
Story by Kit Reshawn on SoFurry

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Blah blah blah, don't read if you don't like sex, don't steal, all characters in here are copy write me except for Raul, whom is based off of a friend of mine's panther alter ego. * * *

Lilly crept her way through the dark building, slowly heading toward the office. She had been told that if she could get a record of this noble's expenses she would be paid quite a pretty penny. After spending a whole month getting information on the house's defenses and watching the owner's habits she had finally decided that the job was worth taking, and was very confident in her ability to execute it without getting caught. Moving slowly, one foot in front of the other with her hand on her short sword she edged her way to the study, her ears perked up and nose twitching. She thought she could smell someone, but if so then whoever it was had bathed recently because it was very faint. As she slid quietly through the door into the study she looked around and saw that the room was rather messy, like someone else had been looking for something. There was the sound of someone landing on the ground behind her and she tried to spin around, but whoever it was already had their arms around her, holding her tightly and making sure she couldn't draw her sword. The very tip of a dagger dug into her back, and she quickly froze in place while letting out a very soft whimper. "Who are you?" a voice, definitely feline and male, hissed. Knowing better then to answer his question directly, she decided to try something else. "If you kill me then someone will start looking for you," she said softly, trying to bluff as she released her sword and slid her hand back stealthily. There was a deathly silence for several beats, during which she was able to lightly trail her hand over the clothing of whoever was standing behind her. It felt like the type of fabric ninjas' favored. Quietly she moved her hand carefully over toward the hip, looking for a weapon. "Be still or you die," the voice said, and the hand slowly released her. Realizing that whoever this was would be gone soon she moved her hand a bit faster, pausing for a moment when her finger tips brushed what felt like a paper tucked in his belt. Realizing that this could be potentially valuable information she carefully pinched it between her fingers and started pulling it carefully free. Just then she was pushed forward roughly, causing her to stumble forward. Luckily she managed to keep hold of the paper without making any noise. By the time she had turned around whoever she had run into was gone. Looking down at the paper in her paw she smiled and then opened it. She rapidly read over it for several seconds, her smile slowly growing even larger as this was exactly the paper she had been sent to get. The smile faded quickly into a business like expression as she realized that the feline male would be wanting it back. Not wasting any more time she quickly folded the paper and put it in a pocket on her leather cuirass before beating a hasty retreat. Slipping out through the window she had come in from she quickly darted into a dark ally, looking around to make sure she was not being followed. Only then did she take several calm breaths she then scrambled her way up to the roof and made her way to the edge of the town by roof top. At the edge of town she jumped into a nearby tree and then carefully lowered herself to the ground. Looking around herself once again she then took off down a small side trail in the direction of her camp. It was a very dark path, even for someone with good eyes like her. If it wasn't for the clear mental image she had in her mind of the path she was sure she would have tripped. After an hour of walking she came to a small clearing that was open enough that the moon light allowed her to see. She walked over to the fire ring and pulled some flint out from a pocket in her pants, striking it on the tinder she had prepared. A moment later one of the sparks caught and a small flame erupted in the kindling, quickly spreading. It wasn't long before she had a small but warm fire going. Lilly sighed happily, stretching a bit and started finally relaxing. After looking up at the stars for a moment she set about setting up a spot to sleep. She pulled her sleeping blanket over closer to the fire, laying the warm wool fabric out and making sure no pine needles had gotten into the fabric to poke her during the night. For a moment she considered putting up her tarp, but looking at the sky it was a perfectly clear night. Besides, wool was warm even when wet. With a mildly loud yawn Lilly pulled her backpack over to the light of the fire and put the letter in it, intending to deliver it tomorrow. She then reached in and got out a fur brush and a comb. Reaching under her left arm she started untying the leather laces that held her leather armor on. Once she was done she moved over to the laces under her right arm and then lifted the armor up over her head. The cold night air immediately closed in around her bare fur, causing her nipples to stiffen a little in response. Fluffing out her fur she begun to brush herself out, making sure to get out all of the tangles that armor had a tendency to cause. Such tangles could get extremely painful if left to themselves. By the time she was done all of her fur was once again nicely groomed and in order. Setting the fur brush to one side she then picked up the comb. Carefully she undid the single braid that kept her hair out of the way while she worked and then combed it out. Truth be known she really hated braids, but hair had a tendency to get in the way or get caught in things if it was not braided up. When she was satisfied that her hair would not be a mess in the morning she set the comb back in her pack along with the brush. With another yawn she slipped out of her pants, starting to shiver for a moment as the cold air seemed to hug at her from all around. It felt good at the moment, though, and so she lay down on her blanket and stretched, simply enjoying the sensations of being alive. Eventually the cold did start to get to her, however, but she wasn't quite ready to go to bed yet so she started using her tail as a blanket. She watched the sky as her small fire slowly died down to embers she looked at all the stars. She could see several constellations very clearly, most notably Orion which was currently at its peak. The moon was about a third of the way through its trip through the sky, and she found the star that always seemed to lay directly above the north. A cold breeze blew through the clearing and her teeth started chattering for a moment so she pulled her wool blanket around herself at last, mmming as its warmth embraced her body. Unable to suppress another yawn she decided that perhaps it was in fact time to go to bed, and allowed herself to curl up and close her eyes. Before long she was having dreams of what she would spend all the money from her most recent job on. * * * Raul growled, cursing his luck as he moved through the night which concealed him perfectly as a result of his black fur. He couldn't believe that that fucking fox bitch had managed to get the paper from him without him noticing, and couldn't believe that he hadn't noticed until he had tried to give it to the wolf that hired him. Holding back a snarl, only by virtue of reminding himself that panthers should not be noticed at night, he looked up the trail again. She must have gotten it when he was holding that dagger to her back, something that impressed him slightly in its boldness. Still, it shouldn't have happened. Now he had to not only get the blasted piece of paper but also ensure that his employer would be the only one to ever have the information it held. Cursing himself quietly once more he continued on the trail. He thanked the gods for his keen eyes more then once, wondering how in the world that damned bitch could have made it up this trail without killing herself. After all, foxes didn't have eyes that were anywhere near as good as his and HE was having trouble seeing. Thankfully he was managing, and by virtue of his keen nose was absolutely sure he was still on the right track. It was 45 minutes before he reached a small clearing, and saw a small fire. He forced himself to keep quiet, not even letting out the slightest of snarls, and moved up to where he could see what was going on. The light hurt his eyes slightly, but he could clearly see the vixen was sitting by the fire doing something. Once his eyes had adjusted he saw that she had removed her armor and was brushing out her hair. Her fur had already been groomed out apparently, and now she was getting tangles out of her hair. That meant that she was planning on going to bed soon, if his mothers habits were anything like this bitch's. Looking over her he had to admit she looked very nice, for a fox bitch. A bit small, no more then 135 cm tall (a full 33 cm shorter then he), but she had a nice athletic build. Her breasts, though probably small enough to fit in his hands, were well proportioned and looked rather firm. And her fur. Thick and so white and he was sure it was soft even from this distance. Something about her stirred lustful thoughts in him. He roughly shook his head, driving those thoughts from his mind. Now was a time for business, not for pawing off. There was a letter to be stolen back and delivered, money to be collected, and that damned fox bitch to silence. Allowing himself to get distracted now would make him very unprofessional even if... "Focus!" he whispered harshly to himself. Looking back up he saw that she had just finished putting her clothes away and licked his lips. As she lay down on her blanket, looking up at the stars, he felt himself on the loosing side of a battle. Maybe, he told himself, it wasn't such a bad idea. After all, all work and no play made for a very dull life. "I will make sure to get the letter first," he assured himself, "Then... then we will see." So it was that he waited, watching from the cover of the shadows as the blasted fox bitch looked up at the stars, not even realizing that she had been tracked back to her den. It was so very easy that he almost felt bad. Almost. Soon he would have his letter back, as well as... well... he would just have to wait and see. He waited until the embers had an extremely soft glow before he made his move, having watched the blanket the vixen had wrapped herself in only move as she breathed in her sleep. Stealthily he walked through the clearing without making a sound. Every step was planned out, his eyes locked on the sleeping form and his body ready to act should it unexpectedly wake up. With a smile he eventually made it over to the fire pit and knelt quietly down by the pack, keeping one eye on the vixen. He carefully went through her pack, taking everything and laying it out slowly. Knowledge was power, after all, not to mention the control he could exert over a situation by merely controlling what gear she had available. The letter had been on top, which he quickly pocketed. Four daggers. Trail rations for three days. A tarp and some rope. Thirteen silver coins. Two shirts. Two pairs of pants. A pair of boots. Five pairs of panties. A ceramic bowl. Two water skins. A potion that smelled like a light healing potion. Her short sword and her armor. Finally there was a map of the area. He thought for a little while, considering what to do and then smiled. Using his claws he shredded the shirts and one of the pairs of pants. He then threw them scrap by scrap onto the fire, watching as they caught on fire and were quickly consumed. All but one pair of panties met the same fate, as did the map, and the tarp. Everything else he neatly packed up again and moved off into the woods, hiding it someplace where he would find it easily enough in case she woke up before he came back. With everything in place he quickly made his way back to town, intending to meet his employer. He couldn't help the predatory smile on his lips, nor could he help the tightness in his pants. Assuming all went well things would end up working out quite well for him indeed despite the early mishap. * * * "You have the letter?" Sarkan asked, glairing at the panther despite the fact that the ninja was in fact taller then he. Raul produced the letter with a flourish, handing it over. "I told you not to worry," he said, "She may have gotten the drop on me, but nobody is a match for me when I am prepared." Sarkan grabbed the letter; quickly reading over it to make sure it was in fact a record of everything his rival spent money on. Satisfied he handed over a small bag full of gold coins, 25 to be exact. Raul took the bag, only giving the coins a cursory glance. Raul then made the bag vanish within his ninja garb and did a slight bow. "I assume you took care of all the loose ends?" Sarkan asked, rather pointedly. "Actually," Raul said, "I came here to get that little thing cleared up. I have everything in place to take care of the loose ends, but you must understand that if I were to kill that fox bitch I could be tried for murder. Would you be willing to pay an assignation fee to have her killed?" Sarkan's felt his field of vision constrict slightly and adopt a tinge of red. "I fail to see why I should have to pay you to fix a mistake you made, cat." Raul cleared his throat. "Well, you see, there are ways I could take care of it that would be equally effective without you having to pay any extra. Now, these come with no guarantee, however they also save you a lot of money. I am not going to risk being put into jail for murder without compensation, even if it was my mistake." Sarkan glared, contemplating. "How much to have her killed?" "500 gold," Raul said flatly, which made Sarkan come very close to trying to wring the blasted cat's neck. "And the other methods are free?" "Yes." "How about I give you another 25 gold for you to ensure that whatever 'other method' you choose is as safe a guarantee as having her killed," Sarkan said, "Could you give me such a guarantee?" Raul looked surprised by the question, and stopped to think, something that Sarkan knew the cat didn't do very often from experience. After a moment a grin broke out on the panther's face, though Sarken had absolutely no clue why. Hopefully it was a good sign. "I believe I could make such a guarantee for 30 gold," Raul said. Sarkan growled and narrowed his eyes. "Very well. 30 gold, but I will need proof cat. You get your money then." Raul kept up that grin, even taking another bow before he quickly departed the alley. "But of course. Give me two weeks," the cat called back. * * * Raul smiled to himself, walking quietly through the empty streets. He could judge by the sky that there were still 4 hours to sunrise; plenty of time. One quick stop at a 'friends' place and he would have everything he needed. The mere thought of it made him start purring to himself, though he didn't allow himself to feel comfortable or smug for long. It wasn't long before he came to the house he had been looking for, and within a few moments he was able to pick the lock on the door with his claws. Stealthily opening the door he slid inside, one hand on his sword. His last visit to Gerald had been over a month ago, but he was quite sure that the wrinkled old mage would be quite happy to help. Sometimes he was surprised by how much blackmail could affect someone's willingness to aid him. To the casual observer the house looked like nothing more then a beat up old hut that some poor old man would live in, but Raul knew better. He carefully walked over to the far wall, making sure to avoid any boards that would creak, and came to the bed lying on the floor. A moment and a simple unlock spell later allowed Raul to easily lift the bed, revealing a hidden room underneath. Without hesitating Raul dropped into the room, rolling as he landed and coming up right beside the surprised mage. "Why... uh... Raul! What a... erm... pleasant surprise," Gerald stammered, "It has been so long since you last paid me a visit..." Raul looked over the aging dragon kin, always surprised by how very sickly he looked. It was almost easy to believe that the mage would be easy to kill, but Raul knew better. The mage always carried several potions and powders, not to mention had the power to kill with a single word. Luckily Raul had protection of his own, and was willing to bet that the mage still did not understand it. "I am here to make a purchase," Raul said simply as he scanned the goods the mage had been working on. Some of the goods were legal, but carried a heavy tax when sold legitimately. This was what Gerald dealt in mostly. Magic potions of various sorts, enchanted weapons, mage powders, and scrolls with incantations inscribed on them. Such things were always in high demand, and if one knew where to sell a great profit could be made by providing these items at the cheaper prices permitted by dodging taxes. Raul was looking for something a bit more specialized, however, and much more illegal and expensive. "And I assume you expect an outrageous discount too, don't you?" Gerald said accusingly. Raul didn't bother confirming what Gerald already knew, finishing his scan of the goods. "I need an enchanted slave collar, the best you have," he said simply, "I know you used to make them and I know you would have at least several lying around. Where are they?" For a moment Gerald looked uncooperative. "Might I remind you," Raul continued, "that the imperials would pay me a handsome reward by telling them who it was that kept flooding this area with illegal goods?" Gerald sighed, defeated. He hobbled over to a chest not far away and opened it, then moved out of the way. "In here," he muttered. Raul walked over and peered inside. A smile crept across his muzzle as his eyes fell on 30 slave collars of varying quality. Without a word he looked each one over, comparing the quality of the snake hide used and the complexity of the deep black runes etched in the surface. As he worked the smile slowly faded and by the time he had finally finished he couldn't help snorting. "I know for a fucking fact that you do better work then that shit. Show me now." Gerald looked surprised for a moment, and then sighed again. "As you wish," the dragon kin said, and reached into the bottom of the chest. His finger poked out a knot in the wood, then lifted the bottom out, revealing a hidden compartment that contained a single collar. Taking only a moment to check for ward spells Raul scooped the collar up and examined it. The snake hide it was made out of had been kept in impeccable condition, and the runes formed such complex patterns across the hide that they seemed to shift and move. The buckle was made out of a dark material that seemed to suck up the light, and he couldn't help smiling again. "This is more like it, Gerald. You should not be ashamed of such fine craftsmanship as this. What is it made out of?" The compliment caught Gerald off guard, and his eyes actually lit up as he was unable to hide his smile. "Yes, I took my time with that one there," he admitted, "I hope you will at least cover the expenses of the materials..." "I asked what it was made out of, Gerald." "Well, the hide is made from the skin of the pit viper that lives in Azura's Swamp. The ink for the runes was made from the blood of a lesser demon that I accidentally summoned a long time ago who had a disagreement with me. And you see this here?" Gerald said, pointing to the buckle. "Yes?" "Abyssal Obsidian," the dragon kin said, beaming, "And that isn't even the best part... look on the inside." Raul nodded, actually impressed which was a rare thing. Abyssal Obsidian was an extremely rare and powerful component, so much so that he almost didn't want to know where Gerald had gotten such a thing. "Very nice," he commented, turning the collar inside out. Along the inside of the collar was lined with a weave of black and white hair of some sort. The weaving was so powerful, however, that even though he was just adept at magic it caused his skin to tingle almost uncontrollably when he touched it. A part of him wanted to throw the collar away when the hair came into contact with his skin while a completely different part wanted to touch it forever. "I can see by the look on your face that you can tell how powerful that is, though you don't know what it is," Gerald gloated. "Tell me. Now." "Well," Gerald said, as if considering for a moment, "I doubt you will believe me but that inside lining was made by weaving the hair from two unicorns together, one corrupted and one still pure. Very hard to get ingredients such as those to interact properly, but the results are quite potent and irreversible." "What do you mean irreversible?" Raul asked. Gerald smiled. "This collar is impossible to take off. However... it comes at a cost. In order to activate it you would need to expose the runes to more of your blood then normal... though I am not sure how much I can assure you that a cut across your palm should supply plenty." Raul nodded and then pocketed the collar quickly; handing over the bag of gold that Sarkan had just paid him. "There are 25 gold in there, to cover cost of materials... I am not sure how much those Unicorn hairs cost you, but perhaps in the future I can get you some more... assuming of course this collar works." "25 gold?! This would be a bargain at 100 times that price..." Gerald started, but then realized that a word to the wrong person from Raul would land him in prison or worse. He sighed and nodded, resigned. "Very well, 25 gold. And I will hold you to that promise." With a murr Raul backed up to the trap door, keeping his eye on Gerald. "It was a pleasure doing business, Gerald, but I am afraid I can not stick around to chat. I have business to attend to," he said, then jumped up through the trap door and quickly exited the building. He didn't bother to check if he was being followed, knowing well enough that Gerald was too old to move quickly at all. It wasn't long before he was back in the forest and making his way up the trail. It was easier this time as he at least had an idea of where the trail would take him and so he was able to make better time. After only 30 minutes he could smell her scent, though very faintly, and another 2 brought him to the edge of the clearing. As luck would have it that stupid bitch was still asleep. A smile came to his muzzle and he licked his lips, the thought crossing his mind that now it was HIS bitch. The promise of that excited him to no end, but he stayed where he was for now and let all sort of visions play out in his mind of what he would do to her. It wasn't long until one such vision became much clearer then the rest and he knew what he would be doing tonight. "Oh the plans I have for you, slut," he whispered to himself as he slowly made his way to where he had hid her gear so as not to accidentally make a noise which would wake his prize. Carefully hefting the pack up onto his back he then crept back over to a spot where he could watch the sleeping vixen from a distance, tail flicking with anticipation while he made sure she was still indeed there. It was hard to do, but he had long since learned that a little caution would save him a world of pain. Thus it was only when he was completely sure that she was still sound asleep 15 minutes later that he moved into the clearing and slid stealthily over to her. Using one hand he carefully set the pack down, drawing his sword with the other for good measure. Kneeling next to the pack he then felt around inside until he found the panties he had spared and pulled them out. He licked his lips again and suppressed even the slightest purr, enjoying this game more and more every moment. He held the panties in his free paw as he used the other hand to maneuver his sword with uncanny accuracy. The tip of the sword slipped under the edge of the blanked, then lifted up slowly. Raul moved the sword slowly, so very slowly, and carefully. It wouldn't do if she woke up. Not yet. Slowly the blanket was moved out of the way, and again Raul had to fight to keep quiet. The artic fox was even more beautiful close up then he had suspected while he had watched from a distance. As he watched her form being slowly revealed it was so difficult to not skip ahead in his plan. He knew, though, that if he let things run out as he intended them to it would be all the sweeter... After a torturous 4 minutes he had completely revealed her sleeping curled up form, and let his eyes feast over her body. Unable to resist, he lightly ran his blade tip through her white fur, tracing her form with it and getting an idea of exactly how soft and thick it was. The blade tip started just above her right breast, nearly touching the flesh, and moved carefully down to her belly and lingered there before moving further down to where her closed legs hid her sweet cunt. Drawing in a shaky breath he licked his lips again, whispering so softly he could barely hear his own voice. "This is going to be fun..." Quietly he slipped his sword back into its sheath, and then carefully undid the laces to his pants as he continued to kneel. Once there was a large enough opening he reached in to his pants and pulled his already hard cock free. Shivering a bit as the cold night air hit his exposed flesh he wrapped the panties around his shaft, then begun to slowly paw himself off. His eyes feasted on the form of the sleeping bitch before him as his paw moved faster. Images of the things he could do to her flashed through his mind, adding to his excitement as much as what he was doing to him self. Despite his efforts a very quiet purr rose up out of him, but he decided it was not loud enough to be a problem. Images of the bitch crying and begging him to stop as he put the collar onto her. Of forcing her legs open to him and then violating her. Of making her take him into her muzzle and watching the tears flow down her face as she sucked. Images of punishing her for disobedience and images of soiling her fur with his seed. Images of her at last accepting her place as his bitch... no, his slut, and having a warm spot for his cock every night. Each thought increased his lust and excitement. Raul could feel his balls pulling closer to his body and knew climax was close. He bit down on his lower lip, leaning forward slightly and shifting the panties so they would catch his seed. Then, with a sharp breath inward, he came suddenly and managed just barely to hold back a roar of pleasure. The panties quickly became damp, soaking up every drop of his seed. He panted through his nose and smiled again to himself, bringing them to his nose and inhaling deeply as his erection faded... for now. The undergarments smelled heavily of his musk now which would be absolutely perfect. Allowing himself a moment to take several more deep breaths, admiring his own sex scent, he then wadded the panties back up in his hand and looked over to the sleeping bitch again. Now he moved with a bit more urgency, though was no more noisy then he had been yet. The laces to his pants were undone the rest of the way and then discarded for now along with his sword. He then slipped out of his shirt, a shiver caused by both the excitement and the cold running through his body. Finally he unlaced his boots and stepped out of them, only taking a moment to draw his dagger from its boot sheath. Slowly he stalked, eying his prey closely as he moved behind her then stopped suddenly. Too hasty, he had forgotten the collar in his pocket and the rope. Quickly he retrieved the collar and then fished the rope from her pack. Once he had cut a segment of rope that was long enough for his needs he got back into position behind her. Looking over the sleeping form he felt a stirring in his loins, but stilled it for now. Curled up as she was doing this would be tricky, but he was up to the challenge. Stabbing the dagger into the ground and hanging the panties from it along with the collar he moved closer and slowly lifted her body no more then half a hand off the ground. She stirred slightly, causing him to freeze, ready to become violent if necessary, but she settled again allowing him to continue with the game. Carefully, slowly, he slid her left arm under her body so it was behind her, then once again set her down as tenderly as could be. Oh what a wonderful surprise this would be. Raul paused then and after a moment decided to take a risk. With the utmost care he slowly laid his hand down on her belly and murred to himself as he found it as soft as it looked. His hand then trailed down to her thighs, and slipped between them about half way down as a shiver of adventure shot through him. Just as he was about to move his hand slowly up to the treasure between her legs he got himself back under control and removed his hand. After several steadying breaths Raul pulled the slut's right arm behind her body with the other one. He was purring openly now, unable to stop himself but not caring anymore. Using the rope he carefully bound her hands together at the wrists in such a way as to not damage them. He then slipped the end of the rope under the bitch's neck, slowly threading it around and tying it off on itself near her neck so it wouldn't choke her... at least not yet. Finally he threaded used the remaining free length on the rope to make a crude pulley type system by threading it around the rope binding her wrists together and the loop now around her neck once so that he could pull on the foot of rope left over and tighten the whole system up. Reaching behind him with his right hand to grab the panties he held the loose end of the rope with his left. Then with a sudden snarl he rolled the bitch violently so that her front would be pressed to the ground. "Wakey wakey, bitch!" he growled at her, pinning her under his weight. The whore let out a sudden and terror filled yelp that sent a wave of exhilaration through him, his cock getting hard again at last. She struggled under him, the feeling of that body squirming under his only fueling his lust. With a cruel laugh he tugged on the free end of the rope, forcing her wrists up to about the middle of her back as her head was pulled back far enough for him to see her face, the rope starting to choke her. As the vixen tried to yelp out in terror again he quickly stuffed the panties in her muzzle, watching the expression on her face as she tasted her own panties soaked with his cum. Her eyes met his and he could see her terror, and licked his lips while casting her a cruel smile. The terror changed to outright horror as what was happening, and what was going to happen, sunk in. He loved every moment of it. Still holding on tight to the piece of rope in his hand his free hand trailed down her chest to a breast, squeezing it and letting his claws prick her flesh. "You made a stupid move when you took that piece of paper from me bitch," he said softly, "and now... oh now you will pay." He yanked her up onto her knees, staying right behind her so she wouldn't be able to do anything. Then he carefully released some of the tension he had in the rope so that she would be able to breathe so long as her head stayed right where it was and tied the rope off to hold her there. He then reached around with his other hand and soon had a breast in both hands. The white fox took a deep breath as soon as she was able, and started trying to talk. Unfortunately for her the combination of her shaky voice, trying to talk too quickly, and the panties he had stuffed down her muzzle muffled her voice enough that what ever she was saying was unintelligible. That was ok, though, because he new everything she would be saying and it only excited him all the more as she played her part in this game to the fullest. His right knee forced itself between her legs, and he murred to himself as he felt the fur and flesh of her legs pressing up against his so firmly. Oh how very soft it felt, inviting him as he begun to pick up a new scent from his trophy. It was anything but a willing scent, and was nearly dripping with fear in a way that made his breath quicken. With amusement he watched as the bitch's tail quickly curled between her legs, covering up her cunt just as his other knee forced its way between her legs too. It was all just too perfect, he thought as he now forced her legs to spread wide to him while his right hand slid slowly down to her belly, dragging his claws along her flesh lightly all the way while his other hand tweaked both of her nipples lightly with its claws. It was just thrilling, all the power he held over this bitch now. "Don't!" he heard a terrified and trembling voice say suddenly, "Stop!" Looking over he noticed that the bitch had managed to spit the panties out somehow, a fact that angered him somewhat for a moment. Then he realized what she had said and a smile crept onto his muzzle. Pressing his body up against hers, grinding his hard cock into her back as his left hand moved to lightly scratch her neck with its claws and his right hand continued to slowly move to the prize between her legs now hidden by her tail. "Don't stop?" he purred gently while looking down into her eyes, "Don't worry, my little slut. I don't intend to stop." Tears were starting to fill her eyes, and he could just see the beginnings of hopelessness in her expression. It was so beautiful, so perfect... so very right for things to be like this. His right hand slipped under her tail now, and moments later found the boundary of her sex. With a purr he started lightly tracing the outside of her pussy, taking great pleasure in the look on her face as he did. "W-why?" she asked so softly he almost missed it, her voice sounding fragile. Ignoring her he slipped two fingers past the outer lips of her sex, rubbing them up and down against the lower ones while grinding his cock up against the fur in her rump. He could feel her hands struggling with their bonds ineffectively, something that almost made his want to laugh at her. It was getting harder to stay on course now, so very hard, but the level of pleasure and excitement he was getting from the game convinced him to keep going as he was in the hopes of getting even more. The index and middle finger on his right hand now plunged into her sex as deeply as they could, and he watched the expression on her face as they did. He could almost feel how completely exposed, how violated, how vulnerable, how completely powerless she felt and it just felt right to him. Right then Raul knew that he was meant to possess her, to have her warm thighs spreading to him whenever he pleased. Inside the bitch's sex it was so warm and soft and oh so inviting. Unable to resists any more he slipped his hand out from between her legs and used it to lift her tail, pinning it against her back while he maneuvered his hips such that his hard shaft lay against her now fully exposed cunt. He rubbed himself against her then feeling his cock tip leaking out precum. "Feel that bitch?" he asked as he teased her cunny with his maleness, "Do you?" "No..." she whimpered, her voice cracking, "don't... please..." A smile formed on his muzzle and he forced her to bend over despite her resistance while using his knees to force her legs wider still. With a smooth movement he pulled his hips back and lined himself up. Then with a single powerful thrust he buried himself deep within the warm tight treasure between the vixen's legs. The slut let out a pained yelp, openly sobbing now. He watched the tears roll down her muzzle and purred to himself, starting to rapidly thrust into her as both his hands roamed her body freely to touch and grope and violate her in any way possible. It was a challenge for him to not cum immediately, but he managed to control himself. One hand slipped down to rub over his new slut's belly as he leaned forward to whisper to her. "My seed is going right here, where it belongs. That is your only reason for living bitch. To make sure a male's seed isn't wasted and to make sure it goes where it belongs." He wasn't sure if she heard him over her sobbing, or if it had any effect on her at all, but he didn't really care. The simple act of saying it heightened his lust, and he was now slamming his hips against hers as his cock was driven deep within her over and over and over again. As his cock spines begun to flair out he knew it wouldn't be much longer. The bitch's struggles became more urgent with every second, but were greatly limited due to the fact that too much movement would begin to choke her. To him it felt more like squirming, and the knowledge that this was the most she could do to resist him only drove him on harder and faster. So very close and getting closer every second. With a lustful snarl he gripped her thighs in his hands and drove himself roughly into her one final time, expelling his seed into her as he held her smaller body tightly to him. He bit down threateningly on the side of her neck, reveling in how easily he could kill her right now but showing off that he chose to not even break the skin. For a moment he let his body relax, taking pleasure in an afterglow he knew was not shared with his new bitch. Her struggles had mostly subsided after his climax, being replaced by sobbing. A smile came to his lips and he ran a hand slowly back up to her belly to rub her there again. Raul basked in glory as he knew that this conquest would provide him with endless amounts of entertainment. With a blissful sigh he pulled himself out of her, his cock feeling immediately cold once it was in the open air. He then slipped the index finger of his right hand into her cunt, collecting some of her sex juices which now mingled with his seed. With a purr he spread what he had collected over her muzzle near her nose, forcing her to smell the fruits of his efforts and then patted her belly again. Leaving the bitch to her feelings now, he reached over to where he had left his dagger. Raul quickly picked it and the collar up, licking his lips as he braced himself for what he needed to do. Clenching his teeth he slit his left palm enough that blood begun to flow freely, then pressed the cut to the runes on the collar. An odd tingle ran through his body and before his eyes the runes started to change from black to a very deep red. Even his somewhat meager training in magic allowed him to feel the thing start buzzing with power and after a full minute the collar had ceased its absorption of his blood. Now the collar had been bound to him, giving him complete control over its powers. He licked the cut in his hand once, cleaning away the excess blood before then cast a small spell to close the wound up. His tail flicked behind him then as he looked the collar over and then looked at his vixen. With one swift movement he quickly slipped it around her neck, fastening the buckle so that the collar was right up against her neck. The vixen howled out suddenly, her entire body convulsing as the magic in the collar ripped through her. Raul, thinking quickly, cut the ropes holding her so that she wouldn't damage herself, then stood back to watch. A smile came to his lips when he slowly begun to sense new things in the back of his mind as the collar's various powers started to come to life. She howled again, louder this time, as the collar's magic bound itself to her. Although he wasn't sure how, Raul somehow knew that the collar was forcing its way into her very soul and taking a very firm root there. The bitch truly was his now, and he watched with satisfaction as she fell unconscious. * * * Lilly groaned softly as she woke up cold and naked. Her body hurt all over. It felt as if something had simply torn her to pieces and then put her back together again. She opened her eyes, but the light was too much and gave her a horrible head ach. With a painful whimper she closed her eyes quickly, groaning as she willed the pain to go away. After a few minutes the pain faded, though slowly, and after what she guessed was fifteen minutes she was able to open her eyes without having to close them immediately. Somehow she was in a medium sized room with no windows and only one door. This obviously was not where she had fallen asleep. Her ears folded back as her mind raced to figure out what had happened. It didn't take long for her to remember, and she immediately wished she hadn't. Memories, horrible memories, rushed in on her. She could feel every one pressing in on her, suffocating her as a lump built up in her throat and started to choke her. Panic quickly followed, and was quickly being compounded by the memories of what had happened which were suggesting what was to come. Forcing herself to calm down, she pushed all those thoughts away. It was the hardest thing she had ever done and she didn't know how long it took but she knew that right now she had to get away. Crying wouldn't help now... she just needed to get out of here... and... Could she even get away? Her attention was caught suddenly by a small metal mirror on the wall. Quickly she scrambled over to it and looked into it. The image in it wasn't very clear, but it served well enough to show her that her fears were true. Snugly around her neck was a delicate looking collar with extremely dark red runes written on it. Her ears wilted nearly immediately at the sight. There was no such thing as escape. A soft creaking sound caused her to spin around, eyes wide as she felt the panic starting to creep back up onto her for a moment before she quickly pushed it away again. A dark furred feline, a panther she though, had just entered through the door of the room. Once the door was closed behind him he just watched her with his tail twitching behind him, giving her the distinct impression that she was now his prey. * * * This is an older work I did, figured I will post it while I work on getting the next chapter of Portents written and posted. Again, comments are welcomed, email them to gscholfi @ (remove spaces). This was actually going to be a longer story, but I kinda like the way it feels ending here.