Quinn's Farm: Chapter 12 - Quinn's Quality Milk

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Quinn checks out the milking facility

Quinn's Farm: Chapter 12 - Quinn's Quality Milk

By Skipai (c) 2007-Present


Quinn - Otter

Jack - Rat

Jimzo - Cheetah

Author's Note: This story contains gay sexual scenes with some non-consensual sexual acts. If you do not agree or are legally allowed to read such material then stop now. If there are any keywords you do not agree with then please stop reading now.


Jimzo's relationship with Jack had turned better, even with the loss of Benny for the while as Quinn walked into one of the barns that always had males inside. Jack was busy getting stuff ready as Quinn walked up alongside Jimzo and gave the cheetah a friendly pat on the shoulder. "How you doing today?

Jimzo smiled. "I'm doing okay, just wish Benny would return but he only left last night. But thankfully Jack kept me company, thanks for letting him." Quinn nodded. "I and Jack aren't bad you know, we made a mistake but we care for you and Benny very much, even if you didn't agree with our decision."

The cheetah replied back. "No, I know it was the right decision to make now, sometimes you have to deal with the ones you hate the most to get out of a situation. I don't think at the time we were ready to deal with someone like him. Besides it keeps the blood from falling directly onto our paws." Jimzo looked at Jack as he sighed. "I don't think he could kill, though I was surprised he kicked out that night."

Quinn nodded. "Well, we've been seeing each other, open relationship though but things are moving slowly. Just have to see how it goes I think. But glad you and he have got on now." Jimzo was about to reply as Jack came over. "Okay you two can stop talking about me now." Jimzo stuck out his tongue as Jack flicked it with his finger. "And before you ask..." Jack tugged on an ear. "These aren't for just chewing either."

Jimzo blushed as Quinn laughed loudly before he coughed and brought himself back to order again. "Okay, so we best get to work. I best head out and keep an eye on the slaves, Mick said he look into looking for a trusted person to come work with us to help Benny if he returns on security but if not..." Quinn noticed the sad look from Jimzo as he patted his back. "Don't worry, he'll decide to stay. I told him that I've sent Jhavs a letter banning him for life. No doubt if that wolf is alive he'll get the brunt of that one."

Quinn waved his webbed paw and then turned around to leave the barn as Jimzo shook his head. "He does work right?" Jack nodded. "It may not seem like so but aye he does his own share about the farm. But I think being the owner allows him some leeway on what work he actually chooses." Jack began to walk over to check on those what were shackled in the barn and Jimzo followed. "Aye I know, just never had a boss like him."

Jack came up to a horse and slowly he nodded for Jimzo to take hold of the thick shaft as he slowly picked up the clear rubber tube and dipped it into the bucket of lube before he nodded for the cheetah to lift up the cock and he gently slid it over and down before securing it into place by using the straps that went around the horses large balls. As they both moved on, Jack replied. "So when's your temporary time up or are you going to ask for a permanent position here?"

Jimzo picked up the rubber tube as Jack held the other horse cock as Jimzo began to fit it on and spoke. "I've talked to Quinn about it; I think I stick about as this job is something most out there would die for with the amount of sex you get." The horse snorted as Jack looked up and frowned. "No one asked you."

"I'm glad they can't talk." Jimzo said as he looked up and down the row of horses and bulls that had rubber masks on that blocked their sight with only air holes for their noses as there was a tube that supplied them with food and water that stopped them from talking. Each one then had been securely locked in by metal shackles as they couldn't move of kick. The final thing was two drains, one at the back and one at the front for various other body movements. Occasionally someone would enter to wash said troughs with a hose. "Well, this one can hear..." Jack looked up as he noted which one it was and muttered. "Best check its head piece later on..."

Slowly they made their way down the line as they checked each on again to make sure that the cocks where fully inserted into the tubes and then slowly they began to slip in a smooth metal rod into each rear, each one with an inflatable butt plug in the middle and at the end they were connected by a thick black wire. The whole process took two hours to complete as Jack and Jimzo smiled as they stood near the door that led outside of the barn and looked at each other. "Shall we?"

Jack nodded his head as he threw the first switch as every single male in the barn suddenly tensed up and humped into the sucking tubes as he turned his head around to Jimzo. "Your turn." Jimzo nodded and threw the switch as they began to see a lot more pre started to spurt out of their cocks now as they both began to walk up and inspect each one.

Eventually they decided that they could leave them for the time allotted and walked out of the barn as they closed the doors and made their way over to the field. Inside of the barn was a different story as each large cock throbbed and jerked about with muffled groaning noises as pre slowly slipped up the tube before falling down as it made it with the others to a large clear plastic vat that was slowly filling up with clear pre.

On the wall a small box was ticking as it dinged and every single male grunted loudly as they felt the metal pole resting against their prostate got an electrical shock and their balls tightened up as thick horse, bull, fox, rabbit and various other species humped into the moist inside tubes as their semen began to drip into the large vat. After their climax, each one panted heavily as they took huge breaths in and out of the nose holes at the top of their masks. The machine pump continued to make the rubber tubes rub against their spent cocks as some jerks slightly, their legs and arms tensing up as they tried to break free.

Another ding could be heard in the room as again every single male in the barn humped upwards, straining against their restraints as more hot semen travelled up along the tubes and fell into the large vat. Every cock had throbbing veins as they spurted more semen out at the slightest touch now, everybody taught as they moaned heavily through their noses.

As Jack and Jimzo came back into the barn, the final ding went off as every hook up cock spurted until the balls couldn't give anymore, some humping dry as he frowned. Jack turned his head around and looked at Jimzo. "Okay, turn it off!" Jimzo nodded his head as he turned around and flicked the switches up as Jack walked up to the full vat and smiled. "Good, delivery van should be here in a moment."

Jimzo turned off the electrical probes as he turned his head and shouted down the barn. "Let me know when the last of the stuff drips in, right!" Jack lifted up his thin tail and shook it as he held it still, watching the fluids flow into the vat until the last lot fell in and flicked his tail down as Jimzo switched the pumps off.

Jimzo walked up to the first horse and let out the air from the inflated knot and pulled out the metal rod from the rear, the horse shuddered slightly before Jimzo wrapped his paws around the rubber tube and tugged it off as the cock jerked about before the horse made a muffled sigh. As Jimzo was slowly working his way along the line, Jack slowly unscrewed the top of the vat where all of the tubes came to and he lifted up the top and sniffed the vast amounts of different species semen. Jack placed the top down as he picked up the flat top and screwed it into place as he walked up to help Jimzo remove the tubes and metal poles from everyone.

The task was much quicker to do than set up as he pulled out the last one just in time as he heard the first cocks leaking piss before some spurted it out into the floor of the barn and he wiped his brow with his hand. "Glad we got that done. Got to talk to Quinn on employing new staff for here, can't keep this up..."

Jimzo chuckled. "It's not like it's done daily, just weekly. Don't think Quinn sees it as another expense to put more funds into." Jack nodded as he walked over to the large vat, his ears twirled around as he heard a van pull up and beep his horn. "Come on, we have to push this out so that they can get this off while it's still fresh."

Jack and Jimzo walked to the opposite end and slowly they began to push the heavy vat out while they huffed and puffed, the trolley wheels squeaking as they went along and slowly they pushed it into the outside. A red squirrel in a blue suit waved to them as he padded over and helped them to push the vat to the back of the van and using a lift, the squirrel waited until it was up and then all three helped to push it into the refrigerated container. "Thanks." Jack said as he took the pad, signed it and the squirrel signed with a chuckle. "Thanks a lot you guys. See you this time next week?" Jack nodded his head. "Aye, see you next week."

The red squirrel nodded and then got into his van and drove off. Jack and Jimzo walked over to the wall and looked at Quinn had his cock deep within a rabbit and they looked at each other. Jack just blinked. "Fine, to be the boss..." Jimzo smiled toothily. "We could kill him and take over ourselves and have fun?" Jack turned his head to face the cheetah. "Nah... Too much paperwork, he was up late last night filling forms and doing accounts. I think it evens it out." Jimzo sighed. "Well, was just a thought...?"


Authors note: Quinn's Farm will be back in chapter 13, Ken's Story, part 2