Dreams of Love

Story by Fennecman on SoFurry

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#4 of Zia/Zio

No underage, no one that will be offended by this material, I accept no responsibilities, and so on and so forth.

This couple is going to get a happy ending. Because I like them. I am very unhappy with the end of my story "Innocent or Not" and this is an attempt at writing romantic interaction followed by sex, followed by romantic interaction. I'm also curious, where do my reades want this to go? I have an idea, but sent me PM's telling me where you want it to go.

Zia, a bubbly, busty, collie-squirrel mix, sat in the wide sill of the recessed window of her home. She had been there for about twenty minutes, awaiting the return of her brother. Zio was a full blooded squirrel, who had been away at camp for two weeks. Zia missed her brother terribly, and her parents were happy that she cared about him enough that she was waiting for him like this. If they could have imagined her true reasons for her waiting on his arrival, they would have been horrified. For after Zia had come home early one day, she had caught her brother masturbating. Being a very open minded and slightly promiscuous individual, she had "helped" him relieve some of his sexual tension. Though she could still pleasure herself, it wasn't the same as being with her warm, vulnerable, loving brother, and she had missed him. While theirs was a mostly sexual relationship, they planned to marry as soon as Zio was of age, due to a loophole that they had discovered in their countries laws. They only had to wait one more year, and Zio would be of marrying age. Zia herself had already crossed that threshold, as she was three years older than Zio. As she looked down from the window, and out into the street, she felt a thrill go through her. Her parent's car was slowing, and turning into the driveway.

Zia stood, checking her appearance once more; up until a year ago, clothing had not been something her family wore much of, due to species preference. Through some careful suggestions, and wheeling and dealing on the sibling's part, their parents had begun allowing real clothing into the house. This was a boon, as it had become more and more difficult to hide the signs of arousal when in each other's almost naked presence. Now, the various physical signs were far easier to hid, especially in Zio's case. Looking in the mirror, Zia adjusted her top, a slightly too small turtle neck, which was tight enough to accentuate her curves, but not tight enough to make her look like a slut. Her skirt was short, but not too short as well. Finally, the door opened, and she ran to the entranceway. Zio stood there, in simple jeans and a t-shirt. Zia ran forward, and wrapped him in a hug. He dropped his bag, and returned the hug, but not too passionately, as his parents were behind him. There would be time enough for that later. His sister leaned in close to his ear, and whispered,

"My room, tonight."

Zio nodded slightly, acknowledging. Out loud he remarked in a loud voice,

"It's good to be back, now, if you'll excuse me, camp took a major toll out of me, and I need sleep."

The sibling's parents, after a few words, acquiesced, realizing that their son must be tired. At this Zia, standing behind her parents, smiled smugly. She knew what her brother was resting up for.

As Zio rested, Zia planned their night. Sex, of course, was high on the list of priorities, but that was not all she wanted to do. She simply wanted to be with him. In some strange, incestuous manner, the siblings really loved each other, in a way far past platonic. They planned to marry after all, and she wanted to take some time to think that part of their journey. Both already had jobs, but they could almost guarantee their parents cutting them off. Their taboo relationship could also cause problems, due to courts trying to stop them from getting homes, cars, and other important items. This would be a problem. Still they had decided to persevere. Zio had remarked "that after all, love conquers all."

Zio, though his body was resting, was a whirlwind of mental activity. He only had seven more months until he was of marrying age, but then what? He and Zia had spoken at length about this the day before camp. They had discussed about whether they truly loved each other, or if they were just sexually repressed teenagers from a family that moved around a lot. Zio had staunchly denied this. After all, he had friends that were girls, and he saw them every year at camp. None of them communicated the electric feeling that his sister did, whenever they locked eyes. He really did love her, and they were going to make this work.

After a three hour rest, Zio finally heard his parents come up the creaky steps. They rounded the second flight of stairs, and went into the loft bedroom. After about twenty-five minutes, snores began to emanate from the loft. Zio listened for a moment, and was able to discern both of his parents snoring. He slowly sat up in his bed, and opened his door. He crept down the hall, and opened Zia's door. She lay in her bed, not quite asleep, but not awake. He slowly crossed the floor, and climbed into her bed. With one hand he began to lightly caress her cloth covered breasts, and she came awake beside him.

"Hello Zio," she murmured "welcome back."

Zio's other hand wrapped around her, and he pulled her close.

"I missed you, sis. I thought about you every day."

"Me too, so, seven months to go, and then we can make it official."

"I can't wait. I love you so much."

The siblings lay this way for a while, simply enjoying each other's company. Finally, Zia, the more impulsive of the two, began to grind her crotch against Zio's. Seeing that the tempo of the night was about to pick up, he reached behind her, and unclasped her bra. He threw it beside the bed, and her breasts were free.

"So what position?" asked Zio.

"I'm not too particular, but something less frantic than normal."

"You want to be on top?"

"Sure, but I'll go slowly tonight. I want to savor this. I missed you."


Zio and Zia rolled to the side, Zio divesting himself of his boxers, and Zia removing her panties. Then, he lay back, his head supported by a pillow. His cock stood up, erect. Zia lined it up with her pussy, and slowly sank down onto it. They both let out a quiet moan, each enjoy the feel of the other. Zia began to pump up and down on top of him, taking him slowly and sensually.

He groaned, reveling in his sister. The heady scent of her arousal mingled with his own. The slow rise and fall of his sister was incredibly pleasurable, and orgasm was fast approaching. Zio looked up, into the ecstasy laden face of his sister, wishing that he could give her even more pleasure. At heart, he mostly desired to please. Then he found his way. She rocked backward slightly, and he sat up. She blinked at him questioningly, past the orgasmic haze. She wrapped her legs around him, and he took her right breast in his mouth. Still pumping slowly, Zia buried her face in her brother's shoulder, and stifled a scream of pleasure. Zio frowned. Normally his parents were not home, and Zia's vocalizations went unheard, but now they would have to be careful.

Zio soon felt a pressure building in his cock, and began to pick up tempo. Zia, moaning quietly, wrapped her arms around her brother. Together, they pumped back and forth. Then, they came, together, in a torrent of his cum, and her juices, they exploded together. Zio abandoned her tit then, locking his lips into hers, and halting the scream he knew to be coming. They fell back against the bed, Zio on the bottom, Zia on the top, both panting hard. Zio had enough presence of mind to disentangle himself from his sister, and dress her, and himself in pajamas. They would spend the night together, and sleep. It only slightly odd for siblings of their respective species to sleep together, even at this age and it might warrant a counseling session with a psychiatrist, but it would have no implications as long as they were clothed. The underwear they wore would be stained, but that would not be seen by their parents. Zio slipped his hand inside the elastic of his sisters sleep pants and underwear, slowly caressing her pussy. She whimpered softly, and he felt her muscles loosen.

"Zio." She murred softly," that feels nice. Your hands are soft."

Zio continued to caress her until she dropped off to sleep, then withdrew his hand, pulled her close, and wrapped them both in a blanket. Then he to slipped into the realm of dreams.