Hide & Squeak
A Tier 2 story for Galis on FurAffinity. A little game of hide and seek between the gravity dragon, his children, and his demanding snakewife!
Despite being a snake, a species not widely known for their maternal instincts, the four-armed naga known as Careeth truly enjoyed motherhood. She loved Galis, the diminutive, black-scaled gravity dragon who was pet, husband, and father of her children and, yes, she loved each child their union had brought into the world.
There was a definite contrast between the duo of husband and wife. Careeth was, by most standards, huge. She stretched easily near sixty feet in length from the tip of her tail to her snout and her very existence was the result of a mage's experiments aimed at creating life. By contrast, her husband was far smaller and weaker than she, but the immensity of his love and devotion more than compensated for the size differences between them.
They hadn't been sure they'd ever be able to successfully breed after their first attempt ended in tragedy. Their second attempt, and then the third, had been more fruitful, bearing first the twin girls Falirah and Neska, and then a year or so later the male, Arlen. The three of them looked like nothing so much as a Coatl.
Each of them was already nearly ten feet long, though they had a lot of growing before they got anywhere near their mother's immense size. They had their mother's long, snake-like body, married with the leathery wings of their draconic father that doubled as their arms and hands. Their heads and faces were a curious blend of snake and dragon as well, a reptilian snout crowned by the nubs of what would eventually grow to be majestic, back-swept horns.
They were perfect, and she loved them. She really did. She loved them with all the love she had in her heart and, given the sheer mass of her coils, that was a big heart and a whole lot of love.
But by all the gods in all the stars in all the heavens, there were times she wanted to wrap around every one of them and SQUEEZE till they stopped bouncing off the walls and gave her a second of peace to hear her herself think. Times when her patience was pushed to its limits and even her seemingly limitless tolerance was sorely strained. Today was shaping up to be one of those times.
The place her unconventional little family called home was in the corner of the catacombs beneath and ancient and long abandoned city. Her lair was ringed with small natural rock shelves and alcoves set in the stalagmite-like structure's outer wall, filled with candles, baubles, books and knick-knacks she had acquired in the time she spent travelling. Much of the centre of the chamber was left open, a huge playroom for her children to frolic in and around and a comfortable bed for her to coil up in at the end of the day. Hanging from the centre of the ceiling was an ornate chandelier or brass and crystal shaped to resemble the spiked bones of some long extinct creature.
It was a warm, safe, and pleasingly cosy haven from the world outside, especially on a day like today when that world was drab, grey and on the cool side of what she considered comfortable. Careeth, being the cold-blooded serpent that she was, preferred to spend as much time inside as she could during the autumn and winter months. Ideally while wrapped around the warm, soft little body of her husband, smothering him against her breasts or doing...other things.
But there was no hope of that today, not when all three children were full of pent-up energy that demanded an outlet. Not when her husband was goading them on and winding them up still further with his silliness. All she wanted was a quiet moment to sit and read her book, but no, it was not to be. All four of them were scrambling over and around the coils that lay draped on the floor like she was some giant, passive obstacle course. It was ever so hard to concentrate when you had claws scrabbling against your scales, punctuated by the occasional nip of teeth as they attempted to get a response from her.
Finally she'd had enough and in a moment where the attention of the four miscreants was on each other rather than her, she struck! In a trice she had them wrapped in her coils, squeezing them together into a wriggling, protesting, whining mass of elbows, knees and tails.
"Enough!" she burst out. "That isss QUITE enough from all of you! Falirah, Neska, Arlen! Behave, all of you! Your mother isss not a chew toy. Nor am I a jungle gym, obssstacle courssse or ssslide!" The three youngsters ducked their heads, abashed.
In the midst of the sheepish trio of children was her decidedly less contrite husband. Galis grinned unabashedly up at his much larger wife, the strands of his white mane falling down over his face till he snorted them up and out the way. "But you make such a good slide," he protested without a hint of apology. "I was just helping the children blow off some steam. They're bored!"
"Then I will find sssomething for all three of you to do," she replied, primly. "Sssomething more educational, yesss? Sssomething we talked about lasssst night. Ssssomething we have not done with them in a while...?" she prompted as her husband gave her a confused look
"Oh!" Galis beamed up at her as the penny dropped and comprehension lit up his face. "Yes! Sure, we can do that."
"Do what? Do what? Do what?" The trio chorused, squirming all the more excitedly in her coils in an effort to clamber up closer to her, "Tell us! Tell us! Tell!"
Careeth finally relented, unwrapping her emerald green coils from her flailing family before they hurt each other or herself. She shot them a warning glance, waiting for all three to settle back down into semi-relaxed coils of barely contained anticipation. "Hunting practice," she stated at last. "It hasss been a while sssince our lassst expedition and you mussst keep your ssskillsss honed to ssssucceed asss a hunter or predator. Your father hasss kindly volunteered himssself to act as our quarry once again."
Galis flashed a big, toothy grin at his kids, who were near vibrating at this point with excitement. "Just like last time, I'm going to go and hide," he explained, "And you need to find me. Your mother will get you started, then help you along the way if you're not sure what to do." He waggled a finger at them. "I'm not gonna go easy on you, my adorable little death noodles. I can be SNEAKY."
Careeth patted the diminutive dragon atop his head and chuckled. "You certainly can. Now, be a good husssband and run and hide yourssself. I will give you a ten-minute head ssstart while I find my heated jacket and sssee how much the children remember of their lessssssonsss, yesss?"
Galis pouted. "You mean I need to go out there, into the big, wide, cold world...without a kiss?" He raised his forepaws to his chest, sticking his bottom lip out as he batted his eyelashes hopefully up at his wife.
Careeth sighed melodramatically and reached down, long arms wrapping around the little dragon and lifting him up, snuggling him to her ample bosom as she leaned in to nuzzle a soft, playful kiss to his snout. She parted his lips with the twin tines of her forked tongue, the kiss deepening until she was distracted by sounds of retching and disgust from the children, the trio melodramatically contorting themselves into various states of horror and repulsion.
She rolled her eyes and released her dragon, setting him down on the ground and giving him a firm pat on the rump. "Run asss fassst asss you can, little dragon. We will be coming sssoon! Do not make it too easssy for ussss."
Galis smirked, blew his wife one last kiss (accompanied by more sounds of horror from the three children) and vanished up the long, curling ramp that led out of the lair and back to the outside world.
"Now," Careeth's attention returned to the three who quickly picked themselves back up and assumed attentive poses. "We have worked on tracking animalsss, have we not? Tracking a perssson like your father isss not ssso different. There are the obviousss sssignsss. Who can tell me what they are?"
While they thought it over, she slithered to one of the alcoves to retrieve the heavy, enchanted gilet she wore during the colder months. She fastened it up and over her ample bosom before triggering the enchantment, sighing in pleasure as warmth bathed her upper body. She felt more alert almost immediately, her mood brightening as her body responded to the infusion of heat. She rather envied her children who took after their father in that regard.
"Tracks!" Arlen squeaked as Careeth dressed. The male was slightly bigger than the twins, even though he was born after them. "You follow their tracks. How big the tracks are and how many toes it has can tell you lots about what you're tracking!"
Careeth nodded approvingly. "Very good, Arlen. What about you two, mm?" She prompted as her gaze swung to other two children, their heads close together as they whispered, exchanging notes, "What other sssignsss can we follow? Think about it asss we go outssside, yesss?" With that she led the three up the ramp to the cave entrance. She paused in the shadowed safety of their home, tongue darting out as she surveyed the clearing just outside, peering at the woods beyond. She tasted the air, making sure the only scents anywhere nearby were those of her family. Satisfied that they remained undisturbed she waved her children out onto the rains-slick grass. "You have an anssswer for me?" she prompted.
Falirah and Neska looked at each other, then back at Careeth. "Spoor?" they ventured, the twins, as seemed to be their habit, speaking in near-perfect unison, both gazing hopefully up at their mother.
"Very good!" Careeth replied. "Yesss. While not particularly relevant in thisss hunt, droppingsss can help you track prey. There are other sssignss. You can check to sssee if the tracksss ssshow nail prints, if both front and back pawsss are the sssame sssize but we will cover thossse in another lesssssson."
She turned to gaze into the woods where her small, black scaled husband had disappeared, the sunlight glistening in shining pools on her emerald scales. "But do not forget that we have other advantagesss that many other creaturesss do not. We can hunt by ssscent, by tassste. We can sssee the changes in temperature where an animal might have brussshed up againssst the undergrowth asss they passsss, we can track their sssscent more eassssily than mosssst humanoidsss and even many dragonsss."
She nodded to herself as she looked back at the children. "Good, all three, you have been paying attention!" She beamed at them, forked tongue darting out, flickering in the air. "What elssse do you think we could look for? What might a sssentient do that an animal might not?"
"An animal wouldn't try to backtrack or disguise its trail," Arlen was again the first to reply, eager to prove to his mother that he'd been paying attention to her lessons. "It would either try to run or hide. We can look to see if father is trying to throw us off the trail."
Careeth again nodded, patting her son fondly on his head, the boy wriggling happily in response. "Girlsss? What more can we look for? What might your cunning little father do to try and trick and confussse you when you hunt?"
The girls exchanged glances, their tails twitching nervously as each tried to come up with an answer. As the seconds ticked by, she could see Arlen growing more and more eager, more frustrated, fighting the urge to blurt out his own reply. "He might..." Neska muttered, "Uhm. He might...he might...go into the river? You know. The one down by the clearing? Throw us off that way?"
Careeth beamed approvingly and nodded, applying the same approving pat to Neska's head. "Very good. Yesss. He might try to ussse the river to throw usss off. One more. Falirah? Can you think of one more thing your sssquirmy, tricky little father might do to hide from you?"
Falirah sat quietly, her head dipped in thought. "He could use his gravity powers. He could use them to hide places we wouldn't expect or move things around to conceal his trail or make it hard for us to follow him."
Another headpat followed and Careeth beamed at her children, pleased by all the answers she'd been given. They HAD been listening when she'd been training them! "Yesss, indeed. Your father ssstrugglesss to control hisss powersss, he cannot ussse them very well, but you are correct that there are ssstill waysss he could ussse them to dissstract and confussse ussss." She paused, looking at each of her children in turn. "While he cannot sssimply fly around and evade usss, there are many other thingsss he can and will do to make it difficult, jusst as Falirah has deduced. You mussst keep all thessse thingsss in mind. Your father will try to hide from you, evade you, misssdirect and confussse you. If you can find him, then I am sssure you will be able to track even the mossst tricky prey." She slithered back to give them room. "Another minute more."
The trio exchanged glances, squirming and twitching in place on the damp grass, eager not just to prove themselves, but to lose themselves in the cool, shady interior of the trees, the woods filled with things to slide over and around as well as innumerable small animals to chase and harass while they stalked their father.
"Find him!" She cried and the trio were off in a flash, long, slender bodies vanishing between the trees in a heartbeat. Careeth waited patiently, giving them time enough to get a head start before she followed them, her larger body moving almost soundlessly through the foliage, tongue flitting as she hunted for her husband's scent, her four long arms reaching out to caress fingers over trunks and leaves for signs of his passing.
He wasn't making it easy, she had to give him that. He knew he couldn't hide his scent, so instead he'd marked multiple rocks and sticks then cast them far and wide through the trees to conceal his true path. He'd been learning too. He knew that she enjoyed the hunt, the chase and, of course, the capture at the end. A reward was all the sweeter when you had to work for it, after all, and his little frame helpless in her coils was such a delicious reward. Nobody said that she HAD to leave him to her children, after all.
Galis surveyed the woods from his perch high up in the thick leaves of an oak tree. He was hunkered down tight against the trunk, tail wrapped about the thick bough to support him as he inched his head forward to peep down at the forest floor. He'd done his best to scatter his trail and his scent, hoping to throw the kids off the trail. They were starting to become accomplished hunters, certainly, but there were still plenty of tricks he hadn't shown them.
His tattered wings weren't much good for soaring through the air like his larger kin, but he didn't need them for this. He might not be the best at it, but he'd had enough practice that something like getting up a tree without leaving tell-tale claw marks in the bark was certainly more than possible. He'd been sure to leave his collar back in the cave, allowing him to tap into his abilities without its dampening effect. It had taken a lot of concentration, and more than one false start (which he'd had to cover up), but eventually he'd been able to focus enough to send him up and into the air to hide in this secure perching spot.
After he'd set a false trail to make it look like he'd continued down the deer track, of course! It'd be far too easy if his tracks just suddenly stopped underneath this conveniently high tree and it wasn't like he could just jump to another one if they children decided to scale up after him. With their wings and long coils, they climbed with terrifying speed, as he'd found out in previous hunts.
His nose twitched; his ears perked. The leaves rustled softly around him, birds chirping and calling to each other. All was still, quiet, and entirely normal. He allowed himself to relax, taking a wary step back to secrete himself deeper in the shadows of the leaves. His white mane was far too easy to spot if he wasn't careful, and while half the fun was in letting the children find him, he couldn't make it TOO easy for them. He snuggled himself up against the trunk of the tree and waited patiently.
A few minutes later, he heard the rustling of something approaching. A moment after that, the voices of his children could be heard.
"I'm sure he went this way!" Arlen insisted, leading the way with his two sisters in close pursuit behind him.
Falirah humphed loudly, "But I saw one of his pawprints under that tree back there, in the mud!"
Galis smiled at that. He had left that one there deliberately in an attempt to make it look like he was veering off to the right, heading downhill and further away from their home, instead of being perched relatively close to it. Arlen, it seemed, hadn't fallen for it.
"But the scent goes this way!" Arlen retorted, pausing in his slithering to turn and face his sisters. "He left that there to fool us! Remember last time? He walked backwards along his tracks, didn't he? We ended up wandering around in circles till mother told us to come home. I'm sure he put that there to make us think he went that way! He's far too tricky to leave such an obvious track."
Neska glanced between her siblings, her tongue flitting uncertainly between her scaled lips. "I agree with Arlen," she whispered at last. "I think father went this way."
Galis could see Falirah's scowl, but she knew when she was outvoted. With a curt nod, the three of them turned their attention to the track. They got closer to his tree, their three serpentine bodies undulating smoothly and almost soundlessly along the short grass. Closer. Closer...and then past, with barely an upward glance at the thick branches overhead.
They vanished down the path, following the hints that he'd laid out for them, and he allowed himself a small smile. They were getting better, that was certain. They were on his track so much faster this time, and Arlen had seen through his little diversion. He obviously needed to up his game! He edged along the branch again, starting to relax and settle down for the long haul, expecting that now all he had to do was wait. Yup. All he had to do was lie down along this branch, maybe lean up against that long, thick green vine that ran along the length of it. He chuckled to himself. The day would come when they'd catch him, but it wasn't today! Today, he was invincible!
He shifted his weight, then paused, a frown creasing his brow. You know, it was funny. He could have sworn that there was no vine there when he'd first climbed up here. Maybe he just hadn't been paying att... He didn't have time to finish the thought as the thick creeper he'd been leaning against suddenly wrapped around his little frame, pinning his wings to his side, immobilising his forelegs as he was unceremoniously torn from his perch and hauled higher still in the tree! He yelped in surprise, only for his muzzle to be clamped shut with a quick loop of what he now realised were thick green coils.
In the shadows above him, two yellow eyes gleamed. He attempted to wriggle and squirm, pushing against the coils that were reeling him in like a fish on a hook, but all he managed to do was shake the leaves around him.
"Now, now, husssband," Careeth breathed as she lifted the little dragon up level with her, dangling him in the air before her so she could inspect him. "You might have fooled our children, but I am afraid that you have a long way to go before you can fool your wife."
She pulled him in closer, one of her four arms reaching out, stroking along his cheek, two more sliding along his haunches. The huge snake began to move, the wide maze of boughs she occupied serving as a platform for the immense weight of her muscular frame. Galis found himself shifted, pushed into place, pinned between the trunk, and his wife's ample set of breasts, the heated gilet hanging from a nearby branch as she replaced one heat source with another rather squirmier one.
The coils unwrapped from around him so she could instead use the weight of her twin bosoms to pin him in place, her hand replacing her tail around his muzzle, fingers holding his mouth shut. "Not a word," she breathed. "It would be a ssshame if the children interrupted my fun." Her tail lifted, the tip caressing, brushing playfully between his haunches, circling around his sheath, and teasing at the entrance. "Asss the victor, I am looking forward to taking my time enjoying the ssspoilsss of thisss hunt."
Galis's next squeak was accompanied by a shudder at what those words promised, and what that tail was doing! It didn't take much for the purple hued tip of his cock to peek from its home, that naughty tail immediately curling around it, coaxing still more of his length out. Inch by inch his cock was drawn out, his ridged length promptly encircled by her tail, squeezing him, teasing him, making him shudder and arch towards her in response.
"Shhhh..." she breathed, the hand at his muzzle falling away, only to be replaced by those cool, scaled lips. The fleshy ribbon of her tongue unspooled into his muzzle, so much bigger and longer than his that her kiss was almost literally overwhelming! All he could do was close his eyes and go along with it as she molested him in the branches. His breath came in hot, hard little gasps as her tail squeezed him, her tongue almost invading her throat as she silenced him with that demanding kiss, leaving him with no choice but to focus on breathing as her tongue did...whatever it wanted to. The knowledge that they might be interrupted at any moment by a trio of eager children added both a frisson of nervousness to the act, and a definite sense of urgency. If he wanted to be sure of his orgasm, he would need to be quick.
His squirming soon found that age-old rhythm, humping against the grip of her tail, his hind paws pushing against the branches so he could thrust into that smooth embrace, the ridges of his cock grinding and sliding against her sleek scales as he worked himself up. His reward was a soft, approving murmur from the big snake as she ground her heavy breasts against him, pierced nipples dragging over his chest and belly. Not another word was exchanged between them, they had been together so long now that this little dance was a familiar one.
She hummed softly in the back of her throat, one of her hands slipping behind his head, pulling him closer still, deepening the kiss as suddenly that thick tongue wasn't content with just filling his mouth! Scaled lips curved into a teasing grin as she pushed that slick muscle into his throat, making him shiver and squirm in response as she kissed him as only she could. He melted against her, submitting to her silent demands as that tongue made his neck bulge, wriggling down into his gullet and holding there. He shuddered in her grip, his cock throbbing, a sticky spurt of his precum splattering onto her scales as she effortlessly, silently dominated him. She could do whatever she wanted with him, and both of them knew it just as both of them knew that he loved every moment of her tender, dominating affections.
He could feel the tension building, his cock twitching, that familiar tingling beginning to make itself felt in his groin. So close now. Almost embarrassingly quick in any other circumstance, but neither of them cared. This wasn't about drawing it out, this was about her making him cum as quickly and efficiently as possible and that relentless, teasing tail was VERY good at it.
Until suddenly she froze, her mouth leaving his, head lifting as her tongue darted out. He whined as the stimulation stopped, leaving him hovering on the edge of climax, his precum painting her scales in lurid, sticky lines, his cock throbbing, claws scrabbling at the branches as he tried to find some more purchase to thrust against her.
"SSSSHHHH." Her tone was urgent now, and he managed to focus on something other than the urging of his groin to look down...and realised that the children were coming back. He could hear their voices, still arguing, grumpier now that they realised their father had somehow managed to trick them.
They exchanged glances and Careeth quickly readjusted herself, pulling him in closer, smothering his head against her bosom to silence any further squeaking, hiding away that tell-tale white mane beneath her arms as she wrapped them over him. With her arms covering his ears he couldn't quite make out what they children were saying, but right at that moment he had other concerns in mind.
His cock ached with the need to cum, the little dragon's head filled with all manner of horny thoughts, so when Careeth all but smothered him against her breasts, it didn't take much for him to turn his head a little and wrap his mouth around one pierced nipple! He gave a firm, hungry suckle on it, sharp little teeth nipping at the tender flesh, looping his tongue through the ring, and giving a tug!
His reward was a sudden, sharp intake of breath from over his head, her coils twitching hard enough to make the boughs beneath them creak loudly as Careeth fought to stifle the gasp of surprise and pleasure that tried to burst free. She glared down at the little dragon, rapping him on the end of the nose with two fingers, but the look he gave her was unrepentant as he suckled again, making her quiver against him in response.
The big snake sighed. "Bad little dragon," she whispered as her fingers tangled in his mane. She pulled his head up and away from her breast, shivering as that nipple popped free, saliva cooling in the air. She seized his mouth again in another smothering, overwhelming kiss, her tongue spilling quickly from muzzle to throat, pushing down into his gullet in a lewd, demanding invasion. At the same time, she shifted him against her front, and a moment later her tail unspooled from around his cock as the tip nudged against her upper slit. A push on his back, an arch of her own, and she slipped him inside her with another soft, hushed sigh of delight!
Her coils tightened around him, the big snake wrapping herself around her husband, pushing him to the hilt inside her and then holding him tightly there as her vent went to work. Muscles clenched, a soft, wet squelch reaching his ears as she began to milk him. She didn't need to thrust or writhe against him, just holding him tightly to her breasts while her tongue invaded so deeply into his throat, inner muscles clenching, rippling along him in slow, demanding waves.
His own moan was muffled by that tongue, the little dragon holding on for as long as he could before he was forced to tap on her shoulder to ask for air. She obediently withdrew, leaving him gasping, her finger pressed to her lips reminding him to be quiet. They both glanced down to find their children wandering in a circle a little way down the path from where he'd set the false trail. It seemed he'd done his job a bit TOO well this time and the three were looking disconsolate and annoyed with each other.
It was getting increasingly difficult to stay quiet as his wife's body sucked and squeezed on him. He'd been so close to orgasm as it was, and with her skilled, practiced motions, there wasn't much chance of him lasting for long. His cock twitched inside her, his tail flicking, batting against her coils, his body tensing as he felt that tightness growing between his legs. So close. Oh gods, he was going to... Her mouth claimed his to silence his cry, his eyes wide, wings trembling, fingers digging into her scales as he spasmed and twitched in her grasp, unloading hot, thick strings of cum deep inside her. She shivered against him, revelling in the feel of that gloriously hot, thick shaft inside her, filling her with still more warmth. She hummed softly against his muzzle, a teasing little smile on her lips now as she finally parted from his mouth, adding a playful little nip.
"I win," she whispered, radiating smugness.
All Galis could manage was a faint gurgle and a spasmodic nod in reply. It was terribly hard to think about much else with those heavy coils shifting and pressing around him and that hungry, eager cunny still pulling and squeezing him for every last little drop of his seed. He finally managed to get his voice working. "You weren't supposed to be hunting!" he protested.
She chuckled again, nudging her snout under his chin to nip lightly at his throat, adding a slow lick of that long tongue. "They were taking too long," she replied simply. "They were never going to find you, and I did not want you to get...bored hiding up here."
The flat look he gave her suggested that he didn't entirely buy that argument. If she'd had eyelids, he was sure she'd be innocently fluttering them right now, but as it was she seemed entirely unrepentant.
"Sssshall we put them out of their misssery?" she suggested. "I believe they will sssoon begin bickering if we leave them alone much longer."
He mmmed, "In a bit," he agreed. "But we don't need to get down out of this tree just yet....do we?"
She laughed softly, pressing another soft, playful kiss to his lips. "No," she breathed. "I caught you, after all. A sssnake likesss to play with her prey. Over and over again."
As she nipped at his neck once more, Galis mused over how hard a life it was, being both husband and prey for a huge, demanding snake...but he wouldn't change it for the world.