The Destruction part 1

Story by Ahmar_Wolf on SoFurry

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In a time not long after the Roman Empire fell, during the time known as the Dark Ages. A time when there no education, everyone living from what they could grow or hunt, or if they gotten sick they for the most part they die. If times here not hard enough, an even darker force soon fell over the land, when riders from the east came with promises of power and riches, and it would cost them practically nothing. Then suddenly seemly everyone was not satisfied with all they could carve out of this world with their own hands wasn't enough for them. In fact they wanted it all, gold, silver, jewels they wanted everything the late emperor's of Roman once had and even more.

Which would eventually lead to that fateful day when the battle took place between a band of furs looking for a new home, and the Barbarians out to slaughter anything that moves. When the furs were

all killed, a madness soon took over the entire world, stalking and killing regardless of their age. Sadly some even feasted upon the remains, it did not matter whom to the victor, humans or furs the result were the same.

To this world of madness came a simple male wolf one named 'Stormkiller', who now hides in fear. He is a runaway slave, fleeing after another was beaten to death all for the wanting of water to quench it's thirst. It was only because of the riot that sprang up from that terrible incident that Stormkiller managed to escape at all with just the fur on his back. He fled like the others in blind panic, not wanting to go back to a life they lived since childhood, and the constant building of walls and buildings. Built to keep humans safe from the very increasing danger brought from outside forces. For the world outside had become a dangerous place for humans as well. They could either be killed on the spot, or sold outright in to slavery, worse yet no one knew who was behind this as everyone always blamed the other party.

Stormkiller fled to the deepest and darkest part of the forest. Fearing any sign of what any living being would consider to be a normal life, such as a home and a place to store food. As a sign to anyone that an escaped slave is somewhere in the area. Forced to live and hunt like a wild animal. Sleeping in the undergrowth, enduring all weathers from pouring rain to bitterly cold winters, stalking and killing his prey, and some how surviving it all. Not even allowing yourself to wear anything, despite the weather, fearing as even the tiniest scrap of cloth could instantly lead to his recapture.

In the 4 years since his escape, Stormkiller had seen more than 1 traveler pass through his forest. But as time passed, he had seen less and less humans about and more and more like him. Then on this one spring day, as he was down by a stream catching fish with his bare hands, and en turn eating them raw and sometimes still very much alive catch. His nose suddenly caught this scent. It was unlike any he had ever sensed before, the scent but made him both curious and aroused at the same time. But now it was something he begun to think about and there was something that made him want to track it down. Despite any dangers that lay ahead, but could not explain why.

Out of the stream and through the forest, over to where a clearing lay ahead when suddenly he heard the sound of an arrow being released, for a moment he thought it was directed at him. Then as he lay there on the forest floor and waited. Soon a sound of a bird could be heard falling from a great height. In a second he soon realized it had to be an archer after the birds, but he still had to see not only was this archer alone, but what was about the person that drove him to do things fear told him that was a great danger to his own personal safety.

He soon spotted that archer, all dressed in green ready to shoot yet another arrow. He slowly moved around this archer there crawling along the ground. After he had positioned himself not only to make sure this archer was alone, but had positioned himself directly behind it, in order to see what it was really up to. That was when he saw something rather unexpected a fox's tail and ears, ones not hanging

from it's belt, but where they should be. But it seemed the archer itself was a fox. This more puzzled him, but he felt it was better to watch and wait...until the right moment. He waited until that archer was unexpected, totally unaware that it was being watched. But as soon as that long bow was lowered, he suddenly sprang from his hiding spot and drove that archer to the ground with nothing more than his own strength. It was then he got the biggest surprise of his life, he had captured a very well endowed female fox, who was now screaming at him, "Let me go, let me go!!!". But as soon as they began to look at one another, naturally he stood up as he released her. She stood asking him, "What are you insane, can't a woman get some food around here". Then she got a good at this very well built male wolf who stood not more than 3 feet in front of her very naked. As she begun to smile at what she saw, as he tilted his head as he wasn't quite sure what he was seeing, as he never seen a female before in his entire life. But he liked what he was now seeing.

"You never saw a woman before have you", she observed. Stormkiller hadn't heard anyone speaking to him in a long time, he barely understood her. But he did shake his head no eventually. "Do you have a place to stay", resulted in the same reply expect him adding him pointing to the entire forest. "It is very obvious you kinda know what I am saying. But still something must of happened to drove you to the forest like this". But Stormkiller had no words only empty eyes showing great pain and sorrow.

She then brought him back to her campsite, a swish from her tail is all that took as she says, "I was planning on getting enough food here before returning home". Where as much as he wanted to eat things raw, she wanted it cooked, worse of all for her, he was scared of fire, and that was just one of a 100 and 1 things that made this giant of a man, runaway with great fear. But still there was something that kept him here. Eventually she got it, and realized it was herself. For the very first time in her life, she realized she could give herself to someone, not just for pleasure but to actually change the life of a innocent victim of circumstances. Besides to her it wasn't a half bad idea to see what this man was capable of.

So after the birds were all cooked and eaten, and this man was licking his fingers like a child. She stood there not far away, and slowly started to take off her clothes. First went her shooting vest, and shirt, revealing her rather large tits. She then realized he wanted her as much as she wanted him. Especially when he came up behind her with his cock fully erect. She tried kissing him, but he seemed more interested in what lay under her skirt. Which as she tried to remove it, he suddenly grabbed her by her tail and pulled her closer. All she could do was raise it, but even she was taken back as he slid his now throbbing cock deep in to her slit.

His thrusts were heavy and hard, if she missed some foreplay at the start that soon ended as she suddenly began howling in ecstasy. Her tits grew hard as her body rocked to his, the more she thought he was though the more he went on, bringing her to a new level which each passing minute. Her lover's

intensity never wanned for one second, in fact it just grew as his passions grew as large and as hard as his cock which lay deep inside her, a fact she wished would never end.

But finally when the semen gushed forth, spilling out upon the ground and she was completely spent,

and almost fell to the ground as he finally withdrew. Where she finally able to removed her skirt, as

she sat there on the ground saying, "If that was your first time you were amazing!!! I wish I was that good when I was first with a man". But still she had a hard time trying to figure him out as he at the moment was examining his penis and his cum which he was tasting and seemly enjoying it. "But your the oddest man I ever came across".

It wasn't until the next morning that the pair of them packed up camp and moved on to another location. As much as she had her own ideas where to go, he had his own. And that was to a large lake, which as soon as he spotted it, drove right in as she wondered what was he up too. Seconds later she had her answer and that was in the form of 2 fish he now was holding up. "You not going to eat them raw aren't you?". But after he handed her one, she had the answer which was yes. Scales which he spat out, and flesh and guts which he ate. "Your going to be quite handy". He watched and waited while she she cooked her fish by a fire and when she was through. He suddenly sat there next to here, and reached down and lifted her skirt and smiled at what he saw. "I want to get home in a day or 2, at this rate we will still be on the road weeks from now". But it seemed he did not want sex at that moment, he then began pointing at her vulva and his penis. She thought he wanted a talk about sex. But that wasn't it either, he just placed her hand and his cock and wanted her to rub it. But she had better ideas, and figured out this would be more enjoyable for the pair of them.

She then removed her clothes as he thought she wanted something else, that was when she dove in the

lake and went swimming, he soon followed her in. They in fact had a great time playing in the water. Sex came a course soon after they were out of the water. But as much as they were so different she began to be quite fond of this silent stranger. She thought when they got back to her home, she would try and get him to talk, and maybe wear least they could go in to town.

It took at bit longer to get back to her home a simple log cabin there by a stream, than she had planned. It took 3 days instead of 2 but they made it. She showed him around, it wasn't much even on the inside just a fireplace a bed made hay, a chest, 2 chairs and a small table. She explained to him after showing him around, "I decided to live out here alone, to get away from the madness that seems to be everywhere these days even in the small towns where I am from. I am from Long Bow, and my name if you can understand me is Vixen Fox. Everything at one time used to be like everywhere else. Everyone living out there lives like everyone else. Until the Human Market opened up, selling men, women and children just as naked as you. not only as slaves, breeding stock but also as a fresh source of meat. I just could not take it any I left. I got this cabin from my cousin, it's been a pretty lonely life this past year, up until I found you of course, I just wish I knew your name".

There time together came to mean more to her than just sex. But he had become someone she could

trust, save when that storm came and a tree limb fell on her. He in fact saved her life, as well as helped around the cabin providing them both food and whatever they needed that could be found in the nearby forest. Of course their first night was rather memorable when he refused to sleep indoors, but like his fear of fire it soon ended over time. But still he did not speak, it was the only thing that still frustrated her. No matter what she tried he still would not say a single word.

This continued on until Mid Summer, and she was late...period wise. Vixen knew there was a possibility that she could be pregnant, but frankly she wasn't scared. For a long time she had thought about finding a man and settling down to have a home and family. Frankly she never planned it out like this but that man of hers could not have been any better, she began to smile.

When suddenly her man came a running towards her as fast as he could. She wondered at first was there any danger and almost made a grab for her bow. Until she saw him carrying someone in his arms, who even at that distance seemed to be in trouble. As they grew closer that figure that man of hers

was carrying was unconscious, she turned more concerned to what had happened to that other man,

and the possibility of her man accidentally causing it.,perhaps in a fit of jealousy. But Finally as they arrived it did not seem that way at all. It turns out He was carrying a young male wolf who could not still be out of his teens. He was dressed in a fine red shirt and dark reddish brown pants which was stained by spots of dried blood, as this young man was brought inside, Vixen could see that young man had been attacked by some one with a whip. The wounds mainly seemed to be around his arms and back. She called for her man to get some water and a cloth so she could tend to the young man's wounds. But it seemed her big brave man had suddenly disappeared.

She instantly realized that this young man's clothes were sticking to his wounds, and they had to be removed. She then unbuttoned his shirt revealing a well built figure, but never less they had to go like his pants, simply because there could be wounds there upon his legs as well. That was simply a matter of untying his belt and pulling them off. The wounds mainly seemed to be on his back and arms. There was this gash by his tail but a simple stitch fixed that.

With his wounds tended too, Vixen went to see where here man was. He seemed to be just outside

hyperventilating, concerned she asked, "He will be alright, he is going to live. I can't figure out way you seemed to be reacting like this. What did he hurt you?" Finally after all this time he finally said something, "No". "You can speak!!" she exclaims. "Him will be fine?!!!", he wonders Patting him on the back, "Of course he will, in fact he looks a lot worse than he actually is. I figure he should be fine in a day or two. I think it's more a case of exhaustion than anything else. I don't know if I can say the same about his clothes", then she held them up.

"He got hit bad", he said. Then made a motion with his hand like a whip. "Me got hurt too, not now.

But long ago, before you. I also seen many killed by same". "Ahhhh, I finally get it. It was his wounds

that set you off. In that case will you finally tell me your name", she asked. His reply, "Storm Killer", then he went on to tell his story that he had been a slave as long as he could remember, and that he was alway involved in building. It seemed that the humans had always been expanding one fortress then another, either that or building one. That it also seemed bands of slaves did all the building. Which they gave only enough food and water to keep them going, and giving them enough of language skill so they can understand and that is all. It was when she learned of the circumstances that lead to his freedom that he gave Stormkiller a great big hug.

Which was when the door to her cabin finally opened at the young man says, "Could you give me back

my clothes". That was when Vixen held them up and says, "They are covered in spots of blood and

need to be soaked. You can have them back, if you wish". "No", the young man replied. "Since your

like me it's okay, so what is up with your friend". "Long story, but will you tell us why you were out there and what is your name", Vixen said. That was when the young man stepped forth from the cabin says, "Excuse me first", and went around the nearest tree to take a much need long piss.

They waited until he was threw and the young man finally says as he returned, "My name is Gordon

Rivers, I am 16 and can hold my own. I know this is a funny way of asking but I can use your help.

You see some humans raided my family's estate, they took us all prisoner including our servants.

They really did not want anything just our home and what they could do to us. I saw all 6 of them

rape my mother right there in front of me. You got to help!!!", he pleaded. Vixen and Stormkiller

just looked at one another and nodded. "All right we will but I got to know how you escaped", Vixen

said. "The one with the whip wanted a little fun and took me in to our courtyard, I was lucky I was able to stun him with a rock as he took a break. That was when I went running, and managed to make a slip of him when I hid up a tree. But that was 3 days ago, we need to get there now", Gordon insisted. But Vixen was wise about such things "3 days, that is a long journey you need some food and some rest". "But my family!!!", Gordon exclaims. "You won't be able to help them if your not able to show us the way. "I have some fish stew cooking, and I'll get you a bowl", Vixen said and was about to leave until Stormkiller motioned about something, "Oh one last thing, my partner wants to know was your servants like us or human?". Gordon replies, "Like us, of course. My family thinks this making humans serve us is totally wrong". "I'll get the stew now, and you like a bowl" Stormkiller just nodded.

As they were eating Gordon says, "This could not be any stranger I go out for help and I find it.

But right now, being naked as I am and with a woman who has a friend who prefers to be that way.

You have to admit that is strange". Vixen replied, "I give you that one, would you like me to take my clothes off as well. But I am afraid it will give Stormkiller other ideas". "Why Stormkiller", Gordon wonders. "I don't know either, and like I told you earlier he can barely speaks, and what he does say is rather simple. But he is an excellent hunter and I maybe guessing at this I think he could be an excellent fighter". "Lets hope so, those human were dressed for battle leather armor, shields, and short swords the works", Gordon said. "My question is whom do they work for, after all somebody had to supply them", Vixen said. "I wish I could tell you, they never anything to us. I am even unsure why they wanted my family's home...and this is quite good", Gordon said. "Thank you, and are you sure you never saw more than 6", Vixen wonders. Gordon replies, "It's hard to be totally sure, but I am quite certain I never saw more than that...But getting on to other things do you have any relations". "I am already ahead of yes I have both a mother and father. But my mother went back to her people after the human market opened up in Long Bow", Vixen said. "I agree it's totally wrong to have one, but your from Long Bow. My girlfriend Roxie Marshall lives there...Know her", Gordon wonders. "Not that well, but she is really cute. You lucky bastard", Vixen adds. Gordon smiles, "I have been wanting her for over a year. How do you get under a woman's skirt", Gordon wonders. "When she is willing", Stormkiller adds. "Funny", Gordon sarcastically replied.

Stormkiller did not get a good night's sleep that night as it seemed Gordon was impatient. He was

up before the pair of them dressed and ready to go. He was quite insistent with them, "Come on you two who knows what horrors they are doing to my family". "We go now?", Stormkiller wonders.

"I think Gordon here is not going to wait any longer", Vixen replied and they were soon off.

Gordon kept up a quick pace, even though both Vixen and Stormkiller felt that rest and a good meal wound of helped. In fact the only time they could rest was that evening. When Stormkiller caught a brace of rabbits which Vixen cooked all the while Gordon kept on saying, "When do you think we can leave". Which honestly would not be until the following morning, but Gordon would not hear of this, but deep inside he knew it was the truth.

It took another day before they finally reached Roger's family home. Which was in reality a villa built by the Romans and quite beautiful expect for the 2 armed humans dressed in battle gear as Gordon so accurately described. It was there in the shadows Stormkiller whispers to Vixen, "You get one on left, I get one on right", she nods but wonders how will Stormkiller do this. He then disappears for a while and returns later with a branch from a tree that was 6 feet long, and he handled it as if it's weight meant nothing.

"You stay here", Stormkiller orders saying that to Gordon, who seemed pissed by this. But said

nothing not to reveal their hiding spot.

Slowly Vixen and Stromkiller approach the men, each one watching and waiting to see if more was about. But when 1 of the men went inside the Vila for a moment they both thought a whole squad of them would appear. In fact the only thing that happened was a scream of a young woman that suddenly became muffled. Gordon could not hold his concern, they had to act. It was because of this one was about to find their hiding spot. That was when Vixen stood for only an instant and let loose with an arrow. That hit that soldier right in the throat, as he fell to the ground he screamed. The othersthen came a running out, that was when Stormkiller acted. When he hit that soldier with the tree limb, knocking him down to the ground instantly, and when he made a grab for his sword. Stormkiller than stamped that but end of the soldier hard and repeatedly The sounds of bones being broken could be heard, as he finally caved not only that soldier but the others face in.

That was when another muffled scream could be heard, and with the now blood stained tree branch still in hand he went running inside. As Gordon stood he says, "I wonder if Cathy, and Alex are safe", "Who?!" Vixen screamed. "My brother and my sister", Gordon replied. That was when they both were shocked by what they saw. With one hand Stormkiller escorted out this very naked dark haired what must of been no older than 5 year old girl, and in the other the spit, where she had only moments ago had been bound to by a thin chain.

30 minutes later both Vixen and Stormkiller are still arguing as Vixen was saying, "Are you out of your mind we can't take care of her. She is a blasted human!!!". "She needs family!!!", Stormkiller insisted. "A human family, and don't give me that look. I know what others do to humans these days, and I know her parents could have been eaten. I am very sorry for that, but there is a good possibility I could be with child, your child and then what are we going to do", Vixen as she said that suddenly realized her mistake in telling him way too early. But before she could say anything a very happy Stormkiller had already wrapped both his arms around her, and had made his first attempt at kissing Vixen first on the cheek then on the lips.

Just then Gordon steps forth out of his home, with more than just a change of clothes. Now wearing a blue shirt and black pants holds a bone. "I am happy too Vixen you could be expecting, but I wanted to tell you a couple of things. First of all Stormkiller was right. There was only 2 of them in there, and this bone I am holding is just 1 of many I found in the dining room. Human I believe", Gordon said before Vixen interrupts, "A human thigh bone coming form someone around that girls age". "There is 12 of them there", Gordon exclaims in discuss. "Cannibals!!!???", an equally discussed Stormkiller adds. "I wonder where he learned that word", Vixen openly wonders. "By the way I caught the tail end of your conversation, I agree with Vixen. So why not the fortress", Gordon said. "Why not the bloody fortress???!!!", Vixen exclaims. "The Fort we go",Stormkiller adds. "As I was saying, that fort has been empty for the last 2 years, and I should know I have been hunting around here nearly all my life", Vixen said. "And I know it's only a couple of days from here and I have always been warned about getting near the place. Up until we were raided we had booby traps at least letting us know humans are about. So we can get out of here in time, and I say we go now", Gordon said. "I agree", Stormkiller adds. "Okay, I'll go with you just to shut the pair of you up", Vixen said.

But that was when Stormkiller noticed that the girl was poking one of the dead humans with a stick,

and pointed that fact out to the other 2. "I think humans are the ugliest things alive, and naked humans are even worse. How about I give her an old shirt of mine, while Stormkiller gets rid of the trash...the bodies", Gordon said and Vixen adds, "If you show me those remains are...I'll might as well get rid of them. Any paticual place". "Just throw them on the trash", Gordon adds. That was when Stormkiller stopped Vixen and says, "No shovel, give burial". "I guess I better do that". Vixen replied thinking better.

What no one noticed that the humans had been wearing on a string made of leather that held a black crystal, which fell away as Stromkiller grabbed the pair by the foot and dragged them away. As soon as no one around a human hand came out and grabbed it.

The trip to the fortress was a rather interesting adventure for Vixen. For she seen what kind of father Stormkiller would make before she even knew she was pregnant. She not only found out that Stormkiler was an attentive man, but kinda sweet as well. For when along their journey she happened to pick up a flower and gave it to him. Not only did he kiss her on the cheek, but placed her flower behind his ear. It came near a point to the end that she even believed that Stormkiller loved that child, especially the way he would play with her. But as the fortress was finally insight after 4 days of traveling she saw the real reason why, Stormkiller was scared.

The fortress itself was in fact a massive structure set in the bank of the only major river in the area., with 30 foot high walls, that were 12 feet thick. In a fortress that was at least 200 feet wide at it's

narrowest point and that was along the river. Which lucky for them they did not have to cross, as there was no way even near the castle to cross that river at that point, nothing for miles. But when they came across the entrance side. They estimated it had to be at least a 1/2 mile long, with more arrow slits than Vixen thought was even possible. But that was not all. In front of the land side was a pit, that was at least 20 feet deep, and at least the same wide. It appeared to her that this might of been where Stormkiller made his escape from. As it seems they had building a moat, which was to be supplied by that mighty river, but left with the work roughly half finished. But like all the construction projects that could be seen else where around here, seemed to have been stopped in midst of construction. The draw bridge was down, the gate up. This seemed to puzzle Stormkiller more than the deer that ran from inside the fortress, to just past them. "What happened here!!??", Gordon exclaimed. "I told you it had been empty for at least 2 years. I have not been in there before but even I can't think of any better time". Each of the equally curious and frankly scared, but they all entered anyway.

What they found frankly blew at least 2 of them away. Except for Stormkiller who had been there before, and that girl who frankly wanted to play. Standing in the midst of biggest plaza they had ever seen. Among many structures some as many as 5 stories high, a feat they thought impossible. Gordon

talked about exploring, Vixen armed her bow, and Stormkiller listened, when suddenly he heard something rather faint he told the others, "Follow me". He then lead then down streets, up buildings, through corridors, and underground tunnels to a point where even Vixen as skilled tracker as she was could not even be certain in a pinch she could find her way back to the entrance.

It seemed Stormkiller lead them to a deep and large circular pit with many indentations in the inner wall. Each blocked by a set of iron bars. But when Gordon got the glimpse of some one he ran down those stairs fast. There in one of those indentations was his mother only in her fur, acting no less like a wild animal. Ready to tear even her own son in to shreds. Gordon looked back as Stormkiller hoping for an answer who was now making his way down the stairs, but when Vixen and that girl was making their way down he suddenly shouted, "Please STOP!!!!" Then pointed to the pile of black crystals that lay in the center of the pit. Then Shouted, "Pure EVIL!!!" "They look like what they wear in town", Vixen observers. But when Gordon nearly touched one, Stormkiller nearly broke his arm by pulling it back, then told Gordon as he rubbed his arm, "Over time you would be like them". Standing at the top of the stairs Vixen asks, "Is there any hope for them?" "My mother and sister, not to forget my brother are all here. I like to know if they are going to be like this forever", Gordon pleads, finally Stormkiller replies, "They will 2 maybe 3 days, if only given water, no food, no meat. But we must move black rocks, I know place safe. Vixen my love and girl must move way back I will show how far". That was when Vixen and Gordon just plain stared at one another. Each of them once again surprised, by Stormkiller's knowledge. "I think we better do as he says", Vixen adds.

Soon after a trip to a nearby kitchen where the picked up a cast iron pot with a handle, a long iron rod,

2 large wooden bowls, and 2 copper plates. Gordon was a little puzzled by what they had grabbed. But

Stormkiller made it quite clear when they face this more than a foot high pile of black crystals. They

used the plate to move the crystals in the bowl and then dump them in to the pot, but as Stormkiller

says, "Make sure black rock does not touch you. Will not hurt you only drive you mad like them, but

for very little time. But I do not want to hurt you". Given what he had seen of Stormkiller's strength

he did not want to happen either.

They just managed to get most of those crystals in to that pot, there was some room left but as Stormkiller added, "We need some safety for us". Next they moved that bar under the handle of the pot and together they lifted it, and slowly they moved up from the pit, and down through another series of tunnels, corridors, and passages until they finally reached the dungeon. It was when they were making the stairs to the dungeon itself, that both of them thought they heard some moaning, even a cry for help. "Your thinking what I am thinking", Gordon said to Stormkiller, he just nodded and after they had placed that pot at the foot of the stairs. They too looked around and found 24 human prisoners each of the half starved, there clothes dirty and kept together in all of 3 cells. One of them apparently their leader asked them "Are you here to free us?". "Actually it was to get rid of those crystals", Gordon replied. "Oh the vengeance crystals, this is a good place for them, but not for us", the man said. "Sounds like you know the whole story", Gordon assumes. "No not really, but I do know most of it, and before you think about leaving us, you should know those who put us here are coming back. Armed to the teeth, and ready for a fight. I doubt the 2 of you could fight them off", the man said. Gordon then looked at Stormkiller who had seemly vanished, until one of the prisoners said, "Your friend is over there". But before Gordon could react, Stormkiller was already releasing the prisoners by way of the lever system that locked the door to their cells.

"Follow us", Stormkiller said and by the time they returned to Vixen and the girl. Vixen was screaming

"Are you mad!!!". "They needed our help, and besides they are expecting soldiers like we fought at my home here". "We could not leave them", Stormkiller insisted. "I can blame you, but your heart does you good. But I swear this is the most insane thing you ever done", Vixen shouted. But by now the same man, came up to Vixen and says, "You can't not blame them, it's my fault after all they wanted to know the story behind the vengeance crystals. And if you could, none of us had eaten in 2 days and we are quite hungry". "I think I seen a sheep", Stormkiller said. "I'll go with him, besides he needs someone to help cook it. Otherwise we all will be eating it raw", Gordon said.

"My name madam is David Muller, I am sorta a spokesman for our very unhappy band. You see we once call this fortress our home. We called it River Bend, and I was the town manager. You see both

our problems began roughly around 6 years ago when those like your friend escaped began to escape. I now know slavery is wrong, and I will forever regret it ever began. You see shortly after having no

luck in finding once was ours. These travelers came here dressed like warriors, why describe them

you seen them. They came here with a way they say of getting back was we then thought was rightfully

ours. They call themselves Vengeance, and they had these black crystals which they calmed which

could turn our best fighters, in to unstoppable warriors; and the likes of you in to rampaging beasts, ones that would turn even on your own young. Your friend there was a witness to what could I believe destroy everything...maybe even the entire world. I am happy he has the heart to save us". But as Vixen interjects, "Step out of line and I still can slit your throat". As David Muller continues, "Frankly, I do not blame you. But understand we were as much as a victim as you. Went we lost our soldiers due to you more and more of us resorted to the crystals, little did we realize the crystals would effect us in other ways. Murders began here, at first but when victims began to disappear we suspected they were begin eaten. When that slave was killed and others escaped and this was happening more and more often, frankly I can't blame them. Who would stick around when they were begin abused. It was almost immediately after our tight knit community began to fall apart".

"You just told me murders, and cannibalism was happening and you call that tight knit??!!!", Vixen

exclaimed. "We still believed we were close, then everyone began to leave. Finally there were only a handful left, including me. That was when Vengeance returned and took all of prisoner, and that happened roughly a month ago. They only fed us every few days with food so bad, we had no choice but eat it. I can't believe I am saying this, but it was either eat it or starve to death. If that was not bad enough, they were taking our children, for what I can only guess. We don't know if they are still alive".

When Vixen pass on what she knew they all cried for sometime.

Especially after she said, "We got to go to Long Bow", many felt they were destined for someone dinner table a near riot broke out. Poor Vixen could even explained what she really meant by that statement. Until Gordon came out and they told him, "What the hell is going on!!!". An extremely frustrated Vixen replies, "All I really meant to say is that we got to get this new info to the Elders back at Long Bow". "But what guarantees do we have", they shout back. "Mine and Stormkiller's word. That man is too simple to lie". "Then how about me", David Muller replied back. "At least I could report back to the rest of you", he added. At they continued to talk eventually Stormkiller himself came out, "Food is ready, bowls and spoons are in Kitchen", they temporarily ceased there yelling and went off to eat, but when Vixen asked, "Are you hungry". His reply, "I already ate, you go with rest and eat".

How could he tell her, that he too was a victim of those crystals. Enough so it effected his mind

the way he both talked and his thought process. He recalled when those crystals were first tested

on the likes of him. He was practically buried in them, he just wished he could talk like the rest

of them. That he could be thought of like any normal being, and not thought of as someone

slow witted, dumb, all muscle and no brain. But he did not know what he could do, except the

reason why he came out here, and that was to remove the remaining crystals and bring them to the

dungeon. Which he did, eventually he made it up the the parapet up on the fortress wall. It was

so high he felt he could seemly see forever to the realm of infinity. He also wondered what these

towns like what both Gordon and Vixen told him about were really like. He could not even imagine

what stores, inns and even places or worship were even like, especially those operated by those

like him could be even like.

But there is the distance he spotted a cloud of dust, he watched as closer and closer it came. For a moment he hoped it was those from Long Bow, until he caught the glimpse of what could be none other than a human being. He knew then and there it had to be those like David and the others had been talking about. Not thinking twice, he ran down the stairs to the controls of the bridge and the gate, he raised one and slammed down the other. Then ran to where all of them had gather, and they were still arguing. Until he shouts, "Humans at gate!!!", "The Vengeance warriors?", David wonders. "Yes!!!!!", he screamed. "I know where the bows and arrows are located!", David Muller shouted. "Are you sure they hadn't found them before", Vixen wonders."No way they could, they are hidden in a secret passage in my old office". When Vixen became hesitance Stormkiller reacted, "Vixen you take your weapon to slit, the rest of you follow her. David you get weapons and Gordon and I will follow".

Instantly everyone scattered, by the time Vixen and the others had gotten to the arrow slits. They could clearly seen more than 60 Vengeance warriors at the gate, more than half on horseback. There leader a huge brute of a man, also on horse back was screaming, "Find a way to get that bridge down, we got to feed our new playthings". That was when Vixen turned to the woman standing right next to her and says, "Who are you more afraid of them or us". All that woman could do was point outside.

Stormkiller soon came running with arms full of bows and huge bundles or arrows under each arm, as

he came to Vixen he says, "We need to kill or scatter all of them to at least get a chance". "I agree", Vixen adds. Who then takes one of her arrows and aims it directly at the leader of the Vengeance and let it loose. Striking that man dead as it pierced his neck, that was when everyone, if they were skilled or not let arrows fly. The warriors scattered. That was when Gordon and David returned each armed with a crossbow, "Stormkiller, get that box of arrows at the bottom of the stairs and meet us top. Will show them who really in control", David Muller said. Then Gordon adds, "Meaning both humans

and the furs of this world. For only working together can we drive this menace from our land". "Fine words, but lets go", David adds before leaving to the top.

By then there was at least 12 lay dead upon the ground, most killed by Vixen. But still in that chaos, some still tried to get not only past that pit and the wall. One was even armed with a rope with a grappling hook. That was when Gordon took aim, and seconds later that Vengeance warrior was

dead. Arrow after arrow fired. Human and fur alike worked together to kill a common enemy.

By the time it was over 2 horses were wounded 1 dead, and 17 warriors lay dead upon the ground. The rest had simply scattered with most of the horses. But now they had 9 horses at their disposal.

Stormkiller was happy that the argument had turned in to a celebration, each one could not praise

each other enough for their part in this great victory. But was the best thing was what Vixen said

to him, "I am very sorry Stormkiller for thinking you were rather simple minded. After talking to

David and the others. I now realize you have gone through more than I could ever know, and that your

just as smart as the rest of us. I from now on will treat you the same as everyone else, I am very


It was short after that there was this meeting of everyone concerned there in the main courtyard, but

first David wanted to present Stormkiller with a gift. "I Know I speak for everyone here that if it

wasn't for your quick action. Things would be quite different for all of us, and we know medals

and or honors would not mean much to you. So Stormkiller we...all the humans here would like for

me to present you with 2 gifts". Then this ragged dressed woman stepped forward carrying the gifts,

"First up is a vest once own by the leader of the warriors. He wasn't wearing at the time, thankfully

but we hope it will fit". When Stormkiller took it he was smiling ear to ear he could not be any

prouder, and managed to say "Thank you everyone", as he took it and put it on. Everyone was happy

it fit him perfectly. "Next up", David Muller said. "Is something more practical it's the sword that leader was carrying on his saddle. It is really more like a very long knife as it's edge is only on one side, but it's quite sharp and should help you". When Stormkiller raised it everyone cheered, and a good pat on the back by everyone Stormkiller was not only at his happiest, but the proudest he had ever been.

A short time after a discussion took place on who should go and who should stay, as Gordon added,

"I am staying right here, I discovered that most of my family is here and besides they are going to need me when they return to normal, as well as the rest of them. I know most of them, and they need to know they are finally safe. I will sadly have to look for my father later". It was decided among them

that David would go to tell their side. But as Sally, one of those rescued says, "You have to understand with us right now action is more the truth than words. After all we have been lied to by everyone and a lot of us have a hard time trusting anyone even those who rescued us. I am sorry but that is the truth. But you could help your side by giving us supplies to help us survive. We need more animals for our farms, goats, pigs, and sheep. We also need seeds, to start growing crops once again". "All I can say is I will try", Vixen said unsure what she could actually do in town. "You will get what you need", Stormkiller promises, "You have right to survive as me".

"So it's long journey to Long Bow, I am unsure how many days it will take to get there and who knows

what dangers they might face", Gordon observes. As Vixen thinks to herself how are they going to survive the journey. David says, "We have horses now, it should not take hopefully too long". "But I can't ride!!!", Vixen exclaims. "You will learn. Think about it, we will have a better chance on horseback", David insists. That was when Stormkiller looked at one of them, and had an uneasy feeling.

Soon the biggest source of entertainment for everyone was watching David try to teach Stormkiller,

and Vixen to ride a horse. After all he was the only one there who knew how, and he was a patent instructor.

But it became very obvious to everyone, including themselves that Stormkiller was totally hopeless

on horseback, in fact it was all he could do was stay on the poor things back. Meanwhile Vixen was

not too bad in the saddle. But get faster than just a trot, it was all she could do to hold on.

2 days had past, those in the pit were just starting to come back to normal. Gordon and Stormkiller

were standing nearby by as Stromkiller was saying, "What you do next depends on them. If wild, only roots, berries, other things grown, but still no meat. Only when claim, show no sign of rage. Then meat find, but cooked..." "That's slightly different from what you first told me", Gordon observes. "They are slow to get well, look at them now. When women came to give water they wanted to attack her without warning. After showing no sign of attack". "I could not help but notice that, but I thought it was normal", Gordon said. "No only sign they were not coming normal as fast as should", Stormkiller said.

But that was when a man came up and told Stormkiller it was time to leave, even though he was

hesitant Gordon wished him a fond goodbye.

By the time Stormkiller arrived in the courtyard, David had 2 horses at the ready. One for him and Stormkiller and the other for Vixen alone. They were so anxious, but frankly Stormkiller wanted to walk as he hated being on that horse, Vixen could see his pained expression on his face. But by the time both David and Vixen were on horseback the more he wished he could walk. But they insisted, feeling he had no choice he soon joined them, the gate was lowered and they were off. Stormkiller could not help but notice once they were past the bridge was quickly raised. He hope it would not be a bad sign of things to come.

Stormkiller did not know what they called it, but after being on that horse for what seemed like hours. Not only was his ass was sore, but his stomach was a bit uneasy as well. Meanwhile all Vixen and David could do was talk and talk and talk. He swore they did not shut up once since they left the fortress. In fact they took no notice of him as he let himself slip off of David's horse as he could not simply take it any more. He needed some peace and quiet.

It wasn't until they were a short distance ahead, that Vixen finally took notice, then stop to ask him, "You want us to stop here for now?". He replied as he rubbed his ass, "No you 2 go ahead, I will catch up later". "They call that saddle sore", David added. "That is strange I just as been as long in the saddle as you and I am fine", Vixen said. "It happens like that sometimes", David said and they went on both ahead and with talking.

Frankly Stormkiller was happy he could have sometime to himself, even more so as he thought he heard something. Sneaking around to where the voices were coming from. It turned out to be about 9 of those Vengeance Warriors talking. It was something about getting even with those riders for what happened at the fortress. Speaking of getting even, he felt it was time for all they put the people in that fortress through.

As soon as one of them, went in to the forest alone. He locked on with a sleeper hold, then taking the knife from that warriors belt slit and it's owners throat. He took care of them one by one until there were only 2 left. He knew he could not take on both of them at the same time. So grabbing a large rock, he threw it directly in to the face of one of them, possibly killing him out right. Which left the other on a direct charge in his direction. Finally it was time to put those fencing lessons David gave him to good use.

It turned out that this warrior was just as bad as he was. But Stormkiller had more than one advantage, he was not under the influence of that black crystal. Which that and the other Vengeance Warriors wore around their necks, and besides he had the strength. Stormkiller simply over powered his enemy and beat him down to the ground in to a bloody pulp with his fists.

Once this was over, Stormkiller finally had a chance to think, and what he thought about was David and in where they in any danger. Grabbing his sword, he ran as fast as he could.

Meanwhile David and Vixen had stopped by a small stream to water their horses, also they agree to use this time to let Stormkiller catch up. But little did they realize they were being watched and as soon as they had their backs turned a Warrior came up behind them with sword drawn saying, "You will pay dearly for what you done to us". David tried to say something but that warrior just says, "Keep your mouth shut, or I'll cut your tongue out. Right not is all we need to do is wait, and you'll see what will

happen to you". He then yelled out, "Squad come here, I captured 2 we can play with", as Vixen especially feared for her unborn child. When they all heard somebody coming fast, each had their own fears and delights race through their minds, as the warrior then forced both David and Vixen off their horses at the point of a sword.

But when Stormkiller came up and said, "They are not coming, as I took care of all of them". That warrior shouted back "You lie", all Stormkiller did was smile as he pointed that sword of his at that warrior. With his attentions drew otherwise elsewhere, that was when Vixen balled up her fist and knocked that warrior out cold with one punch. Stormkiller just smiled and says, "Vixen I love you". All as David adds, "Is what you said was true". "Yes, all dead save him", Stormkiller said. "But I think we should just tie him up and take him back with us so he could be questioned. But let me take care of something first". And with that he cut the black crystal off of that warrior's neck with his sword. That was when Vixen asked "What are you going to do with that?", Stormkiller's reply, "Only thing can do, and that is bury it here". Meanwhile David asks, "Can anyone help me tie up this man". "Oh sorry", Vixen replied and soon came to David's aide.

The rest of their journey went fairly quietly, expect for the screaming of their charge. He was demanding the return of his crystal over his freedom. That alone puzzled the 3 of them, but when questioned that warrior would scream more of the same, So they had no choice but to gag him.

"You would think after a day without water he stop screaming", David observed the next day. But still he would not shut up, even when both Stormkiller and David joked about raping that man. He still that warroir would not shut up about demanding that crystal back.

Then the next day he passed out, colder than anything. Nothing would wake him, not even when David placed a knife against that man's throat. When he suddenly started to piss on himself. It was Stormkiller's idea to remove his pants, and when they had a chance to wash them out.

When they stopped for the night that day, David asks, "What do you think is going on with him?"

Stormkiller was the 1st to reply, "My guess is that those crystals effect humans differently than us". "That is obvious", David remarks. "I once heard something", Vixen said. "But I have to check it out with your help". "Sure", they both agreed to. That was when Vixen walked over to where that man was, and that was draped over the back of her horse. His ass was shining in the sun, "What I heard was this", Vixen finally said. "That crystal shrinks a man's dick and enlarges his balls big time", an sure enough that is what they found. "I think it has something to do why they act as they do, I also heard they have no interest in sex for the longest time". "For what purpose?", David asks. "To make them stronger, look at him he is a small man but look at the muscles in his legs don't they look swollen". "So it makes anyone a warrior...interesting", David said.

But as Vixen was rubbing that man's ass, Stormkiller thought about something he had not done is a very long time. That was when he begun raising Vixen's skirt, David was going to ask until he saw Stromkiller's cock and felt maybe he should give them some privacy. Soon the silence of the forest was broken with the sounds of their passion.

It took another 2 days to finally get to Long Bow, but as soon as they entered this small village their charge was finally coming out of it. This time he was asking, "Could somebody get me off this horse, wheres my pants, and I am so thirsty I think I could even drink my own piss", as Stormkiller came to

the man's aide. But Vixen had her own worries as she begun noticing some sudden changes to

Long Bow. First up the town was completely empty and all the stores seemed to be abandoned. But when Vixen thought about her parents she ran quickly to her house. But when she tried the door it would not give, it seemed to be barricaded. That when Vixen called out in a near panic as she was

even more worried about what happened to them, "Mom, Dad is anyone in there", she kept

on repeating this until the others came. "What happened?", David asked. But before Vixen

could reply a weak female voice was coming from inside the house saying, "Vixen is that you?"

It was obvious that Vixen recognized it, "Aunt Sarah, are you okay, and what are you doing here".

"Let me get this door open and I'll explain", Vixen's mother replied.

Meanwhile that once warrior began to tell Stormkiller "As I was telling you, I was a shoemaker.

I lived and worked in River Bend". But before he could finish the door suddenly opened and an older female fox came out dressed in rags, who instantly embarrassed Vixen. As the shoemaker continued... "As I was saying I began to wear that crystal hoping it would give me the courage to bring my wears to the Great Timber, that's another fortress 6 days southwest of River Bend. It was on my very first such journey that I totally blacked out. I don't recall anything until a little while ago. I have no idea how long it has been or even why I am dressed as a Vengeance Warrior. I just want to get back to my shop". The the old fox says,"I wish I could say things were that simple here. Let me introduce myself my name is Sarah, I am Vixen's aunt. Who I wish would tell me who the rest of you are". "The human is David, and my friend, the wolf is Stormkiller and my boyfriend". Sarah just rolled her eyes as she says, "I wish I could say something about this, and how he is undressed. But I can't I have my own problems and since your here maybe you can". "Could you also tell us, what happened here?", Vixen asks. Sarah replies, "I am getting to it".

"I assume Vixen here has told you how Long Bow was, and come to think of it. I now agree with

her it was bad, but what happened later was much worse. Everyone started to go crazy all of a sudden, we had 4 murders in one day, and that happened shorty after you left. Worse yet we could not find the bodies, I am sorry to say you could count your your father as one the murderers. The strong attacked the weak, the slaves ran. I frankly don't blame them, but I was sick at the time and I couldn't. Eventually they all ran, despite efforts. We tried to lock them up, but they broke out, and nothing else we tried would stop them. Eventually I was the only one left". "Madam", David said. "It was the black crystals they wore around their necks. It brings on sort of a madness. I did not realize there was a cure until Stormkiller here told us about one".

Sarah then stood directly in front of Stormkiller and says, "You don't look so smart but if there is a cure there is hope you can bring my family back to me". "The only downside is we have to capture them first", David added. Sarah's heart just sank as plans were made to bring her back to the fortress with as much stuff as they could take with them.

As plans were discussed Stormkiller looked over the village and wonders, 'Will this world ever be like it was ever again' .