When Dawn meets Dusk: Part 1

Story by Kurai Mewtwo on SoFurry

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#1 of When Dawn Meets Dusk.

Disclaimer: Hey all, This story Contains masturbation, and other mild Sexual themes, If you are not 18 (21 in some countries) than please do not read, I do not take any blame for what you see or Read in this story, And this is also not my first Story I've written, but it is my first time submitting a story to this site, I would love some constructive criticism, thanks, So without further ado, on to the story : - )

"oh my god, I can't take this anymore!" Dusk Said sobbing, She was in her usual place crying and holding her teddy scare Cyrus. It was in the Graveyard next to her house at about 2:17 a.m, she had another argument with her Parents over the same thing, her sexuality, She was attracted to the same-sex, but didn't mind the opposite once in a while. She had Dark purple eyes, with short-ish black hair. she was a dark purple Goth wolf, about 5"4 wearing a black t-shirt with the name "Ozzy" printed in red on it. Under that, she had on a black and red poorboy shirt. her pants were black with red lining. Lastly, she wore a black O-Ring collar. The only tattoo she had was on her neck, in between the O-Ring. It was a Wolf's paw print, in black. She headed back to her house, it was no surprise to her that her folks were fast asleep,

Morning made it's Presence known, Same with her alarm clock "Beep Beep Beep Beep!" that was one of the big things that Dusk hated, she slammed her fist down on the snooze button, she fell asleep in the clothes that she was wearing the night before, so there was no need to get dressed, she grabbed her knapsack and headed out the door to her school, which was convienently located just around the corner from her house, she pushed open the big metal doors and headed to her locker, she unlocked it and placed her bag into it.

She headed towards the back doors of the school, she walked down a dirt path towards a wooded area where her favouite spot to hang out was located, she was a social outcast at her school, the only firends she had were fellow goths like herself there names were Raven, Sable, Daigona, Jamie and last but not least, Spike the only male in the group.

Dusk had kind of a crush on Spike, but could never say due to the fact that it might hurt there friendship, Sable was the one who Spike really liked which dusk knew very well, he was a grey wolf with tons of tatoos on his arms, and a couple on his abs and chest, he was fairly muscular and always went shirtless to school, the teachers never cared he always seemed to wear funky black make up on his face, he had long back hair that draped over his shoulders and his Tight black jeans barely covered his knee high goth boots, he was the main guitarist, he sung sometimes in the screaming death songs, but Sable usually did most of the singing.

"Hey Dusk, where the guitar" Spike asked, Spike being an electric Guitar player liked to jam with the best of em'.

"Robs at home sitting on my bed, I didn't bother to put him back in his case after last night"

"oh my god, like what happened" asked Jamie, Jamie was the preppy goth type, which kind of explained the way she spoke, and sung, it kind of annoyed Dusk, but she was used to it, Dusk Sable, Jamie, Raven, Daigona and Spike were together in a band.

"Nothing" Dusk replied through clenched teeth, giving her an evil look, than turning away.

Sighing irritated, resuming her position, lying down casually on the tombstone beside her,

"Hey dusk, I made up a really cool Guitar riff last night, I brought it with me in case you wanted to hear it" Spike suggested.

"Why not, I need a good highlight of my day", she answered not looking diectly at him, Spike proceeded to pull off this really wicked riff, which made Dusks body quiver with Enjoyment.

"Sweet riff" she said without enthusiasm.

"yeah great" said Diagona, Raven never Spoke a word to anyone, She was the drummer of the group and pretty much like to keep to herself most of the time, Dusk looked over as Raven tapped the tombstone next to her, Dusk was the only one who could get her to talk most of the time, Raven was like a pet to her, which raven kind of enjoyed

"Whats that your playing?" Dusk asked Raven

"Oh nothing, just something I was working on in music class today" Raven said as she continued to tap the tombstone, Spike looked over as well and said

"Let me see if I can strum along with that" Raven smiled and proceeded to tap the tombstone while Spike Strummed along.

"Duuude that one wicked beat" Daigona said, Dusk perked up a bit as she thought of a name for the band

"oh yeah, you know how we couldn't come up with a name for are band, well I figued one out, we could call it Eternal Darkness", "I like it" Spike said, The rest of the group agreed,

"Ok remember guys we have a gig tonight at the school cafateria" Spike said as they all went there seperate ways home. As Dusk walked through her front door, the first thing she heard was her parents in the living room yelling at her to get into the room. she walked to the living room and noticed the empty liquor bottles on the table. She sighed a little angrily

"You called?" She asked, her parents we sitting on the couch, both with a bottle of Vodka in there left paws, her father looked at her and started an argument about her skipping class, she never answered and went upstairs to get her guitar and meet the band at the cafeteria for the gig.

She came downstairs grabbed her leather jacket and left for the school. She walked through the Cafeteria doors and saw the band setting up for their show, She climbed up onto the Stage and began practicing the opening song, "Hey, we sold out!" Spike shouted over her guitar, She smiled at him and said "Thats Cool, the dark spirits are pleased", During the gig Dusk Kept on playing and thinking about how much she hated her life, as the room began filling up more and more during the show Dusk saw a light brown and white She-wolf in the back corner. The wolf was not looking at her at the time, so she looked at her guitar as she played, but when she looked back at the She-wolf, she was suprised to see that she was staring back at her. as the other femme gave her a seductive smile, Dusk raised her left eyebrow and seductivly smiled back.

After the gig was over and the band had packed up, Dusk headed to the washroom, She want into the stall and began to do her buisness, than she began to think about the She-Wolf that she noticed earlier on the the show, the image of her flashing that seductive Smile made Dusk's nether riegens wetten, her left paw wandered downwards, this was not unusual for her as she had masturbated on several occasions, in several different places, Sometimes, even the graveyard she usually went to was another one of the favourite places to do it, she began to trace her index finger along her moist slit, making her moan slightly, for the duration of her playtime, that image of the femme kept replaying in her mind, she ventured further into her session, stedily placing one finger into her Pussy, her body became hot as she pumped her finger in and out, she was really enjoying herself, which really was the only thing that made her happy was "Playing Around" as Spike called it, Dusk had seen Spike Masturebate on two occasions, Once at camp, She was getting ready to take a dip in the pond and didn't notice Spike Pumping his fist on his cock at the waters edge, he didn't notice her, which was good news for her, she didn't know what to say if he had caught her peeking on him. Then the second time was when they actually went out on a "Just Friends" Date, they had went to see a movie and afterwards they stopped at Spikes house where things got intimate, That was the time she had lost her virginity,

It was pure extacy for her, again, that femme looked so hot, she wanted to meet her, she was so close now, she could feel her entire body tense up, along with the walls of her slick pussy, which was occupied by two fingers now, she couldn't take it anymore, she let it all go, with one last moan, Dusk let fly strings of her own juices, they came rushing out so quckly that some had even gone onto the floor, it was blissful, she removed her fingers and used toilet paper to clean up the mass she had made, Bam Bam Bam!, there was a knock at the bath room door

"Hey Dusk, You Comin' or what",

"I already did" she thought smiling to herself,

"Yeah, hold on a sec" she shouted as she finished cleaning up the mess, she washed her hands and left the washroom, picking up her guitar she left the School and ventured home, for the duration of the night she could not bring her self to forget that beauty sitting in the corner at the show.

For the duration of the night one song kept playing in her mind, Rock Show by Blink 182, she had listened to it all night until she fell asleep, Again, her alarm clock sounded, she once again slammed the snooze button, she grabbed her guitar and her amp and left for school with her diskman, she still was listening to Rock Show until she got to school, she walked toward the back of the school to where her usual spot was, and to her surprise no one was there, she turned around and entered the school through the back doors and walked towards her locker, she unlocked it and put her bag inside and slammed it shut, she began to search the school for her crew but to no avail, no one in sight, she decided to go behind the school and spend some time in the wooded area before looking again,

"maybe they'll show up here later on" she thought to herself, After a half-hour or so, she left and went into the school to look some more.

She went into the cafeteria, and there was a huge group of people in a circle, Dusk went to take a look only to see Spike in a fight with another student, Spike was never one to fight without a reason, she saw Raven and the others watching on the other side of the circle, she made her way towards them

"What happened here?" she asked

"Nick, one of the school jocks said something rude about sable and Spike took exemption to it and punched him in the face" Daigona said.

"nice one". Dusk replyed. She noticed raven cluching her sticks in her paws and watching the fight with pleasure. she enjoyed watching fights. after Spike had beaten the holy hell out of nick, he left the cafeteria to wash his knuckles in the bathroom sink, Dusk left the cafetiria and walked around searching for the femme she had laid her eyes on the night before. alas, no such luck so she went by herself to the wooded area and sat to play her guitar. after a while she heard footsteps behind her. she stopped and looked back to see the she-wolf from the show.

As she walked closer to dusk, she sat down next to her on the ground.

"don't stop, keep playing I like it." she said. dusk smiled and played some more on her guitar . after she played a song she held out her paw and introduced herself.

"Im dusk" she said. the other femme took the pawshake and did the same.

"Dawn". is all she said.

"I saw you sitting in the corner at our show last night" Dusk wanted to tell her how cute she was, but couldn't muster up enough courage to tell her at the moment.

"Oh yeah, I love your style of music" Dawn declaired.

"Really?, You don't seem like the goth music type" Dusk said.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me" Dawn said smirking suggestively, Dusk smirked back getting up from the tombstone and sitting next to Dawn on the ground, she leaned back on her front paws and crossing her ankles. there was an swkward silence and Dusk flicked her tail boardly looking at the sky.

"Uhh, your tail is brushing against my bottom" Dawn said.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Dusk said startled, she began to blush, which she hadn't done for awhile.

They talked a little more to each other, about different things every time, Dusk Cried when she told her about her life, Dawn couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"Hey, why don't you come to my place for the night, you know, kind of like a mini vacation for you" Dawn suggested, Dusk's eyes widened.

"Really!, you'ed do that for me?" she said surprised, dawn couldn't help but giggle.

"Now lets go and get your stuff so we can get going" she added, They left the school and went to her parents place to introduce her to her mother and father, she really hoped they were sober for this meeting, it would be embarressing for her if they were drunk, She opened the ront door and they both walked in.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home, I have someone for you to meet" she announced loudly, she walked into the Living room with dawn at her side.

"Mom, Dad, this is Dawn" she said "Dusk, what did we tell you about bringing complete strangers home with you", Dusks expression grew stern.

"Mom!, she's not a Stranger, she's my friend" Dusk exclaimed, another argument ensued, Finally dusk had enough of the fighting.

"You know what mom, just go back to your drinking ok, just forget about me for awhile, that seems to be the only thing your good at anyway!" she yelled as she left the room with dawn close behind her, she left the house with her guitar in hand, they slowly made there way to Dawns. house.

As soon as they reached the front door Dusk couldn't wait to spend time with Dawn, she still had to find the right time to tell her exactly what she thought of her, Dusk pondered for a bit before deciding to tell her, Dawn showed her to her room, the walls were covered in a beautiful lavender wallpaper, even though she was used to her black walls Dusk didn't mind the purple. walls around her

"Where am I sleeping tonight?" Dusk asked, Dawn thought for a moment.

"Well thats totally your call, you can sleep on the floor, or next to me if you'ed like?" Dawn winked, Dusk again had blushed as she sat down with her, they talked some more, Dawn went over to her CD player and put a CD into the drive and closed it and began to sing along, Dusk couldn't believe her ears, That was the most beautiful voice she had ever heard, Sable was good, but not this good, Dusk had began to tap along the beat, soon it was time for Dusk and Dawn to hit the hay, But little did they know that tonight was the night that both of their sexual lives will change forever.

To be Continued.