[SNEAK PEEK] Vaporeon used... Hypnosis?

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#2 of Sneak Peeks

You meet a very interesting Pokémon.

This is just a preview; the full story will go live next month, but if that's simply too long to wait, head over to my Subscribestar to read it, and other stories like it, before everyone else~!

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Vaporeon used... Hypnosis?

Subscriber Reward for Moggers

By Limewah

**Featuring characters from Pokémon


You were told not to linger on Route 1144 for... some reason or another, you couldn't remember. Something about the region having particularly unique Pokémon...? Like, they all knew a specific move..? Couldn't be that dangerous, and besides, all you had to do was avoid the tall grass. There wasn't even that much of it, too; you'd have to be actively wandering off the beaten path to run into them.

It's a bit of a long walk, though.

Your legs start to ache a little, and it's a rather hot day, so you take a little breather by sitting at the base of a tree in a particularly forested section. After taking your satchel off and leaving it by your side, you let your Pokémon out and remind them not to go wandering too far off. You take a swig of water from your canteen and sigh, rubbing your head against the bark and letting your legs splay out. You drink in the atmosphere, the tranquil sounds of the forest creating a nice sound-bath for you.

When you feel the smooth, slightly damp sensation slither underneath you, it's too late to react. It squeezes around you and pulls, and you find yourself lifting up into the treetops. The sound of scrabbling paws and grunting effort waits for you up past the canopy, and when you crest it, you're staring into two massive black marble-like eyes, framed by blue flesh, a halo of fins, and a cat-like grin.

"What do-" the Vaporeon says, and you flinch with shock, nearly toppling out of the tail.

"Whoa, I gotcha!" The finned tip holds you in place before the coiled tail unfurls, depositing you to straddle the branch. The Vaporeon's far larger than most you've seen - normally Vaporeon would be about knee height at most, but this one practically dwarfs you. It perches effortlessly on the tree branch, but you have to put both hands on it to steady yourself. You stare at the creature with awe... this place wasn't known for talking Pokémon, you'd have remembered that detail.

"As I was saying," the Vaporeon says, preening itself before returning its strangely flirtatious gaze towards you. "What do we have here...? I'm assuming you're a trainer. A tired, aching... delicious trainer."

...It wasn't that they had an appetite, either, right...?

"Uh, heh," you sort of half-croak. "You're not s-serious, right?"

"Mmmh, well..." it makes a big show of licking their lips and opening its big, pink, fanged maw. "You do look a little hot, and there's few better ways to cool off than being wrapped in a Vaporeon's tail."

To accentuate that point, its fin slides under your chin. It is cool and soft and smooth like damp silk. But it's an unwanted touch. You push the tail away gently.

"Well that's very nice of you, but I don't feel very safe..." You sort of half-turn away, arms hugging your body in a defensive posture.

The Vaporeon's expression of slight annoyance shifts into a strange, knowing smile. It nods quickly, then surges forward towards you. You flinch back before you notice the strange twinkle in the water Pokémon's eyes.

"Oh, but you are safe.." it hisses, and that twinkle turns into a glimmer, then into a ripple - two sudden whirlpools of blue and yellow rings, the colours seeming to spill out of them and turn the rest of the world those same shades... they're bewitchingly pretty.

"Yesss, trainer, you're so safe here," they continue, their voice a warbling lullaby. "Safe enough to sleep~"

Oh... no, that's right, the Pokémon on this route all knew Hypnosis...! You have to... to...

**To read this story early, Subscribe!
