The Need of a Mate 2

Story by Little Draco on SoFurry

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#3 of The Need of a Mate

Okay, still is being done by me and yes Heartless Dragon let me used it!

(Copyright. All characters belong to Heartless Dragon.)

The need of a mate 2

Flya woke up with a heavy headache. Her whole world was in a blur and her eyes were defocused. She tried to focus but couldn't find the right spot to focus on. She then felt the pain on the back of her head. She tried to reach for it but found her arms tied. She slowly picked up her head to see what was holding her. She was surprised to see that she was bounded to the floor with her arms tied closed to her chest, her legs spread apart and her back exposed with her tail tied and pulled back with her tail over her head. She started to panic and tried to break lose but it was to no avail as the things wrapping her arms and legs were tree vines and there were many wrapped around her.

Just then, a dark shadow came to her. She couldn't quite make it out but it looked sort of similar to her. She looked around to find away from the dark figure but had no luck. Then the creature spoke to her.

"Hello there, young one." The voice hissed and seemed to be male and it sounded almost buff yet it was dark. "I'm sorry if I hit you and made you out cold but I couldn't help but noticed your beautiful form when you bathed yourself."

Flya lifted up her head now seeing a bit clearer. What she saw had disturbed her. It was a male raptor, the same as her. But he had darker scales with black stripes and spikes that ran down from his head to tail.

He gave her a sly grin.

"I see you like what you see about me and I like what I'm seeing but judging by your face I say that you haven't seen a male raptor your whole life."

Flya only shook her head softly and looked down at her self, still tied.

"Why did you tie me up?" she asked, sounding almost scarred.

The male's grin grew wider.

"Well as you can see, I have a problem and that is that I have no one to mate to and I have searched far into the great lands to find a worthy raptoress to carry my seed and bare my hatchlings. I came across you and thought that you would be a perfect raptoress to do that and since the mating season is close, maybe it would benefit us both." The grin never leaving was starting to scare Flya more. "So as you see, maybe I can mate you and we be set for life."

"But you can't mate with me," She said out loud. "I don't know you and I don't know if what you are doing is right. Just please untie me."

The male just laughed. "Sorry but I can't do that, for I already was getting ready for you." He slowly moved a bit closer to show her the underside of his legs and what she saw made her start getting nervous. In between his legs, was his long sheath that seemed to be a least a good foot long and a heavy musk was beginning to fill the air and enter her nostrils.

The raptor grinned evilly as she saw his extending sheath.

"Like what you see? Hehe, don't worry female, this will pleasure us both!" He chuckled a bit before he moved over to her back side.

"No!!" Flya cried out and began shaking heavily against the vines, trying to break lose.

The male smiled but knew he couldn't stand screaming unless it was his name being moaned or being begged for more. He quickly grabbed some of the tree vines and wrapped hit heavily on her mouth. She had her maw tied now by a few ties around her and the male was laughing at her. He spoke out with a wide grin and evil look. "Don't worry, this will make you want me more and hopefully by then, you will come to call me your mate or if that doesn't work out then you can be my little mating toy!!" he laughed at his ideas and continued forward with his long cock.

Flya grew dreadful and she struggled with all her might to loosen up her ties but she couldn't. Finally she gave up, with only having little energy from the knock out, it made her weak and hoping that this would end quickly and with out any pain. The male sees her give up and smiled down.

"You give up now? Good now, but don't you worry, I will make this as much pleasure for both of us and if it helps, I will go nice and slow!" He lowered himself were he saw her pink cloacae that wasn't wet. He grinned and slowly entered her, hopefully able to lube her up with some of his pre.

Flya gasped as he went in her warmth. He rubbed the tip of his penis on the out side, getting her nice and wet with his pre. She felt his long organ enter the tip of her vent, teasing her and trying to get her wet, which seemed to be working. Slowly, some of her natural fluids began leaking out of her vent it was slowly opening up.

She knew if she were to get out of this and find a male she would no longer be a virile female. Tears grew from her as he began to enter more. He gave a warning. "This will hurt at first but I'll go slow if you want." He said evilly. "Just enjoy it as much as you can."

She felt that he stopped just before her entrance, positioning himself. She knew that if he stuck in his dick all the way her virginity would be gone. She closed her eyes and waited for the pain but it didn't. She felt his organ leaving her but it didn't go back in.

She slowly opened her eyes and turned her head to see that male dangling from the tree. She lifted her head as much as she could to see a snake was holding him by the neck. She could here his choking sounds and before she knew it, the snake snapped his neck, and let the body fall to the floor. She looked up at the snake to see it slide off the tree and crawl nears her. The snake looked at the dead body then turned its attention to Flya. Flya grew scared as the snake approached her. Surely if the snake can kill a raptor like him, it would be no problem with her, especially since she's tied. The snake approached her and stopped. In its own way the snake smiled and looked down at her.

"Do not fear me raptor." The voice was feminine and gentle. Her scales were like those of Flya's only there were large spots of green and her eyes are pale blue. "I will not harm you; I just want to help you." Flya wanted to ask why but her mouth was still tied. She mumbled to the snake signaling she wanted to speak. The snake nodded and went to her mouth. She bit down on her ropes with her large fangs and flicked away with her head. She then went to go rip the other ones away, setting the raptor lose. Flya slowly stood up and turned to her savior.

"Thank you so much! I would have been horrified to be mated by him. May I know the name of my savior?"

The snake smiled. "My name is Salva. I am glad to know that i could safe you from something so cruel. Even we snakes have feelings."

Flya nodded. "I truly thank you." she said with a kind voice. "I truly wish nobody would treat others like that. But I am still grateful for you and for that i would like to thank you and I hope you would let me make it up to you."

The snake smiled a bit more then before. "Alright but first I would like to know your name."

Flya nodded. "My name is Flya and your the first creature here who actually intelligent and kind."

Salva stood up a bit more on her long body. "Well I am glad to know you are well. So where are you heading off too?"

Flya looked up at the sky. "I want to find a mate and someone to be with for the rest of my life but so far i think i might have doubts of finding a mate. I've been alone these last few years of mine, being separated as a chick and after today... I don't know if I should continue and head back."

Salva was a little down about this. She was a female loving snake and honestly, she loved females more then any normal snake she is and being the one that she is, a constrictor, she had any doubts that this raptoress would turn to females for a mate.

She slowly crawled to her and spoke out. "Don't you stop your dreams yet Flya. If you would allow me to accompany you, I would love to travel with you in search of a mate." Flya smiled widely. "Really? You would come with me on my search?"

"Of course, and you taking me is all that you ever have to repay me with."

Flya nodded. "Great! So are you ready to go with me?"

Salva nodded. "Then climb on top of me and we will head out."

Salva smiled as she crawled up Flya's leg. As she crawled on her way up, she stopped to see Flya's cloacae lips and couldn't help but stare. She was lost in her mind of thinking of what would it be like to stick her head inside and lost her train in thought for a moment. Flya laughed. "Hey what's the hold up back there?" she asked, turning her head.

Salva shook her gaze and continued up on to her back. "Alright Flya, ready to go."

Flya adjusted herself to the extra weight of the long snake. She was a bit heavy for about 300 pounds and 15 feet long but quickly adjusted and she quickly headed north, quickly forgetting about today's incident. Salva was a bit embarrassed about her whole ordeal and felt that she was wet on her own vent. She slowly lifted it up and saw it slightly moist. She didn't want to tell Flya how she was about females. She lifted her vent to her mouth where she cleaned all of her wetness making sure Flya doesn't suspect something. She ignored the rest of her thoughts and focused on the road.

It was a long day as the raptoress and snake traveled together, still keeping their journey to the north. Occasionally they would stop for a drink of water or a place to rest.

They saw that daylight was soon gone and decided to stay by a lake for the night. Flya would lay by a tree and Salva would sleep on top of the tree where she could look down at her. The snake was so fascinated by the raptoress's form that she felt wet again. She badly wanted to take Flya as her own and have both of them explored their bodies together, even if they were to different species. She only stayed up in the tree and watch as her secret love was sleeping peacefully and Salva couldn't even look at her without a freak out. She sighed and went to sleep, hoping that she might get a chance with her.

Both females woke up the next morning to continue their journey again. Salva rested on Flya's warm back while Flya walked for them both. Salva would get lost in her daydreams of getting with Flya, she thinking that she could be Flya's mate and spend the rest of their lives together. But she didn't want to lose the relationship she had with Flya as a friend, especially after her incident and not waning to take advantage of a matured yet immature mind. Once again she had to abandon her thoughts of her.

The days continued on and it continued on for a week. Both traveling from places where other several of reptiles of their kind would be. They both talked along the way, getting to know each other bit by bit. They mostly talked about Salva's past and only what the two had common and drawing closer to each other. Flya had grown desperate search for someone of her kind or other. She already had a great friend on her back but she wanted something more in her life. Someone that would be there to the end.

At the end of the week on a beautiful evening, both females decided to take a break. It was beginning to become night and both needed shelter. They had found a small cave where it was big enough for them both. Once they were inside they both fell into a fast sleep, Flya exhausted from the week long trip and Salva exhausted from her inner conflict.

In the middle of the night, Salva woke up. She woke because she had a great dream about her and Flya They both were exploring each other's bodies, inside and out. Flya didn't care that she was a long, armless or legless reptile, just as long as she had the traits of a female. But when she realized it was too good too be true, she awoke from her dream. She turned her head to find Flya sleeping peacefully close by her side. She really wanted to explore the body of her friend with her. The poor creature wanted a mate and Salva wanted her to be that mate. She lost all will to stop herself from doing something terrible or wonderful and went up to Flya's face.

She could feel the warmth of breath from her. Her breath smelled like the death of a thousand dead animals that was her food which to Salva was intoxicating. She went up closer to where she was a few inches away from her mouth. Slowly and carefully, she approached Flya's muzzle and rubbed her head against it before drawing out her long tongue and running it over her mouth.

Flya was disturbed slightly in her sleep and slowly opened her eyes to see Salva was using her tongue against and over her. She went a bit wide eyed and jerked away move, making Salva fall to the ground. "What are you doing Salva?"

Salva grew in fear and began to cry out in sudden panick. "I'm sorry Flya! I am so sorry i didn't mean to! I was just so desperate to be with you and now I ruined our friendship!" she cried and quickly slithered out of the cave. Flya was no longer in shock but now saddened. She saw Salva leave and she quickly stood ran after her.

"Salva wait!"

Salva heard her and stopped just outside of the cave. She turned to Flya and stared at her with tear filled eyes. "I am sorry Flya. i should have told you sooner that i was... a, well that I love you. That i love females. Even thought we just met a week ago, I felt like during the week we had grown a special bond"

Flya had a hard time trying to draw this in and was having a harder time to speak to her. A snake that was so alone has grown to love females; more then males? It took her a while to speak but when she did, she did it with all her heart.

"It's alright Salva. I was just surprised that you are ... like that. I don't mind if you are attracted to females just you should have told me sooner."

Salva looked up at her. "You really don't mind?"

"Of course not." she said with a smile. "I don't really care if you liked males, females or both. I just care that i have a friend that i can be with."

Salva grew happy at her and slowly approached her. "So does that mean you still want me to go with you in search for a mate?"

She nodded with a bid smile. "Of course I do. I still want you to be my friend."

Salva started to feel better and approached her more. "Thank you Flya. I am glad I have you."

Flya nodded. "And I am glad I have you, now let us go to sleep." She gave a small yawn before they both returned back into the cave and fell asleep with Flya sleeping next to her loving friend.

About awhile after, Flya was the one to awake. She felt really bad that Salva loved her and she didn't take her in for it. After all, she saved her and she was her first true friend. Flya decided that if her friend loved her, she would do the same for her. She saw Salva lying by her side and arched her head so that she leaned up and slowly licked her.

Salva was first startled by the sudden feeling, even though she slept with her eyes open but when she saw who it was, she gave into a gentle his. Flya continued to lick her head and looked at her. "So, did you like that?"

Salva had her eyes half closed. "I loved it."

Flya smiled and licked her face and leaving her drool on her. Salva hissed again and this time she sucked her tongue and both went back to their gentle licking. Once that was done, Salva moved down Flya's body giving her a long lick and ran it down her body. Flya moaned as Salva went down her body and she was at her legs. Salva stopped as she reaches her vent and she looked at it. It was glorious in all its wonder. It was starting to get wetter by the minute. "Well don't just stare there! Make me your love!" Salva grew wide as her dreams finally came true. She went closer and took in a large inhale before she stuck out her tongue and lick her lips. Flya shook from the sudden feeling and purred at the feeling. Salva continued her licking till she started to taste Flya's sweet juices. They almost tasted like a sweet fruit. She realized she couldn't take it no more and she stuck in her small head into her lips.

Flya groaned loudly and shook violently as she was entered by her friend and fell to her side. Salva squeezed through her friends tight hole slowly slithering inside. She was going deeper then ever and could feel as the juices were covering her body. Flya was starting to pant as she could feel her juices starting to build and Flya enter ever so deeper. She could feel her walls closing around Salva's body.

Salva was going in all the way and could feel Flya tensing up. Her climax was approaching quickly and she quickly exited out to catch her cum. As she exited out, Flya began to pant heavily as her load was ready. When the last part of Salva was out, she screamed as she came all over the snake's face. Salva was in absolute bliss as she was sprayed heavily and covered in her juices. She licked it all off her body and licked all of the left over from Flya. Flya laid there panting heavily as she was being cleaned. She was as happy as she could ever be. She lifted her heavy head to see Salva still covered in her cum. "Come here, i will clean you up." Salva nodded and crawled over to her. Flya extended her tongue over her body and began to clean her.

Salva was in eternal happiness as she was cleaned by her friend. The licks went nonstop and Flya loved the taste of her own cum. The sweet and tangy taste she loved. She continued from her top body to her lower body. When she reached Salva's tail, she saw her vent and gave it a lick.

Salva shook from the sudden feelings and Flya continued to lick it. She licked all around, licking across it and flicking her tongue on her vent tip. Salva moaned as she was enjoyed and tasted. But she wanted that tongue in her. "Come on don't keep me waiting."

Flya smiled as she finally entered her. Salva moaned so loudly that the cave echoed. Flya dug in her tongue deeper; getting juices from her that tasted much like her own. Salva started trusting in her tongue driving it deeper and harder. She was starting to tense up as her walls were closing around Flya's tongue and she was starting to build up. When her juices came into rivers, Flya started sucking her body and getting more juices from her. At last when Salva couldn't take it, she finally came and her cum was all caught by Flya's mouth. She stayed on to the floor exhausted and was panting.

"Thank... you... Flya." Flya laid by her friend, not wanting to clean her mouth since it tasted so good.

"Your welcome my friend."

Both females fell asleep together in a great bliss. They both knew well that they might not have mates yet but they did have each other.