have a reputation here," Nika smirked. "Maybe." I chuckled. We started looking over the menus. "Say, I have a question for the two of you." I started getting Nika and Sandra's attention. "You say those milking machines always break and several Marrians were exchanging there's at Tats." "Yep, those machines burn out, break, short circuit, not enough suction, have too much suction, start making loud noises, or just be a pain all the time." Nika rhymed off, and Sandra hissed in agreement.

"What would you two think of a store where you could go to get milked?" I asked. The two of them seemed a bit confused. "A store to go get milked at?" Nika questioned. "Ya," I started. "It's a lot cheaper to build one really good machine that can be used a thousand times than to build a thousand machines that can only be used once." "How would that work?" Nika asked.

"Due to the milking machine being necessary as females who, if they don't get milked they can get sick, they are given away for free, correct?" I inquired. Nika and Sandra nodded their heads. "But, it still costs to make them, so they make them as cheap as possible. But once again, this makes it so they always need replacing or repair, increasing the cost. Suppose you separate the components of the milking machine and make them bigger. One large air pump, some pipes, and some pulsators can milk several Marrains at once." I explained.

Once again both of them looked at me in confusion. "Ah." I cringed. "Back on my uncle's farm, we milked cattle, an animal my kind has been milking for centuries. We didn't have an individual milker for every cow and we didn't milk them out in the field. We would herd them all into the barn, one spot where they all got milked. We had six milkers and we milked them all with those milkers, six at a time." I continued to talk about my idea.

Whisker Cafe, Kitchen

3rd POV

Meanwhile, as Y/n talked. Daro'ssi made her way to the kitchen. As she enters she sees Kaashni at the grill and M'liah washing dishes. Both of them were wearing aprons with a t-shirt and shorts.

(Not my Artwork)



"Hey, M'liah." Daro'ssi sang. M'liah turns to look at Daro'ssi. "Hi Daro'ssi, what do Daro'ssi need?" M'liah asked. "Would you be interested in switching shifts with Daro'ssi?" Daro'ssi asked. "Daro'ssi, you can't just switch shifts and duties whenever you want," M'liah replied. "Oh come on, don't you want to get away from those dishes?" Daro'ssi asked wrapping her arm around M'liah.

"Daro'ssi!" Both girls hear and turn to look at Kaashni. "M'liah is right, Daro'ssi can't just switch shifts!" Kaashni fumed. "Ah, too bad." Daro'ssi started. "I just thought M'liah would like to serve her boyfriend but if not I'll just have to do it." "What!" M'liah yelled. M'liah rushed to the door separating the kitchen and dining room. M'liah got on her tippy toes to peer out of the circular window. Due to her being the shortest in the family, she could just see over the bottom of the window. M'liah scanned the room until she spotted Y/n. "He's here? Right now?" M'liah trembled. She was half shocked and the other half nervous.

M'liah suddenly ran to the back room of the restaurant. Several noises could be heard, and after a while, M'liah returned in her maid outfit. In her haste to put on her outfit, she had put the skirt on backward, her neck bow and headband were crooked, and her top was not covering her breasts properly leaving them partially exposed. Daro'ssi helped M'liah with her skirt, bow, and headband as M'liah fixed her top.

"Now don't be nervous, he's just another customer." Daro'ssi softly spoke. "Right, he's just a customer, he's just a customer," M'liah repeated herself. "Yes, that's right. Now go get 'em!" Daro'ssi finished with a smack to M'liah's butt cheek.

M'liah walks through the kitchen door to the dining room. Her heart started to beat faster, as she made her way to him. Back at the table, the tree-o were finishing up their conversation. "So I should go to the town hall and present my idea to the mayor, I better make a business plan then," Y/n spoke. "You could just open the store yourself, but it always looks good if the mayor approves of it," Nika explains. "And if the mayor approves you will get a start-up fund from the city... and the mayor is female so I think she'll love your idea if you can make a proper business proposal."

"Uh... hello." M'liah quietly spoke hiding her mouth behind her order booklet. "Oh hi, um, M'liah right?" Y/n spoke. "He remembered my name? He remembered my name. He remembered my name! He remembered my name!!!" M'liah thought over and over furicly waging her tail.

"I'll have number three with extra pickles," Nika stated. M'liah did not respawn. "Hey!" Nika half yelled then snapped her fingers. M'liah snapped out of her daydream. "Huu, oh, uh ya. Number 3 with extra mustard." M'liah repeated. "No, extra pickles." Nika corrected. "Oh, very sorry. Extra Pickles." M'liah repeated. Sandra hissed pointing at the menu.

"A number 5 for her," Nika spoke. M'liah wrote it down. "And for you sir?" M'liah asked in a quiet voice. "I'll have number 5 as well," Y/n answered. "An excellent choice. A number 3 with extra 'pickles' and two number 5's." M'liah said with empathizes on pickles.

M'liah walked back to the kitchen, she entered and led back against the wall beside the door. "Ahh." M'liah exhaled. "Well, how did it go?" Daro'ssi asked. "He remembered my name." M'liah sang. Kaashni took the order from M'liah and headed for the grill.

"OK, now for the next step." Daro'ssi started. "When M'liah gives him his food sit on his lap." "What!?" M'liah screamed and started to blush. "Why!?" "Just say it's a thanks for yesterday," Daro'ssi spoke. "Umm, I suppose," M'liah mumbled. "Yes, and when you're sitting on him, give a little wiggle to see how big he is," Daro'ssi announced.

M'liah's face got even redder. "So that's your plan on getting him to like M'liah, making her assert herself sexually?" A familiar voice said. Daro'ssi turned to see Ja'ya. "All guys love a woman who gives them... attention," Daro'ssi stated with a smile.

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After ten minutes Y/n, Nika, and Sandra's orders were ready. M'liah grabbed the plates. "Remember to assert yourself," Daro'ssi whispered. M'liah gave a smile but as she turned away her expression saddened. M'liah walked to Y/n's table and gave them their orders. "Thank you, M'liah," Y/n spoke.

M'liah just stood there as Nika and Sandra dug in. Y/n took a bit on my toast and looked back at M'liah. "Um, is there something you want?" Y/n asked. M'liah's ears were pointing down with a nervous expression. "May I....may I..... sit on your lap?" M'liah quietly asked. This caused Nika and Sandra to stop eating.

"Aah." That was all Y/n could say. M'liah kept her mouth covered and avoided eye contact. "As a thank you, for yesterday," M'liah spoke softly. Y/n was surprised, to say the least. He looked over at Nika and Sandra. Nika had a smile across her face, while Sandra just returned to eating.

Y/n looked back at M'liah. "If that is what you wish," Y/n spoke. Y/n then moved his chair backward to allow M'liah to sit. M'liah slowly walked in front of Y/n, turned around, and sat on his lap, meanwhile, her face was getting redder and redder.

Once M'liah sat down, Y/n wrapped his arms around her waist. This causes M'liah to give a high-pitched moan in surprise. "Oh sorry, was that going too far?" Y/n asked. "No, no M'liah was just surprised," M'liah stated.

Over at the kitchen door, the door was ajar and three eyes could be seen peering out. Daro'ssi, Ja'ya, and Kaashni were looking through the crack. "I can't believe she went through with it," Kaashni said. "It's so adorable." Daro'ssi giggled.

Back at Y/n's table things were starting to settle down until M'liah adjusted herself on Y/n's lap. "She has soft skin." Y/n thought. He began to get a little aroused and a bulge started to form in his pants. M'liah felt this bugle, she knew what it was and her face started getting red again.

After a minute or so M'liah turned and looked at Y/n with her cat eyes. "Excuse me, sir," M'liah started. "Yes, what is it?" Y/n asked looking back at her eyes. "She has beautiful eyes," Y/n thought. "May M'liah ask your name?" M'liah asked. "Oh, it's Y/n, Y/n L/n," Y/n stated with a smile.

Y/n's smile made M'liah's heart skip a beat. M'liah started to get light-headed causing her to put her head on Y'n's chest. "You OK?" Y/n asked. "M'liah is wonderful," M'liah responds. Having her head on Y/n's chest, M'liah could hear Y/n's heartbeat. M'liah closed her eyes and just listened.

M'liah was unaware that she started to purr. This purring went on for a minute until Y/n spoke. "You have a lovely purr M'liah." This caused M'liah's eyes to shoot open. "Please parten M'liah," M'laih spoke and with a blink of an eye, she ran to the kitchen.

Y/n, Nika, and Sandra look in the direction of the kitchen confused at what just happened. "Was it something I said?" Y/n inquired. Back in the kitchen Kaashni and Daro'ssi got bowled over as M'liah entered the kitchen.

"Hey, what happened? Did he do something to you?" Kaashni question. But M'liah just headed into the back room and crouched in the corner. "M'liah was 'purring', M'liah never purred before." M'liah thought, her face was red in embarrassment.

Kaashni and Daro'ssi walked in. "Hey... so what happened? Did he try something?" Kaashni restated her earlier question. "M'liah can't tell them that M'liah purred, M'liah just can't, or a least until M'liah is sure." M'liah thought to herself then looked at her two sisters as Ja'ya walked in as well.

"No, he didn't do anything M'liah just got... too embarrassed and panicked." M'liah softly said. "It's OK," Daro'ssi spoke sitting beside M'liah and hugging her. "This was a big step for you... did you at least get his name?" "Yes, Y/n L/n is his name," M'liah muttered. "Y/n L/n... hmm, funny name," Kaashni said.

Daro'ssi wanted to ask more questions but they got interrupted. "Girls, what's going on? The lunch rush is about to start." The girls look at the doorway to see their mother standing there.

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"Oh, sorry Mother, M'liah is just having a bad day," Kaashni responds. La'hyza cocked her eyebrow. "Is it something to do with that boy again?" La'hyza inquired. All the girls eyes widened. "I saw him sitting out there. La'hyza told you that males are nothing but soulless animals."

"No, he's not like that." M'liah snapped. "Then why are you in this state?" La'hyza asked crossing her arms. M'liah couldn't answer and shyly turned away. "Fine, but mark La'hyza's words. Men are nothing but low life that will leer you in, and once they get what they want you are nothing to them," La'hyza hissed.

The girl's expressions became sad with their ears pointing down. La'hyza walked past them to her locker. "Come on girls, time to get ready for the lunch rush," La'hyza ordered then started to take her clothes off to change.

After La'hyza finished changing, she walked to the door separating the dining room and kitchen and looked through a window in the door. She looked at Y/n's table. "Looks like they're finished. It'd be about time La'hyza meets this boy." La'hyza said. M'liah wanted to say something but La'hyza gave her a death look as she exited the kitchen.

Back in the restaurant sitting area


Nika, Sandra, and I had finished our brunch and were waiting for the check, Nika had her elbows on the table and her head resting on her hands with a big smile. "What?" I asked. "Oh, nothing. It's just things are far more interesting with you around." Nika said with a giggle at the end. Sandra hissed and nodded in agreement.

I suddenly felt a cold shiver go down my spine. "Is there anything else you would like today?" I heard beside me. I look up to see yet another waitress our third one today, but when our eyes meet all I can see is the cold abyss. "Uh, no I'm good." I gulped. Nika took notice of this. "La'hyza, don't be like that," Nika remarked.

La'hyza just gave a 'hmm'. "Anyways, Y/n this is La'hyza the owner of Whisker Cafe, and runs it with her daughters. La'hyza this is Y/n he's from out of town." Nika spoke. "Well, La'hyza doesn't care for him. Now if that is everything I'll get you your check." La'hyza said and turned around a left.

"What did I do?" I half-shouted. "Oh don't mind her she's that way with all men. She had a bad experience with a group of men and has sworn off men." Nika answered. "I guess that's a good reason," I respond. Soon La'hyza returned with our check, Sandra paid it and we headed out.

"So where to now?" I asked. "There's a Marnonie demonstration in the lounge area a level down," Nika answered. "But first I think we should get you a new phone so if we get separated you can call someone." "That sounds perfect, but still what's Marnonie?" I questioned. "Marnonie is an ancient fighting technic with many forms. Many Marrains practice these technics but there is one species where Marnonie where it's their very religion." Nika stated.

I wasn't sure what to think about this Marnonie thing, guess I'll just have to wait and see. We walked down one level and entered a electric store called, Wires and Cables. "Hello and welcome," An employee spoke. "Anything I can help with you today?" "Yes," Nika answered. "My man here needs a new PCD." "PCD?" I questioned. "Most certainly right this way," The employee spoke. "We have many personal communication devices in stock." "Ah, PCD," I muttered.

The employee led us to a wall covered with devious that looked similar to my old phone. "Do you have PCD XFS 5 in stock?" Nika asked. "Yes ma'am," The employee confirmed and grabbed a phone off the wall. "It's that same one Sandra and I have Y/n so we can teach you how it works," Nika adds. "We'll take it and a rotation plan too." "Very well," The employee spoke. "I'll ring you up and have you sign some papers." "Aren't you rushing a bit?" I asked. "Maybe," Nika smiled. "But this is the same plan as Sandra and I got, and I don't want to miss the Marnonie event."

With that, I signed up for my rotation plan, Nika paid for my new phone or PCD and plan, and we made our way down to an open area with bleachers. As we made our way to the bleachers Nika was setting up my new phone, soon her phone went off followed by Sandra's. "There you're all set," Nika proclaimed. "I've added mine and Sandra's number and sent us a text to get your number." Both Nika and Sandra took out their phones and added my number. We continued walking as the bleachers were almost full and we were having trouble finding a seat. As we walked around I watched groups of Marrians participating in 1 on 1 duals. Fighting with swords, spares, axes, and other weapons I'd never seen.

I didn't notice I was falling behind until Sandra came back and grabbed my hand. She walked beside me holding my hand as she took me to where Nika was. To my surprise, Nika was talking to Nora and Dasha.

"So you lot decided to come to see the Marnonie demonstration too," Nora smirked. "We came to drop off our milk and then had some late breakfast, and this just happened to be going so," Nika responded as Sandra and I walked up. "Hey Nora, hey Dasha," I spoke with a nod to both of them.

They both looked at me and then looked away. Nora's face turned red and she covered her breasts, while Dasha had this irritated look about her. "They must be still upset about yesterday." I thought.

"And besides, Y/n has never heard of Marnonie let alone see a match of it," Nika spoke wrapping her arm around me. "What!" Dasha yelled. "Where have you been living... under a rock?" I was going to make a jokey answer but Nora stopped me.

"Shhh, the main event is about to start," Nora stated pointing at the now-empty arena. We all took our seats. Sandra was still holding my hand. It didn't seem like she wanted to let go anytime soon, but I didn't mind. Soon the crowd started to cheer as three Marrians walked from a tent to the left of the arena to the center. Some Marrians in the crowd whistled.

(Not my artwork)

"They look like rabbits." I thought to myself. "They're the ones I was talking about." Nika started. "They're Ra'nny, they live, breathe, and bleed for Marnonie, and the one in front is none other than Eva Ears. She is the daughter of Matriarch Roxanne Ears, clan leader of the largest, most powerful, and well-known Ra'nny clan, Blue Phoenix."

I raised an eyebrow. "Well, this should be interesting," I mumbled to myself. The three Ra'nnys stood inside a circle in a triangle formation. The crowd went hush. The Ra'nny first bowed to the crowd then to each other and then drew their weapons.

The one Nika said was Eva had a spare. (The one on her back in her picture.) The one to her right had a large sickle-like blade. (The second picture's weapon.) The one to her left was dual-welding two short swords. (Didn't like her weapon.)

"Those are fake right?" I asked. "Nope." That was all Nika said. Several seconds had gone by and none of them made a move. Then, as if someone rang a bell, all three of them charged to the center of the circle.

Eva used her spare to pole vault up into the air. With her new height advantage, she spun to increase her downward force on the spare. Both of the other combatants dodged one rolling to Eva's left and the other to her right. The spare hit the floor with enough force to cause ripples in Nora's bottle of water.

Eva pulled her spare up, Eva then took a stance, one leg up with her foot up beside her knee, arm across her chest, and spear held behind her back with the business end just inches above the floor.

The other two Ra'nny readied themselves and then charged Eva. The Ra'nny dual-wielding swords were the first to attack. Eva effortlessly parried the Ra'nny's attack and then spun around to block the other Ra'nny's attack. A collective gasp could be heard from the crowd.

With her free hand, Eva grabbed the arm of the sickle Ra'nny. Pulling her in and then spinning, Eva sweeping her leg, tripped her opponent making her fall flat on her back. Now turning her gaze to the twin swords Ra'nny, Eva sprinted at her.

The Ra'nny with the swords swung both of them at her in a sideways motion. Eva dodged both swords with her spare then spun behind her opponent until she was inches away from the circle's edge.

The sword Ra'nny turned and lunged at her, Eva jumped over her, and using her spear Eva caught the Ra'nny under her chin. As she landed, Eva used her momentum to pull her opponent over her shoulders and throw her at the other Ra'nny.

The sickle Ra'nny was just getting up when the sword Ra'nny landed on top of her. The crowd cheered. I looked at the girls they seemed to be enjoying the show, even Sandra who was hissing and pumping her fist. I looked back at the arena; Eva once again took her one-legged stance. The other two Ra'nny got up, gazed at each other, and with a nod, they both charged Eva.

It was hard to see but I think Eva had a smile on her face. Eva sprinted to meet them. Eva's opponents tried their best, but Eva blocked, parried, or simply dodged all of their attacks. Eva spun, jumped, ducked, and at one time did the splits through this skirmish.

"Is this not the best? Other Marrians are good at Marnonie fighting, but no one can beat a match with one Ra'nny, let alone a fight with three of them!" Nora exclaimed. "A fight?" I thought to myself. "To me, the two other Ra'nny are fighting but Eva.... she's not fighting, she's dancing."

Eva blocked the sickle Ra'nny's attack but the sword Ra'nny lunged at her from behind. Eva simply moved to her left, now the sword Ra'nny was lunging at the sickle Ra'nny. This caused her to pull her swords up to stop them from impaling her.

Now with the other Ra'nny standing still, Eva spun swing her spare. With her spare at near full extension, Eva hit her two opponents and continued to swing. Eva then throws them out of the circle, and the two of them hit the floor with a thump. The crowd let out a massive cheer.

The Ra'nny sheathed their weapons, returned to their starting positions, bowed to each other, and then the crowd again. They then walked back to the tent. "Well, that was something," I stated. "Something?" Dasha questioned. "What was an amazing fight, Ra'nny's are masters at Marnonie."

"Eva will be signing autographs soon, if we want one, we better get in line before it gets too long." Nora chimed in. "Ok, I'll wait for you all at the--" I was saying until Nika cut me off. "No, you're coming too." Nika proclaimed grabbing my other hand. Nika and Sandra started to pull me toward Ra'nny's tent.

There was already a line but we got there quickly, so it wasn't that long. I could see Eva sitting at the autograph table, she didn't seem to be too happy about this. The other two Ra'nny were standing at either end of the table.

At one end of the tables were a stack of papers, most likely pictures of Eva that she would be signing, and a sign in the center of the table that read, "Autographs 500 Gelon " with a picture of a green crystal beside the 'x'. The line started to move. "Uh Nika, what's with the crystal?" I quietly asked pointing at the sign. "Oh right, you've never seen our currency," Nika whispered. She then grabbed a bag out of her purse and gave me 5 green crystals

"These are Green Gelons. We use them as our currency, the colour of the Gelon indicates its value, and green Gelons are wreaths 100 Gelon each." I looked at these... Gelons then looks up to see Dasha getting her autograph. Next was Nora who seemed to be thrilled with getting an autograph.

Nora handed her the crystals. "Who do I make this out to?" Eva asked. Her voice sounded unenthusiastic and almost robotic. "Nora," Nora spoke trying to hide her excitement. "Did you enjoy the show?" Eva asked in her robotic voice again. "Yes!! You are an amazing fighter in the art of Marnonie." "Thank you," Eva spoke with no hint of joy in her voice. She then handed Nora her signed picture.

"Next please," Eva robotically spoke. "That's me." I thought to myself. I walked up to the table. I handed her the crystals. "Who do I make this out to?" Eva spoke in the same tone as she did to Nora. "Y/n." I responded. Eva started to write. "Did you enjoy the show?" Eva asked. "It was... interesting, but it didn't seem like you were fighting, more like you were dancing," I stated. Eva stopped writing.

Eva looked up at me. "What did you say?" She asked me. I noticed her voice was not robotic anymore. "That you looked like you were dancing instead of fighting," I stated again with a bit of confusion. My response seemed to catch her off guard. "Right uh, thank you," Eva spoke then started writing again, it took her longer than with Nora. She then handed me the picture.

"Thank you," I spoke then walked over and joined Nora and Dash while we waited for Nika and Sandra. Nika and Sandra got their autographed pictures and joined us. "I can't believe I got Eva's autograph." Nora marveled as she looked at the picture.

I looked at my autograph. The picture was of Eva in her one-legged stance with her spear. "Mine says, 'To my friend Dasha, rise from the ashes and become anew. From Eva Ears.'" Dasha spoke. "Rise from the ashes and become anew?" I questioned. "Clan Blue Phoenix's motto," Nika answered.

"Mine says, 'To my friend Nora, rise from the ashes and become anew. From Eva Ears.'" Nora beamed. "That's what mine and Sandra's say too," Nika spoke. "I'm guessing yours says the same thing?" I look at my picture. "To my friend Y/n, my mother always says that Marnonie was a dance, and you're the first to say so too. Give me a call sometime, I'd love to get to know you. Eva." I read.

Underneath there was a series of numbers. "What?" Nora yelled. "Eva gave you---" Dasha clamped her mouth shut. "Do not say that out loud." Dasha hissed. "But it is surprising that she would do that. Ra'nny, aren't very social outside their race." Nika nudged my arm. "Wow Tiger, not even two minutes with her and you got her number," Nika remarked.

I kind of just stood there looking at the picture. "I didn't even hit on her or anything, I just remarked on her dancing." I thought to myself. "Say... who wants to go swimming?" Dasha asked. "Sure." Nika rejoiced. Sandra made a happy hiss. Nika then grabbed me. "Come on Y/n, you can help us pick up new swimsuits," Nika beamed with a big grin.

Dasha then turned to Nora. "Well?" Nora seemed to be hesitant but eventually spoke. "Fine," Nora muttered. "Then it's decided. Let's go." Dasha commanded, and with that off we went.