The Family Chapter 1

Story by MoonlightFox on SoFurry

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I didn't mean to run into him. It was just one of those random meetings. Here I thought I was in a big night of fun, never knew it would happen to change my life. It was back when I was a true slut; jumping from night to night, different bed to different bed, and different male to different male. I was usually able to sneak into the bars late at night since I wasn't really legal, per say. I was only seventeen at the time. But it was the best age to get laid. Everyone loves a slut pup. Much bigger dirty old males loved to have a hot teen age body under them, moaning out, calling them daddy. And I loved being under a large dicked horse, or a rough rutting bull. It was what I lived for back then.

I'm really a mutt; I still don't know what breed I am, or what breed my parents were. I'm only around 5'2'' now, and was only 5' back then, so needless to say I was usually shortest in the room. But my age and size didn't much matter once they felt up my soft dark brown fur, and they thought I looked so cute with little olive colored dots placed randomly over my body; like I said, I was a mutt. I am a short haired dog, so shedding wasn't a big deal to me, but my fur was long enough to be grabbed and pulled. And my fur is one of the softest I've ever touched, so I was always shirtless incase one of the guys wanted to cop of feel of my chest fur. Plus I had a pretty skinny body, with some tight boy abs, so I wasn't shy at all. My jeans were the only thing I wear when I come to this place, and I mean the only thing. There isn't a hole in the back for my tail to slide through, so I'm forced to wear them under my tail, which makes them slip down a bit to give some lucky guy a sneak peek of my boy rump, not that I'm complaining, just informing you of some of the tricks I use to get a guy to take me home.

Anyway, back to the main night of this story. I just finished blowing the bouncer of the bar, nice large slightly chubby bear, and he let me in. I walked around the club, looking around for new yiff. I sat at the bar, sipping down some lemon water, and looking around at the guys. Finally I caught a husky's eyes. His gray and white fur looks nice and soft, something I'd love to be on top of me. He was nice a buff to. I looked into his icy blue eyes as he looked into my honey brown ones. I was about to jump up and go talk to him but someone caught me off guard.

"Are you even old enough to be here, boy?" I froze and looked over at a skinny Doberman, beckoning me to join him with his paw. I looked between the canines, trying to pick one. Sadly the Husky already had a snow leopard talking to him, so he was out. I sleekly made my way over to the Doberman. Looking as young as I am; I get asked this question a lot.

"Would I be in here if I wasn't?" He smiled at him and he just chuckled.

"I saw you blowing the bear." He responded back to me. I blushed a bit and looked away.

"So?" I shrugged and looked back into his eyes. Eye contact was usually essential with my hobby, but the moment I met his eyes I felt different. I felt trapped in a cage too small for me, and yet as if I had been set free for the first time. "It's... It's not..." I had to look away from his gaze to even spit my words out. "It's not like I'm hurting anyone. In fact I'm doing the opposite."

"Oh I can see that." The Doberman smiled at me, "I can see how well you treat the guys here. I've been watching you for a couple of nights, debating if I want to have some fun with you or not."

I raised a brow, "And your verdict?"

"Follow me to a room and find out." I didn't need to be told twice. He wasn't my usual type of guy, skinny and probably only a foot taller than me. I usually go for built or cubby, not skinny. But the way this guy talked told me he liked to get down and rough, and that was good enough for me. He led me to the back of the bar, which had many different rooms with locks in it for such things as this. It was a couple of tries before he found a vacant room, and the whole time we walked we walked in silence. Once he finally found a room that suited him, he walked in, holding the door open, and gestured for me to go in. Once I was in, he just gave a short order. "Strip, pup."

My brow rose up again and I grinned at him. "But I don't even know your name."

"My name isn't important right now, is it?" He reached down to his skinny jeans and grabbed himself.

"I guess I'll just make one up then." I chuckled lightly as I pushed my jeans down a bit and they fell down to my ankles. My member was half way hard already. Since I was a mutt, I didn't really have a sheath or a canine's cock. I always thought that some ancestor along the way screwed a human, because my dick is most like a human's. I looked around the yellow painted room, fake green plants in the corner, and a large bright blue bed in the middle of the room. It was simple, but it didn't have to be heavily decorated.

I suddenly felt his hands on my chest. He had reached from behind me and started to feel my soft fur. His hand slowly went down to my hardening cock and started to stroke it.

"So tell me what you like." He whispered in my ear. His voice was soft yet hard, just like how his hands were treating my boyhood.

"Everything." I moaned back to him. He suddenly let go of me and pushed me. I tripped over my jeans, which were still wrapped around my ankles. I shuffled awkwardly a couple of paces, fell forward and caught myself on the edge of the bed, bending over. Then a burning pain was pushed into my tail hole. I barked loudly as his cock tip made its way into my boy hole. His hands were rubbing over my body again as his cock was forced into my oh-so-slowly. I chewed on my lower lip to not make too much noise and then he grabbed my nipple and twisted it.

"Don't hold back on me." He growled. "I want to hear everything." And with that, he slammed the rest of his cock inside of me. I never got a look at how big it was, but it felt big inside of me. I yelled loudly as his hips started to grow crazy.

This wasn't good; he was already in a hump frenzy. When most canines did this, they didn't even last a whole minute. No matter how wonderful it felt to have him slam my prostate with every thrust, I would rather him last. Lucky for me, I got both wishes. I kept waiting and waiting for him to knot me, to cum inside of me, but he didn't. He just kept jack hammering away on my backside. His hands grabbed my hips as his thrusts got rougher. I didn't even know how it was possible for him to pound me harder than before, but he somehow did it. My cock was rock hard and screaming at me, but this was normal. It begged me to rub it, stroke it off, but I ignored it like always. I didn't like to cum until the top came. But this time things didn't go as I planned.

His long thick cock ramming into me was soon too much to handle. His dick wasn't the biggest I've dealt with, but I never had a guy go this hard or this long before. And besides, his cock still hit all the right places. I soon hit my orgasm with full force. I swear the bar could have heard my moans and howls as my cum shot all over the side of the bed. Each hard throb my cock gave out, a new sticky string of white cum shot all over the blue bed.

"Finally." He said as he lifted me up, his cock sliding out, and tossed me onto the bed stomach down. He got on top of me, his body sweaty from the work out he was getting, and slammed his cock into me once again. He quickly withdrew it, waited a few second, and pounded me again. Again and again, he never stopped. He just kept going with his slow hard pounds. With him going at a new speed, I quickly found myself rock hard once again. Finally I felt his knot start to force its way into me. At once huge thrust into me, I pushed back, locking us together.

"Fuck yeah." He barked as he started new short rushed thrusts. My cock felt great rubbing onto the soft bed sheets as his knot slid around inside of me.

"G-get ready." He moaned out as I felt his cock start to shoot its load deep inside of me. I howled with him, even though I wasn't cumming. He fell on top of me as he both panted.

"Oh yeah..." He growled a bit, a big smile on his face. "I'm going to like you."

To me he was just another night's fuck, to him I was a new slave.