Stable Relationships – Chapter 1 – A Different Life

Story by Ether Rain on SoFurry

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#1 of Stable Relationships

A bead of sweat slipped slowly down Brinian's chest, tracing a solid line down his elegant striped fur. His master Gabriel was holding a lit candle above him and the heat continued to force him to sweat. Gabriel was a strong masculine horse with chocolate brown fur that broke away at his chest into a dazzling citrine that seemed to shine like gold. His mane was also citrine and so were a small collection of spots on his backside, just under his dark black tail. His eyes were a calming russet brown.

Brinian was Gabriel's prized zebra, one of his little toys. He was a perfect show boy, his fur was neat and tidy, his mane was wispy white and clean, and his eyes were a soft sky blue. He also had it 'where it counts' as Gabriel would say. As a horse, Gabriel was typical length, which was far more than most other animals could take, but somehow Brinian managed to be two full inches longer and thicker. There it stood, fully erect, a jet black beast illuminated by candle light.

Gabriel stood over Brinian as he lay bent over underneath him. They were both on a stage lit by candle lamps, a large audience gazing with their hands in their laps, preparing themselves for this evening's show. Brinian looked forward but could not clearly make out his audience. The room was hazy with cigar smoke. It smelt of cheap cancer and sweat...and sex.

This was "The Stable House", a twisted little burlesque house owned and run by Gabriel. Tonight's show was another "Gabriel's Stallions" night, the one show Gabriel himself participated in. Both Brinian and his mate Zander had joined the Stable House out of desperation, and had both become Gabriel's personal pets. They weren't always so house broken and sex craved as they were now, but Gabriel had a way of breaking down each and every employee like a drill sergeant.

This place was run like an army. You didn't just punch in and out of a shift, you enlisted for a set number of years. The pay was high, hell, Gabriel could afford it to be, but while on 'term' all employees had to be sexually disciplined. They could not even masturbate let alone have sex without Gabriel's permission and an audience. Failure to follow these rules would either result in contract termination, deduction of pay, of Gabriel's sick little 'punishments'.

Brinian let out a small whine as Gabriel dripped the wax from his candle onto his left nipple. The heat stung, dripping down onto the floor as his nipple grew hard from the sensitivity. He was desperate for sex. He had not been able to touch himself or anyone else for a week and now he lay naked in front of hungry eyes, his arms and legs spread apart with cold steel bars. He drooled at the smell of Gabriel's sweat, licking at the ball gag shoved in his muzzle.

Gabriel had already lubricated his shaft before the candles had been lit and it now glistened in the light. It was a very soft shade of pink marbled magnificent brown blotches. Down at the bottom of the shaft it became universally brown.

His hands were still covered in the lubricant and he began to slip them under Brinian's tail. The long tail whipped up and over Brinian's back almost like it was commanded to, exposing his tailhole. Gabriel looked down at the soft black button that stuck out by a single inch from the soft black patch of exposed skin. He rubbed it slowly with his thumb so Brinian could feel the lube.

Brinian stomped his feet on the stage floor, the wait was getting almost too hard to bear. Gabriel now had a wicked smile on his face. He teased at the hole with his fingers, slipping his two index and middle fingers in and out. Brinian's drool was now slipping out of his muzzle, as he felt it prod over and over inside of him. Gabriel pulled outwards, with his fingers, stretching the hole enough to expose the soft pink areas just on the inside. Brinian let out a muffled moan as Gabriel rubbed his thumbs on the exposed area.

Within an instant, Gabriel had decided enough was enough and without warning stuck the head of his cock inside of Brinian. Brinian let out a muffled yelp. Oh God did it hurt, but right now he didn't care, he'd take the greatest amount of pain over nothing right now. Gabriel laughed as he watched the poor zebra wince, slamming his cock into him over and over. He felt like he was being impaled. Gabriel used enough lube to keep him from being harmed, but not nearly enough to make it an easy ride.

Brinian squinted, his eyes watering. The cigar smoke was clearing now and no one had their cigars in their hands. He could see his audience clearly now, rabbits, deer, bulls, horses, nearly a hundred of these customers. Each one of them fondling themselves, some stroking themselves, some fingering themselves, some even going down on each other in the back of the room, but all with one striking similarity...they all stared at him while they did it.

What brought him to this place? Why must he do this? He had never had such a sex drive in his life but that was all because he was forced into having one. He missed being with Zander and Zander alone. He missed sex when it was just with Zander. He even missed his stupid friend Billy tricking him into a good screw. He missed his home, his job, his desk...and even his damn boring paperwork.


Brinian leaned his head on his hands as he sat at his desk staring down at the large pile of documents at his desk. His desk, and his office. This was a different time, one long before his days at the 'Stable House'. At this time he was still a successful merchant and accountant for 'Jeremiah Trading', Zinicah's largest trading company. The world was divided into several islands, two of which were large enough to be considered continents. Zinicah was the southern continent, Jenedia was the northern.

The species of the world were divided into two separate factions. The Brethians consisted of herbivores, which were often seen as the more peaceful of the two, whereas the Carvarions contained the carnivores, who were constantly at war with the Brethians out of dietary necessity. Some Carvarion activists often tried to come up with meatless alternative diets, but were often criticized as 'hippies'.

Due to this conflict, the various sections of the continents were divided, making travel a tricky endeavour. Brinian's parents lived in Jenedia, which made them almost impossible to contact. Brinian's office was located in Maris, a small town that only had four safe passages to other Brethian controlled areas. Many nearby towns were Carvarion controlled and bandits had been making a nasty habit of cutting passersby's off at certain exists.

These factors resulted into Brinian now spending most of his days behind his desk, filing and counting...and filing...and counting. He missed his old days, when he spent more time as a merchant making trips all across Zinicah. He worked more on the accountant side of things as of late and it seemed to suck all adventure out of his soul. Lately all that filled his head all day were numbers, a constant mantra of: 'Ten copper makes one silver, one hundred silver makes one gold, and one thousand gold makes one rich son of a bitch!'

He itched at his collar as it seemed to stick to his neck with its stuffiness. At least it was a nice suit, worth the discomfort. It was a calm camel brown, not too over the top but very nice to look at. The collar sort of had a tan outline under it with an elegant little pattern, and he wore beige dress pants. Overall he looked very presentable, save for the look of utter boredom on his face. "Oh my god..." he groaned as he yawned, stretching his long white arms, his fur curling in defeat. He stared at the clock out of the corner of his eye as it crawled time by for him with its 'Tick...Tick...Tick.'

His head drooped down onto the desk, the cool wood sticking to his forehead. The malicious ticking continued, slowly, whisking him into a peaceful slumber. It only lasted for a brief minute though before he awoke to a voice shouting "Hey Brin! Quit sleeping on the job!" Brinian jerked his head up to see his supervisor Billy, a short cute rabbit with soft white fur covering his entire body, the only exception being a grey patch over his entire backside. Brinian was not proud to admit why he knew that fact.

Billy's eyes were green and his dialect, ungodly feminine. He was wearing olive-green shorts that were far too short and revealing, and a grey sleeveless shirt. Brin laughed, "Are you seriously calling that work appropriate?" Billy looked over at Brin with a pouting face as he leaned against the wall and raised his ass in the air. "Aww, but I thought it made my butt look cute." He made sure to say it in the most feminine voice he could muster as he pulled on his pants tightly so a small bit of his grey fur could be visible.

Brin's eyes widened as his pants began to feel tighter than they really were. Billy smirked looking at the bulge forming in Brin's pants. Teasing him, he shook his little tail hypnotically, giggling in the same feminine voice. "S-stop doing that! I told you we can't do that anymore, we'll get caught."

Billy had been going to Brin's office at least once a week for the last year hoping to trick him into a quick screw, a plan that usually succeeded. As always the moment Brin seemed to refuse Billy simply leaned backwards on his desk and stared up at him with his stunning green eyes. "Aww, come on, you're just scared my dad will find out." Billy just happened to actually be the son of the CEO, a fact that always complicated their odd relationship in Brin's mind.

Even though they weren't seriously together, Brin worried of others finding out. Same sex coupling was widely accepted in their part of the world so that wasn't the issue. The big problem was even though Billy's father did love his son very much he still didn't understand his incautious love for other men, and with his job on the line Brin really didn't want to get involved. The only reason these two still saw each other like this was because of Billy's master art of seduction and his company position which let him get away with it. He wasn't in love with Brin, not even a little. He was just a top class horn dog, the kind of guy that would buy something from a menu just because the words 'Foot Long' were included in the name.

Brin shifted back his chair attempting to move away from Billy, but that was a big mistake. He had now given the rabbit enough room to squeeze between him and his desk. Brin froze in surprise, and in that single moment Billy had slipped down off his desk in front of him and buried his face right into Brin's lap. He opened his mouth, pushing his lips around the shape of the bulge in Brin's pants. He closed his lips tightly around it and blew a long breath onto the sturdy shaft beneath the cashmere material. Brin seized up tightly gripping onto Billy's shoulders. Billy responded with his typical 'That's what I thought!' laugh as he unlocked Brin's belt and unzipped his pants. The large black cock immediately flopped out of his underwear, it already was too big to fit any longer.

Billy's pants suddenly had a bulge of their own and his tail was now jiggling furiously. He rubbed his face against his strategically earned prize, "God you're huge!" his voice was almost faint. Brin was looking away now, upset at his sudden leap of judgment,

"You're a freak you know that Bill!" Billy looked up with a cross look on his face.

"Bill?! I told you not to call me that!" Billy hated being called Bill, he found no cuteness in it, and as such most people only called him that in social situations out of respect, or because they were mad at him.

Before he lost his composure he shifted his frown into a dirty smile, "Aww, you're not mad at me are you Brinny?" He gripped Brin's shaft before he could reply and flicked his tongue onto the tip. Brin once again leapt forward in surprise. Billy slowly dragged his tongue around the head lapping at it lovingly. He would occasionally suck on it, just at the top to keep it as hard as possible.

Brin was whimpering, trying to squirm away, trying to have some self control, but it was no use. Billy was now fully working the shaft, half with his hand, half with his mouth. Brin was still now, blushing furiously as he tried to look away. Billy dragged his tongue down his shaft and onto his balls. He sucked them into his mouth and draped his tongue over them incessantly. Despite his best efforts, Brin let a small moan escape his lips. He couldn't even pretend to ignore that wet tongue, how it felt slinking around him like that.

Suddenly, the clicking of footsteps approached the office. Brin leaped up to his feet in fear, but the steps continued down the hall. "Jeez! Aren't you jumpy?" Billy's voice was slightly muffled underneath Brin's body. Because of Brin's movement Billy was now just under his taint. Brin shook at the feeling of the rabbit's breath as he moved his mouth upwards, softly licking at the sensitive, unexplored area. "Ugghhh," Brin moaned, "Fuck Billy... is there anywhere you won't put that damn tongue of yours?!" Although he couldn't see it, Billy was smiling, that sounded like a challenge to him.

Brin looked down at Billy for a moment puzzled about what he was doing until a feeling hit him so hard and out of nowhere that he fell forward and had to lean on his desk for support. It felt so weird, and yet so devilishly good at the same time. Billy had put his nasty little tongue right up Brin's ass. It pushed its way in and tickled him with a smooth, slippery, soft feeling. His voice was more of a squeal now, "Billy, what the hell are you doing?" "Mmmm, I'm accepting your challenge." He replied with a quick pause of his tongue. "I didn't-ah!" Billy had restarted in the middle of Brin's sentence, "I didn't-ah, mean-ugh, that as a challenge."

Billy was now hugging Brin's waist as he hunched over his desk, his face was buried in his cheeks. "Oh god, I'm definitely kicking your ass after this, but you better keep doing what you're doing!"

Brin had finally given up any semblance of protest. He leaned into Billy's mouth, allowing his tongue to probe much further inside. Billy bobbed his head up and down furiously, his tongue slipping in and out of Brin's backside. He grabbed Brin's tail and nipped at it.

He took his finger and slipped it into Brin's ass, stroking the inside lightly. "Y'know you really should try being on the bottom sometime, you just don't know what you're missing." Brin looked over at him with a half angered look that made him giggle. "So how was the 'exotic kiss'?" Brin was blushing at full force now.

"It was g-great, I c-can't explain exactly how it felt though...and that's a stupid name for it!" Billy smirked and gave Brin a wink, "Well, if you can't tell me, why don't you show me then?" Billy slipped off his pants and walked over to wall once again raising his ass in the air.

Brin's cock was throbbing now. He couldn't help but love that grey patch of fur. It looked so cute, perfectly positioned around his cute rump, and he could easily see Billy's tight little pink tailhole eagerly waiting under his stubby little tail. Brin hesitated though, he had never thought in a million years about putting his tongue somewhere like that, but he also would have never thought it would feel that good.

What should he do? Did he owe Billy the favour? "Y-you showered today, r-right?" he stuttered. Billy gave him another one of his looks, "Brinny when have I not been fresh, clean, and fabulous?"

Brin gave him a disapproving look. That honestly had to be the gayest thing he'd ever heard. He thought about it for another moment, then decided not thinking about it was probably the best way to do it.

He closed his eyes, stuck out his tongue and leaned in. The first thing he felt was a mild warmth on his tongue, followed by an odd aroma that had a very light musk. Brin pushed his tongue further and got a full taste of what could only be described as a stronger dose of Billy's usual masculine scent.

Billy stroked his cute little cock up and down, he almost enjoyed the control he had over Brin as much as the actual physical pleasure he was feeling. Brin started to circle his tongue around the outside of the hole now, choosing to improvise since he didn't really know what he was doing. He was quickly getting used to the odd flavour now and hardly even noticed it anymore. Billy was leaning in so much he was practically sitting on Brin's face.

Brin slipped his tongue out and repositioned himself. He pushed up on the small phallus with his muzzled and gently slipped it into his mouth. The rabbit clung to him scritching at his mane. Brin continued on for a few more seconds before Billy decided he couldn't wait any longer.

"Brin enough foreplay crap. I want you to break my ass!" He wasn't fully exaggerating. Because of the size difference Billy often needed a week's break in between each visit, but he liked calling that a 'Noble Sacrifice'.

Brin stood up and bent Billy over his desk. His member fell forward onto Billy's furry grey cheeks. The head of his cock was dripping pre-cum which stuck onto Billy's tailhole. Brin opened the drawer next to him and took out his small unlabeled bottle of lubricant.

Billy chuckled teasingly, "Thought you were gonna throw that out." "Guess I knew some little slut would be coming back for more." He hissed, popping open the bottle and squeezing a large amount of it over his cock.

As the mess dribbled down his shaft it slipped onto Billy's rear causing him to shiver in response. It was a harsh cold liquid that made a quick mess out of his fur, but he loved every second of it. Before he could say another word he was silenced by a large protruding finger as it pushed its way inside him. He shook at the force as Brin started stuffing his fingers into him. It was rough as hell, but Brin knew exactly what Billy wanted. The little rabbit squeaked his high pitched moans as his ass loosened up.

Brin slapped Billy's ass with the head of his cock. Billy wagged his rear at Brin as he yelled "Stop being a dumbass and fucking do it!" His anger was a telltale sign that Billy was beside himself with lust. When he didn't want to play games anymore, it was time to tear him apart. With that, Brin was convinced, he grabbed Billy's back and stuffed his cock in. As it got stuck at various points he simply crammed it in harder. It was times like these Brin was lucky his office was far away from anyone else's.

Bill gripped his ass cheeks with his paws, spreading them out more. "C'mon Brinian! You can fit so much more I know you can!" Brin looked down with some concern, even though his stupid friend was almost at his limit of stretching he still wanted more in there, all this boy ever thought about was cock, cock, cock, cock, cock.

"God damnit Brin, push that fucking thing in me!" Billy hissed. Brin poured the lubricant onto himself and gripped his desk. He tried and tried to stuff it in but it just wouldn't go any further. "What's the freaking hold up?!" yelled Billy. "Bill you're a rabbit you moron you weren't built to take something this big!" Billy sighed, "Fine whatever, just do what you can with what's in there then."

Brin rolled his eyes, this was the worst part of their sexual escapades. The little pest would bite off more than he could chew then throw a fit when his body couldn't handle it. Brin grabbed Billy's legs and hoisted them up around his sides. Billy looked back for a moment, "W-what are you doing?"

"Shutting you up Cotton Tail!"

Smack! He thrust forward violently smacking into Billy's prostate.

"Oh-unph! Fuck!" squealed Billy. Smack! He thrust again. Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! He kept relentlessly pounding Billy over and over until he suddenly felt a strong surge of pleasure in his waist.

"B-Billy, get ready!" Billy smiled and stroked himself "Mmmm..." Brin gripped Billy's ass and thrust forward one last time before Billy could feel his insides filling with warmth.


Brin lay back in his chair drinking a glass of water. The floor around his desk was mopped clean and he and Billy were both wearing towels. As always Billy had brought cleaning supplies with him and because he handled money all day Brin had a sink in his office.

"So what made you decide to pull that whole...'tongue thing'" said Brin breaking the temporary silence between them.

"Oh that," replied Billy, "I saw some guys do it over at the Stable House, looked really hot, apparently it's the owner's biggest fetish."

"The Stable House?" replied Brin, "Why would you go to a skanky place like that?"

Billy shrugged, "The owner Gabriel is one of my dad's associates so I've known him for a while." Billy looked away.

Brin frowned, "Ok you little shit, what are you hiding from me now?"

"I'm sorry Brinian, but I'm leaving you!"

Brin gave him a stupid look, "We aren't seeing each other to begin with numb nuts!"

Billy laughed, "I know but its official, no more of this hanky panky, I might be seeing someone so today was one last romp around the office." Billy had the dumbest descriptions for things.

Brin smiled, this was actually good news, "Who is the lucky guy?" he said with a little added sarcasm. Billy looked away again, "Oh no! Not that sleazy Gabriel guy?"

"Well...yeah, but he's got a good personality once you get to know him."

Brin slapped his hand over his face, "You licked my ass just to learn how to do it to that sleazeball didn't you? God, I don't even know what to say to you anymore. It's not like you'll listen to any rationality anyways!"

"Fine!" Billy pouted, "I'll change the subject then, I have a fun assignment for you."

Brin's ears flickered up. He was intrigued, and he wanted to get his mind off of once again letting Billy use his ass as a training hole. "How would you like to do some out of town merchant work again?" Billy asked already knowing the answer.

Brin's tail hopped about as his eyes brightened. "Really?! You're not bullshitting me are you?"

Billy gave Brin his stupid puppy dog look, "Why would I ever do that?" Brin opened his mouth to give Billy his answer but was immediately cut off. "I'm sending you to the old Brisbin Farm. The owner needs some time off so it'll just be you and his farm hand," he had switched to his girly voice again, winking at Brin. "He's a cute donkey, so I hear, and I figured since I just broke your heart you might need a new pair of arms to warm you up."

Brin gave Billy yet another cold stare, "You're an idiot...but I do appreciate the job."

Billy chuckled, "Alright then, you start tomorrow morning!"

Brin suddenly frowned, "Wait, you're telling me this with only one night to pack? How long am I going to be there for?"

"Two months."


"Hey don't call me that!"

The two bickered long and hard for the next half hour, but it all ended well, Brin was given the rest of the day off and he went home to pack for the two months ahead.

Although he really thought Billy should have given him more notice, Brin was ecstatic to get out of his boring everyday job, get back to the road, back to adventure, and hey...maybe the stupid rabbit was right... maybe he could get a nice pair of warm arms to wrap around him.

When the sun had gone down Brin was all packed and ready to go. Now he just needed to sleep away the last night he'd spend in his own home for the next little while. He blew out the candle beside his bed and drifted off to sleep. Little did he know this was the first day of what would become his ever-changing new life.