Deep Snow In The Morning, Part I

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#2 of Best. Blizzard. Ever


This page may contain explicit description of sexual activity between anthropomorphic characters. If you have not yet attained the age of majority in your jurisdiction, please navigate away from this page now. If it is illegal, in your jurisdiction, to read this sort of material, please navigate away from this page now. If you are offended by reading material of this sort, what the hell are you doing here anyway?


This is a work of fiction, total fiction, and absolute fantasy. Nothing that takes place herein ever really happened. Some of the things that take place in this story are actually impossible. Nevertheless, please do not read this. The consequences of reading further include, but are not limited to:

* Death

* Blindness

* Growing hair on the palms of the hands

* Acquiring a taste for Brussels Sprouts

The aforementioned consequences will not necessarily accrue to the reader in the order stated.


Now that we've got that out of the way...

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my story. I hope you derive as much pleasure from reading it as I did from writing it. I welcome any and all comments, constructive criticism, and specific suggestions/requests. This is the second installment of the story that began in "Best. Blizzard. Ever."

Without further ado, on to the story:


Deep Snow In The Morning, Part I


I woke up with an otter in my arms and a boner between my legs.

We had swapped sides of the bed while we slept, but I somehow was still spooned behind Tommy. The scents in my nose were those of two very clean cubs, but mixed with the not so faint, lingering muskiness of all the cum I had spewed on both of us the night before as we messed around. At the memory that odor inspired, I gently pushed my hips against Tommy, pressing my foxhood into the fur of his back, just above his tail. The pressure felt wonderful on my shaft, but reminded me that I had a full bladder. I had to climb over Tommy to get out of bed, but my need was desperate.

"Morning, Keith" he mumbled, when I awakened him with the unavoidable jostling.

"Good morning, Tommy." I said. "Sorry to wake you up, but I gotta pee."

"'s okay" he said.

The house had cooled down a lot during the night, so my trip to the bathroom was as shivery as it was urgent. I completed the awkward chore of relieving my bladder then, on the way back to my bedroom, stopped by the thermostat in the hallway. It was set at a reasonable temperature, but I nudged it upwards by five degrees or so for good measure. By the time I got back to bed, my erection was long gone and my balls were pulled up tight below my sheath. Tommy was awake. He smiled and looked me over thoroughly as I climbed back over him and burrowed under the covers.

"Do you like what you see?" I asked.

"I don't think I could get tired of looking at you," he said, "but right now I have to go to the bathroom too."

With that, he slipped out of bed and scampered out of the room, his eager otterhood seeming to point the way it wanted to go. A few minutes later, he was back, now without even the least bit of blue showing at the tip of his sheath. I held the covers open for him, and he eagerly climbed back into bed with me.

"That's the only part about being a boy cub I don't like" I said.

"Yeah," he said, giggling, "it's a pain, but I like having a..."

" for a best friend?" I said, interrupting him with a big hug under the blankets.

He squeaked, and our hug turned into a playful, slow-motion wrestling match, which ended when I pulled him on top of me, face to face.

"I'll squish you, Keith." he protested.

"You're not that heavy." I said, holding him in place until he stopped squirming.

"You're warm to lay on." he said.

"And you make a good blanket." I said, "but I want you to slide down a little."

He scooted down my body, and I guided him until we were matched up the way I wanted.

"Here?" he asked.

"Exactly." I said. "Now just relax."

I was nearly a foot taller than Tommy, so by the time our sheaths were lined up, which had been my plan all along, he was able to lay his head comfortably on my chest right under my chin. He did relax, letting all of his weight rest along the length of my body. It was wonderful.

"I like this." he said, quietly, talking to my left shoulder.

I slid my hands down his back, starting at his shoulders and ending on either side of his tail. I stopped there, not exactly pushing down, but adding the weight of my hands and arms to the weight of his hips pressing on mine.

"We're messing around again, aren't we?" he said.

"You bet we are." I said. "But let's play a slow game first. Just lay still here and feel what's happening in your sheath."

"I *really* like this." he said, and then was quiet.

I really liked it myself. Laying as we were, I could feel the warmth of his body through the thin fur on our bellies. I could feel every beat of his heart, and every tiny movement in his sheath. All together those sensations caused a stirring in my own sheath, but with his weight pressing on me, and concentrated at our hips, the buildup towards being fully erect was slow. Deliciously slow.

"You like this too." he murmured.

"Every second of it, Tommy" I said.

We lay quietly as our cubhoods, pressed tightly against each other, slowly worked their way out of their respective sheaths. When my tip emerged, it was in direct contact with his. Even buried in the warmth of our belly-to-belly contact, I could feel the extra heat.

"Will you tell me how you learned all those things we did last night?" Tommy asked.

I thought for a moment about how to explain it, memories playing in my mind.

"Wow!" Tommy whispered, "that little question made you get all the way hard, Keith."

"It wasn't just the question." I said. "It was also the cub who asked it."

At my words, the cub who asked it got all the way hard himself.

"So will you tell me?" He said. "You promised..."

"I did, and I will." I said, then began.

"At first, I learned mostly from Darius, my mom's last boyfriend. He's a dragon. My mom decided she was a lesbian, but they stayed good friends anyway. After she decided she didn't want to sleep with him any more, he started sleeping in my bedroom when he spent the night. Then after a while, I started sleeping in his bed."

"How old were you?" Tommy asked.

"It was the summer I was ten," I said.

"And how old was Darius?"

"I think it was his second year in college, so I guess he was about twenty." I said. "He knows *lots* of... stuff... to do, but he always plays really gentle with me."

"So you guys still mess around?"

"I spend a weekend at his house about every month." I said. "We always have lots of fun."

"More fun than we have?" Tommy asked.

"Different fun." I said. "Darius is always teaching me something, and he always tries to take care of me. But... you're my friend, Tommy. My best friend."

Tommy hugged me then, hard. I brought my hands up from where they rested on his hips and hugged him also, stroking the fur on his back and gently caressing his little round ears. Gradually, he relaxed. He still hugged me, but no longer seemed to be holding on for dear life.

"The very first time Darius and I messed around, he just used his paws on me, and showed me how to use mine on him." I said. "He made sure that he only came on himself. I couldn't squirt anything yet when I came, and he has scales, so he could clean himself up with tissues. We didn't need to take a shower after we messed around, so we just went to sleep."

"I liked taking a shower with you last night." Tommy said.

"Otter plus water equals fun." I said.

"And fun plus fox equals fantastic!" Tommy said through his giggles.

"Are you ready for some more fun?"


"I have an idea," I said, "but we have to go to my closet for a second."

Tommy peeled himself off me and we rolled out of bed.

"It's cold in here." he said, as he followed me to the closet.

"That's what this is about" I said, opening the door. "I got a bathrobe for one of my Winter Solstice presents, and I thought it was pretty lame until right now."

I handed a garment to him.

"Is this your new bathrobe?"

"No, that's my old one, but it's smaller than the new one so it should fit you better." I said. "Put it on."

"This is nice." he said. "Put the hood up too." I suggested. "The ear holes are in the wrong place for you, but otter ears will fit under the hood anyway."

I grabbed my new robe from its hanger, pulled it on, and quickly crossed the room, back to the bed. I lay down crosswise on the bed, on my back, with my head hanging over the edge just enough to get my muzzle parallel with the floor. I beckoned Tommy towards me.

"I remember you said last night you kind of wanted to get a blow job where you could see more than the back of my head." I said, opening the front of the robe and spreading my knees to show off. "Is this more what you had in mind?"

"Wow!" he said. "I can see all of you except your arms."

"And with that robe on, you won't freeze your tail off while we're having fun." I said. "Now open the front and come closer."

From my point of view, the upside-down Tommy untied the sash and opened his robe. I could see the white fur of his belly, punctuated by the rigid blue shaft extending from his sheath.

"Closer." I said.

He got close enough that I could reach my arms back over my head and slide my hands under his robe. I hooked my hands behind his thighs and pulled him to my muzzle. I exhaled a long slow breath of warm air onto his tight little ball sack.

"Oh... oh my gosh." he said with a shudder."

"You're driving this time." I said. "That means you go as fast or as slow as you want; finish quick or go long; whatever feels good to you. Don't worry about me. I can take all of you in my mouth with no problem."

With my hands behind his thighs, I guided him the last bit until he slipped his length into my muzzle. Tommy moaned. I made a tunnel with my tongue and lips as he leaned forward a little and balanced himself by putting his hands on either side of my body on the bed. I made several rhythmic pulls toward my muzzle, and he got the idea, beginning to thrust his hips.

"Oh Keith." he groaned. "This feels so good."

Tommy was the perfect size for my muzzle; a nice mouthful, but not so long that he tickled the back of my throat, or made breathing a challenge. He started thrusting slowly at first, but with each one sped up a bit. I could feel the tension in his legs and knew he was getting close to cumming. He started to give a little grunt with each thrust and I knew he was totally letting go, just mouth-fucking me hard and fast. I felt several drops of my own pre trickle onto my belly fur as I squeezed him even tighter with my lips and tongue. Tommy's grunts changed as his orgasm hit.

"Ahhh! Hunh! Ahhh!" he gasped, half a dozen times or more, as I pulled him into my face. He slowed, then stopped. I held him tightly in my mouth until the last little spasm passed through his body, then gently pushed him back so I could speak.

"Quick! Robes off and under the covers." I said.

Tommy dropped his robe beside the bed and climbed in. I had to get to my knees to get disentangled from my robe, but as soon as I had dropped it on top of his, I lay down beside him and pulled the covers over both of us. Tommy pulled me into a kiss and we held each other tight as our tongues wrestled in each other's mouths.

"That was awesome, Keith! Seeing you like that... leaking pre... Wow!" He said when we finally broke the kiss. "Can I make you cum now?"

"Do you want to give me a blow job?" I asked.

"Yes!" Tommy said.

"We'll do it right here under the covers." I said. "Just turn around and dive in... pretend you're swimming underwater."

"Cool!" He said. "I'm up to four minutes under water!"

"I won't last that long." I said. "Just promise me you'll turn around and give me a big kiss when I'm through."

"Cross my heart." Tommy said, grinning. I rolled onto my back and he wriggled around on top of me, sliding down my belly under the covers, putting his knees on either side of my chest. The first thing the little imp did was to lick the pre off my belly. I could only gasp in my surprise at his improvisation.

He giggled as I arranged the covers so only his tail and the tips of my ears were sticking out. Then he slid his muzzle onto my foxhood. I could only groan as he kept sliding his mouth further down my shaft. My brain whirled. I realized he truly intended not to come up for air until I was through. I wanted to do something for him before I came, and I could tell that wouldn't be very long. Lifting my head from the pillow, I lapped at his furry little balls, causing him to wriggle even more. He was too short, though, and the angle was awkward so I relaxed my neck and my muzzle came to rest under his tail. He still smelled like the fursoap I had washed him with the night before.

I lifted his tail with my hands and made a quick circle around his tailhole with my tongue. Tommy froze, but only for an instant before he resumed working on my shaft, more eagerly than before. I took that as a big fat 'Yes!' so I lapped and licked at him as fast as I could, making circles and figure-eights. To get an even better angle, I lifted hard on his tail, taking some of his weight off my chest. His tailhole clenched and spasmed as I tried to give as good as I was getting. But then I came. Hard.

I dropped Tommy's tail and dug at the sheets. My back arched and I yiffed over and over as I spewed my pleasure into his mouth. My eager little otter friend kept working me all the way through, which only prolonged my ecstasy. But then, before I was quite finished, Tommy pulled his muzzle from my shaft and squirmed around to make his way to the surface, leaving me to dribble the last of my cum onto my belly.

His head popped out from under the covers and he instantly went muzzle to muzzle with me in the kiss he had promised. I tasted a flood of my cum as he opened his lips to share it with me. We sucked hard on each other's tongues, competing for our share of the fruit of my pleasure. It didn't take long for the two of us to swallow it all, but we kept kissing for a long time afterwards.

"Tommy, have you ever done anything like this before?" I asked when we pulled apart.

"Just with you, last night." He said. "I'm sorry, but I had to quit the umm... blowjob... before you were through because I ran out of room in my mouth."

"No problem there!" I said, hugging him again. "It couldn't have been better. I wanted that kiss, just exactly like that. It's like you're a mind reader or something."

"I just do what you tell me." he said.

"I was still cumming for a few seconds when we started kissing." I said. "It was awesome."

"I really, really, really liked it when you licked my... uhm, my tailhole." he said. "But wasn't that..."

I turned and looked directly into his blue eyes.

"Tommy, do you remember last night I kept saying 'You don't have to do anything you don't want to.' over and over?" I asked.


"I promise you, *I* will never do anything with you that I don't want to do either." I said. "Can you trust me on that?"

He nodded, his eyes wide and locked on mine.

"That means we can do anything we can think of with each other, because we know the other one will always say 'Stop!' if he doesn't like it."

"You are so awesome, Keith." he whispered.

"You're awesome-er." I said "Now how about some breakfast?"

"I am hungry." he said. "What do you have?"

"How about cheesy scrambled eggs." I said. "Actually, it's the only thing I can cook, but I do it pretty well."

"Then, I'd like some cheesy scrambled eggs." He said, grinning.

We got out of bed then and quickly put our robes on from the pile where we had dropped them beside the bed. Before I could make a move to clean the last of the cum off my belly, Tommy dropped to his knees and carefully licked me clean. I ruffled the fur on the top of his head and stroked his ears as continued to lap the tip of my shaft, which was stiffening again from his treatment.

"Tommy," I said. "If you want breakfast anytime soon... "

"Appetizer." he said, looking up with a grin and licking his lips. We tied our robes tightly against the chill and made our way to the kitchen. As we passed the thermostat in the hallway, I nudged it upwards another four or five degrees. It was then that I noticed a little red light glowing on the side of the casing.

In the kitchen, Tommy watched with interest as I got the ingredients ready for his eggs, and preheated the pan. Just as I poured the eggs in the pan, the telephone rang.

"You'll have to get that, Tommy" I said. "I'm going to have my hands full with this for a few minutes."

He went to the phone and picked it up.

"Hello." he said.


"Oh, hi Ms. Vulpes, this is Tommy." He said.

"Hi Mom!" I yelled.


"He can't come to the phone right now because he's cooking eggs." Tommy said.


"She says 'Good for you.'" Tommy said.


"Yes, please!" He said.


"Hi, Mom. I miss you." He said.


"We're fine here. Keith is super. We're having lots of fun. He's cooking breakfast for me right now." He said.


"How much longer..." he said, but then stopped when he saw me approaching with a plate of my specialty.

"Gotta go now." he said. "Keith says I have to eat them while they're hot. 'Bye for now."

I traded him the plate for the telephone, and he went straight to the kitchen table and dug in.

"Hi Ms. Lontra, this is Keith." I said.

"Hello, Keith." said Tommy's mother. "Thank you for taking care of Tommy. I'm going to give the phone back to your mother now."

"How's my chef doing?" my mom asked. "I'm great Mom. Are you okay?" I said.

I watched Tommy happily devour his breakfast as my mom spent several minutes explaining the situation on her end of the line.

"I'm glad you're okay, mom," I said, "There's a little problem here too, I'm afraid. I think something is wrong with the heater."

We talked for a few minutes more, Tommy paying close attention to my side of the conversation once he had finished his eggs.

"That's great, Mom!" I said, finally. "Tommy and I will be fine until then, I promise."

I hung up the phone and looked at Tommy, who looked a little worried having heard only one side of the conversation.

"We are gonna be fine, my friend." I said. "And our moms are fine too."

I went back to preparing my own breakfast then, and as I did I explained the situation to Tommy.

Another driver had run into my mom's car on the slippery streets. There were no injuries, but the car couldn't be driven until it was repaired. It hardly mattered since the highways were all closed because of the blizzard. In the meantime, our mothers had found a comfortable hotel and it would all be paid for by the other driver's insurance.

"So we're stuck here with each other?" He asked.

"'Fraid so, buddy." I said.

"This is the best blizzard ever!" he gushed.

"That's what I thought." I said, as I finished cooking and brought the eggs to the table to eat.

He was full of questions, but he stopped himself, holding a paw over his muzzle until I was finished eating.

"That was really nice." I said, as I swallowed the last bite.

"I liked the eggs too." He said.

"Thanks." I said, "But I meant it was considerate of you to let me eat even when you wanted to know what else was going to happen."

"So, what else *is* going to happen." He said. "What about the heater?"

"That's the best part." I said. "I couldn't explain the problem well enough for my mom to decide if she wanted to try to get a repair-fur to come out in two feet of snow, so she's going to call Darius and ask him to come over and make a decision about it."

"Darius... " He said.

"I told you about him earlier this morning." I said.

"Your mom's last boyfriend... " Tommy said.

"... the dragon... " I said, nodding.

"... who taught you about messing around... " He said.

"That's the one." I said, grinning.

Tommy looked very thoughtful for several moments.

"Do you think he'll like me?" he asked.

"Tommy, he already does." I said.

I stood up, walked around the table, and gave Tommy a hug.

"He knows you're my best friend. That's all he needed to know to like you."

"How long until he gets here?" he said.

"Let's see... ten miles, two feet of snow... I have no earthly idea." I said.

"What do you think we should do until he gets here?" Tommy looked up at me and grinned.

I could see the blush on the insides of his ears.

"Could we... mmm, mess around some more?" he said.

"I hope so!" I said.

"Let's make a nice warm place to play, then... "

"I make you say 'Yiff!'"

"Gods, I love otters." I said.

"How many have you messed around with?" He asked.

"Err..." I pretended to count to seven on my fingers, watching for his reaction.

"I'd better not say... "

He chirred playfully as he got up and chased me into the living room where I let him catch me. He tackled me and we fell to the floor between the coffee table and the television. We tumbled around on the carpet, yipping and chirping and laughing.

Tommy was stronger than he looked, and I didn't really want to win, so before too long he had me pinned. Our robes were half pulled off, and Tommy was sitting astride my bare chest, leaning forward to press my wrists against the floor.

"Now you have to tell me." he said, grinning, a little breathless from our wrestling.

"Are you the jealous sort?" I said, stalling, admiring the shape of him as he held me down.

"No." he said. "But... "

I waited.

"If you played with other otters, besides me... " he said, hesitantly.

I kept silent.

"I just want to play with them too... with you... at the same time... " he blurted.

"Well, then!" I said, more than a little surprised. "Since you put it that way, I'll tell you: I've played with exactly one otter, so far... "

"Besides me?" he said.

"No, just the one sitting on my chest right now." I said.

He laughed and sat up, taking his weight off my wrists. I sat up as well, propping myself on my elbows.

"So, you want to mess around with me and another otter?" I said.

"Well... I mean... if you knew any other otters that might want to mess around with me too." he said.

"Would you be interested in other... foxes?" I said

"As long as you were one of them... " he said.

"Raccoons?" I asked

He nodded.


He nodded again.

"Bobc... "

"... Anyone," he said. "as long as you're playing too."

"Then how about a dragon?" I said.

Tommy was quiet for a moment.

"Do you think he would want to play with me?" He said.

"I'm sure he would," I said, "but only if you wanted to play with him."

"I guess I'll find out in a while." Tommy said.

"That's right." I said. "Now, would you let me up so we can make up the hide-a-bed?"

Tommy got off my chest and helped me up. Then he helped me move the coffee table and fold out the bed from the living room sofa. Both of those were heavy and awkward, so it took the two of us working together.

The end of the bed was only about six feet from the television, so it made a great place to play video games. While he plugged in my game console, I remade the bed so we could be under the covers with our heads at the end that was normally the foot of the bed. Then I went to the linen closet and got an electric blanket, a comforter, a couple of spare pillows, and a few old towels for good measure. When I got those things arranged on the bed, I took a quick trip to my bedroom and grabbed the pillows from my own bed.

When I got back, Tommy had our favorite race game loaded up and the controllers laying on the end of the bed. He stood there waiting for me, a happy smile on his face. I hugged him. He fit perfectly under my chin.

"You're the best, Keith." He said, talking into my shoulder.

"You're the best-er-est." I said.

He giggled.

I waited a few moments then stepped back from him to arms length and very slowly untied his bathrobe. The sash dropped down to both sides, and his robe fell open about a paw's width. The pure white fur plunged from the underside of his muzzle to his groin, then changed abruptly to the rich blue fur on his legs.

For a few moments I admired the sliver of his body that I could see, then he followed my lead, slowly untying the sash on my robe and letting it fall open. The cool air on the thin fur of my own chest and belly was almost as exciting as having Tommy undress me.

I reached out then and pushed his robe open wider, so that it just hung on his shoulders. Now I could see more of the shape of his legs, and I realized why beating him at play wrestling was something I might have to actually work at a little.

Tommy reached up to my shoulders, and carefully hung my robe open wider, as I had done for him. We spent several long moments very frankly scoping out each other's bodies. I felt my shaft moving up in my sheath. I could see Tommy's doing the same.

Finally, I put my hands on his shoulders and, with a twist of my thumbs, pushed his robe off. It fell on the floor in a heap at his feet, leaving him completely naked. I couldn't get enough of seeing him that way.

Suddenly, the expression on his face changed.

"Forgot something." He said, then made for the door to the hallway.

"What the he... " I said, turning to watch him. "Where are you going?"

"Be right back!" he said over his shoulder as he scampered out of the room.

I looked down at the pink tip of my foxhood, just barely peeking out of my sheath. For some reason, the little guy looked as surprised as I felt.

"It's just you and me, buddy." I said.

He wept a single tear then, though it hardly seemed a tear of sadness...

But Tommy did come right back in, carrying the lube that we had used the night before.

"We're gonna need this, aren't we?" he asked, brandishing the tube.

"I sure hope so!" I said. "I'm glad you remembered it." Then I jumped into the place we had prepared, right behind Tommy.

We forced ourselves to actually play a video game next. In fact, we did a best-two-of-three contest, which I won, but only barely. We had agreed that the winner could "go first" when we messed around afterwards, without ever deciding what "go first" meant.

So we played that way for a long time, a few hours at least, alternating our various favorite video games with our new favorite ways of messing around. The video game winner decided the messing around game, and the loser decided the next video game.

Tommy won about one game in three, and when he did, he chose messing around games that surprised me, but that always involved using our paws and mouths on each other in ways that we already had. But he was happy to follow my lead when he 'lost' and I proposed a different game.

I was beginning to wonder which would come first, that we would need to stop for lunch, or that we would run out of towels to mop up my cum. Tommy was eager to swallow whenever I came in his mouth, but sometimes the messing around game involved me spewing all over myself or him.

That's how Darius found us...

I was on top, between Tommy's legs, face to face with him, humping away madly. Tommy was holding our cubshafts together with both paws, nearly dripping with lube.

Darius came in the front door without knocking, but since he had key that wasn't a problem. The front door was within sight of the end of the hide-a-bed, so he could easily see us and vice-versa. I distantly noticed again how huge he was, the span of his shoulders nearly brushed the door frame as he came in, and he had to tuck and turn to get his wings through the door at all. I distantly noticed because I was crossing the point of no return as he came in...

"umm... " Tommy said "Are we in trouble?"

"Keep squeezing us, Tommy," I said, "I can't stop now!"

Tommy, in his awesomeness, did exactly that. Even though he was scared and distracted by Darius' arrival, Tommy clenched us together with both hands, and continued to buck his hips against mine to make the best of our position.

Darius came in and sat on the floor beside the end of the bed. I had the blankets draped over my shoulders, but the big dragon reached up and gently peeled them back.

As the cold air washed over me, I started cumming, 'yiffing' out my pleasure and spurting cum all over Tommy's chest and belly as I did.

"I love the smell of fox cum in the morning," Darius said, "it smells like puberty."


To Be Continued...
