Tales From Apartment 232 - Part 1

Story by Damionstjames on SoFurry

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#1 of Tales From Apartment 232

The begining to the most infamous series on Yiffstar. Staring Renee Mornigstar, a Gay Kickboxing pornstar satanic fox, and his gang of all-gay friends.



This is an original work of gay erotic fiction by David Bennett. All characters unless stated are Copyright me. Any use of the name, or likeness of an individual is purely intended in some places, but is alright. Use of songs are copyright their creators.

If you are under the age of 18 or 21, then turn back now. If you are offended by gay erotica, or if you are offended by the following content: Incest, bestiality, watersports, scat, BDSM, Snowballing, Man on boy, boy on boy, rape, or gay relationships in general, stop reading. But if these are your cups of tea, then by all means unzip your fly and enjoy my little stories.

If you like what you read, give me an E-Mail at [email protected] . If you don't have access to an Email, you can contact me by typing a letter to

Thank you and enjoy the read!



Who ever loved "moving day" anyway? Certainly not me. I never once in my life that I'd have to leave my home, but...things change. Yes, things change. I severely doubt old mother and father would have expected me to turn out the way I did when they adopted me. I had changed from the nice little "Ne-ne" into the satanic homosexual named Renee Morningstar that I turned out to be. It's safe to say...high school was no fun.

Anyhow, let me tell you about myself as I sit here in my new apartment. I was born 24 years ago, when my knocked-up mother gave birth to me in a restaurant bathroom. She then left me in the toilet to drown. Fortunately, a middle-aged, and slightly rotund woman found me, and took me to the hospital. The woman was so attached to little me that when my mother naturally didn't come to find me, she and her middle-aged husband came and adopted me.

It wasn't so bad, living with a pair of 48 year olds. They showered me with love, and tried not to spoil me. Bah, they could never have done that. The thing that bothered me was all this church church church church church! Every Sunday and every Wednesday I was told on how much a sinner I was, and how horrible it was going to be when I burned in hell, and no matter how much I prayed and how nice I was I would be doomed to rot in hell...but...God loved me. Some love. When I was 14 I met a group of satanic boys that awoke my spirit, and showed me how life should be lead: without fear of repercussions. It was they who awoke my sexuality as well, using me in several of their rituals as their "sacred sexual vessel" and their "vessel of blood". It was they who gave me the tribal tattoo I have upon my chest. I was proud to finally be accepted. My parents on the other hand were appalled at my choice of life. My sexuality they didn't mind, but the satanic worship was too much for them.

"How dare you worship that evil entity under our roof Ne-ne...when we feed you our food, give you our water, and put clothes on your body!" My mother would say.

"Renee Kubrick! Your mother and I have worked hard to raise you well, and this is the thanks we get?" My father would chime in.

"I thank you for your kindness, however I just have chosen not to mirror your lives." I would tell them. I was not ungrateful, just unhappy.

When I was 16, my parents had enough of my "moonlight shenanigans" and my "sexcapades" and sent me off to Otto Barton's Home for Troubled Boys. It was a glorified boarding school for troublemakers. I was never-ever a troublemaker, only...I did my worship and got laid. This proved to be a problem for me, with the non-gay boys beating me up every day. It was after a month of hell in that abyss that I discovered that they had a martial-arts class. I signed up immediately. By my graduation 2 years later, I had earned my way up to purple belt in kickboxing and karate. With 2 more years training, I had earned my 3rd degree black belt. I was deadly...only...unemployed.

I did the only thing I could think of, I changed my name to "Renee Morningstar" and started life anew...as a prostitute. After 2 years of that, I had earned a pretty penny, and had made enough money to get me into a house. That is where my stories begin; in a humble little home...on Tumbler Street.

My house on Tumbler street was what some would call a homemaker's dream, 99% of people that have complete functionality of their brain would call it a piece of shit. From the street, you would see a house that looks as if it is falling apart. It had two stories, though for some reason the bottom floor was worse than the top. The paint was gray and was near all the way peeled off. The wooden plank front porch had warped and was coming apart. The lawn had died 5 years ago and had yet to fully decompose. There was garbage all over the property: car parts, food containers, and the occasional fornicating pets. The windows were patched with plastic bags and cardboard, and the front door looked as of someone had used an indoor door rather than a front door style of door. There were planters hanging from the porch, though those had been turned into ashtrays when the plants died. The only plants that you could find actually growing on the property were odd 5-fingered ones...hmm. Yeah, I always found it funny that the only plants that grew in this place were illegal ones. Inside the house, the walls were covered with graffiti from when the house was a gang hangout. The house smelled of drugs, sex, and body wastes. The carpet...what was left of it, was a terrible shag carpet in a deplorable lime green color with gold mixed in. Our bathroom was more or less the only clean room in the house, except for mine. Upstairs were the bedrooms and the all-purpose "gathering room" where anything was bound to happen, and chances are when you woke up you would be putting on someone else's clothes. My room was the only room that was kept orderly, and didn't have drugs lying all over the place. My room was a functional, shrine to my religion and myself. I had black satin sheets on my bed, black curtains, laced with red, and bleak candles all over the place. On my bookshelf (yes I have books so there!), were a collection of erotic works I enjoy, and all of my pornos in which I starred. That was my house...it was my home.

The morning everything began, I awoke to the sound of floorboards breaking downstairs. I shot up with a start and gasped. I looked about and heard the sound of someone screaming in pain downstairs. I didn't bother to throw on clothes and I ran downstairs. In what would normally be the living room, was my friend Asher, he had his right leg stuck in the floor, apparently it had gave way, and his foot would be down in the basement. I gasped.

"Asher, you alright?"

"No, get me the fuck out of here!" He begged.

I looked at Asher, a Sheep Herder type of fur, clad in some running shorts and a pink and black gold's gym tank top. I walked over and helped him extract his leg with some difficulty; the wood of the floor was cutting into his thigh and opening a large wound. With a sharp twist and a tug, I had him free. Asher laid down on the floor, holding his leg; the cut was a nasty one and bleeding a purplish red blood all over the place.

"God, I bet this'll take hours to regenerate." He muttered.

"Don't worry, I have a first aid kit upstairs. Come on and lets get you some. How did you fall through the floor anyway?"

"I dropped my money and some of it rolled over there," He said pointing to some coins on the floor. "I forgot about the danger spots."

I rolled my eyes and shrugged, sighing as I helped him up to a stand. He walked with me, trailing blood behind him, and followed me into my bedroom. Inside, under my bed, was my first-aid kit. I had Asher sit on my bed and keep his hands on the wound to keep the cut from bleeding all over my stuff. I wasn't really prepared, or dressed, to deal with a medical emergency this early in the morning. Sure it was only 11:49, but that was early to me.

I grabbed the orange kit and opened it, grabbing some gauze and some tape. After I did a rather fine job of dressing the wound, I taped it up. Asher smiled and looked at the job that I did.

"Wow, where'd you learn how to do that?" He said impressed.

"Martial Arts classes. It was common for us to be cut up after a sparring session." I admitted, not really caring.

Asher looked around my room. He had never been in it before. Most of the time he sticks to his upstairs bedroom across the hall and only knocks on my door to get my attention. He seemed a little scared, but impressed.

"Nice digs. Is that a pentacle in the ceiling?" He asked, jutting a thumb in that direction. On the ceiling above me was the satanic pentacle with the goat in the background and the runes at the tips of the star's points. I had painted it myself when I bought the house, mixing a little of my blood with the paint. People don't understand how wonderfully spiritual that is.

"Yeah...sorry if it bothers you." I said, looking on my floor for some clothes. I decided to pull on my fighting pants with my personal logo on the side. My logo was my name in Japanese characters. They were a blood red and contrasted the black of my pants. I slipped them on, and turned around, tossing my long hair back. Asher seemed to be blushing and trying to hide it. Was Asher trying to hide an attraction to me? I wasn't really in the mood for any drama at all, and I really needed him to go.

"I like it."

"Like what?" I said, my thought lapsing for a moment.

"The star. That must've taken a lot of work." He admitted.

"Not really." I lied, being modest. "Just a simple swish or two."

Asher wasn't buying my act. I didn't know what he had in mind, but he seemed to be getting a little "cute" with me. "Oh come on, I bet it took lots of talent. I wish I had talent like that. It's you that gets all the men...what's your secret?" He asked, leaning over and smiling at me lovingly.

Sad to say, I just wasn't interested in anything with Asher at that moment. A fuck was about as far as I'd go, but I wasn't even interested in that. Asher was probably my best friend, and I was tired. He on the other hand seemed to have been up for hours, perhaps thinking about me. The concept of Asher fancying me was flattering to say the least, however I just couldn't return the same interest at that time.

"You have to work tonight don't you?" I asked, trying to change the subject, but Asher wasn't having any of that. His eyes narrowed but his smile stayed the same.

"Of course I'm working at Pesti's tonight, but you didn't answer my question Ne-ne." He said slyly, using my pet name. I use Ne-ne in my porn movies, and let my lovers call me that, but never before has Asher called me that. It was like hearing my mother call me that again.

"What question?" I asked, now trying to play dumb.

"I asked you how is it that you get all the men! It's not fair..." He said, scooting closer to me. I let him, I was thinking about giving up trying to resist and just let him have it out with me in bed for a few hours if it'd get him off of my case, but my inner sense that I wasn't really ready to get fucked yet told me otherwise.

"Look why don't you talk to Gustov and ask if you can be in the movies? He's always looking for people who want to be in gay porn." I told him. "I bring those guys home all the time because we are practicing scenes; it's a perk/part of the job. I don't have a relationship with anyone because I am really too busy sexually to commit to one man. I just can't when I am fucking 7 different men a week."

"Well, couldn't you make an exception?" He asked, now getting frisky and tackling me to the bed, and pressing his body to mine. He was hard...and horny...but it didn't take a rocket scientist to see this. I was wondering how he could go from hurt to horny in less than 5 minutes.

"Asher...you're my best friend and all...and if I wasn't working tonight I would, but if you don't get off of me you are going to wish I left your leg in the floor." I said firmly.

"No?" He said, slowly getting off of me."

"No Asher. You have to work today, I have to work today...its as simple as that. Now I'm sorry it has to be this way, but I just can't do this with you. I can't be your lover."

Asher sighed and sat on my bed. He nodded and shrugged. "It was worth a shot...I love you." He told me. I felt gratified inside to hear those words spoken in truth, and not out of a script. I smiled and patted his thigh...where the cut wasn't of course.

"Asher, as a friend I love you too. Look, if it matters, I'll promise you a fuck sometime soon, and then we can discuss things further. Right now, I just need you to be strong for the both of us, and let our relationship stand as this, understand?" I asked him.

"I was right." Was all he said. It caught me off guard.

"Right? About what?" I asked.

"I was right, you are the greatest guy I've ever met." He said with a hopeful smile. That flattered me more than anything, and was probably the nicest thing I'd heard outside a post-sex environment in my life.

"Come here...there is something I can give you to tide you over." I said. I pulled us together, and gave him a hugging kiss. I French kissed him for the first time, and he was skilled to say the least, but he needed guidance. I let my tongue show him the proper way it should be done, as we sat there and made mouthy love for about 20 minutes. It was about all I felt comfortable doing. When I broke the kiss, he was in heaven, and was looking at me with a happily dazed look in his eyes.

"I've wanted to...I mean...I never-" He began, but my finger on his lips shushed him.

"Shoosh. You can kiss me anytime for now. Lets leave it at that until I'm ready to make a decision, understand?" I asked him

"Whatever you say mommy..." He said as he slipped off the bed with a thud, landing on the floor in a comedic way, and falling to sleep in a flash. My grin widened, and I couldn't help but to laugh, but I had to, so I grabbed a pillow and laughed into it, so as not to disturb my dearest friend Asher.

I heard a knock at the front door, and smiled. I reached around the floor and found my sports bra, and slipped it on, followed by my fighting Gi. Like my pants, the Gi was black with my logo on the back. I had to go and train the kid's class, then go to the studio to film some softcore roles later in the night. The coolest thing was the parents knew I was gay, but I was trustworthy. They didn't know I was a Satanist or a Porn star...that could have lead towards some unpleasantness.

"I'm coming." I called out my broken window behind my bed, and came out the door to walk down the stairs. The house would be considered huge, a small mansion even, if it wasn't so rinky-dink and rickety. I had to walk carefully towards the front door. The bottom floor was uncarpeted, and was dangerous. The bottom floor had been rotted and eaten away by termites. The floor was no good, and if you stepped in the wrong spots then you were done for, and would take a plummet into the basement. No one had been in that basement in 30 years, and no one had a clue what was down there, so you can see our reason for wanting to avoid it.

The path way to the door was marked and easily traceable by the dark spots on the floor, those are where everybody steps. If you followed the dark spots, you wouldn't take a trip into the abyss.

I reached the front door that looked like someone stole it off of a closet, and opened it. It was Micah. I smiled and gasped in relief.

"Oh thank Lucifer...I thought you were someone for Chong." I said with a chuckle. Micah was an attractive and short Kitsune fox. His hair was jet-black, and gold elsewhere, and white on his chest. Micah was dressed in a white tank top and white workout shorts, and had on some sports goggles in his Rx. He smiled at me and gestured over his shoulder. In a very handsome and crisp British accent he said,

"Hey, thought I'd offer you a ride today so I could get to my self-defense class early, and so you don't have to take the ruddy bus anywhere." He said. Micah had an old VW parked out front. It was quaint, and I liked it. I liked Micah too, he was a kind gent: scrawny, but kind. I smiled at him and placed a kind hand on his right shoulder and smiled.

"Sounds great. I'm teaching the kids today, your self-defense class isn't until tomorrow though." I noticed.

"Well, something came up. I'm moving out of my apartment tomorrow, and I can't find someone to move into it. If I can't find someone, then I'm stuck there. Some stupid rule in my contract." He said with a flick of his hair. I shrugged and pulled the door behind me. I had all I needed.

"Sounds fine, let's talk in the car." I said pointing behind him. He turned and led me to his car, letting me in first. The upholstery of the car had some tears in some places, but it was a car...and more than I owned. As Micah slipped in, I couldn't help but to look over his legs. They were so attractive, yet scrawny. I didn't have a heat for Micah yet, but he was cute. Sad to say he was married too...and if anything were to happen, it'd be his husband that gave permission.

The car took off towards downtown. I had been living in Los Angles for a while, and was used to the sights and sounds. The excitement began to wear off after a while, and that's when I took over a dyeing Martial Arts master's dojo and made it my own. I called it "The Camellia", named after a gorgeous pink flower. I taught local kids, gay youth, and gay adults all sorts of combat styles, and was one of only 3 decent masters in LA. No, I wasn't the best...I was the lowest of those three, but I am certainly better than most $1.99 a lesson teachers. My aim was to teach the kids that there are no victims; only people that let themselves fall under harm. I taught them that they could be in control of just about anything, if they put their minds to it. It was sound advice, and I agreed with it.

"Micah, where is your uniform?" I asked him.

"Oh, it's in the back." He said, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder.

"Alright. Anyway, what's this about moving out?"

"You remember I live in those apartments downtown, the ones right across the street from Pesti's Pizza right?" He asked me. I remembered them indeed, the name escaped me. All I could remember is the name had something to do with a famous British leader, and that was the reason Micah and his mate Khris had moved in.

"Yes I do, Churchill Estates?" I asked, taking a guess.

"Aye. Well, I have been working double overtime trying to get some of these damn computers working at work, and at home. It's frustrating you know mate? Well anyway, I try to do some work on the Internet, and this apartment building just doesn't have the right connections I need. I loathe infantile internet programs. Honestly, it's like-"

"Not to be rude but we were talking about moving Micah sweetie." I said. He corrected himself and apologized properly.

"Sorry mate where's my manners. Anyway, I am fed up with the lack of speed, and personally I think that landlord bloke is a filthy and cheep little wanker. I can't take anymore of it, so I am moving into another apartment nearby, but the rodder won't let me leave unless I find someone to move in!" He said in frustration.

I pondered that for a few moments, and shrugged. I've lived with assholes before, and never hoped to meet anyone else. I already had two other guys and my dog living with me, I was kind of nervous and didn't want to increase those odds.

"So you can't leave the house ever, unless you find someone to move in?" I asked casually.

"Oh no, not at all. He pulled some jargo that I couldn't leave...something about a ?mandatory quota clause' or something. I'm having Khris look into it with some of the legal people he hangs out with. I hope they come up with something, I want out of that building."

"Mandatory quota what?" I asked, not sure I head him right.

"I said," He said calmly with a smile. "Mandatory Quota Clause. What it states in the bottom of my contract is that there must be a minimum amount of tenants in his building, or it closes. So, he makes us stay...but on the other hand he does give us cheaper rent." He said with a shrug.

"Is he cute?" I asked, deciding to flirt a little. Micah looked over at me like he had never ever thought of a man in a sexual way.

"Oh come off it man, are you asking me if my apartment manager, the one that says if I can live where I live or not is attractive?" He said, looking slightly offended.

"Yeah, that's about right." I said.

"God, the Queen mum's rotten old codger's crab infested pubic hair is more attractive than he is." He said with affirmation. "I don't understand why people are allowed to be that...rude." He said...losing his words. I smiled and petted his back.

"Atta boy, you almost cussed! Few more slips like that and we might almost get you to say ?ass'!"

"Ah shut your pie ole." He said with a smile as we laughed...and pulled onward towards my Dojo.

* * *







I was having a blast. All my students had shown up today, and once again, the parents trusted me with their kids. Some parents trusted me more than others, but they all knew I wasn't going to molest their kids or something.

The kids were in three rows of seven, and I was having Micah be my assistant. All the kids were dressed in their pink Gi's and pants with yellow belts, and Micah was next to me with a Blue belt on. Micah was getting far along. My hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, and I was in my sports bra and pants only. I had taped up my feet and hands. I was in my fighting element.

"Good! Good. I am really pleased at your progress gentlemen." I said to the boys as I bowed to them.

"Thank you Master Morningstar!" They all replied in unison, bowing back.

"Now, for a special treat, I am going to show you all a simple self-defense move you can use in the event someone tries to punch you. Micah?" I said, signaling it was our turn for the mats. The students cleared to their "ready" spots, and let us have the mats. My mats were pink with my logo and the flower in the middle. I liked them. I stood and looked my student and friend in the eyes, and didn't remove them from his. Micah and I had been working out for today for almost 2 hours, and we were getting tired, but not we weren't anywhere near our max for exhaustion yet.

"Alright, this is going to take precision. Now, this move can be performed from the left or the right ? doesn't matter at all. The only thing that matters about this move is your ability to read your opponent's speed, footing, and accuracy. What do we know about our opponents class?"

"That all enemies, no matter how well we know them, can always surprise us!" They all said in unison.

"Correct! Now, in this case, we know our opponent is going to use a straight punch. Micah, can I see you do a straight punch?" I asked him.

"Aye." He said. He then shifted slightly and threw a perfect right-handed straight punch that came an inch from my face...I could feel the force behind it. Inwardly I was impressed, but outwardly I had to remain stone-faced.

"Very good. Ready stance Micah." I commanded. He obeyed and stood at the ready, with his fists out in front of him, and his feet at shoulder level. I then turned to the class and said,

"This is a simple toss maneuver. It has Judo and Greco-Roman backgrounds, and can be very effective. Now l'll show Micah how to do it, and then have him perform it on me. Watch closely."

Micah got ready and nodded to tell me that he is ready. I decided that I would explain the moves while did them, having all this performed in slow motion. Micah threw his punch and I threw out my left hand and grasped his wrist, and rotated his wrist 180 degrees clockwise, turned around and put it on my shoulder, and pulled him over with both arms. The class was impressed, the children ooo'ed and watched Micah get slammed with a keen sense of gratitude. Micah was quickly on his feet again, and was ready for the next step.

"Alright, very good Micah. You all saw how Micah took the fall so not to hurt himself, despite the fact that I was tossing him, very good Micah. Now class, I am going to let Micah try this out on me, everybody watch!" I said with a smile. All the kids leaned forward to get a better look. Any time their teacher gets their ass kicked is a good moment. I entered a random stance, knowing that Micah would be able to read my movements. This time I had to go at least half speed. I threw a quick punch as Micah grabbed my wrist, turned it, and tossed me over his shoulder. The world span for just a second, but as if I was in the Matrix or something, I could see it all in very slow motion. I could see the ceiling coming up at a fast rate, and knew the floor would be meeting me at the same rate. I put my feet out first and landed with them flatly, and then my little ass. The kids all made impressed noises. I smiled...if I was getting my ass kicked, they were happy.

"Good job!" I said as I kipped up, standing once again. "Alright, I see that we're running out of time. I bid you all good day, and I'll see you next week!"

"Thank you Master Morningstar!" They all said in unison, including Micah.

The kids all went into the locker room, and changed and showered. I did the same thing in the adult, sharing a stall with Micah. Though I was slightly aroused in body, we both stayed perfectly adult about the matter and kept our hands off, except for helping to wash. While in the shower, I started to think. I needed a new place to live; there was no denying that. I couldn't afford to have someone close to me fall through the floor someday. As Micah ran his fingers through my back fur, helping me to get extra squiggly clean, I just knew that I should help him out.

"So what kind of rent you lookin' at in that apartment of yours Micah? Oh yeah good job on the toss by the way." I said politely.

"Oh-" He kind of blushed. "Well, I'm paying about $500 a month normally, but because there is hardly anyone in the building I'm only paying $300...if that." He said, washing my lower back.


"Yeah ? my turn ? the bloke has me only paying $275 dollars a month to live in an apartment the size of your flat I dare say."

It was too good to be true. As I turned around and started to help wash Micah, my hands running over his soft fur, working in the shampoo, I knew what I had to do.

"I've come to a decision Micah ? lift your arms ? that I'll move into your apartment if you'll help me move." I said with a smile.

"Are you pulling my tail? Are you serious?" He said in disbelief.

"No, this is pulling your tail," I said as I gave his tail a friendly tug. "I am telling the truth."

"Blimey...thanks mate! I'll have Khris help you move tonight, it's not like you have that much stuff to move eh?"

"Not at all. Maybe about five boxes of clothes and pornos, and then there's my TV and electronics, umm...my books, so that'll be another three boxes. I think that's about it, besides all my satanic stuff that I keep in a duffel bag. Oh yeah, and my bed...my bed I'll have to take apart."

Micah pondered this as I washed the small of his back. He nodded. "Oh yeah, Khris can have you in there by 2 am, if you don't mind being up late. We have all our stuff packed and in the house we want to move into, the only thing we have in there really is a couch. You can have that. So what do you say I have Khris pick you up from the Studio at 10?" Micah said politely.

"Micah...it's a date."

* * *

A tongue was down my throat. I was making out with Jeice, my on-screen partner. I have done many movies with him, and I am proud to have sex with him on camera. The lights of the camera were hot, and we had makeup on to make us look sweaty, matting our fur down. It wasn't too comfortable. We were doing a softcore, so there was no actual penetration, though from behind it would look like it. The camera I could see was over his left shoulder and at an angle, so it would make the sex look real. I had my legs spread, and was on a huge bed of pillows. I looked up, Jeice was one of two albino minks that I had ever met in my life, the other was born without any sex organs whatsoever, and despite that made a decent running in the hardcore sex movies. Jeice, was the sleekest and most handsome one I had ran into yet...yet. He had sexy abs, buttocks, and the pinkest cock that you could ever see...which at that moment was rubbing against mine. We were spearheading, a safe and non-penetrating way to do it. Though, from a certain angle it looks like he is really fucking me. My job was to close my eyes and grit my teeth, which I did, and pretended as if I was receiving the greatest pleasure of my life.

At the key timing, Jeice let out a pretend display or orgasm, as I pulled his head down to lay on my chest. They switched cameras and now the camera was on my right, and just above us. Here came my lines.

"Well Alec, are you sure about this? I appreciate the romance and all...coming over to my house in the dead of night to cheer me up, but murder? You love your husband, why would you do that to him?"

Jeice pretended to be out of breath, and answered in his really feminine voice. "Because Justin, I...I can't stand another moment to be without you. I realize I was wrong now...as I lay here, with me inside of you I realize...this is how it was meant to be. I should have gone with you to the dance and not Robert, at least then I would have been happy, and not saddled down with a terrible tyrant."

"Oh Alec, don't worry." My character assured. I did my best to look genuinely sympathetic. "Accidents do happen so they say."

"CUT!" Came a captivated voice from off-stage. "Absolutely brilliant! Zat was ze best scene yet between you two...and you tweren't even really fook-keng!" Came the elated and heavily accented voice of my boss, Gustov Stautz. Everybody clapped as Jeice hugged me and gave me a peck on the lips. I returned the gesture and smiled. The crew came over and helped us up, and we stood naked as out boss came out of his director's chair to speak with us. Gustov was a kind and near middle age German Sheppard, that looked like he belonged in the military rather than in the pornographic arts. He was dressed in a black military beret with the "Adam & Steve" films logo upon it, a black high-necked skintight sleeveless shirt of spandex, and some camouflage pants tucked into combat boots. This was his look, and he loved it. He called himself "The General" backstage, and would often times shout at someone in German if things didn't go his way. Today, you could tell Gustov was happy. As I let my hands slip off of Jeice's hips and into his hands, we both looked at him, and saw our reflections in Gustov's reflective pilot's glasses. We looked like a cute couple.

"I am proud to ave seen zat excellent diz-play of love and effection my two little doves!" He said in his joyous tone, the tone he has when he knows we are all going to make a load of money.

"Thank you sir." We both said at the same time. Gustov looked only now slightly serious, but no less happy as he looked at both of us.

"The industry as asked us to start a series of...ow you say...extreme tapes. You know...stuffs zat most people don't do, but ze demand for you two is off ze page ? ?ell ? eets out of ze whole library!"

"Really?" Asked Jeice, using his speaking voice witch was actually very deep. Jeice had tremendous voice control, and could make it as deep or light as he wanted.

"Oh yeah! They want you to...err...do ze pissy thing...and poopies if you want to. Alzo ze weeps and chainz...or zo heard." He shrugged. "I am not under any pressure, but I-"

"Gustov I'd love to. I agree to it whole heartly. I've always wanted to do that kind of stuff on camera." I said with a grin.

"Oh my gosh, you too?" Said Jeice, genuinely aroused. "I've also wanted to do a few films with animals in it, thanks to laws saying anthro/non-anthro love technically isn't illegal." Jeice said, looking at me. He knew...he knew that I'm into that too, though I just wasn't a vocal.

Gustov looked like he was going to have a heart attack of joy. "Vonderba! Zeen we start shooting neext week! We are doing a feelm called ?The Golden Tub'. I can't thank you enough. I'm geeving you two a 100% bonus for zees." He said as he turned around and walked away with a spry step. Our jaws dropped. Did he say 100% bonus? That was double pay! Good dark lord that was a lot of dough! Jeice looked at me and I looked at him, and we shrugged and fell back onto the set and made out for a while. While I kissed him, I could see the military time digital clock in the back of the studio, and it read 2148. I yelped and gestured for him to get off of me, because Khris was going to be waiting outside and I didn't want to keep him waiting.

"Why are you leaving?" He asked. "How about a victory fuck? Who knows, maybe we can get Gustov to turn on the cameras and let us do our own scene; he seems happy enough."

I pondered it for about four seconds, but ultimately a new home won out over sex with him at that point.

"Sorry Jeice, I have to get going. I am moving tonight."

Jeice sat forward, a pink pillow falling off of the set. "Tonight, are you crazy? You won't finish until late in the morning I bet, and then you won't get enough sleep, and then when you come back here tomorrow you won't be in any mood for the blowjob scene." He said, thinking logically.

"If I stay and fuck, I will fall asleep here and then that will cause all kinds of complications Jeice. Look we'll have pleanty of time to fuck in the next couple of weeks. Oh yeah, if you want to practice on the animals, we'll probably start with dogs and work our way up to horses. And for the bathroom style sex, just watch what you eat all right? Piss goes down very easy in my opinion, but the other stuff takes time to get used to."

Jeice sighed and grabbed a member of the stage crew's belt and pulled him close. The young white mouse looked down as his fly was unzipped and his cock was fondled.

"Easy there...this is a free lesson in porn acting..." Jeice said as the mouse, probably just 18, melted into the flow of things and let himself be orally pleasured. I took this as a chance to get away, and ran to the dressing room. I grabbed a pair of my white spandex sorts with black boxing stripes on the sides and on the waist, and grabbed a matching abs coat (a coat that is short so it wouldn't cover your abs at all if you closed it, and tossed on the little wonder. I then grabbed my black boots and put them on in a hurry, I only had 3 minutes to be outside now. I grabbed my bag of clothes, and my studio ID and threw the lanyard around my neck and ran out to the parking lot.

As I ran, right in front of the gates on the outside I could see a nifty European sports car, an Aston Martin, my favorite. I always had a thing for British cars. I ran up to the studio guard, and showed him my ID. He nodded and opened the gate and let me out. I walked this time up towards the car, and saw the right side door open. There was Khris.

Khris was a stunning vision of British man if I had ever seen one. He was classy, yet badass at the same time. He was like the British James Dean. He was wearing a wonderful black leather jacket that was nice and thin, a skintight cotton t-shirt of white, and some tight crotch hugging jeans with boots underneath. I grinned. I walked up and made a gesture for a hug, which he accepted. He hugged me tight, and I hugged him back. It had been a while since I had seen him, about 6 months in fact. The last time I saw him was when Micah went up a belt color and he turned out to put everything on tape. When the hug was broken he let me step back a step and admire him. Thanks to the California heat, even late at night we could dress this revealing and almost never be cold.

"You ready mate?" He asked, in that same crisp and dignified ? yet slurred British accent that Micah had. I grinned and nodded.

"This'll be the greatest day yet!" I said with a happy lilt. "The devil has given me a great due this day." I said. Khris politely rolled his eyes and guided me around to the left side of the car. It was odd, was so used to being on the right, but this was fine. I slipped into the fancy brown leather interior of the slick green car and put my belt on, tossing my stuff in the back. Khris got in and gunned the engine a couple of times, and then sped us off. I gave a cheer of joy that made him smile as we drove.

Khris was an artic fox, with white fur, that was blue in some places, namely the hair on his head and his tail. I looked out the front window and sighed as we drove over to my house.

The actual moving only took us about 3 and a half hours, because we had to make trips. The Aston Martin really wasn't ideal for moving large quantities of stuff, but at least it moved the small stuff quickly.

When we were done, I was waiting in my new apartment, which was close to the top floor, and gave me a wonderful view of the city. The building was modern, but not that modern. It had a cozy feel to it. The room had two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom to die for. When you walked through the door, you were in a huge living area, the build-in big screen was in the wall, and there was a nice leather couch facing it with a pair of white leather chairs Micah had bought me as a housewarming present. If you were to stare out the room would look like it was shaped like a trapezoid. In the far corner were the windows that overlooked the city; I put my easy chair there, and my Satanic stuff. Rotating clockwise, there was the Kitchen, then the TV wall with built-in DVD player, and then on your left were the two bedrooms, side by side, and the bathroom on the end. I grinned; this was wonderful. The floors were wooden floors, and were solid...I tested them. I thanked Khris, and smiled, as he had to leave. It was nearing 2 in the morning when I looked down out the windows. Across the street on the bottom of another apartment building was Pesti's Pizza, a wonderful chain restaurant where Asher happened to work. He would be getting off work at 4 and coming in to pass out no doubt. Chong, I had no clue where he was. I called the police and gave them my new address, but so far nothing yet. Not that I really cared. I decided I would test out the new shower and get cleaned up.

Bob, my dog, was exploring the house. He was a sexy little black lab that was as smart as a tack, and as loving as the nearest cat. He was territorial over me, and never let another feral around me at all. He was my bodyguard, and my closeted lover...well it's not like he could say he was mine now could he?

I was about to start stripping, when I heard a nock at my door. I had a guess who it was and I walked over to the door. The walls were brown wood trim with pea green wallpaper. I could see why Micah liked the color scheme. I opened the door and looked at a slightly disgruntled Rabbit. He was about a foot taller than me, about 6'-10", but his belly was sagging, as if he was once fat and he had lost a lot of weight. His ears were back, in-between being totally down and all the way up. He had old...nerdy glasses on. They were the thick black plastic kind that Buddy Holly used to wear back in the day. His suit was a fine black and gray pinstripe suit that contrasted his "dirty" brownish white fur. He was looking at a stack of papers and was standing like he had a dildo stuck in his ass. He looked wound up tighter than Big Ben. On his wrist was a fat Rolex...the kind that some save a lifetime for, and a pair of class rings. I smiled at him, but he didn't smile back when we gained eye contact. Inside this perturbed me, but I was an actor no? I had to put on a good face for the manager of my home.

"Renee Morningstar?" He said in a nerdy nasal voice. I tried not to laugh.

"Y-Yeah that's me." I said calmly.

"I'm Mr. Fletcher, the Owner and Manager of the building."

"Oh pleased to meet you." I said, giving him a hand shake.

"Micah has told me all about you." He said...narrowing his eyes. "I'll tell you right off the bat. You can have 3 other people living in this apartment, no more. Your dog is ok by me, unless people start complaining." He said in a more gruff nerdy tone. I nodded and kept listening. "I was told by them what you did for a living...teaching a Karate school?" He said, like the concept was foreign to him.

"Um yeah ? I teach a Karate school. It's called-" I began, but he cut me off.

"Let me tell you I won't approve of you having a bunch of people coming in here doing chops and shouting things. I run a quiet and peaceful environment here in this building!" He said, poking me in the chest. I was rapidly starting to dislike this man. I could see that Micah was right.

"Anything else?" I said.

"Look mister. Here we respect diversity, and encourage it, but there are limits. Like your dog, if I hear complaints about you...going to bed a little too loud and you'll be hearing about it. Imagine if we got one of those porn stars in here or something. You can imagine the way they act!" He said, scoffing as if jealous. I coughed, and sputtered. He raised an eyebrow and looked curious. "What's wrong with you?"

"Swallowed wrong sir." I said as I regained my composure. I decided to put on another act. "Well, don't worry. I know how porn stars act, and I'll be sure to keep that kind of attitude out of here." I said, crossing my heart.

"Good. Now sign these. You've already read over them, I left them attached to your door."

I nodded. It was a complicated contracted, but it wasn't that bad. I signed them one at a time, and when he was done he gave me a simple g'night and left. I saw him walk stiff-assed down the hall and round the corner. I caught myself staring in disbelief and blew a raspberry in his direction and closed the door to shower.

The bathroom had all the wonders you could ask for. Apparently this was the suite to live in, next to the penthouse that a pair of Ferrets owned. Rumor had it they were a gay and incestuous set of twins, but I didn't believe it. Anyway, my bathroom had a one person tub, a 5 person hot-tub big enough to fuck in, and a 3 person standing glass shower stall. Those were my favorite. I smiled and walked into the shower stall and checked it out. The bathroom had a green motif to it, and was wonderful. I turned on the water, and almost instantly it was hot. It was so hot that I had to turn it down to make it right. I liked this place. I stripped naked, tossed my clothes without care away, and hopped in.

After a wonderfully soothing shower, I stepped out, and saw something odd. There was a button on the wall that said "Auto-Dryer". I hadn't a clue what this was. I then stepped over to it, and noticed something hidden in the ceiling. I was soaking wet, but I pressed the button. This device lowered down from the ceiling and had 9 special air/heat dryers on four posts that all surrounded me. They turned on and it startled me a bit, but after a moment I lifted my arms and let the thing dry me. When I was dry, I reached over and pressed the button again, the device went back into the ceiling. I grinned, this was awesome...and now...I was really turned on.

I hadn't had real sex all day, and now I wanted it. I could have waited for Asher, but mentally I just wasn't ready for him. No...this was a job for...a dog! I smiled and whistled for Bob, who was lounging in one of my new bean bag chairs and he ran to my side.

"Hello boy! Fancy a yiff?" I said in a sly tone. He barked in a positive way and I nodded. I walked into my room, staying naked, and hopped into my newly reconstructed bed. I'd have to repaint the symbol over it again, but at least I didn't have windows to worry about in this room. The ceiling had track lighting, and had a dial next to the bed. I turned the lights really low and climbed onto the bed as Bob joined me.

Now yiffing with a dog requires trust, kindness, and most of all proper communication. I had to communicate to Bob that I wanted to be physically romantic with him if he did. I lay on my left side, and swept my right leg back, letting my growing and unsheathing erection become visible to him. He smelled my scent, and followed his nose towards it. He then gave it a few sniffs, and then traced his way up to my face, sniffing all the way. I then smiled and licked at his muzzle once, and he licked back. I repeated, only this time, I pet his cheeks so let me clasp mouths with him. I clasped my jaw to his, and let his start licking. It wasn't really romantic, like when I kiss Jeice, it's more pure animal lust...and animal love-play that happens when bob and I kiss. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the kiss, as did he. I slipped my hand across the top of his body, using my right hand to caress him, until I found his own groin. His cock was out, and was hard. I cupped it in my hand and rolled it in my hand lovingly, the skin of him feeling wonderful against the pads of my hands. Buddy clamped down with his jaw a little, biting a tiny bit, but that was because he was feeling a lot of pleasure. I then pulled off and he kept licking me. I told him to stay. He obeyed. I then pulled myself around, and let go of his cock, and let his lips come close to it. He started to lick at me, his wonderful tongue lapping at my sensitive meat. I then decided to do the same for him. I used my skills learned from my years of porn, and leaned across him on his right, and took his cock into my mouth. I suckled on the odd shaped member; it was multiple shades of pink and purple, and thickly veined. It tasted wonderful.

Inside my mouth I felt the sensation of him pre'ing, which felt as if he was cumming already. I knew better though, we were just getting started. I took him as deep into me as I could, and he licked at me like a good boy, sending a tremendous twang of joy through my loins with each lick. With my other free hand, I reached around and started to massage Bob's tailhole, to get it lose for later. This was Bob's favorite position, he loved getting all this attention, and I loved him for letting me do this. I slipped a finger in, and started to play with him as he started to buck into my mouth. I knew he wanted to fuck...and hard; I should know, he almost stabbed the back of my throat with his cock head when he started to hump at my mouth. I then pulled back, out, and off and petted his head.

"Alright, time for love boy."

What happened next was pure ecstasy. I turned around and raised my rear into the air, and lifted my tail in presentation, while having my legs open and bent at the knees. Knowing inside, that he was supposed to hump something, Bob recognized my ass and knew what it meant...FUN!

My lab them moved forward, and pressed his hard cock against my ass and started humping. He wasn't in me, so it took some strategy to maneuver him into me, but when he was, by Lucifer himself it was heaven. He started to hump the only way dogs really can, fast and hard, gong deep and thoroughly into me. I decided to get yiffy, and moaned loudly...I didn't care if anyone was pissed, I was in heaven. Bob leaned forward and rested his left paw on my back as he took me...going so nicely...I couldn't take much more. His nuts were slapping against me, and his knot was pounding me hard. I grabbed onto one of my pillows and screamed as loud as I could into it, thanking my dark god.

Then, as if he heard me, I was rewarded with the knot of Bob slipping into me, and his cumming. I smiled; it was so beautiful...I could almost see through time. I grinned, and he laid himself on my back, knowing that we weren't done yet. This was just a restbit. I reached over and fondled his paw with my hand as he continued to deposit cum into my ass, it was so pleasant.

A half an hour past before we were ready to continue. He pulled his cock out, and then leaned in and licked up the stream of cum. I didn't want to lose any more, so I pushed my own tail into me, and kept that wonderful dog's life seeds in me as I moved him around. I positioned my own dick against his ass, and lifted my dog's tail and started to massage it again with my finger. Bob yelped happy and smiled as best as a dog can, and lifted his tail. He then made the same motion I made by lowering his front half and raising his tail. I pulled out my finger, and slowly slid in my cock. Oh...how wonderful it was...to have my cock in an animal. I moaned and started to hump, he was the tightest thing I had ever had. Now Bob was used to this, and loved it. Oh sure, he was growling...and I don't doubt there was some pain...no more than I had felt earlier. I looked down and saw my pink cock slide in and out of him, Bob growling the way that a dog does when they are playing tug-of-war ? turning me on with his animal lust.

"Good Boy! Good Boy! I'm going to tie you now...I can't take it anymore." And with that, I gave one sharp thrust, and slipped the knot of my cock in. My knot was not as big as Bob's, but it did a wonderful job none of the less. I smiled and let my cum rip into him, and groaned his name as I helped him to lie on his side he looked back at me with his tongue out, panting. He was my friend...and loyal at that. He deserved this, and so did I.

"Good luck to make love your first night in a new house."

And it was.