The Perks of Pleasing the Guard

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Silas finds himself locked up but a guard is willing to help him if he behaves and does a few favors here and there...


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Silas groaned as he awoke in his assigned cell. He was stuck inside of a square space with two beds that were stacked on top of each other. The annoyed rat had been caught dealing in an alley and was unable to escape the cops' pursuit. When he was caught and brought in, he attempted to call a connection that would get him out of this situation or at least make it a lot better for him. But they hadn't picked up and being caught with so much evidence was grounds for the quick arrest that got him here...

"Great...just great..." Silas muttered to himself. Honestly this prison cell was one of the nicer ones he had been in but the rat wasn't a fan of being confined. He had been here for just about a day's worth of time. Silas was certain that he wouldn't be staying the entire duration of his sentence. One way or another he was going to get out of here...

A few more days went by but they were spent getting familiar with the facility and more importantly, those who worked there. He did a bit of asking around and found some other inmates that he knew, either through dealing or from other encounters. Being in good standing with them, he asked if they could help him out and they agreed to. The next day Silas was being woken up by a tapping at the bars.

He looked from the bed to see a very large guard standing in front of his cell, rhythmically tapping the cell's bars with his baton. "You're the guy. Silas, right?"

"Yeah," Silas asked, having climbed out of bed. He approached and looked the guard up and down. Standing on the other side of the cell was a large and muscular ingari, standing much taller than the rat at about 9-and-a-half feet tall. His scales were black and the helmet atop his head was white. Silas was doing his best to look confident but he was honestly feeling a bit nervous. He wasn't familiar with this prison nor this guard he hadn't introduced himself to. The bigger creature's expression was unreadable so Silas couldn't gauge the situation quite yet.

"I heard you were looking for a way out of here faster," the ingari said.

"Yeah, I am," Silas said with a smile. Things were falling into place faster than he expected.

"I've got a method that'll get you out in just a week. But I'm not gonna do it for free."

"Well, I can hook you up with some good stuff when I get out," the rat offered. While he was thinking of what he could spare to the guard when he got out, Silas didn't notice the ingari pulling down his pants. When the rat faced the guard again he was immediately met with the sight of a large cock and balls. The shaft flopped forward and landed flat directly over Silas' muzzle and head.

"I'm thinking of something more immediate," the ingari said. "The name's Kendall by the way. It's only fair I tell you since I already know your name. And we're gonna get very familiar with each other over the next seven days."

Silas didn't respond, he was too busy taking in the size of the cock that was presented to him. He wasn't as fazed about the reveal of his length. This was far from his first time having to do some sucking to get his way but the 9 foot ingari was packing something that was 19 inches long and it was thick too.

"Well, get to sucking," Kendall said. "Just hold up your end of the deal and I'll do the same."

Silas nodded, deciding to trust the much bigger guy. He didn't need to get down on his knees to keep himself aligned with the cock, just pulling back got the tip pressed to his lips. Another thing that struck Silas was the smell rising from it. Hitting his nose was a dense and masculine musk. The rich earthiness aroma was the kind that came from a day or two without washing. The shaft itself was fully engorged, glistening with sweat. His nose kept working to take in more of the aroma and Silas quickly felt his mouth watering and his pants becoming tight in the front from his own impressive 10 inch erection.

The cock throbbed as he opened his mouth and a line of precum was oozing from the opening. Silas touched his tongue to it and hummed a bit from the salty taste that greeted him. Moving his muzzle in a bit, Silas got the tip to slide over his tongue. Closing his lips around that, he started out by giving just the cockhead attention in the form of soft suckles and slow licks that gave him more of that bitter yet enjoyable taste.

One hand was used to pull Silas' pants down while the other reached up to grip the base of the ingari's hand. He could really feel the thickness as he ran his hand back and forth a bit, his fingers tracing over the bulges and ridges of the veins and wrinkles. Pulling back got the thick foreskin to slink back, fully exposing the tip. With his own cock throbbing and leaking a bit, Silas began to slowly push his head forward.

A hand reached through the bars, grabbing Silas' head. It then proceeded to push the rat's head down, forcing to suddenly have his muzzle spread and his mouth filled by the long and thick cock. The thick flesh rolled right over Silas' tongue and then plunged into the start of his throat.

Having no time to properly react to this, Silas ended up gagging on the invading length, feeling it pushing further into his windpipe, forcing its walls to stretch around the girth. The sudden penetration caused his oral passage to spread a bit too quickly. He felt some pain but a spurt of very viscous precum eased the strain and more inches came sliding down further. With his throat nearly being plugged completely, Silas didn't have any other choice but to breathe through his nose and doing so was filling his nose with even more musk. He was handling it all pretty well. Feeling a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment from the flavor and smell of sweat, the rat began to moan as his tongue flicked along the underside.

On the other side of the bars, the ingari was making his own sounds in response to the pleasure he was feeling. He had forced his cock in but Silas had still taken it so well. And now the rat was gently sucking and licking as much as he could. Kendall knew that he found a really good one and just couldn't let him do too soon. With his hand still on the rat's head, he pulled back and got Silas to do the same. His inches came into view, now having a sheen of rat spit to make his entire cock shine. Pulling back further got more of his cock out from the rat's mouth. He was quickly to push it all back in, groaning as his shaft pushed past the tightness and warmth that the oral tunnel provided.

A growl came from the bigger male when the entirety of his cock was pushed back in. Silas' lips were back to being pressed to the ingari's crotch and his throat was hugging the fat cock. Moving it slowly, the rat's tongue was tracing and flicking all over the musky surfaces, touching all that he could reach. When he pulled back again, Kendall did it with his hand and hips. Silas made sure to keep his lips wrapped around the thickness, sucking while it slipped out. When just the tip remained it was thrust back inside, getting another gag out of the smaller male, followed by his own muffled sound of approval. The rodent knew he was being used but he didn't mind if it meant he got to enjoy a cock like this.

The more he sucked on it, the easier it got for Silas to handle the ingari's maleness. He made sure to keep his tongue moving the entire time as the shaft was being pulled and pushed over it. More and more of the unique reptile's cock grime was smeared onto his tongue, being cleaned away by it. He noticed that the smells and taste of musk were still coming strong from the shaft. This made him all the more excited and intent on orally worshiping the grimy shaft.

A stronger push of Kendall's cock came, this time from the ingari thrusting forwards. Doing this got his cock to reach down further into Silas' throat. Again the rat gagged but even louder now. Being able to quickly adjust, Silas resumed his licking and began to swallow down the precum that began freely flowing from the tip. Gulping it down had the strong tasting and smelling stuff going directly down into his stomach. Having his nose pressed even further into Kendall's crotch. Breathing in the rich masculine aroma directly, Silas let out a muffled moan and shuddered.

Continually sniffing the rank body, Silas did all that he could. His position was very limited between the shaft being pulled and pushed from his lips on one end and the ingari's hand keeping his head in place from behind. As best as he could, Silas used what was available to him, working his tongue as much as he could, still basking in the musky state of the bigger male's loins.

With a grunt, Kendall put greater focus into thrusting into Silas' mouth, moving his hips with more speed. That led to his cock being rubbed against the soft throat walls and over the wiggling tongue. Every time he kept just the tip inside before he thrust in again, making sure that his tip would be slammed into the rat's esophagus, reaching in as far as it could. All the while, heavy spurts of musky precum kept Silas' mouth and throat glazed and slippery.

The pullback was quick, the bigger creature used his strength to wrench his dick from the depths of Silas' throat and it was pushed back down with just as much power and speed. This time Silas didn't gag, even as the shaft was moving with even more speed. The throbs were getting stronger and more precum was coming out from the tip, streaming over Silas' tongue and directly into his stomach. While drinking the stuff down, the walls of his esophagus were coming down on the pulsating shaft. Between the two of them, the sounds of sucking and two males sharing pleasure were echoing out. The other prisoners in their cells kept themselves quiet, listening and jerking themselves off to the action.

Silas' only focus was on the cock that continued to slide into his throat. His gulps could be heard as the precum was being swallowed more often and in greater amounts It just kept flowing through the shaft, all coming from the ingari's fat swaying balls. The pulsing against his lips was becoming stronger and Silas was feeling his own excitement rising. When his mouth was pulled back, the rat was using his hand to rub and squeeze at it. His other hand was pawing at his own cock, giving it plenty of tugs and squeezes too. Precum was spilling out from his tip as well, making a steadily increasing mess on the prison floor. There was so much coming from Kendall that he couldn't quite keep up with it all. Some of the precum began to leak out from his mouth, dripping down his chin and neck, getting the stickiness and reek of ingari musk on his fur.

"Mmm...fuck..." Kendall grunted. He could feel things coming to a head. With the great amount of effort that Silas was putting into his actions, Kendall was finding it all the harder to hold back against the building of his approaching climax. The ingari could easily pull his cock free and take a moment to gather himself, giving him the chance to enjoy the pleasure for even longer. But this job could be stressful and it has been a while since someone had given his cock this level of attention. Even now Silas was still sucking and twirling his tongue passionately.

Kendall humped fast and hard against the rat's mouthwork, pumping his cock a few more times before the final thrust was given. Groaning deeply and holding the cell bar tight with his free hand, Kendall rode out the pleasure of his climax while his cock swelled and from the tip came the first fat gush of cum that splashed down into Silas' stomach.

Silas felt his throat swelling and reacted right away, swallowing down the large amount of seed that was running hot and thick into his stomach. He could feel his guy becoming all the warmer and heavily as he continued to gulp. As best as he could, Silas attempted to keep up with the flow but it became too much for him. Cum began to drip out from his mouth. It started out with drips and then became a larger spill of seed that was getting all over the front side of Silas' fur and his clothes. The smell of ingari seed was clinging to them, keeping the smell strong and unrelenting. If they weren't already made aware from the noises being made by Silas and Kendall, the other prisoners and staff would be able to easily smell Kendall's mark all over the rat.

The ingari's orgasm lasted for just under a minute, making the rat's stomach swell bit by bit the entire time. Kendall's grunts of pleasure and the wet sounds of his cum falling to the ground were being heard by everyone else. For Silas this was too much and he ended up cumming, shooting his own ropes onto the floor. This was the case of some of the prisoners that were listening as well, being pushed over the edge and shooting their loads onto themselves or onto the floor of their cell.

When his climax was finished, Kendall roughly tugged his cock free with a loud, wet 'pop.' Silas gasped and licked the seed from his lips with a satisfied hum. The rat could feel that his throat was still slathered in thick seed. He had to swallow it multiple times to get it down into his stomach.

"Good. I'll start working on it but remember. It'll take a week and until then you're gonna be my little stress reliever," Kendall said as he tucked his cock away and walked off.


Over the next few days Kendall would come to Silas' cell and the prisoner would get himself close to the bars. Pulling his pants down with one hand and reaching the other through to the other side, the ingari got a rough hold on Silas' head and pulled in him. The next thing the rat knew, his nose was kept firm against a pair of black skinned balls, being so fat and heavy. Striking the rodent's senses was the stink of days without a proper wash and Silas was clearly loving it by the way that he moaned and shivered. Complying with the guard's unspoken wishes, he touched his tongue to them, lapping over the pair of orbs in a slow and teasing way.

"Mmm..." Kendall moaned in a low deep tone and then gasped as he felt the rat slipping his balls into his mouth. Taking in one orb at a time, Silas managed to close his mouth around the large sack and wasted no time working his mouth on them. First suckling then licking, Silas aimed to clean away the sweat. Doing so earned him the addicting taste in return; the tang of sweat and the smell of it was keeping Silas excited. He was constantly sniffing or licking, doing whatever he could to indulge while also giving stimulation to the bigger male.

Leaning against the bars, Kendall was melting from the hot mouth that was cleaning away his sweat. It had been another stressful shift and it felt good to let someone else massage it all away with their mouth. Silas' tongue was flicking and swirling all over his sack, touching everywhere that he could. Having his balls worshiped like this was just what he needed. The pleasure that came from the stimulation was making his cock twitch and harden. He began to tease it, rubbing just behind the tip with his thumb.

When he got himself fully erect, Kendall pulled his balls free from Silas' mouth. His actions were swift, touching the fat tip to the rodent's wet lips. Silas responded by opening up and letting the cockhead slide over his tongue. A hand came down on the rat's head, holding it in place. Then came a rough thrust forwards that made Silas gag and he wasn't given the chance to adjust as the ingari continued to pound his cock in deep and hard. They were fast, the girth was making his throat bulge, but Silas was slowly adjusting. He was more or less used to the guard's rough treatment.

Silas began moving his tongue in time with the thrusts, licking all over as the cock came rocking back and forth. He could hear Kendall's moans becoming deeper from this and he felt some satisfaction. Just like the few times before, Silas reached down to fish out and stroke his own dick, feeling the pleasure racing through him. It was enhanced by the thick smell of musk that hung heavy in the air around him. There was also the pulsing in his windpipe and the spurts of warmth that came from the flowing precum. Having just licked and sucked all over them, Silas knew just how big and potent those orbs were, churning hard to keep a constant flow going.

As time passed things heated up between them. Kendall's thrusts were gradually becoming faster and Silas was smoothly bobbing his head back and forth. Deep, wet sloppy sounds came from the rat as he licked and sucked all over the musky cock, savorings its taste as much as he could. Every drop of sweat and dribble of precum from the tip was collected by his tongue in the form of a lap or twirl. Pushing forward in time with the bucks got Kendall's shaft even further down where it was hugged by his snug and hot oral walls. Hearing the ingari's moans becoming louder and deeper was getting him further along as well. This was going beyond just an exchange for his freedom. Silas was really enjoying his role and had begun to look forward to Kendall's visits.

Like before, the other prisoners were listening to the sounds of the guard being pleasured. Kendall was moaning out and the sounds of Silas' mouth working all over the length could be heard by those listening hard enough. It didn't take much more for the ingari to reach his limit. Another hard thrust got his cock buried far past Silas' lips, and that's when it began to swell. Thick ropes of his cum were being shot out with force, pouring directly into Silas' stomach. The rat hummed and groaned as he came as well, shooting his own ropes onto the floor.

"Just 3 more days..." Kendall said when he pulled his cock free. He then walked away, leaving Silas to await the day of his freedom.


When the final day came, Silas was pacing back and forth in his cell, awaiting the ingari's arrival and the announcement that he would be free to go. When he heard the large footsteps, Silas was already moving in to meet the guard. When their eyes met the bigger male had a certain look that the rat couldn't place.

"So today's the day, right?" Silas asked with an excited smirk on his face.

"You're not out just yet," Kendall reminded him. "And since it's your last day here, how about something special?"

Silas soon had his pants down. He was turned around and bent over, his ass being pressed against the bars. Kendall was already grinding his leaky cock in between Silas' asscheeks, feeling the rough grey fur teasing his shaft. Precum was slathered all over the rat's rim. When Kendall felt it was lubed enough, he centered his tip and thrust forward. The rat's rim spread and his inches began to sink past it. Pushing still, Kendall felt the incredible tightness around his cock while Silas was groaning from the state of his hole being spread all the wider from the thickest part of Kendall's cock easing in. As more precum leaked out the length became all the easier for Silas to take. As the strain was eased a greater feeling of pleasure took its place.

"Nice and tight..." Kendall had been avoiding any use of Silas' tailhole up to this point for a specific reason. He knew that sparing it from the thickness of his cock beforehand would pay off. The ingari made due with Silas' mouth for the entirety of the six days, knowing that the payoff would be worth it. He was right; the rat's hole was even tighter and warmer than he hoped it would be. With every push it was clenching down, making the tightness even greater. It took real effort to not just ram the rest of his cock in right then and there but the guard knew better than to break the inmate.

Gradually more than a foot of ingari cock was buried inside of Silas. He was groaning and shivering from the feeling. His hole was spread so wide and the cock was felt throbbing against his anal walls the same way it would when it had been in his throat. The only thing that kept his tailhole from being split apart was the excess of precum that was spilling out in time with every pulse. Silas could feel his own cock pulsing and leaking as well. His prostate was being pressed down on and the gradual insertion had the inches slowly sliding over the extra sensitive spot.

With another hard thrust, the entirety of Kendall's cock was stuffed inside of Silas. Reaching through the bars, the ingari used both hands to keep Silas close. With no kind of warning, he pulled back and then thrust back in with enough force to make Silas' body rock hard. Going back and forth, the prison guard's strong hips made sure that the length reached into the rat's guts each and every time.

This time Silas was crying out without restraint, letting the pleasure and strain he felt be known to anybody and everybody nearby. His ass was stuffed full; this was a feeling he hadn't experienced for a while and Kendall was giving it to him with full force. The hard uncut flesh was parting his walls and grinding against everything inside of him along the way. When the thickest part came in and pulled back, Silas just couldn't help but exclaim, not just from the stimulation to his walls but the extra stretching that his hole was put through. Being held by the ingari, Silas' body was free to tremble and flail in response to every thrust.

Thrusting hard into the rat's ass, Kendall was grunting, growling, and huffing in response to the persisting tightness that continued to give him so much pleasure. Touching the rat's prostate over and over again earned him more firm clenches in return. Silas was panting and starting to sweat against the ingari. He was losing more and more control of himself, getting lost in the pleasure that wasn't lessening in any capacity. It just seemed to be getting all the stronger as Kendall began thrusting even faster. So much of his precum had leaked out that the sounds of the cock pumping back and forth could be easily heard as well, being so wet and sloppy. Every pull came with a loud slurp sound and pushing back in produced a thick squish.

Still feeling his prostate being stimulated with such unending intensity was just too much for Silas. He lost his composure and hissed as he began cumming. Completely hands free, he released his seed all over the floor of his own cell. His own plump rat balls were drawing upwards as he continued to spill his loads, flashes of white hot pleasure racing through him as his prostate was still being touched while he was still cumming. The orgasm he experienced was mind-numbing, leaving him panting and shaking against the much bigger male's hold. He was still being firmly pounded into by Kendall, the ingari was huffing as well from the even tighter rhythmic clenches.

Kendall was powering through these clenches, spilling more precum that allowed him to reach even further into the hot and tight rathole.

"You just came, didn't you?" Kendall asked with amusement in his voice.

Silas was still too dazed to respond and still being thrust into wasn't remedying that much. The ingari tightened his grip on Silas before lifting him up, keeping the rat held in place. He didn't have to concern himself with keeping himself steady. Instead he just enjoyed the ingari's cock plunging into his guts without mercy. Slowly he came down from his blissful high and was back to panting and moaning.

Kendall's hips were smoothly rocking. Even with the bars acting as a sort of barrier, Silas' body was still being rocked by the force of the ingari's surges. He kept his thickness spearing right into the deepest parts, forcing the tightening walls to part all over again around his meat. Kendall's grunts were overpowering any other sound. In time with every thrust came the smack of his balls making direct and hard contact with Silas' taint. It took him much longer, but Kendall could feel himself getting close to his limits. He responded to this feeling by thrusting in with ever greater force. A few of these extra hard humps were managed before Kendall grunted and unloaded inside of the moaning rat.

Silas could feel himself being pumped full of cum. It started from the pit of his stomach, the heat and stickiness that was becoming a much stronger sensation as more cum was being pumped into him. Kendall was still holding onto him, not wanting to let go until the last of his cum was shot from his tip. A series of powerful gushes came from his cock, all pouring into the rodent's guts. Kendall rode out the intense pleasure until he was finally done. When he pulled out Silas was left with an empty feeling. His stretched tailhole began to leak out of cum. It spilled out onto the already ruined floor. The cell and the surrounding area was smelling strongly of ingari sweat and cum.

"Fuck man..." Silas groaned as he was put down again. He had to lean against the bars to keep himself upright. "So, when am I getting out of here?"

"Oh yeah...that. Sorry, rat, but I don't make deals with prisoners," Kendall said. He tucked his cock away and chuckled as he walked away. Silas blinked and began to shout for him to come back but the ingari ignored his words.

Now in his office, Kendall was sitting back in his chair. He hadn't made any progress towards getting Silas out because he saw him as nothing more than a criminal that couldn't be trusted. When he caught wind of a prisoner looking to get out early he saw his chance to kill two birds with one stone, getting himself some stress relief while also giving him something to do around here. At first he was just fine with tricking the rat but now he was starting to feel bad about what he had done. Silas had held up his end of the deal so maybe the least he could do was put a good word in...


The next day Kendall returned to Silas' cell. "On your feet, rat. You're coming with me." The rat in question was surprised but was quick to do as he was told. Kendall had with him a pair of keys that he used to unlock the cell.

"Don't get too excited. You're not out wet but I managed to pull some strings. But I'm gonna need something in return," the ingari said as he led Silas. The rodent was handcuffed and had to follow the bigger male's lead. He was brought down halls he hadn't ever been down before. They stopped when in front of an ordinary door.

"Where are we?" Silas asked.

"This is my office," Kendall explained. "Now get in."

Once he was led inside, the ingari was quick to shove Silas onto the desk, knocking several things down to the ground. Being handcuffed, the rat had a limited amount of control available to him. Kendall was already pulling his pants off. "I had to pull a lot of strings and call in a lot of favors so you owe me."

Silas nodded. He could feel it the other male's arousal and wanted this just as much as Kendall did. There was no resistance coming from him at all and he gasped from the hands that were on his hips, pulling him to the end of the desk. Kendall's pants were already down and his cocktip was aligned with the rathole. It was still stretched and a bit slick from the pounding it received the day before. That was perfect. Kendall was too wound up to concern himself with prepwork. He spent many hours getting a hold of and negotiating with his higher-ups. It paid off but the whole ordeal required him to do more talking than he wanted to and it had also stressed the ingari out as those higher above weren't so quick to hear him out in the first place. With it all being so fresh in his mind, Kendall sought to take out his various frustrations on the rat.

When he thrust forwards he and Silas both moaned out as many of his inches plunged in at once. Silas' voice was just a bit more pitched as he felt his still raw hole being filled all over again. At the same time Kendall grunted deeply from the tightness that wrapped itself around his shaft.

"Fuck!" Silas reacted to the feeling of his ass being stuffed full when Kendall thrusted again, shoving the rest of his length in. He could feel his walls being parted around the thickness and many spots were being pressed all at once thanks to the length. His walls were being slathered in precum that was flowing out sooner than Silas expected. The fluid brought him some relief, taking away some of the lasting strain that he was feeling.

When he pulled back, a sucking sound came from Silas' wet hole. The smaller and bigger male moaned out together from the pleasure they were feeling; one was enjoying the feeling of the hard cock rubbing along his walls on the way out while the other was savoring the tightness that was keeping itself wrapped around his dick. Despite the hard fucking he received yesterday, Silas' hole was still keeping itself snug enough to make the ingari shudder.

When it came time to thrust Kendall did so with so much strength that the table moved as well. Kendall's strong hands kept the rat in place, pulling down in time with him thrusting forwards. They could both see the bulge that protruded from Silas' stomach, showing beneath his fur. Another deep huff came from Kendall, feeling all of his inches being kneaded by the inmate's insides. In return his pulsing cock was still leaking, the fluids coming from the fat balls that were pressed firm to Silas' rump.

The pulling back was quick and just the feeling of it sliding along the walls was almost too much for the both of them. Silas' cock was throbbing hard and swinging in time with Kendall's motions. It was leaking as well, being a reaction to the steady pressing of his prostate. That and other spots lining his passage were all being touched by the hefty cock. A rush of feeling would overtake him every time it happened, making him a moaning and panting mess. He was at the ingari's mercy, unable to even hold onto the rocking table.

He let his moans be heard within the office and Kendall wasn't doing anything to keep himself quiet either. Someone could have easily walked by and heard them or even saw them through the door's window. Though it was risky for him, still being an inmate, Silas found the very idea of being caught with a guard all the more exciting. As Kendall really began to move his hips, Silas was taking deep breaths, filling his nose with the reptile's spreading musk.

Being already hooked on the passage that perpetually hugged his maleness, Kendall's thrusting became all the rougher. His balls were smacking against the rat, making an audible sound that was as loud as their moans. Silas could feel and see Kendall's cock reaching further thanks to the visible bulge in his stomach. Between the musk and the raw pleasure of being fucked with increasing roughness, Silas was over the moon. With every moan he also took the chance to directly inhale the earthy, masculine aroma that was growing denser and denser.

Silas' tailhole had become so sloppy, being so perfectly hot and slick. It was so easy to thrust into while still maintaining enough tightness to satisfy the guard. Taking full advantage of that, Kendall smoothly slid his dick as far as it could go, huffing from the pleasure that raced through his body. Touching the prostate made Silas respond audibly and his hole would tighten up, giving Kendall something even better to push through.

Rocking his body hard, Kendall was loving how sloppy his cock was getting, the mess of his own fluids being smeared all over. There was so much that excess precum was leaking out of Silas, spilling down his rump and onto the table. The deep wet sounds of his cock pulling free and being pushed back in were all the louder now, being heard in time with every pull and push. Silas just kept moaning, finding it hard to even form words. The feelings were too good and the thrusts just kept coming, so strong and smooth, near endless pleasure that was being forced into him.

The musk was also getting stronger thanks to the ingari sweating more and more. The precum still leaking out of the rat's hole was spreading his scent further. Soon the office itself was stinking of Kendall and Silas was loving it, breathing in the aroma as much as he could.

Keeping his hands on the rat's hips, Kendall was putting even more effort into his thrusting, making the table creak and scrape across the floor. His sharp teeth were clenched together and he was huffing hard through them. Holding nothing back, Kendall was giving all that he could to the rodent. Just a bit more was needed and Silas was certainly giving him that, his hole still clenching down when the prostate was given contact. Powering through those squeezes were what really did it for Kendall.

He watched as the outline of his cock rose and shrank in time with his hips' movements. Both were completely lost in the pleasure by this point, just moaning and panting in reaction to every movement. They were both inhaling the musk, noting how much stronger it was getting the longer they kept this up. It was intoxicating and kept them both aroused. It got to a point that Kendall was unable to hold back anymore. Another thrust came before he fully hilted his cock inside of Silas. In time with another deep snarl, Kendall's balls drew up and he began pumping thick loads of his cum inside of the rat. Silas groaned, feeling his stomach being filled more and more as the gushes just kept coming. It was all pooling in his deepest reaches, making his stomach expand from the great amount that was shooting out from the tip.

The ingari kept his cock hilted as he basked in the relief that came from draining his balls. He could feel his stress ebbing away, being replaced by the growing sense of bliss that came from more spurts of cum. Silas' stomach swelled a bit more but as more seed kept flowing it began to leak out, spilling out onto the table and then onto the floor as well. When Kendall came down from his orgasm he sighed deeply and pulled out, watching as his load spilled out from Silas' still stretched hole, making an even bigger mess that also made the smell of musk all the stronger.

With a swollen stomach and a leaking tailhole, Silas was still on the table, gasping and shuddering. He didn't have much time to collect himself as Kendall pulled him up by his shirt. The rat's face was then pressed to the ingari's messy cock. Knowing what the guard wanted, the rat opened his mouth and began to lick all over the length. It was then shoved inside and he sucked on the cum-coated shaft, moaning from the taste of fresh and potent seed.

"Good boy..." Kendall said. "Keep this up and you'll be out in no time." He meant it this time and when he pulled Silas back again his cock was still hard and throbbing. Having Silas on the floor now with his hands still stuck behind his back, the ingari got down on his knees and lined up the tip with the wrecked looking hole...