The Board of Shadows. Chapter 1: Prisoner of Lust

Story by Sheer on SoFurry

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#1 of Turania Chronicles-Board of shadows








Turania Chronicles: The Board of Shadows.


This fiction is not to be read by anyone under the age of 18. It depicts various sexual acts, including non-consensual intercourse between male characters of legal age. The author of this work would like to state that under no circumstances does he wish to promote or make light of sexual abuse or pleasure slavery in real life, nor does he promote the wearing of fursuits, the depiction vore, scat, inflation or fat furs, unneeded faggotry outside of yiff-oriented sites (the reputation of clean anthro artists has already been shat on quite enough as is) and corn relish, but that is a different thing entirely,

Anyway, onto the story.


Chapter 1: Prey of lust

Grass...grass....grass...more grass...a rock...grass again...castle....forest....grass.

As usual, Turania was ripe with natural beauty. Rolling fields of grass as far as the eye could see, accompanied by a strong forest and an ample supply of water, it was a perfect living environment for the various tribes who called the area home.

Reclining on a warm rock, a single body could be seen viewing the landscape on this tranquil day. Luce belonged to a race of creatures known as demons. There were a few different species of demons that existed in the land of Anon-Kyre. His species, the luminous demon, were not common in Turania. In actual fact wasn't a native, having travelled to Turania along with his mercenary clan, the Hot Steel Guild.

It wasn't even a real guild as such, more of a hoard or a tribe. At most, there were only about twenty warriors, including the healers and blacksmiths, and all of them male. Being the only demon in the guild, and naturally stronger than any of the others, Luce had attained the title of "Champion" in the Hot Steel Guild, and it hadn't exactly made him any more modest.

Luce stretched and yawned, his black body armour glistening in the sunlight. Demons generally come in two varieties, regardless of species: common and armoured. Luce was an armoured luminous demon: his glowing body was covered in plates of leathery armour. At twenty-two years of age, his armour was in its prime: silky smooth and hard enough to withstand any number of bladed strikes. The intricate plating of his armour made it look like his body was covered in channels of glowing light which rippled along the length of his muscular body as he moved. Typically to his species, his flesh was doing all the glowing. The flesh of luminous demons changed colour too, depending on emotions. At the moment it was green, a sign of content.

" that you?"

Luce turned in the direction of the voice to see a member of his guild approaching him. It was a young wolf, dressed in a warrior's loincloth and decorated with various accessories. This was a typical costume of the Hot Steel Guild's members.

"I thought I'd find you here" said the wolf, somewhat timidly. "I uh...came to tell you that the chief has news for your ears alone. It seemed to be important from what I could tell."

The only response he recieved was to see his commander yawn and roll over onto his side. He knew Luce well enough to know that his message had gotten through, but he had only been part of the guild for a few days. Luce was also the only demon he'd ever met in his life. The young wolf couldn't help but stare at Luce's interesting body. He noted the demon's finely toned muscles, clearly packing a lot of power behind them. Another thing that caught his attention was the end of Luce's tail. It was armoured like the rest of his body, but it was surprisingly phallic in shape.

"You're new aren't you?" said Luce in an amused voice, folding his arms behind his head. "If you're going to stare at me, at least introduce yourself properly first."

"Uh...Oh, right!" said the wolf, snapping back to attention. "Rock, reporting for duty, sir."

Rock took a rigid military stance, showing his total lack of understanding of the Hot Steel Guild's general etiquette. Luce snorted while trying not to laugh.

"Well you look keen anyway. I'm sure you'll get used to things here soon enough. Thanks for bringing me that message."

The wolf wasn't listening. He'd been distracted by Luce's accessories. His eyes fixed on the leather collar around the demon's neck, then slowly began following the iron chain that wove itself around Luce's torso and down his right leg, to a set of belts tied around his right ankle, then back up to the tight leather band that was strapped around his right bicep. On Luce's left ankle was a spiked collar, balanced by another set of leather buckle collars on his right wrist. It dawned on him that Luce wasn't wearing any actual clothes. He could see the demon's armoured sheath pulsating softly between his muscular legs. Rock was beginning to feel slightly aroused. Apparently, this was noticeable, as Luce grinned and slowly began to spread his legs.

"What's the matter, wolf? You're looking a bit curious." He growled, playfully swishing his tail back and forth.

Rock balked. "Ah...oh, I'm sorry, sir." He said, blushing as he looked down at the lump that had formed in his loincloth. "I should get back to my duties."

"You know, there aren't any females in this guild," said Luce, a sly grin spreading over his face. "But there are a lot of big, male warriors all training together in the same place...and they can get very horny..."

Luce tilted his head back and growled softly, spreading his legs completely and allowing the tip of his glowing cock to emerge from his armoured sheath. Rock stood transfixed in place, adrenalin flushing through his veins. What was this demon getting at, and why was he so aroused by this male?

"...for this reason, we tend to be quite open with each other in this guild," Continued Luce, allowing another inch of his glowing penis to slide into view. "In other words, it's normal for members to engage in a little fun with each other now and understand that?"

The wolf blushed and nodded. He had been a member of several mercenary tribes, but never had he encountered anything like this before.

Luce shot him a spine-chilling glare. "So then...if there's anything you want to know about me..."

Rock swallowed and edged over to the stone platform Luce was lying on. After only a few steps, he was standing over Luce, staring at the demon's fully-erect shaft. It was perfectly smooth, and glowed like the rest of his body. Rock noticed that Luce's balls were also encased within a protective shell, even though they had dropped considerably since he saw them last. The wolf lowered himself to his knees, bringing his face closer so he could get a better look. He gazed at the rippling light patterns that pulsed up and down the glowing length. It was almost hypnotic.

"This is...making me...hard!" he gasped. "Are...are you sure this is fine?"

"It's common practise in the Hot Steel Guild, wolf." was Luce's reply, "Although...we don't take well to those who actually wish to have another male as your mate. If you're that kind of guy, then you're best keeping to yourself."

Rock wasn't feeling any love for the demon in front of him, but he was certainly aroused. The wolf sniffed at Luce's cock, taking in the strong scent. He closed his eyes and began breathing softly, reaching down with his paw to stroke his own hard shaft through his loincloth. After being encouraged by Luce, he was feeling more comfortable with what he was doing. Luce growled seductively, tensing his muscles and causing a drop of glowing precum to drip onto Rock's muzzle. The wolf crossed his eyes to stare at the drop of shining white fluid as it glided down the side of his face. All of this was making him feel very bold. With his other paw, he reached up to grab hold of Luce's cock. He wanted to stroke that length and see what reaction it would feel if it felt any different to his own...

"And another thing before I go..." said Luce, snapping his cock back into its sheath with unnerving speed and startling Rock out of his fantasies. "If a superior male wants to have sex with you at any time, you're in no position to say no. That's just something you're going to get used to here."

Savouring the disappointed expression on the wolf's face, Luce got up and began walking towards the chief's tent. The chief of the Hot Steel Guild was a rather impressive otter named Mars. In terms of strength, Mars was the second strongest and most skilled warrior in the tribe after Luce, however, his leadership skills were much more developed, and Luce preferred the champion's role than that of chieftain. As he entered the tent, the smell of cooking and iron entered his senses, making him feel at home. Mars was waiting there with a stern expression on his face, draped over his favourite chair. As the chief, he was decorated in a more grand fashion than the common warriors. Around each of his limbs, he wore two thin leather bands with small gold studs around their edges, and much of his torso was covered in swirls of orange fur paint. Defining him as a leader was a small earring with two feathers hanging off it that was clipped to the base of his right ear. Aside from these items, he was still clothed only with a thin strip red cloth over his crotch held in place by a leather belt. It didn't cover much.

"Late as usual, Luce." The guild leader sighed, shaking his head in an expression of mock disappointment. "I can take a guess at what was holding you."

The demon grinned and kneeled on the mat in front of his leader, folding his arms in front of his chest. This was a polite stance when addressing one of higher status.

"That new wolf Rock had some questions about the way things work here. I couldn't just leave him in the dark now, could I?"

Mars rolled his eyes. "You know perfectly well that he would have found out by himself anyway. Even so, I won't begrudge you your fun. It's not an emergency, but I have a request from a potential client here that could lead to a mission. The trouble is, she wants someone to meet her in private, at this location."

The otter leaned forward and handed Luce a rolled-up sheet of Paper. Luce's flesh glowed blue, the colour of concentration and thought, as his eyes scanned its contents. It was an incredibly detailed map, sketched with fine charcoal and carefully covered in a protective resin. Marked on the map was a tiny "X" in a location that Luce was quite familiar with.

"I'd go myself, but I'm not so confident that this isn't a trap..." said Mars, absent-mindedly picking at his claws. "You're perfectly capable of handling yourself out there, moreso than me. I want you to go meet this person and find out exactly what they want. Then we'll decide what to do with this."

Luce folded the paper carefully and tucked it under his arm band. "I guess I have nothing else to do right now. I know this place quite well. I used to go there often to train."

The demon rose to his feet and turned to leave. As he headed through the opening, he heard Mars add another quick instruction.

"And Luce...before you go out, take a swim, will you? You smell like sex."

"You would notice that, sir." He replied jokingly, giving a wave of his tail before heading out into the sunlight.


A few hours later, Luce was standing in a forest clearing, holding the map in his hand. He double checked the markings and looked at the forest canopy above him. This was definitely the place. He recognised a lot of the landmarks: a small stream full of pebbles with clean drinking water, a row of raspberry bushes growing around a tree stump. A small grotto that was perfect for hiding in, and even the handle of one of his old swords that got broken during his training. Luce no longer used weapons while fighting. He wasn't exactly the hugest fan of killing. There are other, more entertaining things you can do to a fallen foe.

"I don't see anyone here." He thought to himself, scanning the area. "Although I get the feeling I'm being watched."

After a few minutes of silence, the sound of a snapping twig caught his attention. He turned in the direction of the sound to see a smaller creature approaching him warily. Luce straightened up from his sitting position. As the figure stepped into the light, he did a visible double take: standing in front of him was a creature he'd only ever seen pictures of. At first glance, one could mistake her for being feline. However, a closer inspection would prove otherwise. A small fringe of short stubby appendages hung down over her eyes like a fringe. Like the rest of her body, these looked rubbery and soft. She had a very delicate appearance, defined by smooth curves and a short paddle-like tail. She was clothed in a simple, yet beautiful costume that looked like it had been woven with extreme craftsmanship and care. In her paw, she was holding a short, thin sword defensively by her side. It didn't look like she was physically strong enough to be much of a fighter, but the strong look in her eyes proved that she was willing to use it.

"...are you...a Demi?" whispered Luce, squinting at her in disbelief.

The female prickled at his voice. She was obviously intimidated by Luce's appearance. Luce realised that compared to her rather modest outfit, he looked like a savage, dressed in nothing but chains, leather and a codpiece. He didn't feel at all embarrassed, but slightly concerned that he may be making her feel more uncomfortable than she should.

"Are you from the Hot Steel Guild?" she said in an authorative tone, holding the sword against her chest as if it were a dagger. She was making an effort not to appear meek.

Luce tried to make himself less imposing, sitting cross-legged and placing his paws where she could see them. "Indeed I am..." he replied, doing his best to maintain a business voice. "My name is Luce. I'm the champion of the Hot Steel Guild. I've been sent to investigate your request. For what reason do you require our aid?"

It was difficult to concentrate. Luce's heart was beating like a drum. The demi were easily the rarest race of demons in all of Anon-kyre. Even to see one was considered to be a sign of fortune. Smaller and more compact than other species, the demi lacked strength and power, but were gifted with amazing bodily properties. Within their own system, they produced a type of energy that acted as an anti-body to every kind of disease imaginable. It was a medical cure-all, and for this reason, it was impossible for them to get sick. Luce had also heard talk that one of the reasons for the demi's rarity was because of the unusual way their bodies reacted to mating. Looking at the female in front of him, he realised that she did look very attractive in a cute kind of way. He estimated she was about nineteen years of age, even though her natural appearance made her look slightly younger. It had been a while since he'd had sex with a female of any kind. His skin changed to a lime shade of green.

The demi noticed the change in Luce's colouring, but didn't seem to know what it meant. She visibly relaxed when she heard his words.

"My name is Luni," she replied, gracefully bowing in an almost foreign way. "I've...not had much experience with warrior, so please don't be offended if I keep my distance from you. As you know, my kind don't really like seen by others."

It was certainly true. Luce had always wanted to meet a demi just once in his life. This was a most fascinating experience for him. He was so concerned with studying her form that he almost forgot to pay attention as she started to explain her predicament.

"My tribe used to live deep within these very woods. We had a large grove there that was very difficult for outsiders to find. My brother and I were both planning to leave and travel the outside world five days ago. We'd set all our preparations. There was going to be a leaving ceremony for us too. But on the night before the ceremony, something terrible happened. Our clan was discovered by a band of marauders. They came with weapons and magic, none of us could do anything but run. We were lucky though, the whole tribe managed to escape...that is...with the exception of two of us. One of whom is my twin brother, Keiu."

Luce could see where this was going. This kind of occurrence was rather familiar to him. He felt a pang of anger that anybody could be so callous as to raid such a delicate and endangered people. Even so, this girl was obviously going to ask the Hot Steel warriors to aid her in avenging her brother's death. Such a pity, he thought to himself, that it was not part of his code to accept such a task. However, Luni was still talking.

"But I didn't flee with the rest of the tribe right away." She continued, her voice growing stronger and more determined. "I stayed and watched, hidden in the trees. I saw that they took my brother alive. I followed them for two days, waiting for an opportunity to rescue him...but...before I found any chance to do so, the bandits were approached by a band of slave tamers...and then..."

At the mention of slave tamers, Luce's ears pricked up. He rose to his feet, a grim expression on his face.

"Can you, by any chance, describe what these tamers looked like?" he said, his voice low and dangerous. Luni stepped back a few paces, clearly startled by Luce's sudden aggressive stance. After regaining composure, she spoke again.

"Yes, I can. There were two of them who seemed to be in control. There was one, a Doberman, I think. Very muscular, he had body paint on his arms and legs that seemed to be warrior's marks. The second one...I don't know, he was unusual. He had odd coloured fur. It was green and tan. He didn't seem entirely canine. He was wearing a lot of leather straps and mesh and like the other one, he was also very well built. I can't really describe them in any more detail. They took my brother Keiu and another boy, our leader's son, and left. There were about ten of them in all, all of them appeared to be strong fighters. I realised there would be no way I could hope to handle any of them on my own."

These descriptions were all that Luce needed to confirm his suspicions. His flesh turned a deep purple, but more blue than it was red. He held his paw up to his chin, racking his brains about how to handle this situation. Luni took a step forward.

"Is something wrong, sir?" She asked carefully, leaning over to get a better look at Luce's eyes. The luminous demon met her gaze, his stare chilling her to the bone.

"Not really. It's just that I know those slavers quite well. In fact, you could say that we're old acquaintances...if you wanted to be sarcastic."

He narrowed his eyes dangerously, turning his back to Luni and walking a few steps towards the hilt of his old sword that lay buried in the ground. Luni watched as Luce crouched down and studied the object as if he were entranced by it. Eventually, he turned around to face her again.

"I suppose you're asking that we use our abilities to save your brother?" said Luce, a wry smile of amusement crossing over his previously serious features. The demi nodded carefully.

"I don't know how I can pay you, but I'll work hard to earn any sum you ask."

Luce sat down cross-legged again. His skin turned a aqua-green colour as he gave a small "hmph" of amusement. The warrior looked up at her, his yellow eyes gleaming with a certain playful energy that she'd never expected to see in him.

"Oh, don't worry about any pay. You see, I'm in no position to accept a mission based on what you've given me..." he watched as her face changed to bitter disappointment before continuing "...but I've been waiting for an opportunity to sort out some odds and ends, and I won't say your plight hasn't touched my heart. So then, I'm going to help you get your brother back, but on my own accord. Consider this as a project I'm undertaking with no links back to my guild."

The demi gave a joyous chirp of disbelief. "A-Are you sure?" she gasped, dropping the sword at her side and clasping her paws together. "You can do that? You mean you'll help me for no charge?"

Indeed, Luce was sure. He wasn't lying when he said that her plight had touched his heart. But his primary drive behind this decision was for more selfish reasons.

"I never said I'd help you, but I'm going to rescue your brother." said Luce in a low voice. "But I don't want you getting in my way. I'd prefer it if you left it all up to me, got that?"

Luni was hesitant. She raised her hand slightly to protest, but then stopped, nodding in agreement. "I' you." she said softly. "You look very capable. And you look strong too. Whatever you do, though, please try to get my brother back safely, and if possible, even the other member of our tribe? I don't know how you'll do it, but if you can...I'll insist on repaying you. Even if you won't accept, I'll have the money to reward you for my brother's return."

Luce knew that Luni would probably struggle to make any money with her lack of experience outside her own clan, but he would have his own reward after this particular venture. He closed his eyes and smiled confidently, lowering his head in what he hoped was a polite bow. By the time he straightened up again, Luni was gone. Luce tilted his head to the side and scratched the back of his neck, rather impressed at how fast the little demi were when they wanted to be somewhere.

"Well then..." he thought to himself as he got to his feet. "It's time for me to be moving on, I suppose."


" head...where am I?"

Keiu shifted slightly, attempting to get to his knees. His vision was spinning. He had no recollection of what had just happened previously other than being captured and drugged. Of course, the energy that was produced in his body had got to work combating the drug's effects almost instantly. He wouldn't have been asleep for long.

"Ugh, you just won't stay DOWN!" shouted a strange voice, followed by a frustrated snarl. Keiu felt two rough paws grab his arms and flip him onto his back. He whimpered in fear, trying to distinguish between the dark shapes floating over him. The place around him smelled like leather and sweat, and he was lying on a cloth mat that was covering what felt like grass. The young demi squirmed weakly, trying to shake his attackers off. "Go away! Leave me alone!" he cried, kicking at the air. His only response was to be pinned down by a force way more powerful than his own. He screwed his eyes shut, expecting to be killed on the spot. Instead, he felt something cold and wet brush up against his chest. He opened his eyes to see two devilish canine eyes leering at him, freezing him in place.

" may a pathetic little weakling, but you're certainly a handful to keep in place!" sneered the mocking voice of his captor. "I can see we're probably going to have to resort to more physical means of restraining you."

As Keiu's vision came back to focus, he got a good look at the creature who was pinning him to the ground. It was a male canine with Doberman-style markings, only slightly more jagged and sporadic around his snout and chest areas. What really stood out was that his fur (or the bits of it that weren't orange) was unusually moss-green in colour. Keiu's eyes were drawn to the exceptionally well-defined muscular structure of this dog. Something that was unachievable for his own species. The canine growled and brushed Keiu's chest with his nose again. Keiu shivered in terror as he felt the warrior's strength in comparison to his own. He realised that this fur was wearing nothing but a thin leather and mesh harness around his torso. There was something sexual about this situation that caused him to blush.

"What do you want?" the demi cried plaintively, relinquishing any hopes of fighting this monster. "I don't have anything you want! Please let me go!"

"Hahahah, you're so naïve it's sad." snarled the canine, bringing himself even closer to Keiu's chest. "Haven't you figured it out yet? Or are you just trying to deny your own instincts in hope that it's not so?"

Keiu grunted and tried to turn away. The scent of this male's musk was strong in his face.

Looking down, he suddenly realised that he himself was naked with the exception of a red elastic cloth band around his right leg. The demi jerked his body suddenly and cried out in shock as he felt something touch his erect cock. The slaver grinned cruelly and continued to slide his own penis over his captive's crotch.

"Oh, give the boy some rest, will you, Edge?"

Another voice. Keiu threw his head to the side, trying to see who else was in the room, searching for someone who could potentially save him from this situation. His eyes fell on another canine, leaning up against a pole in the corner of the room, which he could now see was actually a tent. Like Edge, this dog also had a very fine physique, although he was definitely just a normal Doberman, and a very handsome specimen at that. He was decorated with fluorescent blue bands of body paint that circled around each of his limbs. Aside from this, though, he was completely naked. Keiu could see the tip of his pink cock sticking out of its swollen sheath. He screwed his eyes shut, trying to block these images out of his mind, and trying to ignore the sensation of Edge's cock rubbing over his own.

"'re no fun, Ignus." grunted Edge as he licked his lips in a predatory fashion. "If I can't drug this one while I make his costume, then I may as well tire him out a bit!"

Suddenly, it dawned on Keiu. He knew what these males wanted from him. With a sudden burst of energy, the demi thrashed around as best he could, trying to kick, bite, do anything he could to get away. It was a futile effort, though. Edge simply ended his struggles with a well-timed body slam that knocked all the wind out of him.

"No! NO! You can't do this to me! I'm not a female! You can't!" he screamed, terror filling his mind.

"Oh, so you've figured it out now, have you?" said Edge, grinning evilly and showing his impressive set of white fangs, "Well then...sorry to say, but as your master, I can do whatever I want to you...and I'm going to start right now!"

The little demi gasped in distress as Edge continued to steadily rape his cock. With each thrust of his hips, the canine sent a wave of unwanted stimulation down Keiu's spine. Keiu started panting as his mind tried to comprehend what was happening to him. As a demi, the cure-all energy produced by his body had two functions: one was to protect him from sickness, and the other was to aid in mating. During intercourse, the energy produced by a male demi is transferred his sperm in order to greatly extend the life of each cell, and for the female the same occurs, except for the egg, promising that the child will be born healthy. The success rate of demi mating is usually 100%, but demi are very reliant on this energy, and a lot of it is used up during intercourse, causing a massive down time in which their bodies cannot function properly until sufficient energy has been recovered. For this reason, the demi viewed sex as a dangerous act, and the most sacred of rituals. Keiu was simply overwhelmed by this wanton sexual drive that was being forced onto him. All he knew was that if this continued the way it was, he was going to climax, and given the situation, that was not what he wanted.

Unfortunately for Keiu, Edge knew exactly how his little prisoner's body worked. As the demi writhed beneath him, he began murring erotically, doing his best to arouse Keiu. He arched his back and licked the small demon's slightly built chest, his efforts rewarded with the taste of sweat. Keiu shuddered and screamed for him to stop, turning his head back and forth as tears ran down his pearl-coloured cheeks.

"Oh, can't you just get it over with, you jerk?" growled Ignus with a disgusted look on his face as he watched Edge toying with his prey. "You're making a racket. I don't want to have to listen to that all evening!"

Keiu was desperate now. His head was swimming as he felt his climax approaching steadily. The smell of Edge's musk was so strong in his senses that he felt as though his sensitive ears were burning from the shame. He began straining hard, grunting with effort as he tried to hold back the rising sensation between his legs. Edge continued to hump him steadily, lubricating the demi's nether regions with a thick coating of precum.

"You like that huh? You're going to blow your load all over the place aren't you, slave?" he growled maliciously. "Or would you perhaps prefer another way out of this situation?"

Keiu's opened his eyes wide at this suggestion. "ANYTHING!" he panted, throwing himself at Edge's mercy. "PLEASE, ANYTHING BUT THIS!"

"Anything but this, WHO?"


"Now that's what I like to hear."

The canine grunted and raised himself slowly off Keiu's shivering body. Keiu looked down across his stomach to see Edge's seven-inch long cock sliding off his own, leaving long strings of sticky white cum between them like some kind of spider's web. He threw his head back and started panting hard, allowing the swelling sensation in to subside. He sobbed softly, trying to control himself. Whatever had just happened to him, it was making him feel empty and deserted inside. The sound of his own heart was thumping in his head with an almost nauseating rhythm.

The demi looked up at Edge weakly. He could see the sweat glistening on the dog's muscular body. It only made him more aware of just how dirty and tired he felt from this ordeal. Edge laughed softly and swaggered over to a small working bench near the side of the tent. He reached behind it and produced some more bands of red cloth that looked similar to the one Keiu was wearing on his leg. One of them had a large fluffy bow attached to it, and two of the others had small cat bells sewn onto them.

"What do you think, slave?" I made this myself, just for you. They're the only clothes you're going to be allowed to wear for the rest of your time here."

Keiu felt his stomach sink. These weren't even clothes! By the look of them, they were simply accessories designed to make him feel even more humiliated. Before he could make even a hint of protest, Edge had slipped them onto his naked form. It turned out his assumptions had been correct. The bow went around his neck like a collar. A larger loop of fabric adorned his upper torso, only slightly below his nipples in placing. Smaller bands went around each of his limbs, and the bells ended up on his ankles, tinkling in a juxtaposing manner every time he moved. The fabric was very soft and fine to the touch, but nothing was covering Keiu's private areas, and somehow it made him feel even more exposed than he was before. He meeped unhappily as Edge ran his paws over his bare stomach and inner thighs, feeling the soft muscles move underneath the pearly white skin.

"Wh-why are you doing this to me?" Keiu sobbed, on the verge of tears. "Why are you treating me as if I were a female? I don't understand!"

"It's called 'pleasure slavery', and I'm afraid you've become a victim of it." Replied Edge snidely, grabbing Keiu's bow and hauling him into an upright sitting position. "Outside of your kind, there are many who enjoy sex for reasons other than reproduction. As I'm sure you've become aware of, not all of us are content to stick to only one gender."

Keiu balked. He'd heard tales before from more experienced members of his tribe that the other species who resided in Anon-kyre had the ability to engage in sex as often as they wanted. So much so, that it was even possible for them to waste energy by having sex with members of their own gender. At that stage in time, he had thought this was an exaggeration, but as he looked up at Edge's hungry eyes, he realised now how much trouble he was really in.

"What's important though," continued Edge, pushing Keiu roughly back down on his knees so that the young demi's face was almost touching his dripping cock, "is that there are a lot of very greedy bastards roaming this land who simply want sex anytime, all the time, from something they find attractive. These greedy bastards have the capacity to pay a lot of money to get their paws on an attractive slave like you. And that's where I come in. I am Edge, the head slaver of the Iron Mist slave tamers. It is my duty to find, capture, and train unfortunate sods like yourself for the very purpose of making you into living sex toys, ready but not willing to please any master who can pay the price of your hot little body."

Keiu felt Edge's paw on the back of his head, pushing him slowly towards the throbbing pink mass in front of him. The scent of cock was burning in his nostrils as he watched a glob of precum roll from its tip and dribble down the smooth surface, finally gliding over a fully formed knot before coming to rest in the fur of Edge's open sheath.

"But...but...I don't want this! It's wrong! What you're evil!" he said, his voice quivering. He was going to lose his virginity to another male! An image of a girl he liked flashed into his mind. He wanted to share his first intimate moment with her, not with this callous slaver who intended to violate his body as if it were a toy. He gave a desperate glance to Ignus, begging for help with his eyes. The Doberman looked back at him with an emotionless stare. He seemed mildly annoyed by this whole procedure, but didn't show any recognisable concern. Keiu yipped as Edge grabbed his fringe and pushed his nose against the wet tip of his dick.

"Perhaps it does make me evil, but I wouldn't have it any other way." The canine snarled through gritted fangs. Obviously, Keiu's words had angered him somewhat. "Now then, here comes your first lesson in pleasuring your master. You're going to muzzle my cock until I cum all over your pretty little face. Don't even THINK about biting me. Now get to work!"

Keiu was shaking with fear and anxiousness as he stared at the penis in front of him. By his standards, it was huge, easily two inches longer than his, and thin at the tip. It wasn't shaped like his own, either. This thing was long and ended in a slight head.

The demi bowed his head, and bared his tiny fangs. A sudden pang of anger buried itself deep in his mind.

"I won't do it." He murmured defiantly, staring at the floor.

"What was that?" Edge's voice was deep and dark. Keiu's skin prickled at the deathly sound of canine anger. He felt as if he'd already been killed by Edge in that instant. Even so, he repeated himself once more, although slightly louder this time.

"I...won't do it."

The tent fell silent. Keiu's breath was stuck in his throat. He could feel the daggers being fired at him from Edge's eyes. The big dog was not used to being defied, he could tell that. He was already beginning to doubt what he'd done.

Edge narrowed his eyes slightly and casually reached over to the work table at his left. Keiu looked up to see the slavedriver brandishing what appeared to be some kind of leather cane. Before anything could register in Keiu's mind, Edge deftly slammed the device onto the table next to them, causing the most ear-splitting crack Keiu had ever heard.

Keiu needed no more argument. Blinded by fear, he pushed his lips against Edge's cock, shuddering as he felt the warm flesh slide over his short snout. The dog gave a murr of pleasure as Keiu used the outside of his muzzle to stroke the dripping length.

"Uh...mmmh, I knew you'd see things my way in the end, slave." He grunted, leaning back and spreading his legs wider. "It's in your best interests, trust me."

Keiu tried his best to hold back tears as he smeared Edge's cum over his face, glancing up occasionally to see the dogs' impressive six-pack muscles contracting as the slaver stretched and breathed. He couldn't believe that his own cock was rock hard and already leaking because of what was happening.

"Hey Edge, you in here?"

Keiu glanced up as best he could to get a view of whoever had just entered the tent. It was a tall male fox wearing an assortment of leather bindings. He seemed to have a thing for tassels, as his loincloth and necklace was made only of a curtain of very fine leather strips. It seemed he was defying the purpose of wearing anything at all, because it was ludicrously easy to see his genitals whenever he moved.

"Mmm, I just love the smell of hard work at the end of the day." He said, comically throwing his arms out to his sides as he sniffed deeply at the scent of male exertion that had began to permeate the tent. "And would you look at that! You actually got yours to suck you off? I'm impressed as usual."

"He's not sucking me off just yet, Koro." answered Edge, toying with his left nipple as he breathed through Keiu's efforts. "I'm giving him the muzzle treatment first."

Koro laughed and swung his hips in an effeminate manner. "Oooh, I wouldn't mind having a go with him after you're done." He turned and shot a playful glance at Ignus. "And what about you, big guy? Are you liking what you see here? Feeling curious for a little male-on-male action?"

Ignus scowled bitterly at the fox. "In your dreams, fag." He snarled, baring his fangs. Koro tossed his head and snuffed indignantly at this rebuff.

"Anyway, I'm not having so much luck with the other demi we captured, I'm afraid." Koro sighed, squatting down next to Edge and placing one of his arms around the dog's muscular shoulders. "It's easy enough to have my way with him, that's true, but every time I try to give him an order, he just refuses. I've tried thrashing him with the whip, but I had to stop or I'd have hurt him too badly. For a little guy, he's got spunk."

Keiu's ears pricked up. Did they say another demi was here? His heart sank to think that they'd captured more members of his tribe. He hoped beyond hope that it was only one more.

"Huh...You're hopeless when it comes to difficult cases, aren't you Koro?" said Edge, grunting softly as he rubbed his cock into Keiu's face. "You just leave these two to me. Remember, these are real prises we've snagged here. You-know-who is going to flip when he sees these. I want them to be in perfect condition for when he gets here."

Koro painted an exaggerated expression of disappointment on his face, draping himself over Edge's chest. "So I guess I won't get to play with the cute little demons any more, huh? Unless you share yours with me...please?"

"No." Edge couldn't have made himself any more clear. Apparently, he found Koro to be annoying. "You go and deal with those willing slaves of yours. I'm busy at the moment as you can see."

"You're always busy. But I wish you'd be more busy with me..." crooned the fox, massaging Edge's chest seductively. "Either way, I love the costume you've made for him. I wouldn't mind trying it on myself sometime."

He stared directly at Keiu, a malicious glint in his eye, before turning and walking out of the tent. As soon as he was gone, Ignus groaned in a frustrated manner and hung his head.

"I don't know how you can STAND that tailraiser's company. One of these days, I'm going to..."

"He likes you, you know," said Edge matter-of-factly. "I don't see why you've got such a hang - up about toying around with your packmates. You have sex with me, after all."

Ignus shot him a dangerous look. "You're an exception and you know it. I don't even enjoy it, anyway. I don't care what everyone else in the guild is doing, I'm not into cock. And I don't like Koro. He acts like a female!"

"But I thought you said you liked females?"

"Oh shut up, smartass. You know what I mean."

Keiu felt somewhat forgotten as he continued to muzzle Edge's member. He was trying to follow the conversation. Somehow, being ignored by Edge was making him feel even more worthless and broken. He stopped briefly, dipping his head and allowing a stream of cum and tears to patter onto the floor. Edge immediately noticed and grabbed the back of his head again.

"We're not leaving here until I cum, slave. But I got distracted by that idiot. You can make up for lost ground by using your tongue now. Got that?"

Keiu got it, but he didn't understand it. Use his tongue to do what? Surely not...

"What's the holdup? Suck my dick, demi!"

Confirmation that made Keiu's skin crawl. He at least understood that this torture would end as soon as Edge came. It gave him something to look forward too. With great care, he placed his lips against Edge's wet cock and extended his tongue, licking up along its surface. It felt disgusting. He could feel the blobs of warm cum dripping onto his tongue as it glided up the throbbing shaft. He screwed his eyes shut and tried not to think about what he was doing, shivering as he heard Edge tilt back his head and let out a soft moan of approval.

"That's it,'d best get used to doing this. I can promise you'll be doing it often."

Keiu tried not to gag at the coppery salty taste of Edge's semen. He spat some out onto the floor and then continued to lick up along the spire of flesh in front of him.

"Nuh-uh, slave. That's wrong." huffed Edge disapprovingly. "Don't spit, swallow."

Swallow? Keiu could think of few things more sickening than swallowing another male's sexual fluids. He opened his mouth to protest, but the mental image of Edges' reed cane made him think otherwise. Doggedly, he leaned forwards again and continued his grim task, allowing the sticky fluid to glide down his throat now. It wasn't nearly as disgusting as he'd imagined, but still enough so to make him want to burst into tears and scream for mercy.

Edge closed his eyes and grunted softly, beads of sweat dripping down his face and chest. The air in the tent was thick and stuffy with the heady scent of musk. He leaned back and started panting as he felt the little demon's tongue gliding around his glans. For a beginner, the demi was surprisingly adequate. He raised his hips off the ground slightly, tensing his muscles and pushing his cock out further towards Keiu's mouth. He was getting close now. Now he would entertain himself by seeing how long he could hold out...

Kieu continued to caress the cock in front of him, blushing furiously as he felt his own penis drooling onto the floor. He wanted nothing more at this stage than to simply be left alone, or even to see his sister, even a glimpse of her to give him strength to pull through. The thought that he may never see her again registered in his mind, causing an immense sadness to flow over him. He sobbed loudly, opening his mouth wider and licking at Edge's length with an almost furious passion. He was inches away from throwing himself into the puddle of cum that had accumulated at his master's feet and breaking up completely, but something in him told him to fight on, as if a final chord of pride within him was urging him to continue. He concentrated on the task at hand once more, nuzzling at Edge's knot before administering one final slow lick along the entire length of Edge's penis.

This was the final blow.

Edge shivered and leaned back, spreading his legs even wider as he strained against the approaching orgasm. Keiu could feel the thick muscles tensing as the hound began making short sharp thrusts with is pelvis. Finally, Edge let out a strangled gasp and pushed his hips into Keiu's face. A jet of thick white cum erupted from the tip of his cock, arcing into the air and onto Keiu's face and shoulders, followed by another, and another. The demi closed his eyes and panted helplessly as the hot fluid slopped over his body, running down his chest and stomach and back, mixing with his own as it dripped off his thighs and puddled onto the floor.

Edge reeled back in ecstasy as his cock pumped out the last blobs of sperm, his orgasm raging on even though he had finished ejaculating. When it finally died down completely, he slowly straightened up and surveyed the aftermath. The slave was kneeling in front of him, sobbing, with head bowed and absolutely covered in his sexual fluids. He grinned cruelly at this sight before reaching down and wiping a large wad of cum off his dripping cock.

Keiu watched in horror as the slaver began licking his own cum off his fingers, moaning with pleasure as if it were the most delicious thing in the world. A sharp sound caught his attention. He turned and saw Ignus clapping drolly. The Doberman looked bored and annoyed, and his own penis had barely grown any harder from when Keiu had first seen it.

"Oh good show, Edge. Just great. Now if you'll cut the theatrics, I'd like to know how you plan to clean up this mess you made?" he sneered sarcastically, folding his arms in contempt.

"This tent could use some more charisma, Ignus. And by charisma I mean cum stains." replied Edge mockingly, taking a break from sucking on his fingers. "As for the slave...well I think I'll give him tonight to get acquainted with the sensation of being covered in master's pleasure. Now if you wouldn't mind taking him to his cage?"

"Did I ever tell you you're a sadistic prick, Edge?" said Ignus coldly as he reached down and pulled Keiu to his feet. "One of these days, your're going to get dommed and raped up the ass, and you're going to cry."

Edge lowered himself down onto the ground, stretching himself into a reclining position as he bathed in his afterglow. "You know there aren't many males who can dom me. I've yet to meet another after that incident with you-know-who..."

"Oh can you not talk about that guy just for ONCE? I swear you idolise him or something!"

"Oh, I do. You have no idea."

Kieu's mind was too distracted to follow the conversations any more. He thought about what had just happened. The way he'd just been violated and used, and then treated as if he were nothing. He stared off into space, not even feeling his erection any more. He vaguely felt Ignus pick him up and cradle him in his arms as if he were as light as a wooden doll. As he was carried outside the tent into the cold night air, he felt as if he was made of air... as if his purpose in life had just been voided.

"I can tell you're a bit stunned by what's just happened." The gruff voice of Ignus said above him. "But it's only going to get worse from here, so you try and get some rest tonight."

Keiu looked up at the Doberman with pitiable eyes. It seemed as if Ignus had some sympathy for him. Once again, he weakly tried to appeal for help.

"Please sir...can you...let me go?"

"No I can't." the deep voice replied sternly, as if trying to avoid emotion altogether. "I know it must be hard for you to accept this, and I don't really agree with Edge's methods, but you're a slave, and I'm a slave tamer. The champion of this band actually. One of us will win, one of us will lose. It's just how it is."

Keiu could feel the warmth of Ignus's body against his own. It had a different energy to Edge's. This time, the thick muscles moving beneath him had a calming effect on the little demon. He felt somehow that this strong creature could help him. He tried once more to appeal to Ignus's merciful side.

"Please...I want to see my sister again...I want to go home..."

The Doberman was unmoved. "No." was his final reply. Keiu relinquished all hope for salvation and went limp in Ignus's arms, crying softly but openly. Finally, they reached what appeared to be a small deserted rook that jutted up out of the ground at an odd angle. Keiu watched as Ignus opened the stone door, revealing a small dungeon inside.

"We usually reserve these kinds of shelters for only our most valued slaves. It's something you should be thankful for. Probably one of the only things."

The Doberman walked into the middle of the room and placed Keiu onto the ground at his feet. He didn't say a word as he fastened a chain around the demi's leg before turning to leave. Keiu looked up to see the dog turn in the doorway and give him a final glance. It was only now that Keiu noticed his chilling blue eyes.

"Things can be simple here, slave." He added quietly, the moonlight bathing his body in a silver outline. "If you just follow orders obediently, then we have no right to hurt you. That is in our code. Even Edge must abide by that rule."

And with these words he was gone, closing the stone door behind him. Keiu felt alone and destroyed. There was plenty of moonlight filtering into the chamber through holes in the roof, so he wasn't in the dark, but he may as well have been. The young demi lowered his head and wiped a stream of cold cum off his chest, smearing it on the ground in front of him. He felt utterly filthy, both inside and out. With a loud sob that echoed around the chamber, he threw himself forward and began crying loudly, letting out all the pain and fear that had accumulated inside. He scraped at the floor with his claws, wanting to dig a burrow, anything to remind him of his home, but all he could feel was harshness and cold, and the stinging image of Edge's cruel smile burned into his mind.

"Keiu...don't cry."

Keiu screamed at the sound of the voice, jumping back in terror. He stared into the darkness as his eyes adjusted to the dim lighting. A small figure soon came into view. Keiu squinted in disbelief.

Kneeling on the ground in front of Keiu was another demi, male and about the same age as him. However, instead of soft pearl-coloured skin, this demi was covered in a layer of blue body armour. Keiu recognised the sharper features and handsome face that could only belong to a member of his tribe he only knew too well.

"Cyan? Is

Cyan nodded in reply. His body was shaking and there was a glassy stare in his eyes. Keiu noticed that he was wearing only a gold collar around his neck with a large ring dangling from the front of it. Another similar ring dangled loosely around his upper leg near the hip, held in place by a chain that connected to his collar at the back.

"They got y-you too." He said, his voice straining with effort to even talk properly. " the only other?"

"Yes..." squeaked Keiu in disbelief at seeing the leader's son in such a condition. "The...others...escaped...oh Cyan!"

Keiu crawled over to his packmate, a look of intense sorrow on his face as he expected the armoured demi for wounds. He rolled Cyan gently onto his back and began scanning over his sleek body, noticing only a few thin cuts and flecks of what appeared to be dried cum on his shining body armour.

"Cyan...are you hurt? What did they do to you? You look exhausted!" the common demi whimpered as he placed he paw reassuringly on his packmate's arm. Cyan looked up at him with some effort. Glazed as his eyes were, they still seemed to hold a certain strength for which he had always been admired by his fellow tribespeaple. Keiu had always known Cyan as an adventurous and bold demi who was as much of a leader as his father. The sight of his friend lying exhausted on the ground, drained of pep and energy left a burning lump in Keiu's throat. Cyan was breathing in short, sharp gasps - like a fish that had just been caught.

"The fox...the one they call Koro...he me...he told me to...obey. I fought him as best I could. I follow his he...he did something... something to...the inside of me...that made made me..."

Cyan stared up at Keiu, his pupils were dilated to tiny dots. His breathing was starting to grow steadier as he talked, obviously feeling calmer in the presence of another of his kind. He continued to recount his ordeal, his voice rasping slightly as he gasped out the words.

"I came, Keiu...I was body was tricked into wasting the most precious of actions. It felt like I was going to pass out. I couldn't see anything, I couldn't move..."

Keiu gagged in stunned silence, unable to form words. He looked down at Cyan's legs. The armoured demi's thighs were still sticky with drops of his own hardy seed, accompanied by a mess of dried fox cum.

" matter what they do to me...I will never...{COUGH}...obey them. They can tie me up, hit me, rape me, starve me...I'll show them how a demi can hold his pride!"

This was the final straw for Keiu. He let out a loud, high-pitched sob of anguish, humiliation and fear, bowing his head as the tears streamed into his open mouth. All this time, his packmate had resisted the slavers, to any expense, yet all he'd done was crumble under their will, lowering himself to the basest of levels in order to avoid physical pain. He felt worthless and weak, and ashamed of himself to the highest degree.

"Cyan, these people want to use us as living toys. They're so much stronger than us. They could hurt us if we don't obey. I don't want this! I'm scared, Cyan! I wish I was as strong as you." he moaned as he watched his tears wet the stone floor below him. "All I thought of was myself. I just let them use me...while you...sacrificed so much for the sake of our tribe's pride! I let fear blind me, I feel as if I've betrayed our people!"

"Keiu...that's not so." Said Cyan gently, reaching out to touch Keiu's paw. "It's only natural that you behave like that. It's your instinct to want to avoid pain and just stupid."

"You're...not...stupid." The common demi murmured, looking up to see Cyan's delirious smile.

"Even if we don't escape from here, Keiu," he said, his voice merely a croak in his throat, "If we remain pure, as we were back in the woods in our tribe...if we remain pure inside, then no matter what they do, we will never lose our souls."

Keiu sniffed and considered the words of his friend. He understood the wisdom behind them. It sounded so much like something his sister would have said. Reguardless of what was happening to him, he knew that his sister and everyone else in the tribe were safe. If he hadn't have been captured, it could have been someone else. Someone he cared about. He watched as Cyan closed his eyes, uttering a few more words before drifting off to sleep.

"We will see our tribe again, Keiu. I know it. But in order for that to happen, we have to survive as best we can."

The final phrase reminded Keiu of the strengths of his own people. The pride of the demi race was their ability to adapt. Whether it be swimming, climbing trees, digging burrows or facing winter. He was still alive and that was enough incentive for him to focus his troubled mind. He watched Cyan's stomach rising and falling as the armoured demi slept peacefully on the stone floor in front of him, and he felt the desire to put his arms around his packmate in a gesture of consolation, to share his pain, but after what had happened earlier to both of them, it didn't feel right to make this kind of physical contact.

"We'll see..." he whispered as he curled up next to Cyan, pulling his legs up to his chest to try and cover his vulnerable front. "Just...survive."


(Also, pictures of most of the characters can be found in my image gallery of on my furaffinity account.)