more than cyber yiff

Story by leon wolf on SoFurry

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As I saw him walk towards me I sighs to myself, and yet again, got up and walked away, hoping he didn't know it was meant to be me he was meeting. This is the 4th time I've done this, walked away from a blind date from the internet, that's the problem with meeting someone in a chat room, one you don't know what they look like, two they could act different in real life and three, they could be lying bout the above. I've never had a real relation ship, seems everyone I met is "curious" and only want to use me for the one night. There is only one place to go from here, home, I never go to bars, I've no one to go with, I went to a gay bar once, but I didn't feel right there, and watching all the couples.... Doing what couples do made me feel more lonely, I never went to another club after that, I jut stay home, and yet again, another night with me and my computer, oh what joy......

I sat at my over used chair and sighed once again, scratching behind my ears. I tacked in my user name into my internet account, wolf_in_teensuk, and lessoned blankly at the screeching internet like sounds. I was pretty light headed now, and had butterflies in my stomach so to speak, probably from standing that badger up.... And that Dalmatian.....and that young lion... wow, I never noticed this before, I guess I've been feeling guilty all this time..... Well not for the lion, I was scared of him, he was huge for god's sake! So tacked into my favourite gay porno site, as I do after every failing date which means I'm a regular visitor. I sat there gawking at all the huge male hoods on the screen, there were horses, foxes, tigers, hell I wasn't picky, just the sight was enough to get my own member to rise, my nose sniffed the air, trying to match a scent with the pictures, I love the scent of a male, its just murr. I looked down at my tented pants and giggled to myself, wagging my bushy tail, I licked my muzzle and reached into my pants, under the boxers, and let out I low moan, I didn't paw, just felt myself, my sleek averaged sized wolf member, a lush skin pink colour, with a not so average large knot at the bottom sticking out my white sheath, the white fur went up my belly, chest, neck, chin, between my eyes and stopped at the very top of my head fur, which I had in large spikes, the rest of my fur was a light, shinny grey. With my spare hand I unbuttoned my pants and pushed them down with my boxers, and there I stood, my fully unsheathed wolf cock with a bead of pre-cum running down the side. I looked at myself for a small while and got...curious.... And slide my finger slowly down the side of my shaft and pushed my finger into my sheath. I gaped out loudly and pulled my finger out quickly, my heart was pounding, I couldn't believe how good that just felt! I swallowed hard and was bout to try again when an instant message suddenly came up.

Darius_BlueFox1506: hey there

Wolf_in_teensuk: err, hey, who is this?

Darius_BlueFox1506: the names Darius, I hope you don't mind me talking to you, I saw you profile and you seemed nice

I was surprised at this, normally I get instant messages in yiffing chatrooms, or I'd message someone else, this is the first time I was messaged out of somones interest, infact this is the first time some messaged me cause they liked my profile.

Wolf_in_teensuk: oh, thanks, my names Leon BTW

Darius_BlueFox1506: nice name, ummm...

Darius_BlueFox1506: I'm sorry to be too forward but I'm not good at this stuff, but I noticed you live near to me, and I was wondering if you wanted to meet some time?

Wolf_in_teensuk: I just met you.....

Darius_BlueFox1506: well actualy, we've met before, I see you where you work, when ever I try and talk to you I freeze up and end up buying a pack of mints instead....

Wolf_in_teensuk: wait, are you that blue haired fox?

Darius_BlueFox1506: err, yea....

I just couldn't beleave my luck, every time this guy comes in, I want to ask him out, but I always have plans whenever he comes in, this is so ironic he's asking me out the same was what was stopping me asking him out.

Wolf_in_teensuk: I would love to! I've allayed kinda wanted to ask you out too.....

Darius_BlueFox1506 blushes

Darius_BlueFox1506: great, where do you want to go?

Wolf_in_teensuk: oh I don't mind

Right, I got to try and not make me look to desperate... and so far I haven't shown a hint of a sense of humour.....

Wolf_in_teensuk: or we could skip it all and just go to you place :P

Darius_BlueFox1506: really? Great! When do you wanna come over sexy ;)

Oh my god what did I just do.... Wait, this is good, I always look at this guy, I always wanted him, this is my chance!

Wolf_in_teensuk: how's tonight?

Darius_bluefox1506: OMG tonight's perfect, now even if you want! Here's my address...

Wolf_in_teensuk: don't need it, I've got it off you club card account...

Darius_bluefox1506: you looked up my address without me knowing?

Wolf_in_teensuk: I've kinda wanted to ask you out for a while too...

Darius_bluefox1506: wow....

Wait, why am I still here? I typed quickly, rushed for my coat and went out the front door, before the computer could send what I just wrote

Wolf_in_teensuk: I'm on my way! Hope you ready for me ;)

Wolf_in_teensuk has just logged out

I don't know the last time I ran so fast, I even overtook a jogging cheater on the way, I never hesitated for one moment, until I noticed I was running with my boxers round my ankles and had a hard member poking out in public, thank fuck I only passed that cheater and no one else saw, infect I think the cheater enjoyed the sight, I heard him purr when I passed. I quickly organized myself and kept running, I got to the front door of Darius's house, I was pant so heavily, I knocked the door 3 times and it suddenly flew open, like the person on the other side was waiting for the knock and had his fingers on the door knob ready. There we both stood, staring at each other, the first time outside my job, it was a good 30 seconds after staring he said "err, wanna come on inside?" I was still panting like an idiot, so I just nodded and tried to look casual as I walked inside. An awkward silence filled the room but was broken by the sound of giggling, the blue haired fox was trying to muffle his laughs. "whats so funny?" I obviously asked "your jeans, their on backwards!" I just went bright red and looked down, but what happened next was unexpected, the blue haired fox walked up to me and dived right into a deep kiss, I couldn't believe it, I always thort foxes were all subs, this one seemed to know what he wanted. He broke the kiss and looked at me with his large green fox eyes, I watch his blue muzzle as he spoke "it doesn't matter bout the jeans, your not gonna have them on for long anyway." I was just speechless, but it didn't matter, he grabbed my paw and pulled my upstairs to the bedroom. He flung me onto the bed and practically ripped my cloths off in two second, I didn't care, I want this to happen, he quickly pulled all this cloths off, and if he had any problems, he'd just rib them off. He crawled onto the bed with be and was above me as he spoke "I've been wanting this for sooo long" he turned around and sat on my belly, facing my still hard wolf hood, and he positioned himself, I didn't know what he was doing till it happened, his cock slide against mine, both covered in pre, and he pushed his cock head into my sheath. I gasped and bucked sharply from the pure pleasure, and gained more pleasure as when I bucked I pushed myself into his sheath, which gave him the same effect. Suddenly we were thrusting into each other's sheaths as hard as we could, the feeling was amazing, our cocks rubbing each other in every thrust. I never thort you could fit another male's cock into your own sheath, well, just barely, we were both incredibly tight, and it felt sooooo gooood! We moaned wildly together as we fucked one another's sheath, filling each other with out pre, I could feel his seed stocking up inside me, this was just amazing, my moaning turned to howling his name, I repeated over and over "oh fuck yes Darius! Take me like a female!" every time I spoke he trusted harder, this had to be the best feeling possible in the world. It got to a point we were thrusting into each other so hard, we tied, both out knots went into the others sheath, we both yelped and thruted hared in perfect symphony. Darius's ears bend backwards and he spoke for the first time "ooooohhh fuck Leon, I'm gonna loose it, I'm gonna.." he pushed himself so hard into me, I couldn't take it either, we both shoot our seed into each other, our flavours mixing together, our cum spurted around, even backwashing back into our own sheaths, I was exhausted, and I just collapsed into the bed, however Darius kept going, fucking me until he would drop, he filled me with wave after wave of his sticky fox cum. Eventually he stopped and pulled his member out my sheath, but he didn't turn around to see me, he scooched himself back until his balls were above my head. "my mother allayed said do waist anything worth having, suck me bitch" he spoke to me, he lean downwards till his cum covered cock went into my muzzle, and I sucked him off, as he did for me at the same time, we sucked each others dicks murring and loving our flavours of our cum, his tounge went into my sheath and I bucked slightly into his mouth, and I did the same to him, surprised how much wolf/fox cum I had pumped into his tight sheath, we slurped each other clean and swallowed every drop. Once we were both clean, he final turned around and laid on top of me, he pulled me into a deep kiss, his toung exploring my mouth before saying "good night wuffie, see you in the morning for round two" he licked my nose gently, but what shocked me the most was the time, 11:20, we were fucking for hours! Thank god tomorrow is Sunday, a whole day with my new dominant fox.

[ok, this was my first story ever, so send me some emails to tell me what you think or say in person on my hotmail account, [email protected], don't be shy, just tell me]