O! Fortuna

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This story contains graphic scenes of sexuality involving non-consenting minor parties, as well as graphic depictions violence (both in and out of sexuality) and death. I do not condone violence, murder, rape, sex with minors under the age of consent in your given jurisdiction. If you believe that I am condoning such, seek psychiatric help. If you do not wish to read such, please read no further. If, on the other hand, you feel a morbid curiosity and arousal at the situations disclaimed to appear within, please read on.


Fortuna trembled softly in fear, as she heard the shrieks from above. The raiders - they had started appearing less than two year ago, but already they had almost finished what the cataclysmic return of Magic to the world had started.

The collapse of human society had been swift and brutal - mysterious, unrelenting storms wracked the world for well over two years, pummeling the surface mercilessly with lightning. After they had passed, the survivors emerged from the ruins to take stock of their world - it was grim. Communications were cut off, power infrastructure was more or less destroyed. And then the magic began to manifest in people. Some were driven mad with power, others used it to torment and control their fellows.

And not long after, the Raiders had appeared. They were people... Only not. Instead of skin and flesh, they were fur and flesh, or scales and flesh. At first some contact was made, but soon they took to simply raiding survivor's camps and ruined towns, destroying what was rebuilt, taking what they wanted and killing everyone. Of course, the humans fought back - and the toll was terrible, but every time a raid was fought off, another group seemed to emerge from the woods and the wilds.

The worst news, however? Every single one of them was magical in some way. Although very few were outright Mages, as some humans became, they all had some sort of power to their credit. This, naturally, made fighting them off a challenge, even with the benefits of firearms and working spotlights. Compounding the matter was that the Raiders were anything but stupid - they learned to use technology quickly, and this compounded with their superior physical and magical state. Worse was that they seemed to have the ability to enchant weapons - swords that can cut through concrete. Guns that could fire bullets which exploded in gouts of flame. That sort of thing.

It was, in short, a terrible time to be a fit, healthy adult human in possession of a machine gun and the training to use it. To be a fourteen year old, gawky, lanky and fairly weak human girl as Fortuna was... Well, that just was not a good time at all.

Hiding in the basement of a ruined parking garage, in retrospect, may not have been a good idea - she would be cut off if anyone came down here... But there was nowhere else to go. And so she hid, in the back seat of a car, until the car was rocked. Adrenaline and fear spiked through her - she sat up, looking around in the light of the fire that had been started in a drum... There was nobody there, but something had fallen from the floor above, and smashed the hood of the old heap of junk - along with a huge slab of concrete, which she was thoroughly glad had not killed her

Curiously getting out of the car, the girl stared in awe - it was a sword as large as she was, embedded in the concrete. Ornate and beautiful, with gold inlay, it seemed to be definitely magical. With a curious hand she reached out, as the sounds of battle died out above - her hands wrapped around the hilt. It came free of the concrete with almost no effort whatsoever. Though it was heavy, it seemed to move on it's own when she tried to swing it experimentally, allowing her to wield it with ease. The girl grinned softly to herself. Finally, a chance to be useful.

She looked at herself standing next to the sword in the light reflected from the car's side mirror - standing about five feet, five inches tall, a surly, pouty, grim yet beautiful face, with auburn-red hair framing it, she wore an old, grayed-leather bomber jacket that was far too tall for her, a pink shirt with an "dead" smiley face on it - Xs for eyes and a tongue hanging out of a frowning mouth. She wore a red and orange, thigh-length plaid skirt, and huge, buckle-up combat boots that reached up her thins, with red socks only barely coming above the top of the boots. She looked, in her estimation, quite heroic, as she turned and dashed with the sword in hand, up the parking garage's floors.

The first group she encountered consisted of a short, squat pig as tall as she was, and nearly five times as wide, with a gunshot wound to the shoulder, and a tall, angry-looking lizard of some kind, with a length of sharpened rebar in his hands. The lizard had his face in the chest cavity of the man who had shot the pig, while the pig was squealing in pain and alternatingly complaining about how disgusting his lizard's feast was, and how much his damn shoulder hurt. Both of their backs were to the human girl, and the pig was making a lot of noise - perfect.

Fortuna neatly severed the pig in two with one mighty cleave from the sword - his scavenged jacket, nor his huge bulk, proved to resist the sword at all. With a mighty squeal of pain he fell to the floor with a plop, entrails steaming everywhere. The Lizard looked up - just in time for the girl's follow-through swing take said head off, sending it flying into the darkness. With a heaving breath building in her young chest, she pushed on - intent on wreaking more carnage in return for what the Raiders had done to her camp, and probably her family.

But she didn't get more than the next room when it hit her. A single shot rang out - searing pain shooting through her forearm, causing her to drop the sword - which flew, literally through the air, into the hands of an enormous wolf, easily eight feet tall, the owner of the firearm. "I see you found my sword." He grinned, while Fortuna's eyes cast down, trembling as she saw the bloody hole through her right arm. Her heart fluttered, and she turned to flee.

She made it to the door, before the wolf's arm smacked her upside the head, sending her sprawling. Trembling - crawling, crying, begging, she was lifted into the air. The wolf's eyes were red orbs, shot through with lines of blue. "Mmmm... I smell death in the air. Did you kill them?" He gestured to the two corpses behind her, and Fortuna only whimpered.

"Oh well. They were lazy and slow, anyway." She felt her jacket shredded off of her, and another jolt of fear ran through her body. "And if it weren't for their deaths, you might well have managed to kill me. I need to... Reward you for that."

Fortuna rolled to her side as she was dropped on the car's hood, but she stood no hope of getting away. A single slice of the wolf's claws struck shirt, skirt, and not a little flesh from her back, and she gasped as the scraps of her clothes were ripped away from her, leaving her nude. She looked back, and let out a tiny, terrified eep - the wolf's penis had risen from his shaft, and he was a monster, easily two feet long, made of pure black, glistening flesh, with a tapered, spear-like point.

The wolf's hands roughly grabbed her hips, even as she struggled and kicked, futile gestures bouncing off his body. Her hips were hauled in the air, revealing her tight, hairless cunt, pink, virginal lips pouting and trembling with the rest of her body. She trembled softly at the feeling of the wolf's hot, terribly huge penis pressed against her vagina's lips. "Mmmm... You resembled a woman I caught earlier... Oh! Was she your mother? Sister, maybe... How delicious." She screamed with the pain as her virginal sex was invaded by his monstrous, three-inch-thick penis, muscles burning as they tore to accommodate him. It felt like his penis was going to tear her in two, forcing itself further with each harsh thrust, rocking Fortuna's body and eliciting a cry of pain and hurt from her. She whimpered, tears falling fast and hot from her eyes, as he violated her, in and out - unrelenting. His hands squeezed her ass, claws digging in and drawing bloody lines in her flesh, and then squeezed her tiny, burgeoning breasts, drawing red lines in them

"You gonna spear this one, daddy?" The voice was feminine, soft - but unmistakably related to the wolf thrusting into Fortuna's abused, bleeding vagina. "Mmm, I am. Why, do you want her face?"

"Love to." The Wolf literally lifted her from the hood, Fortuna's body dangling from his massive penis, as she saw the new voice. A beautiful, terrible sight - a wolf, obviously much smaller than the one behind her, with large, bouncy breasts, and a penis to match - though nowhere near the size of the wolf-man's. Fortuna gagged as the new wolf - his daughter? - thrust her penis into her mouth with nary a word - though she tried to bite, it was like biting concrete. She shuddered in pain, her eyes unable to close, unable to stop watching the hermaphrodite's toned stomach as she thrust her long, black penis, a spitting image of her father's, down Fortuna's throat, while the father's penis bottomed out inside her. With a grunt, she was forced all the way onto the daughter's cock, feeling it resting sickly in her throat, as the massive wolf behind her pushed through her tiny cervix, the young girl's insides bleeding as he ravaged the muscular entryway, pushing through it.

"Mmmmf! You gonna... Break this one, too?" The wolf daughter grinned at her father, as the powerful male grinned back. His penis started to grow, as he thrust - making the incredibly tight girl's body strain further, his thrusts not letting up. She must have been out of tears, for she couldn't even cry any more, even when she felt his penis resting in her uterus. But not even then did he stop. She choked on the sound, the sickening squelching sound, as his penis burst through even that last barrier, thrusting deep and thick into her, blood starting to seep out in copious quantities as she felt as if he really WAS going to tear her in two. The searing pain, shooting through her body, made her tremble spasmodically - apparently just what the wolves wanted. They both howled, long and loud, hot, searing seed flooding her insides and her stomach, being shot up her abused, tormented cunny and down her throat.

Fortuna silently begged for it to be over, as the wolves pulled their penises from her. "How long do you think it'll take her to bleed out?" The father made the question, and his daughter grinned in return. "I dunno, but I don't plan to find out." She was heaved back onto the car's hood. "You know the rules, daddy - save the head for me."

"You and your sick practices." The male wolf shook his head - then they were upon her. The hermaphrodite's hand turning Fortuna's head to the side, as the male's claws sunk into her chest. Pain - what was that again? After some point it's just too hard to process it all. Probably fortunate, because he literally ripped her ribcage open, exposing her chest to the cold air of the parking garage. She couldn't even whimper as the daughter's jaws closed over her throat, and the last thing she could see was her first tormentor ripping her heart from her chest, his jaws slamming down like iron around it.


Ending disclaimer: No, I do not like snuff. I don't know why I wrote this - sometimes you get something into your head and you have to write it, come hell or high water. The story was inspired by a picture on the RPG Motivational Posters Thread ( http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=264472&page=2380 on this page of the thread ), about half-way to three-fourths of the way down the page. I wrote it in an hour and fifteen minutes, so it may be a bit short.

Again, I don't condone anything from in this story... And if you do, please, get medical help now.