Furry High School: Spring Romance: Chapter Twenty

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#20 of Furry High School: Spring Romance

Chapter Twenty:

The intermittent buzzing of the alarm woke Kaipo, the lion letting out a yawn as his paw fumbled for the clock, striking the button to silence the alarm several seconds later. Rolling onto his back in his bed, the shift brought his sheets off to the side, leaving his boxer-clad form bathed in the soft sunlight of the morning. Sitting up after a few more seconds, he scratched in the fur along his side, his muzzle parting to another yawn. With a glance towards the calendar, the lion blinked "Oh crap!" He was quickly to his dresser, pulling out drawers and tossing his outfit onto the bed.

"Kaipo! Hurry up or you'll be late!" His mother's voice called from behind the door "I know Mom!" The lion yelled as he hopped on one hind paw while pulling his shorts on. Tugging a shirt on, the lion paused dashed across the hall into the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. With a glance into the mirror, he slicked a few errant golden furs back on his head before dashing back into his room.

Falling onto his rump on the bed, Kaipo shuffled a shoe onto a hind paw, lacing it quickly before slipping a shoe on his other hind paw. Quickly tying those laces, he dropped off the side of the bed, landing on his face with a thud. Quickly up, he grabbed his backpack and slung it over a shoulder as he raced out of his bedroom.

Paw steps thumped quickly down the stairs as the lion leapt off them, skipping the last trio as he landed into a partial crouch and started towards the door "Kaipo!" A paw caught on one of his arms, pausing the lion a moment as he looked up to his mom. A plate of toaster tarts was the next thing he saw, followed by Phoebe's smile "I thought you could use some rest before your last day of school. Will these do for breakfast?"

"Um..." Kaipo blinked twice, looking between his mom's face and the plate, taking it in a paw "Thanks Mom. We're all spending the night at Lilly's tonight after the party-"

"I know. Go on, you don't want to make Robert and Matthew late, do you?"

"Ah course not!" Kaipo smiled before Phoebe kissed his forehead, the lion making a face "Mom! Cut it oooout!" The lioness giggled softly, patting her son's shoulder "Have fun."

The door closed behind him as Kaipo took a bit from one of his tarts, bumping into a husky as he turned around, letting out a sound in the process "Well, good morning to you too." Robert chuckled as the lion flushed, the canine wrapping him tightly in a hug, their muzzles touching in a momentary kiss "Mmm...strawberry." Robert teased in a whisper, Kaipo lightly punching him in the shoulder with a smirk "Come on Robbie, we don't wanna be late for the last day of the year, do we?"

The jeep's engine hummed as the vehicle pulled into a parking spot, cutting off as Matt turned the key "Okay, so you can drive us to Lilly's party, right Matt?" Kaipo spoke up from the cuddle Robert had the lion in "Ah course, ya'll n' me are both goin', after all." The response and grin from the equine left Kaipo with a sheepish look, much to Robert's amusement "Of course ya are." The husky spoke up "You don't mind driving Justin and Val do ya?"

"Ah course not, Robbeh." Matt nodded as he pushed his door open, the pair within the back each stepping out their own door as all three grabbed their bags from out of the jeep "Alright, thanks Matt."

"Not ah problem."

The classroom was quiet beyond the sound of pencil on paper and the occasional tap of an eraser against a desktop as the students filled in the bubbles on their scan sheets. Kaipo worked quietly as the rest, his head lifting for an occasional glance to Mister Templeton as the rat sat behind his desk, quietly watching the furs of his class in return. The lion glanced to the clock next, drawing in a breath to calm himself before glancing to the skunk behind him. As Hina caught Kaipo's gaze, she offered him a smile before tapping her paper, leaving the lion with a smirk as he nodded, returning his attention to his paper.

Furs were beginning to stand from their desks, setting their papers down on Mister Templeton's desk before returning to their own. Meanwhile, Kaipo chewed his lip softly, pondering a particular question on the sheet. With a few more seconds, a bright look came to his face, penciling in one of the answer bubbles. As Hina stood up from her desk, Kaipo checked over his sheet carefully, tapping his eraser lightly next to each answer before nodding affirmatively.

Standing from his own desk, Kaipo caught sight of Val as he passed him by from putting his paper on the teacher's desk, the pair giving each other thumbs-up before they passed. Setting his paper on the desk with a pleased smile, Kaipo turned on a heel of his hind paw and started back to his desk.

The lion's next class held the same air of silence as each fur penciled their answers in, Kaipo again glancing around as he pondered on a question, glancing to the pink bunny in the desk next to him, then past to the panda beside her, both Ami and Lilly with a look of concentration as their read through their tests. Lifting his head a little further, the lion caught the gaze of Mister Parker, the Doberman's eyes lingering on the lion for the moment. With a nervous gulp, Kaipo's eyes were quickly back on his paper, filling in the answer bubble for that question and the next two rather quickly.

A few more minutes passed before Lilly was the first out of her desk, stepping to the front of the class and setting her paper lightly onto the Doberman's desk at the front "Thank you Miss Cole." Mister Parker nodded as she placed the test down, offering the same thanks to the next three furs.

Kaipo browsed over his answer sheet again as he finished, sliding out to stand from his desk and padding up to the front of the class, followed by T.K., both furs setting their papers down at the same time "Thank you Mister Terrace, Mister Calinski. By the way," The Doberman continued, pausing both students as they turned partially away "I hope I'll be seeing you both coming out for the team next year." A smirk showed up on the Doberman's muzzle while both the Dalmatian and lion nodded "Good."

Glancing to each other, T.K. and Kaipo shared a smile before the furs made they way back to their own respective desks.

Kaipo shifted impatiently in his desk, his, along with the rest of the class' eyes on the clock. Mister Parker ruffled through papers at his desk, a red pen in a paw as a fingertip traced along each answer line. As the bell sounded, each fur was quickly to their feet "Have a good summer everyone." The Doberman spoke up as the class shuffled out into the hallway.

"Summer!" Ami squealed as she stepped into the hall with Lilly beside her, taking just a moment for the bunny to catch Kaipo from behind in a hug "Ack!" The lion objected to a giggle from Lilly as she hugged Ami, squishing her between the pair. T.K. pounced partially atop Kaipo, sending the group tumbling into a heap in front of the lockers as passing furs watched in bemusement.

"Get off us, Tim!" Lilly objected from the bottom of the pile as the Dalmatian stood up snickering, helping Kaipo up after. The lion helped Ami from the floor along with Lilly, sending a scowl at T.K. to another of the canine's chuckles "Come on, let's find the others."

The jeep rolled to a stop next to the curb, Matthew flashing his smile as he waved in the furs standing on the sidewalk "Ah'll folleh ya'll, right?" Lilly nodded from her spot at the side of her own car, a rather sporty cherry red sedan "I'll lead the way, yep." She nodded as Ami slide into the front passenger seat, while Hina and T.K. sat in the back of the sedan. The remaining three piled into Matt's jeep, Justin sitting in the front passenger seat, while Val, Kaipo and Robert squeezed into the backseat.

As the furs got into the jeep, Lilly slide down into her driver seat, pulling the door shut and snapping on her seat belt. With a glance in her rear view mirror, both paws gripped the steering wheel before the tires spun just a moment in a squeal, the sedan lurching forwards to the amused yell of Ami. "Show off." The words were mumbled by both Matthew as he watched and T.K. as he sat in the car. Taking a moment to rev his engine, the equine grinned as he started after.

The pair drove through the side streets before Lilly pulled onto a country road, driving between a pair of rolling grass fields. The drive wasn't more than ten minutes before Lilly turned down what the group in the jeep assumed was another side street, taking a minute before an impressive house came into view "Well damn..." Matt mumbled as the five took in the sight, glancing between each other as the jeep rolled to a stop behind the sedan in wide circular drive, a fountain set in the center of it. "I guess this is it..." Matt mumbled as the four furs in the sedan got out, the five in the jeep slowly following.

The house was done in a bright shade of white, the roof a slope of deep crimson tiles. Windows lined each wall, while a garage was set off to the side of the circular drive. Walkways led around both sides of the house, each passing through a garden. The main door of the house was done in a white trim, with crystallized glass set in a window of the door. As the group padded towards the doorway, Matt caught up to Lilly "Wow...ya'll certainly got quite ah palace here..." Lilly giggled softly, nudging the equine with an elbow "Nah, some palaces are smaller than this." She winked as the equine smirked. Sliding in her key, Lilly twisted the knob and pushed the door open "Come on in everyone."

Silverware clinked off plates as the furs ate dinner. Each was squeezed in to sit around the table; Lilly, Ami, Hina and T.K. sitting on one side, while Kaipo, Robert, Val and Justin were seated on the other side. Matt sat on one end of the table, while a pair of pandas sat at the other end. Dominic Cole was slightly taller than Lilly, the panda holding a rather average build. He had on a pair of black slacks, while a white, long-sleeved button-up shirt covered up his chest. The sleeves had been rolled up to his elbows though. A pair of dress shoes finished off his outfit, the panda's head fur kept short and well-trimmed.

Kimi Cole sat beside her husband, the panda wearing almost matching attire, a dress reaching down the full of her legs, while a white blouse was buttoned-up across her front. The panda's figure showed where Lilly's had come from, even when hidden by the modest dress outfit. Her sleeves were out full though, their cuffs at her wrists. Her hair was pulled up into a tight ball at the back of her head, held there by a pair of pins.

"So what are you guys doing for the summer?" Kaipo looked among those seated as he spoke up.

"I'm going backpacking with a few other furs." Val swallowed before speaking up first, touching his fork onto his plate.

"My dad's doing some repairs around the house, I'm gonna help him out with it." Justin sipped from his glass, speaking up after the badger.

"Ah'm jus' gonnah spend tha summah trainin'. Gottah keep in shape n' all." Matthew spoke up next, taking a sip from his glass afterwards as Hina spoke "Spending a few weeks relaxing. Beach, fun in the sun and all that, right?" The skunk glanced to Lilly and Ami as they nodded "That's right, beach, mall, beach, mall, more beach..." The furs laughed softly. "Ah, looks like it's gonna be beach and mall for me too then." T.K. added. Kaipo and Robert shared a glance, the lion speaking up "Me and Robbie are goin' with my mom and my sister to our cottage for a month or so. You think you'd wanna come with us, T.K.?" The question left T.K. glancing towards the pair of pandas at the table's end "Could I?"

"Of course, T.K." Kimi spoke first with a smile "As long as Miss Terrace doesn't mind."

"I'll call her right after dinner to check and see!" T.K. smiled brightly as Kaipo started to eat his food with gusto, Robert chuckling softly beside him. It took a few more seconds before he finished, sliding his chair back and grabbing his plate "Don't worry Kaipo, I'll clear the table." The lion nodded as Dominic spoke up, padding over to the counter and plucking up the phone, disappearing into the other room as he dialed his number. The rest of the furs continued to eat quietly as Kaipo's voice mumbled in the background, every set of ears seeming to perk on their own to listen "Okay, thanks Mom." The conversation ended as Kaipo stepped back into the room "She says you can come." T.K.'s bright smile matched Kaipo's own as the lion sat again.

The sound of the television was background noise to the conversation of the furs, gathered in the immense den of the Cole home. Laughter occasionally sprung up, each of the group holding their own bright smile. Lilly rested in a large, padded chair, Ami seated on her lap, arms holding the pink bunny softly. Hina sat on a foot stool beside the chair, while T.K. lounged on the floor, leaning back against the wall. Kaipo and Robert sat on the floor beside the Dalmatian, the lion leaning against the husky as he was held there by a firm embrace around his shoulders. The pair sat in front of the double glass doors that led out from the room to the patio in back of the house. Justin, Matt and Val all occupied the couch next to Lilly's seat, the television set up opposite it on the other wall. Both Kimi and Dominic had gone upstairs to bed, leaving the group alone for the evening.

"So what are you guys all taking next semester?" Val spoke up, glancing among the group. "Crap times six." T.K. replied, the group sharing a laugh as Lilly nudged the Dalmatian with one of her hind paws. T.K. caught her by the ankle, pulling Lilly's shoe off and tickling the sole of her paw, the panda letting out a squeal and kicking at T.K. with her other hind paw in return "Cut it out Tim!" With a little toss of his paw and a smirk, T.K. let the hind paw go.

"So what are we gonna do tonight?" Justin spoke up from his seat on the couch "Got any video games for us to play?"

"Video games?" Lilly sounded incredulous "There's better games to play than video games." She paused, prodding Ami in the side, bringing out a red flush in the bunny's pink cheeks "How about...some truth or dare?"

"I like the sound of that." The group each looked to Robert as he spoke up, squeezing Kaipo more against his side "What do ya say, Kai?" The canine turned his warm smile and those crystal blue eyes towards the lion, melting away his reservations "I think it sounds great..." He mumbled. "Oh jeeze, why don't you two just dare each other to make out right now?" The pair twitched a bit as T.K. prodded Rob in the side, getting another light kick from Lilly "Alright then, you're going first Tim. Truth or dare?"

The Dalmatian stroked a paw along his muzzle's tip with a thoughtful look "Dare." His reply was followed by a smug grin, to which Lilly took her own thoughtful look as the rest of the room watched her "Okay..." A matching grin crept onto the panda's muzzle "I dare you..."

"Alright Kaipo, you're next." T.K.'s voice was grumpy, his blush evident even beneath his spotted fur. The Dalmatian was in his seat on the floor once again, his shorts and t-shirt replaced with a cropped pink t-shirt, showing off the Dalmatian's stomach, along with a black leather mini-skirt. His sneakers were gone as well, a pair of black high-heels fitted on his hind paws instead. "Awww, come on, pick someone else!" Lilly nudged T.K.'s shoulder with a hind paw again, bringing his scowl to meet her gaze "Okay then, I pick you!"

"Can't pick the same person who just asked, T.K." Each fur nodded as Justin spoke up, catching T.K.'s gaze "Okay, then you're next Justin. Truth or dare."

"Oh, um...truth, I guess." The feline answered taken aback by his choosing. T.K. stroked a paw along his muzzle tip again a few seconds "Who here, in the room, would you most like to have sex with?" The question left the feline blank while the rest grinned "Uhh..." It took him a few seconds to get his voice working again "I guess...um...Ami." His head tipped forwards, hiding his embarrassment while the answer made Ami flush a little once more "Alright, your turn to ask someone Justin."

"Val!" Justin paused, clearing his throat while giving a nervous tug at his shirt collar "Truth or dare."

"Dare." The badger's answer was quick, waiting his challenge with a grin.

"I dare you..."

The badger rested on his knees in front of Kaipo, smiling as he leaned in closer. He shared a moment's glance with Robert before his lips touched Kaipo's softly. A paw slide around behind the lion's head, cradling him into the kiss "One...two..." Justin counted as he watched the pair kissing, Kaipo's expression displaying his awkwardness in the embrace right next to Robert "Three...four...five." Val took a few seconds more before his lips broke from Kaipo's, teasing the lion with a wink "Alright, Matt. True or dare."

"Truth." The equine's answer was just as quick as Val's had been.

"Okay..." A grin spread slowly across Val's muzzle "Have you ever gotten excited...aroused when you were wrestling someone?" Snickers spread around the room to the sound of Matthew's silence, looking incredibly uncomfortable while he shifted on the couch "Well, there's ah lot ah rubbin' and grabbin' when you're wrasslin'..." He mumbled a bit before Val cleared his throat "Yes or no, Matthew." The badger spoke in a firm tone, Matt taking a few more seconds before he mumbled out "Yah..."

"Alright, your turn then Matt."

"Robbeh." The equine collected himself a few moments before looking to the husky "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Robert got a nudge from the Dalmatian beside him "Aww, come on Robbie, you're breaking the chain of back and forth."

"Hey, its Robbie's choice, he picked Truth." Robert smiled as Kaipo spoke up, squeezing the lion and setting a soft kiss on his forehead "Well, I picked. What's the question, Matt?"

"Question, question..." Matthew looked to the floor as he mumbled softly "Ah got one!" His head jerked back up with a smile "How many times have ya'll," He motioned between Kaipo and Robert "Done it so far?"

"Th-that's kinda personal..." Kaipo pressed a little more against Robert as he mumbled, interrupted by Hina "Come on Kaipo! Rob hasta answer, its part of the game!"

"Well..." Robert glanced down to the lion at his side, wrapping both firm arms around him, bringing Kaipo into his lap. With a soft nuzzle against his short head fur and a whisper "It's alright Kai." He flashed his warm smile before meeting the equine's gaze "Three times."

"He's lying." T.K. got another kick from Lilly as he spoke up, rubbing his side where the hind paw struck "I'm just sayin'."

"Nope. Just three times." Kaipo nodded as Robert nudged T.K. in the shoulder "We're not a pair of sex-crazed furs or anything." The canine paused "Well, I'm not sex-crazed, at least." The chuckles of the group left Kaipo blushing once again; squeezed softly in Robert's hug to calm him down while the husky glanced around "You're next Ami. Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Ami brightly replied to another round of chuckles, Robert pausing as he thought up a question "Okay, I dare you..."

The pink bunny sat sideways on Matthew's lap, her arms lightly wrapped around his neck as she sung in a low, soft and pleasing voice "Happy birthday...Mister horsie..." The rest of the group watched with bright smiles, Lilly occasionally snickering at the look of incredible surprise and discomfort on Matt's face "Happy birthday...to you..." Ami shifted in his lap, her legs slipping to straddle the equine's thick thighs "Happy birthday...Mister horsie..." Her fingers played along his beefy chest through the shirt covering it, Ami's sultry voice purring out "Happy birthday..." She leaned up, her muzzle coming closer to Matt's "To..." Closer still, stretching upwards to close the natural distance in their heights "You..." The word was whispered as she tapped a finger tip on Matt's lips before hopping off his lap. As she turned, the equine got a playful wink before Ami half-skipped back across the room, plopping back into Lilly's lap, recaptured quickly by the panda's arms. A soft whisper from Lilly made Ami giggle, while the rest of the furs applauded. A huge sigh breathed from the equine as the rabbit stepped away from him, a paw not so discretely moving down and adjusting himself through his shorts.

"Alright, now who shall I pick..." Ami tapped her index finger on her lips as she looked around the room, pausing on the skunk beside her "Hina! Truth or dare?"

"Dare." The skunk's reply came with a warm smirk, her arms crossing underneath her breasts "Give it your best shot."

"My best shot?" Ami giggled impishly "Okay then, I dare you..."

Hina took a seat back on the footstool, her legs pressing closed this time. Whipped cream mixed with the white fur along her front, the topping covering up the skunk's breasts, while it was sprayed down between her now closed thighs. Her clothes were absent now as well, covered by just the strategic spots of whipped cream "Okay Miss funny bunny," Ami got a scowl while the rabbit giggled uncontrollably "Lilly, truth or dare."

"Truth." Lilly tapped a finger tip on Ami's lips, the bunny quieting quickly while Hina spoke up "How many times have you and Ami done it?"

"Ah, repeat question." T.K. nudged Hina in the thigh with an elbow "Oh fine, um...Lilly how many times have you and T.K. done it?" A grin was shot to the suddenly quiet Dalmatian while Lilly laughed softly "A big fat zero. That was too easy." Hina rolled her eyes, nudging T.K. in the shoulder with her hind paw "It's your turn Lilly."

"Okay then, Kaipo, you're up. Truth or dare?" Glancing up to Robert a few seconds, Kaipo took in a deep breath "Dare."

"I dare you..."

Kaipo stood outside in his boxers, the lion's shorts, shirt and shoes left on the patio beside him. It was a warm evening for spring, so much that it wasn't the air that left the lion quivering "Come on Kaipo, I dared you." Lilly spoke up, the rest of the group standing behind him as Kaipo faced the Cole's lengthy pool, the clear waters lit from underneath by the lights within the pool walls "Gimme a minute!" Kaipo shot back, sucking in a large breath. Hooking his thumbs into the waist band of his boxers, the lion tugged them off quickly, crouching as he did. Stepping out of the garment, he dove into the pool, water splashing out across the sides. Bobbing his head back above the surface, a grin had replaced his embarrassment from seconds ago "It's warm!" The waters smoothed out the lion's golden fur, running along his full nude form.

"Of course, I'm not gonna make you jump into a cold pool! I'm not a sadist!" Lilly countered, Ami bursting into a fit of giggles afterwards. "Come on in!" Kaipo smirked as he challenged the other furs. Hina was in a few seconds later, water washing off the whipped cream as she dived in "He's right, it's nice and warm!" The skunk splashed a paw along the surface, spraying water at the rest of the furs on the patio.

"Well, at least I'll get outta this dress..." T.K. was quickly out of it, the Dalmatian turning to slide in to the waters as he held the ladder on the pool's side. Shaking his head off, he started towards the two already in the pool, splashing both with a chuckle.

"Might as well..." Pulling his shirt off, Justin worked at the button of his shorts, pulling them off as well. The feline took a few steps towards the pool in his white briefs before the three furs in the water shook their heads "Everything's gotta come off!" Hina called out. "Ah...dammit...I hate you guys!" They chuckled as Justin pulled his briefs off, cannonballing into the water, sending a spray across all the others. Popping back above surface, the three in the pool started splashing him vigorously.

Matt was quick to follow Justin in, the equine removing both shirt and shorts, showing off that beefy physic in just his black briefs before turning away from the others, pulling them underwear off "Nice ass!" A firm slap landed on the equine's backside, sending him toppling over onto the patio, leaving Val there chuckling. The badger was quickly undressed after that, plunging into the waters before Matt crawled in after, dunking the badger as he popped back above the water "Ah'll ass you!" Matt paused as Val surfaced again to that comment as the others snickered "Ah, shut up."

Another splash sounded as the others were distracted, Ami's head breaking the surface of the pool with an impish grin "Me next." She winked at Justin, the feline going bright red and looking away. Lilly followed in, the panda sliding quietly into the waters, catching Ami in a hug from behind. The touch made the bunny squeal before she caught sight of the panda, cheeks suddenly more red than Justin's as Lilly giggled. A splash from behind brought both Ami's and Lilly's gaze to Robert's smirk "Where do ya keep the towels? I figure I should go and get them before we're all too wet to."

"Good point. Down the hall and up the stairs," Lilly paused to envision the house "There should be a door to your...right. Towels are in there."

A few minutes of laughter and splashing passed before the door cracked open, Robert padding out with an armload of towels. Setting them onto a chaise lounge, the husky pulled his shirt off, dropping it to the floor. His shorts were next, stepping from them after pulling off his shoes. Leaving just a pair of navy blue briefs on, the husky stepped over to the edge of the pool "Ah ah Robbie." Hina held up an index finger "Everything's gotta come off."

"I know." The husky smirked, turning to the side, then slightly away, tugging the briefs off and tossing them back towards the mass of clothes left on the deck. With a step sideways, the husky shifted back into the pool with a light splash. Keeping under the water, Robert swam towards a pair of golden-furred legs, sliding up behind Kaipo and pushing above the surface before bringing his arms down, smacking them into the water and drenching the already wet lion, bringing out a squeal in the process "Robbie!" As the other furs giggling, Kaipo pushed into the husky, bowling them both under the waters. A paw caught behind the lion's head, pulling his muzzle down to touch Robert's, their lips pressed together in a firm kiss.

Each fur gradually left the pool, drying off and finding their outfit before excusing themselves into the house, save for T.K., who had simply dried off then wrapped a towel around his waist, much to the amusement of the rest of the furs. Lilly, Ami, Kaipo and Robert ended up being the last four in the pool, filtering down to just the lion and the husky as the female furs climbed out "You two have fun." Ami ruffled a towel along Lilly as the panda spoke "But don't get too many fluids that aren't supposed to be there in the pool." With a teasing wink, she caught Ami in an arm, the bunny carrying both of their outfits as they padded back into the house.

Kaipo and Robert watched the pair until the door closed; their gazes then finding each other's. The pair embraced in the middle of the pool, wet furs meshing as their lips pressed together in a tender, loving kiss. The night had taken hold, the pool bathed by the light from its walls, along with the patio light. The touch prolonged, seconds, then minutes before it was broken slowly "We should probably go inside too..." Robert whispered to a nod of the lion. Both dripped waters as they climbed from the pool, Robert fetching a pair of towels from the lounge. Setting one onto the patio tiles, the husky rubbed the other briskly along the lion, massaging a purr out from the lion as a bright smile showed up while his eyes shut partially. Dipping his head back, a moment passed before Kaipo opened his eyes again, his lips parting slightly as well "Oh, wow..."

The stars above sparkled phenomenally, clouds completely absent from the sky. A bright moon bathed the pair in a dim blue light, filtered only by the patio light "Beautiful..." Robert wrapped his arms around Kaipo from behind, trapping the lion's arms partially at his side. One golden paw touched one of the husky's forearms as Kaipo nodded while glancing over his shoulder "It really is."

"I was talking about you." A wink made Kaipo blush before their muzzles touched for another soft kiss "I love you Robbie..." The lion murmured into the touch. "I love you too, Kai..." The husky spoke softly, letting the kiss seal once more.

As their lips broke the touch once more, Robert whispered "Come on, let's get some sleep...We've got all summer to play..." Breaking the husky's holds, Kaipo nodded as he gathered their clothes. A strong arm curled around the lion's shoulders, hugging him into Robert's side as they padded into the house.