Masters Scent

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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This is an Adult M/M Story with transformation naughtiness and Nudity and Rape! So if you are under 18 or don't like these sorts of things, DON'T READ THIS!! I'm serious, don't do it, your eyes will bleed and your head will explode with nacho cheese!!...On second thought...that sounds pretty yummy...go ahead and read it then :D but don't say I didn't warn you ;)

Masters Scent

Sometimes the case can draw detectives in deeper than they ever imagined, until somehow they become victims themselves...Detective Saber, a tall, 6'5 man with a built frame he had gained from combat training and regular visits to the gym. Sat quietly at his desk as he went over the basic details of his latest case, his black hair trimmed neatly and his emerald green eyes skimming through the pages, completely unaware that this case ...would be one that would change his entire outlook on life forever...(Woo twilight zone!! o0o0o0o0o0o0)

The detective sighed as he closed the folder to his latest case, a raid of a possible kidnapper hideout was supposed to be done last night, and evidence, DNA samples, and a more detailed report were supposed to arrive soon. He set folder aside and leaned back in his chair and let out another long drawn-out sigh as he re-played the facts in his head. The victim was a 21 year old man with red hair, a stocky build, and was last seen in the local gay bar known as "The Zoo" which he had heard was well known for its dancers dressing up and painting themselves to look like animals...well at least that's what he had heard. He then gazed back at his desk and smiled as he looked at the picture of his son sitting on his desk smiling back at him. "I don't know what I would do if something like this would ever happen to you." Suddenly there was a knock at the door and the detective regained his composure and sat up straight, "Come in" he said as he waited intently for the door to open.

** In walked in the latest recruit to the force, a Mr. James Fisher, he was a stocky man, only in his mid-20's with a stocky build and bright blue eyes, he tended to studder around authority figures and was still getting used to the life of an officer. "Umm...Detective Saber Sir...the evidence from the case has arrived, and Chief Alexander wants you to go over the evidence..." "All right" he said as he slowly got up from his desk and brushed himself off, "Tell him I'll be there right away, I just need to grab my pen and pad and my jacket." "Yes Sir! Right away sir!" and James rushed out the door and went for the chief's office.**

** Sabre chuckled as he grabbed his coat and pad, remembering how when he first got this job 5 years ago and how nervous and excited he was around all of the officers around here. But that was a long time ago, and now that he had built up a bit of a name for himself, he was considered one of the best detectives on the force. He had even been given the nickname "The Slasher" for being able to solve three stabbing victim cases in a row without much effort. But titles and achievements really didn't matter to the detective, because all he really cared about was his 12 year old son John. After his parents had died, and his wife left him to be with some deadbeat who could play a guitar, his son was the only person he had left and he would do anything to protect him.**

After gathering his things and taking one final look at the picture of his son, the detective turned off the lights and stepped out of his office and walked towards the evidence room. Saber shivered slightly as he walked through the twisting halls of the station, The chief believed that keeping things cold in the offices kept the officers alert and aware when they were working, and that it kept the evidence preserved from cases. However it made the workplace a bit uncomfortable, and most wore a jacket all throughout the day..."Damn what I would give for a fur coat" the detective mumbled to himself as he rounded the corner to the door marked "Evidence" and slowly opened it.

The evidence room was a large warehouse of sorts, it was well lit and filled with different lockers and storage bins from different cases. Assorted tables were scattered about, and most where covered with random objects that were taken from suspects and assorted case files. A large metal black door near the rear of the building was the easy access to the back entrance to the lab where they conducted their DNA tests. Sabre scanned down the tables, looking at the strange and sometimes useless objects that were taken during raids, and the larger, older, but still quite intimidating looking man standing next to a particular table that had items that looked like they had been taken from a pet store. "Well well son, glad you decided to join me, and I thought would have to go over all this junk myself!", "Now I wouldn't leave you with all the work now would I pops?" said Sabre with a smile. Chief Alexander laughed half hardily and smiled at his younger protégée, "You are always running behind, it's any wonder you got as good as you are today without me having to kick your ass and make you move." "I learned from the best" Sabre said with a smirk as he walked over to the table and began to examine the evidence.

Sabre and Alexander went way back, it was Alexander that taught Sabre everything he knew ever since he joined the force and gave him a chance at detective work, back when he was only Detective Alex. "So Reaper...what where the boys able to find?" Alex chuckled at his old nickname he had gained from solving more cases than anyone at the station had ever done before and was dubbed "The Reaper" for taking out so many criminals and preventing multiple crimes. "Well they came in at about 11:30, broke the door down to this cabin out in the middle of nowhere, the car was still there, and it seemed like the kidnapper had only left recently, but there were no indications of escape by foot or vehicle, which is the really confusing part...but what makes it even more interesting is what we found in the master bedroom." Chief Alex then pointed over two large dog cages that were sitting at the side of the table. One cage held a rather large German shepherd, eyeing the two officers cautiously as if he was planning his escape and the other one held a Beagle, who was currently sleeping inside of its dog bed, kicking slightly as if it was dreaming about something. "Dogs? That's it? No sign of struggle, no hidden doorways, no escape route? Just a pile of junk and some dogs?" the detective said questiongly, "Well, these dogs were found...Umm...humping each other in the master bedroom...took the boys 15 minutes to pry these two apart and put them in their cages, one of the boys from the swat team is actually down at the hospital right now being treated for where that big shepherd bit him."

"Yikes...well I'll make sure not to bother him...but that's all that was found?" said the detective, "Pretty much, just that, some leather gear, blood and seamen samples that we are having looked over in the lab, some dog toys, and a journal." Alex then pointed over to a particular corner of the table where a leather bound book was sitting. "They said they found it hidden underneath the couch, the entries are all hand written and they might point us in the right direction, but I wanted you to have a look at it, if there was one thing I did teach you right, it was to go over the small details in things." Alex grinned as he picked up the leather journal and handed it to Sabre and pet him on the shoulder, "Well since you're here I have to get started on the paperwork for all this crap, you take a look at that thing and give me a holler as soon as you find something worth wile, good luck son." The detective smiled and let out a soft chuckle and said "Try not to get a paper cut old man." Alex let out another laugh as he grabbed his coat and waved goodbye to Sabre as he headed out the door.

Sabre sighed as he grabbed a nearby chair and sat down, being careful to keep a fair distance away from the two dogs, especially the German shepherd that was likely to bite his hand off if he got to close. The detective then propped his legs on a nearby box and pulled back the cover to the journal, where even though some of the writing was illegible and seemed to have been written in a rush, he could still read the sloppy text.


** "To whoever may find this, Please help me! I'm being held by a kidnapper and I don't know where I am! All I remember last was going to a bar to meet this really hot looking bear who I met online, who wanted to talk to me and get to know me!..ahh great...whoever reading this now knows I'm chances of being rescued just got significantly slimmer...but if nothing ill at least write in this thing to curve the boredom of being down here in this dreary basement. I suppose I'll just start from the beginning on where this all happened, and at least someone might be able to find my story...It all started at the bar...the man I was meeting was a HUNK! Of a man, Big, Hairy, Muscle-bound, and that was just how he looked! When I met him his smile dazzled me, and he was such a gentlemen...and it seemed that he had quite the cock stuffed into those tight blue jeans....When I finally met him, he bought me a drink and we talked for a while, he told me how he raises dogs and works out as a hobby...I just smiled and nodded throughout the entire conversation....I just couldn't get over how H.O.T this guy was and whatever cologne he was wearing! It was almost intoxicating!**

So finally after me oggleing him for almost half an hour, he finally turned to me, and smiled, and said in the most manly way "Is there something else on your mind?" I froze...I thought I was done for, that he was going to call me a pervert and walk away and leave me alone in the bar and make me feel like a fool...But knowing there was no escaping it...i just nodded, and prepared myself for the worst. But what happened next, I didn't expect! Because he leaned down and gave me the most amazing kiss of my life!! His goatee tickled my chin, and I swear his tongue licked my tonsils it was so long!!! <3 <3 <3 It seems almost ironic that such a sweet and hunky guy would end up kidnapping me...I mean he could have anyone he wanted...but why choose me?..Ohh shit...he is coming now...I guess I'll have to end it for now...


** "Its cause he is a sicko kid...I've seen it dozens of times, big man finds someone who is weak and infatuates them, then when your back is turned you get a chlorophorm rag to the face, and you wake up bound and naked on a table...Poor kid..." the detective let out another sigh as he looked over to the dogs, The German Shepherd was still eyeing him defensively and the Beagle had just woken up, he was yawning and stretching and slowly wagging his cute little tail as he looked around the cage curiously. The detective smiled at the beagle and then turned the page to the next entry...this one's pages had tear stains all over it as the victim went over the rest of their ordeal.**


He...He did so many things to me...some of them made me feel so dirty...But others made me feel so good...When he came downstairs he made me strip naked and get on the table, and he started to tie me up...he was saying what a sexy little pup I was, and how he was going to break me and make me his pup...he started taking off his shirt and showed off his big, hair covered muscles for a bit, it looked like he had been working out, because his shirt was sweaty and stained. Then he started rubbing it all over me, and the sweat started to cover my body...Unfortunately for me, it smelled exactly like he had at the bar and I started to get hard...I begged with him to let me go, that I'll do whatever he wanted as long as he didn't hurt me, But he only smiled and leaned down next to me and whispered "You're going to be my new pup, and I'm your master now..." he then reached behind him somewhere and pulled out a black, leather collar and wrapped it around my neck. Then he said "There you go, you look so good now, and now your masters pet, now and forever, and master says you don't wear clothes anymore, so I'll just be taking these..." and he leaned down and took my clothes, then untied me. "Now you be a good pup, and master will reward you, I'll be back later..." and he left, with that same grin...What the hell is going on? Does he intend to keep me as a pet? Am I going to be suck here forever?


The detective turned to the next page..."I couldn't even begin to imagine what he went through...I hope we can find him soon...I wonder if these dogs might be able to tell us where they might of gone, maybe some DNA from where they have been might show another hideout or something..." Sabre looked over at the beagle that was looking right at him with his big, almost hypnotic, hazel eyes, whining softly as he nosed at the cage, wanting to get out. "I'm sorry puppy, but you will have to wait..." the German shepherd growled softly then grunted as he continued to watch the detective as he read...


I don't know how many days I've been down here...three? Five? Seven? Time seems to merge into nothingness down here...My so called "master" comes down every so often to feed me and pet me...I've tried to escape a few times, but any signs of resistance are usually dealt with harshly...and with the back of his hand...but as long as I do what he says he is normally nice to me...he feeds me three meals a day, makes me work out on some of the equipment down here...I think I've even started to lose some fat and bulk up a bit...maybe one day I'll be strong enough to escape while he is sleeping and forgot to lock the basement door!...A guy can dream... He also comes down every time I would assume is night, and he does his sexual teasing to me...rubbing different parts of his musky clothing on me, stuffing socks and soiled jockstraps into my mouth....the taste was horrible to begin with. But now it isn't so bad....heck I'm even starting to enjoy it! Wait...what am I saying? This guy is a psyco! Someone me...


"We can't help you until we find out just where you are now kid...Come on give some sort of detail! A noise you heard something you may have seen when you looked at the door when it opened? Anything!" The detective mumbled to himself as he set the book down to the side for a moment. "Where is he...any why is it that the kidnapper leave this book down there for him to find? Any moron would have known he would try to get messages out... or try to use it as a weapon against him." The detective leaned down next to the cage where the beagle was happily wagging and looking at the detective with its big soft eyes. "And where do you two come into play?" The beagle let out a small bark, and the German shepherd growled at him, causing the innocent looking beagle to tuck its tail between its legs and move to a corner of the cage it was in. "Be nice, we are going to be here for a while..." and the detective picked up the book from the table and continued to read...though the next page was stuck together...and after careful prying the detective was able to pull the two apart, and found that there seemed to be dried seamen holding the two pages together. After taking a sample of it and running down to the lab to have some of the criminologists look at it, the detective went back to the warehouse and sat down and continued to read.


He came down again tonight...but this time it was different...when he tied me to the table and pulled off his clothes, I expected him to rub them all over me...I was even starting to look forward to it...but when he took them all off he got on top of the table, standing in only a jockstrap, and pulled his cock out and pointed it at me. This was the first time I had ever seen his impressive piece of meat, its thick, veiney length pointing straight at me, and his balls hanging like two large eggs underneath him...I had been around, but I had never seen a cock this huge before. I asked him "what are you doing" and he just smirked at me, shook his cock a little, and said "Marking my territory..." and then he let out a stream of his pungent, yellow piss which hit me square in the face and into my mouth. Its salty, warm taste disgusted me and I spit it out quickly, hethen started to slowly go down the front of my body, giving me a literal bath in his piss as the yellow fluid. I tried to shout out for him to stop, but every time I opened my mouth, he shot another stream of piss into it to shut me up, so I just lied there, feeling as his piss washed over me, and my traitorous cock began to throb...dammed thing gets hard over anything...this guy is sick...I want to get out of here...but why does it feel so.... (The rest of the text is illegible on this page)


"That sicko!" said the detective as he slammed the book on the table in anger. "Making that poor kid go through that...and suddenly begin to like it? What kind of crazy si-fi mind control is this!?!" The detective then got up and paced around the table, looking at all the different objects sitting on there and trying to get an idea for where they might be.

After becoming frustrated with the inconclusive evidence, the detective grabbed his jacket and the journal and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him and causing the dogs to yelp in surprise of the loud noise...but then grin mischievously as the detective turned away...

Detective Saber stormed to Chief Alexander's office and opened the door, where the chief jumped slightly as he was turning a page in a case file. "Have all of your men de-contaminated! Something was going on at that house that wasn't normal!" Saber shouted to his superior with a worried expression. "Who wohh wohh!!! Calm down son! Can you tell me just what the hell is going on first?" The detective then slowly began to re-cap what he had learned so far, and the chief nodded after every strange detail.

"Well that certainly is odd...some sort of psyco-suggestion it sounds like to me...and a possible chemical that attracts someone? This could be serious..." the chief stopped for a moment and rubbed his chin, seeming to be in deep thought..."ill notify the members of the need to read more into this thing, and tell me if you can't find a solution, I'll go back and check the results from the lab to see if there is any trace of this "mystery chemical" and I'll give you an update as soon as I'm able, dismissed!" Sabre sighed in relief and nodded as he turned around and grabbed onto the door handle "Thanks pops...something tells me this case is bigger than we ever could have imagined..."

Saber then slowly walked back to his office and looked at the journal intently, "what kind of monster could do this to someone..." he thought to himself as he reached the door to his office and placed a hand on the door knob. "This man could be a chemical terrorist...and could let this stuff lose all over the states...hopefully this kid has some kind of information that can tell us the symptoms...I don't want John to get exposed to that kind of stuff" After settling his things and sitting back in his chair, he took one last look at his beloved son and continued to read.


What the hell is going on with me? He comes down every night, doing some kind of sexual torture to me, but he has still yet to stick it in me! I'm finding myself craving his presence...every moment without him is like an eternity for me...and every time he comes down from those steps, I feel like my heart is going to explode with joy! I'm so happy to see him when he comes down...doing whatever he says no matter how disturbing I may have thought about it before...but I'm having the most incredible orgasms from it! I've even started actually calling him master without any sort of hesitation...Why do I suddenly start to have feelings for the man who is my current captor? I want to get out of this cold basement...but I don't want to be too far from master...I'm so confused, and scared...but I have never felt so loved before...he genuinely cares for me, and takes care of me...he even got a dog tag to add for my collar that says "Ace" on it and started calling me it...Last night he told me that tomorrow was going to be really special, and if I behaved I can go upstairs and sleep with him in his bed tomorrow night...I suppose I'm looking forward to it..Anything is better than the cold, hard floor of this room...


Suddenly there was another knock at the door as the detective turned the page "I'm very busy! What is it?" and the door opened slightly so that Saber could see Fishers face "Um...I'm sorry sir...but have you seen Chief Alexander? I have some files for him..." the detective sighed as he placed the book on his desk and furrowed his brow. "Check the evidence room or the lab, he is bound to be in one or the other, now I'm very busy!" "Yes sir! Sorry sir!" and he quickly closed the door and the detective heard as his rushed footsteps ran down the hall and got softer and softer. The detective then sighed again and picked up the book again and continued to read, intent on finding the answers to this man's disappearance.


Todays the day I suppose...master told me not to touch myself today, because tonight is going to be very special...I'm kind of excited to finally get out of this room...but I'm kind of scared as to what he has in store for me...but I know he wouldn't hurt me...master would never hurt me...


The detective sighed at the short entry and turned the page...this one had small flecks of blood, and the entire lower half was covered in what looked like a mixture of seamen and hair, most of the text was illegible, but this page made the detectives hairs stand on end!


He bit me!! Master bit me!! We went up to his bed, he started to kiss and rub me, then as I felt his cock press against my hole, I saw that something was wrong with his face...his bright hazel eyes turned into a frightening yellow, and his nose turned wet and dark as his face seemed to shove itself out. His body, even though it was hairy to begin with, started to get even hairier! And it started to feel soft, like fur! I tried to beat him off of me, but he just grabbed my arms in his powerful and hairy hands, which felt leathery, but a bit soft...and he snarled at me...showing off his sharp, white teeth as his ears started to move to the top of his head and form to a point. I then started to feel a much sharper poking at my hole as he tried to shove himself in, but before he did that, he leaned down, and bit my shoulder!!! The pain was unmesureable! And finally when he had finished changing into what looked like a pulled off me and smiled again with my blood on his fangs. I screamed! And somehow managed to pull myself free from his grip with my slowly acquired strength and I ran down into the basement and barricaded the door... I'm starting to feel a tingle... and the wound has already started to heal...I think I'm becoming like he is...but I wanted to write down my last thoughts as a human...if anyone should find this, tell my friends and family I love them...and I'm sorry for making them worry...I have to go now...master is calling me...


What the hell is going on? Werewolves? I've got to tell the chief about this!!! And the detective threw the book onto the floor and ran out towards the evidence room...but little did he know that when the book landed, it had opened to the next journal entry...that he really should have read...


I'm so much happier now that master changed me! I told him about my journal and showed it to him; I don't keep anything from master anymore! He actually thought it was kind of funny! And said I should keep it so that I can remember how I was before I met him. Master is so much nicer to me now that I'm like him! I don't have to stay in that dark basement anymore, and I get to sleep with him every night! Though we don't do much sleeping...normally he likes to ram his cock straight into my hole and we howl and fuck all night! Though eventually we do go to sleep...with him tied inside of me and holding him close...I feel so safe with master...

Master says I need to stop now, bad police men are going to come to the house soon, but master tells me he has a plan! My master is so smart! I can't wait to see what he has in mind for all those hunky policemen! I know they already have some German Shepherds like him...But I wonder if they have any Beagles?

To be continued....