Puppies and Owners. Chapter 5 - Happily Ever Now.

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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#5 of Puppies and Owners.

Author's Note: So furries, I think this is it. This is the end. Of this series of course. I'll never stop writing even if everyone said it was terrible and I should die, but I've gotten very involved in the storyline and I'm finding it harder to focus on anything else so it has to end so that I can move on to bigger and hopefully better things. All questions answered and all conflicts resolved. Watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer as I write. I love this show. This calls for a special Nicki lyric.

White Jag with the twisted lip, I ain't Mike Jack, but THIS IS IT!, Boo, boo, boo, I'm everywhere, you like balloon boy, mama you was never there, I am the kung-fu panda, fuck all of your blogs, fuck all of your propaganda, Nicki ain't a rapper, Nicki is a prenda, please you could never compare to me all these bitches is scared of me, I am who they couldn't even dare to be, so that's all folks! BA DABA DEE!

Alright, stop.

Please just stop the pain.

Make it so that I can't feel it anymore.

Make it all just go away.

Of course, it didn't. The pain stayed and I could still feel it. It was like a knife in the chest the doctor forgot to remove. I always found it strange that guilt seemed hurt more than physical pain. I felt guilty. I was hurting and all I wanted was for it to stop.

I hadn't moved from RJ's lap. He continued to promise me that everything was fine and we could still be friends, but somehow I felt like it wasn't. RJ and I would never be the same. Somewhere inside, I was excited about being with Seth after all this time, but all I could feel at the moment was the pain. Doorbell.

Alright, stop. Doorbells are signs. Not literally, but they are signs from the mystical forces of the beyond. Usually, a doorbell has only two meanings. The beginning or the end. When you open the door and there is a friendly face, it's usually the beginning of a conversation. If you open the door to a stranger or someone who's less than happy, it's the end. End of a relationship. End of a story. The end of your life. Pray for the former. Then press Play.

Our eyes hit the door at the same time. We already knew who it was. I rose off the floor and tried to regain some composure. RJ did the same as he walked to the door. When the door opened, Kaiden wasn't alone. "Hm, bad timing?" he chuckled. Lori stood to his left and Tyler on his right. I wasn't as concerned with them as I was with the creature behind him. Kaiden was standing in front of the largest bull I'd ever seen. He must've been at least seven feet tall and loaded with pure muscle. I had a very bad feeling.

"No, what's up?" RJ lied.

"Well, at first my intention was to come over and let Chronis pick up Seth, but now I'm thinking a little differently."

"What might that be?"

"Well, I did make up the puppy game, right?" Kaiden slid past RJ and was glaring at me as he spoke. "I did invent all the rules, but I should be able to change them, right?"

"What are you getting at, Kaiden?" I could see RJ was afraid as the other three furs entered the room and closed the door.

"I'm saying... why settle for one puppy, when I could have two?" Kaiden gave RJ a malicious grin. "Kill him, have fun with his brother, and bring me the huskies." As soon as the words left his maw the bull knocked RJ to the ground.

"RJ!" I screamed. I had every intention of helping him, but I noticed Lori lunging over the couch towards me. I bounded for the stairs. My heart was racing and my blood was getting hot with adrenaline. I wasn't sure where I was running, but my plan was to sit in front of the bedroom door until... well, RJ and I had already broken the door. Bathroom door. I was just a few steps away before my muzzle connected with the white tile. I panicked as blood dripped from my nose and Lori's paws locked tighter on my ankle. I was dazed for a moment. I hit the tiles harder than I first thought. I cleared my head enough to realize I was still in danger. "Let go of me you lesbian bitch!"

"We'll see if you're still saying that when Kaiden has you," she growled. I kicked the fox with my free leg and she cried out. I jumped up and over her rolling form and made a another break down the stairs. I passed through the living room again with no clear plan.

"Nick!" RJ barked. He was struggling with Kaiden now. I couldn't see Tyler or Chronis. "Please, don't let them get Austin." I nodded and slung the basement door open. I must've been crazy there was no way I could beat that monster of a bull by myself, but I owed it to RJ to try.

"Someone grab the little bitch! Lori! How the fuck did he get away?" Kaiden screamed, but was interrupted by a punch from RJ to his jaw. I was still a little dizzy so I grabbed the rail and made my way down the dark stairway to the basement's den. I could already hear Austin crying. Once I reached the bottom, I could see why.

The bull had Austin bent over the couch and was humping him at a very quick pace. Chronis hadn't seen me enter. I looked for something big to hit him with. Lucky me, RJ kept a metal baseball bat behind the stairs. I grabbed the bat and lifted it. I knew I only had one shot or the bull would surely knock me out and I'd be useless to Austin. As soon as I was within range I reared the bat and swung at Chronis' head with all my strength. I connected the bat just between his horns and the bull fell to his knees with a loud cry. Austin scampered away and tried to pull his pants back up.

"Hey bitch!" I heard a female voice behind me and Ashley greeted me with a broom to my muzzle. I yelped a fell to the floor. "You think you can just kick Lori and get away with that?" I hadn't even seen Ashley come in the house. She hit me with the hard plastic again before I heard someone growl and tackle her.

Austin was holding the overweight tiger beneath him while she struggled to punch him. At any other time, I would have laughed, but my sense of humor faded when I felt strong hands lock around my ankle. Suddenly, my entire body was lifted off the floor. I screamed as the bull slung me through the glass table. I felt a thousand tiny cuts hit in a million different places, but I couldn't cry because he still held my ankle and was preparing to sling me again. I felt like a rag doll to someone so strong. The next object I smashed into was a wall. The plaster cracked around my form. I whimpered in pain and exhaustion. I was ready to give up and just die. I was fading in and out of consciousness and my body was burning in pain. I could feel the bull prepare for another throw before his grip disappeared. I was afraid to look, but I didn't want to miss the opportunity to run.

To my surprise, Trent and Tyson had jumped the bull from behind and were kicking the monster on the ground. Austin ran over to my side. "Are you ok?" Austin asked.

"No, no. I can't move," I cried.

"Yes, you can. You have to that blue husky needs you! Trent said that's where we have to go!" Suddenly, I felt stronger. I could do this for Seth. It might be the last time I walked, but I would try.

"Ok, are you ok?"

"Um, well, my butt hurts really bad, but I think I'm ok. You saved me." I used the tiny german shepherd to get to my feet. It was then that I learned my knee was dislocated. I didn't know how to do that thing where they pop it back in to place. I just limped to the staircase with Austin's help. I wasn't sure what made me think I could help anyone. I couldn't even keep my eyes open. This had to be my lowest low. I couldn't think. I could barely breathe. My heart was pounding and I was sure I had several broken bones. I wanted to help Seth more than anything, but I felt so weak. Physically, emotionally, and mentally drained. I collapsed on the staircase. "Nick! Get up! We have to go! The tiger bitch is coming."

"I don't care. I can't do it anymore. I'm too tired."

"Nick, get up now! You might not care, but I do not want to be that bulls bitch again! I need you, Seth needs you, RJ needs you, please get up!"

"It doesn't matter, Austin! We're fucked. Look at me, look at you! Chronis will kill Trent and Tyson and then he's coming for us! The only reason we're still alive is because Kaiden wants us. Let's just give up. I'm tired. I'm tired of trying and never getting anywhere. I'm sick of never getting anything I want when I try and try and try to be good, but every time something or someone stops me."

"Being good is always hard! Don't you remember in Mass Effect when you try to be Paragon and it would be so much easier to be Renegade and just kill that guy in the cutscene, but you want to be good so you have to actually fight him. It's kinda like that."

"What!? It's nothing like that! That's a game this is real."

Alright, stop. Even though, this is hardly a time to make those kinds of comparisons, Austin is a totally right fourteen year old. I always get so fucking frustrated when I play Mass Effect 2 and I'm trying to get past the krogan on Mordin's mission and I know if I just did the Renegade action and killed him I could take the other's out easy, but I want to be the good guy so I don't and he always kills me a few times. It's kind of like trying to be good in real life. Except when I'm on my second playthrough then it's super easy. Play.

"Ok, bad analogy. Please, just come on." I moaned and let Austin help me up. I heard Ashley stomping up the stairs after us. We reached the top and I slammed the door shut.

"I think I owe you a kick in the face, Nick," Lori rounded the corner.

"Nick has more important things. You can fight me." Austin blocked Lori's path to me and I crawled away as fast as I could. I noticed RJ was being beaten by Tyler. I couldn't locate Kaiden, but I did locate something else interesting. I found a sharp butcher's knife on the ground and carefully stuffed it into my waist band.

I finally reached the door to Seth's room and opened the door. I was immediately pulled inside. "Nick," Kaiden sneered, "glad you could join us." He threw me on the bed next to a frightened blue husky. "Now, I have my favorite two huskies in one bed. Doesn't this sound fun?"

"Are you okay?" Seth ignored Kaiden and surveyed my wounds. I felt strong paws wrap around my wrists. Kaiden was positioned above me and licking the smaller wounds on my neck.

"He looks fine to me," Kaiden laughed. Suddenly, Seth jumped on the wolf's back and started ramming his fists against the grey muzzle. Kaiden's paws left my wrists to stop Seth's attacks.

"Get off of him!" Kaiden roared in protest and I saw the flicker of opportunity. I slipped the knife out of pants and plunged the steel into Kaiden's chest. I was surprised at how easy it slid through the skin. Kaiden's expression changed from angry to scared. Seth backed off the wolf in shock. I grabbed my muzzle in shock.

"I'm sorry!" I yelped. Kaiden grabbed the back of my neck and brought me closer.

"I didn't think you had it in you," he breathed. Suddenly the wolf's muzzle locked mine in a deadly kiss. I could feel the life slipping out of Kaiden. I felt... I can't tell you what I felt. Relief, fear, sorrow, joy, everything wrapped into one big emotion that made me feel numb. I felt so much that I could no longer feel. "I really did care about you." Kaiden collapsed on top of me and all I could was scream. I screamed for what felt like hours. Seth tried to console me, but I couldn't hear anything he said. Suddenly, everything went blank.

It wasn't like I was asleep. I saw everything and heard everything that everyone said, but it was all blurry. Except it wasn't really blurry either. I can't explain it, but I simply don't remember what happened after I stabbed Kaiden.

Alright, stop. I know this is now known as that fantastic thing our brains do when we are put in gruesome situations. It's shock. You mind represses the things that you don't need to remember until you're ready to remember it. It's very strange. Play.

When I did "wake-up," Seth was cuddled next to me in a different bed. "Nick, please say something."

"Say what?" I whispered.

"Oh, good. It's been like three hours since you said anything. Are you ok?"

"No, not really."

"Do you remember what happened?"

"I remember stabbing Kaiden."

"Ok, um, well he sort of died... the others ran. The bull killed Tyson. RJ and Trent buried them. Trent tried to fix you up, but you have a lot of injuries. Nothing too bad though."

"I went through a glass table and a wall."

"Yeah, but you didn't suffer any brain damage. That was the worst case scenario. I think." Seth was brushing the fur around my ears.

"How is everyone?"

"Well, Trent is upset about Tyson. RJ and Austin are as well as can be expected. Mostly, we're just worried about you. Well, I was anyways."

"Thanks." I wrapped my paw around his free one. He smiled warmly at me. I was fretting over the past, but when I was with Seth all I could see was the future. All I could see was Seth and me happy together and away from this whole lifestyle. "So, what are our plans?"

"We've definitely missed too much school so I'm thinking G.E.D. and then college? But that's up to you. I kinda want to get our own place. Or something like that."

"Sounds fun. Normal." Seth laughed and I grinned at him. "Are you sure we can do this? Me and you against the world?"

"No, but as long as I'm with you, I can't fail. You're my best friend."

"Well, I was wanting to be a little more than that..."

"Oh, not that I'm against the whole sex thing, but maybe you should take some time to heal."

"Killjoy," I huffed sarcastically. I knew I didn't have it in me. My entire body ached. I was feeling significantly better though. I think it was just because my outlook on life had changed. Seth continued to play with my fur as I drifted into a gentle sleep.

The next day, I woke up very early. I was still pretty sore, but I walked to the living room where RJ and Trent were still talking and Austin was sleeping on the couch. "What's up hero?" RJ whispered.

"Hero, huh? I think I'm going to pass that one to Tyson."

"Thanks," Trent grinned. I assumed he was handling the loss well.

"Thanks, for real though. For saving Austin. You could've just grabbed Seth and ran." RJ hissed as Trent touched a wound with alcohol.

"I like Austin. He's a cool kid."

"Yeah. So, what's your next move?"

"Probably, chill for a little while. Seth wants to try and get our own place."

"Well, I have one if you want it. It's fully furnished. I was going to give it to Austin, but I think I want him to stick around for a while."

"Really? I mean, I'll have to talk to Seth, but that sounds awesome."

"It's cool. So, the puppy club is official dead. You fixed that problem, too."

"Yeah, I'm not sure how I feel about that."

"He totally deserved it. Don't blame yourself at all. If you wouldn't have done it, we'd all still be fighting and you and Seth would probably be dead."

"Yeah. I just wish there was another way. How is Austin?"

"He's doing surprisingly well. He cried about being, you know, but he was mostly worried about you." I head a noise behind me and Seth dragged in wearily behind to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. RJ and Trent grinned at me and I knew everything was going to be fine.

Two weeks later, Seth and I were watching TV in our nice oversized apartment. We had everything we needed and a little more. I was surprised at how well everything was going. I jumped when my phone started vibrating.


"Hey, what's up?" Austin.

"Oh, hey dude. We're just sitting here. What about you?"

"Oh, well RJ said if I asked you first I could come hang out."

"Um, yeah. That's cool. How long?"

"Um, probably another hour. I'll see you later."

"Ok, dude. Bye." I hung up. Seth was focused on his new iPad. I was starting to hate that thing. "Hey, Austin's coming. I think I'm going to go take a shower."


"Don't you think you should too."

"Yeah, I will." I waited for a moment, but he wasn't catching my hints.



"What I meant to say was, I'm going to take a shower and I want you to go with me!"

"Why would you want to do that?'

"Hm, we'd both be in the shower, naked. I wonder what we would possibly do in that scenario." Suddenly, he dropped the iPad.

"Why didn't you just say so?" I sighed and rolled my eyes. He was almost as ditzy as me. I grabbed his paw and led him to the bathroom. As soon as my foot hit the tile I slung Seth inside and pinned him against the counter. "Can't wait, huh?"

"It's been a while..." I whispered as I kissed his muzzle. My paws found the hem of his shirt and pulled it off the light blue fur. I seized his perfect bubbly butt and lifted him onto the counter. He had trouble focusing on the kiss as my paws explored his backside. His paws fumbled to get my shirt off, but with a little help, we were both shirtless. Seth liked to play with my muscles even though I didn't really think they were even there. I broke the kiss and suckled the huskies neck. He shuddered in bliss. I slowly sank my teeth into the fur and ran my claws down his back. He whimpered for a moment before clenching my shoulder blades. I pushed Seth back enough that I could join him on the counter. I buried my tongue against his chest and sampled every inch of his broad pecks. I tried to think of a way to surprise him. I rushed back up to his muzzle and slammed a kiss into him. Suddenly, there was a cracking sound.



"You broke the fucking mirror!"

"I didn't break it! You broke it!"

"You slammed my head into it!"

"Are you hurt?"


"Then fuck it. Let's move to the shower though."

"Good idea." I pinched the huskies butt and he jumped before I left to turn the shower on. As I did, Seth's paws appeared around my waist and slowly fell lower. I felt his tongue flicker at my lower back stopping at my waistline. I murred softly as his paws massaged my thighs. Slowly, they moved up to my crotch and played with the hard denim. His muzzle brushed against my butt and played in between my legs. The paws found my button and zipper and undid them. I could see the maroon material of my boxers straining against my erection. The paws pulled the jeans off and continued their assault on my thighs. I twitched as something wet pressed against the back of my boxers. Seth's warm wet tongue soaked the thin material just beneath my tail. I wasn't sure on what felt better, his tongue pressing against my tail hole or his paws squeezing my member. I stifled one more moan before I spun around and lifted the husky to his feet. Once I had a firm grasp on his but I fell with him on the floor of the shower. I stripped his jeans off before they got too soaked. Our boxers were already hopeless. It felt harder to breathe with all the steam, but it only intensified the pleasure.

I kissed the huskies waistline before pulling his yellow boxers off. I gave him a seductive lick-of-the-lips before teasing his exposed member. He moaned as my tongue slithered along the underside of his cock. I slipped the crown of his throbbing member into my lips and slurped the sweet salty pre cum that was dripping out. His paws played with the back of my head as I used my paws to massage his thick white orbs. The smell of the husky's musk was intoxicating. No one else smelled like him. I subtly removed my boxers and worked my muzzle back to Seth's lips. "Ready for the next part?"

"I've been ready," he grinned. Sexy blue husky.

Alright, stop. There was a long time ago where I gave three reasons on why you shouldn't have sex with your bestie. I have to eat my words. I was wrong. I haven't had better sex or a better relationship than with my best friend. He's my absolute favorite person in the world. So three reasons on why you should fuck your bestie. Reason one, no one else can make you feel the way they do. Reason two, no one else cares how you feel like they do. Reason three, why not? You've already seen each other naked, just fuck now. Smiley face. Play.

I kept my eyes locked on his as I lifted his legs enough to feel his tail hole on the tip of my soaked cock head. I gently prodded the area to tease him. Once his muzzle locked against mine, I pushed into him with a small amount of force. Seth whimpered into my muzzle and I stopped to massage his member with my paw. As soon as his eyes closed in pleasure I continued to bury my member inside him. I murred as warm tight walls clenched around my member. Seth whimper one more time before I was fully inside him. He had improved exponentially. I didn't even feel like I was having sex. Inside, I knew I was doing this for Seth. Because I loved him.

I began pumping in and out at a gentle pace. "You're gonna have to speed that up, Nick."

"Whatever you say," I smirked. I humped the hole as fast as I could. Every thrust knocked the air from the husky's lungs. I grunted as I pounded the tail hole. Seth couldn't keep quiet anymore and was moaning loudly. I continued to paw his throbbing member as my slick cock slid in and out of the warm passage. Seth was arching his back to assist me in the assault on his hole. I felt his knot grow in my paw and thrusted into him as hard as I could. Seth yelped as his pre-cum evolved into the tasty white liquid I'd grown to enjoy. Seth's musk filled the shower and the water washed the sticky liquid away. His paws wrapped around my neck as I pumped the finally rough thrusts of my knot into him. I moaned as cock swelled and bucked inside the husky. Stream after stream of my seed spurted into the husky and filled his warm insides. I whimpered at the intense pleasure flooding my senses. I collapsed on top of Seth and tried to catch my breath. My knees felt weak. My whole body shivered with pleasure. Seth's paws played with the fur around my head and neck. "How was that?" I whispered.

"Hm, I've seen better." I shot him a look of irritation. "I'm just kidding! You know you're the best."

"Best I ever had, best I ever had," I sang.

"You da you da best," Seth finished.

"Are you happy with me?" I asked.

"Yeah. I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be. I like being tired on the shower floor with this sexy husky on top of me."

"Good, because I just realized something.

"What's that?"

"I'm totally in love with you."


"Yeah, like Bella in love with you."

"Well, I guess I love you too," he said unenthusiastically.

"You know, that shit gets really annoying and I'm about to break that iPad."

"Oh please, like you don't use the iPad. I had to make you get off of it last night so you would sleep."

"Yes, master. You are right," I said robotically.

"You dig the sarcasm."

"Yeah, I do. It keeps it from getting too cliché."

"Yeah, because if we didn't do that then the typical ending would be. 'I love you, Seth.' Then I'd say 'I love you too, Nick.' And we'd fall asleep in the shower and have a happily ever after."

"I seriously could fall asleep right now."

"Well you invited Austin so-"

"Nick!" A voice called. I moaned.

"Ten minutes dude!"

"Ok!" I planted one more kiss on my sweet sexy husky's nose before I lifted myself off of him. "I seriously do love you though."

"Yeah, well I'm obsessed with you."

Alright, stop. Well I'd love to say that Seth and I lived happily ever after, but we're only sixteen. Happily ever after is a long way away. But I'm proud to say that we are happily ever now. If that counts for something. We'll be seeing each other again really soon. Oh yeah, and is anyone ever going to beat Devilflare on the first comment? I doubt it. But I like reading them so it's cool. Especially when they leave really long comments. Seth says thanks too. Buh bye! Change tape.

Puppies and Owners. Chapter 4 - Best Friends and Boyfriends

**Author's Note: So yeah, I posted a new journal. And I get on this posting craze. So it's time for chapter four. Plus, I'm bored and tired of listening to these bitches screaming at each other. RAWWWWWWR! Hahahahaha. This one is really...

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Puppies and Owners. Chapter 3 - Oh, Brother...

**Author's Note: So I got my Waka Flaka on right now and my mass effect 2. I'm ready to write! By the way, if I wrote a sci-fi story with totally new characters that is along the lines of star wars and mass effect, would you read it? Just wondering for...

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Puppies and Owners. Chapter 2 - Rules and Cheaters

**Author's Note: Sorry it took so long, but with the holidays and everything I kind of got lazy. Thanks to everyone who commented or bothered to read it. It's so appreciated. So here we go... again. :).** _ **I'm the best now! Anybody with some money...

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