Dragon Heart (Remaster)

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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Chapter One

A young human and his book, some humans now a days would rather spend their time going online and reading the book there, but the sound of a page flipping to the next page, the warmth of the pages, and the feeling of wariness after reading said book so many times; it never got old for this young human. He stood at a height of six foot, at the age of seventeen. His long spiked up black and yellow highlight hair waved from the gentle wave of the wind as his tan skin wrinkled to a smile as he saw a picture of a dragon in his book. He flipped to the next page as his green eyes darted around the words that some person made years ago. His chest rising and shrinking as his breathes took intakes of air and exhales of breathe. He wore a small black jersey like always as well as a deeply black pair of pants; his shoes were so black that when he lost them at night, he tripped when he couldn't see them. He sat on an old brown stomp, his back toward the forest that stood around him, that covered the day sky so that if it rain, none would hit him. But let loose so that rays of light would fly though and allow some sort of reading light. The human life was good, he had a loving mother, a great father, and a younger brother who at times got on his case about spending too much time in the books; but he didn't mind, one day he would write his own adventure, maybe with love. But alas the only adventure he could see were the one in the books he so dearly loved; which were always dragons.

For as long as he could remember, the green eye human loved dragons and everything about them. He had an account on a site called Sofurry, he was a user back when it was called Yiffstar.com, he didn't understand why the new name and page; but as long as he could write his stories, he was contented. This was one of his spots he went when he wanted to be away from everyone, he didn't have friends so he would always be alone in some part, but when he read a book; it was different. He thought of himself as a knight one time, saving dragons and killing anyone who harmed them, for as he always known, he loved dragons; but in a different way. He always wanted to meet one, knowing that somehow they were real, how could anyone think of a creature like the dragons. The way they could fly, the way they looked fierce but at time loving like a mother with her child. He closed his book and looked toward the sky while pointing with his finger.

"One day," he told himself out loud. "I will meet a dragon, I just know it!" he chuckled to himself about his dream, when he realized what kind of dragon would want to meet him. "I am only human after all," he started to talk out loud. "I mean, if humans really did kill the dragons of the past, why would a dragon allow to be seen in fear of being caught or worse?" he sigh as he started to think of these questions. "I love dragons..." he went on. "I...I really do." And this was true, he liked the girls back home, but he never felt right being close to them. When he would think of his love, it would always come back to a dragon. He didn't know why at first, but when he saw the site for the first time, he found out; he loved them. The sound of something snapping behind him caught his ears as he span around, holding the book close to him. His heart quickened as his eyes darted which way and that trying to find the source of the sound, a small rabbit ran under his legs as he chuckled. "Only a rabbit," he mused to himself and turned back around only to hear a soft growl.

Again he turned, but slowly this time as three wolves, one bigger then the last and grey stalked closer to him. The human gulped and back away as the wolves growled; one licking its lips hungrily. Once the human saw this, his feet wouldn't move, he was stuck with fear!

"Come on move!" he whispered harshly to himself, but all he got from his legs was a slight buckle. He gulped again as the three made their way closer to him, he started to sweat buckets as they edge closer and closer, he closed his eyes and prayed to any god known and unknown that could hear him to help him; even though he didn't believe of any at the time. When he felt their breath on his face and then a crushing feeling of being pined on his back did he give up and accepted his fate; he was going to die. He slowly opened his eyes when he felt the feeling of the beast off of him and heard a different kind a growl from behind. Moving his head so he could look backwards with his hair hitting the ground as his eyes grew wide turning onto his gut to get a better look at what he was looking at, rubbing his eyes; it was still there. A large green beast stood over him, wings brought out to its sides and upward making it look more furious then it already was. Just like its scales, its eyes were as green, a long green tail slashing the ground behind it as it growled again causing the three wolves to back away. One of the wolves barked at the dragon, but it only hissed and hit the ground with it front paw causing it to creak and dust fly from the lines of the dirt. The wolf backed away with the other two flanking it, and soon they ran off into the forest, not before howling their rage in the air.

The young human looked up at the dragon before he too started to back away until his back reached the tree that stood behind him, the light poured from above to show his fear and also amazement of what was standing before him; but fear again when it started t edge closer. He gulped when its face was close to his, even when it gave him a small sniff. His eyes closed, he thought the dragon only saved him so that it could it him itself! He waited for death yet again, but it never came, only a soft voice.

"Are you alright?" he opened his eyes to see the dragon standing before him. The dragon was many time his size, it maybe twenty feet off the ground to the human. It blinked waiting for the human answer as he only blinked back as the beast sigh. "Did you hear me?" its jaws moved as it spoke, showing its rows of teeth's and fork tongue. "Are you alright?" the voice sounded to be a women voice, and was gentle as the human only blindly nodded his head as the dragoness sigh. "Good, I would hate to have you die while I was trying to keep you safe."

"You were trying to keep me safe?" asked the human as he stood up looking up at her as she laid on the ground, crossing her paws over the other, laying like a dog would seeing him eye to eye.

"Yes," she answered nodding her head. "I saw that you were in danger and wished to help you, it is not in my nature to allow a life to be killed if I can help it survived!" the green eye teen nodded his head again as he gulp, sweat still clung to his shirt allowing the dragoness to smell his fear as she only chuckled. "Do not worry, I will not hurt you," a soft growl like sound was heard; she was laughing. "But I think it's best if you come with me."

"Why?" asked the teen as a howl was heard not to far from where he was.

"It is matting season for the wolves around here," she answered. "And they tend to get very hungry after matting and since you're full of meat well..." he needed no more telling as he moved closer to her as she again made her dragon like laugh. "It will only last a week," she told him. "I will care for you until then." He looked up to her and gave a small smile up at her as she smiled back; showing all of her teeth. "But before we leave," she looked down to him. "My name is Saira, and you?"

"You can call me Brandon," he answered. "Nice to met you Saira." The dragoness smiled and lay low to the ground, Brandon knew what she wanted and climbed on her back, sitting in the hollow part of her neck as she lifted her self up. He held onto her spikes as rose and moved around, bending her chest down and her wings up, she flapped downward and started to lift her body up in the sky. Brandon held on tightly, his gut turning as she shook and rose all the higher. At last she steady herself as she flew in a straight line above the forest they were just in. when Brandon dared to look, he was amazed! The feeling of wind flowing though his hair and face caused him to almost laugh out loud as Saira tilted her body to the left diving down as he held on tighter screaming. She only laughed as he shivered. "That was not funny!" he cried as she laughed again.

"I thought it was," this time she brought her nose up before shooting down toward the large lake before them as he screamed even louder. At the last moment she snapped her wings up and was now flying just above the water. Brandon held onto her neck tightly as she chuckled, stopping her game and flew straight to a cave that was poking out of the ground. She landed and started to walk in, gong downward. She could see well for her glowing eyes, but Brandon was blind, at times he would hit his head on a low roof. At last the Saira brought Brandon to a large room inside the cave; tunnels were seen going in different directions to show that there were more caves inside her home. She bent down to allow him to jump off as she stretched her body out like a cat yawning loudly.

"Well, you can sleep in one of these caves," she pointed with her snout then went down to him. "Or, you can sleep with me." He gulped hard but nodded to her idea as the two went to a small room with gold coins shattered around the floor. She curled and left a small space for him which he jumped in and brought his head close to her chest, soon the two falling asleep.

The week came and gone, Brandon went back to his family who was worried for him. He said that he was kidnapped and the capturers got away when he got closer to the city. It took a while, but after that Brandon was allowed to leave the house and return to school. He would go back to meet Saira as the two became the best of friends, she would take him flying and swimming, at times the two would tell of each other past and enjoyments. As the weeks went by, Brandon felt something deep within him about Saira, that he loved her. But the dragoness showed no emotion for him for as far he could tell. But something was indeed going to change for them both, on a raining day.

Brandon ran into the cave to get out of the rain, his hair drenched as well as his clothes as he made his way down. He knew the cave tunnels well enough not to run into them as he soon made it to the main part of the cave with ease, when something hit his nose. It was a strong and powerful odour that made his skin crawl and almost drool, it was musky yet it smelt as if he knew the smell. Like something in his body was awakened. He followed the smell as he made his way toward the room where he and Saira first spent their nights together as he saw something that made him stop. He found Saira laying on the ground, chest closer and her rump in the air, her tail between her legs and reappearing as she pleasured herself. Soft coos of love were heard as Brandon kept as silence as he could muster. He could feel his pants tighten already from just the look of the oversize dragon slit as she groaned and growled openly to the roof.

"Harder..." she growled, her eyes closed. She must have been thinking of a dragon she thought would please her, Brandon thought to himself. He was about to turn to leave to allow his friend to enjoy herself when she gasp louder. "Yes Brandon! Right there, fuck me there!" he stopped at mid step when he heard her cry his name out. His eyes grew wide as he turned around to watch her dig her tail in deeper. "Yes...yes...aghhhh!" she screamed as her juices exploded around her tail spilling to the floor as she cooed louder and fell to her side, her face looking toward him; eyes still closed. Brandon was still shocked that he could not move, jaw gapped opened as Saira slowly opened her eyes to see him looking back at her.

This a preview of what i have so far, as i said i would remake some of my stories and here is one of them, i plan on naming this chapter but until then have fun with this.