
Story by Werewolf Alpha on SoFurry

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I mean to make this into a little mini series if I ever get around to it....

Haku groaned and slammed down another thick sheaf of papers, causing a loud noise, startling the other cops on duty. Haku is a sergeant who patrols the streets and makes sure everything is running smoothly. Most of the city is in Haku's patrol and runs smoothly, but when something doesn't run smoothly, it is an insult to her pride and is usually dealt with swiftly. Which is why Haku is so frusterated in the first place. A rapist who calls himself 'Mr.Right' He seems to be an anger rapist and all they had found out about him during his 6-month 18 victims reign is that he is a white human male. There wasn't exactly millions of humans in the mostly-furry town, but that didn't narrow it down much either. Haku growled tapping her claws on the desk.

"uh-oh, looks like Captain is pissed again" Chii whispered to Nami. Burning City Police department worked differently then most police departments. The ranks were the same, but Coproral and above could form squads to patrol and report to their captains.

"I heard that you two!" Haku snapped. They only laughed. Haku might be imposing, being 6ft tall and heavily musceled wolf furry, but she was a real softie. Haku grumped them sighed

"It doesn't look like we'll find anything tonight. You're released, but I expect you here tomorrow bright and early." Haku grabbed her keys and threw on her coat, before shifting into a more human form.

Haku sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She always felt so....weak as a human, but it was worth the anonomity.her pants had fallen off, and her shirt was more like a dress, so stepped out of them and put on some better-fitted clothes, black leather pants, a red wife beater shirt and a leather jacket.Getting into her car, a sleek black thing, and drove to one of her favorite bars.

Haku was slightly swaying in her seat, empty wine and beer bottles in front of her a testimont to how well she could hold her liqour. Someone sat in the chair next to her and Haku blinked, turning her her head to look. It was a small monkey furry, about 5 ft tall and a slim build. The yellow fur contrasted against her blue eyes. Haku smiled and bought her a drink.

Next thing she knew, she was on a bed, with the monkey furry on her stomach, giving her a blowjob. Haku moaned loudly, and petted the furries ears. Haku tried not to cum quickly, but the furry seemed hell-bent on making her finish early, alternating between licking and sucking and deepthroating, sqeezing and massaging her balls. Haku came with a loud moan, but was prevented from doing anything else by being hit with something big and heavy, the last thing she saw before passing out was the furry sadly looking at her.

When Haku came to, she registered the dull throbbing in her head first, then the unfomfortable feeling of having a tight collar around her throat and a gag in her mouth. Haku blearily opened her eyes. Her eyes widened as she took in the dilapated roof and poor lighting, and tried to snap up into a sitting position, but hit something and the throbing in her head turned into a lancing pain.

"Don't move around too much." a quiet voice spoke, echoing slightly. Haku winced, but turned slowly to see who spoke. It took Haku a minute to recognize the monkey furry from before, but she looked more human now, only her ears and tail and a sparse covering of fur.She was also on all fours inside a small cage, covered in dried cum.Haku tried to sit up again, this time ignoring the pain.She didn't hit the top of the cage this time, and managed to turn. She was in a tiny cage and bound much the same as the monkey furry, except much stronger.The first thing to go was the gag, then Haku tried to rip the chain holding her arms down.Then she ripped the collar off, and broke the cage just by standing up, the metal groaning under the force before giving out.

" can't keep a Werewolf inside a dog cage." Haku scoffed, ripping the chains on her legs before going to the Monkey furry's cage and easily ripping the bindings and the cage.

"Stay here. I'll check to see if the guy has gone." Ignoring the Monkey's protests, she stood up, only to be hit on the back of the head. She turned around to see someone, who she suspected was the so-called Mr.Right.

"I've been looking for you.You know how hard it was to find you?" Haku growled, easily hitting the pipe out of his hand when he tried to hit her with it again.

"You stay back!" he stuttered, falling on his ass. "no, I don't suppose I will." she smirked, observing the human that was now trying frantically to escape pitifully. The human was very small, especially compared to Haku, just slightly over 5 ft and barely any muscels. Haku smirked, picking him up and carrying him out of the actual warehouse area, to a small room with a bed, closing the door, she threw him onto the bed.

"I plan to give you a taste of what you've been doing to these poor women." Haku growled, slowly stroking her cock and ignoring his pleas. When her cock was fully out of the sheath, it was near 11 inches in length and thick, with a typical canine knot near the base.Haku grabbed Mr.Right and ripped his pants off.

"Oh, your reluctant now?How reluctant were the women you raped?Were they even wet, or were you too horny to wait?" She snarled, flipping him over and roughly slamming into him. Haku dully noted how tight he was, and that he was probably a virgin, but she didn't care, except that the tightness felt good, and made it hard to thrust fast. Haku snarled and thrust into him roughly, and felt him loosen slightly, and something began to slicken his ass, so Haku could fuck him faster.

The human's screams were music to her ear, but she was beginning to reach her limits as she gave one last,deep thrust and shot her load into his ass. Haku grunted, emptying her balls into him, before ruthlessly tearing out her knot. She rested for a minuet, watching her seed mixed with blood, dripping out of his ass, before picking him up and carrying him to an outdoor hose and diluting the sperm enough so they couldn't identify who raped him, slashed him up a bit, and injected him with a vial of nanobots that repaired all damage to him, leaving him untouched once again, so Haku took him back to his room and dropped him on his bed before recovering her items and calling her team.

"Trace my phone.I found him." she said simply before hanging up and walking outside to await the arrival of the police.