Dare Party With the Frat 1

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#1 of Frat Bros Adventures

Follow Warren as he starts his college experience with a bang! Meet his frat with varying personalities as they navigate the devious game that the frat head compiled.

Many different dare scenes are written, but you're able to skip over certain ones if you don't like the kink going forward!

Special thanks to SelkathSith and hunterwolf for proofreading ^^

As an easter egg, for readers that have read pervasive portals, you might see two familiar characters, and this takes place before those stories.

Big thank you for reading this story that took me waaaay too long to write. I'm going to try to get something out weekly for the time being. Please let me know what you, the readers thought of the story (critiques welcome!!!), and what you want to see next from me, and which of my stories you'd love for me to continue!

The North Carolina costal Campus was bustling full of wide eyed nervous students on their first day of school. Adjusting his cap and tugging his messenger bag up, Warren let out a sigh of accomplishment as he traveled to his last class of the day, History of the World and Cultures. After this, he could get back to his new frat, who supposedly had an exciting night planned out. There's so many things that could happen during the party, Warren didn't know what to expect. If his induction ceremony was any indicator, it was going to be a wild, sex filled night. His dick started chubbing up, rubbing against his shorts leg as he walked down the sidewalk to the science building just thinking about it.

Throughout the class, his mind was focusing on everything but the syllabus the history professor named Mr. Pine gave out and was talking about, no doubt bound to go through it as required by the school. Meanwhile, Warren was looking for the next eye candy, his wandering eyes spotting a lion with a letterman jacket. He wondered how muscled that lion was underneath... The lion was starting to move his gaze towards Warren, so he turned his gaze away to look forward at the professor: a large beefed up gator that looked like teaching was his second profession behind weightlifting with that tight white collared shirt glued to those defined shapes underneath. He had a little bit of a muscle gut accompanied by the most defined physique he'd ever seen in real life. How did he get into history? Aren't history teachers scared of repetitions? But.... this teacher could definitely repeatedly pound his ass if he so pleased. At this point he could feel the tightness in his pants, creating a noticeable bulge in his pressed black trousers. He kept daydreaming. 'I bet he tried minimizing how large his the bulge looked by having tighter underwear' thought Warren. The professor turned around to write his office hours on the board, underlining them, but all he could focus on was the teacher's ass. 'And those round, perky cheeks...' The pants even slightly highlighted how that ass protruded out, more gratuitously than most.

'Wait crap, I need to write the office hours down' Warren took out a pen and wrote down the times and room number so he could maybe get back to seeing more of professor Pine.

Warren shook his head 'What's gotten into me? I really shouldn't be eying others up this much' Warren did feel pent up like none other, being horny and excited for the party. 'I remember that Hesty the tanuki guy was in charge of it. He's sort of the leader of the frat, even though he's.... I think he's the smallest of the frat. Not as big as the gorilla guy or the frog guy. I think I remember him standing next to the twink dragon and he was even a bit shorter than him, though I remember he was packing something fierce, which until I saw with my own eyes, I thought he balled up two shirts and shoved them in his pants before I got there...'

As his mind kept wandering off, he noticed most of the students were in the middle of packing up and leaving; the bell supposedly just rang. Warren packed up his supplies, then started heading for the exit at the front of the classroom. He decided he should probably say hi to the professor to at least be on the professor's good side. He waited for the butterfly girl in front of him to get done speaking with the professor. Soon, she was gone, leaving the professor, himself, and an empty space between them, so now was the time. Warren stepped up to Professor Pine's Desk.

"Hey professor, just wanted to say that I'm looking forward to this semester, and I'm excited to be here!"

The large gator smiled. "Hey there, what's your name?"

"Oh right, my names Warren, sorry for not saying that earlier."

"No need to apologize, I'm just keen on learning everyone's name in my classes. Well pleased to meet you Warren, and I'm excited to have you in my class."

"You too!" Warren left smiling, walking out the door. Then realization set in. 'Well.... Crap. I shouldn't of said "you too"' His smile was traded for pursed lips and a small blush forming on his cheeks. 'What a way to make a first impression...' His pace walking out of the building quickened from the embarrassment as he played the exchange over in his mind.

'All I need to think about is the party going forward. It's the weekend, and it's time to see what the frat is up to.'

The walk home was a relatively short one compared to some of the other students' travel times. His last class was on the west side of campus. And it so happened that the frats were on the west side as well.

He saw his home from a distance: a nice red brick stately house with white pillars holding up a 2nd floor balcony, black railings framing the stairwell up to the front door. Warren walked up the stairs to the front door, all the while digging for his keys, taking them out to insert the key and turned.

Stepping in, the frat seemed relatively clean compared to yesterday. The 3 sofas crowded around a laminated sticker covered coffee table. Even the kitchen was spotless! The large long rectangular dining table with seven chairs around it were pushed in, nothing on the wooden table at all. No signs of life were in the living room or kitchen, so he headed up the steps near the front of the house to his room.

He unloaded his bag full of syllabi, and after that he looked at his assignment notebook, looking at what he wrote down. All that was written were the office hours for that one gator professor Pine. Him and his fully formed muscles... Warren's dick started to respond, starting to chub up. His hand instinctively went down to rub it a bit. Slowly but surely, Warren was wanting more. 'I'll hear if anyone comes in the door, so I should be ok' Warren unzipped his pants and fished out his semi-hard canine cock. He wasn't supposed to cum during his initiation ceremony, and he hadn't had time to cum since, so now was the time to unload what his filled balls contained.

He started stroking it coaxing it to a rigid hardness. He played with his sheathe, rubbing it over his forming knot and then uncovering it, over and over till his sheathe couldn't stretch back over his knot. From what he could tell growing up in school and overhearing other upper class canines talk, they compared knot sizes and the average seemed to be the size of a fist. This made sense to Warren. He always assumed that they meant 2 baseballs since there's two lobes of the knot, so that meant two fists. He cupped his knot with both hands, stroking his thumbs over the creases on the dick surface that his knot made, feeling it pulse. 'It's almost like my dick was made for me to hold like this' he thought.

Footsteps sounded in the hall accompanied by a faint humming melody, and before Warren could react, the door to his room opened. A short elephant (still standing at about 6 feet tall) walked into the room, whistling jovially. He had a flash of blond hair hanging down to hit his eyebrow on his smooth face. His red T-shirt and bright blue shorts clothed his chubby form.

Warren meanwhile was scrambling to put his puppymaker into his pants, but with how swollen it was, that task would be next to impossible.

"Oh hey Warren! How was your first day of school?" The elephant asked, then started to inspect Warren's situation further "What ya got there.... Oh..." the elephant blushed, "I'll head to the lounge. Make sure to save it for the party tonight though!" And the elephant left, as quick as that.

Warren let out a sigh, resolving to adhere to the elephant's wishes. To give some time to let his canine cock flag down, Warren opened up his laptop to double check his email, his 'class portal' Where his teachers put their assignments, noticing there were some things that will be due Monday. He groaned. At least that very much killed his boner.

What Ralph said brought him to thinking: 'What should he wear for the party? Clearly it had something to do with... getting off. So maybe something sexy? But not looking like a whore in front of the other bros... do I even have clothes that make me look like a whore?' Warren put those thoughts aside, feeling a mid afternoon nap to be the best course of action till the party started. He shucked his shorts and shirt onto the ground, laid down on the bed with a head filled with too many thoughts, but eventually sleep overtook them, and he was snoring soon enough.