Scavengers pt 2

Story by Chalmrah on SoFurry

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#1 of Scavengers

Sal was woken by something clicking on the counter. He got up and saw that Michael was already up, and was tapping his claws on the counter impatiently. "Sal. Can I stay with you?"

Sal rubbed his eyes and shook himself awake before looking at the reptile, "What?"

"Can I go with you?"

Sal chuckled, "Ok, but only if you have a bath to get rid of the dry blood on you. You look terrible."

Michael looked at his feet and mumbled, "It's not my fault."

Sal chuckled again before picking up his bag. He stepped out into something wet, "What happened here?"

"I had to go in the night."

"Why didn't you go in the corner?"

"I was bursting."

Sal facepalmed and decided to pursue the issue later. He needed to train Michael. They set off down the road again, the rising sun providing light. Michael would have a bath when they reached a water source, most likely a puddle. Rivers and lakes were contaminated with radiation, rain water was the cleanest water available. Sal came to a puddle and Michael looked at Sal, "What now?"

"Clean your snout."

Michael got on his knees and washed his snout, revealing his green scales. Sal helped wash the rest of the reptile with a piece of cloth and Michael was soon a shining green lizard again. Sal washed his muzzle, as his fur was getting greasy, and washed his whole face because it was refreshing. Michael looked around, his tail swaying slightly. Sal decided to wash his own tail and they were soon moving again. Michael was looking at the ground while Sal was looking through binoculars, "Sal?"

"Yes Michael?"

"Where are we?"

"About a mile from the nearest town. We're going to raid there so you can have your own bag, with your own stuff."

"Oh. You're giving me a bag?"

"Yes Michael. If you want to survive the wastes, you have to come prepared."

"But I've survived for years with nothing but my claws and teeth."

"And how many days in a row have you gone without food? How many days have your scales been itching so bad because they aren't clean?"

Michael hung his head, "Lots." He didn't realise that there was more to living than killing for food. Now that he had, he was excited to get his own bag.

They reached the town and Sal got out a torch. They raided the first building, finding nothing. They reached an office building, "Ok. Michael, we will search everything in here. Every floor, every room, every drawer."

"Ok Sal." Michael said as he took a step towards the entrance. A mutant, so mutated it was hard to find what it was originally, leapt through the doors and at Michael. Big mistake, Michael dove to the side and tore the mutant open with his feet, the claws doing their job. Organs fell out of the mutie and it landed, growling, before swaying and keeling over dead. Michael got back up and growled, wanting to kill more. "Michael."

Michael turned to face Sal, "Please don't kill anyone who talks. Only mutants."

Michael nodded and went into the building, followed by Sal. They split up as the torch distracted Michael, who could see in the dark very well. Sal found a bag which was ripped, but took it to show Michael. He also found some sheets of blank paper in a machine. They were yellowed and ageing, but they were still useable. Michael found cutlery and a book with writing in it. He couldn't read but decided to keep it anyway. He found a plastic bag and put everything he found in it. They met up at the stairs to the next floor, "Did you find anything Michael?" Sal asked.

"Some cutlery and paper with writing on it."

"I found a broken bag, which I will fix tonight, because after we've gone though a few more buildings, we'll camp here. I have to update the map again and mark the territory I've looked and found nothing on. Oh, I also found paper, lots of it. Michael, do you want to know how to read and write?"

Michael nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah! I wanna be able to read those big signs along the road!"

Sal chuckled, "Lets finish this building, then search 4 more, then we find a place to sleep. Ok?"

Michael nodded, "Ok Sal."

They searched the office building and a few shops, finding only some thread, paperclips, some kitchen knives and some bottles, glass and plastic. They found a nice house that looked like someone had defended it once, and decided to camp there. There were beds, and after Michael broke the lock off, some more ammo for Sal's M16. Michael found a handgun but Sal took it off of him, checking that the safety was on and there were no bullets in the gun. After searching the house some more, they found an entrance to the cellar and found 4 skeletons. The previous owners Sal thought as he searched the cellar for anything useful. Michael had started a fire in the fireplace and was warming himself up by lying in front of it. Sal put the stuff down and took out the thread he found. He sowed up Michaels bag using the fire as light and took the clothes that he took off the skeletons and cut them up before sowing compartments into the bag. He finished and admired his handiwork. "Hey Michael."

Michael rolled over and for a moment, the colour was in his plates as they absorbed the fire. He went over to Sal and looked at the bag, "Is that mine?"

"Yes, it is."

Michael hugged the wolf, "Oh thank you thank you thank you so much. It's awesome Sal."

Sal meeped before hugging back, "It's ok Michael. You're a friend and I made this for you."

Michael looked inside the bag and saw it was empty, "What do I put in it?"

Sal smiled, "The bed over there. That has everything we found. Put what you want in it, you excited reptile."

Michael leapt over to the bed with the bag and looked at what to put in it. He decided to take the book, as he wanted to read it when he learnt how to. He put the cutlery in its own little compartment and put the handgun in with the ammo. Sal watched Michael, like a father would with his son after giving his son a toy. Michael was finished and put his beg next to the bed lovingly, "When will you teach me to read?"

"Soon Michael, we have plenty of time."

Michael smiled and bared his sharp teeth, Sal getting nervous, "What big teeth you have."

"Hehe. My teeth have saved me lots of times Sal. Don't worry, I won't bite you."

Sal breathed a sigh of relief. Michaels teeth looked like they could tear buildings down. Michael curled up by the fire and Sal laid on the bed. "Sal?"

"Yes Michael?"

"Thanks for being with me."

"It's ok. You are a very nice person."

"Thanks. Goodnight Sal."

"Goodnight Michael."

They fell asleep, Michael thinking about his new bag and Sal thinking about Michael, wondering how to teach a reptile to read and write.

It was about 1am when Sal felt a prod on his side. He rolled over but this time it prodded his back. The fire had burnt out a long time ago, but Michael could still see Sal.


"Can I sleep with you Sal? I feel lonely."

"Ok. Just don't accidentally claw me to death in your sleep. You'll regret it in the morning."

Michael got into the bed with Sal and curled up, "Goodnight Sal." Sal was already asleep again.

Sal was jerked awake when Michael pulled him close, still asleep. Sal struggled to break free from Michael, but the reptile was too strong. Sal was Michael's teddy bear for a while, until the reptile decided to wake up. Sal closed his eyes and tried to get back to sleep, uncomfortably close to another man.

An hour later, the sun was rising and had cleared the horizon and Michael woke up. He looked at Sal, who didn't look very happy. "What?"

"You hugged me for over an hour, in your sleep."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to. I must have felt your fur and pulled you close."

The wolf grunted before standing up and putting his shirt back on. Michael watched the wolf get dressed, "Why do you bother wearing them?"

"Makes me feel human."

"But you're not human."

"We are all part human Michael."

"Not me."

"Then why do you walk like one, talk like one, think like one?"

Michael thought for a minute, "I don't know."

Sal sat on the edge of the bed, and Michael stretched while yawning. "Michael. Let me tell you a little story." Michael sat next to Sal and listened to the wolf. "Ok. Now before the nukes were dropped that destroyed the planet, humans were dominant. During one of their many wars, one side experimented with mixing human and animal DNA -"

"What's DNA?"

"The information inside you that tells your body how you look like, your eye colour, your snout shape. That sort of stuff. Now, they mixed it and created the first hybrids. They were to intelligent so the group killed them. They tried lots of times but the war ended and the side that was experimenting lost. All the hybrids ran before the other side could find them. They increased their population the only way they could and introduced themselves to humans. The humans got scared and tried to capture all the hybrids. They did and the hybrids were locked away in a deep bunker. Meanwhile, some humans who didn't like some other humans built nukes and fired them, thus started the end of the world and the end of humankind. The hybrids were safe and eventually broke free from their bonds. This is why you only see hybrids now. Now remember the part about the war, and the side experimenting with human and animal DNA?"

"Yes. So I'm part human, part reptile?"

"Yes Michael. I'm part human, part wolf."

Michael looked through the window at the sun, "Can we stay a little longer while you teach me to read and write?"

Sal smiled and got out his pen and the sheets of blank paper. "Ok. Come here Michael."

Sal spent a few hours teaching Michael how to write the alphabet, then Michael spelt words he knew how to speak. Sal corrected Michael every time there was a spelling mistake. Michael started putting sentences together and Sal taught Michael to read the sentences. They stopped at noon, "Michael. I think it's time for us to walk a little more."

Michael looked at the sun, "Me too. Also my hand hurts."

Sal laughed and grabbed his bag, "Come on. Put the paper in your bag and give me the pen, if we find another you can have that one."

"Why can't I have this one?"

"Because that one belonged to my father, who I have never met. It is the only thing that I have that belonged to him, and it is very precious to me."

Michael looked at the pen in his hands and wondered how something as little as a pen could mean that much to a wolf. He gave the pen back to Sal, who put it in his bag and smiled at Michael, "Thank you."

Michael smiled and picked up his bag, "Tonight, will you teach me to read some more?"


"Why not?"

"Tonight, I am going to teach you how to use, maintain and keep that pistol in shape."

Michael looked at Sal, "Promise?"

"You're like a little kid Michael."

"I don't know. I was never raised by anyone."

"No one looked after you?"

Michael hung his head, "No."

"Then how did you learn English?"

"Someone captured me and I learnt off of them. I listen and learn whenever I can."

"How do you know the meaning of words then?"

"The way they are used in sentences. I figure it out."

They took what they could and Michael found some water bottles, full, and put them in his bag. He couldn't wear his bag properly, because of his plates, but he did keep it on one shoulder. They walked all day, stopping only for relief and rest breaks, which also let Sal update his map. Sal, after much trying and failing, finally managed to toilet train Michael, who always went where he was standing.

The day wore on and left Sal and Michael worn out. They sat together, by a fire under the stars, with Sal teaching Michael how to use his firearm over some sheep which Michael caught. Michael was very quick, and was muscled. Sal didn't like to boast but he could lift his own weight with both arms. Michael could lift twice his weight, and it didn't even show. Michael's arms, legs and tail looked fatty but when they were needed, they became miniature cranes. Sal noted that Michael looked like a miniature version of Godzilla, a character he knew only by his grandfather showing him a poster of Godzilla.

"Sal? Am I holding it right?"

"Yes Michael. Now if you pull the trigger the gun will go off and where ever you're aiming will feel a bullet rip through it."

"Yay, so I'm done."

"Yes Michael. You know how to clean, maintain and use the M9."


"The name of the gun."

"That's a silly name. Why don't they call it Dave or Mike or something?"

"M9 is like the signature of the gun."

"Oh. Ok."

Michael put the pistol back into his bag and smiled. Sal asked "Why don't you wear clothes?"

"The plates on my back, they stop me. And I don't like clothes. They are so restricting."

"Don't you mind if people see your cock?"

"No. It's hidden anyway, unless I pull it out or it comes put by itself."

"Where is it hidden Michael?" Sal asked, curious. He had a sheath himself, which is why he wore pants. He didn't want to make the most sensitive part of his body open to attack. Michael opened his legs and spread his vent open. It wouldn't be seen normally, just appear to be a part of his body where the scales got very small. Michael blushed as he showed Sal, "Happy Sal?"

"Interesting. I don't have one of them."

"Then what do you have?"

Sal sighed and took off his pants, before opening his legs and revealing his sheath. Michael got closer and looked at it, "Ok. What are those 2 things under your cock?"

"My balls. They hold my seed."

Michael looked at his crotch, "Where are mine?"


"What does that mean Sal?" Michael asked, not hearing that word before.

"It means inside you. If something is internal, then it is inside."

"Oh. They could be. My cock doesn't have anything attached to it."

"What I thought."

"I have to go again."

"Well go behind that bush over there. I don't want to see you piss." Sal said. He looked at the carcass of the sheep and decided to leave it. Michael went behind the bush and did his business while Sal laid down. Michael came back and smiled, "I did it."

"Very good. Now let's get some sleep, and hope it doesn't rain."

Michael laid down next to Sal and they smiled at each other. "Michael?"

"I'm here."

"Your eyes are...beautiful."

Michael blushed, "So are yours."

Michael was right, Sal had wonderful blue eyes to suit his fur. They got closer until Michael's snout touched Sal's muzzle. They both felt each other's breath on their faces, and both their hearts raced. Michael didn't know what to do, he had never got this close to someone before. Sal knew what to do but he didn't want to. He wouldn't accept the fact that he was either bisexual or gay.

"Sal -" Michael started.

"Michael." Sal interrupted, "Shut up." He kissed the reptile, and Michael kissed back. Michael felt Sal's tongue slip into his mouth and licked it. He looked at Sal and curled his reptilian tongue around Sal's tongue and pulled the wolf closer. He was working by instinct, and Sal enjoyed it. Sal held Michael's body close, enjoying the company. Michael decided to push into Sal's mouth. Sal felt that Michael was gaining confidence and let the reptile into his mouth. Michael felt Sal's teeth that were blunter than his. He tasted the wolf and worked his way around the whole of Sal's mouth. They broke the kiss and looked at each other. "What just happened Michael?" Sal asked. Michael blinked, "I don't know. I've never done that before."

"You've never kissed before?"

Michael shook his head, "No, but I want to do it again."

Sal kissed a happy and eager Michael again, and they shared their second kiss. Michael held Sal close and whispered in the wolfs ear, "Thank you."

Sal threw a leg over Michael and closed his eyes, "Sleep well Michael."

"Sleep well Sal."

They fell asleep in each others arms.